Presses for briquetting non-ferrous and metal shavings. Chip press CTA1 Technical characteristics of chip briquetting presses

 Briquetting presses have a reliable and compact design. There is no need for expensive installation as the briquetting presses are supplied ready for connection and can be installed without any special foundation. A powerful hydraulic drive creates a pressing force sufficient to produce high-quality briquettes.
By installing briquetting equipment directly at metal-cutting machines and reducing the volume of chips, processing and transportation costs are significantly reduced. Briquetting reduces the volume occupied by chips up to 10-15 times. If a large number of containers are required for transportation and storage of unpressed and coolant-wet chips, then only one is needed for dry briquettes.
The most important reason for the high efficiency of briquetting is the reduced waste during chip processing. When briquetting, the contact surface of the chips is reduced, which reduces its waste during melting several times. This reduces the risk of fire due to spontaneous combustion of small metal shavings from materials such as magnesium, aluminum, etc.
The briquettes are easily loaded into the melting furnace with a clear reduction in time. Briquetting chips provides significant energy savings when melting them and reduces the risk of metal deposits on the walls of the furnace.
Depending on the need, the press can be supplied either as an individual unit or as part of a complex line for processing and briquetting metal shavings. The line may include: chip crusher, centrifuge, and conveyors equipped with various options.

Briquetting press model MP150 used for briquetting small volumes of metal shavings. Depending on the type of chips (density and consistency of the material), the productivity of the briquetting press ranges from 50 to 100 kg/hour.

Briquetting press model MP400 used for briquetting metal shavings with a productivity of 100 to 400 kg/hour, depending on the type of shavings (density and consistency of the material).

Briquetting press model MP800 used for briquetting large volumes of metal shavings. Depending on the type of chips (density and consistency of the material), the productivity of the briquetting press ranges from 300 to 1000 kg/hour. A powerful two-motor hydraulic station creates increased pressing force and allows you to obtain briquettes of greater density.

1 . The SHREDDER is designed for shredding twisted, long, tangled metal shavings, reducing its volume and preparing it for further processing in briquetting presses. The density of the briquette depends on the quality of the chips.

2. CONVEYOR (optional) - provides automatic feeding of chips into the loading window of the press, reduces the amount of manual labor and increases productivity. Conveyor height 1650 mm. Length 4000 mm. Power 1 kW.

3. BUNKER (optional) is designed to accumulate and uniformly feed chips into the press. WITH Reduces manual labor and increases productivity.

4. PRESS ensures pressing (briquetting) of metal shavings into high-density cylindrical briquettes for further transportation or melting into.









Pressing force, kN









Briquette diameter, mm







Briquette weight, kg

0,8 ~ 1,3

1,2 ~ 2,0

1,5 ~ 2,3 1,7 ~ 2,7 2,2 ~ 3,5 2,9 ~ 4,7

8 hour shift, tons

1,1 ~ 1,8

2,4 ~ 3,8

2,5 ~ 3,9

2,8 ~ 4,5

3,7 ~ 5,9

5,6 ~ 9

Briquette density, kg/m3


≥2200 ≥2200 ≥2200 ≥2200 ≥2300


with steel / cast iron

Briquette diameter, mm







Briquette weight, kg

1,5 ~ 2,3

1,6 ~ 2,4

2,1 ~ 3,1 2,6 ~ 3,9 3,7 ~ 5,5 6,8 ~ 10,1

8 hour shift, tons

2,5 ~ 3,8

3,9 ~ 5,9

5,0 ~ 7,6

6,2 ~ 9,3

7,9 ~ 11,9

14,6 ~ 17,6

Briquette density, kg/m3


≥5300 ≥5500 ≥5500 ≥5500 ≥5600



Briquette diameter, mm







Briquette weight, kg

0,8 ~ 1,3

2,6 ~ 3,4

3,2 ~ 4,3 3,2 ~ 4,3 4,6 ~ 6,1 8,4 ~ 11,3

8 hour shift, tons

3,3 ~ 4,4

6,1 ~ 8,2

7,7 ~ 10,2

7,7 ~ 10,2

10 ~ 13,3

18,2 ~ 21,3

Briquette density, kg/m3


≥6500 ≥6800 ≥6800 ≥6800 ≥7000
Machine dimensions Length, mm







Width, mm 1400 2100 2900 3000 3000 3100
Height, mm 2000 3100 3200 3200 3600 4000

Machine weight, tons

Power consumption, kW


Factory price*, USD







Principle of operation:

Metal shavings intended for pressing are loaded into the press chamber; when working in continuous mode, you must press the die lowering button once, the main hydraulic cylinder lowers at high speed, then slowly presses the material under high pressure (150-630 tons). When a certain pressure is reached, the material turns into a dense cylindrical briquette, after which the pressure of the main cylinder weakens, the ejector hydraulic cylinder opens the mold chamber, the main cylinder continues to move forward and pushes the briquette down, after which it returns to its original position, the ejector hydraulic cylinder moves forward, pushes the finished briquette and tightly closes the mold chamber. A new portion of material enters the mold chamber, the main cylinder is lowered again and presses the material, and thus the continuous operation of the machine continues.

VIDEO - vertical type press


The horizontal type hydraulic briquetting press is used for briquetting metal shavings, sawdust, scale and other small metal waste into compact briquettes cold pressing method.

The press has a monolithic steel body, which eliminates weld rupture and ensures durability of the structure.

The use of a cooling system allows for continuous production 24 hours a day.

The main advantages of a horizontal type press are high productivity and the ability to process twisted chips up to 80 mm long without preliminary crushing.







Pressing force, kN (tons)

2000 (204)

3600 (367)

5000 (510)

6300 (643)

10000 (1200)

power, kWt


Cycle time, sec

Energy consumption


Protection level


Control system

PLC automatic control


Aluminum shavings

Steel / cast iron shavings

Briquette size, mm






Briquette weight, kg






Performance, kg/h

VIDEO - horizontal type press


Design and production equipment compliance Yu t international quality standardsISO9001:2008, GB/T 19001-2008. All products passtesting before shipping. A photo report is provided.

It is possible to purchase equipment through the leasing company of our partner System Leasing 24 on favorable terms.


Specifications Units CTA1
aluminum kg/h 70/80
steel kg/h 200/250
diameter mm 60
maximum height mm 80
Performance pcs/h 150
Pressure kg/cm² 3700
Oil tank l 250
Power kW 15
Dimensions (LxWxH) mm 2500x1400x1700
Weight kg 1500
Certificates - EU, RF

Comparison of models

Model 46 70 CTA0 CTA1 CTA2 CTA3
Power, kWt) 4 4 4 15 22 30
Dimensions (mm) 1100x1300x1400 1100x1300x1400 1100x1000x1300 2500x1400x1700 3000x2500x2000 3000x2500x2000
Weight (kg) 350 350 200 1500 2000 2500
Productivity (pcs/h) depends on the type of material depends on the type of material depends on the type of material 150 140 140
Warranty (g) 2 2 2 2 2 2


CTA1 series metal chip briquetting press

Due to fluctuating prices for raw materials and the ever-increasing demand for them in developing countries, manufacturing centers are increasingly focusing on the recovery and processing of raw materials. Environmental policies developed by governments around the world, whether or not they follow EU directives, are pushing companies to invest more in equipment for recycling purposes, creating a new international concept of saving and reducing labor costs. For example, in the machining industry, the disposal of scrap metal coming from CNC machines is an aspect that poses certain difficulties. Metal shavings, aluminum, brass, steel or other alloys, must be disposed of in accordance with certain laws or simply economic requirements. Focusing on these aspects, Netmus offers pressing systems that allow the production of metal briquettes using hydraulic technology to compress scrap metal inside a small chamber.

Advantages of using the CTA series metal chip press:

Increased cost of waste. Briquettes can be sold to salvage or foundries for a much higher price than plain scrap because compaction gets rid of most of the liquids inside the waste.
reduction in transportation costs: due to the smaller volume, the cost of transporting briquettes is reduced.

The automatic compaction system can dry and reduce the volume of scrap and metal fragments by up to 80% of the occupied space, and it consists of the following components:

Conveyor belt (optional): Properly sized according to the customer's space, with a power reducer capable of transporting waste up to the press feed opening.
motorized chopper (optional) with blades: easily replaceable blades to chop chips and ensure the right size.
pressing chamber with double hydraulic piston for the production of briquettes.
one liquid tank with unloading pump.
hydraulic control unit complete with control panel, oil tank and high pressure pump.

The technological cycle is fully automated and very simple; a conveyor belt moves the chips to a shredder (if necessary), where they are crushed using knives to sizes suitable for pressing. Two pistons are activated by a hydraulic circuit and properly synchronized, they press the metal inside a cylindrical chamber made of special high-strength steel, the cycle ends with the removal of the briquette.

The CTA press is capable of producing up to 150 pieces per hour, productivity may vary depending on the model. The resulting briquettes have diameters of 60 – 120 mm and a maximum height of 80 mm. The maximum hydraulic pressure exceeds 3700 kg/cm2. In addition, the purchase of this equipment is a profitable type of investment that can pay for itself in a very short time.
CTA1 series metal chip briquetting press
Due to fluctuating prices for raw materials and the ever-increasing demand for them in developing countries, manufacturing centers are increasingly focusing on the recovery and processing of raw materials. Environmental policies developed by governments around the world, whether or not they follow EU directives, are pushing companies to invest more in equipment for recycling purposes, creating a new international concept of saving and reducing labor costs. For example, in the machining industry, the disposal of scrap metal coming from CNC machines is an aspect that poses certain difficulties. Metal shavings, aluminum, brass, steel or other alloys, must be disposed of in accordance with certain laws or simply economic requirements. Focusing on these aspects, Netmus offers pressing systems that allow the production of metal briquettes using hydraulic technology to compress scrap metal inside a small chamber.

Specifications Units CTA1
aluminum kg/h 70/80
steel kg/h 200/250
diameter mm 60
maximum height mm 80
Performance pcs/h 150
Pressure kg/cm² 3700
Oil tank l 250
Power kW 15
Dimensions (LxWxH) mm 2500x1400x1700
Weight kg 1500
Certificates - EU, RF

Hydraulic presses of the PVT series are designed for pressing metal waste. These models of metal presses have sufficient strength for pressing metal shavings, aluminum and tin cans, and metal scraps. Also, presses can be used to compress waste such as waste paper, plastic, polyethylene, etc. The resulting briquette remains rigid and does not disintegrate during long-term storage and transportation.

The presses have reinforced door locks, the doors themselves, and the press body is also strengthened. In production, a metal profile pipe is used. These improved rigidity characteristics allow the PVT series metal presses not to deform even during prolonged and intense operation, which significantly extends the service life of the press.

In the manufacture of presses, imported components made in Italy and Bulgaria are used. The presses are of high quality, increased strength and reliability, which imported presses have always been famous for, but at the same time they have a much more attractive price.


  • Metalworking production;
  • Production of metal utensils and packaging;
  • Recycling collection points.

Pressable materials

  • Metal shavings after working on metal-cutting machines;
  • Aluminum and tin cans;
  • Plastic.


  • Reduce waste by 3–5 times;
  • Small dimensions;
  • Pressing force 15 tf;
  • Enhanced rigidity characteristics.

Additional options

VMGZ hydraulic oil is necessary to put the press into operation. Hydraulic oil allows you to significantly expand the geographical area of ​​reliable operation of machines. Required replacement once every 12 months.

The strapping material is presented in two types. The first is a soft PEL polyester tape that can simply be tied into a knot. The second is a dense polypropylene PPL tape, which requires the use of buckles to tie the briquette.

The hydraulic briquette unloading system allows you to remove the briquette from the pressing chamber without using the rear door and chain. This function is also convenient for those organizations that have limited space; the back of the press can be placed directly against the wall. This system also increases the service life of the press.

What is the advantage of the PRESSMAX™ solid waste compacting press?

There are practically no enterprises or institutions left in our country that would not be faced with the problem of waste accumulation.

For a long time, the full-service printing company Kolorit-Print LLC experienced inconvenience from the accumulation of garbage on its premises. Mountains of metal shavings interfered with the activities of the enterprise, created inconvenience, negatively affected compliance with sanitary regulations in production, and occupied utility rooms. We had to spend a lot of money on garbage removal, but the garbage trucks actually went half empty.

Everything changed when the PRESSMAX™ metal chip press was purchased. The cost of waste removal has decreased by 7 times!
The space in the warehouse and utility rooms was also cleared, increasing the efficiency of the company.

The production company "PRESSMAX" has been developing equipment for various types of metal shavings - metal shavings, PET PVC - for more than 10 years.

The PRESSMAX™ press is rugged, high-performance and easy to operate

Baling presses, hydraulic briquetting presses for metal shavings, scrap metal and other solid waste PRESSMAX™, as well as sorting lines are always a reliable design based on. imported components, structural strength and ease of use. Warranty and post-warranty service.

PRESSMAX™ solid waste compaction presses compress waste 5-12 times! PRESSMAX™ equipment is universal in use - the material can be any household waste from metal to metal shavings, plastic, glass, rags, tin barrels and other waste.

PRESSMAX LLC offers a wide range of presses for scrap metal, metal shavings, PET, plastic, metal shavings, for all types of waste! We produce pressing presses of different models. Depending on the size of the press and the type of waste, a bale weighs from 65 to 760 kg.

Using a pressing press allows you to solve a number of problems:

1. Reduce the area occupied by accumulated solid waste.

2. Reduce the number of transport trips to solid waste landfills.

3. Reduce related transportation costs.

PRESSMAX is a leading manufacturer of presses for pressing PET, bottles, metal and other solid waste. The company has earned recognition and confidently taken its place in the market of Russia and the CIS countries. From us you can purchase a pressing press of various sizes, from small ones - with a pressing force of 5 tons and a briquette weight of 40 kg. to large professional presses with a pressing force of 50 tons and bale weights of up to 500 kg.

For shops, shopping centers and small businesses PRESS model waste presses are most suitable MAX™ 505-515. They do not take up much space, and the bales are easy to move on a trolley, which you can also order from us complete with equipment. Presses for pressing waste can also be used at warehouse terminals, markets, and industries with a small volume of waste. Compressed bales can also be sold and sent for processing.

Press for pressing PRESSMAX™ - high-quality installation, only imported components, convenient delivery throughout Russia

The pressing press with a pressing force of 20 to 50 tons (PRESSMAX 520 - 550) is used by organizations involved in the collection of solid waste, industrial enterprises and warehouses with large volumes of waste. The pressing press is easy to use and requires one worker to operate it without any additional skills. All our products meet safety requirements - the system will not allow foreign objects to enter the work space.

Large and small organizations every year include an item in their budget for waste removal, and often the trucks drive half empty due to the low density of waste. However, after pressing solid waste, transportation costs are reduced several, or even tens of times! Pressing metal shavings as an independent type of activity can also be very economically profitable - in the West, and now increasingly in Russia, compressed paper, PET, and scrap metal are readily purchased by industrial enterprises and enterprises involved in the collection of metal shavings

Press for pressing PRESSMAX™ - stable installation, technological and modern solutions, ease of use

In addition to the social utility, companies for sorting and processing solid waste, equipped with a pressing press, produce cheap recyclable materials for industry. Pulp and paper industry enterprises, for example, produce stationery, packaging, toilet paper, printing paper and many other products from waste. Waste recycling with a compaction press as an independent activity also provides additional jobs and, accordingly, revenues to the budget

The compression press is of particular importance in this regard.— it is an indispensable link in the chain of initial waste sorting.

Presses for pressing - vertical and horizontal presses are also used for pressing metal shavings, used containers and packaging, cardboard boxes, metal shavings, and printing waste.

The Pressmax company produces and supplies presses for pressing - based on hydraulic pumps of the brand "Marzocchi" And "Vivoil", filter elements "MPspaFILTRI", as well as distributors "Badestnost".

All our pressing presses meet high European quality standards, have a durable and long-lasting design, while the price of our products is several times lower than their European counterparts, which allows us to supply PRESS pressing machines MAX™ including to the countries of the European Union. The cost of a pressing press depends on its dimensions - size, model, and other parameters. The price of a pressing press, as well as other PRESS equipment MAX™ can be found out through the feedback form on our website or by calling our contact numbers.