Geography olympiad school stage

School stage of the olympiad of schoolchildren

geography grades 8 - 9

in 2009 - 2010 goal

8th grade

1. What letter on the world map indicates a point with coordinates of 45 ° S and 17 ° W?

1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D

2. Landforms created by the activity of the wind are most characteristic of the natural zone:

In the same year, the Ministry of Public Works agreed to build a school right here. Successfully developing training building structures. Thanks to this, a very modern and stylishly balanced functionalist building was created with a series of front windows in front.

The Preparatory Committee issued a memorial, badges, postcards, stickers on this occasion and at the same time received a special postage stamp. However, for 14 classes there were only 11 classrooms equipped with old furniture, so they had to be trained in shifts and, in addition, no wardrobes were closed. Despite these difficulties, both professors and students were very happy to have their own worthy experience.

1) Taiga

2) Deciduous forest

3) Tundra

4) The desert

3. The category of combustible minerals includes

1) Phosphorites

2) Apatity

3) Peat

4) Asbestos

4. Which statement about the relief of Australia is true?

1) The Great Dividing Range is a seismically active area.

A very unfortunate event. The reason for this was that the reform in the real world of the gymnasium was all the time. and transferring students to another type of gymnasium was a problem for them. At that time, it seemed that the school was finally peaceful, but vice versa. Emil Franke, to create and gradually open Polish departments in the gymnasium in Cesky Tesin. The official name of the school, therefore, again transferred to the state Czechoslovak real gymnasium with a Polish branch in Cesky Tesin.

44 students were enrolled in the Polish branch, and the total number of students in the school reached its maximum. It is necessary to intensify civil defense activities, in which several students and teachers of the school participate. Their task was to observe the night school buildings, strategic places in the city and the Czechoslovak-Polish border along with military guards, as violence and firefighters took place on the Polish side. In addition, as a result of mobilization, passenger transport was limited on the railways, and buses were banned for military purposes.

2) Mountains run along the west coast of Australia.

3) There are no active volcanoes in Australia.

4) Australia is the tallest southern mainland.

5. Which of the following areas of Eurasia has the highest average annual rainfall?

1) On the Scandinavian Peninsula

The then principal of the school, Konstantin Petrik, could still send the graduation, main and part of the class catalogs by train to the gymnasium in Mistek. The place at the school was extraordinary: there is no gymnasium, living room, living room, physico-chemical room and furnished cabinets.

Czech students who remained in the occupied territory could continue their studies at this school. After their emigration, the Maria Theresia Shule-Obershule school for Majen opened here, which lasted until February, after which a military hospital was created, until the arrival of the Soviet Army in May. After liberation, the gymnasium began to recover, although in somewhat different political and social conditions. The first post-war school year passed with considerable difficulties. After a long break, it was difficult for students to adapt to the educational process, many of which did not attend school at all during classes or attended a German school.

2) On the Malacca Peninsula

3) On the western slopes of the Altai mountains

4) On the western slopes of the Alps

6. What statement about Earth as a planet of the solar system is true?

1) Earth is the planet closest to the Sun.

2) The Earth revolves around the Sun in a clockwise direction (when viewed from the side of the North Star).

Some of the older generations also suffered from health problems caused by previous general workloads in the empire. A branch of the Faculty of Education of the University of Palacky in Olomouc was also temporarily activated. Further development of the school greatly influenced organizational change. They were trained for 26 hours and practiced for 6 hours. This school year was the last year of the gymnasium for a long time, because the gymnasium as a bourgeois retreat was canceled and replaced by an 11-year-old secondary school.

In the first year of training of a new type, 669 students studied at the school, including an evening studio for workers. In connection with the then emphasis on the close connection of theoretical training with production, polytechnical education was taught at the school. Her teaching took place on the school grounds, both in the house of pioneers, and in an emergency seminar at a nearby medical school.

3) The earth rotates on its axis from west to east (when viewed from the North Pole).

4) The angle of inclination of the earth's axis to the plane of the orbit is approximately 23 °.

7. On which of the listed peninsulas is the extreme eastern mainland of Russia?

1) Kamchatka

2) Taimyr

Another organizational experiment regarding secondary education took place in the early years. At the same time, a new subject was included in the doctrine - the foundations of production. Over the years, sufficient audiovisual facilities have been acquired, collections and a student library have been added.

Bedřich Husti as the director of the school, whose name was associated with a long era of development of this institution: from a real gymnasium to eleven years to a secondary school. Our school has joined the proposal to create a four-year gymnasium. The total number of classes was kept at nine; all free Saturdays were introduced.

3) Chukotka

4) Yamal

8. It was 16 o'clock in Norilsk when an airplane flew out of it to Moscow. The plane flew for 4 hours. In Moscow it was 16 o'clock when he landed. What time zone is Norilsk in? Write down the answer in numbers.

9. Set correspondences between subjects Russian Federation  and the letters with which they are indicated on the map.

In the end, however, our entire society noted the emergence of the so-called normalization, which did not appear in all areas of political, economic and social life, not including education. Later there were also cadres of permanent teachers. Fortunately, our gymnasium avoided personnel purification, as well as professors from the Khavirzhov gymnasium: Boguslav Petrer and Josef Chikhakov. After 12 years, this time as an outsider, Professor Tršinec Grammar School František Stakhovec began working here.

At the beginning of the year, the school was preparing for its first great anniversary celebrations, namely the fifty, which took place from September to September. An exhibition on the subject of school life was organized in the former school lounge: schoolchildren, lectures, teams, excursions, excursions, competitions, students' artwork, diplomas of outstanding teachers, scientific works and others. Panels and display cases for this exhibition were provided by the Cesky Tesin Museum of Natural History. On the occasion of the celebration, an almanac was issued with which, among other things, Professor Frantisek Stakhovec was awarded the highest credit.


A) Tomsk region 1) A

B) Amur Region 2) C

C) the Republic of Buryatia 3) C

4) D

Tasks 10 and 11 are performed using the map below.

10.   Determine on the map the distance in the area in a straight line from point A to the spring.

Answer: _______________ m.

The entire program lasted two and a half hours and was an unexpected success. Unfortunately, not all of them were in the theater hall. The main day of the celebration was Saturday in September, when graduates, professors and guests met at school early in the morning to see the exhibit and the school. A rich refreshment was provided in the school canteen. In the afternoon, a solemn meeting was held at the Tesinsky Theater, where, in particular, the choir of Moravian teachers was held. In the first half of the year, our school was accompanied by difficulties associated with both narrowing the applicants' coverage area and temporarily reducing the population classes.

11.   Determine the azimuth from the map along which you must go from point B to the spring.

Answer: ________________ m.

12.   Is it possible to observe a bonfire in a camp near a spring at night, while being at the mill? Justify your answer.

13.   Build the profile of the terrain along the line A - B, using the horizontal scale: 1 cm - 100 m and vertical: 1 cm - 5 m. Use the arrow to indicate the position on the spring profile.

This was reflected in a decline in average wealth. The number of classes has even fallen. At school, the president of the Gottwald mine from Horney Sucha patronized the school. For the next academic year, for political reasons, they left the Faculty of Education in Ostrava and Professor Evgen Bash and Doc. Newly equipped wardrobes and gym. There was also a roof repair that was completed during the year.

The former living room has been adapted to the school's tradition hall. The introduction of new professional subjects was supposed to allow graduates to get more effective practice if they did not want to continue their studies at universities. On the other hand, this trend of the gymnasium as a school, which prepares its students mainly for college, hurts. A lesson of highly specialized technical disciplines with completely inadequate practice and lecturers, often without education in the field of education and psychology, aesthetic stamps - music and art education and a proven cutting gymnasium in the natural sciences and humanities were not too happy with the experiment.

14.   Why is the salinity of the surface waters of the World Ocean higher in the tropical latitudes (about 36%) than in the equatorial (about 34%)?

15.   What negative consequences can deforestation on the slopes of the Caucasus mountains have? Indicate at least two consequences.

16.   Why on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico in winter there is a sharp drop in air temperature (to - 10 ° C)?

However, it should be noted that this was a common phenomenon. In addition to the classical training school, a number of interest groups were organized, for example, photographic, medical, singing, poetry, art, sports, shooting and rings of the tongue. Traditional events such as dance and social education, a school ball, academies, and student performances in various cultural and social events continued. The school continued to strengthen its prestige not only in the immediate vicinity of the city, but also in the region itself.

Students of the Czech gymnasium have successfully participated in national competitions for many years. Martin Bruchansky was a successful participant in the national cycle of secondary vocational education in Nitra. In addition, the school was not forgotten. All overhaul the building was covered by funds from the then North Moravian region, and its costs amounted to about 6 million kroons. In the middle of the year there was also a modernization of professional classrooms and classrooms. Gradually, the Biology Laboratory was created, a special room for biology, an office, a laboratory, and a physical and chemical class were created.


18.   Why is permafrost preserved in the north of the West Siberian Plain in the tundra zone?


20.   Why are karst landforms more widespread in the Urals than in the Urals?

The answers


2. 4

3. 3

4. 3

5. 2

6. 3

7. 3

8. 6

Overhead projectors were installed in the classes and TV distribution was made. Due to the growing number of students, a problem arose with the existing gymnasium, which does not have sufficient capacity to meet the needs of physical education and other sports. The facility is completed in a year.

Revolutionary changes in the further development of the school took place after November. In December, the Civil Forum was created, in which operations are actively involved in a significant part of the faculty and administrative staff. As the first school of Czech children, optional teaching of religion was introduced in the gymnasium. Hana Bihok remained at school as an English teacher.

9. 243

10. 200 m

11. 270 ˚

12. Being at the mill, it is possible to observe a bonfire, since the spring is in a beam and can be clearly seen from the hill.


14. The salinity of the surface waters of the ocean depends on the ratio of precipitation to evaporation. In tropical latitudes, with a predominance of descending air flows, the amount of precipitation is less than in equatorial ones, and evaporation is more.

The Russian language came to the background, its training was implemented at an optional seminar. The school, as one of the first in the republic, began the work of a seven-year gymnasium in addition to the current four-year cycle. Reintroduction of the human, scientific, and general industries. They departed from regular brigade events in agriculture; on the contrary, they received contests and competitions in a wide range of disciplines.

He decided very positively and still decides the leisure of students with daytime sports activities under the supervision of teachers. In a completely new spirit, the celebration marked the anniversary of the founding of the school. On the occasion of the creation of financial contributions, the panels documenting the history of the secondary school were reconstructed in the auditorium of the school.

15. Deforestation leads to a decrease in the ability of the soil to retain moisture, an increase in surface runoff, therefore, in mountainous areas, the destruction of forests on the slopes leads, on the one hand, to an increase in the spill of rivers, causing flooding, and on the other hand, to an increase in water erosion, the development of landslides, which causes damage agricultural land and settlements.

The actual celebration took place in those days - in May In honor of the solemn academy for students, parents, graduates and the general public, on the basement of the school the blackboard was opened by a martyr and a fallen high school graduate who gave their lives in the fight against fascism and communism. The new century has also led new trends in the teaching of foreign languages. Tours to Austria and Germany were also organized. The clerk who received scholarships in France were awarded the highest award in the country.

In connection with new trends in education and training, the subject of computer science and computer technology also began in this gymnasium. A classroom with 10 computers of the same category was created in the premises of the current library of the aul. A gradual transfer of the school’s agenda in the use of computing has also begun. The quality of work is made possible by the interconnection of computers in the classrooms and in cabinets in the school network, which was launched at the same time, a general reconstruction of the school telephone network was carried out.

16. Arctic air masses forming in the north of North America can penetrate to the latitude of the Gulf of Mexico, because the relief of the mainland in the central part is flat and they do not encounter obstacles (in the form of mountain ranges) on their way. The Canadian Arctic Archipelago, Greenland, the cold Hudson Bay deeply emanating into land on one side and the Mexican Gulf deeply emanating from land on the other hand create large differences in temperature and pressure between the north and south of the mainland, which, in turn, can cause air movement masses from north to south.

17. In moist equatorial forests, a large amount of plant litter; There are favorable conditions for the life of soil microorganisms. However, with a large average annual rainfall and daily rainfall, the soil is washed to a great depth, and nutrients are washed out of it. In addition, a hot and humid climate contributes to the fact that organic matter entering the soil decomposes very quickly and is absorbed by plants. Humus accumulation thus does not occur.

18. The north of the West Siberian Plain lies in the arctic and subarctic climatic zones. These types of climate are characterized by long and harsh winters. Precipitation is low, the height of the snow cover is low. Therefore, it does not protect the earth from deep freezing. Freezing is also facilitated by strong winds characteristic of these types of climate.

19. All listed cities are located at approximately the same latitude. The height of the Sun depends on the time of day and the maximum happens at noon. At 10:00 GMT, the noon will be on the meridian 30˚ east Of all these cities, Krasnoyarsk is located farthest from this meridian. Therefore, in this city the minimum height of the Sun will be observed.

20. Karst relief forms are formed if the territory is composed of soluble rocks (gypsum, salts, limestones). For the Ural marginal trough, sedimentary rocks are more characteristic (many of which dissolve when water interacts). In the Trans-Urals, soluble rocks are less common, solid crystalline rocks predominate. In addition, more precipitation falls in the Urals than in the Urals.

From 1 to 7 - 1 point

From 8 to 11 - 2 points

From 12 to 21 - 3 points

Maximum points: 7 + 8 + 30 \u003d 45 points

Grade 9

1. Which of the listed rocks is associated with the formation of karst landforms?

1) Granite

2) Basalt

3) Quartzite

4) Limestone

2. What natural resources  belong to the category of exhaustible renewable?

1) Mineral

2) Climatic

3) Geothermal

4) Soil

3. What natural zone occupies the largest area on the Hindustan Peninsula?

1) Humid equatorial forests

2) Savannahs and woodlands

3) Semi deserts and deserts

4) Forest steppes and steppes

4. What parts of Africa have predominant heights of more than 1000 m?

1) North and South

2) East and West

3) North and West

4) East and south

5. What statement about the Earth as a planet of the Solar system is true?

1) December 22 at the equator, the length of day and night is the same.

2) The angle of inclination of the earth's axis to the plane of the orbit is 23.5˚ .

3) The earth rotates on its axis from east to west, as viewed from the North Pole.

4) The total surface area of \u200b\u200bthe globe is 820 million square meters. km

6. Which of the following states have a land border with Russia?

1) Sweden and Moldova

2) Romania and Tajikistan

3) Poland and Azerbaijan

4) Iran and Turkmenistan

7. Which of the listed peoples is the most numerous in the population of Russia?

1) Kazakhs

2) Ukrainians

3) Armenians

4) Belarusians

8. Which of the following cities in Russia is the largest in terms of the number of inhabitants?

1) Izhevsk

2) Samara

3) Tver

4) Vladivostok

9. Which part of the East European Plain has the least rainfall?

1) Northeast

2) Northwest

3) South east

4) Southwest

10. Which of the listed peoples belongs to the indigenous peoples of the Far East?

1) Komi

2) Bashkirs

3) Koryaki

4) Evenki

11. Which statement contains information about the formation of metamorphic rocks?

1) Rock fragments carried by rivers are deposited in hollows and lowlands, then compacted and cemented by the severity of the overlying layers.

2) Rocks can change their initial properties and turn into other types of rocks under the influence of pressure and high temperatures at great depths.

3) If magma reached the surface of the earth and poured out on it, then it quickly cools, and rocks are formed consisting of small crystals.

4) At the bottom of reservoirs, the remains of plants and animals are deposited, of which after a long time, under certain conditions, rocks form.

12. Which of the following scientists contributed to the study of soils and created the doctrine of soils and the laws of their distribution?

1) V.I. Vernadsky

2) V.A. Obruchev

3) V.V.Dokuchaev

4) A.E. Fersman

13. What time (including maternity leave) will be in Khabarovsk (9th time zone) when in Copenhagen (1st time zone) 12 noon? Write down the answer in numbers.

14. Establish a correspondence between a republic within the Russian Federation and its capital.


1) Udmurtia A) Vladikavkaz

2) Kabardino - Balkaria B) Izhevsk

3) Kalmykia B) Elista

D) Nalchik

15. Identify the region of Russia by a brief description.

This region takes the second place in the Central region in terms of population density, it is one of the regions of Russia with the largest share of the elderly population in the age structure. Several large power plants operate in the region, which used to be oriented towards local coal, but are now converted to natural gas and imported coal. The basis of industry is chemical enterprises (production of mineral fertilizers, household chemical goods, chemical fiber, synthetic rubber). In mechanical engineering, the totality of the factories of the military-industrial complex stands out. In addition, equipment for the chemical industry, railway transport, combines, and radio products are produced in the region. In the administrative center there are enterprises for the production of pig iron and ferroalloys; The city has long been famous for its weapons.

Tasks 16 and 17 are performed using the map below.

16. On the map, determine the distance on the terrain in a straight line from point A to point B.

Answer ____________________ m.

17. On the map, determine the azimuth along which you must go from point A to point B.

Answer ___________________ m.

18. Which way from the field road - to point A or to point B - is it easier to ski?

19. Build the profile of the terrain along the line A - B, using the horizontal scale: 1 cm - 100 m and vertical: 1 cm - 10 m. Use the arrow to indicate the position on the field road profile.

20. In the subtropical zone, the snowline lies at an altitude of 4500 - 5000 m, in the temperate zone - at an altitude of 2500 - 3500 m, on the Arctic islands - 100 - 150 m. Explain why the height of the snow line changes in the latitudinal direction.

21. What changes related to the widespread use of natural gas as a raw material have occurred in the geography of the production of nitrogen fertilizers?

22. Drilling artesian wells has created irrigated land in a drought-affected area of \u200b\u200bthe country. In the early years, this allowed a sharp increase in land productivity, but soon crop yields began to plummet. With what it can be connected?

From 1 to 12 - 1 point

From 13 to 17 - 2 points

From 18 - to 22 - 3 points

Maximum points: 12 + 10 + 15 \u003d 37 points

The full version of the Olympiad with answers and figures, see the attached file

All-Russian Olympiad of students in geography

school tour

5th grade

Explanatory note to olympiad tasks  school stage all-Russian Olympiad  schoolchildren in geography

2016-2017 academic year

The school stage of the Geography Olympiad for Grade 5 is held in two rounds.

The first round is a test round, in which test tasks are presented.

The second tour is theoretical, consisting of geographical tasks.

Participants in the Olympics are prohibited:

    to ask questions to anyone, except on duty and members of the Organizing Committee;

    bring notebooks, reference books, textbooks, geographical atlases, and any electronic devices that transmit, receive, or store information (except for non-programmable calculators and switched off mobile phones) to classes.

After the time allotted for the school stage of the Olympiad, the participants of the Olympiad must pass the assignments. Participants can submit work ahead of schedule, after which they must leave the class.

General principles for assessing students' geographic competition

The proposed tasks are made taking into account the program of 4.5 classes of a comprehensive school.

For a more objective assessment of the work, it is recommended that the work of all participants be checked byunified assessment system:

    each test round task is rated at 1 point

    each task of the theoretical round is estimated from 0.5 points to 5 points

When checking work

    the main attention is paid to the unclean, and refer to the draft only to clarify the entries in the unclean; no draft entry can reduce the rating;

    points cannot be withdrawn for non-compliance of the decision of the participant with the copyright;

For the tasks of the school stage of the Olympiad in geography for grade 5,

2 hours 15 minutes: test tour - 1 academic hour (45 minutes)

theoretical tour - 2 academic hours (90 minutes)

The maximum grade for all work is 36 points.

Prize Award

The winners of the school stage of the Olympics are the participants in the Olympics who scored the most points.

Prizewinners of the school stage of the Olympiad within the established quota (25% of the total number of participants) are all participants of the school stage of the Olympiad following the winners in the final table.

In the event that a participant has the same number of points as those following him, the decision on this participant and all participants having an equal number of points with him is determined as follows:

    all participants are recognized as winners if their points are more than half the maximum possible;

    all participants are not recognized as winners if their points do not exceed half of the maximum possible.

Dear Guys!

The Olympics are the most important means of not only checking your geographic preparation, but also developing your geographic thinking and ideas about our planet.

Read the assignments carefully. We recommend that you write them in a draft before entering the answers on the form. When answering questions and completing assignments, do not rush, because the answers are not always obvious and require knowledge not only of program material, but also of general geographical erudition.

Good luck with your work!

Test tour

Choose the correct answer. For each correct answer - 1 point.

1. What does the word “geography” mean in the translation?

a) Earth exploration

b) description of the Earth

c) use of the Earth

d) Earth transformation

2. Observation, in contrast to the experiment, does not allow to answer the question

But as?

B) when?

B) how?

D) why?

3. What is not a planet?

a) Saturn

b) Mercury

c) the sun

4.Who was the first book on geography written?

a) Herodotus

b) Aristotle
  c) Eratosthenes

d) Ptolemy

5. What is the largest ocean?

a) Indian

b) Arctic

d) Atlantic

6. If you face north, then on our right hand we will have:

b) east

7. Evaporation of water is a phenomenon:

A) mechanical

B) thermal

C) electric

D) light.

8. What place should I choose for a bonfire so as not to harm nature?

a) open glade

b) riverbank

c) a lonely tree

d) birch grove

9. What substances are part of the air?

a) hydrogen, carbon dioxide, oxygen

b) oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide

c) fluorine, carbon dioxide, oxygen

10. Is the change of day and night on Earth explained?

a) the movement of the Earth around its axis

b) the movement of the earth around the sun

c) the daily rhythm of the geographical envelope

d) by changing the inclination of the earth's axis to the plane of the orbit

11. What tool did James Cook use against scurvy on his ships?

a) sauerkraut

B) a good word

c) apples

g) Native American spices

12. Choose the wrong statement:

a) upon impact of large meteorites on the earth's surface, meteorite craters arise;

b) there are more craters on the Earth’s surface than on the Moon’s surface;

c) Cosmos constantly has a visible and invisible effect on the Earth;

d) the tails of comets are directed in the direction opposite to the Sun.

13. The volcano usually represents:

a) deepening on the surface of the earth

b) flat surface

14. What is the largest continent on Earth

a) Africa

b) Antarctica

c) Eurasia

d) Australia

15. Air on Earth forms a shell, called:

a) biosphere

b) lithosphere

c) atmosphere

g) hydrosphere

Theoretical tour

16. Guess the geographic rebuses?

17. Under which numbers are the full moon and new moon shown in the figure?

How to determine, in the northern hemisphere, which month aging



18. Name the landmark places of your city

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________




19. Guess geographic puzzles

A) For a chemist, formulas of chemical reactions, for a mathematician, numbers and equations, but what for a geographer? ________________________________________________________________

B) What can be called the "hot blood of the Earth"? ___________________________________

C) Pronoun + Scottish horse + pronoun \u003d state in Asia _____________

D) Not the sea, not the land, ships do not sail and you can’t walk ___________________________

20.   In hot, dry weather, forest fires occur. What should be done to minimize the likelihood of fires?


The answers

Test tour   (1 point):

1 b 9 b

2 b 10 a

3 in 11 a

4 to 12 b

5 in 13 in

6 b 14 c

7 b 15 c

Theoretical tour:

16. Equator - 2 points; desert - 2 points

17. 5, 1. In the northern hemisphere, a vertical rod is mentally substituted for a month on the left side. If when connecting the month and the stick, the letter P is obtained, then the month is growing, and if not, then it is aging (5 points)

18. Free choice of students –– by 0.5 points (max -5 points)

19. A) map

B) volcano

C) Japan

D) swamp - 1 point for the correct answer (max - 4 points)

20. Do not throw burning matches or non-extinguished cigarette butts on the ground.

Do not make bonfires during the fire hazard period.

Do not burn trash in the forest.

Do not leave glass bottles or broken glass in the woods.

Make a fire only in designated areas.

Before leaving the parking lot, the fire should be completely extinguished - 0.5 points each

for each correct answer (max -3 points)