Wallpaper for a teenage girl's room. Stylish and functional wallpaper for a teenage boy's and girl's room Options for modern wallpaper in a teenage bedroom design

For a teenage boy’s room, like any things for him, it is not at all easy to choose because of the wayward nature of a child at this age, as well as because of the frequent and sudden changes in tastes and preferences. At the same time, it is impossible to leave children's decoration in the bedroom in a situation where the son has already reached adolescence, because it will be uncomfortable for him to be in the room.

Of course, when choosing wallpaper, you need to consult with the boy himself, but you cannot completely let go of control over the situation, as well as make rash decisions.

What should the wallpaper be like?

Teen wallpapers have several criteria that make them stand out from the rest. These points must be taken into account when choosing:

  • Adolescence is characterized by non-standard ways of self-expression, the craving for which quickly passes. Many adults are often even embarrassed about some of their teenage hobbies, which at one time they considered an integral part of their lives. Don’t force yourself into a situation where your son wants to change the interior of the room, but you feel sorry for almost new wallpaper - if you lack finances, it’s better to buy inexpensive wallpaper.

  • Uniqueness. Every teenager is sure that he is unusual, not like everyone else. All his behavior is aimed at expressing himself - to show why he is unusual. Your own room should fully correspond to the immediate interests of the teenager. Later, an adult guy will want wallpaper “like someone else’s”, but now uniqueness is much preferable. It is often advised to choose bright wallpaper, but in reality this is only interesting to younger teenagers.
  • Lack of taste. The concept is, of course, conditional - everyone has their own. However, teenagers are distinguished by their own vision of everything around them; their ideals often seem tasteless to their parents, as well as vice versa. If your child suddenly wants something ordinary and something that you like, don’t refuse, but ask yourself whether your son’s peers will call him too old-fashioned and boring. It may be better to hint that you are not against daring experiments.

If the teenager himself wants this, but you are exactly against it, it is better to give in at a certain moment, otherwise you can seriously ruin your relationship with your son over a trifle.

Which ones are better to glue?

If we talk about varieties, wallpaper can be classified according to several criteria:

  • Material. Perhaps you shouldn’t choose anything more expensive than ordinary paper or non-woven fabric. Firstly, they are inexpensive, which is very appropriate in view of the boy’s frequent changes in tastes. Secondly, they offer the widest possible choice of design solutions, which will allow them to match the child’s tastes.

  • Color palette. Most often, it is recommended to choose light, cheerful colors for the bedroom, but teenagers are unusual in that they are ready to abandon any generally accepted standards. They may prefer a strict black and white color scheme, a distinctly gloomy atmosphere, a childishly bright multi-colored design, or quite classic pastel colors. In case of a destructive choice, you can try to defend the good old classics, but remember that it is undesirable to insist on your own too much.
  • Visual design. Since originality is needed, many parents are sure that photo wallpaper is a must in a teenager’s room, but this is not entirely true. Even a completely one-color finish is acceptable, and posters will play the role of decoration.


With the help of style, you can very advantageously emphasize the child’s hobbies, which he will undoubtedly like. This is exactly what you should start from. The following popular styles among young people should be considered:

  • Loft. Deliberate abandonment, “industrial” interior, which will appeal to lovers of computers and other equipment, tough athletes, and even bohemians.

  • High tech. Emphasized technology and a focus on maximum interior convenience at the expense of its brightness are the ideal habitat for a computer geek, although in recent years high-tech has, in principle, turned into a typically masculine style.

  • Ethnic style. In a global world, you often meet a teenager who is passionate about the culture of a particular country. In recent years, the passion for Japan can be called widespread; the USA and Great Britain are also popular among young people.

  • Sea style. Constantly hints at movement and long-distance travel, which is suitable for those who cannot sit still for a long time. Teenagers are rarely experienced travelers at this age, but dreaming and making plans is much more pleasant in the right surroundings.

  • Kitsch. This is the most complex of all possible styles, since it is an analogue of what is called “casual” in clothing. The point is to combine completely unexpected things, but you are unlikely to be able to do this in a way that your child will appreciate.

More precisely, the result may evoke a certain sympathy, but you can bring kitsch to an ideal state only for yourself.

Color and design

The choice of colors has already been mentioned above - there are no specific requirements for it, teenagers are too capricious to drive themselves into any kind of framework. Another thing is that there can be room for choice thanks to various design options.

The simplest solution is ordinary one-color wallpaper. Only at first glance they don’t fit into a teenager’s bedroom - in fact, that’s where they belong. The fact is that they themselves, without being flashy and individual, allow you to freely hang any posters on top of them without harming the background, which still allows for the durability of the repair - not the finishing will change, but only the accessories on top of it, which is much cheaper and allows the interior to always be relevant.

A relatively common option is simple geometric shapes or discreet stripes. The advantages are the same as those of plain wallpaper, although additional difficulties may arise due to the fact that the color scheme with changing accessories on top of it may increasingly contrast with the overall palette of the room.

Photo wallpapers are naturally very appropriate in a teenager’s room. You need to choose them according to the taste of the young man - these can be both idols (football players, boxers, musicians) and urban landscapes (skyscrapers of a night city, bridges, masterpieces of world architecture).

In general, the choice of photo wallpaper is limited only by the client’s imagination, because they can even be made to order - with such a picture as you can provide for a sample.

Wallpaper layout and zoning options

It will be much easier to achieve originality if you use not one type of wallpaper, but two, for decoration.

In addition to the purely visual effect, there will be a direct benefit - a room divided into zones will allow you to more effectively engage in one or another activity. For the recreation area, light and soothing colors are more appropriate, and if your son plays sports at home, then you can, on the contrary, put bright, provocative wallpaper in the work area of ​​his room.

You can also combine finishes of different colors to create accents. It is possible both in simple ways, such as combining plain wallpaper of different colors or two different discreet patterns, and with the help of photo wallpaper. The latter can occupy either an entire wall or a relatively small part of it, acting as a kind of picture without a frame.

Photo wallpapers help with zoning; different types of them can even be arranged, choosing an unobtrusive seascape for a recreation area, and a photograph of a famous boxer for motivation to work with a punching bag and a barbell, or an equally famous musician for inspired guitar rehearsals for a work area.

How to choose?

When choosing decoration for the walls of a teenager’s room, you should definitely listen to his opinion, but you can promote your point of view or simply give him good advice only if your position is sufficiently reasoned. When choosing, follow a few simple tips:

Choose plain or striped options only if the boy’s preferences change with stunning speed, and he has no specific hobbies or noticeable achievements in any area. This will allow the owner of the room to instantly switch from one hobby to another with the help of new posters, which is especially typical for a boy of 14-15 years old, who is still very impetuous and abrupt.

Photo wallpaper, especially expensive ones, should be chosen only if the teenager has one very stable hobby - for example, a musical group or a football player.

Every parent wants their child to have his own room. The child’s comfortable stay depends on how it is decorated. Before you start making repairs, you need to take into account the wishes, interests, and age of the baby.

Wallpaper for a boy's children's room - a smart choice

Wall covering plays a rather significant role. The mood of the child and the guests, respectively, the children, depends on the wallpaper.

What you need to know before buying wallpaper:

  • the coating must have an environmental composition;
  • choose wallpaper made from paper, they are breathable and inexpensive;
  • Liquid wallpaper is suitable, of course, they are somewhat more expensive than paper wallpaper, but they have one huge advantage - they can be easily repainted in a different shade;
  • Washable wallpaper is ideal; children often show their creativity on the walls - this type of coating is easy to clean;
  • Forget about vinyl wallpaper, they are easily damaged.

In our article you can see photos of wallpaper for a boy’s nursery. Take a close look and suddenly your child will like some idea.

Wallpaper design for a boy's room

You can decorate the nursery in yellow, brown, blue, blue, purple or green. These are so-called boyish tones. Blue symbolizes water, the sea, and a pastel and green palette will help create a jungle in the interior.

You can choose black wallpaper for boys, don’t be afraid of the dark, this tone calms you down and puts you in the mood for sleep, dilute it with a light palette.

It was noticed that kids took a liking to the surfaces that depict cartoon characters: cars, robots, ships, dinosaurs, bees, it all depends on their interests and age category.

Don’t forget to consult with your child; he should live there and spend most of his free time. During the renovation process, invite your child to help you paper the walls yourself.

Boy 7 years old - how to please and not go wrong

Wallpaper for a boy's room should fully characterize this age. The child already has a point of view, an opinion. The child has hobbies and interests and is unlikely to like cars or airplanes.

Most people focus on studying, choosing a cover with numbers and letters. From a psychological point of view, wallpapers that depict nature and its inhabitants are suitable: dogs, cats, birds, wild animals. Drawings should not have catchy or complex patterns.

At this age, children are getting acquainted with the first basics of school and can become distracted. Wallpaper with stripes will help you concentrate - they will calm down an active boy after the gameplay. If the room belongs to two active children, then it is better to purchase washable wallpaper. Agree, it’s quite a practical and profitable option.

10 years old - what design is suitable for boys at this age

Don't forget to take your 10-year-old son with you to the store when you choose wallpaper for his room. You will allow the little man to feel like an adult. Don't be afraid, he will make the right choice.

Independence will give the boy self-confidence. He will understand that he is completely trusted. Listen to his opinion, give practical advice. Try to make the wallpaper for your walls comfortable and safe for health.

12 years old what to do at that age

Do not create a nursery for your child yourself, he will feel discomfort. At the age of 12, boys often change tastes and views. Maybe the guy likes to travel, then choose a yellow cover with globes or excerpts of a world map.

Buying wallpaper should be a joint and non-forced affair. Choose a day when it is convenient for your son to go to the store.

Boy - teenager

Wallpaper sellers have noticed that in adolescence, boys decorate their rooms in a minimalist style, with a minimum of decor and details. Give your child the opportunity to express himself. He can cover the walls with posters of his favorite actors, musicians and change them every day, or at one point take pictures altogether.

Try to decorate the room together, make it not only beautiful, but also convenient, comfortable; your mood and relaxation depend on the atmosphere.

Remember that the room is not the parents', but the child's. First of all, this is the space of a peasant, to whom guests and not only boys come. Wallpaper for a teenage boy is a characteristic of his inner world.

At any age, a child should feel like a master in a room where only his things are located, which he himself arranges in a way that is convenient and is always at hand. And even if you manage to make the perfect room and the baby remains happy, do not forget that the child grows, and hobbies change with him.

The design of the space should change appearance along with the age of the boy. Agree that the repairs made for a 7-year-old son are not suitable for a 16-year-old teenager. Also, do not buy wallpaper to grow. Don't break the little man's personality. Children's wallpapers for kids, and for teenagers globes and posters.

When starting renovations, you can consult with psychologists on how to do better so that the child is satisfied and thanks you. Love children, they are vulnerable and defenseless. Make repairs with pleasure and listen to their opinion.

Photo wallpaper for boys

Creating a modern, comfortable style for a teenage boy’s room using wallpaper is quite a difficult task. In order to combine the desires of a young guy with the capabilities of his parents, and the basics of design rules, a talent for persuasion combined with the correct vision of the future appearance of the room will be required.

The best wallpaper for a room

Any wallpaper that is chosen should suit the teenager. Therefore, be sure to purchase them together or at least after discussing them with your child.

Preferred types

What wallpaper is suitable for a boys' room? Any that do not release toxic substances when wet or exposed to direct sunlight.

  • Paper webs . The best wallpaper for the walls of a multi-functional teenage bedroom. They are completely environmentally safe and allow air to pass through well. The option is the cheapest, but short-lived.
  • Non-woven fabrics . The rolls are strong, fit well on the surface of the bedroom walls, and are “breathable.” In color options, if desired, teenage boys can change the color scheme up to 10 times.
  • Vinyls. The option is very practical. Even in a teenager’s room they “survive” up to several decades. The wallpaper is stylish, does not absorb dust and odors, can withstand wet cleaning, and successfully masks problems in the walls. Considering the average price category, vinyls can be classified as “profitable” for covering the walls of the bedrooms of teenagers, especially boys of a calm disposition.
  • Corkwallpaper. Eco-friendly 100%. Excellent sound insulation. Pleasant to the touch and very durable (subject to wax treatment). They are slightly let down by their small range and high price.
  • Liquid coatings. Wallpaper is safe and practical, easy to “repair”. Only the high price can stop their use for the walls of a children's room.
  • Photo wallpaper or photo printing. The best opportunity to accentuate walls and zoning space, especially if the room is shared by two boys of different ages or a brother and sister. Photo printing successfully supports the general theme of teenage interiors.

A good option for walls would be washable wallpaper of any kind, from which dirt can be removed much more easily than from regular canvases.

The seller must have an environmental safety certificate!

Features of choice

What is special about choosing wallpaper for a teenage bedroom? First of all, the room can be used for many other purposes at the same time. In most cases - for preparing lessons, studying with a computer and sports recreation. The teenager most often invites his friends to the same room. Based on this, what requirements should be presented for decorating a bedroom with wallpaper?

  • Feature and brightness. Try to make the space bright and unique. This does not mean that wallpaper should “shout” from the walls and ceiling with wildly bright colors or be decorated with accessories that evoke fear (skulls, zombies). It is important that the room has a sense of style, and the emphasis is placed on the best hobbies of its owner.
  • Designed for a short period of use. Adolescence doesn't last long. Therefore, you need to choose wallpaper with the expectation that in a minimum number of years the boy’s needs will turn into more serious preferences of the young man and the interior of the room will have to change a lot.
  • The ability to make a room look modern. The wallpaper in the room should correspond to the youth environment. The parents’ task is to “correct” serious distortions in the perception of reality, but in general the situation should be suitable for a young guy, but not necessarily correspond to the ideal parental ideas about the classic wallpaper “genre”.

Every parent also rightly wants the glued-on canvases to last a long time and remain of high quality. Here are some more tips for those who will invest in repairs.

  • Choose wear-resistant wall coverings. Remember that a ball or dart may well fly into them in the heat of active games with friends.
  • Look for wallpaper that can be washed. Not all coatings can withstand frequent cleaning.
  • Be sure to involve the boys in planning the wall designs. Here you are “killing two birds with one stone” - the teenager will happily accept the design idea he has chosen on his own and will take care of the room much more than one covered with wallpaper that he does not like. Moreover, boys are often frightened by the idea of ​​their parents introducing certain “girly” attributes into their masculine “color” of the bedroom.

Wallpapers for different styles

Each child is, of course, unique, although there are some general trends in hobbies that are characteristic of the teenage environment. Try to choose a well-known wallpaper style that is in harmony with your son's hobbies.

  • Teenagers aged 14-16 will positively appreciate minimalism. Against its background, posters, placards and everything that your son likes will look especially bright and meaningful. To accentuate and at the same time better preserve the wallpaper, we can place accessories on borders, adding graphic wallpaper to them.
  • With fans of sports and “hanging out” on the computer, you can discuss high-tech or loft, or suggest avant-garde.
  • Ethnic style will organically “play” on the walls of the bedroom of a fan of oriental cultures.
  • A dreamer of distant lands will love the design in the style of exotic places or sea beauties.
  • For a boy with creative inclinations, kitsch is suitable, but in his own, favorite direction.

With all the variety of styles, you should definitely “hear” your child - evaluate his personal design ideas, desire for masculine attributes and select wallpaper coverings for the walls in accordance with the requests of the owner of the room.

Photo wallpaper is a universal material for wall decoration

Photo wallpaper can play a special role in decorating any style of “boy’s” room. Thanks to their wide range on the modern market, a design solution can be chosen for any age and for almost every style. There are workshops where you can order wallpaper according to your design and even with a photograph provided by the client.

Advantages of photo wallpaper:

  • High-quality photo wallpapers are easy to glue and remove, which gives scope for quickly changing the design of the room.
  • Create an atmosphere of orderliness.
  • They are selected in the interests of the owner of the premises.
  • They are inexpensive.

Photo wallpaper should not be “lost” against the background of the walls.

Finish options

After choosing the wallpaper, they proceed directly to updating the room. Working with a boy's room has its own peculiarities.

Color preferences

The most important component of wallpaper interior is the color that dominates the walls of the room.

The best option is calm, monochromatic canvases, combined with bright borders to zone the space.

  • “Warm” colors will refresh the walls in a room facing north. It will create an atmosphere of calm and comfort, and will “dull” the harshness of dividing space into comfort zones. Recommended colors: beige, orange, yellowish. Light colors have a positive effect on the learning process.
  • “Caustic” colors will have a bad effect on the boy’s psyche. It is better to try to convincingly convince him of the advantage of calmer tones.

The most popular colors for teenage rooms are: blue, green and brown with shades. It is worth sticking very carefully with red (the color of aggression) and black (if in excess it brings depression).

It must be remembered that too saturated shades of any colors (with or without drawings) can cause an overly excited state in a boy.

Psychology of colors:

  • Green. For relaxation and creativity.
  • Blue and its shades. Male creative color.
  • Variations of yellow. They improve mood and “expand” space.
  • Violet. The color of aggression, like black and red.
  • Orange. Cheerfulness and positivity.

Selection of drawing

Which wallpaper pattern to choose for the room where a teenager “lives”? See what your boy is passionate about, don’t forget the advice of child psychologists and create an exclusive. The choice is completely limitless. We can only name some of the most popular stories.

  • Graffiti.
  • Trips.
  • Landscapes of the sea.
  • Geometric designs and abstractions.
  • Stripes.
  • Technique.
  • Sports motives.
  • Pictures of nature.
  • Hieroglyphs.

The pattern on the wallpaper should match the general style of the room where the boy lives. Then it will definitely look harmonious and fit into the “system of preferences”, which any teenager applies very strictly.

Combination possibilities

Combining wallpaper in a room for guys primarily solves the problem of separating thematic zones.

Popular combination options:

  • Combining wallpaper with wall panels.
  • A combination of completely practical canvases below with expensive and beautiful ones above the main level of active pollution.
  • Gluing stickers onto the base covering.
  • In the “new classic” style, cornices, baseboards and moldings are possible (without bright contrast).
  • Posters of your favorite life and movie heroes will fit beautifully on a white wall, which the boy will be happy to see every day.
  • Variations of green shades in the area for lessons, with pastels in the “corners” of rest.
  • Horizontal or vertical lines, inserts - as accent stripes to highlight partitions or niches. A teenager must perceive different parts of his space differently.

“Chips” in the interior – necessary and dangerous

To please a teenager with a special style in his room, it is very important to find a special “trick” in the interior. There is no point in turning your living space into a theater, even if your teenage son has an infinite number of interests. But it is very desirable to highlight in the interior the main thing that is important for its self-development.

Depending on the son’s hobbies, these can be very different “objects”:

  • Paintings by his favorite artist or painted by himself.
  • Posters of great athletes or artists.
  • Sports attributes. Particularly important are the certificates, cups and medals that the boy earned himself.
  • Items from the musical world. A teenager can place his favorite musical instrument or a poster of a popular band here.
  • Photos of the latest achievements of the global automotive industry and much more.

Some “innovations” in decorating boys’ rooms with wallpaper are best avoided:

  • many drawings and bright ornaments that will subconsciously put pressure on the psyche;
  • design in a classic style, if the boy is not a real fan of this design;
  • wallpaper abstractions - in the room of a pre-teen child.

Your grown-up boy should feel a masculine “color” in the room, but at the same time do not allow the environment to set an aggressive or too “loose” style of his behavior. Any accents and color schemes should be moderate.

Room zoning

A teenage room of any size is necessarily divided into zones of “responsibility” - a study corner, a place to sleep and personal space. This is especially important in a room where two children live.

If possible, it is very good to highlight a hobby area. Mini-spaces are separated by the color of the wallpaper, although the process of “delimitation” can include furniture, partitions, blinds and everything else that is possible.

  • Space for studying. Almost every teenager's interest in studying is reduced. Therefore, the place of study should be designed as interesting as possible, with a hint of future prospects in life for those who study well. There should be no relaxing motives.
  • Sleep area. Made in light (but not white) colors. Here you can use photo wallpaper so that the teenager sees calm pictures or landscapes before going to bed.
  • A place of personal relaxation. As close as possible to the door to the room, with shades of wallpaper that are pleasing to the eyes of a child.

For zoning, you can use stripes, horizontal separation of the lower part of the wall from the upper, vertical glued rolls on the general horizontal background of the wall, coatings with the same texture in different colors, moldings and much more. An excellent opportunity to work with accents on walls is provided by paintable wallpaper with a structure.

When the space in a room is shared by two boys of approximately the same age, the color divisions of the space are carried out at the request of the “inhabitants”. If brothers are of different ages, it is necessary to take into account the interests of each. A younger boy will suit lighter colors of wallpaper; an older teenager will prefer canvases that are more rich and “creative.” The room shared by brother and sister is decorated completely differently. The space for each teenage child is pasted in accordance with the recommendations for choosing wallpaper for their gender.

Planning the design of a teenager's room on their own is a huge mistake many parents make. Do not forget that the son must establish himself in the company of his peers and a very important ritual for this is inviting them to visit, any joint activities in the living space that will be arranged for him at home. Help your teenager show his creativity in his own room, and then he will not leave it for a suspicious company, and will be sincerely grateful to his parents for the new renovation.

As your child grows up, it is very important to find a common language with him. And in order for him to make sure that you show interest in him and his problems, select original photo wallpapers for his room. Firstly, their use will highlight your child’s individuality, and secondly, it will demonstrate that you also like his taste and even that perhaps your tastes completely coincide.

Due to the fact that during adolescence a child’s interests and preferences often change, photo wallpaper will have to be changed periodically. But thanks to the easy peel and stick process, it won't be a difficult task for you, and the affordable price for a teenager's room will be another advantage for you. We will introduce you further to the other positive properties of such photo wallpapers.

Benefits of use

Why is it so beneficial to use photo wallpaper to decorate your children’s room? This is due to the fact that at a conscious age they become more and more I want to be different from my peers.

Standard plain wallpaper will not help them stand out and create a unique style. And here is the photo wallpaper with interesting drawings can easily cope with this task.

Advice: You can offer your child to make custom photo wallpaper. Let him choose the design himself, and also decide on the location and size of the photo wallpaper.

What advantages does the use of photo wallpaper in the interior of a teenager entail? Let's look at the main ones:

  • The first and perhaps most important advantage for parents is complete health safety. Photo wallpapers include only environmentally friendly materials, so they will not affect the well-being of your children;
  • the second positive property is presence of a top protective layer (film), due to which your wallpaper will not fade, will not wear off due to constant contact with foreign objects, and will also react calmly to moisture, temperature changes and many other factors. Thanks to these properties, photo wallpapers are quite durable and practical to use;
  • due to huge selection of designs you don’t have to worry that your child won’t be able to find an option that suits his character and interests. And if he gets tired of the drawing, such photo wallpapers are very easy to replace;
  • Another significant advantage is aesthetic qualities of photo wallpaper. This design method is considered an alternative to various posters, stickers, drawings, photographs, which together would create a mess and an unpleasant atmosphere in the room.

It’s not for nothing that many parents have already taken a closer look at photo wallpapers: it’s inexpensive and very stylish, and your child will be satisfied with this design of his room.

When choosing, you will be faced with a very wide palette: these are striped wallpapers, plain and colored, with decorative patterns and small patterns.

Read about Leroy Merlin non-woven wallpaper and more in. The most complete overview of non-woven wallpaper manufacturers and the cost of products from each global brand is presented.

General rules for room design

When choosing a pattern for a teenager’s room, you need to focus on a few important rules, otherwise such wallpaper can not only disrupt the style, but also negatively affect your child’s mood.

First rule: photo wallpaper in such a room should not be covered by pieces of furniture or supplemented with unnecessary parts and accessories. Wall murals for teenagers should be as free as possible. Sometimes they can be combined with lamps or bookshelves, but in any case the details should not spoil their appearance.

Typically, wide-format photo wallpaper is glued to a spacious wall opposite the main area of ​​the children's room. For example, if there is a sofa in a teenager's room, it is better to paste such wallpaper opposite it so that the child can easily contemplate the interesting design.

Second rule: The smaller the teenage room, the lighter the wallpaper should be. Some parents make a standard mistake: they believe that bright photo wallpapers with a lot of pictures will be appropriate in any room. Actually this is not true.

Large drawings will visually reduce the space of the room, and if it is already small, it will put pressure on vision and psyche. The best option is wallpaper in neutral shades with one image in the center.

Third rule: When choosing photo wallpaper for a teenager’s room, focus on the overall style.

In addition, photo wallpapers should be in harmony with the pieces of furniture, shades that were used to decorate the room, and the theme of the image should correspond to the general theme of the room.

Fourth rule: Observe the zoning of space. For example, in the sleeping area it is better to stick calmer designs; in the play or sports area you can choose brighter shades.

Remember! It is not advisable to install photo wallpaper in an area intended for study, as it will interfere with your child’s studies.

Fifth rule: Never use too childish drawings. Remember that your child has already grown up, and photo wallpapers should show his age.

In addition, the main goal that a child will pursue when choosing photo wallpapers is the opportunity to demonstrate them to his friends, and children's drawings will cause the wrong reaction among peers.

And the last, very important rule: rooms for boys and girls should be different, and this should be visible from the photo wallpaper. Therefore, it is very important to maintain a line in this matter.

Advice: For boys, cooler shades (blue, light blue, brown) are suitable, for girls – more delicate shades (pink, beige, yellow).

Photo wallpaper in the teenage room of boys and girls

The most common way to decorate a room for teenagers with photo wallpaper is Using pictures that suit your children's interests. But depending on the gender and character of the child, interests differ, so consult with your son or daughter about the drawing.

In the event that both a boy and a girl live in the children's room, you can use abstract drawings or photo wallpapers, suitable for everyone: these are animals, marine themes, travel and other options.

Naturally, they should lack childish elements: for example, a marine theme is no longer drawings of cartoon fish, but beautiful seascapes or ships; animals are not butterflies or cats.

The design on the photo wallpaper should intersect with your child’s hobby. In a room for a teenage boy, you can paste photo wallpapers corresponding to the following topics:

  • sports(football, basketball teams, images of sports paraphernalia, famous athletes);
  • cars(modern or retro models, car racing. Instead of cars, you can choose images of bikes);
  • computer topics(heroes of computer games, matrices, unusual equipment, robots, and so on);
  • creation(unusual paintings, abstractions, graffiti);
  • music(famous musicians or bands, sheet music, musical instruments, vinyl records, etc.);
  • movie(stills from films, actors);
  • geography and travel(maps, beautiful cities, landscapes).

Advice: To make the interior of such a room look as harmonious as possible, do not stop at photo wallpaper. Use appropriate paraphernalia and decorative elements to decorate the rest of the room, and also select furniture that best matches this direction.

In order to give photo wallpaper a more modern look, you can additionally decorate it with neon lighting or make a decorative frame from shelves and pieces of furniture. Don’t be afraid to experiment: in such a room everything new will look bright and unusual.

Read about how colorful and memorable photos with photo wallpaper options in black and white can change the entire interior design.

Find out how to paint vinyl wallpaper: painting it yourself with our instructions will not cause any difficulties.

As for girls, then, of course, it’s better for their rooms choose more feminine photo wallpapers. For example, these could be the following areas:

  • Fashion & Style(fashion models, clubs, designer shows, or even her own photo in a chic dress);
  • romance(hearts, flowers, beautiful romantic landscapes, couples in love, Paris);
  • music(soloists and musical groups);
  • movie(actors and actresses, stills from films);
  • natural motives(for example, flower theme) and many others.

Urban style photo wallpapers are suitable for both boys and girls. These can be beautiful streets, night cities, wide bridges and other drawings. And to make the plot look even more realistic, complement the style with suitable lamps.

Teen rooms should also be compatible with each other.

It is better to choose the background color of the wallpaper to match the photo picture., taking as a basis a light, pleasant shade of a neutral range.

Brighter colors will most likely please a preschooler, while teenagers - both girls and boys - will like soft pastel, light gray, blue, pale green and lilac shades.

A teenager's room is exactly the place where he can show his individuality. And at this age you should not prevent this manifestation.

Support your child in his endeavors and choose a suitable design for photo wallpaper with him. And you will see how the children's room will be transformed, and the original photo wallpaper will lift the spirits of both your child and yourself.

Adolescence is a rather difficult stage in the life of a child’s developing character. Standing up for your rights and desires ultimately results in rebellion. During this period, tastes and preferences change dramatically and often contradict parental wishes, so choosing the interior and wallpaper for a teenager’s room is an extremely difficult task, but doable.

A room for a teenage girl is a whole world of dreams, desires and one of the ways of self-expression. Choosing the right decoration for a growing girl's room is a serious matter. All further interior design will depend on this. When choosing wallpaper for your daughter or granddaughter’s room, it is important to take into account her taste preferences so that the subsequently created interior will please her.

Currently, stores offer a huge assortment of wallpaper for a child’s room or a teenage girl’s bedroom. The main thing is to take into account the girl’s preferences, and parents must take care of all technical aspects regarding the quality of the material and other characteristics.

Let's consider the main points that should be followed when choosing wallpaper.

  • Environmental component. The selected products must be hypoallergenic, breathable and not attract dust. The safety of the child must come first.
  • The pattern on the wallpaper should be in accordance with the chosen design and the future style of the room.
  • If parents plan to carry out repairs themselves, then it is important to take this aspect into account when choosing wallpaper. Difficulties often arise with matching the pattern, the size of the canvas, or gluing some types of wallpaper.

The above recommendations should be taken into account when going to the store. This will allow you to avoid unpleasant moments in the future during the repair process. It is important to know that wallpaper can differ in surface texture, moisture resistance, strength, etc. One type of wallpaper, namely vinyl, for a child’s room and a teenager’s bedroom should not be considered. However, when traveling to a specialty store, you need to know some other aspects, which we will consider below.

Wallpaper options:

  • Paper. One of the most environmentally friendly types of wallpaper. Cellulose fibers are used to make them. This is the very first type of wallpaper and many designers call it traditional. Today, such wallpapers are made according to high-tech parameters, making them more wear-resistant than their Soviet predecessors. A fairly reasonable price, excellent quality and a huge selection of colors and patterns allow this wallpaper to remain in first place in the ranking. They will be a good option when decorating a teenage girl’s room.

These wallpapers have several nuances that you need to know before you buy them. The walls of the room must be in perfect condition, i.e. very well aligned. Otherwise, the wallpaper will highlight all the unevenness of the wall, and the overall appearance will be untidy. Among the disadvantages, one can also note their possible deformation from mechanical damage. You need to be extremely careful with such wallpaper. Another disadvantage is their sensitivity to ultraviolet rays. With prolonged exposure to sunlight, paper wallpaper fades quickly and severely.

Paper wallpaper in one layer is extremely difficult to glue and, due to rapid impregnation with glue, can creep down. The second option is a two-layer paper wallpaper. Such wallpapers are more durable and much easier to glue.

Paper wallpaper will be an excellent solution in the room of a young artist. After all, you can create entire masterpieces with them. Another positive aspect of paper wallpaper is that it will suit any type of interior. An undeniable advantage is the affordable price, which only motivates changes in the house.

  • Non-woven. In essence, this is the same cellulose wallpaper, but undergone a different treatment. In this regard, such wallpaper can also be considered an environmentally friendly material. Such wallpapers have excellent wear resistance. The surface is very warm and soft, and due to the elasticity of the wallpaper, it stretches well. If any defects are identified or manifested, they will not be visible on the non-woven wallpaper. Even novice craftsmen will enjoy working with such canvases. This wallpaper sticks perfectly to walls. Non-woven wallpaper can have a smooth or embossed top layer, just like paper wallpaper, it can be single-layer or double-layer.

This type of wallpaper has a fairly large number of advantages. They are breathable, which in turn will prevent fungus from multiplying on the plaster. Like paper ones, they are made from environmentally friendly materials and are perfect for a teenager’s room. The material of non-woven wallpaper allows for regular wet cleaning. As a rule, they are presented in various decorative options, such as photo wallpaper or paintable wallpaper. Due to the convex details on some types of wallpaper, they hide uneven walls well.

Another important point is that such wallpaper needs to be glued end-to-end. Due to the quality of the wallpaper, this will not be difficult. Also, if after some time a girl gets tired of the color of the walls in her room, then they can be painted differently.

  • Fiberglass. Such wallpaper is made from purified mineral components by melting, then canvases with a certain type of pattern are created. Finally, such wallpaper is impregnated with special starch, which gives it greater density and rigidity. As a rule, manufacturers produce such wallpaper in white and are intended for painting. The materials used in the manufacture of such wallpaper are non-toxic, so they are quite suitable for decorating a child’s or teenager’s bedroom. Recently, designers have been using such wallpaper to decorate a wall in a room, and then paint it in one or more colors.

A significant advantage of this material is its resistance to mechanical damage. The specificity of the material also affects the fact that such wallpaper prevents the formation of fungi and mold underneath. Also, due to the material, dust practically does not stick to such wallpaper. When gluing such wallpaper, even novice craftsmen will not have any particular difficulties, the main thing is that there is high-quality glue available. Manufacturers guarantee that such wallpaper can last up to thirty years. The canvases will also endure repeated repainting if the teenager does not like the finished result of her room.

A significant disadvantage of fiberglass wallpaper is its price. But if you take into account the service life of such wallpaper and the possibility of repeated repainting, then the price is quite comparable to the quality.

  • Cork. Another type of wallpaper for a teenager's room would be cork wallpaper. Such wallpapers can have different structural structures. Typically, they come in natural colors interspersed with various colors. This type of wallpaper is also suitable for decorating a teenage girl’s room. A clear advantage of such wallpaper is its environmentally friendly finish.

Such wallpaper has good sound and heat insulation, which will appeal to fans of loud music. Cork fabrics do not fade and retain their original color for a long time. In addition, they do not absorb odor and are antibacterial, which prevents the growth of mold and mildew. Quite specific wallpaper, which nevertheless allows you to create a special atmosphere of comfort in the room.

  • Bamboo. Such wallpaper is made from plant trunks and treated in a special way. They can be single-layer mat-type or double-layer. The backing option can be fabric or paper. Such wallpapers can be either natural colors or painted in other colors of nature. In the East, they believe that bamboo walls have a beneficial effect on the human psyche.

Such wallpaper is very resistant to various mechanical damage and does not fade at all from sunlight. They are famous for their durability and beautiful appearance. Bamboo perfectly retains heat in a room and accumulates it, and when the temperature drops, it gives it back. Such wallpaper can be wiped wet or dry and used with a vacuum cleaner when cleaning.

  • Photo wallpaper. A good idea when decorating a teenage girl’s bedroom would be photo wallpaper. The variety of types of such photo wallpapers is quite widely represented in specialized stores.

We looked at the main types of wallpaper, their advantages and disadvantages. The choice remains with the owner of the room and her parents.


Design ideas

Lately, parents have often been faced with the question of how a room should be decorated for a 12 or 16 year old girl. Adolescence is a difficult period in the life of a child and his parents. The main thing when changing the interior is to find a compromise with your daughter. The room needs to contain everything that a 13 or 15 year old girl might need.

The child takes the details around him for granted. The child has a lot of bright toys and it would be quite reasonable to choose calm colors to decorate the room. For a teenage girl's room, sand or ivory color is always a safe bet. Pleasant and versatile colors that go with many others.

It is important to understand that a girl’s room is a place for sleep and relaxation, study and a meeting place with friends. Competent designers suggest decorating each zone in the room separately. Cool tones are more appropriate in the study and sleep areas. When creating any design idea, you need to take into account the basic parameters of the room. The choice of wallpaper is influenced by the size of the room, the height of the ceilings and the prevailing light source.

Of course, a room where artificial light is constantly on should not be covered with dark wallpaper. A room with a low ceiling will be visually enhanced by striped wallpaper. If, on the contrary, the ceilings are very high, then you should pay attention to wallpaper in a horizontal pattern. Psychologists do not recommend using bright colors on all walls of the room; it is enough to make one accent wall.

An excellent and simple solution in the interior of a teenage girl’s room will be photo wallpaper. Depending on the topic, they are divided into several areas.

  • Cartoon characters. These can be various princesses, Cinderella, the Little Mermaid, Winnie the Pooh or Mickey Mouse.
  • Nature. Magic forest and fairytale castles, tropical island or sea. Such pictures will contribute to the development of the child’s imagination. Of course, such photo wallpapers are not suitable for a 14 year old girl.
  • Futuristics. Themes of alien wanderings may be suitable for a 15 year old girl. But do not forget about her desires and preferences.

Small bedrooms can be made multifunctional and very feminine.


Fashion designs

There are a large number of trends and styles that are popular among teenagers. No fashionable room design will be so without competent color design of the interior.

A room for a teenage girl in beige tones will seem lighter and larger than if it were decorated in other colors. This technique is also relevant if the windows face north.

It is not usual for a girl to decorate a room in bright blue. There are strong stereotypes in my head that this is a boyish color. However, the right combination of tones and decor will help create a stylish room. Pink and light green are considered a fashionable and successful combination in the interior. This range looks very fresh and is suitable for a fairly wide range of ages.

The combination of white and black in measured proportions will create an elegant and balanced room design. In such an interior, wallpaper with inscriptions can be used, which will add its own style to the room as a whole.


Which ones to choose

As we discussed earlier, wallpapers are made of paper, non-woven, textile, cork and natural. You can choose the following wallpaper for a teenage girl's room:

  • Romantic. Pink, beige, soft mint or with flowers. But then the entire furnishings in the room should support the general direction of the style.
  • Minimalistic. We are talking about plain wallpaper or with a slight accent.
  • High tech. Often the wallpaper comes in cold or neutral tones, one of the walls is decorated like a brick tab or graffiti.


Recently, wallpaper with a 3D effect has become popular. Such wallpaper can be in completely different patterns, and they make the room deeper and more interesting. Many girls like flowers and other floral elements. Delicate and pleasant colors are very suitable for vulnerable and sensitive young ladies. For melancholic girls, yellow wallpaper will be an excellent choice.

How to care

Of course, every mother worries about cleanliness and order in the house. Each type of wallpaper has its own characteristics.


One of the most finicky things to clean is paper wallpaper. It is extremely difficult to eliminate any marks or defects on them. As a rule, experts advise cleaning such wallpaper from dust using a soft broom or feather duster. If there are small stains, it is better to try to remove them with an eraser. But it is important to note that you cannot rub the wallpaper too hard with an eraser. This way they can be easily torn.

Non-woven wallpaper is more durable in terms of cleaning. Wet cleaning using mild cleaning agents is allowed. Such wallpaper will survive greasy fingerprints and superficially applied children's drawings.

Fabric wallpaper requires more careful treatment than paper wallpaper. They cannot be wiped with a damp cloth. This may cause the wallpaper to sag or peel. It is allowed to use a vacuum cleaner turned on at low settings or a damp cloth. Among fabric wallpapers, velor ones are among the most capricious. This wallpaper attracts dust very well, so it is necessary to clean it with a vacuum cleaner often.

Bamboo wallpaper is made with a special dust-repellent impregnation. Therefore, the most you may need is a small wet wipe.

Paintable wallpaper, given the presence of good paint, will withstand easy cleaning using universal products. If the top coating was made of water-based paint, then such wallpaper can be wiped with a damp cloth.

Stylish looks

If parents are thinking about taste and raising beauty in their daughter, then they need to start with the style in her room. Today, designers offer various options for decorating a teenager's children's room.