Interior and design of a men's room. Room design for a guy: ideas and examples Room interior for a young guy

For a young person at any age, his personal space is very important. As a rule, men do not pay attention to what they consider to be insignificant little things, but at the same time they are very jealous of any intrusion into their territory. Therefore, it is important to think through the entire design of the room at once, because then the guy simply will not let you change anything, since men, as a rule, are big conservatives.

There are a huge variety of design trends for decorating residential premises. Let's try to consider the most suitable currents for a man.


This style is distinguished by its brutality and asceticism. It is not for everyone and is recommended, rather, for a young man of about 25 years old, rather than for young men at a tender age. Its distinctive features are a minimum of finishing, and sometimes its complete absence. Since “loft” means “attic” in translation, a room in this style should have all its hallmarks - bare concrete walls, the absence of even a hint of decoration, rough wooden or metal furniture, and instead of curtains, blinds or even without them.

If the raw surface of the walls and ceiling seems too brutal, you can add a little coziness to the room by painting it in neutral colors. Alternatively, you can experiment with colors and paint all the walls in several colors. Preferred colors are white, gray, brown, black. As for the latter, you need to be especially careful with it. Even if the room is spacious, you shouldn’t paint it all black – it needs to be added in doses, or better yet, in the form of several accents. The abundance of black in the interior will only look impressive at the initial stage, and then it will begin to depress and irritate.

If you are dealing with a room for a young man in an old Khrushchev building, then, as a rule, a small room is allocated for the nursery, the area of ​​which rarely exceeds 12 square meters. m. In this case, you should generally refrain from black.


This interior style is very similar to the previous one. Here, just like in the loft, there are no unnecessary accessories. Each thing has its own strict purpose. Guys are often quite careless about putting things in order in their room, so furniture for such an interior should be chosen from the point of view of practicality and functionality.

A spacious and roomy wardrobe covering the entire wall is a good option for storing clothes and other things. You can quickly put all the things scattered around the room in it if you need to quickly put things in order. In addition, you can store more bulky things there that a 16-year-old teenager might have - roller skates, a hydro scooter, a game console, a musical instrument. There you can also allocate an area for storing disks, books and stationery.

It is better to choose a façade for cabinet doors from wood or high-quality plastic, but you should refrain from large mirrors - guys don’t tend to admire themselves every minute, and besides, mom will most likely have to wash the mirror. When designing a work area for a room in a minimalist style, you should also exercise restraint. The size of the table should be just enough to accommodate a laptop and textbooks. Choose practical upholstery for the chair so that, if necessary, you can easily remove traces of chips or cola.

Decoration in a minimalist interior is characterized by calm, monochromatic colors. Preference should be given to natural colors. Traditionally it is sand, grey, light yellow, pale green or neutral white.

High tech

This room design is in a modern style and will certainly appeal to guys about 18 years old who are interested in, for example, robotics or computer games. It contains the asceticism characteristic of minimalism, but it is already diluted with some technical innovations that progress offers - they are not only present here, but also on display. If a TV is planned in the room, then it should be a plasma of the latest model. If it’s music, then it can be a synthesizer or even a drum kit or home theater, and always with high-quality acoustics.

The furniture is still devoid of smooth forms, all lines are clear, simple and understandable. However, if in the loft we observed a certain primitiveness of design, then high-tech, on the contrary, is replete with the presence of hidden complex mechanisms. There are a lot of modern appliances, secret drawers and built-in wardrobes. High-tech finishing is characterized by glass, metal and plastic. The floor is most often covered with synthetic covering. However, you should also be careful when using artificial materials. It is important to remember that this is still a living space, and the abundance of synthetics can negatively affect the health of a teenager.

Thematic posters, paintings or photographs are allowed here as decor. The basic colors for wall decoration are still all neutral shades. You can choose one color or combine several shades. If a young man is interested in graffiti, he can decorate one or more walls in his room with his own hands.

Lighting plays a very important role in high-tech. Artificial light is preferred here - it is present everywhere: built-in lamps on the ceiling, interior lighting of furniture, LED strip on the walls and shelves. With the help of lighting, you can zone even a small 10-meter room and distinguish between areas for relaxation and work. The right light can visually expand the boundaries of a room.


This interior solution is suitable for young people who play a certain sport. If this is a football player, you can choose finishing materials in the colors of his team, decorate the walls with cutouts from magazines or posters with the young man’s idol athletes, and lay a covering on the floor that imitates a football field. If the owner of the room is into volleyball or basketball, hang a ball net for him. The room of a young man who is interested in oriental wrestling can be decorated with quotes from martial arts masters.

Often, a child’s passion for sports develops into something more, and a young person at 20 already has a certain list of awards and achievements. For cups and diplomas, you can allocate a separate rack or cabinet with glass doors, so that all guests entering the room can see the pride of its owner. For greater effect, the cabinet can be equipped with internal lighting. Those guys who are not interested in any particular sport, but simply prefer an active lifestyle, can be pleased with a wall bar with a pull-up turnstile or a simulator. Since such things are bought for more than one year, you should not skimp on the quality of sports equipment. And then the corner, which was bought for a teenager at 14 years old, will serve its owner at 20 years old.

There are no special rules or restrictions for decorating a room in a sporty style. Both very light and quite dark tones can be present here. Here you can play with contrast, then the room will look dynamic, modern and youthful. As you know, sport is, first of all, movement. Therefore, a sports-style room should be as spacious and comfortable as possible. You should not force it with furniture - it should be kept to a minimum. At the same time, it should be practical, convenient and not bulky.


Musical themes in the design of a room for a teenager or young man are quite common. It almost never goes out of style. In addition to the already classic rock and metal, relatively recently such genres as R"n"B, rap and some other directions were added. When creating a musical interior, you can move away from the usual stereotypes and give free rein to your imagination. A creative approach is encouraged here - for example, drums can be used as shelves. You can’t put a lot on them; rather, they will serve as a decorative element, but quite attractive and unusual. A bedside table or coffee table can also be decorated as a drum set.

If you have an old guitar lying around on the mezzanine, do not rush to throw it away. It can also be used in the interior, for example, as a wall cabinet. To do this, you need to remove the front panel and make several shelves inside. The walls can also be decorated with beautiful stickers depicting dancing figures or portraits of famous musicians. You can make original watches or photo frames from CDs. You can also simply hang them on the walls, and if you hang a spinning disco ball from the ceiling, the light rays will be reflected in the discs, creating additional musical lighting.


This design is distinguished by the boldness of its ideas and is suitable for those who are not afraid of experiments and creativity, for self-confident young people who do not tolerate dull boredom and try to stand out from the crowd. Avant-garde is characterized by the presence of bright colors and accents. The color scheme does not tolerate halftones - here everything is to the maximum and in contrast. The colors are saturated, while the juxtaposition of traditionally incompatible shades is allowed.

Furniture is often chosen to be original, with complex shapes and daring character. But at the same time, we must not forget about its functionality. A bed should first of all be a place to sleep, and then an interior decoration. And the closet, even if it is from the most fashionable designer, must certainly be spacious. You can zone the room with the help of light - above the bed you can make a suspended ceiling in the form of a starry sky, and in the active area above the armchair and TV, hang a chandelier in a modern style or install a floor lamp with an original lampshade.


This interior is more suitable for teenage boys. It will never lose its relevance. The only difference is that the fathers of modern boys at the age of 14 began to read the travels of Captain Nemo, and the idol of their sons was the charming Captain Jack Sparrow.

Modern large-format printing technologies make it possible to create photo wallpapers with any theme. Therefore, if your offspring is haunted by the fame of the aforementioned pirate, give him a gift and order a poster with a plot from a well-known blockbuster. This could be, for example, a pirate ship on a lunar path in the night sea covering the entire wall, and spotlights will create the illusion of a starry sky. To complete the picture, you can hang a lampshade in the shape of a steering wheel, and instead of curtains on the windows, use fishing nets.

In order for the room to still be a living space, and not resemble the scenery for a play, it is important to observe the measure and maintain functionality. You can lay a laminate floor on the floor, reminiscent of a ship's deck. A combination of wood and white metal is allowed in the decoration. It is preferable to choose discreet colors. For the walls you can choose brown, in association with the captain’s cabin, or blue, like the surface of the sea. Any neutral tones are also acceptable, which can be enlivened with a few details - a starfish glued to the wall, or a shell on a shelf.

In most cases, this is exactly the case, because men need space, they love freedom. Men are hunters by nature, warriors - this is inherent in them by nature. They don’t need a lot of furniture: a comfortable bed, a wardrobe, a table with a computer, a chair and maybe a couple of armchairs, a TV - that’s the whole secret of a successful interior. As decoration you can find a collection of weapons, a painting, some horns, musical instruments or sports equipment. Or maybe there will be no decor at all; this is not uncommon for representatives of the stronger half of humanity.

Of course, there is no universal style, design and interior that can be called suitable for all men. It all depends on a man’s temperament, character, taste and life priorities. You can only discuss the available options and choose something suitable for yourself.

Let's look at the details that may be present in a men's room.

Men's room interior

Bed. Men like folding sofas for their practicality, but still more often they choose large beds - they do not need to be folded and unfolded, it is very convenient.

A desk with a computer and an armchair or chair for it. The desk should be comfortable, spacious enough to accommodate a computer, and have enough space left, with drawers for paper and office supplies, since many men need to work at home. Therefore, in addition to a comfortable table, you need a good chair; you can also use a chair, but a chair is softer, more comfortable, and your back and neck don’t become so stiff. You can lean back on the soft back for a couple of seconds and relax.

Lighting in a masculine interior also reflects the character of the owner; it is rare to find a very bright room, although this does happen.

But mostly men like the dim light of a sconce, floor lamp or several small ones.

It is very important for men to have their own “corner” where he can do his favorite things, perhaps alone with his own thoughts or in the company of friends. Where no one and nothing will distract you from your favorite show, from playing a musical instrument, or so you can simply drink beer in peace.

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The interior of a man's bedroom is usually very different from the rest of the rooms in the house. This is a consequence of men's desire to create the most functional bedroom, as well as the lack of any additional decor in the room. Most often, a minimalist style is chosen for the interior of a men’s bedroom, because it is built on functionality and spaciousness, which is the best suited for a men’s bedroom. We'll talk more about this style and more below.

The interior of a bedroom for a young man or bachelor can be decorated in a minimalist style. This style is about restraint and conciseness, the number of decorative elements in it is minimal. High-tech style and ordinary classics are also perfect, but in general the design of a bachelor’s bedroom can be anything, the main thing is that the man himself feels comfortable in it.

A man's bedroom is a place where a man relaxes, gains strength, and also does what he loves, such as reading or listening to music. For comfort, it is better to clearly separate zones in the bedroom. It is welcome to have a wardrobe so as not to clutter the room.

You can choose the following furniture options as a place to place clothes:

  • Closet;
  • Dresser;
  • Wardrobe with horizontal shelves;
  • Wardrobe.

In a man’s room, everything should be at hand and without unnecessary decorative elements, which are present in large quantities in girls’ bedrooms.

It is better to choose a bed in the men's bedroom with a good mattress. You can also install a practical folding sofa, but there should definitely be a modern lamp on the bedside table. Hang thick curtains or blinds on the windows.

Men's bedroom interior: what to consider

In addition to the fact that a man’s room should have a comfortable sleeping place, one should also take care of the working part of the room.

It should contain:

  • Desk;
  • Sufficient amount of light;
  • Chairs or armchairs;
  • Cabinets;
  • Cabinets.

A desktop with a laptop or computer should be modern and functional. Pay attention to tables with a retractable keyboard, shelves for books and disks, with various drawers and shelves for paper. An armchair or chair should also be comfortable and modern; the backrests can be orthopedic.

As for the wardrobe, most men prefer to hang their clothes so that they do not wrinkle. Chests of drawers are used only for home clothes and underwear; young men store shirts, trousers, jackets and other items of clothing on hangers. The ideal option in this case is a wardrobe, which allows you to combine a chest of drawers and a wardrobe.

You can put something on shelves and hang something, while the wardrobe takes up little space and allows you to hide everything behind the doors.

Many men like to watch TV or play various games while lying or sitting in bed, so if space allows, it would be a good idea to hang a TV and connect a game console. A smaller number of accessories and decorative elements compared to a woman’s bedroom does not mean that a guy’s bedroom should not have them at all. Beautiful and interesting paintings, figurines and other little things can be present in the men’s bedroom, but they will be completely different, more complex and unusual. The bedroom for a 20-year-old boy should be functional to allow him to study and work well.

Bedroom design for a young guy

In the bedroom for a young guy, you need to combine comfort and practicality, as well as leave free space for any hobby. Modern designers recommend setting aside a special area for a workshop in the bedroom; this could be a corner with an easel or bookshelves with a comfortable or unusual chair. As for color design, you can choose both rich and dark colors and calm ones.

However, the best options for decorating the walls in a guy’s bedroom are:

  • Blue;
  • Black;
  • Grey;
  • Brown;
  • Beige.

These colors combine perfectly; it is not difficult to choose decorative elements and bedding in similar colors. It is better to lay the floor with dark wood parquet. Of course, the color scheme depends on the interior design. For example, for minimalism and hi-tech, light colors such as gray or white are suitable; for classic and modern, you can choose blue, green, black and calm tones. As we said earlier, it is better to create different zones in a man’s bedroom; this can be done using wallpaper of different colors or textures.

You can use wallpaper of the same color, but with a different pattern, or even glue completely different finishing materials.

Two guys' bedroom

A men's bedroom for two guys can be decorated in a variety of ways. If the room is spacious, then you can purchase two sofas or two beds. If the bedroom does not have a wide area, then a bunk bed would be an excellent option. This piece of furniture is quite functional and saves space. It is not difficult to choose a work desk for a bunk bed; in a furniture store you can find furniture of the same color, which can be easily combined with finishing materials.

Also, if the room is small, it is better to choose light wallpaper to visually enlarge the space.

For teenagers or children, you can purchase a bunk bed with an interesting design, for example:

  • In the form of a rocket;
  • Cars;
  • Bright color;
  • In the form of a train;
  • Airplane.

Currently, different amounts of furniture are produced; in a room for two young men, it is also necessary to leave space for work or study, install a large spacious desk, especially good if two people can work at it at once. The closet should also be large and roomy to accommodate both guys' clothes at once. A sliding wardrobe is also ideal in this situation; it will allow you to distribute things and store them neatly. Lamps can be placed on a desk or next to the bed.

Men's bedroom design options (video)

In conclusion, we can say that it is not difficult to create a bedroom design for a man; first of all, the color scheme and furniture should be liked by the owner of the room, then it will be as comfortable as possible to be in it. Don’t forget about practicality and functionality, which men value so much. You should select zones in the room, install a spacious closet and a comfortable bed, then the interior of the bedroom for a man will be ideal and will delight its owner for a long time.

Modern young men are active young people who are interested in innovative technologies and want to have fashionable gadgets. In the understanding of young men, personal space should also be filled with necessary, functional items. When decorating the interior design of a youth room, it is recommended to adhere to a minimalist direction. Usually men do not like excessive clutter in the room. This should be taken into account when creating a comfortable interior design for a young man. To make the room functional and beautiful, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the advice of professionals.

Interior features

The main rule is that the interior design of a room for the young man in the photo should be as comfortable as possible. Therefore, all items are selected taking into account functionality, practicality and ease of use. First of all, you should choose a sleeping place. This can be a bed or a folding sofa. A modern guy's room cannot be complete without a comfortable workspace. To equip it, purchase a spacious table on which you can place a computer or laptop and office supplies. If the room is small, the best option is a table equipped with drawers in which documents, paper clips, pens, pencils, staplers and other office paraphernalia will be stored. It is imperative that the workplace must accommodate a comfortable chair or a comfortable armchair.

To store suits, shirts and ties or sportswear, you need a convenient, spacious closet. A wardrobe or a traditional wardrobe is suitable for this. Note that the closet should be equipped with a convenient storage system, hangers, and shelves. All clothing items should be arranged in such a way that searching for everyday clothes does not take a lot of time.

An indisputable, obligatory attribute in a young man’s room should be a TV. It is installed on the wall opposite the bed. Thanks to this arrangement, usable space is saved, and the young man gets the opportunity to watch his favorite TV shows, sitting comfortably on a bed or sofa.

An optional, but beloved by many young men, gaming console can also be placed in the room. A bar filled with your favorite non-alcoholic drinks will help complement the atmosphere.

Experts in the field of psychology recommend setting aside a place for a workshop in a young man’s room. Let it be a small corner in which the necessary tools will be placed. Of course, large equipment will not fit in a room of 10 square meters, but a set of the most necessary tools will allow a young man to sometimes do minor repairs to household items.

Color solution

The interior design of a young man's room can be decorated in brown, gray, brick, black and white colors. The men's room is 12 sq.m. Muted and neutral shades should prevail. The interior can be decorated in pastel colors, but not every man wants to live in a creamy beige room.

Men prefer to be surrounded by wooden, practical pieces of furniture, a minimal amount of decorative trim, and a minimalist design for window openings. No curtains with ruffles or flowers. The design of a 12 sq. m room for a young man should speak of the strength and brutality of the owner.

Youth trends

Even if the guy lives in a small Khrushchev-era building, and the area of ​​his room does not exceed 12 sq.m. Here you can also organize a comfortable space. The main secret is the mobility of every detail of the situation. That is, the furniture should be easily transformed and moved without difficulty. This will allow the young man to change the appearance of the room with his own hands, at his own request and discretion. To ensure that furniture retains its appearance for a long time, it is recommended to sew removable covers for armchairs and sofas, which can be easily washed if necessary.

We are decorating a bedroom for a teenage boy. Tips on how to safely transform a children's room into a multifunctional room for your growing son. Photo gallery - 90 ideas with a variety of room designs in several variations for each interior style.

Choosing the overall style of the room

It would seem that just recently you brought your baby home from the maternity hospital, but now he is already going to middle school. He develops his own hobbies, his first love. Friends come to visit him, but the guy is ashamed to invite them to his place, because his room looks more like a child’s room. Don’t forget that children grow, and their room should change with them. After all, not only the bed, but also the entire room as a whole, which reflects his inner world, should be “at the right time” for a teenager.

Before you start renovating the nursery with your own hands, be sure to ask the young man to tell him what he wants. Under no circumstances try to do everything in your own way, because he is already a person and wants you to take his opinion into account. Having determined the future room, you can safely begin to implement the idea.

Room for a teenage boy:

The tonality of the style is mainly expressed in colors such as:

  • all tones of pearl;
  • brown and its derivatives;
  • silver;
  • smoky;
  • sand.

Bright accents add contrast to the overall background - paintings or photos in frames, colored rugs and pillows, stylish elegant lamps or posters with your favorite actors and athletes. They can become the main highlight of your son's room.


Sea style


Of course, daisies and clouds are more for. Boys prefer a more formal style - stretch ceilings, as mentioned earlier, will be the best option.

Floor finishing

The choice of material for finishing the floor again depends on the chosen style. For example, for a marine floor, parquet made of dark wood, reminiscent of a ship’s deck, is best suited. But if your boy is an athlete, then it is better to choose carpet. For Hi-Tech style - porcelain stoneware or. Universal can be linoleum or laminate.

Selecting curtains

At the same time, do not forget about thick curtains or curtains, which are necessary during hours of relaxation and tranquility. Talk to your son about the color and placement of the slats (the strips that make up the blinds). Perhaps he will suggest some interesting option that you both will like.


Using lighting, you can skillfully zone the space in a teenage boy’s bedroom. A small spotlight by the bed, a stylish sconce lamp by the armchair, a good table lamp. But it’s also impossible to do without general diffused light, softening the overall atmosphere.

Design nuances depending on the boy’s age

For example, if he likes to play the guitar, then an appropriate place on the wall should be reserved for it. If the young man loves to read, offer to put up an original bookcase.

13-14 years old

By this age, your boy already has some established idea of ​​the world, he has his own hobbies and favorite things to do. It’s these hobbies that you start from. Invite him to choose the style of the room, color schemes and furniture. He will be delighted. Perhaps this is his first serious choice in life. Please be understanding about this.

15-16 years old

And this time period is characterized by a zealous search for an idol, authority - that person you want to admire. Rest assured, the young man will want posters of his favorite football team or music group on his wall. So don’t try to spend money on expensive “respectable” wallpaper. They are of no use to him yet.

17-18 years old

Closer to adulthood, young people have already more or less decided on the main occupation in their lives. So you can safely trust him to do the entire interior and design of your room yourself - it will become exactly the way he wants it to be.

If your teenage son has a room, then the acute question arises - how to place the furniture more compactly so that the child can not only sleep comfortably, but also study, and also engage in his favorite hobby. To do this, you will need to optimize the entire space, namely:

First of all, you should pay attention to the marine style - there you can constructively solve many issues with.

All boys, without exception, have some kind of hobby. This is not difficult to determine. It doesn't matter how much time he devotes to it and how fixated he is on it. The main thing is that his room can be decorated based on this hobby. For example, if he likes to play the guitar, then an appropriate place on the wall should be reserved for it. If the young man loves to read, offer to put up an original bookcase. The list goes on and on. We think you understand the idea. There are a great variety of such individual decorative elements, or you can simply decorate the walls and shelves with your child’s awards and crafts. Still, it will be creative and original.