"Becker" (Online store): seeds and seedlings. Reviews, assortment, delivery. Online store "Becker" - seeds and seedlings: reviews, address, delivery Orders placed through the online store "Becker" are sent in several ways

The Becker company is an authorized partner of many agronomic companies well known on the world market. It offers its customers high-quality products from proven breeding nurseries. And it does this using the most modern sales system - through an online store. The convenience of making such purchases has already been tested by many buyers. That is why gardeners and summer residents are happy to use the company’s services.

The online store "Becker" sells seeds and seedlings. Customer reviews indicate a wide range of products from the company. Here you can buy planting material for berry and ornamental crops, hybrids of Russian and foreign breeders. The Becker company is a leader in its field. Its main goal is to provide access to a large audience of amateur gardeners to high-quality planting materials. For this purpose, products are delivered to each region of the country.

Principle of operation

In Russia, the majority of the population is connected to the land in one way or another. These are professional agronomists and a whole army of amateurs who happily work in their summer cottages. All these people are well aware that only by planting a strong and healthy seedling or seed will the result of their labors result in a good harvest.

What does the Becker online store offer its customers? Seeds and seedlings. Reviews from those on whose table in the summer and autumn organically grown vegetables, berries and fruits appeared with their own hands indicate that the company sells only high-quality planting material, the harvest of which subsequently brought joy to those who worked on their plots.

The Becker online store for gardeners and summer residents works with constant care for its customers. And this sets it apart from other similar companies. When ordering garden crops, each buyer is given the right to evaluate for himself the four fundamental principles on which the store’s work is based, namely:

  1. Careful attitude towards planting material. The biggest concern for gardeners and gardeners is the moment of sending plants. But don't worry. For example, when seedlings of fruit trees are sent, Becker employees use the most reliable packaging methods, which allow not only to preserve all the necessary qualities of young trees, but also to help them take root after they are planted in the ground.
  2. Convenience. Among gardeners and gardeners there are a large number of people who are not accustomed to lengthy searches for the necessary information on the Internet. For them, the company publishes its own printed publication every year. This catalog is published, as a rule, in the fall and contains information about the list of plants and their characteristics, as well as about new varieties of crops that have appeared on the market. In addition, in the company's catalog you can find raffles and gifts from the store. Anyone can order a catalog. To do this, just leave the necessary application on the website “Becker.ru”. The online store will send the order by mail. You can receive it at the post office indicated in the application. Having a printed catalog in hand, gardeners and gardeners can place an order even in the most remote corners of the country.
  3. Simple rules. In order for an order to be placed, you only need to select a product worth at least 25 rubles. Payment is made after receiving the planting material.
  4. Caring for the buyer. The main advantages of the Becker online store include a huge range of its products. It includes more than 1,200 different types of plants, as well as related products. At the same time, the company’s employees help both professionals and amateurs make choices. In addition, the store often provides new items from the world of breeding. What else does the online store “Becker”, which sells seeds and seedlings, please its customers with? Customer reviews indicate that the site has support from a specialist on duty who answers all questions regarding plants and their care.

Why an online store?

In recent years, online purchases of planting material have become increasingly popular among those who work on their own summer cottages. There is nothing surprising about this. After all, such trading has many advantages. The main one is the acquisition of goods at lower prices than those that can be seen in regular stores. In addition, the buyer does not need to leave home and search for the seeds or seedlings he needs. This time can be spent more efficiently. The client can only calmly wait for the order to be delivered by mail. In other words, online shopping helps save each of us money and time.

And this is what is most valuable in our life. That is why many turn to the company to have seeds and seedlings delivered to them by the Becker online store. User reviews confirm the prompt and efficient work of the company’s employees, as well as the high quality of the planting material received.

Product range

What can you buy in the Becker online store? The company's product range is quite extensive and consists of the following:

  • fruit trees;
  • berry bushes such as gooseberries and raspberries, blueberries and currants, blueberries, honeysuckle, etc.;
  • gorgeous roses, including hybrid tea and standard roses, climbing roses and floribundas;
  • ornamental plants, deciduous and flowering, capable of growing in the garden for many years;
  • perennial and annual bulbous flowers;
  • strawberries and strawberries of premium varieties, such as large-leaved, remontant, ampelous.

All planting material presented in the online store is certified. Its storage is carried out under special conditions. Bulbs, tubers and seedlings are kept in refrigeration chambers, which are equipped with hygrographs and thermographs that allow humidity and temperature control.

Blooming garden from the Becker company

Many of us dream of settling down after a hard day at work in the shade of trees and, holding a cup of tea in our hands, enjoying the aroma of fragrant flowers. In order for such a picture to become a reality, it is enough to contact the Becker online store. Here you will be able to purchase:

  • planting material for growing various fruit and berry crops, including grapes:

By planting high-quality material, in just a few years you can get a fragrant, magnificent oasis. It will delight you with its beauty, and those who put their work into it will rightfully be proud of themselves.

Assortment of fruit seedlings

What could be more beautiful than a garden in which luxurious flowers bloom and give off their fragrance, and tree branches bend under the weight of large, ripe fruits? However, not only agricultural technology will affect the yield and appearance of plants. In this matter, an important factor is the correct selection of fruit tree seedlings. After all, they need to be able to quickly acclimatize, thanking them for their care and attention with baskets of pears or ruddy apples, juicy peaches or cherries. At the same time, you should not spare money on new elite varieties. Such expenses will not only pay off with interest, but will also bring considerable benefits to its owner.

What fruit seedlings does the company offer? Each buyer can find in her catalog dozens of garden varieties that will delight with their productivity. This:

  • apple trees in the Becker online store, which will delight you with the sweetness and juiciness of their fruits; in addition, there are varieties for those who love sourness, which gives the taste some piquancy;
  • pears, the fruits of which literally ooze honey juice;
  • cherries, which produce a harvest of various colors - black, pink, yellow, which will simply melt on the tongue;
  • cherry, plum, apricot, walnuts, hazel and almonds;
  • peaches, the velvety fruits of which are filled with amber aromatic pulp.

The Becker online store offers its customers the opportunity to purchase all these seedlings with delivery.

Flowering plants

It is unlikely that a country house, even one with a magnificent facade, will look beautiful if there are empty lawns around it. It will look much livelier and more attractive surrounded by ornamental shrubs and flowers. And here the Becker company can come to the rescue. In her online store, she offers a huge range of ornamental plants, which includes flower seeds, tubers, as well as seedlings of shrubs and trees. With the help of such a purchase, the site can be decorated with exotic representatives of the flora or modest and at the same time unpretentious violets. Everything can be arranged to your liking. At the same time, a unique and inimitable landscape created independently will bring joy to the owners of the site.

However, it is worth remembering that each type of flowering plant should be propagated only in a certain way, taking into account all the nuances and subtleties.

  1. Having received seeds by mail from the Becker online store, you can grow most of the flowering plants known today. Sowing seedlings must be done only with fresh material. Otherwise, germination will be low. The Becker online store offers a large assortment of flower seeds, which also includes new products presented by world selection. All products have been tested for germination and the absence of contamination with pathogenic infections.
  2. The company also offers bulbs and flower rhizomes. With the help of such planting material, perennial plants reproduce. You can purchase such a product only twice a year. It is proposed to do this in the fall and spring. So, before the winter period it is customary to plant crocuses and daffodils, hyacinths, tulips and some varieties of lilies. In spring, dahlias and gladioli, anemones and buttercups require planting. The Becker company sends planting material by mail. Payment for the order is made upon receipt. Among the interesting offers are the irises offered by the Becker online store. This package, which contains six varieties at once, will help you create a beautiful multi-colored flower bed. Each of the varieties of irises contained in it is beautiful in its own way. And when planted together, the flowerbed will certainly attract attention and evoke rave reviews from connoisseurs of beauty.
  3. The company also offers flower seedlings. Thus, it is planned to plant some types of shrubs that are classified as ornamental flowering ones. Plants are sold in the form of slightly grown stems, which have an open and closed root system. In the Becker online store you can place an order for rhododendrons, varietal roses, hydrangeas and other perennial and annual crops.


Today it is not at all necessary to go to the forest for these gifts of nature. Berries can be grown in your own garden plot without any problems. And to do this, you just need to place an order in the Becker online store. It is this company that can offer its customers not only high-quality, but also planting material that is unique in its useful and agrotechnical properties. In the catalog of her store you can find the latest new selections.

These are hybrids and varieties of the latest generation, the main advantages of which are:

  • resistance to temperature changes and harsh climatic conditions;
  • precocity;
  • convenience of agricultural technology;
  • productivity;
  • excellent presentation.

The online store "Becker" offers strawberry seedlings (large strawberries). This is, for example, the ultra-early ripening variety “pink dream”, which is unique in its taste, ease of agricultural technology and benefits. There are also decorative varieties of this plant in the online store. For example, “strawberry tree”. For your plot, you can purchase seeds of early ripening raspberries “yellow berry” and many others.


Agree, not everyone can collect boletus mushrooms, porcini mushrooms or chanterelles from their home. But mushrooms are useful. Their pulp contains almost all the vitamins and microelements necessary for the human body. Mushrooms are so nutritious that they are not inferior to meat in this regard. At the same time, they are easier to digest and do not leave cholesterol plaques on the walls of our blood vessels. Moreover, the most useful are the fresh collections. That is why the Becker online store offers the purchase of mushroom seeds for planting and growing them yourself. These are a wide variety of species, including oyster mushrooms and honey mushrooms, shiitake and champignons, as well as noble porcini mushrooms and chanterelles.


After receiving the order, the goods are packaged in multi-layer packaging, the quality of which has been tested over the years. Its material prevents damage and drying out of bulbs, seedlings or tubers.

Packaging may be different. Thus, for shipping some seedlings, containers are used that allow the root system to be completely covered. This guarantees the safety of plants not only in transit, but also when they are transplanted into the soil.

How to order planting material?

The Becker online store, whose address is Smolensk, Smolyaninova Street, building 13a, is open 24 hours a day.

To order selected seeds and seedlings you can:

  • call the toll-free number listed on the website and voice the list to the operator;
  • send a letter containing a list of plants;
  • register on the website and leave your request there, sending the selected product to the virtual basket.

After placing your order, all you have to do is wait for it to be delivered.

Becker online store - seeds and seedlings, the catalog offers a huge range of planting material with delivery to anywhere in Russia. Do not leave your fertile vegetable garden and beautiful, blooming garden without attention. To grow berries, fruits, vegetables, flowers and everything else with your own hands, you do not need to have a country house or a large dacha, since most of the above can be grown in a multi-storey apartment right on the balcony or windowsill. You can purchase high-quality planting material: seedlings, seeds of vegetables, flowers, fruits, fruit trees, shrubs, berries, mushrooms and other things in the specialized online store “Becker”. In addition, the store offers various products for feeding plants, protecting them and fertilizing them.

Benefits from cooperation with the store

For over 10 years now, the Becker online store has enjoyed great popularity and trust among gardeners and gardeners. The store's catalog contains over 2,000 items of seeds, seedlings, fertilizers and other garden supplies. Every day the store pleases with its variety of new products from the world of selection with delivery throughout Russia packaged in special branded packaging. All products in the store catalog are certified and have the appropriate documents. When purchasing seeds or seedlings, you do not risk anything; the goods are sent cash on delivery. There is quality control on time and a money-back guarantee for customers.

In the store catalog you can find varieties that are not available in any other online store of seeds and seedlings. All products have been time-tested for a long time. Do you want to buy the latest news from the world of breeding, with which you can increase your harvest? Then use the order form in your personal account on Becker. In addition to the usual sorting, for the convenience of using the online store, Becker representatives recommend the best and unique series of products for the garden and garden for purchase:

  • “Russian Bogatyr” - offers seeds and seedlings of large berries, fruits and various vegetables.
  • “Garden Health” offers the healthiest berries for customers.
  • “Yummy” - the best vegetables, sweet fruits and berries.

Store product catalog

Becker online store - seeds and seedlings, the catalog offers over 2,000 thousand items of planting material of the highest quality. Many seedlings are supplied to the store catalog by trusted Western partners: Poland, Holland, the USA and a number of other countries, including Russia. The catalog also contains the rarest garden crops and the best varieties of everyday planting material. The main goal of the online store is to provide consumers with high-quality elite materials, so that the client, having entered the catalog, can find everything he needs for planting and cultivating the soil. Today in the store catalog you can find:

  • Strawberry seedlings, strawberries.
  • Fruit and berry seedlings.
  • Fruit trees.
  • Seedlings of berry crops.
  • Ornamental plants.
  • Decorative shrubs.
  • Flower bulbs.
  • Seed potatoes.
  • Vegetable seeds.
  • Flower seeds.
  • Mushroom seeds.

Delivery methods

The online store accepts orders throughout the country around the clock. Processing of orders via the Internet is carried out on weekdays from 9 am to 17 pm Moscow time. All completed orders are sent strictly on time and in high-quality packaging.

  • Orders in the spring catalog are dispatched from 1st stamp to 30th June.
  • Orders in the autumn catalog are sent from August 15 to November 30.
  • Any seeds you are interested in, as well as varieties of mushrooms and other related garden products, are shipped on business days the next day after processing the order or after making the prepayment.

If you placed an order during the season, then all of them are completed and sent after the order is accepted the next day. It is worth noting that if you place an order during the shipping season, then you will not have to wait a couple of weeks or months to receive it, because the store ships orders placed online before the season and orders placed directly during the peak season.

Important! All shipments within Russia are carried out in high-quality packaging in compliance with the climate zone and weather conditions present, as well as taking into account the wishes of the client. It is worth noting that payment for delivery is not included in the price of ordered goods; delivery is calculated separately.

Orders placed through the Becker online store are sent in several ways:
  1. By Russian Post (cash on delivery is not excluded), payment after receiving the order. You can learn more about the speed of delivery to a particular region on the official website of the Russian Post.
  2. The courier transport service SDEK, all conditions are also described on the official website.
Payment options
  • Payment by cash on delivery. With such payment, you pay money for the order upon receipt of the goods at the specified branch of the Russian Post. The price of the parcel with such a payment consists of the price of the goods and the postal fee for each gram, as well as an insurance fee of no more than 4% of the total amount. Additionally, you also need to pay up to 8% commission when transferring funds.
  • Payment in hand to the SDEK courier. Also carried out upon receipt of a parcel with the ordered goods. But with such payment, no commission is charged for transferring funds. In addition, the buyer does not bear any additional costs; you only pay for the delivery of the ordered goods.
  • Payment by electronic money Ya.Money. Payment for the order is carried out through the electronic payment system Ya.Money. All individual data - account and card details, as well as other registration information are not received by the store. In addition, you can pay through other payment systems: WebMoney.
  • Payment by bank transfer. A special completed form will be sent to your e-mail specified when registering in the online store, which contains bank details for payment. Payment must be made within the specified time period. After payment and verification of receipt of funds in the account, the goods are shipped.

Bekker online store (Abekker.by)– one of the largest platforms in the country for the sale of seedlings, seeds and other planting material. This is a popular site not only for amateur gardeners, but also for professionals. Becker is an authorized partner of well-known agrotechnical companies.

Buyers appreciate Becker for its wide selection of products, careful handling of crops and affordable prices. The company offers a 90-day guarantee on planting material and delivers goods throughout Belarus. 10% of every purchase is returned to your account as bonuses!

Assortment of the Becker online store

The Abekker.by product catalog includes more than 2000 items, which are conveniently divided into series. Here you will find:

Fruit and berry crops.

Fruit trees.

Columnar trees.

Berry crops.

Strawberry and wild strawberry seedlings.


Seed potatoes.

Roses – hybrid tea, climbing, floribunda.

Ornamental plants.

Climbing vines.


Perennial flowers.

Flower bulbs.

Flower and vegetable seeds.

Mushroom mycelia.


Coniferous plants.

At the bottom of the page is the “Top Sales” section, where the most popular products are collected.

The page of each product in the Abeker Buy online store is an informative mini-encyclopedia, from which you will learn about the characteristics of the plant, its advantages, care, planting time, yield, frost resistance, etc. In addition, reviews from other gardeners are presented here – professionals and amateurs.

You can order goods through the shopping cart or by phone. You can even mail your order form! Operators of the Becker online store are on duty around the clock - they are always ready to answer your questions.

Advantages of the Becker store

The company transports goods throughout the country. Belposhta delivers orders in 1–5 days.

You can pay for the goods on the website online or by cash on delivery at Belposhta branches.

To ensure that the transportation of the seedling is painless, the company’s specialists place it in a special conservation packaging. For example, rose roots are packed in a moist peat substrate rich in minerals.

You can order a printed product catalog. This is a great option for older people who do not know how to use the Internet.

Buyers will also be pleased with useful gifts - for example, fertilizers for your plants.

Goods are stored in the company’s own warehouse in compliance with all current conditions.

If you take part in the bonus program, you can return 10% of the cost of the product in bonuses. Bonuses can be used on your next order.

On the site you will find a lot of useful information for gardeners: lunar calendar, tips and recommendations. You can even get advice from an agronomist!

Regular sales and profitable promotions will help you save money.

On the website portal you will find detailed information about the Becker online store and the company - opening hours, phone numbers, address. In addition, you can read reviews from other users or share your opinion with customers. Take a couple of minutes and leave a review - it will definitely be useful to other people!