Why there is little ovary on tomatoes. Why tomatoes are not tied. Why flowers fall on tomatoes. About poor fruit set Empty flower on tomatoes in a greenhouse what to do

Tomatoes are a multi-fruited plant. From one bush you can collect more than one kilogram of tomatoes. But sometimes, having chosen and planted good varieties indoors, gardeners are faced with such a problem - an empty flower appears on tomatoes in a greenhouse, what should I do in such cases?

What significantly affects the level of fruiting of a plant?

It happens that the rules for caring for tomatoes are carefully observed, but they still refuse to bear fruit. Often this occurs precisely with greenhouse plants, so you need to figure it out, because this phenomenon should have a reasonable explanation.

There are several reasons:

  • Temperature regime - tomatoes do not tolerate heat, cold, and if the indoor temperature is high or low, the plant, in addition to the absence of fruits, will die. For its natural growth, pollination requires twenty-two to twenty-four degrees of heat.
  • Proper watering - tomatoes cannot be irrigated with cold water directly from a water pipe, well, because of such stress they do not grow, and pollen does not ripen
  • Regular airing of the greenhouse - when hot weather sets in, this must be done and not closed at night. If the temperature in the greenhouse rises above thirty-five degrees, the quality of the pollen will deteriorate, it becomes sterile
  • Humidity of air and soil - tomatoes love water and can easily survive drought. But it is important to know in what period there is a glut of moisture or it is not enough. If it falls on the active growth of the stems, then with a lack of water, the plant will die. The need for watering can be seen by drooping, twisted leaves, cracked ground around the bush. At a high level of air humidity, the plant is affected by fungi. Along with this, there is no ovary, because wet pollen cannot spill out of an unopened anther, and there is no natural pollination in the greenhouse
  • Insufficient lighting is an important factor in the absence of an ovary. If the plants are planted densely, the sun cannot reach the stems.
  • The soil is supersaturated with nitrogen, it changes the structure of the flowers, further pollination becomes impossible. Top dressing of tomatoes with a solution of chicken manure or mullein is necessary first during the growing season of the plant, before the buds appear
  • The lack of phosphorus, potassium in the soil under the tomatoes greatly affects the ovary and the plant itself, it dies
  • Poor land in a greenhouse, which is very common when tomatoes are grown on the same area every year
  • The affected plant, not having time to form an ovary with future fruits, sheds the flowers itself.

The productivity of a tomato is significantly reduced when pesticides are used and precisely at the time when the fruits are tied. And also, if the seedlings were grown from seed collected in this greenhouse from last year's crop. Therefore, the immune system of the plant should be strengthened immediately after planting seedlings, and seeds should be selected with a high level of disease resistance.

What measures to take to avoid the appearance of barren flowers?

Beginner vegetable growers do not know how to identify barren flowers on tomatoes? On closer examination of the brushes with inflorescences, you can notice the difference between them. The petals of some flowers look like an unopened bud. This is an empty flower (barren flower), which later turns brown and falls off on its own. Other flowers are fully opened, their outward-curving petals are pressed with tips to the rosette. Inside each such open flower, a fruit has already started, which, under good development conditions, will turn into a red tomato.

So what should be done so that the flowers are tied and give ripe and healthy fruits?

The main condition is that the basis of the problem that has arisen is established, then the necessary measures are taken:

  • insufficient heat is compensated by additional heating of the greenhouse room (electric heaters, portable stoves, potbelly stoves, etc.). It is advisable to use only relatively warm water for evening watering of plants. A large-sized container painted in dark color is used for water, so that it warms up well from the outside by the sun. A good option would be plastic bottles filled with water, laid out between rows. They, accumulating daytime heat, will give it indoors at night.
  • atmospheric cooling, while the greenhouse will need to be covered with dilapidated material - bedspreads, films, old blankets, cardboard, etc. They are able to retain heat in the greenhouse during the cold season. And gardeners should not plant tomato seedlings very early, it is better to wait until the night frosts have passed.
  • hot weather - during this period it is not necessary to close the greenhouse, especially at night. Tomatoes love a draft, it helps the pollen to ripen and spread quickly.
  • the need for nutrients - the introduction of complexes of organic, mineral supplements. To compensate for the lack of potassium and phosphorus in the earth, it will not be superfluous to dissolve fifteen grams of double superphosphate and potassium sulfate in an ordinary bucket of water. Most growers use an excellent substitute - plain wood ash. It can be dissolved in water or poured directly under the bush before watering.
  • improving the quality of pollination - in open-air areas, this process occurs naturally, that is, by insects and wind, and artificially in greenhouse conditions. During the daytime ventilation of the greenhouse, not only optimal air humidity is maintained. This is an excellent method for pollinating flowers. If the weather is calm, artificial air movement is created with the help of a fan. Some gardeners have gotten used to carefully shaking off brushes, stems of bushes to spread pollen. This procedure is best done in the morning.
  • watering is carried out only with warm water. To eliminate the shock of the plant from cold water, you can install a barrel or other container for collecting water, which will settle, warm up enough and pick up the ambient temperature.
  • formation of tomato bushes. If the shoots are properly distributed, the plant develops stably, which contributes to good fruiting. To form a fruit-bearing bush, a gardener with experience can use an additional technique - pinching /

Pasynkovanie- this is an agrotechnical method that is used for tall varieties of greenhouse tomatoes, which have advantages - resistance to late blight, increased productivity, a long fruiting period, which allows you to have fresh tomatoes on the table until frost.

The result of this approach is:

Ideal illumination of a tomato bush

Good air circulation

Improved nutrition of fruit clusters

Full, fast ripening of fruits

Getting an early harvest

Long fruiting

Proper pinching is the removal of side shoots that appeared under the first brush with fruits. The timing of such an event in the greenhouse is once a week, at the beginning of the formation of a bush, when new brushes with buds appear. Removing excess stems gives a good harvest of ripe fruits, not green mass. Such an impact on the plant is stressful for him, therefore, it is carried out moderately, providing time and strength for recovery.

Each gardener, having determined the reason why the empty flower appeared on tomatoes, will quickly find a solution. The measures taken should give a positive result, if this did not happen, plant growers recommend picking off empty flowers, the culture will be able to create flowers that will be able to form buds with a guaranteed ovary.

It will not be superfluous to know that plants grown in a greenhouse need an attentive, reverent attitude. It is necessary to regularly monitor the seedlings, their further behavior in order to detect the problem of poor-quality fruit ripening in time and take appropriate measures.

What to do with the lack of ovaries on tomato bushes?

Most beginner gardeners are interested in one of the frequently asked questions - why are there no fruits on tomatoes? Why doesn't pollination occur? After all, it is the period of fertilization of flowers that determines the yield.

It seems that everything is present - and the sun is warm, and the weather is warm in spring, and for some reason the flowers on the tomatoes fall off.

If the culture receives nutrients in full and the bush looks healthy in appearance. The reason may be the following - it is cold at night, especially when the flowering period has begun. It is so laid down by nature that pollen ripens only at night, and in the morning - the pistil of the ovary is pollinated by it. And for this you need at least plus twenty-five degrees.

Flowering stops completely if the temperature surrounding the tomatoes drops to plus fifteen degrees.

The flower has appeared, but it does not open. Already when reaching plus ten degrees, the growth of the entire culture stops. So, if the tomatoes bloom profusely, but they do not create an ovary, then the reason is in the weather conditions, they are cold in the greenhouse. The room must be heated, which cannot be done outdoors.

The gardener should not be very upset about this, because there is still a whole summer ahead and warm weather will definitely come. And under the circumstances, both in the greenhouse and on tomatoes in the open field, flowers without an ovary should be removed. If there are no small fruits on the shoot, it must be cut. This technique is a stimulation of the bush to soon form new shoots, where many flowers with a fruitful ovary will successfully form.

In addition, the greenhouse will need to be heated and for some time to maintain a temperature of at least plus fifteen degrees. For this, heaters, gas boilers, a stove and other possible devices are suitable.

The plant can drop the ovary when it does not receive good nutrition, so it stands stunted and shows with all its appearance that it is not able to "endure" the crop.

Although there is an option than to process a tomato bush in order to get the long-awaited fruits. These are special preparations for plants:

  • Bud- strengthens, increases productivity, resistance to diseases, stress, adverse effects of atmospheric phenomena, promotes ovary, accelerates fruit formation
  • amulet- a product of natural origin, isolated from natural raw materials, stimulates growth, development, resistance to diseases
  • Ovary universal- stimulates and in the absence of insects contributes to the formation of ovaries, resistance to diseases. It is used in areas where the spring period is characterized by late frosts, sharp temperature changes.

But, processing tomatoes with them, gardeners state the fact that the last drug does not work at low temperatures. And also that when they are used, the fruits become inferior, not containing seeds, because there is no natural pollination during the ovary. The taste, texture of the pulp is significantly different from the qualities that are inherent in this variety of tomatoes. Plus, the fruits will fight and take away nutrients from neighboring brushes. So, everyone decides for himself how to act in this situation.

Once again, experts do not recommend treating tomatoes with such a preparation. Boron, which can accumulate in the soil, has a bad effect on its quality, and is also poorly excreted from the human body. Top dressing is carried out by watering the same solution under the root.

To eliminate the lack of boron at the initial stage, before planting in the ground, the seeds are soaked in a solution for a day, or immediately before sowing, the powder is poured directly into the hole.

Knowing now, the reasons for the fall of flowers on tomatoes, the absence of an ovary, using the recommended measures, purchased or folk remedies for the fruit formation of tomatoes, the process can be stopped, prevented. And the harvest will be very high and, moreover, early. Only it will depend on the variety of seeds and growing conditions.

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There are also reasons such as insufficient watering, lack of light, strong wind.

Late pinching is another reason why there is no ovary on tomatoes.


Why does the color of a tomato fall in a greenhouse and on the ground

There is only enough strength for the process of fertilization and flowering,

low night temperatures

1. Air temperature.

Wrong temperature conditions in the greenhouse, very hot or very cold.

I walk between my bushes and for each brush with flowers I give a small click (like on the forehead), for pollination (so as not to shake the whole bush).

Treat them with "Ovary" or "Bud" preparations

2. Air humidity.

Cut off the leaves to the first ovary.

3. Lack or excess of nitrogen.

and stepchildren broke out? We should!

Why there is no ovary on tomatoes in a greenhouse is the lack of pollination. In the open field, flowers are pollinated by insects, and in the greenhouse, plants are deprived of this. Conditions for pollination in the greenhouse must be created artificially.

Tomatoes from the "first series" are actively blooming in the greenhouse - "pink honey" planted at the end of March, Russian domes and someone else. The tomatoes transplanted due to the wonderful poisonous land in early April have not yet bloomed, but the tomato bushes themselves, which were planted in early April, look much healthier and fatter.


large tops in a tomato, bloom a little. what to do?

Kobizka Lyudmila

If there are flowers, but the fruits are not tied, this process can be stimulated. I like the result after

Marina Potapova

Occasionally, but it happens that among the tomatoes there is a bush that blooms, but does not bear fruit. Flowers on it just dry up and fall off. Moreover, the bush itself is powerful and the flowers are larger in size than those of neighboring tomatoes. I see only one reason for this behavior of the bush - this is an excess of nitrogen, which is why such a powerful bush. Apparently, somehow it has more nitrogen underneath than the others.​


And for the formation and development of a full-fledged adult fetus, not only water and light are needed, but also an abundant amount of mineral fertilizers in the soil and regular competent care of the crop.

Elena Mango

Irregular and insufficient watering of the crop

Elena Lyakh

Low air temperatures below +15 degrees and the earth adversely affect the growth of plants in general, do not grow and, accordingly, die. When watering with cold water, pollen also cannot set. With a long cold temperature, there will be flowers, but there is no ovary.

Lyubov Tsaregorodtseva

Two options: if the flowers do not open, dry up and fall off - lack of nitrogen, if they just dry up, then they are not pollinated - lack of boron.

Tatyana Sutugina

boron deficiency

Luda Vysotskaya

I have been doing this for many years.
Minimum watering. Pour superphosphate (1 matchbox per bucket of water) after drought.
Tomatoes are well pollinated at humidity from 40% to 70%. Raising the humidity is very easy. To do this, you will need to spray the bushes with water in the morning, but reducing the humidity is much more difficult. In those regions where there is high humidity, it is necessary to mulch the crop and rarely water the tomatoes with a bottle without a bottom, which are dug near the bushes.
Here, in theory, there should be pictures, but I will take them in week 8-). So far, instead of them - this inscription.
spraying flowers with special stimulants such as "Ovary"

Landscaping Landscaping Taganrog, Rostov-on-Don

P.S. Treatment with the drug "Ovary" does not work on this particular bush.

Why are there "empty flowers" on tomatoes? They bloom, but there is no ovary. What to do?

Elena Mango

There are many reasons why there may not be an ovary on tomatoes, even when they bloom well.
Long exposure of tomatoes to the sun


At very high temperatures up to +35 degrees, the growth of the plant slows down, there is no ovary on the tomatoes, because the pollen becomes sterile. For the appearance of a good ovary, the temperature should be maintained at 20 - 25 degrees.

Inna Lyubimova

The tomato is a self-fertile crop. He does not have male flowers, he does not need bees. Try the drug ovary according to the instructions.

[I Am Your Legend]™

It seems to me that these tomatoes bloom with male flowers. Cut them off and wait for the females. I had this with eggplant last year

Alena Demina

And lighten by cutting off other leaves.


Overfed, watered __ EVERYTHING went into the growth of tops!


No matter what anyone says, tomatoes still love nitrogen. But experienced gardeners are well aware that if the tomatoes are overfed with nitrogen, they will begin to fatten. A sufficient amount of oily foliage grows on them, the stem is beautiful and thick, and the color of such a bush will be sluggish, there will be few flowers in the brush, and even they will fall off. Therefore, many are afraid to overfeed the tomatoes, and as a result, they lack nitrogen. And again they are waiting for a deplorable result. In underfed tomatoes, the first brush grows well and blooms, and on the second and third, the fruits are reluctantly tied. When the first brush is poured, the need for nitrogen is reduced, the plant begins to tie the third and fourth brush, for example, skipping the second one.


By the way, for fun, I keep at home one of the tomatoes planted in that ill-fated land and water it. You will laugh, he remained at the stage of two cotyledon leaves. Two months have passed, and he is still in the cotyledons. But he didn't die either. I will continue to water.

Ludmila Shumilova

. Mom sprayed the tomatoes

Maria Ulyanovsk

There may be several reasons. The bushes received a large amount of nitrogen fertilizers and simply fatten, increasing the leaf mass, it is necessary to feed them with potash and phosphate fertilizers. High air temperature, at temperatures above 35 degrees, the pollen becomes sterile, it is necessary to spray the plants and shake the bushes. You can use the drug "Ovary". At low temperatures, below 10 degrees, pollination of tomatoes may also not occur. Due to the lack of light, color loss can also occur. Do not plant plants densely, the optimal distance is 50-70 centimeters, choose sunny places on the site, water with warm water settled in a container.

Lina Sakharnova

One of the reasons is the increased air temperature (heat) + 30- + 35 degrees.

Lelya Casanova

damage caused by insects

Why is there no ovary on tomatoes, but the bush blooms?

In a closed greenhouse, pollen that is not pollinated by insects cannot produce an ovary. Therefore, we ventilate the greenhouse and give the entrance to insects. In hot weather, the greenhouse does not need to be closed at night. If the weather is calm without wind, then for better pollination, you can shake the branches of tomatoes in the morning, pollen will scatter over neighboring bushes, a new ovary will appear.


There is one bush of tomatoes, such a fat one, the stem and leaves are plump. It blooms with large flowers, but the ovary does not form on the bush, the flowers dry up and fall off.


Pollination did not occur. We need hardworking bees.


Pour wood ash under watering to slow growth.

Recall that the tomato is a southern plant. Likes heat, sun and water. There are many opinions about watering. Almost every summer resident has his own technique. Our observations and 12 years of experience show the following. Tomatoes love watering with warm water (30-35 degrees C). And not just watering, but plentiful, under the root, until the soil is completely saturated with moisture (water after irrigation does not go into the ground). Water consumption is determined by the weather and soil type. This is best done in the evening, but the plants are not offended by such watering in the morning. In warm weather, a charge of moisture is enough for 2-3 days. Of course, we must take into account the weather: whether it is raining or dry. In the rainy period, watering can be done less often - after 5-7 days. But in the dry it is necessary more often. After watering, it is useful to slightly loosen the soil around the bush to a shallow depth (1-2 cm). Top dressing. A tomato takes a lot of substances from the soil, so top dressing is simply necessary after 7-10 days. As a liquid top dressing, you can use a 2-week infusion of mullein (1-2 shovels), chicken manure (1-2 kg), pigeon manure (about 0.5 kg) in a 200-liter barrel of water. 0.5-0.7 liters of "tincture" is added to a bucket of clean warm water. After top dressing, watering is useful (about 2-3 liters / bush). And before watering around the bush, it is necessary to scatter (1/2 cup) finely ground egg shells and the same amount of ash: the plant receives a full range of mineral fertilizers. Increasing the number of flowers (and later fruits) on tomatoes can be easily done by spraying the leaves and stem with a weak solution of boron (boric acid). For 8-10 liters of water, 1-2 grams of boric acid is used. Such spraying with boron should be done 3-4 times per season. There will be no harm, but the number of fruits will immediately increase! To attract insects for pollination of flowers, it is necessary to spray the bushes (or greenhouse) with a weak solution of honey (1 tablespoon of honey per 3 liters of water). Be sure: a lot of insects will fly to you. They will pollinate the plants properly, and your yield will increase. Tomatoes require mandatory regular removal of yellow, diseased or damaged leaves. Therefore, walking 1-2 times a week along the bushes with scissors is only good. And the removed leaves are best taken out of the garden. There is another effective method of caring for tomatoes. Tomatoes respond very well to spraying leaves and stems with warm water. And it should be done (if possible) early in the morning or late in the evening. Such spraying greatly facilitates the work of the root system and the whole plant. Tomatoes grow faster, stronger, do not get sick. Artificial rain is absorbed by the leaves, everything that is in the water (and it contains at least 30 chemical elements) immediately goes to work for the harvest. It is very useful when spraying leaves with water to add a little bit (for 1 bucket of water 1-2 tablespoons of liquid infusion from a barrel). This technique is the so-called foliar top dressing. In addition to nutrition from the roots of the plant, many more necessary components are obtained through the leaves. With good care and nutrition, tomatoes also need to remove "stepsons", except for two or three of the strongest. Sometimes, for some unknown reason, there are more fruits on them than on the main stem. In conclusion, I note that we do not use any "chemistry" when growing tomatoes. The fruits are fragrant and tasty. I wish you success in growing such tomatoes!

It is not difficult to deal with such a cause. It will be enough to regularly fertilize tomatoes with nitrogen.

Many tomato growers complain that they nursed and planted seedlings, but there are no fruits on it. Tomatoes bloom for themselves, then the leaves fall off and the stalk turns yellow. What is the reason for this phenomenon? Why is this happening?

A solution of boric acid (1 tsp per 10 liters of water) during the flowering of the second and third brushes

There are three main reasons for the absence of ovaries on the bush:

The next reason may be high humidity (more than 70%).

insufficient concentration of mineral fertilizers in the soil


The appearance of the ovary is also affected by strong thickening, so the extra leaves should be cut off, a large amount of nitrogen in the soil, not enough potassium and phosphorus and from the chemicals used to process the tomato bushes.

  • There is a lot of nitrogen under it, so both the leaves and the flowers are bold and dark green. And he needs potassium and a little superphosphate to set fruits. Therefore, it is necessary to feed with potash fertilizers and spray the flowers with a solution of boric acid and water with honey (to attract pollinating insects) ..
  • Make a dunk out of boric acid
  • Pollinate. To do this, you need to shake the plants so that the pollen from the stamens gets on the pistil. (A tomato has no female and male flowers!)​
  • There are Spec. means for the ovary, and is called "Ovary". And also stop watering them, I only water the first 3-4 days when I plant them, and then I don’t water them at all. And the harvest is always good, about half a bucket from a bush.
  • There are other reasons as well:
  • If your tomatoes are blooming, but there is no ovary, then this may be for the following reasons:
  • . Why exactly the second and third I do not know. Apparently, the first brush is tied so well

Temperature. Pollination can only be done at certain temperatures, which is why there may be no ovaries (13-21 degrees at night, 28-29 degrees during the day) Cold irrigation water and low air temperature can also lead to tomato flowers falling off, as well as to their infertility. Insufficient or absent pollination

Nikolai Sosiura

In order for the plant to be able to tie new ovaries, empty flowers should be cut off, then the plant's strength will be wasted.

These are empty flowers. Needs to be pollinated. If they grow in a greenhouse - open it so that all sorts of bees and butterflies fly in and pollinate, if in open ground - then, oh! I have a neighbor in the country around her zucchini with a brush for shadows (cosmetic) crawled up her booty. Then she told me that she pollinated them so that the ovaries appeared ... Tomatoes, of course, are not zucchini, but I think. the reason is this.

The drug ovary to help!

If the temperature is too high (above 28 degrees), the pollen is sterilized. Then you need to spray the flowers with gibbersib (pollinator) "Ovary", Bud.

Live from big

Too overfed and possibly close growing. When such plants have extreme conditions, they will begin to bloom to give offspring (fruits), then you will water them so that the fruits develop. In the meantime, cut off unnecessary leaves below and do not feed or water.

Very often flowers fall due to very high temperature (sometimes very low) and not very optimal humidity. The point is that the flowers are pollinated under comfortable conditions, when during the day the air temperature is +28 - +29°С, and at night - +13 - +21°С. If the cool weather lasts a long time, then there will no longer be an ovary on it. If the air temperature rises to + 40 ° C, then the drop of flowers is almost guaranteed. If at night the temperature does not fall below 25 ° C, then such a temperature, oddly enough, will also be disastrous for the future crop. The thing is that at a temperature of + 20 ° C, the tomato "rests", and if the temperature is higher, then it cannot do this. The temperature prevents him from resting.


An empty flower can be if the tomatoes are malnourished. But if everything is in order with nutrition and the bushes are healthy and large, the reason for the lack of an ovary on the bush may be the low temperature at night during flowering. For tomatoes, the ideal temperature is from +20 to +25°C. If your tomatoes are blooming, but there is no ovary, then they are simply cold.

Tomatoes are well pollinated at a humidity of 40-70%


The ovary is poorly formed on tomatoes that grow in dark areas.


Clogging the culture with neighboring plants along the root system and extensive shady location.

  • ​Watch the video, tomato pollination and the second video about tomato diseases
  • The reason for the lack of an ovary may be the wrong actions of the gardener.
  • Spray with a solution of boric acid

Possibly due to the heat, sterile pollen... at +30 it already becomes like that. . the greenhouse needs to be better ventilated.

Gleb A., Voronezh

The question is. In our greenhouse, tomatoes bloom, but empty flowers form. What to do in this case?

Experienced gardeners identify several reasons why:

  • not warm enough to ensure the ovaries of the night (temperature below + 15 + 16 ° C);
  • too high daily temperature in the greenhouse (above + 35 ° C), at which the pollen of the plant becomes sterile;
  • lack of air movement and flying insects in the greenhouse (some novice summer residents forget or are unable to open the doors and windows in the greenhouse for a small draft during the day, as a result of which the brushes can be shaken and pollen falls on the pestle of the ovary);
  • small or excessive watering (with a lack of moisture, the leaves of the tomatoes begin to curl, the top is sluggish, the seedlings themselves are “drooping”, in conditions of excessive humidity, the pollen collects in lumps and simply cannot get enough sleep from the anthers);
  • watering with cold water;
  • overfeeding the plant with nitrogen fertilizers, as well as oversaturation of seedlings with other types of top dressing (tomatoes begin to fatten, that is, the leaves become more fleshy, the stem also grows, the bush is branched, sprawling, bright green, in general, “chic”, but not fruitful);
  • insufficient introduction of trace elements (phosphorus, potassium) into the soil;
  • crowded plantings, resulting in plants lacking sunlight;
  • incorrect selection of tomato varieties for growing in a greenhouse;
  • plant disease.

tomato blossom

What measures to take to ensure fruitful flowering of tomatoes?

Firstly, for the greenhouse it is desirable to choose self-pollinating varieties of tomatoes. If ordinary ones are planted, do not forget to open doors and windows so that insects fly in and air flow is ensured. In the morning, lightly shake the flowering brushes or walk over them with a whisk to transfer pollen.

Pollinated tomato flowers

Secondly, since pollen ripens at night, it is important to ensure that the temperature is comfortable for it. Seedlings should not be planted in early spring, when there is a threat of night cooling. If possible, use heaters for greenhouses. You can cover the greenhouse with blankets, textile sheets, water the tomatoes in the evening with warm water so that the heated soil gives off heat at night. You can put home-made "heat accumulators" in the greenhouse: containers with hot enough water (plastic bottles, buckets, other containers) that will heat the greenhouse.

Thirdly, before flowering, feed the tomatoes with double superphosphate and potassium sulfate (at the rate of ½ tablespoon of each fertilizer per bucket of water).

Tomatoes do not tie: video

The empty flower on tomatoes is a common phenomenon. And the more annoying it is for the gardener, when a lot of effort has been spent on growing and caring for tomatoes, but there are no ovaries. What to do if the tomatoes do not form ovaries and what to do if there are only empty flowers on the tomatoes, read the article.

There are few reasons for the appearance of an empty flower, one of the most common is hot days, when the pollen in the flowers literally curls up from the heat and pollination does not occur. This phenomenon is typical for greenhouses. At the time of flowering, tomatoes reach a considerable height, especially if tall varieties are planted, and the main flowering occurs closer to the roof. The closer to the roof, the hotter and drier the air, there is not enough ventilation there, as a result, pollen coagulates.

There is a barren flower and from a lack of pollination, there are fewer insects in the greenhouse than in open ground.

How to prevent the mass appearance of barren flowers on tomatoes

When hot days come during flowering, I spray tomatoes with special preparations, for example, "Ovary" for better formation of ovaries.

In the heat, I do not close the greenhouse so that the night air brings coolness. It will not be superfluous to install automatic window openers.

If there is no opportunity to visit the dacha every day, then it is better to leave the windows and doors in the greenhouse open, securing them securely.

You need to take care of humidifying the air by placing containers with water.

When the tomatoes begin to bloom, I cut off the leaves that cover and shade the flower brushes to open access to insects and increase ventilation.

For the formation of ovaries, tomatoes need either a draft or the presence of insects.

To avoid empty flowers, in the morning hours (preferably before 10 am), pollination is carried out by hand. They take a stick and tap on the support to which the tomatoes are tied. So the pollen will be shaken off, and the tomatoes will be pollinated. This procedure is carried out every day until the heat subsides.

How to get tomatoes to form ovaries

In order for the tomatoes to form ovaries, I take care of increasing the humidity in the greenhouse immediately after placing the seedlings. To do this, I place basins, buckets, deep bowls between the plants and fill them with water.

Be sure to put barrels of water in the corners of the greenhouse, they also humidify the air and provide warm water for irrigation.

To attract bees and other pollinating insects, I prepare such a solution for them: I dilute two tablespoons of honey, half a glass of sugar per liter of water, add unnecessary jam and spray the plants with a bunch of grass.

When choosing a place for a tomato, it is important that it be in the sun, in the shade on the flower tassels the fruits form rather poorly.

It is important to take care of tomatoes immediately after planting. About why the leaves of tomatoes turned white after planting and how to fix it, I wrote.

An empty flower on tomatoes in a greenhouse is a problem for many summer residents, but you can easily deal with it and get a good harvest in the future. Falling off inflorescences quite often occurs due to cold weather during the flowering period, so you should not plant seedlings in early spring. In this case, you need to heat the greenhouse until the weather conditions improve. Tomatoes bloom well at a temperature of +25 C °. An increase to +35 C ° means the death of the plant. Reducing the temperature to 15 C° or below will stop the flowering of tomatoes, causing the flowers to fall off. If this trouble has occurred, you need to carefully examine the tomatoes and cut off those flowers that have not started. If the whole brush is not tied up, cut it off as well, this will help to form new brushes with better quality flowers in the near future.

Preparing the greenhouse for planting tomatoes

Tomatoes are recommended to be grown in a greenhouse or greenhouse, and not in the open. Attention, careful care and warmth, which will be preserved even under a simple film cover, will allow you to harvest several times more from greenhouse plants than from bushes growing on a simple ridge. According to some statistics, 2.4 times more vegetables can be harvested with even a simple polyethylene ridge than with an open garden. Yes, and tomatoes ripen much faster in this case.

And the preparation of the greenhouse for growing tomatoes begins in the fall. Firstly, after the end of the summer season, it is necessary to clean up there. Remove all leftover haulm and fruits from the greenhouse - this will help reduce the risk of plant diseases. The fact is that pathogens of various diseases often overwinter not only in the upper layers of the soil, but also on the leaves and stems of crops.

It is also very important to wash the structure itself with warm soapy water in the fall, removing all the dirt that has accumulated over the summer. Then you need to carefully inspect the frame of the greenhouse for chips and rust, if it is painted with paint. In case of detection of such shortcomings, the places with peeled paint are cleaned and, having primed, tinted. This will prevent the development of corrosion. Also in the fall, especially if you have a wooden frame in your greenhouse, it is advisable to treat it with antifungal and antibacterial drugs. You can purchase ready-made products at a gardening store, or you can prepare a solution of copper sulfate or use a smoke bomb.

It is also advisable to dig the soil inside the greenhouse, removing part of the top layer, and spill it with a solution of copper sulfate, diluting 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the drug in 10 liters of water. At the same time, a part of fertilizers is introduced - both organic and mineral. If you carry out the preparatory work in the fall, then in the spring you will not have to prepare the greenhouse for planting seedlings. Some of the work, of course, can be done in the spring, but at least it is important to clean up after the end of the summer season. In the spring, about 10-15 days before planting the seedlings in the greenhouse, it is necessary to slightly loosen the soil again (tomatoes like good aeration), remove (if any) weeds and add some organic matter - about 2-3 kg / m2 (if the soil is not rich enough in useful substances, you will need about 6 buckets). Ridges form a height of about 40 cm and a width of up to 90 cm. The passage between them should not be less than 60 cm.

Reasons why empty flowers on tomatoes

  • Too high or low air temperature. The optimum temperature for setting tomatoes is + 20 ... + 25C ° at temperatures below 15C °, pollen does not ripen, above 35C ° - pollen becomes sterile.
  • Tomatoes are self-pollinating plants, pollinating insects only contribute to better pollination and higher yields by transferring pollen. In order to attract pollinating insects in the open field, it is necessary to sow plants - honey plants: clover, buckwheat, phacelia, etc. And in the greenhouse, you can also plant several honey plants between tomatoes, hang containers with jam, syrup, honey at the entrance to the greenhouse.
  • stressful conditions. With sudden changes in temperature, cloudy weather, watering with very cold water, etc., the plant reacts to stress and does not set fruit. The solution to the issue will be the use of warm, settled water for irrigation, the treatment of plants with anti-stress preparations: Epin, Zircon, HB-101, which also serve to stimulate the formation of ovaries.
  • Irrigation deficiency. The lack of water for the plant is also stress, to which the plant reacts by delaying fruiting. You can understand that tomato bushes lack moisture if the soil is cracked and the tomato leaves are curled up. If the weather is dry, tomatoes need to be watered abundantly 1 - 2 per week.

Useless empty flowers at first glance are not much different from pollinated flowers. But an experienced gardener in appearance will accurately determine where fruits should not be expected. The fact is that the form of barren flowers and pollinated flowers is different. If the petals open and head towards the sun, pollination has occurred, and a tomato fruit has begun to form inside the flower. If the petals are directed downwards and do not open, this is an empty flower. Its petals will quickly fade and will be clearly visible against the background of pollinated bright flowers. You should not cut off the barren flower - it will quickly wither and crumble.

What to do with empty flowers on tomatoes in a greenhouse

To control the temperature, a thermometer must be placed in the greenhouse. By checking the daily, evening and morning indicators, you can take action in time:

  • to lower the daytime temperature, the windows on the sunny side must be shaded. This can be done by stretching a white agrofibre or an unnecessary light-colored fabric. Creating a little shading will lower the temperature by 2-4 °, and the white color will reflect the sun's rays. Glasses of the greenhouse on the sunny side can be whitewashed;
  • to increase the temperature during the day, do not open the windows and doors, and it is better to ventilate at noon;
  • to lower the temperature at night, the door is left open. The warm air will cool down, and by morning, when most of the pollen is formed, it will be cool in the greenhouse;
  • an increase in night temperature must be taken care of during the day. If you place bottles, jars or buckets of water between tomatoes, heat accumulates in them, and at night it will warm the air. To control the humidity of the air, it is necessary to observe the irrigation regime. Water in the morning, which allows excess moisture to evaporate by evening. Mulching the soil will reduce evaporation. The air will be dry, but at the same time a sufficient amount of water will flow to the roots. Stress for tomatoes is watering with cold water. In this case, not only empty flowers are formed, but the fruits are also showered. The water temperature should be close to the air temperature. If there are not enough windows in the greenhouse, or there is no way to open them, then each plant needs to be shaken a little for pollination. This should be done in the morning.

How to artificially pollinate tomatoes in a greenhouse

You can push plants to set fruits by using a "manual" technique. There are several proven ways to do this:

  • In the early morning, independent light shaking of flower branches is carried out. Then they spray the air with warm water from a spray bottle so that the pollen is nailed to the flowers.
  • To make the pollen crumble, create a gust of wind with a fan.
  • With the help of a brush, pollen is removed and the flowers are irrigated with it.
  • Carry out tapping on the main stem.

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Feeding tomato seedlings for laying ovaries

For prevention, tomato seedlings are also traditionally sprayed with a solution of boric acid about a week before planting. This treatment is designed to promote the laying of ovaries on plants. To prepare a solution, 1 g of boric acid is diluted in 1 liter of water - this amount is enough to spray up to 100 seedlings.

Knowing why flowers fall in a tomato greenhouse and ovaries do not form, in most cases you can prevent or stop this process, to make sure, plant several different varieties that are resistant to both low and high temperatures. Then you will always be with the harvest. To stimulate tomatoes to form ovaries, pick off barren flowers in a timely manner so that they do not waste plant strength. Feed the problematic bushes with the preparations "Ovary", "Flower", "Bud", "Gibbersib". Carefully look after tomato bushes, and they will surely please you with a good harvest.