Beautiful and unusual names for girls born in the year of the rooster. How to name a child a girl according to the church calendar? Orthodox female names according to the Holy Calendar for girls by month: list, meaning, origin Future successful doctors and patroness of weak

How do we usually choose a name for our child? Closer to 7-8 months of pregnancy, parents begin to look closely and try on different names.

The criterion for choosing a name is either their personal feelings - like / dislike, or the parents, through the name, pay tribute to their relatives, and name the child in honor of one of the relatives.

Also, parents listen - how the name sounds with the patronymic, how the full name of the child sounds. Sometimes they pay attention to the meaning from which root word the name comes from. Check with the signs of the zodiac. Less often they look at the church calendar, choosing from the names of the saints born on the same day with the child.

In all these cases, parents do not take into account the natural laws of the influence of the name on the psyche and the future of the child. And they do not realize all the consequences of choosing a name.

The meaning of a name, such as brave, brave, has no literal effect on events. For example, Victoria, this does not mean that the girl will win everywhere, and all other children with names other than Victoria will lose. Likewise, Love, Vera, Nadezhda does not mean that children with other names will not have a good family future.

The name affects the character, psyche, aura in a special way, not spelled out either in meaning, or in astrology or numerology. The name Mary can block the child's heart center and he cannot give and receive love. The other girl's name is Maria, on the contrary, - it will help solve problems for love, greatly facilitate life and achieve goals. For the third girl, the name Maria may not have any effect at all, whether there is a name or not. Etc. Moreover, all these children can be born on the same day. And have the same astrological, numerological and other characteristics. And maybe Saint Mary (even the mother of Christ!), Etc.

The secret of a woman's name, as a program of the unconscious, a sound wave, vibration is revealed with a special bouquet, first of all in a person, and not in the semantic meaning and characteristics of the name. And if this name does not fit, then it would be some kind of beautiful, melodious with a patronymic, astrological accurate, blissful, it would still be a crooked dummy.

The most beautiful female names on the list are just name variations. What names are there. No more

These lists, even if there are certain interpretations, numbers, qualities, planets - always remain without analyzing the effectiveness of the impact of the name specifically on your child. Just lists.

Various characteristics and interpretations - positive traits, negative traits of a name, choice of profession by name, influence of a name on business, influence of a name on health, character and destiny of a name ... can be considered only in the context of a holistic analysis of the energy structure, tasks for the life and kind of a particular child.

Try to choose a few names that work best for your child. Then, if you are interested in the effectiveness of the influence of the name on fate, write to WhatsApp or in the mail.

The most beautiful names in 2020

According to our readers, these are the names


Beautiful female names extended list

Beautiful female names starting with the letter A:


Beautiful female names with the letter B:


Beautiful female names with the letter B:


Beautiful female names with the letter G:


Beautiful female names with the letter D:

Blast furnace

Beautiful female names with the letter E:


Beautiful female names with the letter Ж:


Beautiful female names with the letter Z:


Beautiful female names with the letter I:

And bath

Beautiful female names with the letter K:


Beautiful female names with the letter L:


Beautiful female names starting with the letter M:


Beautiful female names with the letter H:


Beautiful female names starting with the letter O:


Beautiful female names starting with the letter P:


Beautiful female names with the letter P:


Beautiful female names starting with the letter C:


Beautiful female names starting with the letter T:


Beautiful female names starting with the letter U:


Beautiful female names starting with the letter F:


Beautiful female names with the letter X:


Beautiful female names starting with the letter C:


Beautiful female names starting with the letter H:


Beautiful female names starting with the letter W:


Beautiful female names starting with the letter I:


The influence of each name on a person is strictly individual. There are contraindications! Consult a specialist.

How to choose a beautiful and suitable name for a child?

Can't find a name, although it's already 5 months old or even recently gave birth?

We can help with name analysis and name selection.

Choosing a name for your child is a very responsible and difficult task. It is important that the parents like it and that it is euphonic. A correctly chosen name will not only characterize a person, but also become an assistant and amulet. Everyone knows: “how you name a ship, so it will float”, so you should seriously approach the question of how to name a girl born in March.

March names

The character of March girls is similar to nature in early spring - tender and vulnerable. They often grow overly sensitive and impressionable. They can be stubborn, but not in the right place and at the wrong hour.

To correct such features of temper, to smooth out sharp corners, while making the daughter self-confident, it is worth taking a closer look at the following spring names for girls: Anastasia, Antonina, Veronica, Christina, Marta, Nika, Nina, Marina, Natalia.

If according to the horoscope of Pisces

How to name a girl in March - the horoscope will tell. Our ancestors checked all life events with him. So why not turn to him for help in such an important matter? After all, a name is given to a person once in a lifetime. It can both harmonize and destroy fate and character, strengthen or facilitate generic programs, affect personal life, family and health.

Even the sound of your own name will be with a person all your life: it will be pronounced by the surrounding and close people. Sounding through the eardrums affects the brain and the whole body.

People born in early March - Pisces according to the horoscope - are feminine and gentle. Girls have great imaginations. They are talented and express themselves well in creativity. A little suspicious and fickle: the mood can change, like the streams of a turbulent river. Girls are often kind and helpful, which can be a disservice to them. Parents should teach their child to defend their personal interests from an early age. If the girl born in March is Pisces, pay attention to such female names:

Aries girl

Aries girl from birth will make it clear to her family that she has her own opinion on any issue. This character trait will be inherent in her all her life. These people are brave, fair, stubborn. They are often overbearing and selfish. It is also obvious that the girl will grow up to be a good, devoted friend. This child needs patience. It is better to give a name to the girl gentle and soft:

Church calendar

Our ancestors never had a problem with what name to call a child. They relied on the church calendar. A baby was born - parents came to church. Batiushka offered a choice of several names of saints, the day of veneration of which fell on the near future. It never entered anyone's head to contradict a church minister.

Modern parents have a very wide choice. But also the list of saints' names is so varied what is worth paying attention to. Moreover, having chosen such a name for a newborn, you will know under whose patronage the baby is. And the birthday of the saint will become Angel Day or the girl's birthday.

In March, about 2 thousand names can be found in the Saints. Of course, there are those that have long been out of use.

If the baby's birthday doesn't have female names, or doesn't like names at all, it's worth looking a few days ahead this month. For the birthday boy, there is a name that will be cute for parents and pleasant for the baby.

Since childhood, each child is endowed with a special set of qualities that are transformed and strengthened in his personality in the course of life, depending on the circumstances. The choice of a name for a newborn will help to set the "initial", "basic" set of desired character traits, because, as has long been known, names in our life decide a lot. What should you call a child born in March 2017? To choose a name wisely, you should find out what qualities the newborns will be endowed with in March.

What will be the children born in March 2017

Children born in March 2017 will have a strong creative streak, which, however, can affect the general tearfulness and resentment of the growing man. Therefore, names should be chosen with strong notes that will give their owner or possessor additional self-confidence and the ability to realize their potential without unnecessary doubts.

The Church strongly recommends calling babies by the names of the saints recorded in a special church book (see. orthodox calendar of names as of March 2017 below). In it, the vast majority of male names, but you can also find a very suitable name according to the calendar. If you choose a name for a child according to church advice, then from childhood your baby will have his own patron in heaven, protecting him in moments of special difficulties and dangers.

Church Names Calendar for March 2017

How to name a child in March 2017

Names for boys, meaning of names:
Daniel ("God is my judge"), Ilya ("the fortress of the Lord"), Makar ("happy"), Nikon ("conquering"), Julian ("fluffy"), Michael ("equal to God"), Nikolai (" people's winner "), Fedor (" God's gift "), Porfiry (" purple "), Victor (" winner "), Kuzma (" universe "), Arkhip (" senior horseman "), Dmitry (" related to Demeter ") , Eugene ("noble"), Maxim ("the greatest"), Fedot ("God's gift"), Philemon ("loving"), David ("beloved"), Denis ("belonging to Deonis"), Ivan ("the grace of God "), Yaroslav (" dedicated to the sun god "), Gregory (" vigorous "), Zakhar (" remembered to God ").

Names for girls, meaning of names:
Anna ("grace"), Jonah ("patient"), Olga ("foreign woman"), Varvara ("oath of God"), Praskovya ("Friday"), Marina ("sea"), Antonina ("extensive"), Evdokia ("goodness"), Martha ("lady"), Iraida ("heroine"), Theodora ("God's gift"), Christina ("in the name of God"), Natalia ("dear").

A child should not be named after a relative who ended his life on his own.
The name and girls should be chosen euphonious, well combined with the surname and patronymic.
Together with the church name, which was chosen according to the calendar, the child acquires a patron and another memorable day - the Name Day.

Each parent has their own motivation when choosing a name for their child. Some like its sound, others are guided by fashion trends. In pre-revolutionary Russia, their children were named in strict accordance with the church calendar. Today, priests are asked for help less and less, but beautiful Old Church Slavonic names - Svetozar, Yaroslav, Lyubomir, Mstislav - are becoming fashionable. When in doubt what to call a girl in 2017 , knowledge of astrologers and numerologists will help. They will advise you on the best options according to your zodiac sign. Arguing among themselves what to name the boy in 2017 , mothers and fathers can consult with older relatives. The main rule for choosing a name for a person is its euphony, compatibility with a patronymic and even a surname.

How to name a girl by her patronymic - Beautiful names in 2017

Which names are trending today and which are almost forgotten? What's new parents come up with for newborns in order to distinguish their child from the "general mass"? This information is best owned by the staff of the registry office. Every year they pass on information to sociologists about all the names given to children over the past period. When naming a girl born in 2017, parents should consider whether the name pronounced along with the middle name sounds beautiful. If the middle name is too long, you should not give the child a name of 4-5 syllables. For example, "Anastasia Veniaminovna" is an unacceptable option, despite the fact that the name itself is beautiful.

Examples of beautiful names with middle names in 2017 - How to name a girl

When naming a girl born in 2017, you can refer to the list of the most popular names. However, it is worth remembering that an adult is almost always addressed by name and patronymic. It will be difficult for others to pronounce names that are too long, where sibilant sounds are "stuck together" or there are many "r", "z", "x", "c". All this makes names difficult to pronounce. For example, "Susanna Stanislavovna" does not sound very nice, while "Elena Stanislavovna" is pronounced softer. Try to choose such names to "dilute" the sounds present in the middle name. For example, if the girl's dad is called Gregory (two voiced, pronounced "g" and two "r"), the names Alla, Alina, Polina, Svetlana, Alisa, Elena will be successful. This year, the daughter can be called Arina, Ekaterina, Maria, Anastasia, Sofia.

How to name a girl according to the church calendar - Names according to the signs of the zodiac in 2017

Unlike astrologers, who advise parents of girls who were born in 2017 to name children according to the signs of the zodiac, the church recommends referring to the calendar - lists of the names of saints. You can choose a name for your daughter by month and day of birth. Babies born in July can be called Angelina, Maria, Julia, Tatiana, Agrippina, Jeanne. Newborns born in September - Fekla, Varvara, Natalia, Anna, Elena, Ksenia. A complete list of names according to the calendar can always be found on the Internet and in special literature.

How to name a girl according to the signs of the Zodiac and according to the calendar of the church calendar - Examples of names in 2017

The name for the girl can be chosen according to the church calendar. Such information is regularly published on the World Wide Web and in special literature. If the parents do not find a name they like there, there is always another approach to solving this important problem - to consult with an astrologer and name the child in accordance with the zodiacal sign of his birth. 2017 is the year of the Red Rooster. Names should be filled with energy and confidence.

How to name a girl in 2017 - Beautiful names

Since 2017 is patronized by the Red Rooster - a very energetic, cheerful, active, always cheerful and eager for activity, the year will endow all the girls who were born at this time with the same qualities. Babies 2017 will grow up to be a little restless, but smart children. Growing up, such girls will strive to attract maximum attention to themselves, but they will be distinguished by great kindness and loyalty, enterprise and independence. Of course, such a girl will always be glad that her parents gave her a beautiful name at birth, emphasizing her individuality and uniqueness. Dads and mothers can already think in advance about such variants of names as Ruslana, Elizabeth, Angelina, Alevtina, Vasilisa, Pelageya.

Examples of beautiful names for girls in 2017

At the time when a child is given a name, he becomes a part of the Universe, since the name is a kind of "bridge" between the material and spiritual world. The tiny man already has his own mission, life path. Each name carries energy. For example, Alexandra, one of the most beautiful and popular names of all times, is favorable for girls born in 2017, means “protector”. Such a daughter will always respect her mother and father, honor them, support and help throughout their lives. There is no need to call the baby by a name that repeats her middle name. For example, the combinations "Stanislav Stanislavovna", "Evgenia Evgenievna", "Alexandra Alexandrovna" do not sound too euphonious. Alla, Victoria, Alisa, Anastasia, Melania, Svetlana will be beautiful options for female names for this year.

How to name a boy in 2017 - beautiful names for boys

Unfortunately, many parents, when choosing a name for a born baby, do not take into account the fact that any fashion passes too quickly, and with the given name a person will live his whole life. Someone from already adults, dissatisfied with what his name is, changes his name, choosing his favorite option. This can be done by any citizen who has provided the necessary documents (passport, birth certificate) to the registry office and the passport office. Of course, a person with a euphonious name will never change it. The most beautiful names for boys that appeared in 2017 are Alexander, Platon, Daniel, Andrey, August, Cyril, Arseny.

Examples of beautiful names for boys for 2017

Many moms and dads choose names for boys after relatives or celebrities. In the USSR, there was a custom to call children by names-abbreviations associated with communism, socialism. This is how the Kims (Communist International of Youth), Leninids (Lenin), Vladlens (Vladimir Lenin) were born. In 2017, the son can be called Alexander, Anatoly, Roman, Orest. The year of their birth will give the boys deep intelligence, activity, observation, excellent reaction, purposefulness. Properly chosen names will only emphasize these qualities.

How to name a boy born in 2017 according to the church calendar

The Christian Church claims that the name does not affect the future, does not bring happiness or failure. In the Bible, the word "name" denotes the essence of a person, his purpose, character. Thinking about how to name a boy born in 2017, you can open the church calendar and find the calendar there - a list of the names of saints.

Examples of names of boys born in 2017 according to the church calendar

When giving a name to a boy, pay attention to the month of his birth, season, day. If the child saw the light on a holiday associated with the saints, name the child by the name of this saint. You should not give names in honor of deceased relatives - this is a bad omen. For babies born in 2017, the names Andrei, Matvey, Peter, Julian, Dmitry, Ivan, Ilya, Gennady, Valentin, Yuri, Vladimir are suitable.

How to name a child - video funny

The name is not just a combination of sounds. Each of us, receiving his name at birth, opens his "chronicle". If you don't know what to call a girl in 2017 , refer to the church calendar and saints. Arguing over what to name a boy in 2017 , you can look into the horoscope and find a beautiful name for your son by his zodiac sign. Say aloud the child's future name along with his middle name and listen to his sound. You like?

And this is not surprising, since there are so many female names that, at times, you get lost in their diversity. Most moms and dads strive to give not only a beautiful name for their daughter, but also a happy one.

In the spring, creative, active people are born, therefore, the name of a child born in spring should be appropriate. And what names for girls in March can you choose?

Selection rules

What should you call a girl born in March? The first thing that comes to mind of anyone who asks such a question is Martha. The name contains a strong enough energy. It personifies firmness of character, self-confidence, determination and pragmatism.

At the same time, it combines such qualities as ease of communication, erudition, charm and charisma. If “Marta” for a girl born in the first month of spring seems too banal for you, then you can use different methods of choosing a good name.

By value

First of all, you need to consider the meaning of the name. Not only the character of the girl, but also the attitude of the people around her will largely depend on him. If you want to endow your daughter with beauty and good health, then you should take a closer look at these names:

  • Anfisa- fragrant, blooming
  • Anna- Darling
  • Valeria- strong
  • Valentine- healthy
  • Glafira- elegant
  • Eve- feminine
  • Elena- shining
  • Isabel- beautiful
  • Taisiya- noble
  • Juno- young

From a number of names, one can single out those that radiate the energy of happiness and love:

  • Beatrice- happy
  • Bogdana- given by the Lord
  • Victoria- winner
  • Darina- gifted with talents
  • Evdokia- lucky
  • Kira- the mistress of her life
  • Love- beloved by all
  • Ludmila- cute for people
  • Svetlana- light
  • Regina- regal
  • Yaroslava- shining, glorified

There are a number of female names that were formed from male names: Alexandra, Eugene, Vitalina, Victoria, Paulina, etc. Calling girls by such names, remember that her character will become more and more like a man's with age.

Most often, such daughters grow up rebellious, self-sufficient, proud and independent individuals.... Often they have an interest in male professions. From a young age, they strive to emphasize their individuality and stand out from the crowd.

By sound

In addition to the meaning of the name, its euphony is also important.... Before you run to the registry office and draw up a girl's birth certificate, think about how her name will be combined with a middle name.

If there are many letters in the surname and patronymic that sound harsh (p, f, g, h), then it is recommended to choose a name that would soften them in its sound. If there are many hard voiced consonants in the name and surname, then such a combination will sound too arrogant and even harsh.

For example, Marina Andreevna Garina. The letter "r" is found in the first name, and in the surname, and in the patronymic. As a result, a girl who bears such a name will evoke not the most positive emotions in those around her. This name is associated with something aggressive and defiant.

By sound, the names can be roughly divided into three categories: hard, soft and neutral:

  • Solid names include voiced consonants: Ekaterina, Karina, Marina, Irina, Victoria, Regina, Margarita. Girls with similar names grow up persistent, stubborn, ambitious and independent. They have a complex character, but in life it is thanks to him that they are ahead of their rivals and repulse ill-wishers.
  • Soft-sounding names- Vasilisa, Svetlana, Alena, Elena, Alina - endow a person with a calm character, dreaminess, romance, creative talents. Women with such names become good mothers, mistresses, faithful wives.
  • Neutral names- Lyubov, Anna, Olga - give them the ability to make decisions quickly, rely on their experience and find a way out of difficult situations. Girls with similar names are rarely worried about their own, since they have everything planned out for years to come. They know their worth and what they want to get out of life.

Unfortunate meaning

There are several names that you should not call your daughters, as their meaning is somewhat contradictory and not always positive.

  • Barbara from Greek it is translated as a stranger. This name carries the energy of aggression, perseverance and riot of passions. In addition, it can give a girl a character that will become an obstacle to her communication with peers.
  • Zemfira- the name is beautiful, but gives a complex character. The girl's fate will completely depend on her decisions, and they, more often than not, will be impulsive and thoughtless. The name is translated from Latin as "rebellious", which means a rebellious character and the desire to do everything in his own way will be traced from an early age.
  • Kseniya translated as "alien". Will a girl with such a name become a stranger among her peers? There is another translation of the name Ksenia - "hospitable". But despite this, it is quite contradictory, therefore, not the most suitable for a girl born in March.
  • Lolita means sadness. It is not recommended to call a daughter by that name, no matter how beautiful it may seem to you.

What name would suit a girl born in March?

March is the first month of spring, which means that girls born during this period get a cheerful, cheerful character by nature. The children of March are somewhat frivolous and lightheaded. They make decisions for a long time, often feel insecure. Growing up into beautiful girls, they often doubt their attractiveness, which is why they suffer from many complexes.

The names that can be called a daughter, who appeared in March, should endow her with confidence, determination and responsibility. These names include: Alina, Valeria, Victoria, Inna, Karina, Kira, Marta, Olga.

Zodiac sign

There are two signs of the zodiac in March - and Pisces.... Both signs are strikingly different in characteristics, which means that their names will also be different.

The Aries girl is impulsive, stubborn and persistent. From an early age, she shows interest in everything new and unknown. She is often impatient and willful. It is not easy for parents to bring up such a lively and decisive baby. The names suitable for Aries girls are as follows: Agatha, Larisa, Olesya, Alena, Raisa, Yaroslav, Regina, Arina, Svetlana, Valeria, Galina.

The Pisces Girl is a gentle and sensitive nature. She is quite flexible and calm. He has a well-developed intuition, a rich imagination and an original view of the world. Names such as Irina, Eva, Marianna, Elena, Natalya, Polina, Maria, Vera, Anna, Nina are ideal for her.

By the patron planet

In March, the planet Jupiter takes over. She patronizes everyone who was born in the first month of spring. Jupiter endows March girls with thrift, independence, a desire for science and knowledge, the ability to think broadly and make long-term plans. The names of Jupiter: Alla, Nadezhda, Klara, Daria, Radislava, Eleanor, Anna, Maria.

According to the calendar

  • Anisa- affectionate, sympathetic and friendly. Such a name will endow the girl with all the qualities of a beneficent and kind-hearted person.
  • Jana- a reflection of the essence of spring itself. The name means freshness, flowering, youth and the beginning of a new life.
  • Narmin- gentle, decent, honest.
  • Nura- a ray of light, the onset of the morning, the arrival of heat.
  • Safia- transparent, sincere, clear, clean.
  • Farida- unique, special.
  • Yasmin- as beautiful as a jasmine flower.

When choosing a name for a daughter, parents of the Islamic faith should think about its euphony and the energy that it carries.