How to cook delicious pasta? Recipes for cooking pasta dishes. How much to cook pasta in a saucepan How many minutes to cook pasta in a saucepan

A popular dish - spaghetti - is within the power of even novice chefs. Not expensive in terms of execution time, it, at the same time, has the nuances of preparation. This is especially true of how much spaghetti to cook.

Cooking on the stove

Spaghetti is translated from Italian as "twine", so these pasta are long, more than 15 cm. The duration of cooking depends on their type and the type of wheat from which they are made.

If we take into account that their mass becomes 3 times more during boiling, then for 1 portion in dry form for a side dish you need only 50 g. To boil them, you need to take 10 times more water, that is, ½ liter per serving. In order for the products to be in it freely and not stick together, the container must be large.

  • Put the cooking container on high heat and wait until it boils.
  • Add salt - 0.5 tsp.
  • Immerse spaghetti in boiling water like a fan. As soon as the lower part softens, gradually fold them with a special spatula in depth completely.
  • Reduce heat slightly so that the boil does not foam. In the first 120 sec. it is worth stirring, otherwise it may stick to the pan.
  • You do not need to close the lid, while cooking for 9 minutes. Before the end of cooking, taste whether it is soft or not.
  • Ready to put in a colander, the water drains for about 3 minutes.
  • In the container where they were cooked, butter is put or 1 tsp is poured. vegetable, then the product will not stick together.
  • The boiled paste is placed in heated oil.
  • The container is covered. The pan must be grasped by the handles with potholders and shaken. This will mix the spaghetti. Shaking, alternating with pauses, can be repeated several times.

The spaghetti does not need to be rinsed. Exception when overcooked or stuck together because of this. Maybe the pasta is of poor quality.

Advice: "twigs", even long ones, it is better not to break. In China, for example, you cannot break long noodles because they symbolize longevity. In Italy, the homeland of spaghetti, it is customary to cook such a paste only as a whole, even if the length reaches 30 cm. But in Russia, everything is not so strict. However, why then take on spaghetti when there is such a variety of pasta.

Cooking time depending on shape and thickness

How long to cook this paste depends on the shape (round and flat) and the thickness of the filaments. The thinnest - 3-4, thicker up to 8 and the thickest, round - up to 12 minutes.

No. p \ pBarilla's viewSpaghetti roomCooking time, min.
1. Capellini1 5
2. Spaghettini3 5
3. Spaghetti5 8
4. Bavette13 8
5. Spaghettoni7 11

so as not to stick together, before boiling them, you should immediately add ½ tsp. oil (lean) in water. You do not need to do this later, it is better then to put the oil after cooking and after the broth drains in a colander. An excellent anti-caking agent is boiling water.

It happens that you need to cook a semi-finished product and cook something from it. If it is still under the influence of heat, then cook for a couple of minutes less, that is, do not cook. This is "al-dente" - "by the tooth", because they are slightly harsh, which is completely eliminated during further cooking.

the cooking time is often indicated on the packaging, you need to pay attention to this.

The secret method will help to cook even thin soft wheat spaghetti in a pan: they must first be fried, then pour boiling water, covering the product by 5 cm, cook for 180 seconds.

Cooking with kitchen gadgets

If it is not possible to cook spaghetti on the stove, a multicooker will come to the rescue. The required amount of water is poured. On the "steaming" or "pasta" mode, it is brought to a boil. On average, it takes up to 7 minutes:

  • Products are placed in the multicooker bowl.
  • A piece of butter or a little vegetable (to taste) butter is added, as well as salt. Everything is gently mixed.
  • Cook until it boils for up to 9 minutes.

if you plan to serve spaghetti in sauce, then you do not need to rinse them. The starch remaining on the threads goes well with the consistency of the sauce. When the spaghetti has been overexposed in a colander longer than necessary, it is possible to revive it by scalding it with boiling water. The liquid left over from cooking can be used just for making the sauce.

You can also cook in a microwave oven. The product is poured with boiling water, covering it by 5 cm (or a ratio of 1: 2). Put spaghetti, salt, a spoonful of vegetable oil in boiling water. You need to cook for 8 minutes. at the maximum opportunity. Every 2 min. pause cooking and stir. As soon as the food is cooked, the oven turns off, and the pasta remains there a little more. Then you just drain the water and you can eat.

with a low microwave power, cooking should be increased to ¼ hour.

Spaghetti is good with various sauces, as a side dish, first and second, for salad, etc. They cool quickly, so they are served in preheated plates. Cooking spaghetti is easy when you know what to do. There is no doubt that then everyone will be happy with the result.

Useful Tips

Pasta is the most affordable dish in terms of price. Almost everyone loves them, they are very tasty and nutritious.

Getting ready is not difficult. It is believed that pasta is an exclusively Italian dish, however, it is prepared and served in many countries.

It is impossible to imagine any cuisine without pasta. ... Today, pasta is ubiquitous. They are sold as a stand alone product. They can be served with different sauces, and also serve as an excellent side dish for the most complex dishes.

Pasta is cooked differently. ... However, it is not enough just to cook them. It is necessary to cook them correctly so as not to spoil the recipe for a delicious dish. Like any other dish, pasta also has its own secrets in cooking.

How to choose the right pasta

First of all, necessaryrightto choosevarieties so as not to be upset with the result of their preparation, since the pasta must always be of very good quality.

The best are those that use exclusively durum wheat. They are more expensive in price, but they certainly will not stick together and will not fall apart during the cooking process. They are very useful because they can be consumed even by people who are on a diet and carefully monitor their weight and nutrition.

Atbuyingcostsgive awaypreferencepastavtransparentpackaging. There should in no way be flour dust in it. The pasta should always have a flat surface, and the cut is clean and crisp.

Color with a predominant cream or golden tint. When buying, always try to look at what is included in the product. Usually, apart from flour and water, there should be nothing else in high-quality pasta. In rare cases, it is permissible to add eggs.

If you prefer colored pasta, then you should pay attention to the fact that they are colored using only natural dyes. Always check the integrity of the packaging.

If it is damaged, the product can absorb moisture, and this can affect it in a negative way. And don't forget to look at the product's manufacturing time and expiration date.

1. Pour exactly one liter of water into a container with thick walls and bottom.

2. Add one and a half teaspoons of salt.

3. Put a tablespoon of any vegetable oil so that our pasta does not stick together during cooking.

4. We are waiting for the water to boil.

5. As soon as this happened, we throw our pasta there.

6. Mix them up.

7. We continue to cook them for seven to ten minutes. Be sure to read the exact cooking time of our pasta on the packaging.

8. If necessary, wash the boiled pasta under water.

9. Add one spoonful of vegetable oil and mix well.

Cooking tips for pasta

Try toto cookpastavsaucepanWithbigvolume, starting outfromfiveliters. This is necessary for more space between the product itself. This will prevent the pasta from sticking together during cooking.

Plateshouldalwaysbewarmed upon thebigtemperature. If you, before adding pasta to the water, salt and cover the dishes with a lid tightly, then the water will boil much faster.

Longspaghettinevernotbreakin half. This is only permissible if it is provided in the recipe or you are preparing a dish for a small child. Any long pasta will hide under water in boiling water very quickly. And if suddenly they show resistance, then they can simply be pressed down with a fork to the bottom of the pan.

It is necessary to realize that the pasta needs to be thrown into the water that boils . If this moment is not respected, then they will necessarily stick together.

Howonlyproductsfrommacaroniwill fallva saucepan, watervherstraightawaythe samewill ceaseon thewhich- thentimeboil. At this point, be sure to stir them and cover them briefly with a lid until the water boils a second time. Now you should remove the lid and continue to boil, stirring the pasta.

Boilso manyontime, howindicatedon thepackaging. Be sure to always read it, since some types of pasta are cooked at different times. It depends on the thickness of the product.

Atcookingnecessarilyconsiderway, which thecalledon thetooth”. This is when the pasta stays a little tough on the inside and soft on the outside. Always try the product, it should stay firm with a slightly hard core in the middle.

ServeTotableshouldpastaalwayshotandonlywhatcooked. If they spend the night in the refrigerator, even if they do not stick together, they will still lose their original taste and appearance.

Whenpastastand upsometime, theymayto begindry up. To prevent this from happening, in the container where they are located, you need to add a little of the water in which they were prepared.

There is an opinion that if it is a little misleading pasta, literally two or three minutes, there will be fewer calories.

If the product is accidentally digested, then you can rinse it under running water, let it drain, then add two or three tablespoons of any vegetable oil and mix well. In this case, the pasta will not stick together.

Pasta during cooking is usually increased by about three times.

From a hundred gr. dry pasta makes about two large portions of the finished garnish.

Ifyouare planningboiledpastauseforanother, a more complex dish, then do not cook them for exactly as many minutes as it will take to prepare it.

Observingthesenot complicatedregulations, you are guaranteed to prepare an excellent and tasty dish.

How to cook pasta in a saucepan

USwill needfive hundredgramsspaghetti, 3 literwater, 1 , 5 teahousespoonssalt.

CapacityWithhotwaterputon thebake, as soon as it starts to boil, immediately add salt.

Lowerourspaghettiandsubtracttemperatureovens when the water boils again. Stir the pasta frequently to avoid sticking to the sides or bottom of the container.

Everythreeminutesshouldchecksoftnessmacaroni. As soon as they become soft, but remain elastic, you can turn off the oven.

Fold backspaghettion thecolanderandrinsetheirhotwater, in order to wash off the starch residues.

AfterTogo, howrefuelpastaoil, and mix well, the dish is completely ready and can be served.

How to cook pasta so it doesn't stick together

    For our products to fall apart During the cooking process, experts recommend pre-lubricating the walls inside the pan with any oil.

    Place a large pan with water on the preheated oven. Close the pot with a lid to make it boil much faster.

    Salt as soon as the water boils. Salt helps macaroni fall off.

    As soon as the water boils again, You should take the time to cook the product as much as it is written on the packaging.

    Do not cover the pan in this step. .

    Next minutes to avoid sticking between the individual pasta, continue stirring them in the saucepan, but stirring the muffins a little longer

    Now if the pasta is for other dishes , they need to be washed well so that they do not fall off.

    Pour the washed items back into the pan and add the sauce or butter. Stir well. Now it's done.

How to cook pasta in a slow cooker

Many multicooker owners are interested in is it possible to cook pasta deliciously in them and how to do it correctly.

The average cooking time in a useful appliance is nine to twelve minutes.

1. First you need to fill in a dry productinto the bowl. Do not forget that the product will triple in volume.

2. Pour water so that it covers the pasta by two centimeters on top.

3. Add butter, which will prevent the pasta from sticking together, salt and close the multi-lid.

4. Turn on the required mode. In some models, these will be modes: "Steamed", "Pasta", "Pilaf". See exactly what functions are present in your model and roughly navigate them.

5. We set ten minutes on the timercooking and press the "Start" button.

6. When the smart car signals the endcooking, open the lid and mix our pasta well.

7. We can serve as a side dish or as an independent dish.

To ensure that the pasta never sticks together in the multicooker, try to choose the highest quality product when buying.

Knowing how to cook pastain such a smart car like a slow cooker, you can always quickly and easily prepare a delicious dinner for the whole family.

How to Cook Pasta - How much and how to cook pasta to make it perfect?

An interesting question that torments many housewives.

Some pasta stick together, others get glassy, ​​and still others tasteless.

What is the problem and how to cook pasta correctly?

How to cook pasta - general cooking principles

The perfect recipe and the exact time for how long to cook pasta simply does not exist. It all depends on the type of wheat used, the size of the products and the chosen cooking method.

But there are general principles that will help you prepare the perfect dish.

Five secrets of perfect pasta:

  1. Before cooking, it is advisable to study the information on the package. Usually the cooking time is indicated there. But it is also approximate.
  2. To prevent the pasta from sticking, you can add a little oil while cooking in the water. Well, of course, lubricate the finished products.
  3. Of course, you can fill a pack of products with a liter of water and cook. But it is believed that ideal pasta requires at least a liter of liquid per 100 grams of dry product, regardless of its size and shape.
  4. Never skimp on pasta. If they are made from bad wheat, it is more difficult to achieve a delicious and perfect meal. And, by the way, the cost of different types rarely makes a really big difference and hits the wallet hard.
  5. Immediately after starting the pasta in water, mix them well. Otherwise, they will definitely stick together.

These simple tips will help you prepare a quality side dish or any other dish. But how and how much to cook pasta so that they do not stick together, turn out tasty and flavorful?

The most common way to prepare pasta is by boiling it in a saucepan. This is how products are prepared for side dishes, casseroles and other needs. This method is used by many housewives, but how to cook pasta on the stove correctly?


  • 300 grams of pasta;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • 2 tablespoons of salt;
  • 40 grams of butter.


  1. Pour water into a saucepan, put it on the stove and let it boil. Salt.
  2. We dip the dry product into the water and immediately stir it well, otherwise the products will stick to the walls of the dishes and to the bottom.
  3. Now you need to cover the pan with a lid for a few seconds and turn on the maximum heat so that the products boil as soon as possible.
  4. We immediately remove the lid, otherwise the dish will "run away" on the stove.
  5. We make a moderate heat and cook until tender.
  6. But how much pasta to cook? If the time on the package is 10 minutes, then at 9 minutes you need to try.
  7. If the products are ready, then we drain them into a colander. You can rinse with boiling water.
  8. Add oil, stir and you're done! You can use any oil. It is better to melt the creamy so that it is evenly distributed over the products.

Frying and baking pasta

Often different dishes are prepared from boiled pasta, followed by frying or cooking in the oven, for example, for casseroles. But for them, the products need to be prepared a little differently, they cannot be overcooked.


  • 300 grams of pasta;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • salt;
  • butter.


  1. Boil water with salt, pour in a couple of tablespoons of oil.
  2. We start the pasta, stir and bring to a boil over maximum heat.
  3. We reduce the heat and cook, but not until fully cooked.
  4. As soon as the products increase in size, but are still harsh, they should be tried.
  5. If the pasta does not stick to the teeth and bites easily, then you're done! They will go further when frying.
  6. If the products are sticky, it is difficult to bite through them, then we bring them to the state described above.
  7. If the pasta is soft and completely cooked, then it will lose its shape when frying. Therefore, the dish will have to be cooked with a small amount of sauces and at the maximum temperature, so as not to turn it into pasta porridge.

How to cook pasta so it doesn't stick together

If you can't cook pasta with high quality, and they constantly stick together, you can resort to some tricks.


  • pasta 300 g;
  • 3-4 liters of water;
  • 50 grams of oil;
  • salt.


  1. We take a large and wide saucepan. Tall dishes will not work. We want the heat to be distributed as evenly as possible.
  2. Salt and immediately pour in the oil. All 50 ml. It will envelop the products and reduce their stickiness.
  3. As soon as the water boils, add the pasta, quickly bring to a boil. You can put the lid on the pot briefly to speed up the process.
  4. After boiling, gently stir the products to cover with oil again. We do it carefully, it is better to use a spatula. Stir every 2 minutes, that is, 2-3 more times.
  5. We throw the finished products into a colander and immediately pour over boiling water.
  6. Fill with oil, cover and shake the pan vigorously. That's all!

Pasta in milk

Milk soup or porridge is a wonderful dish not only for children. Perfect for breakfast, it's easy and quick to prepare. You can take any products, from seashells to horns and noodles.


  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 200 grams of pasta;
  • 30 grams of oil;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • salt.


  1. We boil milk.
  2. Salt, sugar and add oil immediately. For a dairy dish, it is better to use butter.
  3. Pour pasta, stir and let it boil.
  4. Reduce heat and cook until soft. Vermicelli is enough for 2-3 minutes. Boil horns and shells for 8-10 minutes.

How to cook pasta in a saucepan with other ingredients (in soup)

Cooking pasta with vegetables and other ingredients is more difficult. It is necessary to correctly determine the time of laying the product.

Soup with pasta is most often cooked. It is easier to use spider web vermicelli for this. It is enough to let the soup boil and you can turn it off right away. But how and how much to cook other pasta?


  • pasta.


  1. Pasta such as shells, horns, and snails are put into the soup when the potatoes begin to pierce, but are not yet completely cooked.
  2. We put the products in a saucepan, the soup should already be salted. Mix well.
  3. Cook until soft, but not fully cooked. Products should be a little harsh, but already increased in size. If the pasta according to the instructions needs 10 minutes, then in the soup 5-6 is enough.
  4. We fill the soup with refried vegetables, herbs and spices, let it boil.
  5. Turn off and let the dish stand for about 10 minutes. The pasta will reach. If they are overcooked, then even without insisting, the products will turn sour already on the plate.

How to cook fried pasta

A non-pouring method for preparing pasta. It requires precise proportions. But these are not all features.

The pasta is very aromatic, tasty and brown. It is better to use products of a simple form - tubes, noodles, horns.


  • 120 grams of pasta;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • 30 ml of oil.

You can add any spices and herbs to this dish.


  1. Heat oil in a skillet, add pepper and any spices except salt.
  2. We lower the raw pasta and fry until brown over high heat, do not forget to stir.
  3. Boil water separately with salt, pour it into pasta.
  4. Let it boil, reduce heat and cover the pan.
  5. Cook the pasta for about 10 minutes, then open it. Let's try. If there is liquid left, and the dish is already ready, then add heat and evaporate. If the pasta is still damp, then cover it and let it go.
  6. Season the finished dish with herbs, serve with vegetables, meat, you can season with all kinds of sauces.
  • More delicious pasta is obtained if they are greased with butter. Well, it is faster and easier to use vegetable oil and you need a little less of it.
  • If you add beet juice to the water for cooking pasta, then they will turn out to be a very interesting and beautiful color. Especially such a dish will be appreciated by little fussy. In addition, beets are healthy and a natural colorant.
  • How much pasta to boil? According to the norms, 80-100 grams of dry product is consumed per person. That is, a standard pack of 400 grams is quite enough for a family of 4 people. But everyone's appetites are different, this is also worth considering.
  • The pasta water is salted before the products are dipped. And they never salted during the cooking process.
  • Making pasta requires not only a lot of water, but also a large saucepan. Pour liquids no more than 2/3. Otherwise, there is a high risk of washing the stove after cooking.

Pasta is one of the most popular and beloved side dishes by many, which is not only tasty, but also quickly cooked, so in this article we will understand in more detail how much pasta needs to be cooked and how to cook pasta in a saucepan so that it does not stick together during cooking and turn out delicious.

How much pasta to cook?

In order for the pasta not to boil over or, on the contrary, undercooked, you should know the time of their cooking:

Pasta should be boiled for 7-10 minutes after boiling water in a saucepan (the exact time is indicated by the manufacturer of the product on the package, since it depends on the quality and type of product being produced).

Among the most popular types of pasta, the cooking time can vary from 3 to 15 minutes: the ravioli are boiled for 3-5 minutes, the nests are boiled for an average of 5 minutes, the noodles are boiled for 5-7 minutes, the shells and bows for an average of 10 minutes, the spiral pasta is boiled for 7- 10 minutes, and the horns 9-12 minutes.

Note: under the term pasta, it is customary to take pasta such as shells, horns, bows, feathers, spirals, cobwebs, therefore, the above cooking time for pasta in a pan is also relevant for most of them.

Below we will consider the sequence of cooking spiral pasta, which in Italy is called Fusilli. They are often cooked as a side dish due to their excellent taste and attractive appearance.

  • Total cooking time: 15 minutes, preparation time for cooking: 5 minutes (time for boiling water in a saucepan), cooking time: 10 minutes.
  • Calorie content of boiled pasta: 112 calories (per 100 grams of product).
  • Cuisine: Italian. Type of dish: side dish. Servings: 4.

To prepare a simple, quick and tasty side dish, we need the following ingredients:

  • Pasta - 200 grams,
  • Water - 2 liters
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon (no slide).

To cook pasta in a saucepan, you need to perform just a few sequential steps:

  • We choose a larger pan, while it is desirable that there are thick walls in it.
  • Pour cold water into a saucepan at the rate of 1 liter of water per 100 grams of dry pasta.

  • Put the pan on high heat, cover it with a lid and bring the water to a boil, then add salt to taste (on average: a level teaspoon of salt per 1 liter of water).

  • Pour the measured amount of pasta into boiling water in a saucepan and wait for the water to boil again, after which we reduce the heat by 2 times (so that the water does not boil much), while stirring the pasta itself with a tablespoon so that it does not stick together.

  • We look at the package, how much to cook the selected pasta and measure the time (usually 7-9 minutes) after boiling the water with the pasta, while the pasta should be stirred every 1-2 minutes so that they do not stick together during cooking.

  • At the end of the timer, we taste the pasta and if it is cooked (not raw inside), pour the water with the pasta into a colander over the sink (you do not need to rinse the pasta with water if it is of high quality and made from durum wheat).

  • After the water and pasta are in a glass colander, pour them back into an empty saucepan or prepared plates and add butter or sauce (optional). That's all! A delicious side dish is ready.

Below we will briefly consider useful tips that will help you cook pasta in a saucepan that is not sticky and tasty.

Useful tips on how to cook pasta in a saucepan so that it does not stick together

  • It is better to buy high quality pasta made from durum wheat (tastier and healthier, do not boil over during cooking).
  • Always cook pasta in a large volume of water (at least 1 liter of water per 100 grams of pasta).
  • After adding the pasta to boiling water and until the end of cooking, do not cover it with a lid.
  • It is better to salt the water after boiling the water, while it is better not to add salt while cooking the pasta.
  • It is often better not to rinse high-quality pasta; it is enough to drain the water from the pasta through a colander at the end of cooking.
  • In order to prevent pasta from sticking together during cooking, they should be stirred, and you can also add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil to the pan.

In conclusion to the article, it can be noted that knowing how to cook pasta in a saucepan at home, you can always quickly prepare for yourself and your loved ones a delicious side dish for dinner. We leave our feedback and useful tips on how and how much to cook pasta in a saucepan on the stove in the comments to the article and share it on social networks if it was useful to you.

Pasta is a delicious, hearty side dish that goes well with meat, fish and vegetables. On their basis, you can prepare a variety of dishes from the cuisine of different countries of the world. However, in order for them to turn out appetizing, not stick together and not boil, it is important to know the intricacies of cooking. How and how much to cook different varieties of pasta?

Cooking secrets

To make the pasta tasty, not stick together during cooking, follow these simple recommendations:

  • Choose quality durum wheat products. They are not only tastier, but also healthier.
  • Simmer in a large amount of liquid: 1 liter of water per 100 g of product.
  • Add salt to boiling water. Do not add salt to the dish directly during cooking - this will negatively affect the quality of the product.
  • Send pasta to salted boiling liquid, stir periodically so that it does not stick together, does not stick to the walls and bottom of the dishes.
  • Cook the dish uncovered.
  • At the end of cooking, discard the pasta in a colander to drain off the water. Rinse slightly overcooked under cold water, brush with butter.

1 tbsp will also help prevent caking. l. vegetable oil added during cooking.

In a saucepan

To cook pasta in a saucepan, you need a suitable container. Deep dishes with thick sides and bottom are ideal.

Choose pasta - horns, spirals, noodles, spaghetti, feathers, etc. Read the information on the method and time of preparation on the package.

Step-by-step cooking instructions:

  1. Pour water into a saucepan at the rate of 1 liter per 100 g of dry pasta.
  2. Put the container on fire, cover with a lid, boil water.
  3. Add salt to taste, measured amount of product.
  4. After boiling, reduce heat, cook the product until tender. Stir the pasta several times during cooking so that it does not stick together.
  5. Discard the finished products in a colander. Rinse with water if necessary.
  6. Divide the garnish into bowls, add butter or sauce. Serve to the table.

In a multicooker

Step-by-step instructions for cooking in a multicooker:

  1. Pour the required amount of dry product into the bowl.
  2. Add 1 tbsp of melted butter. l. for 150 g of pasta.
  3. Pour the products with salted cold water so that it is a couple of centimeters above their level.
  4. Select the "pilaf" or "steam" mode, set the cooking time indicated on the package (on average 8 minutes).
  5. After the beep, check the food for readiness. If it is damp, leave it in hot water for 2-3 minutes, if it is slightly overcooked, rinse it with cold water.
  6. Discard the finished pasta in a colander, arrange on plates, add the sauce to taste.

In a slow cooker, cook pasta in the "pilaf" or "steaming" mode.

In a double boiler

Steamer cooking procedure:

  1. Fill the lower container with liquid.
  2. Pour dry pasta into a bowl, fill with water.
  3. Season with salt and 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.
  4. Close the steamer and cook for 15 minutes.
  5. Discard the cooked pasta in a colander and rinse.

In the electric kettle

In extreme situations, when a saucepan or suitable kitchen equipment is not at hand, you can cook pasta in an electric kettle. The cooking procedure is quite simple:

  1. Pour 1 liter of water into a 2 liter kettle.
  2. Boil the liquid, add salt and pasta (no more than 100 g).
  3. Turn on the kettle for 7 minutes, 30 seconds after each boil.
  4. Drain excess liquid through the spout. Place the pasta in a plate and season with butter.
  5. Wash the kettle well to keep it fit for future use.

In the microwave

You can quickly and easily cook pasta in the microwave. To do this, pour 100 g of the main ingredient into a glass or ceramic container and pour in 200 ml of water. Add 1 tsp each. salt, vegetable oil, stir.

Cover the dishes with a lid, send to the microwave. Cook for 10 minutes at 500 watts.

Types of pasta and cooking duration

Sometimes housewives are faced with the problem of undercooked or overcooked pasta. To avoid this, it is important to know how long to cook a particular dish. The cooking time depends on the type of product and the selected cooking method.

Once you've figured out how to cook pasta, you can make a delicious side dish. To avoid sticking, sticking and other troubles, follow the recommendations presented, control the cooking time.