Horse stable: projects and ideas. A stable for horses: what to consider and how to build it yourself. A paddock where horses are walked.

The most suitable place to house and live a horse is a stall. It goes by many names: pen, stall, stall. A stall is needed not only for the convenience of keeping, but also for raising and training the animal.

Where to start, what to grab onto, what to come up with. Let's start in order.

The most ideal option is a box with a paddock. It allows the horse to be both indoors and outdoors. Naturally, in bad weather, you need to control the time the animal spends outside. If funds or space do not allow this, then you can solve the problem with the help of an external box. When the top door is open, the horse also takes an active part in the life of the stable and does not get bored. Protect your horse from drafts.

Open upper door


In almost all stables, the size of the stall is no more than three meters by three meters - nine square meters. All these sizes are suitable for keeping horses in a “satisfactory” condition. Accordingly, we can observe trampling, hitting, gnawing - all this from a very confined space.

If we think logically and calculate correctly how to make a stall for a horse, we have the following picture: the length of a horse is on average two meters and forty centimeters. Accordingly, the side is slightly small. The ideal option for a horse is four meters by five meters. This is necessary so that the animal can calmly turn around in the stall.

Many people simply remove the top layer of soil, sprinkle it with peat, and the coating is ready. This is due to savings, but this can hardly be called savings; the costs for a doctor will be much higher. Peat, together with manure and urine, forms an excellent environment for infectious diseases.

There is an option for an adobe floor, but you have to knock it down two or three times a year and lay a new one, it is very warm and not slippery, but you need to always have a clay quarry with you, and this is also not cheap. Wooden flooring is also a good option, but over time it becomes slippery. We recommend the best option - a concrete floor. Only he will protect you from rats.

Concrete floor

The walls of the box must be made of proven brick. Horses do not chew or hit it with their hooves. But if we take into account the needs of the animal, many simply lose their will because they gnaw on a tree, suffer from it, or hit it with their hooves:

  • It’s very easy to make a wooden partition and you don’t have to skimp on the profile. The dividing partition should cover half the height of the stable. Side partitions must be equipped with ventilation holes.
  • The front wall can have a different appearance and production method. The front mesh made of metal bars resembles a prison, but is convenient for stables with regular visitors - the horse cannot reach out and bite.

Front mesh
  • For a private stable, an open front wall is suitable. If the dividing partitions are made of brick, then the front wall is also built from it. It can also be made from a channel and a board. Or simply abandon metal structures altogether and install a completely wooden partition.

Almost all types of doors are equally good and equally bad. If your stable does not have the required width, then it is better to make sliding doors. An ordinary rotary or, as it is also called, “rotating” one, withstands the pressure of horses better and more reliably. The size of the door must be at least one meter and fifty centimeters. And pay attention to the fittings, there is, of course, a great choice here, but two galvanized bolts for a regular door are the most reliable and durable lock.

Sliding doors

Rules for placing parts

The disadvantage of the stall is that only the front wall remains for feeding and it is necessary to place a manger, a feeder, and an automatic drinker on it at the same time. This gives the horse a reason to indulge in water and food and do other fun things. If it is not possible to divide the stall, then you need to follow the rules:

  1. The stall size ranges from three meters to three and a half long and two meters long.
  2. Slope up to one and a half centimeters per meter in the direction of the gutter.
  3. The separation pole is tightly attached to the feeding table.
  4. The stable pole is attached at a level of one meter from the ground.
  5. To avoid collisions with a neighboring horse, a shockproof casing is attached.

The box stall is very convenient; it provides the horse with a comfortable bed, measuring two and a half by one and a half meters. You can provide a grill on top to prevent bickering between animals.

In the end, one thing we can suggest is that the best stall for a horse is a box. First of all, this is the health of our horses, which will always reciprocate our feelings.

Stall size
The size of the stall may depend on the size and purpose of the horse. For ponies and small breeds (Arabian) 4x4 meters will be sufficient, and for horses whose height exceeds 140 cm, the stall size should be at least 4.5x4.5 meters. Large horses of warm-blooded and draft breeds need an even more spacious stall, measuring 5x5 meters or 5.3x5.3 meters, and a mare with a foal or a stud stallion needs to be provided with 6.5x6.5 meters of free space. On the other hand, miniature horses thrive in stalls measuring just 2.5 x 2 meters. It is recommended that the length of the stall wall be 1.5 times the length of the horse, but as they say, the longer the better.

Ceiling height in stall
It is better to follow the principle of “the higher the better” for both horse safety and ventilation. The minimum ceiling height can be 4 m (if you make stalls in an existing old room and you simply have no other choice). Increasing the ceiling height will improve air circulation, but will also help minimize the risk of your horse hitting his head if he rears in fear. High ceilings also mean that wiring and other communications will be located higher and, as they say, out of harm's way.

Stall doors can be lattice, solid or combined. It is better to install combined doors (half wooden/iron - half lattice, pole or mesh): this, firstly, will provide ventilation, secondly, it will allow the horse to observe what is happening in the stable, and thirdly, it will not allow she gets injured by getting her hooves stuck in the bottom of the grate.
Stall partitions are also of great importance: if designed correctly, they give horses the opportunity to communicate with their neighbors. Horse stable design companies say that ninety percent of clients, when asked about partition designs, want them to be continuous from floor to ceiling. But stable designers recommend that owners allow the horse to interact with other horses.

Floor coverings
And finally we move on to the floor covering. Each owner decides for himself what type of coating to choose, but in general, the floor must meet the following requirements:

Don't be too tough
- do not absorb odors
- be dry
- be non-slippery
- be durable
- be durable
- to be cleaned
- be accessible, inexpensive

The most suitable place to house and live a horse is a stall. It goes by many names: pen, stall, stall. A stall is needed not only for ease of maintenance, but also for taming a horse, raising and training the animal.

Where to start, what to grab onto, what to come up with. Let's start in order.

Before building a stable, it is worth focusing on important details:

  • The structure is built in such a way as to make the animal’s stay in it comfortable. A prerequisite is the presence of heat, light, cleanliness, as well as the absence of even the slightest drafts. Because they can seriously undermine the health of horses.
  • When choosing the location of a building, you should prefer a site that is located on a small hill. This solution will prevent dampness in the structure, which is a common cause of hoof diseases.
  • It is important to determine which winds prevail in the area. It is necessary to orient the building relative to them in such a way that cold air masses hit the end of the building or its corner.
  • Decide right away how much money you are willing to invest in construction. Before drawing up an estimate, find out the current prices for materials and tools that will be used in the work process. Based on them, final calculations are made. It is worth understanding that the objectively calculated cost of the project, which fits into the existing budget, will allow the construction of the stables to be completed on time, avoiding long-term construction.
  • If you have a strong desire to do everything on your own, it would be a good idea to consult with experienced construction professionals. By following the recommendations received from them, you will avoid common mistakes and save time and money.

Materials used

To build a beautiful house for horses, which will serve as protection for animals from bad weather for many years, you need to wisely choose the material for building walls. The most popular materials in this area are wood and brick. The frame made of them will be durable, dry and warm.

If finances do not allow you to use factory ones, then you should look towards simple materials. Adobe is a clay-straw mixture that retains heat well and has sufficient strength. Sometimes the walls are framed from boards, and the resulting space is filled with sawdust mixed with clay. There are options for erecting stone walls, but this solution cannot be called a good one. Dampness regularly occurs inside it, heat is poorly retained, as a result of which horses regularly catch colds.


This material perfectly retains heat indoors, at the same time, buildings made from it are permeable to atmospheric air, which allows for natural gas exchange. If you compare a brick and a wooden wall with the same thermal conductivity, the brick wall will be several times thicker. Wood costs relatively little, and building with it is easier and more convenient.

Ideal would be logs with a diameter of 20-25 cm, or timber covered with clapboard.

This material has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. These include:

  • fragility. The service life of a wooden building is several times lower than that of a brick one;
  • fire hazard;
  • susceptibility to rotting and the destructive action of living organisms, for example, wood-boring beetles. This problem is partially solved by impregnating lumber before construction.


This material also has many advantages. It is strong, buildings made from it are durable and resistant to environmental influences. It conducts air and water well, without creating the effect of heat loss and excess humidity. Brick buildings retain heat well inside, preventing excessive condensation and the “greenhouse effect”. However, they retain heat worse than wooden ones, so in central Russia, for the construction of stables, the walls are laid in 2 bricks, their width must be at least 40 cm.

Brick stable

The disadvantages of brick as a material for construction include high cost and low speed of work.

Frame-and-fill design

The filling component is usually sawdust mixed with expanded clay or slag. The slightest crack causes it to spill out, which leads to the formation of voids in the wall. This reduces the thermal insulation of the room, and it begins to lose heat in winter. In addition, rodents live in voids.

This design has one advantage - price. The frame-and-fill design is the cheapest. This explains its relative popularity.

The following materials are not suitable:

  • stone. It is difficult to process and construct, does not retain heat well, and contributes to the formation of dampness. Despite the durability and resistance of stone buildings, this material is not suitable;
  • concrete blocks. They crumble easily, remove heat well from the room and do not protect against dampness.

Example of a frame-fill wall

When choosing a material, you should proceed from the climatic conditions of the place where you plan to install the stable, as well as other factors (depth of groundwater, presence of ventilation and heating systems, etc.).

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How does a horse sleep: standing or lying down?


The most ideal option is a box with a paddock. It allows the horse to be both indoors and outdoors. Naturally, in bad weather, you need to control the time the animal spends outside. If funds or space do not allow this, then you can solve the problem with the help of an external box. When the top door is open, the horse also takes an active part in the life of the stable and does not get bored. Protect your horse from drafts.


In almost all stables, the size of the stall is no more than three meters by three meters - nine square meters. All these sizes are suitable for keeping horses “satisfactorily”. Accordingly, we can observe trampling, horse hooves, gnawing - all this from a very confined space.

If we think logically and calculate correctly how to make a stall for a horse, we have the following picture: the length of a horse is on average two meters and forty centimeters. Accordingly, the side is slightly small. The ideal option for a horse is four meters by five meters. This is necessary so that the animal can calmly turn around in the stall.


Many people simply remove the top layer of soil, sprinkle it with peat, and the coating is ready. This is due to savings, but this can hardly be called savings; the costs for a doctor will be much higher. Peat, together with manure and urine, forms an excellent environment for infectious diseases.

There is an option for an adobe floor, but you have to knock it down two or three times a year and lay a new one, it is very warm and not slippery, but you need to always have a clay quarry with you, and this is also not cheap. Wooden flooring is also a good option, but over time it becomes slippery. We recommend the best option - a concrete floor. Only he will protect you from rats.

Concrete floor


The walls of the box must be made of proven brick. Horses do not chew or hit it with their hooves. But if we take into account the needs of the animal, many simply lose their will because they gnaw on wood, which hurts the horse’s teeth or hits it with their hooves:

  • It’s very easy to make a wooden partition and you don’t have to skimp on the profile. The dividing partition should cover half the height of the stable. Side partitions must be equipped with ventilation holes.
  • The front wall can have a different appearance and production method. The front mesh made of metal bars resembles a prison, but is convenient for stables with regular visitors - the horse cannot reach out and bite.

Front mesh

  • For a private stable, an open front wall is suitable. If the dividing partitions are made of brick, then the front wall is also built from it. It can also be made from a channel and a board. Or simply abandon metal structures altogether and install a completely wooden partition.


Almost all types of doors are equally good and equally bad. If your stable does not have the required width, then it is better to make sliding doors. An ordinary rotary or, as it is also called, “rotating” one, withstands the pressure of horses better and more reliably. The size of the door must be at least one meter and fifty centimeters. And pay attention to the fittings, there is, of course, a great choice here, but two galvanized bolts for a regular door are the most reliable and durable lock.

Sliding doors

Rules for placing parts

The disadvantage of the stall is that only the front wall remains for feeding and it is necessary to place a manger, a feeder, and an automatic drinker on it at the same time. This gives the horse a reason to indulge in water and food and do other fun things. If it is not possible to divide the stall, then you need to follow the rules:

  1. The stall size ranges from three meters to three and a half long and two meters long.
  2. Slope up to one and a half centimeters per meter in the direction of the gutter.
  3. The separation pole is tightly attached to the feeding table.
  4. The stable pole is attached at a level of one meter from the ground.
  5. To avoid collisions with a neighboring horse, a shockproof casing is attached.

The box stall is very convenient; it provides the horse with a comfortable bed, measuring two and a half by one and a half meters. You can provide a grill on top to prevent bickering between animals.

In the end, one thing we can suggest is that the best stall for a horse is a box. First of all, this is the health of our horses, which will always reciprocate our feelings.

Read also:

List of horse names

Stall and bedding

Each horse must have a stall. In it, the animal is positioned with its head to the wall. In this case, the horse should be tied to the wall with a rein of medium length. The optimal length of the stall is 80 cm. To limit the movement of animals, a plastic chain is pulled over their buttocks.

The bedding layer should be thick, as it acts as a bed for the animal. In addition, it prevents the penetration of cold air from the floor. Straw, peat chips, and shredded paper can be used as bedding. To prevent injury to the horse, rollers should be made from straw and placed along the walls. To avoid infection of animals, allergies and other diseases, bedding should be changed quite often, especially for shredded paper.

Feeders and drinkers

Feeders or nurseries should be installed in the corner of the stall. Experts do not recommend making them from wood, since the starch under the influence of saliva on the tree turns into sugar and the foals willingly begin to chew on the manger. Also, grains always get stuck in wooden feeders, and the horses try to get them out. This leads to the formation of an incorrect bite. Therefore, often the nursery is simply cemented.

You should not install the manger too high, as this makes eating difficult. The height of the feeder is determined by the height of the horse itself. According to the standards, the upper edge of the feeder should not exceed 1-1.2 m from the ground. Remember that placing the crib on the floor is considered to be as close as possible to natural feeding on pastures.

In modern stables they prefer to use automatic drinkers that are connected to the water supply. But in winter, care should be taken to ensure that the water in this system does not freeze. If a bucket is used as a drinking bowl, it should be positioned in such a way that the animal cannot turn it over. All these recommendations will help you build a full-fledged stable for horses, equip it in accordance with all the rules and regulations.

Independent design

You can create a stable plan yourself, modifying the standard one or completely anew. You can draw it manually, or you can use computer programs. After this, you will need to submit the plan to the local authorities in order to obtain planning permission. To successfully develop a plan, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of individual structural elements.

This is what a stable project drawn by yourself might look like

  • the cost of all materials with a small margin;
  • payment for the services of builders, watchmen, and auxiliary workers during construction;
  • the cost of providing all necessary communications;
  • state duties.

Construction estimates for a standard project are easy to find on the Internet. An individual project will have to be calculated independently. You will need to add 10% to the total amount for unforeseen expenses that will definitely arise.

Communication design

Although there may be no communications in a stable, especially a summer or temporary one, there should be communications in the permanent place where horses are kept.


In a winter stable there must be light not only in the corridor, but also in the stalls. The duration of daylight hours in the place where horses are kept permanently must be at least 8 hours. In addition, in an unlit room it will be problematic to clean stalls and care for horses.

The stable should be well lit.

You will also need sockets for electrical appliances. It is better to place them either outside at the front door under a canopy in the case of a summer house, or in technical rooms and in the corridor from the inside at the front door. If the stable has a rest room for staff, sockets should be there too.


It must be there! Sometimes, during construction, to ventilate the room, a gap is left between the roof and the crowns of the walls, but this cannot be done. Constant drafts can cause horses to catch colds. However, it is impossible without ventilation, since the air must be clean and dry, otherwise problems with the horses’ health may begin. In addition, these animals quickly heat the room with the heat of their bodies, and the stable should be cool.

Diagram of a simple ventilation system.

It is optimal to space the ventilation holes at different heights. This creates the air flow necessary for traction. The inlets are made in the stalls, and the outlets are on the roof.

Good ventilation can also solve the problem of condensation.

Water supply and heating

If possible, you need to supply water to at least the technical room, this will greatly simplify the work of the grooms. If this is not possible, then the design provides space for large barrels in which water will be stored. Their volume is derived from the fact that each horse requires 50 liters of water per day.

In places with harsh climates it is necessary, but it must be used with caution. Low temperatures are not as dangerous for horses as stuffiness and heat. The optimal temperature for a stable lies in the range from +5 to +15.

The horse's home, where he stays when he is not walking or working, is called a stable. To ensure that the horse feels good and is not at risk of getting sick, the room should be dry, warm and clean. Next, the main points related to the independent construction of a stable will be highlighted.

To build the right stable you need to meet a whole set of requirements

Preparation for work

Before building a stable, it is worth focusing on important details:

  • The structure is built in such a way as to make the animal’s stay in it comfortable. A prerequisite is the presence of heat, light, cleanliness, as well as the absence of even the slightest drafts. Because they can seriously undermine the health of horses.
  • When choosing the location of a building, you should prefer a site that is located on a small hill. This solution will prevent dampness in the structure, which is a common cause of hoof diseases.
  • It is important to determine which winds prevail in the area. It is necessary to orient the building relative to them in such a way that cold air masses hit the end of the building or its corner.
  • Decide right away how much money you are willing to invest in construction. Before drawing up an estimate, find out the current prices for materials and tools that will be used in the work process. Based on them, final calculations are made. It is worth understanding that the objectively calculated cost of the project, which fits into the existing budget, will allow the construction of the stables to be completed on time, avoiding long-term construction.
  • If you have a strong desire to do everything on your own, it would be a good idea to consult with experienced construction professionals. By following the recommendations received from them, you will avoid common mistakes and save time and money.

Before you start building a stable, you should consult a specialist

Materials used

To build a beautiful house for horses, which will serve as protection for animals from bad weather for many years, you need to wisely choose the material for building walls. The most popular materials in this area are wood and brick. The frame made of them will be durable, dry and warm.

If finances do not allow you to use factory ones, then you should look towards simple materials. Adobe is a clay-straw mixture that retains heat well and has sufficient strength. Sometimes the walls are framed from boards, and the resulting space is filled with sawdust mixed with clay. There are options for erecting stone walls, but this solution cannot be called a good one. Dampness regularly occurs inside it, heat is poorly retained, as a result of which horses regularly catch colds.

The wooden stable is very aesthetically pleasing


You can make a good stable only after you have learned enough information about its walls. Because they create comfortable and cozy conditions inside the building. Be sure to watch the following points:

  • The wall may have different thicknesses. The specific value depends on the area. The main requirement is that they maintain dryness and the desired temperature inside the stable. In the northern regions they are made from logs with a diameter of about 25 cm, and in the southern latitudes they are made even thinner.
  • To maintain dryness inside, the structure should be built on a strong foundation. Place high-quality waterproofing between it and the walls. Ruberoid is suitable for this.
  • Inside, it is necessary to maintain an optimal temperature of about 5-10 degrees above zero, avoiding rapid changes in this parameter.
  • The size of the stall should allow the horse to easily change its position.

The walls of the stable should protect the horse well from the cold

Roof and ceiling

Remember, that:

  • Usually, a roof with slopes is erected at the stables, equipped with ebbs and gutters that collect and discharge precipitation.
  • There should be such a distance from the floor to the ceiling that the horse does not touch the ceiling with his head. Ideally, it is within 300-350 cm.
  • It is better to make a gable roof with eaves with a height of 230 cm and a ridge of at least 400 cm. The single-pitch type assumes that the lower edge is located at a height of at least 300 cm from the ground level.
  • The ceiling can be built from a “fiftieth” board, on which a mass of clay and sand is placed, and the top is covered with sawdust or straw.
  • The material for the roof should be selected according to the price/quality ratio. Mandatory criteria will be strength, fire resistance and the ability to hold water. The most common options would be slate or metal.

The roof of the stable must withstand all weather conditions

Floor and doors

If you have a desire to build a house for a horse, then you should not lose sight of the floor in the stable. The requirements for the floor are important and simple at the same time: impermeability to water, strength, warmth and softness (so that horses do not damage their hooves). The best options are wooden and adobe.

Whatever covering you choose, be sure to make a slope (1-2 degrees) to the passage so that urine and other liquid secretions do not accumulate. A larger angle can be detrimental to the horse's health. The doorway must have no threshold and be 2 m high and 1.2 m wide. The jambs should be rounded.

The floor of the stable must be sloping and the doors must be at least 2 meters high.


The most common solution is the construction of stalls. They have their own characteristics:

  • height should not be less than 2.5 m;
  • Each stall is equipped with a separate lamp. Its location should exclude contact with the horse;
  • The stalls are separated by partitions at least 2-3 cm thick.

The stall is designed for one horse. The room must be provided with ventilation and heating. The first can be achieved by leaving a small gap in the walls under the ceiling. The stall must have a feeder and water bowl. Heating is carried out centralized or autonomous.

The litter should be changed regularly, the frequency depends on its thickness. Do not spill food on the floor.

You can build a house for a horse on your own. It doesn't matter if you keep one horse or several. You just need to correctly calculate your strengths and capabilities.


Horses spend almost all their time in the stable and consider it their home. And only thanks to human labor can life in a stable for a horse be comfortable and safe for health.

Any stable must have a special worker who keeps the premises clean and dry, warm and with sufficient lighting. But much earlier before this, you need to build this stable and do it according to the requirements, so that in the future this room is suitable for keeping animals such as horses.

Types of stables

In general, a stable is a special building, divided from the inside into sections for keeping horses separately from each other. These sections are most often called stalls. And before you start building a stable, it is very important to decide on several questions:

  • What horses will be kept here in the future?
  • For what purpose is a stable built and horses bred?
  • What opportunities does this land plot have?
  • Whose interests are in priority, either the horse's or the person's?

The most profitable stable construction projects offer quick construction options - tent and modular stables.

  1. - a prefabricated building using a modular system, which is transported to the buyer already fully assembled, together with prepared stalls. Elements of such a complex give the buyer a wide choice, since with their help it is possible to build a stable of any size and scale. This assembly assumes elements made of high-quality galvanized steel (its width is from 4.5 to 7 cm, thickness is not less than 3 mm, not more than 6 mm).

The outer side of the building can be lined with wood of all possible qualities and species, or other finishing materials with insulation, the thickness of which should be at least 4 cm, but not more than 6 cm. As practice shows, it will take only a few days, a maximum of 14 days, to build a modular stable. The pricing policy offers prices of about 5 thousand euros per horse.

  1. - this arena is an assembly frame made of arched metal. The approximate width of such a structure can be 5-50 m, but the customer can independently discuss the length of the building with the supplier. The degree of strength of such a structure is usually calculated from the amount of snow load on it, since there is a different distance between the arches.

The uniqueness of this stable lies in its transparent coating of the “Duraweave” material, which is characterized by a high level of strength. With the help of such a transparent “roof”, the stable is always naturally lit and is also able to withstand large fluctuations in air temperature. This building is quick and easy to erect, durable and reliable in operation. Often, tent structures are used as premises for a stable; it can be built in three weeks. The pricing policy dictates different prices according to the dimensions of the arena, for example, a 22m x 42m tent structure will cost the buyer about 80 thousand euros.

In addition to types, stables can also be divided into subtypes. Today, experts offer open-type, stall-left, standard and active, as well as combined types. Many stable owners have their stalls located inside the stable, but there are also those who have them located outside. Only the horse owner can choose the appropriate option, depending on the efficiency and budget, the number of livestock, and also taking into account the interests of the horses themselves.

Standard stable accommodations

Standard stables are divided into the following types: halls, stalls, stables with separate and boxes. It is very important, before you start building a stable, to think about the immediate purpose of the horses. If these are breeding horses, separate stalls are set up in the stables for each individual; standard stalls are suitable for working breeds. If a horse owner breeds workhorses, the entire stable will have as many stalls as a quarter of the available stock will need. They house queens, lactating stallions and growing foals.

Stables must be dry and clean, with reasonable lighting and warm, spacious, and also have adequate ventilation.

Typically, such structures are not heated by human forces, since the required level of air temperature is created by the heat generated by the horses themselves - 6-8°.

A standard stable should have the following premises:

  1. Aft room, where the horses' daily ration (feed reserves) will be stored, and porridge will be steamed. It is very important here that equine products are kept clean, fresh, dry and free from pests. Usually the feed room is located closer to the stalls themselves to facilitate the feeding process. The width of the passage here must be at least 1.2 m so that bags of hay and feed can be brought in. The return door should face the outside so that grain delivery does not involve passing through the entire stable.
  2. Hay storage room. This room complies with fire safety standards, as hay is flammable and must be stored separately from horses. It is impossible to store all the hay reserves here, but only a small part of them. Typically, such a room is equipped not far from the aft room.
  3. The room where work equipment is stored. Safety rules dictate that all tools for working with horses and cleaning the stable must be kept in a separate room so that the horses do not get damaged while moving around the stable.
  4. The room where the ammunition will be stored. How things will go in this stable directly depends on how this room is equipped. Usually its size is compared with the number of livestock and the specifics of the stable. There may be: hangers, sinks for washing, a desk with accessories, a chest of drawers for small tools, racks for ammunition, shelves for blankets, a washing machine and a place for drying, a refrigerator with medicines and drinks, a chest with clothes, rods for drying blankets. The minimum room size is 2.8 x 2.8 m, but it is better to make this room spacious.
  5. Place for veterinary procedures. Here you can equip a washing box for water procedures, as well as arrange the room in such a way that the arriving veterinarian will feel comfortable working with the animal.
  6. Storage room for bedding. In this case, the rules for storing bedding coincide with the requirements for storing hay. The room must be dry, clean, and provided with ventilation. It may be a relatively small room; 1.8 x 1.8 m will be enough. It is usually located as close as possible to the room where the horses are cared for.
  7. A paddock where horses will be walked daily. The dimensions of this room must be compared with the number of horses kept in this stable. It is important that dust does not accumulate under the horses’ feet; for this purpose, special rubber mats, sawdust or soil are laid.
  8. The compartment where the fire shield will be stored and all kinds of safety equipment.

A responsible horse owner, in addition to the above premises, will take care of the access roads to the stables.

How to choose a place to build a stable

If you are planning to learn how to build a stable for horses and make it as comfortable and convenient as possible, then you should start by choosing a construction site.

Not every horse owner can boast of sufficient free space to build a stable. But if there is such a choice, that’s just wonderful. You should choose a dry plot of land that will rise slightly above ground level. When examining the soil, it is good if the area exhibits a low groundwater level. If they do exist, the water should not be higher than a meter from the erected foundation of the stable. This will protect the horses and their home from high humidity, insects and other troubles. Dampness has a negative impact on the limbs of these animals, which can cause them to begin to rot.

If it is not possible to purchase a suitable plot of land for a stable, you will have to build it on your own estate. For this, 20-30 acres of land will be enough, but before starting construction, you need to drain the territory yourself. To do this, either make special small ditches or cover a piece of land with a layer of sand. In the future, this will protect the buildings from dampness.

Selecting materials for construction

Before you start building a stable, you need to carefully select suitable building materials for each compartment and room. And the most important issue will be the task of selecting materials for the walls. The best ideas are brick and wood, which are dry, warm and reliable. A budget option is adobe.

  1. Walls. The thickness of the walls is determined by the climate of the area. The main conditions are dryness of the room and preservation of heat. If it is a log wall - 20-25 cm, for example. Between the foundation and the walls there should be roofing felt, asphalt, roofing felt, or any waterproofing material in general. The air temperature in the stable should be 5-10 °C.
  2. Ceiling and roof. The roof of the stable must be pitched, so as not to accumulate moisture after precipitation, and also have gutters and ebbs. The height of the ceiling should be such that the horses do not rest their heads on it, the best option is 3-3.5 m. For the ceiling, boards 5 cm wide are selected, and a clay-sand layer and sawdust are laid on top of them. The roofing of the roof should not allow moisture to pass through, and also have fire resistance and reliability indicators, for example, slate or roofing felt.
  3. Floor. The floor surface in the stable must meet the following requirements: moisture resistance, heat dissipation, softness for hoof comfort, strength. Most often, modern stables are equipped with wood or adobe floors. The second option is more often used as it creates a soft, warm surface for horses' hooves. Wood floors, in turn, retain heat perfectly. Adobe flooring is difficult to maintain, and wood flooring absorbs moisture. Less popular among equestrians, brick and asphalt floors are used, and the most budget option is a floor made of earth.
  4. Door. The width of the door must correspond to the dimensions of the horse so that the animal can freely enter through the doorway. Standard - height 2 m, width 1.2 m. It is very important to make rounded lines of the jambs to protect the animal from injury. The opening is closed with a padlock from the outside. It is prohibited to equip the doorway with a threshold.
  5. Stall. The height of a stall or a simple stall for a working horse should be at least 2.5 m, since the horse can stand on its hind legs. Each compartment is equipped with a separate lighting fixture. There should be partitions between such rooms for horses. There should not be so much free space between the boards of such partitions and doors that the horse can stick out his hoof. Partitions are made of wood 2-3 cm thick.

Stable projects

In order to choose the most suitable option for building a stable according to your goals, you can familiarize yourself with the most popular stable projects today.

The stable building is made of brick, there is an attic floor, there is no basement. In this case, it is planned to keep two heads of horses seasonally, and the attic floor offers living rooms for people - a bath, a kitchen niche, and a living room.

A one-story stone stable designed for the permanent maintenance of four heads of horses. A storage room and harness room are provided here. The through-type corridor makes it easy to feed feed, change bedding and remove manure.

A one-story building made of stone, without a basement. Ten horses can be kept here all year round. As in the previous project, a through-type corridor is equipped here, making it more convenient to supply feed and remove manure, change bedding and other manipulations. Here you can find a harness room, a fodder room, even a bathroom.

Photos of stables

Cool big stable

Stables in Russian style

Exterior of the stables

Stables complex, top view

To ensure that the horse’s stay in the stable is comfortable and safe for health, before starting construction, you should consider a few tips on the interior arrangement of the premises:

  • At the planning stage, you should consider the intricacies of ventilation and heating equipment. You need to remember the fact that no horse can tolerate a draft. For ventilation, it is better to build gaps between the upper boundary of the wall and the roof.
  • During the winter season, central heating can be installed in the stables. If this is not possible, resort to heating devices.
  • When equipping a stable with feeders, you need to take care of the convenience of filling. To do this, you can equip a hatch above the feeder through which the groom can pour out hay and feed. Removable feeder options are much more convenient to use.
  • Horses need to use straw, sawdust, and peat as bedding, which are changed every few days. If its thickness is 5 cm, the litter is changed every few months.
  • For comfortable care of horses, it is better to install a water supply in the stable. If this is not possible, you need to fill 40-50 liters of water in the room every day per individual.