PPR for the repair of service sites. The essence and necessity of developing a plan for the installation of equipment

AKB Monolit has been developing PPR for more than 10 years.
PPR for the installation of metal structures is developed by our specialists on the basis of the initial data provided by the PPR customer.
PPR for the installation of metal structures for construction organizations is the main organizational and technological document developed for the safe construction of a building. The presence of the PPR shows the readiness of the construction organization to start construction and installation work.

Initial data for ordering a PPR for the installation of metal structures
1) Assignment for the development of PPR;
2) Construction organization project (POS);
3) Working documentation (KM);

The composition and content of the PPR for the installation of metal structures
1) Calendar plan for the production of works;
2) Construction master plan (stroygenplan);
3) Schedule of receipt of metal structures at the facility;
4) Schedule of the movement of workers on the object;
5) Schedule of movement of the main construction machines around the facility;
6) Technological schemes (maps) for the installation of metal structures;
7) Explanatory note containing:
- solutions and instructions for the installation of metal structures;
- requirements for quality and acceptance of works;
- safety and labor protection requirements;
- fire safety requirements;
- measures for environmental protection.

The PPR developed by our specialists provides for measures to ensure the stability of metal structures, taking into account their design and layout solutions (including field connections), the material of structural elements and local conditions.

The stability and geometric immutability of the assembled structures of buildings and structures is ensured by observing the technological sequence of installation of structural elements and blocks. This is achieved by dividing the building (structure) in plan and height into separate stable sections (spans, floors, tiers) by our specialists, the installation sequence of which ensures the stability and immutability of the mounted structures in this section.

Even before the start of the installation of metal structures at the construction site, according to the construction organization project (COS), the work of the preparatory period, work on the development of the pit and the work of the "zero cycle" must be completed.

Parts of steel structures are usually manufactured at the plant in accordance with the requirements of standards or specifications for products of specific types, types and grades according to working documentation (KM, KMD) approved by the developer and accepted for production by the manufacturer.

Work on the enlargement of steel structures and their preparation for installation is carried out using a crane (automobile, crawler or tower). The choice of a crane can be carried out during the development of a project for the production of works (PPR), but with the obligatory coordination of it with the organization that developed the construction organization project (POS).

As a rule, the installation of load-bearing metal structures of one-story buildings is carried out in the following technological sequence:

1) Installation of metal columns of the building. The installation of columns begins with a connection panel. If, for some reason, this requirement cannot be met, then it is necessary to install a temporary connection panel from the first installed columns of a row, beam or strut and temporary vertical connections between them, installed below the level of the beam (strut). Then the next column is installed with its fastening to the temporary connection panel with a beam or spacer.

2) Installation of coating structures. Installation of roofing metal structures begins with a connection panel, and if this is not possible, then with any panel, establishing horizontal and vertical connections between adjacent trusses. The next truss to be mounted must be secured to the connection panel with a spacer.

During the installation of load-bearing metal structures of multi-storey buildings, after the installation of columns along the axis, crossbars are mounted to ensure the stability of the resulting frame in the transverse direction. In the longitudinal direction, stability is ensured with the help of vertical ties along the columns and spacer elements. If the stability of the building in the longitudinal direction is provided by wall structures (which should be indicated in the working documentation), then they should be mounted simultaneously with the frame and ceilings.

In all cases, when erecting buildings, a prerequisite is the complete readiness of the mounted steel structures in the section for subsequent work, regardless of the state of installation of structures in neighboring sections.

The installation of steel structures is usually carried out by links of workers, each of which includes: assemblers, electric welders, crane operators, as well as laborers.

Mounted columns, beams and girders (trusses) must be prepared in advance and placed in the area of ​​the crane.

The site where the installation of metal structures is carried out must have a temporary fence that prevents the appearance of unauthorized persons in the work area. A temporary road should be laid along the perimeter of the building or structure being erected to move the erection crane and transport steel structures to the installation site. There should also be places for storing load-handling devices, a stand with slinging diagrams and a table of masses of goods, spotlights for illuminating workplaces at night and a wheel washing point.

In PPR, our specialists develop schemes for horizontal and vertical binding of a crane during the installation of metal structures of a building or structure.

Installation work should begin after the acceptance of the foundations of a building or structure - column supports in the presence of an act for hidden work. During the acceptance process, an instrumental quality check of previously completed work must be performed. When checking, the position of the transverse and longitudinal axes of the foundations-supports in the plan and the elevations of the supporting surfaces of the foundations should be determined.

Installation of metal structures is carried out "from the bottom up", by sections (grip), by the "on the crane" method. The installation sequence is developed in the PPR and it must ensure the stability and geometric invariability of the structures.

Welding or bolted connections are carried out only after checking the correct installation of structures.

PPR for the installation of sandwich panels

The installation of enclosing structures made of light profiled sheets or wall and roof "sandwich panels" is usually carried out in a separate stream after the installation of supporting metal structures.

Installation of steel profiled sheets of walls and roofing is carried out according to the marking, which ensures the fixation of the estimated width of the profiled sheet (distance between the axes of the extreme corrugations).

Fastening of profiled sheets of roofing and walls to the bearing elements of the metal frame of a building or structure is carried out using self-tapping or self-drilling screws or by adjusting dowels in accordance with the requirements of the working documentation (RD).

Installation of wall and roof "sandwich panels" is carried out panel by panel. Slinging of panel packages is carried out only for strapping with vertically located slings. Slinging of "sandwich panels" during installation is carried out only with the help of flexible fabric slings or in other ways, including with the help of special traverses, which exclude jamming of the metal edges of the panels and damage to the paint layer.

Sealing gaskets in the vertical and horizontal joints of the "sandwich panels" are laid before the panels are installed.

Enlargement assembly of walls from light panels into cards is carried out on stands in the area of ​​​​the crane. Limit deviations of maps are carried out according to the working draft.

All overlays of horizontal and vertical joints, as well as the corner elements of the panels, are placed on a sealant to prevent moisture from entering the joint.

If there are no special requirements in the working documentation for the deviations of the mounted wall and roof panels, they should not exceed the standard values.

Types of field connections in the development of PPR

During the installation of metal structures, various types of field connections are used:

1) Field connections without controlled bolt tension. This type of mounting connections includes shear bolted connections, in which external forces are perceived due to the resistance of the bolts to shear and the elements to be joined to crushing. When assembling such mounting joints, the holes in the structural parts must be aligned and fixed from displacement of the parts with assembly plugs, and the assembled packages must be tightly tightened with bolts.

2) Mounting connections on high-strength bolts with controlled tension. Field connections on high-strength tension-controlled bolts include:

Friction and shear-resistant connections, in which external forces are perceived due to the resistance of friction forces arising along the contact planes of the elements to be connected from the preload of the bolts;

Friction shear field joints in which external forces are taken up mainly by overcoming the compression resistance of the flanges from the preloading of high-strength bolts.

3) Special mounting connections:

Shooting with high-strength dowels;

Installation of self-tapping and self-drilling screws;

Contact spot welding;

Electric rivets;

Folding of longitudinal edges.

A characteristic feature of special field connections is that for their implementation, a one-sided approach to the structural elements to be connected is sufficient. The main area of ​​applied special assembly connections is the fixing of the enclosing structures of buildings or structures.

4) Welded joints. The type of welding equipment is selected depending on the welding method, the conditions and features of the welding work, and the specified parameters of the welding process. The main methods of welding used in the installation of metal structures.

Manual arc welding with coated electrodes. It is a universal and main method of welding for making seams in all spatial positions during the enlargement and installation of metal structures.

Mechanized welding with self-shielded flux-cored wire. It is used mainly for making joints in the lower position when enlarging structures at the bottom and for welding extended seams at the design level.

Mechanized welding in shielding gases with solid wire. It is used for enlargement welding of structures in the lower position with protection of the welding zone from the wind.

Automated submerged arc welding. It is used for welding straight extended seams in the lower position when enlarging sheet blanks and structures.





The project for the production of works is an organizational and technical document for production purposes, which regulates the rules for conducting construction work and the deadline for their execution, the procedure for engineering equipment and arrangement of the construction site, measures for labor protection and safety. The project for the production of works determines the technological discipline at the construction site, the quality, timing and safety of work.

This project for the production of works was developed for the installation of technological pipelines for tying technological equipment with painting and thermal insulation.

The project was developed on the basis of the following sets of drawings:

- 5747203-(367-2/08)-3022-205-TI;

- 5747203-(367-2/08)-3022-205-TI.VIT;

- 5747203-(367-2/08)-3022-205-TI.THM.

The production process is regulated by the following regulatory and guiding documents:

1. SNiP 12-01-2004 "Organization of construction";

2. SNiP 3.01.03-84* "Geodetic work in construction";
* SNiP 3.01.03-84 are not valid. The change is valid SP 126.13330.2012

3. SNiP 3.02.01-87* "Earth structures, foundations and foundations";
* SNiP 3.02.01-87 are not valid. Instead, SP 45.13330.2012 "Earth structures, bases and foundations. Updated version of SNiP 3.02.01-87" was put into effect. - Database manufacturer's note.

4. SNiP 3.03.01-87 "Bearing and enclosing structures";

5. SNiP 3.04.03-85 "Protection of building structures and structures from corrosion";

6. SNiP 3.01.04-87 "Acceptance for operation of completed construction facilities. Basic provisions";

7. SNiP 12-03-2001 "Labor safety in construction" part 1;

8. SNiP 12-04-2002 "Labor safety in construction" part 2;

9. SP 12-135-2003 "Labor safety in construction. Industry standard instructions for labor protection";

10. PPB-01-03* "Rules of fire safety in the Russian Federation", Ministry of Emergency Situations;
* PPB-01-03 do not work. Instead, the Rules of the fire regime in the Russian Federation apply. - Database manufacturer's note.

11. GOST 23407-78 "Inventory fencing of construction sites and sites for the production of construction and installation works";

12. GOST 21779-82 "System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Technological tolerances";

13. GOST 7566-94 "Metal products. Acceptance, marking, packaging, transportation and storage";

14. GOST 24846-81 "Methods for measuring the deformation of the foundations of buildings and structures";

15. GOST 2246-70 "Steel welding wire. Specifications";

16. GOST 23279-85 "Reinforcing welded meshes for reinforced concrete structures and products. General specifications";

17. GOST 5781-82* "Hot-rolled steel for reinforcing reinforced concrete structures. Specifications";
* GOST 23279-85 was canceled on the territory of the Russian Federation from 07/01/2013 with the entry into force of GOST 23279-2012

18. GOST 5264-80 "Manual arc welding. Welded joints. Basic types, structural elements and dimensions";

19. GOST 9467-75 "Coated metal electrodes for manual arc welding of structural and heat-resistant steels. Types";

20. GOST R 52085-2003 "Formwork";

21. GOST 21.101-97 "Basic requirements for design and working documentation";

22. GOST 24297-87* "Input control of products";
* GOST 24297-87 was canceled on the territory of the Russian Federation from 01/01/2014 with the entry into force of GOST 24297-2013. - Database manufacturer's note.

23. GOST 28013-98 * "Construction mortars. General specifications";

24. GOST 7948-80 "Steel construction plumb lines. Specifications";

25. GOST 9416-83 "Construction levels. Specifications";

26. GOST 7502-98 * "Measuring metal tapes. Specifications";

27. GOST 427-75 * "Measuring metal rulers. Specifications";

28. GOST 12.3.002-75 "System of labor safety standards. Production processes. General safety requirements";

29. GOST 12.1.004-85* "System of labor safety standards. Fire safety. General requirements";
* GOST 12.1.004-85 is not valid. Instead, GOST 12.1.004-91 applies. - Database manufacturer's note.

30. POT RM-007-98 * "Intersectoral rules for labor protection during loading and unloading operations and placement of goods";
* POT RM-007-98 are not valid. Instead, by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated September 17, 2014 N 642n, the Rules for labor protection during loading and unloading operations and placement of goods were approved. - Database manufacturer's note.

31. RD 10-40-93 "Standard instruction for engineering and technical workers on supervision of the safe operation of lifting mechanisms".

The project for the production of works contains:

General provisions, list of equipment and personnel;

- technological map for the installation of the piping of the block of columns;

- a technological map for painting the binding of a block of columns;

Technological map for the insulation of the binding of the block of columns;

- safety instructions.

Water supply - from the existing water supply.

Power supply for the construction period is provided from the switchboard at the construction site, which is powered from the existing power line.

To ensure fire safety during the construction period, use the existing fire hydrant.

The project for the production of works provides for the use of modern means of mechanizing construction processes, compliance with the requirements of labor protection and safe production of works, and the implementation of measures to protect the environment. All workers involved in the construction must be trained and have qualification certificates and must be provided with safety helmets and signal vests.


2.1 Preparation period

Prior to the commencement of work on the construction site, the following measures must be taken:

- The work manager, together with the Customer, needs to issue an approval certificate for the production of construction and installation works, on the territory of an operating enterprise, in accordance with clause 4.6 of SNiP 12-03-2001 "Labor safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements in the form of Appendix B;

- appoint by order of persons (from among the engineers) certified in the field of industrial safety and having a certificate corresponding to the qualifications, responsible for labor protection, quality and proper performance of construction and installation works, fire safety, responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the gas engine and equipment, etc. .d.;

- develop measures for the safe conduct of construction, installation, commissioning and other types of work at the facilities of launch complexes in the conditions of existing production in the form of Appendix N 6 of instruction N P2-01 SP-218 I-001;

- issue an order for admission to carry out construction and installation work in places where hazardous or harmful factors are present, in accordance with clause 4.11 of SNiP 12-03-2001 "Labor safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements" in the form of Appendix D;

- all workers and specialists before starting work must be instructed in the scope of the requirements of local regulatory documents on safety, industrial sanitation and fire safety in accordance with clause 4.5 of instruction N P2-01 SP-218 I-001;

- arrange temporary fencing of the construction site 2 m high, in accordance with GOST 23.407-78;

- install a signal fence around the perimeter of hazardous areas during the operation of construction equipment and mechanisms;

- install an information board, as well as temporary road signs;

- to arrange a washing of wheels of the Neva-2 brand (or equivalent), in case of departure of equipment to the city;

- turn off and dismantle engineering networks that fall into the building spot;

- to lay temporary networks of power supply, water supply, to arrange electric lighting;

- install administrative buildings;

- install temporary warehouses, sheds;

- deliver to the construction site the structures and materials located in the storage areas in the required quantity;

- deliver and prepare for operation mechanisms, equipment and assembly equipment;

- create a geodetic center base;

- equip a specially designated place with primary fire extinguishing means;

- provide workers with the necessary tools, inventory, protective equipment;

- to train and instruct personnel on safety measures.

2.2 Transport and storage

Strapping elements should be delivered to the construction site using the MMC FUSO manipulator.

Preparation of metal structures for transportation must comply with GOST 26653. Metal structures with cross-sectional dimensions up to 50 mm inclusive are tied into packs, coils or bundles of coils, and over 50 mm they are tied into packs at the request of the consumer. Bent profiles are tied into packs.

The cross section of bundles of metal structures, depending on the size and shape of the cross section, should approach a circle, rectangle or hexagon. By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, a different cross-section of the packs is allowed.

When packing metal structures of a specific length, the ends of the pack must be aligned on one side, the protruding ends on the other side must not exceed the maximum deviations in length established in the regulatory documentation (RD) for specific types of hire. By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, packaging without end alignment is allowed.

During loading and unloading operations, transportation and storage, metal structures must be protected from mechanical damage, for which they should be laid in a stable position on wooden linings and secured (during transportation) using inventory fasteners, such as clamps, clamps, turnstiles, cassettes, etc. .P. Deformed structures should be rejected and replaced with new ones. Do not drop structures from vehicles or drag them over any surface. During loading, slings made of soft material should be used.

The mass of a bundle of metal structures, as well as unpacked rolled products, should not exceed:

- for manual loading and unloading - 80 kg (up to 25 kg per worker);

- for mechanized loading and unloading - up to 1.6 tons.

The passage of vehicles with metal structures, as well as unloading, must be under the strict control of the person responsible for the safe movement of cargo.

Mineral wool boards and sheet metal are also delivered to the construction site using the MMC FUSO manipulator. Elements of materials received at the construction site are placed in the area of ​​action of the assembly crane. All materials must be stored in a position corresponding to the transport, sorted by standard sizes. It is necessary to store materials under a canopy in conditions that exclude their damage.

2.3 Organization of the workplace

Workplaces must be illuminated in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.1.046-85, table 1:

Table 1

Workplace illumination standards

Sites of construction sites and works

Minimum illumination, lx

The plane in which the illumination is normalized

The level of the surface on which the illumination is normalized

1. Loading, installation, lifting, unloading of equipment, building structures, parts and materials by cranes


At the sites for receiving and supplying equipment, structures of parts and materials


On the hooks of the crane in all its positions from the side of the driver

2. Non-mechanized unloading and loading of structures, parts, materials and tilting


At the sites of reception and delivery of goods

3. Installation of structures


Over the entire height of the assembly


4. Enlarged assembly of strapping elements (docking, welding)


At ground level or work surface


Over the entire height of production work

5. Approaches to workplaces


On formwork, platforms and approaches

6. Room for storage of small technological equipment and installation materials


At floor level

The concentration of harmful substances in the air of the working area, as well as the levels of noise and vibration in the workplace should not exceed the established sanitary and hygienic standards.

Microclimate parameters must comply with sanitary rules and standards for hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises.

Machines and units that create noise during operation should be operated in such a way that sound levels at workplaces, in areas and on the territory of the construction site do not exceed the permissible values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in sanitary standards.

When operating machines, as well as when organizing workplaces, to eliminate the harmful effects on workers, increased noise levels, the following should be applied:

- technical means (reducing the noise of machines at the source of its formation; the use of technological processes in which the sound levels in the workplace do not exceed the permissible, etc.);

- remote control;

- individual protection means;

- organizational measures (choosing a rational mode of work and rest, reducing the time of exposure to noise factors in the working area, therapeutic and prophylactic and other measures).

Zones with sound levels above 80 dBA are marked with danger signs. Work in these areas without the use of personal hearing protection is not allowed. Workers are not allowed to stay in areas with sound levels above 135 dBA.

Production equipment that generates vibration must comply with the requirements of sanitary standards.

2.4 Geodetic works

In the course of work, their geodetic control is carried out. Control consists in verifying compliance with the basic design requirements. Geodetic control should be carried out directly in the process of performing work, after completion of work at the facility or site, when accepting work from contractors.

Stakeout work begins with reference to the reference geodetic base, in the process of construction, the work must ensure the removal to nature from the points of the geodetic stakeout base with a given accuracy of axes and marks.

The geodetic staking basis for construction should be created taking into account:

- design and existing placement of buildings (structures) and engineering networks at the construction site;

- ensuring the safety and stability of the signs that fix the points of the center base;

- geological, temperature, dynamic processes and other influences in the construction area, which may have an adverse effect on the quality of the layout of the layout;

- use of the created geodetic staking base during the operation of the constructed object, its expansion and reconstruction.

The accuracy of construction of the construction site marking network should be taken in accordance with the data given in SNiP 3.01.03-84*.
* SNiP 3.01.03-84 is not valid. Instead, SP 126.13330.2012 "Geodetic work in construction. Updated version of SNiP 3.01.03-84" was put into effect. - Database manufacturer's note.

During the operating period, check:

- preservation and invariance of the position of the planned-altitude base;

- conformity of carrying out in nature of constructive elements, centering axes;

- accuracy of transfer of the main axes of structures;

- correct execution of the planned-altitude position of all structural elements.

In the process of acceptance control at the completion of construction, the following is controlled:

- compliance of all geometric parameters of the earthwork with the requirements of the project and regulatory documents;

- timely and reliable execution of as-built surveys during the construction of the piping of the block of columns and at its completion.

The result of these works is executive geodetic documentation.

Signs of the geodetic base during the construction process should be under supervision. Their safety and stability are constantly checked.

All geodetic work during the construction period must be recorded in the work log, which is maintained in parallel with the general work log by the head directly involved in the construction of this facility.

All as-built geodetic documentation is signed by the executive surveyor, chief engineer or person responsible for the execution of works. Acceptance as-built documentation includes:

- Executive surveys of the mounted elements of the piping of the block of columns.

All diagrams indicate the design and actual dimensions or deviations from the design dimensions in height and in plan. The system of coordinates and heights is local. For the relative mark of 0.000, the mark of 276.150 was taken.

Signed as-built surveys are handed over to the Customer along with acts for covert work to confirm the scope of work performed.

The general management of geodetic control is entrusted to the chief engineer.

The results of control observations are recorded in journals.

Table 3

List of equipment, tools for geodetic works

Name of equipment, tools


total station


Leveling rail

Geodesic pole

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OST 36-143-88


APPROVED by the Deputy Minister of Assembly and Special Construction Works of the USSR on November 28, 1985

PERFORMERS: Ph.D. tech. Sciences V.V. Kalenov (topic leader), V.D. Martynchuk, B.Ya. Moyzhes, Ph.D. tech. Sciences. HELL. Sokolova, S.B. Gitman

AGREED with C NIIOMTP Gosstroy of the USSR (V.D. Topchiy)





OST 36-143-88

This standard, in accordance with SNiP 3.01.01-85, establishes the procedure for the development, composition and content of projects for the production of work (hereinafter PPR) for the installation of process equipment and process pipelines (hereinafter - installation work) carried out by organizations of the USSR Minmontazhspetsstroy during construction, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of industrial enterprises, technological complexes, their separate queues, structures, during the installation of single equipment (hereinafter referred to as objects).

The requirements of the standard are obligatory for the customer and the developers of the WEP, and parts of the approval - for all participants in the construction.

The requirements of the standard also apply to WEPs developed by order of other ministries (departments).


3) technically complex (requiring the development of a special installation technology or design documentation for special devices and equipment for individual use);

4) subject to reconstruction and technical re-equipment.

Note e. For technically simple objects according to clause 1.1.4, it is allowed to develop a WEP by installation organizations.

1.2. PPR for objects not specified in paragraphs are developed by installation organizations.

Table 1

Subdivision of large objects into categories according to the complexity of installation work

Labor intensity of installation works, thousand man-days


Oil refining, petrochemical, chemical, gas processing, mineral fertilizer production

Pulp and paper

Microbiological, medical, forest chemical


Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy

mechanical engineering

Building materials

Light, fish, printing, objects of the agro-industrial complex

1.5 to 3.5

Note e. The complexity of installation work for the division of large objects into categories should be determined on the basis of local estimates only for objects of the main production purpose.

1.3. When developing a WEP by order of the general designer of the facility, the ordering and transfer of limits for the development of WEP are carried out in the prescribed manner.

1.4. When developing a WEP by order of the installation organization, the initial document for considering the issue of including the development in the thematic plan of the design organization is the application of the customer, which must be submitted no later than 3 months. by the end of the year preceding the planned one. The application indicates the terms of development and the proposed composition of the WEP, taking into account the requirements of Table. .

1.5. With the consent of the design organization for the development of a WEP, the customer, taking into account its conclusion on the application, develops a task (application).

By agreement of the parties, the task can be developed by the design organization.

1.6. The contract for the development of WEP is concluded after the task is agreed with the design organization (if it is not its developer).

1.7. To develop a WEP, the customer transfers to the design organization the original design and estimate and design documentation according to the agreed list, the approximate composition of which is given in the Appendix.

1.8. In the process of developing a WEP, when choosing the optimal solutions for the organization and technology of installation work, in agreement with the customer, changes and additions can be made to the task, and if necessary, the timing and cost of developing a WTP are adjusted. The task must be attached to the PPR.


2.1. The composition of the PPR should be taken depending on the type of object based on the table. .

2.2. When constructing facilities in stages, the composition of the WEP in the first place should take into account the implementation of installation work during the construction of the following stages.

2.3. Taking into account the special conditions for the production of installation work, the assignment may take into account the need to develop additional sections as part of the WEP that are not provided for in Table. .

Table 2

List of documents and other materials developed as part of the PPR

Documents and materials included in the PPR


1.1. 2)



Title page

List of documents

Explanatory note

Assembly building plan

Installation schedule

Transfer schedule for installation of equipment, structures and pipelines, including complete units

Movement schedule of the main mechanisms

Workforce movement schedule

Equipment Installation Instructions

Schemes of installation of equipment, structures, complete blocks

Technological maps for equipment installation

Working drawings for mounting devices, fixtures and equipment of individual manufacture

Piping instructions

Piping installation diagrams (including supporting structures)

Technological maps for the installation of pipelines

Welding Instructions

Basic data on welded joints of pipeline lines

Sheets for welding work (volumes of work on welding, heat treatment and quality control of welded joints, labor intensity; welding and auxiliary materials; equipment for the production of work)

Technological maps for welding joints of metal and non-metal pipelines

List of volumes of installation work (by technological units, workshops, installations)

List of mounting means and tools

Bill of materials and purchased products

Scheme of temporary power supply networks

Notes: 1. Legend: "+" - the document is subject to mandatory development; "3" - the need to develop a document is set in the task; "-" - the document is not being developed.

2. The number, form and composition of the documentation included in the PPR, with an automated method of its (or individual sections) development, may differ from those provided for by this standard, provided that the volume of information contained in it is preserved, and also, in agreement with the customer, the PPR or its individual sections may be issued on magnetic media.

3. For facilities that provide for the use of complete blocks assembled by the installation organization, in accordance with the assignment in the PPR, solutions are developed for the organization of work, flow charts for assembly and installation schemes for blocks.


3.1. PPR should provide the organization and technology for the installation of equipment and pipelines, as a rule, using a complete block method.

3.2. PPR on the objects specified in paragraphs. 1.1.1), 1.1.2), 1.1.4) of this standard are developed, if it is provided for in the task, with the study of options for the main decisions and calculations of their comparative economic efficiency.

3.3. This section contains general requirements for the content of the WEP, which, in agreement with the customer, can be specified in the assignment and (or) in the process of developing the WEP, taking into account the characteristics of the facility and the conditions for the installation work.

a brief technical description of the object;

terms of delivery of equipment and pipelines;

installation characteristics of equipment weighing more than 50 tons, indicating the features of its design position;

a list of large-sized and heavy equipment to be remanufactured at the construction site by the manufacturer or an organization involved by him (with an indication, according to the customer, of manufacturers and the conditions and terms of remanufacture agreed with them by the customer);

features of technological pipelines (material, operating parameters);

special conditions for the production of welding and other works on the installation of pipelines;

list and characteristics of special mounting equipment and accessories;

solutions for the industrialization of installation work;

instructions for preparing equipment and pipelines for pre-installation thermal insulation (on the instructions of specialized design organizations).

When expanding, reconstructing and technically re-equipping existing enterprises, the following should be given:

survey materials of existing industries, structures and facilities;

list, technical characteristics and features of the location of equipment, pipelines and structures to be dismantled;

organizational and technological solutions for the manufacture and (or) enlargement and supply of equipment blocks, mechanization of manual labor, performance of work by the method of brigade and collective contracting;

information on the approval of the decisions made (if necessary);

data on ensuring safe working conditions;

information on the organization of quality control of installation work;

features of the production of works in winter;

environmental protection measures (during reconstruction and technical re-equipment - measures to protect buildings and structures from damage);

technical and economic indicators of PPR (if necessary - with variant study).

3.6. On the assembly building plan show:

plans under construction, as well as existing and temporary buildings and structures;

ground and underground communications located in the area of ​​work and affecting the main decisions on the organization of the installation site;

location of railway (rail) tracks, roads and driveways (both existing and to be built, including those allocated for use by the installation organization in the conditions of an operating enterprise), temporary roads and driveways;

sites for storage and pre-assembly of equipment blocks, structures and pipelines;

permanent and temporary networks, made in accordance with the construction organization project (COS), used for installation needs (electricity, water supply, sewerage, compressed air, steam, etc.), with their connection to the places of consumption;

places of installation of general lighting facilities, as well as places of their connection to power supply sources;

locations of switchboards for connecting posts for welding and heat treatment of pipelines, indicating the location of equipment power sources;

temporary buildings and structures of the installation organization (industrial, administrative, domestic, warehouse, etc.);

areas of action and directions of movement of the main assembly mechanisms and vehicles;

areas of work entrusted to self-supporting brigades, the size and location of brigade sites for storing materials and equipment;

a breakdown of the facility into construction phases and technological units, which determines the sequence of installation.

requirements for the qualification of welders, cutters, thermal operators, flaw detectors and engineers for welding and quality control of welded joints;

requirements for the configuration of welding stations and the provision of special equipment and tools for flaw detectorists;

requirements for welding and auxiliary materials (including materials of foreign production and their domestic counterparts), for their testing, storage and issuance for work;

requirements for cutting, edge preparation, assembly and tacking of joints;

requirements for the choice of method and technology of welding, heat treatment and quality control of welded joints, indicating operating modes, work technology, control operations and marking of joints.

3.17. Sheets for welding work contain information:

1) on the number and length of welds for welding, heat treatment and control during the manufacture and installation of pipelines;

2) about the need for welding and auxiliary materials in the manufacture and installation;

3) about the need for the main equipment for welding, heat treatment and control, indicating its purpose and rated electric power.


the specifics of the climate, installation before the construction of the building, as well as combined, in a finished building, at an existing enterprise; with increased fire and explosion hazard, etc. In addition, they indicate the possibility of enlarging the aggregated blocks of the factory supply, as well as assembling the blocks at the production base of the installation organization. In the case of reconstruction and technical re-equipment, special requirements are given for the sequence of dismantling structures and engineering networks (or their transfer), as well as the production of installation work in existing workshops (number of shifts, terms and duration of shutdown of individual workshops, sections, production lines or units);

7) proposals for the organization of work by the method of brigade and collective contracting;

8) a list of equipment subject to pre-installation insulation.



1. Drawings of general views of blocks (or information on the supply of equipment in complete blocks).

2. Drawings of general types of technological structures.

3. Drawings of general views of non-standardized equipment and specifications for its supply.

4. Working (installation) drawings of technological pipelines.

5. Sheets of pipelines by lines.

6. Specification of pipelines of the mounted object.

7. Detailed drawings of technological pipelines.

8. Construction organization project (POS). Section "Installation of process equipment and process pipelines".

9. Layout plan for technological and handling equipment.

10. Copy from the master plan.

11. Drawings of foundations with anchor plans.

12. Building plans with main sections.

13. Equipment specification according to GOST 21.110-82.

14. List of lines of technological pipelines supplied complete in the form of pipe assemblies.

15. Object and local estimates according to SNiP 1.02.01-85.

16. Working documentation on the agreed list according to SNiP 1.02.01-85.

17. Documentation for equipment in accordance with GOST 24444-87.

Notes: 1. During reconstruction and technical re-equipment, as well as during the construction of facilities based on complete imported equipment, the list of initial documentation is supplemented by agreement of the parties.

2. For facilities being built on the basis of imported pipelines, the regulatory and technical documentation for welding pipelines of the supplier company, as well as technical annexes to the contract, are additionally transferred.

3. The original documentation is transferred according to the act indicating the documents to be returned to the customer, and, if necessary, the deadlines for the customer to submit the missing documentation.

4. If necessary, the installation organization must provide other materials to the organization developing the WEP, the need for which is identified in the process of developing the WEP.

Main material

Welding method

Welding consumables

Pipe diameter, mm

Wall thickness, mm

Number of passes


Welding modes

Connection quality control requirements

Filler material diameter, mm


Welding current, A

Arc voltage, V

Welding speed, m/h

Gas consumption

per burner, l/min

for blowing, l/min

heat treatment

Heating temperature, °С

Holding time, h

Maximum heating rate, °С/h

Maximum cooling rate, °С/h

special instructions


Technological map for welding pipelines made of polymeric materials

Material grade, diameter and pipe wall thickness, mm

Welding method

Edge preparation

Temperature conditions for welding

Butt welding modes, socket welding

Wall thickness, mm

Roller height at the end of the 1st stage of reflow, mm

Time of the 2nd stage of reflow, s

Technological pause, s, no more

Settling pressure rise time, s, no more

Cooling time, min

Reflow pressure, MPa

Settlement pressure, MPa

Gas rod welding

Filler grade

Filler material diameter, mm

Number of layers







1. Lifting equipment

2. Transport equipment

3. Assembly mechanisms

4. Equipment rigging

5. Mounting devices

6. Tool and measuring instruments

7. Means of protection for workers

8. Standard products, including fasteners

Notes: 1. Section 1 contains the necessary: ​​overhead, automobile, pneumatic, crawler, gantry, railway and tower cranes; pipelayers and forklifts; retractable and rolling scaffolds of grades PVS-8, PVS-12, VTK-9, etc.; autohydraulic lifts.

2. In section 2, the required are placed: motor vehicles, wheeled tractors; car trailers, semi-trailers, trailers and tractors: railway platforms and wagons; carts (transfer, moldovskie, etc.).

3. Section 3 includes: electric, manual and lever winches (mounting traction mechanism); hoists (electric and manual), cats; jacks (hydraulic, rack, screw).

4. In section 4 are placed: blocks; slings; clamps, thimbles, hooks, brackets, loops; sling grips, screw ties, cargo propellers, etc.

5. Section 5 includes developed: portals, chevres, mounting beams, traverses, overpasses, rail tracks, guides, etc.; carts and sledges; disputes, struts, connections, etc.; centralizers.

6. In section 6, they are placed in the following sequence: electric and pneumatic tools (grinders, wrenches and screwdrivers; flaring, drilling and threading machines; scraping mechanisms; pipe cutters; riveting hammers, sharpeners, etc.; hand tools (multiplier keys, keys, screwdrivers, chisels, files, hammers, sledgehammers, etc.); measuring instruments (tape measures, meters, straightedges, squares, calipers, inside gauges, probes, goniometers, threaded templates, levels, theodolites, levels, sighting marks, laser sights etc.).

7. In section 7 place: inventory scaffolding; newly developed means of paving; safety and signal fences, etc.




Installation of a free-standing anchor-angle support stand on the foundation for a 500 kV overhead line,

type U2 (turn method)

You can download in doc format

I General part

This project for the production of works (PPR) was completed on the basis of order No. 1154 dated December 28, 2015 "On the assembly and installation of overhead line supports on the territory of the training ground of the personnel training center"

II Scope of the project

The PPR includes the Technological map for the performance of work using truck-mounted boom cranes, boom-type loader cranes, loader cranes and PS-1 hoists.

III Explanatory note

In order to improve the qualifications of the personnel of linear sections, gain practical experience in assembling and installing supports, increase readiness for performing ATS, as well as equipping the training ground, a Project for the installation of a metal free-standing support of an anchor-corner support (type U-2) was drawn up for further implementation this project.

The weight of the anchor-angle support type U2 is 5.712 kg.

PPR includes the following stages of work:

Preparatory work. Preparation of the installation site (clearing snow);

Fixing the metal post of the U2 anchor-angle support on the foundation with mounting hinges;

Raising and fixing the support.

Completion of work.





Rolled metal

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Date: 04/24/2017Downloads: 56

No. p / p

Sequence of operations

Job title


by EB



Preparatory work. Site preparation (snow removal)

Evaluate the installation site where it is necessary to clear the snow (relief, swampiness, soil condition, the presence of uncleaned forest, large stones, fresh stumps).

On the installation site, determine the direction of the route passages of the bulldozer.



Conduct a targeted briefing for the brigade with registration in the work permit. In the briefing, it is necessary to indicate safety measures during work, the procedure for operations, the technology for performing work, indicate the directions of the bulldozer route, and at the end of the work, indicate the place where the bulldozer is parked. The brigade is allowed to work.

Master -responsible work manager;

Electrician - foreman of works (allowing);

Perform work on the preparation of the installation site and put the bulldozer in the parking lot. Clean the foundations from snow manually (with shovels).

Electrician - foreman of works (allowing);

Bulldozer driver- brigade member

Arrange completion of work.

Master -responsible work manager;

Electrician - foreman of works (allowing);

Fixing the metal post of the U2 anchor-angle support on the foundation with mounting hinges

Check the conformity of the dimensions in the centers of the reinforced concrete footings (foundations) with the dimensions of the support, as well as the vertical marks of the foundations.

In case of detection of deviations exceeding the established tolerances, the support may be lifted only after the detected defects have been eliminated.

Inspect the structure of the support stand to be installed and make sure that it cannot fall. The presence of all bolted connections, structural elements of the support. Check tools, fixtures, protective equipment and materials.

Secure the danger area with tape.

Master -responsible work manager;

Electrician - foreman of works (allowing);

Conduct a targeted briefing for the brigade with registration in the work permit. In the briefing, it is necessary to indicate safety measures during work, the procedure for operations, the technology for performing work, and the danger zone. The brigade is allowed to work.

Master -responsible work manager;

Electrician - foreman of works (allowing);


Install a truck crane at the workplace in accordance with Appendix No. 1.

Truck crane driver- brigade member



Place the hinges on the pole leg foundations (using wooden shims to push the hinge after the pole is in place) and on the pole shoes.

Truck crane driver- brigade member

Carry out the slinging of the support stand. With the help of a truck crane, bring the shoe support rack to the foundations. Fasten the support shoes to the hinges. Install wooden spacers at the place where the wire stand is attached to prevent the support from touching the ground and to level the support horizontally.

Truck crane driver- brigade member

Electrician (slinger) - member of the brigade

Fasten a two-loop sling to the support post (at a distance of 17 m from the base of the support) and lead a mounting rope Ø 23 mm to the traction mechanism (in accordance with Appendix No. 2). Similarly, from the opposite side of the support, lead the cable to the brake mechanism.

Electrician - team member

Start a sling for lifting the support post with a release device, fastening it to the crane hook. Install wooden pads under the sling (or inventory pads under the sling). (in accordance with Appendix No. 2).

Truck crane driver- brigade member

Electrician (slinger)- brigade member

Raising and fixing the support.

Carry out the arrangement of vehicles in accordance with Appendix 1. Remove unused workers from the danger zone before lifting the support (during the installation of the rack, before moving the mechanisms, it is also necessary to remove unused personnel from the danger zone).

Master -responsible work manager

(responsible for the safe performance of work using PS)

Bulldozer driver- member of the brigade;

The truck crane smoothly raises the support. The traction machine smoothly starts moving from the support post, the brake machine moves towards the traction machine so as to exclude the creation of slack. Raise the support post to a height of 200-300 mm.

Master -responsible work manager

Bulldozer driver- member of the brigade;

Truck crane driver- brigade member

Check the serviceability of the traction mechanisms, rigging devices, the installation of braces, as well as the correctness and reliability of fastening of all rigging under load.

Master -responsible work manager

(responsible for the safe performance of work using PS)

The truck crane smoothly raises the support. The traction machine smoothly starts moving from the support post, the brake machine moves towards the traction machine so as to exclude the creation of slack. Raise the support post at an angle of 35-40 degrees from the ground level. Remove the load from the truck crane and transfer it to the traction mechanism.

Master -responsible work manager(responsible for the safe performance of work using PS)

Bulldozer driver- member of the brigade;

Truck crane driver- brigade member

Pull out the release device, releasing the hook of the truck crane. Move the truck crane to the transport position, move it out of the danger zone.

Truck crane driver- brigade member

Electrician - foreman of works (allowing);

The traction machine smoothly starts moving from the support post, the brake machine moves towards the traction machine so as to exclude the creation of slack. Install the support post on the foundations.

Master -responsible work manager

Bulldozer driver- member of the brigade;

Install square washers on the rack shoes and thread the nuts onto the anchor bolts. In this case, the nuts should not come close to the surface of the rack shoes.

Electrician - team member

With a traction machine, give tension to the cable for a slight inclination of the support leg. Dismantle hinges. With the reverse smooth running of the traction machine, place the support post on the foundations.

Master -responsible work manager

Bulldozer driver- member of the brigade;

Align the support leg according to the tolerances. If necessary, to align the support leg, install pads between the fifth support and the foundation.

Master -responsible work manager

Electrician - foreman of works (allowing);

Tighten the nuts and locknuts of the anchor bolts. Weld the linings to the heel of the rack. Weld anchor bolt washers on three sides.

Master -responsible work manager

Electrician - team member

Electric and gas welder- brigade member

Completion of work.

The electrician should climb up to the support post with the endless rope block to the place where the rigging is fastened, stand on self-insurance, fixing the lanyard of the safety harness to the support structure, fasten the endless rope block to the support post.

Electrician - foreman of works (allowing);

Electrician - team member

For electricians on the ground, lift a fitter's tool along an endless rope in a cotton bag.

Electrician - foreman of works (allowing);

Electrician - team member

For electricians on the ground, hold the endless rope to prevent a sharp descent of the rigging. Lower the rigging and the tool one by one to the ground.

Electrician - foreman of works (allowing);

Electrician - team member

The electrician, who is on the support, descend with a block of endless rope to the ground.

Electrician - foreman of works (allowing);

Electrician - team member

Remove the workplace, rigging, tools, equipment.

Whole brigade

Remove the team from the workplace

Electrician - foreman of works (allowing);

Arrange completion of work.

Master -responsible work manager

Electrician - foreman of works (allowing);

Each properly organized construction must have well-written construction documentation, which, as a rule, includes the development of such documents as a traffic organization project (abbreviated as POD), a construction organization project (abbreviated as POS) and a work execution project (abbreviated as PPR). All these documents are able to ensure the safety of employees during construction and installation works, ensure the proper organization of the construction of the facility itself, as well as improve the quality of construction work.

Today, due to the fact that construction work has become distinguished by the highest degree of severity, it has become necessary to create and more responsible study of technological and technical solutions that are used in the production of work. That is why the main and most significant document in the system of organizational and technological preparation is the PPR document in construction - free download, which can be found at the end of this article.

This document contains a list of technological rules, requirements for labor protection and safety, and environmental safety as well. On the basis of the project for the production of works, the organization of construction work is carried out, the necessary materials and resources are determined, the deadlines for the completion of work are determined, and possible risks are worked out.

Who develops PPR?

Projects for the production of works for the construction of new structures or for the reconstruction or expansion of any facility are developed by general contracting construction and installation enterprises. If PPRs are ordered by a general contracting or subcontracting construction and installation organization, then they can be developed by design and technology institutes or design organizations.

It should also be noted that sometimes, when carrying out large volumes of work, PPRs are compiled not for the object as a whole, but for any specific type of work, for example, for the installation of prefabricated structures, for excavation, for roofing, etc. Previously, such documents were called work organization projects (abbreviated as POR), but in the current norms of SNiP 12-01-2004 instead of SNiP 3.01.01-85, they are also called PPR with the proviso that these are projects for the production of specific works. When carrying out such certain types of work related to the conduct of general construction, special or installation work, PPRs are developed by companies that are directly involved in this.

The composition of the PPR

  • Work schedule;
  • Technological maps;
  • Building master plan;
  • Schedules for the receipt of building materials, products and equipment at the facility;
  • Lists of technological inventory and assembly equipment;
  • Schedules for the movement of workers around the facility;
  • Solutions for the production of geodetic works;
  • Safety solutions;
  • Explanatory note, which should contain:
    • justification of decisions on the implementation of certain types of work, including those performed in the winter;
    • calculations of networks of temporary engineering communications;
    • measures that would ensure the safety of materials, products and structures, as well as equipment at the construction site;
    • a list of mobile structures with a calculation of the need and justification of the conditions for their location on the construction sites;
    • measures to protect these structures from damage, as well as environmental protection measures.

But it should be noted that only 4 documents remain the main ones in the PPR: the construction plan, the calendar plan for the production of works, an explanatory note and a technical map. Let's consider them in more detail.

The key document of the PPR in construction is, of course, the calendar plan for the production of works. The success of the entire project depends to a greater extent on the literacy of its development. In short, the schedule is a model of construction production, which clearly and precisely establishes the sequence and timing of construction work at the facility.

The second most important PPR document remains the construction master plan (or abbreviated stroygenplan). The quality of its preparation primarily determines the reduction of costs for organizing a construction site, which at the same time allows you to create safe working conditions for workers. When developing a construction plan, specialists take into account various ways of organizing a construction site, from which the most rational one is subsequently selected.

The next equally important PPR document is the flow chart, which determines the most optimal methods and sequence for performing a particular type of work. In addition, the calculation of labor costs is carried out here, the necessary resources are determined and the organization of work is described. Technological maps, as a rule, include graphic and text documents, which may include workplace schemes, which indicate the scope of work and the boundaries of the sections into which the object is divided. In principle, technological maps can be of three types:

  • typical without reference to specific objects;
  • typical with reference to typical objects;
  • individual with reference to a specific project

And the last important element of the PPR can be called an explanatory note, which, as mentioned above, indicates all kinds of labor protection measures, determines the conditions and complexity of construction, justifies the presence of storage facilities and temporary structures, etc. In addition, the explanatory note provides technical and economic indicators of construction.

You can download the PPR for construction.