Pea soup with bacon. Pea Soup with Bacon - a Delicious and Aromatic Dish How to Cook Pea Soup with Bacon

Peas are a great alternative to fast foods that we thoughtlessly let in our lives. Indeed, in this unsightly bean there is a whole periodic table. And we betrayed our own, domestic, to please those who are now trying to intimidate us with sanctions. So, let them scare us, and we will return to our own, reliable and proven - pea porridge, it is our salvation. After all, it is recommended both for excess sugar in the blood, and for various problems with the gastrointestinal tract, for example, with heartburn, constipation.

And also, in addition to benefits, we get satiety, a varied diet and, finally, pleasure. By the way, as I personally checked with time and practice, you can work wonders from peas. Even pancakes and pancakes, jelly and pies are baked with peas! But today we will not talk about such delights. Let's cook the usual pea porridge. Don't worry about messing around for a long time. Now legumes boil quickly.

Cooking time: 50-60 minutes

Complexity: medium


    water - 3 glasses

    salt to taste


I always try to take unhulled beans. This is both healthy and tasty. But it takes a lot of time to soak. So I took the halves. I liked their color - yellow always reminds of warmth. We will wash the peas from dust and everything else that will prevent the porridge from being tasty.

Honestly, I didn't soak these peas like we usually do. She poured three glasses of water. Brought to a boil and switched to other products.

Finely chopped the bacon first. I had it unsalted, fresh. And it is needed for taste, plus in order to fry the rest of the components in bacon, which gives off a bacon.

Then let's move on to the bow. I used half an onion for this amount. But if there is more, the taste of the porridge will only improve. Cut to your favorite format.

And the carrot is the last ingredient. I put it finely, finely.

So, first I heated the pan. I sent bacon strips here. As soon as they started to squirt and let the bacon, I added the rest to them. We fry the onions with carrots, but not so that they are golden - enough for them to be sautéed in this wonderful fat.

I still had unboiled water in the saucepan. But I decided to immediately send this kind of frying to the peas.

In general, I used to think that pea soup is a long time to cook (if it is not from a "package"), and indeed it is not very tasty and you yourself know the glory of this soup)) But somehow I watched the TV show "Food is alive and dead" about peas, which I was very impressed, I decided to cook pea soup. It turns out that if you often eat peas, it turns out that our intestines get used to it and does not reciprocate musically. This program often offers various recipes for dishes, this time the chef was preparing a pea soup with bacon. My recipe today is NOT an exact repetition of the original recipe, but it turns out to be very tasty, it has already been cooked many times, and the recipe for this soup is included in our menu.
Where to start is to soak peas in the evening. I take dry crushed peas for the soup.
We soak the peas in cold water, and leave them in a cool place overnight, or longer, so the peas will boil down faster.

Well, after a while you can start cooking soup)
We put a pot of water on the fire, about 1.5-2 liters

We clean carrots, onions, garlic and potatoes.
Next, wash the peas in cold water

As soon as the water boils, carefully so as not to burn yourself, pour the peas into the water and cook them for about 30 minutes.

At this time, we are preparing the frying for the soup. We need to take strips of uncooked smoked bacon. Pea soup can also be cooked with smoked ribs, but it will take longer to boil the ribs. In this regard, bacon speeds up the process, but the soup turns out to be no less tasty and aromatic.

Cut the bacon into strips about 1-1.5 cm wide

Next, fry the bacon in a frying pan with literally a drop of vegetable oil, or without oil, if you see that the bacon has quite wide layers of bacon. I do not fry bacon very much, NOT until golden brown, so it will be softer and more pleasant in the soup

Three carrots on a fine grater, one medium carrot is enough

We chop (not finely) onions. One medium onion is enough

Add carrots and onions to bacon and sauté everything together

Cut the potatoes into medium cubes. We wash it in cold water.

Add potatoes to boiled peas

Let the potatoes boil, 15-20 minutes and add the frying

Finely chop 2 cloves of garlic (do not scold for the photo, only on the computer I realized that I had photographed the garlic very closely) and add it to the soup

Salt and pepper the soup to taste. Somehow I like to salt more at the end of cooking, but you decide for yourself. Add bay leaves and leave to cook for another 10 minutes

After 10 minutes, turn off the heat, take out the bay leaf, add finely chopped greens, I have dill. But parsley is also good, or generally dried dill or parsley.

We close the pan with a lid and let the soup stand for 30 minutes, but if there is no time, then you can serve it in the heat of the heat for dinner)

Here is such a delicious, rich, aromatic soup) You can serve pea soup with crackers, I personally love with fresh rye bread!

The soup is cooked quickly. Faster only from a soup bag, but there he himself knows the flavorings of smoked meats ... (
Bon appetit, everyone!

Cooking time: PT01H10M 1 h. 10 min.

Sort dry split peas, rinse several times under running water until transparent. Cover with cold water and leave for 1-2 hours. Then drain the water and rinse the peas again.

Then put the peas in a saucepan, pour clean cold water and put on high heat. After the water boils, reduce the heat to low and cook the peas for about 1 hour, removing the resulting foam.

Meanwhile, wash the potatoes, peel and cut into cubes.

Wash the onion, peel and chop finely. Wash carrots, peel and grate on a coarse grater.

40 minutes after the start of cooking, you need to check the peas for readiness. It should soften and start to soften. Next, add boiled water to the pan (since the water boils away when boiling peas), add chopped potatoes and cook the pea soup for another 10-15 minutes.

Then add bacon to onions and carrots and fry for another 2-3 minutes.

When the potatoes are done, add the sautéed vegetables and bacon to the pot. Then add salt and pepper, put bay leaf. Bring to a boil and simmer the pea soup over low heat for another 10 minutes. Then turn off the heat, cover and let the soup steep for 10 minutes.

Pour appetizing pea soup with bacon with an incredible aroma into bowls, serve hot with slices of black bread or croutons.

Bon Appetit!

Pea soup with bacon is a delicious first dish that every housewife should be able to cook. Let's take a look at the secrets and tips for making this amazing soup!

Which peas are good for soup?

The opinion that pea soup is cooked only from dried yellow or green peas is fundamentally wrong. Fresh or canned peas are great for making soups.

Another question is the quality of this pea itself. It should only be benign, without traces of deterioration, without foreign smell and with a color characteristic of its species.

Which bacon is best?

Boiled-smoked bacon has the best taste, not smoked-boiled bacon. This is due to the partial loss of flavor and aroma compounds during the cooking process.

You can replace such bacon or supplement its presence in the soup with the following products:

  • smoked pork ribs;
  • smoked chicken wings;
  • smoked hunting sausages;
  • smoked-boiled pork belly.

Cooking secrets

Classic pea soup with smoked bacon is cooked without adding potato tubers. This is a kind of rule that many people don't know about.

The whole secret is in the composition of these two products - peas and potatoes. They contain a lot of starch, and two types of starchy foods are not added to one dish. Thus, it is not recommended to combine these types of components in one dish:

  • potatoes or Jerusalem artichoke;
  • rice groats;
  • peas;
  • flour products.

What if you really want to put some potatoes in pea soup with bacon? There is an answer! After peeling and rinsing, cut the potatoes into cubes or cubes and cover with cold water. After a couple of minutes, rinse and refill with fresh cool water. Do this again. This is how excess starch is washed out from the pieces of tubers.

The same is done by thoroughly washing dry peas - excess starchiness is removed.

What, then, will remain in the broth? The saturation of the broth and the soup that is cooked on it is achieved by adding a meat product (smoked meats, meat on the bone, chicken).

Classic cooking recipe

The following ingredients are required:

  • one glass of dried peas (whole or split);
  • one carrot;
  • onion head;
  • 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste;
  • 200 g smoked bacon;
  • a sprig of spicy herbs (such as dill or parsley);
  • 2-3 st. l. vegetable oil;
  • 2 liters of meat (or vegetable) broth or filtered water;
  • to taste of salt and spices.

Now we are preparing the pea soup with bacon. Step by step recipe:

  1. First, let's prepare the peas. Fill it with water in a bowl and rinse it very well. We drain the muddy water and pour in fresh, clean water. We leave for a couple of hours. During this time, the peas will absorb water and swell well.
  2. After that, we transfer the peas to a saucepan and fill with pre-prepared broth or water. We turn on a strong fire on the stove. When foam appears on the surface, remove it. And when the broth boils, we reduce the heat to moderate. Cook with the lid half closed.
  3. Cut off the skin of bacon and rough places, if any. Cut into small cubes.
  4. We clean all the vegetables for the soup, rinse the herbs. Then finely chop the carrots and onions into cubes.
  5. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and sauté carrots and onions on it. Then add the tomato paste and stir. Pass for a couple more seconds and remove from fire.
  6. Add bacon to the boiling broth, sauté, cook until the peas are almost completely boiled over low heat and the lid is almost closed.
  7. Before the end of cooking, salt the soup and add spices or herbs to taste. Stir and turn off the heating of the stove.
  8. Pour a portion of the soup into a plate and decorate with a sprig of fresh green dill.

Note to the hostess

Pea and bacon soup can be cooked as a puree soup. In this case, the pieces of bacon are sautéed separately and added to a plate with a portion of the grated soup.

Adding a small amount of cream, sour cream or milk will help to enrich the taste of the first course. These products are introduced when serving, i.e. straight into the plate. It is important that the cream is preheated, the milk is boiled and cooled slightly, and the sour cream is taken at room temperature.

Wheat or rye bread croutons are often used to serve pea soup with bacon. The recipe for such croutons is very simple. Small pieces of bread are mixed with a couple of drops of vegetable oil and baked in the oven until golden brown and crispy. Such croutons are also cooked in a pan.

To prevent the soup from "running away" during cooking, fill the pot three-quarters full.

You can use tomato juice or ketchup instead of tomato paste.

Any fresh herbs are added to the boiling soup at the very end of cooking, when all other products are completely cooked. So the green leaves of spicy herbs will not lose their color and will enrich the dish with a vitamin - ascorbic acid.

In childhood, we called dishes using peas musical. The carminative effect in the intestines and flatulence in the stomach can be avoided if the peas are pre-soaked and the process of preparing peas is mastered in two waters. If the peas in the store were bought crushed into halves, then in the recipe you can skip one of the cooking stages (soaking or draining the first water after cooking). Pea Bacon Soup is a hearty, high-calorie dish that is hard to miss without having a meal. Incredibly pleasant aroma, causing a burst of appetite, piquant taste and beautiful appearance of the soup make it not only an everyday hearty dish, but also a decoration of the festive table in the form of a hot first course.

There are many recipes for making pea soup with bacon, but the base is always pork broth, to which vegetables are added at will. At the end of the preparation of the soup, it should look like a rich-colored puree soup, in which individual pea seeds come across in an unboiled form. When the recipe soup is ready, white croutons and sour cream are served with it, you can also serve hot white bread instead of croutons. One of the recipes for the dish is given below. Its output is 6 servings. The soup is cooked for about 1 hour. No special skills, other than experience in cutting vegetables, are required.


For the soup you will need to take:

  • potatoes - 1 large tuber;
  • green beans - 30-70 grams;
  • bell pepper - 1 piece;
  • carrots - 1 medium root vegetable;
  • broccoli cabbage - 2-3 heads of cabbage;
  • smoked hunting sausages - half a piece;
  • bacon - 0.2 kg;
  • celery root - 1 piece;
  • green peas - up to 80 grams;
  • bay leaf - 1 piece;
  • salt and pepper - as needed;
  • olive oil - 30 - 35 grams;
  • lemon juice - from 2 slices.

Cooking method

  1. Smoked hunting sausages and the specified amount of bacon are finely chopped. Instead of smoked hunting sausages, you can take the same amount of cervelat, any smoked or boiled sausage. Next, fry the sausages with bacon for 10 minutes over medium heat in a frying pan with medium sides (or deep). You do not need to add olive oil at this stage, but you can season the smoked ingredients with olive oil if desired.
  2. While meat products are fried, vegetables are processed. Celery, onions and bell peppers are cleaned of inedible contents, washed under running water and finely chopped, after which they must be added to a pan with already fried sausages and bacon.
  3. Green peas, broccoli, olive oil, green beans and laurel leaves are added to the pan. The mixture is subject to further heat treatment in a pan for 5 minutes. If there is no separate broccoli and green beans, you can take a ready-made mixture in the store, known as the "Spring Frozen Mix". It can include grated carrots and other vegetables, the addition of which will not give the soup an unpleasant taste. Continue frying the mixture for 6 minutes.
  4. Carrots and potatoes are peeled, washed under running water and cut into cubes, semicircles or strips. Put the chopped vegetables in a saucepan, add about 3 liters of water and cook the vegetables for about 20 minutes.
  5. We check if the vegetables are cooked, after which we add the contents of the pan to the pan. We continue the heat treatment process in a saucepan for another 5 minutes, after which we add salt and pepper, lemon juice as needed and remove from heat.

The recipe for the dish can be improved if all components are chopped with a blender, and then allowed to boil and turned off. This recipe assumes the obligatory serving of croutons before serving, since this soup will already be a puree soup. There is a little trick in the recipe for the dish: not only meat broth is added to the soup, but also water in which the peas were soaked.