Tomatoes “De Barao” are a variety of tomatoes that will not let you down. De Barao tomatoes: growing in open ground and greenhouse Tomatoes de Barao when to sow in Siberia

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Description of the variety

​Sometimes I just gave up because I couldn’t change the situation! I was pleased with only one single bed - planted and abandoned by a would-be gardener. It was the Tomato De Barao Royal! A bed of tomatoes was planted in the far corner of the plot, since prestigious places were already occupied by other F1 tomato varieties. And imagine my surprise when I finally deigned to “visit” my forgotten garden bed.​ ​high productivity;​

A hybrid is obtained as a result of crossing. Typically, these varieties have unique properties that are well demonstrated in specially equipped beds and greenhouses. The age of the seeds is very important. The older they are, the better their fertility. The most optimal is a three-year aging.​ ​Related link: Growing tomatoes in warm beds. Tomato trees

​De Barao seedlings grow up to 1 m at home! At the end of April - beginning of May I plant seedlings in a greenhouse or at the beginning of June in open ground.​

Tall tomatoes should be watered only at the root,

​The seeds remaining on the leaves are removed by hand after spraying the plants with plain water from a spray bottle;​

Advantages and disadvantages

​According to most experts, the best predecessors for any varieties and hybrids of tomatoes are cucumbers, zucchini, carrots, cauliflower, parsley and dill.​ ​3.5 kg per tomato plant​

  • ​evenness and visual attractiveness of tomatoes;​
  • ​Tomatoes "De Barao" are classified as indeterminate varietiesTomatoes "De Barao" are classified as indeterminate varieties. Such tomatoes are always tall and deservedly enjoy extreme popularity among gardeners in our country.​
  • ​Tall tomatoes stood with emerald greenery, hung like a Christmas tree, with garlands of shiny fruits! What a surprise! In the garden, my hybrid plantings were living out their last days - turning yellow and blackening, and the “new settlers” were growing, gaining strength, and filling with large fruits! At the end of September I picked the last fruits, there was a lot of milky ripeness.
  • ​the fruits are suitable for whole-fruit canning;​
  • ​Now you need to choose the best red tomatoes for planting. World selection has reached such a level that it is impossible to list all possible seed material. Varieties bred by Siberian breeders have recently become very popular. They are suitable for cultivation in all regions of the country. These varieties are distinguished by high yield and large fruit size with low plant height. Ballerina, Supermodel, Kemerovo, Moscow pear, Pink Stella - these are all tomatoes for open ground.​

​Every two weeks I carry out 4 feedings.​

Tomatoes "De Barao": harvesting (video)

Varieties and their features

​If it is weak, I feed it with ammonium nitrate (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water) on the 14th day after planting the seedlings, then again after 5-7 days.​ ​You cannot wet the fruits and leaves while watering. The root system of this tomato variety grows and develops very well, as a result of which it is necessary to carry out regular and abundant watering. For good growth, tomatoes need 2.5 liters per plant daily. After watering, the soil between the rows must be loosened. The use of a drip irrigation system for plants makes the watering procedure easier.​

In case of insufficient lighting, additional illumination of plants should be carried out; ​It is recommended to sow seed material in March. For this purpose, you should prepare a planting container and fill it with nutritious soil substrate.​ ​Pink De Barao​
​excellent taste and balanced composition of tomato pulp.​ The “De Barao” variety is an indeterminate type, with a standard vine height of three meters, and sometimes more. Tomatoes of this variety can be cultivated both in a greenhouse and in open ground.​ ​Having waited for their finest hour, they were all eaten with pleasure!​
​wonderful taste.​ They are distinguished by their small stature and high productivity. These varieties have an original, slightly elongated shape. They are especially appreciated for their excellent taste. A pickling delicacy is a tomato that has red cylindrical fruits, ideal for pickling. These tomatoes do not crack or overripe. The height of the bush reaches one meter. The fruits weigh about 100 grams. Siberian Trump is a tomato with a very high yield. It has red fleshy fruits weighing up to 800 grams. This plant is easy to care for and has a very high yield. Marmande, Pudovik, Roma, Dina, Tolstoy, Vodopad, Demidov - these are the most disease- and weather-resistant tomatoes for open ground.​ ​For 10 liters of water 1 tbsp. l. nitrophoska + 0.5 kg mullein. For one plant - 0.5 liters of solution.​
I plant 2 tomatoes in a furrow 15-20 cm deep or in long holes. I am making a bed of two rows. I dig holes or make a furrow with a hoe or shovel: it is more convenient to plant long stems of seedlings in the furrows. I will definitely sprinkle 1-2 tbsp into the hole (furrow) or on top after planting. l. double superphosphate, 1-2 cups of wood ash, humus or 1 tbsp. l. vermicompost and pour plenty of water.​ ​During the summer, you should feed the plants three times with a solution of the “Baikal-EM-1” product.​ ​feeding should be carried out with complex mineral fertilizers or vermicompost three weeks after emergence;​
​Sowing of "De Barao" seeds should be carried out in accordance with the following rules:​ ​A medium-late variety intended for fresh consumption, canning and long-term preservation. The taste and product quality are excellent. The main advantages are excellent ripening, long-term storage without loss of quality, and resistance to late blight. The fruits are pink, oval-ovoid, dense. Average weight is 65 g. Transportability is very good. The bushes are powerful, vigorous, indeterminate. ​The variety is quite unpretentious and requires compliance with the basic rules of agricultural technology when growing on a personal plot.​
​Tomatoes "De Barao" belong to the varieties of the mid-late ripening period.​ Well, the gardening season is coming to an end, the seeds of the tomatoes you like are carefully collected and stored in a safe place. All that remains now is to draw conclusions about the outgoing season.​ There is nothing complicated about growing De Barao giant tomatoes. For seedlings, seeds must be sown in boxes in early March. To prepare a nutrient substrate, you need to take the same amount of garden soil and leaf humus or manure; it should be crumbly. To the resulting mixture you need to add 15 g of potassium chloride and the same amount of urea, 50 g of superphosphate and 1 glass of ash. After this, mix the mixture thoroughly and pour it into the boxes. Then the seeds are sown, and also sprinkled with the same composition. The layer of the mixture should be 5-6 mm. You need to water the seeds with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The solution must be warmed before use. To avoid washing out the seeds, it is better to use a teaspoon for watering. After this, the boxes are covered with plastic film. This is necessary to ensure that the desired temperature and importance are maintained. Now the boxes with seeds are placed on the windowsill. Within a week, the first shoots appear, which must be watered once every two days.​
There are varieties of tomatoes about which I would like to say a few words separately. These are record holders among their peers, always producing good harvests. Tomato de barao red is one of them. Initially, this variety was intended for cultivation in greenhouse conditions. But, as practice shows, many gardeners get good yields of this species in open ground. ​For 10 liters of water, 0.5 kg of mullein or 0.5 liters of diluted chicken manure + 1 tsp. double superphosphate or 2 tsp. simple superphosphate + 1 tsp. l. potassium sulfate or potassium chloride. 1 liter per plant I plant horizontally along the length of the tomato stem, remove the leaves, leaving only the top 3-5. Before planting, I spill the soil with a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Features of agricultural technology

Sowing rules

​picking is carried out in the phase of a pair of true leaves on the plants;​​the soil mixture should consist of half a bucket of ordinary garden soil with the same amount of leaf or manure humus;​

  • ​from 5.5 - 7.0 kg per square meter​
  • The variety of tomatoes “De Barao”, depending on the color of ripe fruits, is divided into several varieties,
  • ​The mass stage of fruiting begins on the 115th day after sowing the seed material.​

​The conclusions suggest themselves! You need to plant resistant, productive varieties of tomatoes, and you will always have an excellent harvest!​

​After the seedlings have two leaves, the seedlings are picked. Diving can be done in paper or plastic cups. But before this, the plants in the boxes are well watered. You need to take out the seedlings with soil on the roots, this reduces the likelihood of damage to the weak root system, and the tomatoes will be able to more easily take root in a new place.​

Growing seedlings

The tomato variety De Barao red is a record for the number of fruits from one bush. If high-yielding crops produce 10 kilograms, then this tomato easily reaches 24-32 kilograms. And this is not the limit. If we talk about the records that the De Barao red tomato set, then this is 70 kilograms of delicious vegetables from one bush. In open ground, productivity decreases, but still remains record high.​ ​The same composition, but 5 liters per 1 sq.m.​

  • I cover the tomatoes with soil from the ditch. I dig it between two rows for watering and fertilizing. I make two mounds on the sides of the groove so that water does not run away from the bed.
  • ​All extra stepsons should be removed.​
  • ​To protect against blackleg, you need to dust the soil with regular wood ash.​
  • ​on a layer of moistened soil, you should sow the prepared seed material at a distance of 1.5-2 cm;​
  • ​Royal De Barao​
  • ​which have the same properties, including high growth and indeterminate type, which involves the formation of a new ovary as it develops, with an extension of the fruiting period.​
  • ​Tomato bushes are medium-sized, capable of forming lateral shoots well and have characteristic long internodes.​
  • ​All the best to you!​

​Tall seedlings are fed every 10 days. As soon as the days become warm, the seedlings can be moved outside to harden off. But you need to be very careful and make sure that the seedlings do not remain in the fresh air during the sun. Tomatoes begin to be planted in the ground at the end of April. Initially, seedlings are planted in a greenhouse to protect them from night cold. The greenhouse must be opened during the day and closed at night. Only in the second half of May are tomatoes planted in open ground. During planting, each hole should be watered, but it is extremely important that the water does not wash away the plant.​

​De Barao red tomato is classified as a mid- and even late-ripening variety. Fruit ripening time is about 120 days. The bushes of this plant are very tall and can reach 2 meters. Therefore, the plant requires mandatory gartering and pinching. Usually no more than two bushes are planted per square meter. The fruits of the plant have an average weight of about 100 grams. These are small tomatoes with a slightly elongated shape, perfect for pickling.​

Planting tomato seedlings

​The same composition, but 10 liters per 1 sq. m. I put stakes 2.5-3 m high (digging 0.5 m into the ground) every 1-1.5 m and put a trellis on each row. I tie a rope between the stakes (you can nail a wooden block). I constantly tie 5-6 tiers of rope to the rope (bar) with garters made of cotton or linen fabric - as it grows.​

Rules of care

​on top of the seeds placed on the soil, a nutrient soil mixture should be poured in a layer of no more than 0.8 cm.​

​Mid-late ripening. Designed for fresh and canning tomatoes. The taste and marketability are excellent. The main advantages are cold resistance, shade tolerance and long-term fruiting. The variety is resistant to late blight. The color of the fruit is soft crimson, with an oval-plum shape. The pulp is relatively dense and fleshy. The average weight of the fetus varies from 0.1 to 0.15 kg.​

Watering and fertilizing

​Variety name​ The leaves have a dark green color. As a rule, the foliage is medium in size. The inflorescences are simple and quite compact. Most often the first inflorescence is formed at the 9th or 11th leaf level, but there may be slight variations depending on the variety. The next inflorescences are formed three leaves after the first.

Alenamir was with you

Formation and stepsoning

De Barao giant tomatoes need to be planted all summer. And the flowering of this plant will be observed even in the first days of autumn. And if it is warm, then the tomatoes will bear fruit until October. A distinctive feature of this variety is its long fruiting, until frost. The taste of the fruit is very good, so they are used in salads and for preservation. This tomato variety is resistant to late blight, but requires careful care. The plant does not like clay soil. If we take the most popular variety, it is the De Barao red tomato. Reviews from specialists and ordinary gardeners confirm its excellent agrotechnical qualities.​

The composition of the feeding may vary depending on the weather: in cloudy weather, for example, you need to increase the dose of potassium sulfate to 1 tbsp. l. for 10 liters of water.​

​After the first tomato fruits have formed in the lower part of the plant, it is necessary to remove the lower leaves, leaving no more than eight on the upper part of the plant. As new leaves grow, the lower ones should be removed.​

Reviews from gardeners

​If these simple requirements are met, it helps to obtain strong and very healthy tomato seedlings. Before planting, measures should be taken to harden the seedling material. Sowing should be covered with film or glass to warm it up and retain moisture. The container with the sown seeds should be placed in a warm place. The crops are systematically ventilated.

How to plant tomatoes (video)

Growing the De Barao tomato variety on a trellis

Tomatoes De Barao - planting and care

Meter seedlings

​up to 15 kg from one bush​

​Features and characteristics​

​Tomato series:​

​The video shows a tall tomato bush of the De Barao giant variety; you can see the level of yield from the bush.​

​Among the many varieties of tomatoes, you can choose those that will delight you with their harvest for a long period. Modern breeding makes it possible to select varieties that are easy to care for and characterized by high fertility. Tomato loves warmth and light. It does not tolerate drought and excess moisture. These two factors greatly influence its growth and development. Despite its whimsical nature, the tomato remains the most popular vegetable. Due to its taste, it is an essential ingredient in many culinary creations. All these qualities make tomatoes so popular among gardeners. Through trial and error, as well as thanks to the advice of experts, you can choose the optimal varieties for any climate.​

​I treat late blight with purchased preparations - I spray 4-5 times from mid-June every 10-14 days.​

Stepsonning is mandatory. With such a planting, stepchildren will grow from the ground; they need to be removed so that they do not outgrow. Cover them with soil, humus or compost: the stepsons will give roots, after which you remove them above ground.​

​You may also be interested in an article in which we talk about the technology of growing tomatoes upside down.​

​Planting of seedlings can be done both in greenhouses or hotbeds, and on open ground ridges.​

How to increase De Barao's harvest

​Golden De Barao​


4 mandatory feedings for De Barao

​The fruits are usually oval in shape. The coloring of the outer skin depends on the variety. The most popular varieties are those with black, yellow, pink and red coloring. The skin is smooth. The average weight can vary from 55 to 80 g. The taste of the pulp is excellent, with a harmonious combination of acid and sugars. Productivity can reach 7.5 kg per square meter.​

​Part 1 - How to prepare seeds for sowing​

​Well, a very productive variety. It is characterized by high fruit set in difficult conditions. The fruits are beautiful, large, plum-shaped. There are up to five fruits in a cluster, weighing up to 300 grams each. The plant is “lanky” - tall and slightly leafy. In the greenhouse in August it reaches the ceiling and does not intend to stop growing.​

  1. ​As a result, the root system will increase, and hence the yield. I remove the shoots once a week, when their length is no more than 3-4 cm, and if they have outgrown and started to bloom or will bloom soon, I leave them - I pinch them over a flower brush.​
  2. ​Based on reviews from gardeners, we can conclude that “De Barao” is a very demanding variety to care for,​
  3. ​Planting of De Brao tomato seedlings, depending on the cultivation region and weather conditions, can be done in mid-May under film covers and in greenhouses,​
  4. Caring for tomato seedlings is not difficult, but it requires certain knowledge and time. Usually the first tomato seedlings appear already on the fifth day.​

Medium late ripening. Designed for fresh and canning tomatoes. The taste and marketability of the fruits are good. The variety is resistant to late blight. The fruits are yellow, dense, oval-ovoid in shape, weighing from 60 to 90 g. The bushes are very powerful.​

​Black De Barao​

​The popularity of De Barao tomatoes among gardeners is due not only to their excellent taste, but also to a fairly simple growing technology.​

The best varieties of tomatoes. Tomato de barao red

​Part 2 - Simple care of seedlings.​

A little history

The taste of the fruit is good. That is, it doesn’t please with any taste delights, but it can’t be called bad either.​
The De Barao giant tomato variety is characterized by powerful, tall plants. They are undemanding in care, and are also resistant to various types of diseases.​


​How difficult it is to grow a good harvest of tomatoes! The final result depends on compliance with cultivation technology, methods of controlling pests and diseases and, of course, on correctly selected seed material. There are many varieties of this plant. Understanding this diversity is not easy, especially for an inexperienced gardener. Titan, White filling, Pink giant, De Barao red tomato - these are all proven varieties and hybrids of the new generation. It is impossible to list everything, but choosing the best and most suitable for certain climatic conditions is quite possible.​
​When taking a stepson, you must definitely leave a part of the stepson 3-5 cm long, otherwise it will grow back!​

Tomato varieties

​And the technology for its cultivation is somewhat different from the cultivation of other popular hybrid varieties of tomatoes. Compliance with agricultural technology contributes to obtaining high yields of very high-quality fruits. This variety is especially valued by gardeners because, regardless of the variety, tomatoes of this variety can be used both for canning and for fresh consumption.​
​and in early June, seedlings are planted in open ground.​

De barao

​Further care of the seedlings is standard and consists of the following activities:​
​up to 4 kg per plant or 8 kg per square meter​

Features of De Barao

​Cultivated in garden plots and small farms using film covers. It is used fresh and for whole-fruit canning. Late-ripening, indeterminate, highly branched variety, the height of which exceeds two meters. The first inflorescence is above the 9-11th leaf. Tomatoes are ovoid in shape, with a smooth surface. The color of ripe fruits is purple-brown. The weight of the tomato is about 60 g. The taste is good.​
In addition, the variety has a number of advantages that distinguish it favorably from other varieties and hybrids:


Super productive tomato De Barao Giant

​One of those varieties that once you try it, you “have to” plant it every year for the sake of a large harvest of beautiful large tomatoes, which will be used for salads and canned food. Undamaged fruit can be stored for a month or more. Medium-late variety.​


​The distinctive qualities of the De Barao giant include its cold resistance and shade tolerance.​ Some areas of Ecuador, Peru and the Galapagos Islands are considered the birthplace of tomatoes. They were brought to our country around the 16th-17th century. But this vegetable did not immediately win its audience. Only after a long time did people learn to appreciate all the beneficial properties and excellent taste of the tomato.​

I plant the seedlings in the ground at the end of May - beginning of June and cover them with non-woven material from frost.


I grow seedlings at home, sow them with my own and purchased seeds on February 14-15. Before planting, I spill the soil in the box generously with a pink solution of potassium permanganate, lay out the seeds and cover them with a 1.5-2 cm layer of soil. I pick up the seedlings when 2-3 true leaves form (it takes root better with 4-5 true leaves) and plant them in the box. Before planting, I spill the earth mixture (my own or purchased) with a pink solution of potassium permanganate. I water the seedlings at home when the soil is dry, 0.5-1 cup per box.

  • ​The seedlings must be two months old and have at least 5 true leaves. The scheme for planting seedlings is 50 x 55 cm. It is necessary to tie the growing plants to stakes. After planting, the holes are watered with plenty of warm water.
  • ​When shoots appear, the film is removed from the container;​
  • ​Yellow De Barao​

Features of cultivation

​up to 8 kg per square meter​

​possibility of universal use of the harvested crop;​

​Part 18 - Why green tomatoes turn black​

​Discussion of the variety on our forum - here.​

Video “Tomato variety De Barao”

This variety is considered one of the most popular for growing in greenhouses. It is a late-ripening variety that is recommended to be grown in open protected ground. From full sunrise to the beginning of ripening, 125 days pass. The plant is classified as indeterminate; its height can reach more than 2 meters. The fruits, whose weight is 70-190 g, look like a plum. They are dense, red in color and have a green spot in the place where the peduncle is adjacent. Late blight is practically not dangerous for the plant. Productivity is 5.5-6.4 kg/m². Both fresh and canned fruits have excellent taste.​

Modern summer residents often face a problem when a plot of land is too small, but they want to grow as many garden crops as possible on it. When it comes to choosing a tomato variety, everything is quite simple - these are the optimal conditions for planting indeterminate varieties. Such hydrides are characterized by unlimited growth of the main stem, which, with proper care, produces new bunches of fruit and allows you to harvest up to 4 kg from one bush per season. The most popular variety of tomatoes is De Barao. Its demand is based on stability, high yield and excellent taste.

Description of the variety

De Barao is suitable for growing in greenhouses or open ground. The height of the stem reaches 3 m, the leaves have a dark green color. The first inflorescence is formed at the level of 9 - 12 of the true leaf, and the brushes are laid every 3 leaves. From 8 to 10 fruits ripen on a branch.

De Barao tomato bush with fruits

The fruits have an oval shape and smooth skin. They are distinguished by their large size - 60 - 70 g for standard varieties and 120 g for Tsarsky De Barao. The color of tomatoes can be:

  • red;
  • pink;
  • yellow;
  • black.

In terms of ripening time, this hybrid is classified as mid-season; mass fruiting begins 120 days after sowing. For residents of the northern regions, it is better to grow such tomatoes in a greenhouse in order to have time to get a full harvest. It should be noted that tomatoes ripen well even outside the bush, without losing their basic taste characteristics.

The tomato tolerates shade well and can be grown in almost any temperature conditions.

The advantages of the variety include:

  • high resistance to late blight;
  • versatility of use: can be consumed fresh or for preservation;
  • suitability for commercial cultivation due to the presentable appearance and optimal weight of each fruit;
  • possibility of transportation without loss;
  • ease of care;
  • regularly high yield per square meter;
  • possibility of long-term storage.

The taste of De Barao tomatoes differs depending on the variety. Red tomatoes have a slight sourness, while black ones have a pleasant sweet taste. All types are united by the optimal composition of tomato pulp.

Characteristics of individual varieties

Yellow and gold De Barao has a high content of carotene. This increases its nutritional value and affects its taste. Tomatoes have a delicate sweetish taste and are suitable for preparing vitamin salads. However, this type of tomato belongs to late-ripening varieties and a full harvest can only be harvested in the fall.

Variety Yellow De Barao

Gardeners, as a rule, show particular interest in black tomatoes. If we describe their color more accurately, it is closer to dark cherry, which does not in any way diminish their originality. The variety is mid-season; agricultural conditions generally do not differ from other varieties. But the taste is almost completely absent of sourness; pleasant pulp predominates.

Red tomatoes are the best option for canning and pickling. Their small size, oval-plum shape, dense consistency are a set of key requirements for raw materials for winter preparations. But don’t forget to add several fruits of a different color, for example, yellow or pink, to the jar; this will turn ordinary preserves into a beautiful festive dish that will attract the attention of guests at the table.

Pink De Barao are valued for their universal use. Sliced ​​vegetables, salad, any kind of winter pickles - this is not a complete list of options for using such attractive and easy-to-care fruits.

Tsarsky is a special type of De Barao tomato, which is larger in size. The fruit has an oval shape and a crimson color.


Since De Barao takes quite a long time to ripen, it is necessary to prepare the seedlings in advance. It is recommended to sow in March, but in some regions of the middle zone and in the north you should worry about this at the end of February.

For sowing, special seed boxes filled with nutritious soil mixture are used. To prepare it, you need to mix chernozem with humus in a 1:1 ratio. First you need to mark small grooves and lightly moisten them. Then lay out the seeds, keeping a distance of about 2 cm between individual seeds. After this, the seeds should be covered with a thin layer of dry soil about 0.5 cm thick.

The top of the seed boxes should be covered with plastic film, which will need to be removed periodically for ventilation. It is necessary to place the seedlings in a bright and heated place.

The film cover can be finally removed after mass shoots appear. When using high-quality seeds, the first shoots can be seen no longer on the 5th day. If open seeds remain on the leaves, remove them manually. After this, caring for the seedlings consists of:

  • maintaining a temperature of 15 ˚С for the first week after entry and 20 ˚С thereafter;
  • regular watering;
  • fertilizing with mineral fertilizers or vermicompost starting from the fourth week after seed germination;
  • sprinkling the soil with wood ash to prevent the occurrence of root collar rot;
  • picking at phase 2 - 3 true leaves.

If the conditions for keeping seedlings do not provide sufficient penetration of sunlight, it is important to provide additional lighting. This is the only way to get strong seedlings with a healthy stem.

Planting in the ground and further care

It is necessary to replant plants in open ground only after the soil has warmed up sufficiently. On average, this occurs in late May - early June. To ensure better acceptance of tomatoes, it is better to plan the transplant on a cloudy day or in the evening.

This vegetable crop grows well in garden beds where the predecessors were cucumbers, zucchini, carrots, cauliflower or parsley. You should first prepare holes at a distance of about 50 cm in a row. Then plant the prepared bushes. Having sprinkled the tomatoes with dry soil, they need to be watered generously at the root with warm water.

Important! Regular root watering is a necessary condition for the growth and normal development of the De Barao variety. If the daily watering procedure turns out to be too troublesome, you can use a drip system.

After watering, it is important to loosen the soil around the bushes.

As soon as the bush takes root well enough, carry out its first feeding. The approximate time frame for the procedure is 2 weeks after planting the seedlings in the ground. In this case, organic and superphosphate fertilizers are used.

The productivity of the bush depends on timely pinching. To increase the yield, it is necessary to leave one stem, and regularly remove all excess side shoots. Sometimes there may be two stems. It is also necessary to pick off the lower wilted and yellowed leaves as the first fruits appear.

Another important procedure is tying tomatoes to additional support. It can be carried out immediately upon transplantation into open ground or carried out several weeks later.

Harvesting is carried out as it ripens, and when the first autumn frosts occur, all unripe vegetables are removed to the greenhouse or heated veranda. In a few weeks they can turn into full-fledged, edible fruits that have a pleasant taste and a high content of nutrients.

Video tips for growing De Barao tomatoes in a greenhouse

Every year at the beginning of the season, or rather even long before it begins, gardeners select the varieties of tomatoes that they want to plant this year. Some people like low-growing varieties, others like tall ones. Some people want to collect the entire crop at one time and process it, while others want to constantly be with tomatoes throughout the season. And, in the end, the size of the fruit is of no small importance, since to prepare preserves with whole fruits they must be of a certain size, but large, juicy tomatoes are perfect for preparing tomato juice, lecho, and all kinds of sauces.

Tomato de barao is a variety of tall tomatoes, characterized by high yield and resistance to disease.

Characteristics of tomato de barao:

  • The height of the bush reaches 2-3 m, depending on the type, the stem is powerful, well-leafed. Fruits are formed 8-10 pieces per cluster.
  • The variety is mid-late or late, the duration of fruiting is 3 months, until frost.
  • The yield is high; with proper care, you can get from 4 to 10 kg of tomatoes from one bush.
  • The keeping quality and transportability of the fruits are high. Unripe tomatoes picked before frost ripen in a warm place.
  • Plants develop well not only in the sun, but also in the shade.
  • Resistance to late blight is high.

Tomato de barao: seedlings

Like many other types of tomatoes, growing Tomato de Barao begins with growing seedlings. To do this, pre-prepare containers with soil. Drainage holes must be provided in the bottom of the containers. First, pour a layer of expanded clay or sand, then fill the container with soil. The soil is sold ready-made for seedlings, or prepared independently from peat and turf soil.

Tomato de barao seeds are sown on the surface of pre-moistened soil, sprinkled with a little humus or soil. The container is covered with film to create a greenhouse effect, so the seeds will sprout faster. Temperature for seed germination – +18-20°C. Sowing time is the first ten days of March.

If the seeds are purchased in packaged form, they do not require additional processing. If the seeds are collected from your own garden bed, then they are first kept in a solution of potassium permanganate. Self-prepared soil for seedlings is also treated by watering it with a solution of potassium permanganate and freezing it.

The film is periodically lifted and the crops are ventilated so that they do not freeze. After the seeds hatch, the film is removed. To prevent seedlings from stretching out, provide additional lighting to extend daylight hours. After the appearance of several true leaves, a dive is carried out and the seedlings continue to be grown indoors until May.

Watering is moderate; if you overwater, the water stagnates and the seedlings get sick. To prevent blackleg disease, the soil surface is covered with calcined river sand.

At the beginning of May, hardening is carried out; for this, young tomatoes are taken to a cooler room with a temperature of +15 ° C, for example, to a veranda, balcony or greenhouse. During the warm part of the day, the greenhouse is opened for ventilation.

Tomato de barao: planting in open ground

The seedling bed is prepared in advance; it is better to do this in the fall. Humus and wood ash are added to the soil and dug up. Seedlings are planted in open ground in the 2-3rd decade of May, at which time the ground is already sufficiently warmed up and the risk of return frosts is minimal. The landing time depends on the geographical location of the area and the temperature conditions of a particular year. The temperature at night should not fall below 10°C; with such a drop, the seedlings stop growing and get sick. On cool nights, plants are provided with shelter using film or agrofibre.

Since tomato de barao grows very tall, the distance between the bushes is 80-100 cm, and between the rows - up to 120 cm. The day for planting seedlings is chosen to be cloudy, or planted in the evening. Tomatoes are very well accepted, survival rate is up to 100%. The seedlings are pre-prepared: 1-2 tiers of lower leaves are plucked from each plant to relieve the plant during stress from replanting.

First, dig holes and loosen the ground well so that part of the hole is filled with soft soil. The depth depends on the size of the plant. The hole is generously filled with water, the water is allowed to soak in a little, the seedling is placed vertically in the resulting liquid soil, and carefully covered with earth. The seedling is buried down to the leaves, this will allow it to grow additional roots on the stem, which it will feed on. A pit is formed near the seedling for convenient watering.

The day after planting, some seedlings wither. If you pull lightly or dig up such a seedling, you will find that its stem is separated from the root by a pest. This is the bear's job. To provide for such raids, when planting seedlings between the rows of tomatoes, they dig a furrow with a glander, put bait for mole crickets in it, and dig it in. This will distract pests from the plantings and help reduce their numbers.

For better rooting, seedlings are covered with white agrofibre for a couple of days. At first, you need to water with warm, settled water, for example, heated in the sun. The first watering is carried out a week after planting; in case of hot weather, water earlier.

Tomato de barao: cultivation

Since the variety is tall, it requires additional support. When planting next to the plant, a fairly high stand is dug or hammered in so that when the tomato begins to stretch upward, there is something to tie it to. It is better to do this right away so as not to damage the root system of the plant later.

To simplify the task, cucumber mesh or trellises are used for gartering; in this case, a support is not installed at each bush, but only two for several bushes, and a mesh or wire is stretched between them. Tomato de barao is also planted in places that are not intended for this purpose - near the fence, near tree trunks, in general, wherever it is possible to tie the plant up, securing its vertical position.

Tomato de barao is a tall, strong, productive variety, but if there is insufficient watering, it will not be possible to get many fruits. The developed root system of the plant is capable of absorbing a lot of moisture; the plants are watered at the rate of 2-3 buckets per bush once every 4 days. Watering tomatoes is done at the root; water getting on the fruits and leaves will lead to cracking of the fruits and create favorable conditions for diseases.

During growth, the bush is formed into 1 or 2 stems, all stepsons are regularly removed. The lower leaves from the bush are torn off, all dried and yellowed ones too.

During the fruiting period, the de barao variety is fed with an aqueous solution of mullein or chicken droppings. To prepare the solution, manure or droppings are diluted to a liquid state and infused for 3 days. Then the resulting slurry is diluted with water, the slurry is diluted in a ratio of 1:10, and the infusion of manure is diluted in a ratio of 1:20. During the season, 3 feedings are carried out with an interval of 10-12 days.

The bush is constantly growing and forms more and more tomato clusters. With good care, fruiting lasts until frost. In mid-August, the last watering is carried out, the tops of the branches are pinched off and the flowers and brushes that are just beginning to set are removed. This will help the bunches with previously formed tomatoes to ripen faster. To preserve the last unripe fruits, the clusters are cut off and hung indoors before frost. Tomatoes on clusters gradually ripen, which allows you to eat your vegetables until November.

Diseases and pests

The most dangerous disease of all tomatoes is late blight, and despite the fact that the de barao variety is resistant to this disease, during periods of prolonged rain and low temperatures when grown in open ground, it is difficult to protect the plant from harm. The disease first affects the leaves, then the fruits, and eventually the plant dies.

If tomato de barao gets sick, it happens later than other varieties, and the disease does not spread as quickly. In unfavorable weather conditions, preventive spraying with preparations against late blight is carried out. Among folk remedies, garlic infusion is used to combat the disease. Affected leaves, stems and fruits are removed and burned.

Tomatoes suffer from fungal diseases such as white spot and gray rot. If signs of disease are detected, all damaged parts are removed, the plants are treated with drugs against fungal diseases, maintaining the waiting period according to the instructions. Intact fruits of brown and white ripeness are removed from the bush for ripening, after which the plant is processed. Severely affected plants are completely destroyed.

If there is a lack of calcium in the soil and insufficient watering, tomatoes de barao suffer from blossom end rot. To reduce harm, fertilize with calcium-containing fertilizers, increase the volume of watering, and treat diseased plants with a solution of wood ash.

Pests on tomatoes include whiteflies, slugs, spider mites, mole crickets, and wireworms. If the fruits have not yet set, the plants are treated with special pest control agents. If it is problematic to use insecticides due to the rapid ripening of the crop, non-toxic plant protection products are used. For many insects, a barrier will be ash and tobacco dust covering the plant and the ground around it. To prevent slugs, sprinkle the ground with ground hot pepper at the rate of 1 tsp. per 1 m². For mole crickets and wireworms, a special poisonous bait is placed between the rows.

Tomato de barao: photo

There are so many varieties of tomato de barao that choosing the ideal option for yourself will not be difficult. There are species with red, yellow, orange, pink, black fruits, the largest varieties are de barao royal, de barao giant.

De Barao red - medium late variety . Ripening period: 120-130 days. The fruits are pink, plum-shaped, weighing up to 90 grams. Good for canning.

De Barao golden is a mid-late variety. Ripening period is 110-125 days. The fruits are plum-shaped, with thick skin, yellow in color. The weight of the fruit is from 70 to 100 grams, the taste is excellent. Grown indoors and in open ground. Used fresh and for canning in its entirety.

De Barao black is a late-ripening variety, grown both in film shelters and in open ground. Ripening period is 115-120 days. The fruits are cherry-black in color and have a sweetish taste.

De barao pink is a mid-season variety. Ripening period is 110-120 days after germination. The color of the fruit is pink, the taste is dessert, well suited for fresh consumption.

De Barao giant is a late-ripening variety. Shows best results when grown in a greenhouse. Ripening period - 125 days. The fruits are dense, weighing from 70 to 190 grams, plum-shaped. The color of the fruit is red with a green spot at the base. It practically does not suffer from late blight, provided proper agricultural technology is used. The taste is excellent. Smaller fruits are suitable for whole canning.

De Barao Tsarskiy is a mid-season variety, the bushes are powerful and vigorous. The fruits are dense, beautiful, oval-shaped with a beautiful spout, weighing 100-120 grams. Resistant to bad weather and diseases.

Tomatoes de barao are universal in use, their excellent taste allows them to be eaten raw, the size and density of the fruits of most types are excellent for canning in their entirety. The high yield of the variety allows you to grow a good crop of tomatoes in a small area, and if there is no free space, the harvest can be obtained even in the shade.

Reading time: 8 min

Most beginners learn tomato farming from low-growing varieties that do not require special care. Meanwhile, in the indets group there are also unpretentious, excellent tomatoes, among which De Barao stands out for its yield and taste. and is loved by many, and it is grown in various regions of the country.

The best variety for preservation

De Barao appeared on Russian territory back in the 90s; he is originally from Brazil. Today, different varieties of tomato have been bred that have similar characteristics, but differ in the description of the fruit (different weight and color).

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The tall giant grows in greenhouses up to 2-3 meters, the bush is powerful, with spreading branches. The foliage is medium, the leaves are medium-sized, dark green in color.

In terms of ripening time, it is a late-ripening tomato, so in regions with harsh climates it is grown only in greenhouses. The first tomatoes are harvested from tomato bushes 120-125 days after emergence; fruiting lasts for a long time, until late autumn.

ON A NOTE! When growing De Barao tomatoes, take into account the tall growth of the plant and select the appropriate shelter height.

The first flower cluster is formed after the 9th leaf, then the inflorescences go through three leaves. One cluster contains 7-10 oval-shaped fruits.

The color depends on the variety and, taking into account the photo and description, they choose black, gold, red, orange or pink De Barao for growing. The weight of each tomato is 80-100 grams, the skin and pulp are dense, and there are two chambers inside. The fruits contain a large number of seeds, so, if desired, in any season, gardeners collect seed material for subsequent planting.

The taste is high, and unlike hybrid forms of tomatoes, everyone likes tomatoes of this variety. They are ideal for canning and pickling. In marinade and brine they do not lose their shape, do not crack, and are very tasty.

They are used for cutting, for sandwiches, and for decorating holiday dishes. Tomatoes are picked at a state of technical ripeness; they then ripen perfectly at home. Shelf life is up to 2-2.5 months without loss of taste and presentation.

Varieties of De Barao

The De Barao family includes several subspecies, descriptions and characteristics of which are presented below.

  • Red

The productive red tomato De Barao is one of the most famous varieties of the series, grown for whole-fruit canning. Cream-shaped tomatoes, dense, rich red in color.

Fruit weight: 80-120 grams. Easy to grow (up to 2 months) variety.

  • Pink

A powerful spreading bush forms up to 12 inflorescences with beautiful oval fruits. Plant height is 2.5-3 meters. The tomatoes are pink, dense, weighing about 70 grams. The fruits are excellent for pickling, fresh or canned.

  • De Barao the Giant

The variety of tomatoes fully corresponds to the name, since tomatoes really have a lot of weight (up to 300-350 grams) and excellent taste.

The bush is up to 2.7-3 meters high, the fruits are bright red, with juicy pulp. De Barao Gigant is used for canning, as well as preparing sauces, ketchups, and salads.

  • Tsarsky

A variety of De Barao tomatoes, distinguished by the beautiful pink color of the fruit.

Like the Giant, the Tsarsky tomato variety is a large-fruited tomato that is used for canning, fresh, and for making pastes and sauces. According to the description, the shape of the fruit is round-oval, the average weight reaches 150-170 grams.

  • Gold

A very tasty tomato is the Yellow De Barao, which is often sold under the name Golden. Its fruits are oval, very dense, weighing 70-80 grams. The taste is excellent, best manifested when salted and in marinades.

  • Orange

An interesting tomato variety is De Barao with bright orange cream that looks great in various preparations. The fruits are oval, with a dense glossy skin, weighing 80-100 grams.

It bears fruit until frost and is not afraid of late blight. Reviews about the De Barao tomato of this color are indicative; many gardeners note that the Orange fruit has a special sweetness.

  • Black

Do you want to grow an exotic tomato? Then pay attention to the De Barao black tomato variety, with dark burgundy fruits.

Tomatoes are oval-shaped, weighing 50-80 grams, with sweet and aromatic pulp. The fruits are of high commercial quality and are very good fresh, suitable for canning, pickling, and drying.

Up to 5 kg of tomatoes are removed from the bush.

  • Striped

Another subspecies is the striped De Barao, which surprises everyone with its sweet fruits of unusual colors.

Tall bushes have a thick stem; up to 12 clusters are formed on the plant. Tomatoes are small, oval-shaped, weighing up to 60-70 grams. Unripe fruits are light green with dark veins; when ripe, tomatoes turn red with burgundy stripes.

Value and disadvantages of the variety

Varieties of De Barao are known to many; the variety is readily grown in the south, in the middle zone, beyond the Urals. Indeterminate tomato has the following advantages:

  • unpretentiousness (a rare property in tall tomatoes);
  • excellent taste;
  • resistance to pests and diseases (especially late blight);
  • high yield (from 8 to 12 kg of fruits are harvested from 1 square meter);
  • versatility of fruit use;
  • resistance to temperature changes, shading;
  • can be cultivated both in open ground and in a greenhouse.

The excellent productivity of the variety allows you to plant 2-3 bushes in a greenhouse and reap a high harvest at the end of the season. The main thing is to take into account all the features of agricultural technology for tall tomatoes and provide complete care.


  • late ripening, which is why it is recommended to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse;
  • the need for bush formation and pinching.

Now you know all the advantages and disadvantages of the tomato variety, and it seems that the list of “pros” will still outweigh the “cons”.

A little about the features of agricultural technology

Planting and care are quite traditional for indeterminate tomatoes. De Barao is grown through seedlings, and when warmer weather comes, it is planted in greenhouses or on ridges (southern regions).

Growing seedlings

When to plant seedlings? Tomato sowing is carried out at the end of February or early March, after having previously disinfected the seeds in potassium permanganate. They are sown in common boxes, covering them with glass, then, as soon as shoots appear, the containers are exposed to light.

Separate pots or cups (plastic, paper) are prepared in advance, into which, when the seedlings have 2-3 true leaves, the seedlings are planted. This technique allows you to avoid pulling plants and improves the condition of the root system. Tomato seedlings require additional lighting and moderate watering with warm water.

Planting tomatoes

The timing of planting tomatoes in a permanent place is determined by the weather, taking into account the climate of the region and growing conditions (ridges, shelters).

The soil should warm up to +14 o C...+16 o C. They are planted in greenhouses in the middle zone from the beginning of May, on ridges of open ground - already in the first ten days of June. It is advisable to cover the tomatoes with non-woven material for the first time to protect them from cold weather and bright sunlight.

The very tall De Barao is planted in holes with two plants per square meter. Trellis or stakes for garter are prepared in advance.

Tomato care

The plants are not watered for approximately 4-5 days after planting, then normal care is carried out. It includes:

  • watering;
  • feeding;
  • mulching;
  • prevention of diseases and pests.

A mandatory technique is the formation of the plant, for which the number of stems is determined and excess shoots are removed.

Water tomatoes regularly, depending on the weather and the condition of the plants. Water is used warm (+22 o C), settled. During the period of flowering and fruit set, up to 4-5 liters are required for each bush, then the volumes are reduced so that the fruits do not become watery.

Tomatoes need loosening of the soil, and this can be replaced by mulching. Mown grass, straw, and humus are suitable for mulch. The mulch layer is usually 4-5 cm. This will save you from weeding, and mulch also retains moisture in the soil and prevents drought.

Tomatoes do not like high air humidity. Watering is carried out at the root, excluding water from getting on the leaves and branches. It is best to use drip irrigation systems; you can also make grooves or holes and pour water into them.

De Barao is formed into 2-3 stems, leaving the two most powerful shoots. The stepsons are removed in a timely manner, leaving a stump of 1.5 cm. It is advisable to tear off the stepsons in the morning so that the broken branches heal in the evening and they do not become infected.

The leaves are also removed - at the bottom of the stem under the first flower cluster. By the time the fruits in this cluster ripen, the stem below it should be “bare”. It is allowed to remove 1-2 sheets at a time. This promotes better air ventilation in the shelter and eliminates overcrowding of plantings.

De Barao has good disease resistance, but he also needs prevention. For diseases, plants are sprayed with Bordeaux mixture, infusions of garlic, and whey. If all agricultural technology recommendations are followed, no diseases are observed in this variety, which has high immunity.

The fruits are harvested in a state of technical ripeness (green) to give all the tomatoes that have set on the bush time to form. This variety is great for gifting at home.

The prolific, tall De Barao has long been “registered” on the plots of summer residents and gardeners. So if you want to always have a harvest, it’s time to pay attention to this variety.

Natalia Severova

Tomatoes have long been a familiar product on every table. They are eaten fresh and canned, and those who have their own plots grow them in beds and greenhouses to obtain their own products. The variety of vegetable varieties allows you to choose the one that will meet all your requirements and wishes. De Barao tomatoes are a unique variety with small fruits of equal size, suitable for consumption both fresh and canned.

The De Barao tomato belongs to the indeterminate (or tall) varieties, that is, those that grow constantly, until autumn. The stem height is from 2 to 3.5 m, so tomatoes need to be grown on a reliable support.

Tomato bushes are powerful, with frequent medium-sized dark green leaves, and require pinching and tying. One plant can bear over 10 fruit clusters. The very first inflorescence is formed after 9-11 leaves, the following ones - at an interval of 3 leaves. Each of them produces an average of 7 fruits. They are small (the average weight of a tomato is 70 g), uniform, round, plum-shaped, some with a characteristic small spout and a green spot at the base. Fruits with dense pulp, somewhat dry, with a pleasant sweet and sour taste. They have a very thick, smooth skin, so they are easy to preserve, store and transport.

De Barao belongs to the mid-late varieties; its first fruits ripen only on the 110-130th day after the shoots hatch. But this “disadvantage” is compensated by the ability of tomatoes to set and grow fruits until frost. The yield of the De Barao tomato variety is remarkable - with good care, you can get from 5 to 10 kg of tomatoes from one plant.

Advantages and disadvantages

The De Barao variety is cold-resistant, not afraid of spring and autumn frosts, develops well and bears fruit even in shaded beds. It exhibits good resistance to diseases characteristic of tomatoes, including the dangerous late blight, so it can be planted even in areas where it often rains.

Suitable for growing in open beds in the southern regions of Russia, and in the middle zone and northern regions - in heated greenhouses. Fruiting in De Barao lasts a long time - 3 months and ends only when autumn frosts arrive. Ripe tomatoes can hang on the bush for a long time without cracking. Unripe ones, picked from the bush, ripen well in a warm place, do not rot and do not lose their appearance. Ripe tomatoes are universally used: they are suitable for both fresh use and processing. They have a sweet, rich taste.

De Barao also has disadvantages - late setting of ovaries, failure to ripen autumn fruits in the northern regions, the need for pinching, but they cannot be compared with its advantages.

Variety varieties

In addition to the traditional red variety, De Barao has 8 others that differ from the classic fruit color and some other characteristics. Table: Description of the variety and characteristics of De Barao tomatoes

VarietiesFruitVarietal featuresYield per bush
De barao redThe tomatoes are oval-ovoid, dense, weighing about 50-70 g, with red skin.Cold-resistant, shade-tolerant, and has a long fruiting period.Up to 3-5 kg
Tomato De Barao pinkThe fruits are oval-ovoid, dense, weighing 60-80 g. The peel is pink.The fruits ripen quickly, are stored for a long time, and do not lose their appearance.3-5.5 kg
De barao yellowTomatoes are oval-shaped, weighing up to 85 g, yellow in color, dense.Tolerates frost well and is shade-tolerant. It has excellent transportability.Up to 3-6 kg
De barao goldenThe tomatoes are oval-elongated, weighing on average 75 g. The peel is yellow.Tomatoes are suitable for consumption fresh as well as canned.3-5 kg
Tomatoes de barao orangeThe tomatoes are oval-ovoid, weighing 65 g, dense.They are distinguished by excellent productivity, excellent taste, disease resistance, and transportability.Up to 4 kg
Tomato de barao blackThe tomatoes are oval, with dense pulp, weighing 60-70 g. The peel is brownish-purple.High-yielding, the fruits can be preserved whole.Up to 5 kg
Tomato De Barao GiantThe fruits are very large (150-300 g), plum-shaped, with dense pulp. The color of the peel is red.It has excellent productivity. The fruits have excellent taste and are suitable for canning.7-12 kg
Tomato de barao royalThe fruits are fleshy, oval-shaped, collected in tassels of 4-7 pieces. weighing 120-160 g. The color of the peel of one variety is red, the other is yellow.They have the highest yield. The bushes tolerate temperature changes, light frosts and heat well.About 7-11 kg
De barao brindleThe fruits are red, with dark green streaks. Weighing up to 65 g.The fruits ripen early and quickly. Resistant to late blight.Up to 4.5 kg

Agrotechnics of cultivation and care

The agricultural technology of the De Barao tomato variety is no different from other tall tomato varieties. Its main stages are as follows:

  • sowing seeds;
  • growing seedlings;
  • planting in beds or in a greenhouse;
  • care during growth and development;
  • fruit collection.

You can grow bushes on your site from purchased or collected seeds. If they are purchased in a store and are in a protective shell, they are sown ready-made. If the seeds are domestic, then they are first disinfected and germinated, for which they take small pieces of thin fabric, sprinkle tomato seeds on them and roll them into a tube. Then place it in a small container, for example, a 0.5 liter jar and fill it with a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate for about 15 minutes. Then the solution is drained, the packages are washed under running water and placed in a growth stimulator solution for 2 days.

It is best to plant sprouted seeds in special cassettes filled with a peat mixture for vegetable crops. There is no need to deeply bury the seeds, as they may not sprout. It is enough to lower them 1 cm into the peat mixture, sprinkle a little on top and water. The cassettes filled with seeds are placed in a greenhouse or covered with film. Water them as they dry with warm, settled water, and feed them with complex fertilizers once every 10-15 days.

De Barao is planted in the greenhouse 2 months after germination. Plants in the phase of 2 true leaves are planted and hardened off 1-2 weeks before planting in the garden. After the threat of spring return frosts has disappeared, they begin to place De Barao seedlings in open ground. Planting is carried out according to a 1 by 1 m scheme: this is the amount of area needed for the normal development of each tomato bush. It is better to do this in the evening so that the seedlings do not wilt in the sun. The ground around the planted tomatoes is sprinkled with ash and watered abundantly.

The first feeding is carried out after 2 weeks, when the young seedlings take root. Dilute 20 g of ammonium nitrate in a bucket of water and water the plants with this solution. Subsequently, fertilizing is carried out every 2 weeks, first with nitrogen-containing fertilizers to allow the tomatoes to grow, and then with potassium and phosphorus compounds, for example potassium nitrate and superphosphate. Organic matter doesn’t hurt either: manure and wood ash.

When the seedlings reach approximately 0.5 m in height, they are tied to the supports with thin twine. An important condition for the formation of bushes of the tall De Barao tomato variety is pinching. All the stepsons are pinched at the first opportunity, preventing them from growing too much and taking away nutrition from future fruits. Plants grow in 1 or 2 stems.

Since all varieties of the De Barao tomato variety form powerful bushes, they are watered generously (at least 1 bucket for each bush), preventing the soil from drying out. It is advisable to water in the evening or early in the morning so that the roots have time to receive the maximum amount of moisture. In the summer heat, plants are watered 2 times a day. After the soil dries a little, loosen the top layer of soil. The greenhouse where De Barao grow is regularly ventilated, as they do not like too high temperatures and humidity.

To ensure the necessary air circulation near the soil, the lower leaves of tomato bushes are torn off, as well as all yellowing and drying leaves on the stem.

The fruits are harvested when they are fully ripe, have acquired a rich taste and color characteristic of the variety. Late tomatoes are picked from the bush in the milky ripeness phase and left to ripen in a warm, sunny place.

Use of fruits

De Barao fruits can be eaten fresh, like all other tomatoes, but it is still better to use them for canning. They are ideal for this: small, uniformly shaped fruits fit perfectly into 3-liter jars, and their dense skin does not crack from boiling water. In addition to everyone’s favorite pickled tomatoes, you can also make thick, aromatic juice, fruit juice, and homemade pasta from De Barao, which will be much tastier than store-bought.

Thanks to its thick skin, fresh De Barao can be stored in a dry, dark room for about a month. To do this, use a non-damp cellar or basement.