Is it possible to freeze borscht for a week. Dressing for borscht for the winter with beets. Note to the hostess

This is to freeze the dressing in plastic bags. Borsch dressing for the winter is quite simple to prepare. Shredded vegetables are compactly packaged, not cooked, and you can enjoy their natural taste in winter. We cut tomatoes, beets, bell peppers (which, by the way, is quite expensive in the off-season) and rub the carrots and pack them until cold times. And then it is enough to boil the meat broth, put potatoes, cabbage there and get the coveted bag of dressing. The taste of such summer borscht is very different from what can be prepared in the winter months. And it is done very quickly and easily. So it’s worth to devote some half an hour to this.

You will need:

- 1 kg of tomatoes,
- 300 g of beets,
- 200 g sweet pepper,
- 200 g of carrots.


In general, the proportions can be changed the way you like best. If you want a richer in color, sweetish borscht, then cut the beets more than the tomatoes. And if, on the contrary, you like sourness more, then increase the number of tomatoes.
We take tomatoes, choosing fleshy fruits for our purposes. These do not contain a lot of seeds and tend to be sweeter.
We cut them into cubes. You can also first remove the peel from them. But this is optional.

Then we pass the peeled carrots through a coarse grater. If you don't like large pieces, then you can use the medium one.

Remove the top layer from the beets, wash and grind coarsely. If you have a combine, you can grind in it too.

Cut the peppers lengthwise and take out the partitions with seeds. Shred with thin straws.

Now mix all the vegetables in one container.

We fill them with zippered plastic bags and put them in the freezer. Borsch dressing for the winter will be waiting for its turn.

Tips: You can also wrap the vegetable dressing in a regular bag. Only you will need to wrap it in several layers so that it does not leak out.
There are dressing options that do not contain beets. Still, in winter it is not difficult to get it in stores. You can also just mix the bell peppers with the minced tomato.
If you want to curl the skinless tomatoes, blast them for a few seconds in boiling water before slicing. After such processing, the skins are removed from the vegetables in one motion. Or simply pass the chopped tomatoes through a sieve. Then all the extra pieces will get stuck in it.

1. How long can the soup be stored?

Soups and broths are stored on average in the refrigerator for up to 5 days (fish soup - no more than 3 days). But in the freezer, soups will live up to 3 months, and broths - up to six months.

2. How much soup to freeze?

This is what frozen broth looks like.

Cook a large pot of soup. Eat half, freeze the other. Boil the soup pot again next week and freeze half. Your freezer now contains two delicious soups that you can get at any time... This can be continued indefinitely, but 3-4 different frozen soups, in our opinion, are quite enough.

Always freeze soup in portions that are convenient for you (1 liter for four people or 200 ml. For one).

The key to success - correct broth... If you always have it in your freezer, the process of preparing your first courses will be much faster. The broth also needs to be frozen in portions - 200, 400, 600 ml.

And the broth is also convenient freeze in ice cube trays... But this is no longer an option for soup, but for other dishes where broth is needed in small quantities.

When freezing soup or broth, be sure to leave some free space in the container so that the liquid expands when frozen.

3. Is it obligatory to sign soups?

Yes, this will make it easier for you to find soup that is about to expire. Simply place a small sticker on the container with the name of the soup or broth and the date it was prepared.

4. What is the best way to store soups?

Tempered glass jars for storing soup in the freezer

For storage, glass jars made of tempered glass, special plastic bags for freezing, food containers made of high-quality plastic are suitable. You can take defrosted and reheated soup with you to work or for a walk in a thermos.

5. How to properly defrost soups?

If you have time then most The best way - Transfer the container with frozen soup or broth to the refrigerator. In 1-2 days (depending on the shape and size of the container) everything will completely defrost.

If you are in a hurry then place the container in warm water until completely thawed.

The third option - defrost the soup slightly in warm water and then cook it over medium heat without letting it boil.

Do not defrost soup in the microwave. Most plastic containers are not designed to be heated. Be careful with glass jars as well - they must be tempered glass to withstand sudden changes in temperature.

Chicken bouillon

When soups are stored for a long time, most of them, when defrosting, become like a paste or cream in consistency. If you just dilute them with water, you can get a bland stew. Add half a glass of water or stock, some lemon juice, salt, and fresh herbs for a richer flavor.

7. What soups should not be frozen?

Do not freeze soups with starchy foods (rice, quinoa, pasta). Better defrost the broth, and add cereals and grains there. Otherwise, when defrosting, the soup will turn into a gooey substance.

Do not freeze thick soups with a lot of potatoes. This does not apply to borscht and other soups, where there are few potatoes.

Creamy and dairy soups, when frozen, stratify and become grainy. But coconut milk will be fine.

Fresh herbs are always best added after defrosting, not before.


  • 400 gr parsnips
  • 500 gr of bell pepper,
  • 500 gr carrots
  • 500 gr of beets
  • 1 kg of tomatoes.

How to freeze borsch dressing for the winter:

Peel the beets, carrots and parsnips, wash and cut into cubes.

Wash the pepper and tomatoes, remove the seeds from the pepper, cut out the attachment points of the tomato fruit to the stalks. Cut the pepper into quarters, the tomatoes into large pieces that are convenient for processing with a meat grinder.

Pass the entire prepared mass through a meat grinder from medium-sized holes in the grate.

Stir well so that the mass is homogeneous, that is, all the vegetables are evenly distributed, then put in containers for freezing.

Use small containers for freezing so that you can use one block of frozen vegetables at a time when preparing food. If there are none, you can put them in plastic containers for meat products purchased in supermarkets.

It is better to fill large trays to the middle of the volume. In winter, it will be more convenient to cut the bar into small pieces without completely defrosting. After the mixture is frozen, to save freezer space, the sticks can be removed from the containers and packed in plastic bags. Store frozen.

From this amount of vegetables, about thirteen blocks of 5x8 cm and 4 cm high are obtained. This is how a frozen dressing for borscht is made just like that. But you can cook

Frozen borscht dressing for the winter can be composed of whatever vegetables you prefer. We offer you our own version. If you like delicious fresh vegetable borscht, cut the cooking time at least three times by preparing the borscht mix for the winter. We will freeze the mixture, this will preserve the taste and aroma of fresh vegetables.

- bell pepper;
- tomatoes;
- carrot;
- beet.

The number of ingredients is not specified intentionally, everyone has their own preferences. The amount of ingredients that I took can be seen in the photo. The amount of dressing for borscht, which turned out, I packed in sachets, it will be enough for me to cook borscht three times.

So, how to freeze borsch dressing for the winter.

Rinse the bell pepper, remove the stalk, cut out the seeds and remove the partitions. Rinse again so that no seeds remain. Cut into small cubes. Pepper can be taken in any color you like. It is best to take bell peppers.

Peel the carrots and grate on a coarse grater. Add to chopped peppers.

Peel and grate the beets. Place with carrots.

Tomatoes can be peeled. Boil water, make a cruciform cut in the skin of each tomato, and dip each tomato in boiling water for 30 seconds. Using a knife, peel the tomatoes, remove the stalk and grind with a blender. You can not remove the peel, grind with a blender like this. Here for an amateur. Add the tomato puree to the borscht mixture.

Stir well to distribute the vegetables evenly.

Prepare freezer ziplock bags. In one bag you need to put one portion of the borsch mixture. You can take two bags at once for making borscht. The main thing is that the bag with the vegetable mixture should be opened only once. Place vegetables in a bag and squeeze out the air. The less air there is, the faster the vegetables will freeze. And the faster they freeze, the more vitamins they will retain. You can use the fast freeze mode if your freezer model has one. Or you can just set the minimum temperature. Freezing occurs fastest on the top shelf of the freezer. Do not stack the bags on top of each other, put them in one row at a short distance. This will help the vegetable mixture freeze faster. Then, when the frozen borsch dressing is completely frozen, then fold it as you like.

Store at temperatures below minus 18 for a year. Add to the borscht 20 minutes before the soup is ready, after cooking, leave the borscht under the lid to infuse for 15 minutes.
Check out other options

Freeze for borscht prepared for the winter helps out perfectly in winter, when you want a fragrant tasty borscht, but the necessary ingredients are not at hand. If you have a spacious freezer available, I recommend creating these blanks in the summer season, and in winter boil potatoes in a saucepan with water, add chopped cabbage and the contents of such a bag - after 20 minutes of cooking, you will have a fragrant and enticing first course! Moreover, in the spring-summer season, young vegetables on the market are cheap - more budgetary than in winter. And how much fresh herbs you can add!

Ask vendors for beets and young tops - this is a healthy and tasty ingredient.

So, prepare the ingredients you need. Peel the beets and carrots, scrape them off with a knife, rinse in water. Also rinse the beet tops and herbs, green onions and garlic in water.

Cut the beets into plates, then cut each plate into cubes of the size you choose. If desired, vegetables can be chopped on a coarse grater. Place in a deep bowl.

Do the same with young carrots.

Chop the washed green onion stalks and add the slices to the rest of the chopped ingredients.

Slice the beet tops by trimming the dense stems and removing them. Place the green mass in a container.

Chop the washed green garlic for an incredible flavor when cooked.

Mix the entire contents of the container together with gentle movements from bottom to top.

Place in bags or plastic containers.

Chop washed fresh herbs and add to each bag or container. Tie or cover, place in freezer. Freezing for borscht for the winter is ready. The shelf life of the blank is about 1 year.

Enjoy cooking!