Plastic pvc panels kitchen installation. Decorating kitchen walls with plastic panels. Kitchen finishing with wall panels. Kitchen panels - composition and purpose

Plastic wall panels for the kitchen allow you to carry out repairs quickly and cleanly; with minimal installation skills you can do it yourself. This finishing material is distinguished by a wide variety of color and texture solutions; it is easy to process and install.

Kitchen panels - composition and purpose

Almost all plastic panels intended for interior decoration of walls and ceilings consist of polyvinyl chloride. The abbreviated name for this material is PVC, it is present in their name. From a layman's point of view, the composition of PVC is alarming; it contains ethanol, lead and chlorine. However, these elements are in a bound state and are not released even when burning - and wall and ceiling panels burn poorly.

With proper manufacturing quality, they do not emit any toxic substances - both during installation and during operation. Therefore it is extremely it is important to purchase PVC panels in branded stores, where such quality is guaranteed. And the choice of manufacturers, sizes and colors with such a purchase is greater, as are the chances of getting competent advice from a trained manager.

The use of plastic panels in renovation is important when finishing kitchens, balconies, loggias, corridors, toilets and bathrooms, as well as utility rooms. Lightweight options are chosen for ceilings, because... they are not required to have mechanical strength. Wall panels are made of hard plastic, with a large number of internal partitions and stiffeners.

PVC panels for walls are available in a standard length of 3 meters, width from 12 to 37 cm and thickness of 5-10 millimeters. A reduced length of 2.6 or 2.7 meters is possible. Please note that scraps will not be used; the amount of material is calculated based on full-size elements in length or height.

Plastic panels for walls - advantages and disadvantages

The repair advantages of PVC panels include:

  • Cost-effective: compared to the most modest tiles, they are several times cheaper;
  • Speed ​​and ease of repair;
  • Many options for colors, patterns and textures;
  • The finished look of a flat surface, without visible joints and seams;
  • Ease of sanitization;
  • Resistance to chemicals and moderate impacts;
  • Long lasting attractive appearance.

The disadvantages of the material include:

  • Possibility of mechanical damage when hit by a heavy object, when rearranging furniture, etc.;
  • The need for auxiliary and consumable materials during installation;
  • Low resistance in conditions of constantly high humidity, especially during vaporization. This “minus” does not apply to the panels themselves; plastic is absolutely impervious to water. However, its installation requires a wooden frame - the slats can become moldy and rot from moisture within several years. And this means the need for new repairs much earlier than planned.

PVC panels for the kitchen - profitable renovation

In kitchens, the most common option for wall repair is a combined one - the area around the sink and gas stove is tiled, and the remaining parts of the wall are finished with plastic. This allows you not only to reduce the cost of the budget or speed up repairs, but also to hide any unevenness on the walls.

Plastic is a “warm” material, it is much more pleasant to the touch than cold tiles. PVC panels for the kitchen are easy to match in similar colors to both purchased tiles and existing furniture; there are hundreds of varieties to choose from. You can do the installation yourself; the corners and turns of the walls present some difficulty - but with perseverance and attentiveness, you can master these wisdoms.

PVC wall panels - installation instructions

With ideal evenness of the kitchen walls, no peeling of plaster, cracks, etc. Frameless installation of panels using special glue or “liquid nails” is allowed. In practice, you can hardly find flawless walls in kitchens, and it’s easier to paint them than to cover them with plastic beauty.

The main thing is to assemble the frame accurately and correctly. It is a wooden sheathing mounted perpendicular to the future installation of the panels. It is important to think about this at the very initial stage of repair - the PVC panels themselves allow installation both vertically and horizontally. Having thought through the design, you automatically set the direction of the sheathing.

Installation instructions for PVC wall panels - step-by-step diagram

Step 1: Optional but important

Even before starting work with the frame, you can insulate the walls. For this, any roll insulation is used, the thickness of which fits into the internal space between the plastic and the wall. You can perform this procedure partially by insulating only the end wall(s), as this is the area most exposed to the elements. Like insulating the veranda, internal wall insulation is quite doable on your own.

Step 2: Mount the frame

The slats are nailed or targeted to the walls in increments of 20-30 cm. The more frequent the increment, the stronger and more reliable our structure will be. It is important to maintain the parallelism of the slats so that none of them protrudes or is recessed relative to the others. To do this, use a level and a long metal ruler. If necessary, you can cut off part of the rail or place scraps of the same plastic under it.

It is easier to attach the slats to walls made of brick or cinder blocks; ordinary nails are suitable for this (holes are drilled in the slats for them, otherwise the thin wood may split). Concrete walls will have to be drilled or a concrete wall chaser used, otherwise our frame will not be securely fastened. A smooth frame is the key to the success of all repairs involving wall plastic. The number of slats is calculated based on the selected pitch between them and the surface area of ​​the walls.

Step 3: Attach the fittings to the frame

Plastic fittings are attached at corners, turns and joints - corners, joints and ends. Be sure to use a plumb line and level - the fittings need to be mounted as level as possible. These plastic elements should be purchased with a reserve - if you install them yourself, it is quite possible that a corner or end will be damaged or cut out inaccurately, and then do not go to the store for such an occasion. Corner joints are made at 45˚, for which a clamp or template is used.

The fittings are fastened with small nails into their invisible, inner part. To do this, use a hammer and a punch (see below) so as not to damage the surface visible from the outside.

Step 4: Mount the plastic

You need to decide where the last panel will be. Because it is not attached, but simply inserted into the finishing corner. It would be logical if the completion would be in the most “untravelled” place in the kitchen. If installation is from bottom to top, then the last panel will be under the ceiling.

Insert the first PVC panel until it stops. Now we pull it out a little and set it perfectly level and plumb. We nail it from the edges with mounting nails. Checking parallelism. We take out the nails and set the panel again - and so on until it works. The installation of the entire wall depends on the first plastic sheet. When this sheet is accurately mounted, further steps are simple - we insert the next panel into the “lock” all the way and nail it to each frame rail.

We reached the completion of the wall. We measure the remaining width (taking into account the depth of the mounting angle!). We cut out the plastic, slide it into the fittings and carefully insert it into the lock of the previous panel. The wall installation is complete, let's move on to the next one.

Installing PVC wall panels for the kitchen yourself is much easier than experimenting with laying tiles or laying linoleum. Any damaged part can always be thrown away and replaced with a new one; as you develop skills, the percentage of such defects will steadily decrease. This is pure work with quick results in the form of a smooth wall surface and the pleasure of your own skill.

It's no secret that the walls and ceilings in our apartments have numerous irregularities. During renovation, these problems can be easily and quickly eliminated using PVC panels. In addition, a wide selection of color palettes, textures, prints, a variety of types and sizes of panels allow you not to restrain yourself when choosing a style and implementing design ideas. Maintaining order in such a kitchen will not be a hassle.

Leveling the surface of walls and ceilings has two solutions: using plaster and sheathing. Experts recommend using the first method when the curvature is no more than 30-50 mm, otherwise repairs will require large investments in material and work. And with the help of cladding, with a small budget, you can hide any flaws.

Versatility, ease and speed of installation, long service life, and affordable prices have firmly strengthened the position of PVC panels among the leaders in sales.


Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is a thermoplastic polymer (plastic). It is obtained from natural components: 57% rock salt and 43% petroleum products. Panels are produced by creating a mixture of polyvinyl chloride with plasticizers, stabilizers, and pigments that improve the quality and properties of the product: plasticity, elasticity, increase light resistance and thermal stability. The number of auxiliary components from all manufacturers, as a rule, is more than 200, but everyone has their own recipe for making it.


  • Slatted panels- narrow type-setting, usually monochromatic planks, like classic lining. Length ranges from 2400 to 3700 mm, width from 250 to 500 mm. Thickness varies from 5 to 25 mm.

  • Tile panels- square plastic tiles. The dimensions of one cell range from 300x300 to 980x980 mm. Thickness – up to 250 mm. One of the advantages is creating combinations of different colors and structures, creating mosaic canvases.

  • Sheet panels– wide sheets, much thinner than slatted ones – only 3-6 mm. Standard size - 1220 x 2440 mm.

  • Multilayer panels(sandwich) - almost full-fledged walls, ceilings or partitions, in demand for country houses. They are sheet panels, between which there is polyurethane insulation, sound insulation and other materials. Standard – 1220x2440x7 mm.

The width of the panel is always indicated without taking into account the ridges, grooves and other joining elements. Therefore, when determining the amount of material required, only the dimensions of the front surface are taken into account.


PVC products differ from each other not only in shape and size, but also in the way the top decorative layer is processed: using thermal film, offset printing and lamination.

  • Thermal film applied by rolling onto the front part using a special roller. The color palette is very wide, photo printing is possible. Well suited for imitating stone or brick. In terms of brightness and variety of textures and patterns, it exceeds the capabilities of the tile assortment. Most often, the film is used for sheet panels and PVC tiles. Sensitive to harsh detergents.

  • Offset printing involves applying a design directly to the panel, as in a printing house, and fixing it with varnish. Typically used for mosaic images, floral patterns, and bright prints. The surface can be either glossy or matte. However, this technology does not provide sufficient coating strength and is highly sensitive to mechanical damage, and therefore direct printing is more often recommended for decorating the dining area.

  • Lamination provides the maximum strength that PVC is capable of, because, in essence, another layer of plastic is added. According to reviews on the forums, such wall panels last much longer and can be cleaned with any chemical means. All this provides them with a leading position when decorating the apron area. Lamination also gives an advantage in the choice of images, provides for the execution of drawings and photos to order, that is, it ensures the exclusivity of the kitchen interior.

The most expensive are sheet models with lamination, price tags are quite comparable to tiled competitors, with 3D photos or drawings, friezes, as well as all textured and volumetric options. The economy class includes panels with direct printing, thermal film and, of course, the simplest ones - without a pattern.

In the premium goods segment, Kadillak Plastic presents a mirror version of the PVC family, made of acrylic and glass, while being much lighter and stronger than the latter. The sheets bend easily and can be used to wrap columns if desired. The panels are not afraid of temperature changes and can withstand temperatures from – 500 to + 500°C. The assortment includes tinted and holographic (shimmering) models.


Mistakes made during a kitchen renovation can result in a new remodel. To prevent the replacement of incorrectly selected materials, it is necessary to think through the design of the entire room at the planning stage, decide on the main and finishing materials, make sure of their compatibility, and study the operational features.

Polyvinyl chloride gravitates towards modern and trendy solutions, supports them with numerous bright types of films and patterns, and organically disguises technical equipment, for example, recessed spotlights. For small rooms, experts recommend using glossy materials. Glitter and a slight mirror effect visually expand the space.

No matter how bold the idea, experts advise not to use more than three colors in one project.

Metal spraying and photo printing adequately support the asymmetry of modernity and the brutality of high-tech. Minimalism is an ideal pairing with sheet plastic. And the cheapest single-color slats seem to be created for Provence. They are chosen in light pastel colors, with a matte, sometimes textured front part. For a classic Mediterranean style, you will need imitation stone, an emphasis on white and blue-blue. Textured wood-look film - country finishing. Plastic panels, mosaics, laminated photos give great scope for eclectic ideas.


No matter what tricks and tricks manufacturers resort to, PVC does not tolerate direct sunlight. Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation leads to photodestruction, as a result of which the plastic loses its elasticity and strength. To counteract these processes, many factories add light-absorbing dyes to the panels. In this way, it is possible to prevent the destruction of the material over almost the entire thickness, but it does not prevent fading or changes in the protective properties of the thin outer layer of the plate.

Modern technologies make it possible to produce polymer materials that can withstand temperature loads of at least 120°C. According to the fire classification, with the exception of Chinese production, PVC is classified as self-extinguishing. However, sensitivity to high and low degrees is their weak point. For example, at + 40°C, a three-meter panel lengthens by 1 cm from the standard length, which is determined by the positive mode within the range from 17°C to 25°C.

Thermal dependence should be taken into account during installation and operation. Polyvinyl chloride must be protected from a gas or electric stove; it is not recommended to install PVC in close proximity to radiators.

If repair work is carried out during the cold or hot season, experts recommend allowing the panels to rest for a couple of days so that they can acquire sizes appropriate to the conditions of their future use.

Closely fitted in the heat, during cold weather cracks may appear at the joints, so the off-season is considered ideal for wall cladding.


The easiest way to install PVC panels is with glue or liquid nails. Suitable for tile and sheet panels. With a material thickness of up to 0.4 mm, walls with small defects do not need to be leveled; if more than 0.5 mm, it is no longer possible to do without plastering work to correct the complex relief. The thinner the plates, the better their adherence to the surface.

Before applying the glue, remove dust and apply a primer. The tiles are joined together into grooves that do not require masking, and the narrow gap at the point of contact of the sheet plates is filled with sealant and covered with a slatted profile.

There are various profiles and moldings for joining work. You can’t do without some when bringing together the corner trim, while others hide the ends and trimmed parts of the trim. Ceiling plinths or baguettes are provided, which snap into the grooves between the ceiling and wall panels.

Designers agree that wall decoration in the kitchen should carry not only a functional load, but also an aesthetic one. In this case, plastic is an excellent option. It is ideal for people who prefer to design their kitchen space with their own hands. The photo below shows a kitchen with plastic wall cladding.

Lightweight plastic panels can withstand any wall. In addition, installation of such a coating will not take much time. And the aesthetic possibilities of the material are simply amazing. If you do not have experience installing plastic panels yourself, use our recommendations and the video in the article to create the kitchen of your dreams.

Plastic finishing wall panels: what is it?

More recently, it was customary to clad kitchen walls only with ceramic tiles. Sometimes the walls were covered with wallpaper. Modern kitchen design is more democratic. Competition for tiles comes from MDF boards, artificial stone, decorative bricks and plastic wall panels. The photo shows samples with different decorative coatings.

The raw material for plastic interior trim is solid polyvinyl chloride with a minimal amount of softener. Products made from it look attractive. The characteristics of plastic allow it to be used for interior decoration of kitchen walls.

Advantages of plastic panels

  • Water resistance. Plastic is not afraid of water; it is not afraid of not only splashes, but also jets. The material has no pores, and bacteria and fungal spores do not penetrate into it.
  • Easy to install. The plastic is easy to cut and quickly installed with your own hands.
  • Heat resistance. If you plan to cover not only the walls, but also the apron with plastic, then ask what temperatures the material can withstand. Usually it is not recommended to install it near stoves and ovens.
  • Fire safety. Modern plastic is not flammable. PVC boards are a self-extinguishing material.
  • Environmental friendliness. Polyvinyl chloride does not emit harmful substances into the air.
  • Good sound insulation. For the kitchen, this indicator is not so important, but still.
  • Highly decorative. Kitchens with plastic cladding look original. You can choose sheets that imitate natural materials. Sometimes beautiful photos are placed on the panels.
  • Variety of sizes. Wall panels are strips 10–25 cm (sometimes up to 50 cm) wide and up to 3 m long. Solid PVC sheets of different sizes and thicknesses are also produced.
  • Low price. If you want to inexpensively veneer your apron and walls, choose plastic.

Disadvantages, or what to look for when choosing plastic panels

Plastic is not anti-vandal coating. It can be easily damaged. A plastic apron will not withstand impacts from sharp and heavy objects: unsightly dents will remain on the walls. In order for plastic cladding to last a long time, it must be handled carefully.

Caring for plastic is easy. But it is better to avoid detergents with abrasive particles. They can damage the decorative layer, walls and apron. If trouble happens with one strip, it is easy to replace it (if you still have material of the same color and shade).

A sharp temperature change can cause the plastic to become deformed. And in the sun, the bright pattern of the walls sometimes fades, and the white sheets turn yellow. All sheets must be even. And pay attention to the condition of the grooves - the quality of installation depends on this.

All materials look beautiful in the photo. Take the time to study the documents before purchasing. Please read the Hygienic Compliance Certificate carefully. This document contains data on the safety of raw materials and panels.

The material can be attached directly to the wall only if its surface is perfectly flat. More often, a wooden, metal or plastic frame is used for do-it-yourself cladding.

You should have a supply of sheets, especially if you have chosen a complex wall design. Don't forget about the fittings: the finishing sheets are connected to each other by joining profiles and moldings.


  1. Roulette.
  2. Pencil.
  3. Mounting level.
  4. Scissors, stationery knife or hacksaw.
  5. Electric hammer drill.

Frameless cladding

Installation occurs in the same way as tiling walls.

  1. The surface is pre-leveled and primed.
  2. Apply glue with a notched trowel and press the panel to the surface. When using Liquid Nails, they are applied pointwise and along the edges in the form of lines.
  3. The strips are joined together, the outer panels are fixed with self-tapping screws.

The disadvantages of this installation method are obvious: time-consuming preparation of the walls is required. At the same time, the cost of installation increases due to the price of glue.

Frame method

You will need wooden slats or a metal or plastic profile to make the frame. If there is a lot of cooking in the kitchen, then the wooden planks can be treated with antiseptic impregnation, this will make the frame resistant to high humidity.

Sequence of work

  1. Wooden slats or metal (plastic) strips are attached to the wall with self-tapping screws or dowel nails. The direction of the planks must be perpendicular to the direction of installation of the panels.
  2. All pipes and other communications must be bypassed using a frame.
  3. To install the frame, use a plumb line or level. All angles must be right and the lines parallel.
  4. It is necessary to maintain a distance between the slats of at least 50 cm.
  5. After the frame is ready, fittings are installed: internal or external corners, finishing elements.
  6. If you need to install panels right up to the ceiling, then a ceiling plinth is attached to the top bar.
  7. The required length of panels is measured and cut. Plastic can be cut well with a knife or a serrated file.
  8. Installation starts from the corner. The side groove of the first panel needs to be cut off in order to fit the slab tightly into the corner element.
  9. After checking the mounting level, the panel is fixed to the frame using staples or screws.
  10. Subsequent strips are simply inserted into the grooves and attached to the frame.
  11. The last panel needs to be cut off with a wide protrusion.
  12. This panel is first inserted with a cut into the groove of the fastening element, and only after that - into the groove of the penultimate panel.

Using the panels, you can make an apron or walls to look like “wood.” To do this, the material must be installed horizontally. It, like panels of different colors, is joined together using connecting elements.

In this way you can decorate small rooms. Plastic panels are one of the best options for quick interior wall decoration in a Khrushchev building. The next video shows the technology of finishing a kitchen with plastic panels.

The same principle is used to cover a kitchen apron. The design in this case is developed taking into account the color of the countertop, furniture and ceiling. Below are photos of kitchens with an apron made of plastic panels.

Choosing a design for the walls

When setting up a new kitchen, do not forget about the purpose of the room. The kitchen cannot function without being connected to external communications: sewerage, water supply and gas pipelines, electricity supply and ventilation.

When choosing a design, take into account wall projections, risers, air ducts, and pipes. Most unsightly details can be hidden under the sheathing. But if you decide to hide wiring under plastic panels, or put lighting behind it, take care of their safety. And you also need to think about how access to hidden communications will be achieved. It is better to make the door in the right place in advance than to tear off the panels later.

Color solutions

The type of cladding and color are largely dictated by the configuration of the kitchen itself. If your experience with the kitchen is insufficient, use the selection of photos below in order to choose the right color and pattern of the panels.

  • The main rule is that the smaller the room, the lighter the walls should be. This design will make a cramped kitchen feel more spacious.
  • There is no need to choose bright saturated colors and extravagant designs for the walls. There is a kitchen apron for such experiments.
  • Wall designs can include wall panels of different colors. But it is better to choose plastic from one collection. Then its installation will go without problems.
  • The color of the plastic can be changed using self-adhesive film. The next photo shows an example of a bright kitchen covered with plastic.

When arranging a kitchen, you need both a creative flight of thought and accurate calculations. The decoration of the walls of a small kitchen requires special care. The smaller the area, the more design ingenuity you need to show. Plastic panels are a universal material for interior decoration. With them, all fantasies become reality.

Kitchen renovation is a responsible and expensive undertaking. How to make it the least painful for both family members and the family budget? The use of plastic panels will help you save time and money on kitchen renovations.

What is unique about the material?

Seamless panels fit tightly to each other, suture panels leave the joint visible. PVC panels are a universal finishing material for interior spaces. This building material is not new at all, but has already firmly gained popularity in the finishing goods market.

Universal material properties

  • Firstly, PVC plastic panels for the kitchen can be installed horizontally, vertically and at any angle.
  • Secondly, the material is used both for finishing walls and ceilings, and for balconies and loggias. Among other things, window slopes in most cases are made of plastic panels.
  • Thirdly, the standard size of a panel is considered to be a material thickness of 10 mm, a length of 2700 mm, and a width of 250 mm.

Key Features: Where does the quality lie?

The main differences between plastic panels can be identified:

  • Coating material. On the construction market you can find glossy as well as matte panels made of polyvinyl chloride. Gloss appears due to the application of a specialized varnish to the surface of the material.
  • Type of drawing on the material. Various types of patterns are applied to the surface of the PVC material. A printed pattern is applied to the material with paint, and a film pattern is applied by applying a colored film with a pattern to the front surface. This is a great opportunity to create a unique design with plastic wall panels for the kitchen with photo printing.
  • According to the type of junction of materials. Based on this feature, a distinction is made between seamless and seam panels. Seamless plastic panels form gaps at the junction, which are provided for by the decor of the material, and seamless panels fit tightly to one another.

Lining or weaving - this is the “popular” name given to plastic panels with a seam joint and a width of 100 mm.

How to save time and money when decorating your kitchen?

Laying tiles requires a lot of time and appropriate qualifications of the master

When renovating a kitchen, what is important, first of all, is the speed of repair, knowledge and experience of how to lay tiles on the floor.

Everyone understands that enduring inconvenience due to repairs for 1-2 days and 2-3 weeks is a very big difference.

Therefore, PVC plastic panels for walls, kitchen ceilings, as well as bathrooms and balconies are deservedly popular during renovations for many reasons, the main of which are:

  • relative cheapness of the material;
  • speed in completing finishing work.

To lay regular tiles, a lot of time is spent both on laying and leveling the walls. In addition, it is necessary to agree with a good craftsman, since laying tiles without experience and appropriate qualifications is a difficult task that can result in both damage to the material and failure of the repair itself.

There is also a lot of daily noise and dirt from laying tiles, no one has canceled it. This situation is absolutely unacceptable in a house where there is a small child or an elderly person.

Finishing the kitchen walls with plastic panels allows the owner to complete the fastening of the panels in the kitchen in a short time (installation usually requires one working day). PVC panels are not only a profitable option in terms of pricing, but also in terms of time and labor costs.

– this is a different level both in terms of prices and quality. Look at the visual examples and decide for yourself what material you will choose for the apron.

Which flooring to choose - or? The answer is not so obvious. Details in our articles.

Kitchen apron made of plastic: 10 reasons “FOR”

  1. High impact resistance of the material. The panels do not break or crack under mechanical stress.
  2. Good moisture resistance of the material.
  3. The color scheme of the panels does not become distorted over time.
  4. A simple principle of material installation.
  5. Durability of PVC panels (more than 10 years of excellent operation).
  6. The material can be drilled perfectly with ordinary wood drill bits.
  7. There are no seams between the elements. It is possible to install a single structure up to 4 m.
  8. Wide range of designs, monograms, compositions.
  9. The panels are absolutely resistant to aggressive detergents.
  10. The possibility of repairing the material and partial dismantling remains possible.

Tile vs panel: which is better?

If you are still in doubt about what to choose: a PVC panel or ceramic tiles, we will give a comparative description of the two materials that are the main ones when decorating a kitchen.

Covering the kitchen with plastic panels is an excellent alternative to tiles for kitchen renovations. It is very easy to cover a kitchen with plastic panels yourself; they can easily withstand high humidity and temperature changes.

An undoubted advantage is the durability of the material., because a kitchen covered with plastic panels will last you up to 10 years. A wide palette of colors, as well as patterns and monograms, gives each owner the opportunity to choose the material that he likes.

Unlike tiles, when finishing a kitchen with plastic panels, the possibility of repairing the material and partial dismantling remains. Undoubtedly, a significant advantage is that the costs of materials and repairs when using PVC panels will be 40-50% less than when using classic tiles.

If you want to cover your kitchen walls with plastic panels, you need to know some important details. All this can be found out in this useful video.

The issue of kitchen renovation and design is very important for the reason that all residents of the house, guests, friends and relatives will very often be in this room. For children, this room also becomes one of the most important, and what can we say about adults. Finishing your kitchen with plastic panels is one of the good ways to keep it clean and shiny. This is also a great option to create a unique design. For those who are going to argue about the mandatory presence of tiles in the kitchen, let’s say right away that cladding with PVC panels is much cheaper than the tiled option. That's why you should consider plastic as a good finishing material.

Advantages and disadvantages of panels

I would like to say right away that such a panel is not very picky in installation. Therefore, there will not be large costs here either. And let’s dispel the myth that it is not beautiful and cheap in appearance. There are a lot of different panels, from very cheap to expensive (almost the same cost as tiles). Their designs are also very different - from snow-white to PVC with a floral pattern or a water world. Therefore, if you choose the right color scheme of plastic, your kitchen will turn into a real masterpiece.

The plastic panel can be from one meter to three meters long. And the width can vary from ten to 25 centimeters, depending on wishes (there are dimensional exceptions, about 30-40 centimeters). At the same time, if you want to find both a 20-centimeter strip with red flowers and a 15-centimeter strip (to join beautifully), this will be very unlikely (unless you are looking for a pure white color).

It is worth noting that plastic panels can be cut and adjusted to length.

In order to make the right choice, it is worth understanding all the advantages of this material:

  1. Water resistance. Finishing the kitchen with plastic panels is good because no moisture, steam or water can damage the appearance of the panel. Even if your neighbors flood you, the plastic will not darken or fade and will remain the same as on the first day. You can easily wash stains off it with soap.
  2. Easy to care for. The kitchen will be easy to wash and clean using any means - water, soda, chemicals.
  3. Easy to install. Finishing with panels is very easy to do and does not take much time. Even a novice specialist will be able to perfectly install the plastic layer so that it looks like a custom order.
  4. Low price. PVC panel has a low cost. And, accordingly, it will help save money on other finishing elements. Moreover, not only is the plastic layer cheap, but so is its installation. No special tools, mixtures or large drills are needed.
  5. The panel is not a conductor of electric current. This will help protect the kitchen and its visitors from unwanted moments.

In principle, there are enough positive qualities to choose such material. But do not neglect the disadvantages, which are also important. Let’s be honest, although plastic doesn’t have many disadvantages, they are very important:

  • Easily susceptible to mechanical damage. Any panel can break, choke and crack if you put pressure on it or put something heavy on it. This is a big disadvantage for the reason that it is necessary to approach transportation, installation and care with the utmost care. If a champagne cork suddenly flies into a panel wall in the kitchen, a dent will most likely remain clearly visible on the panel. When choosing PVC strips, you should pay attention to all the corners of the strips and their surface. It happens that during transportation to the store they are already damaged.
  • Fire hazard. The PVC panel is very easy to burn. If you lean a very hot frying pan against it, the plastic can melt. This will be very damaging to the appearance of the kitchen. Although, if you treat every element of the interior very carefully, then this point is not so significant.

Just two disadvantages with so many positive aspects make plastic very popular for finishing kitchens and other rooms. Therefore, when choosing the material with which to decorate the walls in the kitchen, paneling is a very good option.

Cladding technology

Each kitchen contains more than one decorative element. Plastic finishing, for example, can only be done above the stove and above the sink. Or the plastic layer will be completely above the countertop. In any case, in addition to plastic, wallpaper, tiles, decorative stone, etc. can be used. You can make sure that one wall is wallpaper, another is tiled, the third is made of stone, and on the fourth there will be shelves with dishes. Any option will do. But depending on what is already planned for the kitchen, the methods of installing plastic strips will vary.

Installation of plastic must take place on an existing frame. As in other cases with a frame, it is necessary to prepare the wall, make a wooden frame (first we beat the lower and upper planks, and then we adjust the vertical strips around the perimeter and the horizontal strips inside the frame). When the base is ready, you can lay insulation in its gaps to heat and sound insulate the room. Plastic finishing is done with minimal effort and loss from the corner of the room. If you start from the center of the wall, then you will have to cut the strip of plastic twice.

The PVC wall version is laid using guides. There are these types: F (for the beginning of laying, ending or corners), L (only for the beginning and end of walls), H (universal for connections, joints). There are also external profiles, corner profiles and skirting boards. Depending on the plane being processed, guides are also selected.

To install plastic, you do not need screws or nails. Each subsequent strip of plastic fits into the grooves of the previous one. To ensure tight connections, some parts can be joined using liquid nails, but this option is used in extreme cases. The wall type of processing is very simple, the processing of ceiling plastic is much more difficult. But this happens only because several people need to be involved in installing the panels on the ceiling.

I would also like to give a few tips for those who still decide to make a room in plastic on their own:

As a result of the article, I would like to wish every master great patience in working with such material. Make a detailed schedule and plan of what you will do and only then start working. For an ideal look, the walls should be as smooth as possible. If the room has sloping corners, then it is better to choose a different finishing option or initially level all the walls. Good luck in your endeavors!

Video “Finishing the kitchen with PVC panels”

The recording shows how you can easily finish a kitchen with PVC panels.