Methods for connecting wires in a junction box. Connection of electrical wires in a junction box. Varieties and features of junction boxes

Electricity is so familiar to modern life that it is almost impossible to imagine how to do without it. If you can wash or grind the meat manually, then the TV, computer, mobile phone on coals, like an iron, will not work. Electricity in every home is already a necessity, and it is supplied there by wires from external networks. At the entrance to each apartment or individual house there is a junction box, from which the wires of the internal electrical wiring depart.

The need for a junction box

First of all, junction boxes ensure fire safety. The greatest danger from the point of view of fire is the junction of the wires. Due to the high resistance in places of insufficient tight contact, heating of the wiring occurs in this place, which can lead to a fire when in contact with combustible wall materials.

The junction box eliminates the fire hazard by isolating the wire connection.

In addition, the junction box plays a functional role. Access to the wire connections hidden in it is much easier and more convenient than if the connection of each wire was hidden in the wall in deep strobes that had to be opened, breaking the wall decoration, when repairing the wiring.

And even the outer junction box looks aesthetically pleasing compared to a bunch of cables sticking out of the wall.

Special Electrical Installation Rules (PEU) regulate the correct connection of electrical conductors by welding, soldering, crimping or using screw and bolt clamps.

The rules do not stipulate the most common connection method - twisting. Although a properly performed twist is more reliable than a bad solder connection. Selecting a connection method depends on several factors:

  • joined materials. It can be aluminum, copper, or a combination of both;
  • the number of wires in the connection. You can connect not only two, but also three, four or more wires;
  • section and number of cores.

Twisted connection

To make this connection, you need strip the ends, carefully twist them with pliers and insulate the place of twisting. Very simple and cost-free. But such a connection weakens over time due to the residual elastic deformation of the material, which means that the resistance in the connection increases and the contact begins to heat up until destruction and ignition. Therefore, in no case should wiring with twisting be laid on combustible substrates, for example, in a wooden house. And one more prohibition - weak protection against moisture does not allow such a connection to be made in rooms with high humidity.

In order for the twist to be of high quality, from the wires you need strip insulation up to 80 mm length wires, fold them perpendicular to each other if there are two of them, and in parallel if there are three or more, and twist tightly. The remaining ends of the wires must be removed with wire cutters with a helical movement, as if smearing the material of the wires one into the other. The total length of the finished twist should be at least ten, and preferably fifteen core diameters.

If special caps or a heat-shrinkable tube (cambric) are used for insulation, then they are put on the wire before twisting. It is recommended to put on the heat shrink tube twice, and lay the insulating tape in at least three layers. Whatever insulating material is chosen, it must also capture the wires' own insulation to protect it from moisture and its slipping.

Connection by soldering or welding

This method is the best in terms of manufacturability and reliability, but requires some skills to make a good connection.

Before soldering, the wires must be thoroughly cleaned of insulation and oxides, irradiated if necessary and twisted not as tightly as with simple twisting, coated with flux and soldered. Soldering can connect both copper and aluminum wires with a suitable flux and solder. Do not use an active acid flux, as it destroys the connection, remaining on the bare wires. The junction is isolated in the usual way.

With undeniable advantages, this method has quite significant disadvantages:

  • the need for skills in work, the complexity of the process;
  • use of a special tool;
  • one-piece connection, that is, for repair it must be completely removed;
  • an increase in resistance over time in the connection, which worsens electrical conductivity and increases voltage losses in the network.

Welding - even more reliable connection method than soldering, but it requires a welding machine with personal protective equipment and welding skills, which is much less common in everyday life. Unless you need to independently perform electrical work in a country house, then the purchase of an inverter-type welding machine will be economically justified. Welding inverters are small-sized, have a wide range of welding current regulation, and provide stable arc burning with low power consumption. For welding copper wires, carbon-copper electrodes or carbon rods from conventional AA batteries are used.

The preparation for welding differs only in the density of the twist and in that the free ends of the two strands, even if there are more of them in the connection, are straightened and pressed parallel to each other to facilitate the formation of a ball of melt. Then the twist is placed in a welding clamp (ordinary old pliers) and the ends of the wire are welded with a carbon electrode to the main twist for two to three seconds so that the insulation does not melt. After cooling, the weld isolated in the usual way..

Often there is a temptation not to wait for natural cooling, but to use cold water to speed up the wiring process. But cold water causes the appearance of microcracks in the material, which naturally affects the quality of the connection.


This method of connecting electrical wires uses special tubular sleeves or lugs. The industry produces sleeves for wires from 2.5 to 240 mm², and it is very important to choose the right connector for a particular connection. Required to complete the work special tool. It can be a swaging press or tongs, mechanical, electrical or hydraulic.

Having chosen a suitable sleeve and adjusted the tool, the insulation is removed from the wires, the ends are cleaned and quartz-vaseline paste is applied to them, the connector is put on and crimped. If the tool is simple, then you need to perform several compressions at some distance from each other. Using a good tool, you can crimp the sleeve in one go. At the end, the usual isolation of the junction is performed.

The wires to be connected can be inserted into the connector from opposite sides so that their joint is located approximately in the middle of the sleeve. It can be convenient to insert both wires on the same side, while the total cross-sectional area of ​​​​all wires should be less than the cross-section of the sleeve. High-quality installation and reliable insulation are the positive aspects of using crimping. But There are some negatives too:

  • the sleeve is deformed during crimping and its reuse is impossible;
  • the need for a special tool for crimping the sleeve, fitting it in length and stripping the insulation from the wire;
  • for crimping the connection of copper and aluminum wire, a rather rare special sleeve is needed;
  • quite a lot of time for the installation of electrical wiring.

Connecting insulating clips (PPE)

The clamp is cap with square steel wire coiled into a spiral cone. For aluminum wires, the cone is filled with a special paste that prevents oxidation of the bare ends. The information on the package with clamps will allow you to choose the right size of PPE in accordance with the cross-sectional area and the number of connected conductors.

To connect the wires, their ends are stripped to a distance slightly less than the depth of the cap, put together, twisted slightly and the cap is screwed on top. It is not necessary to strip bare wires from oxides, since this work is performed by the edges of the spring, and its turns tightly press the wires to each other.

The use of such connectors is technologically advanced, they not only connect the wires, but also isolate the junction, however, they do not provide the contact area, as when twisting with soldering. The bright colors of the caps help to mark zero, phase and ground during installation if the wires are not color-coded. The disadvantages include:

  • gradual weakening of the spring over time, and, consequently, an increase in contact resistance and voltage losses in the network;
  • restrictions on the number of connected wires, you can connect two with a cross section of 4 mm² or four with a cross section of 1.5 mm²;
  • impossibility of mixed connections.

Bolted connections

Bolt connection is a simple, reliable and effective way. You just need to have a short bolt with a small section, three washers and a nut. True, it takes a lot of electrical tape for such a connection, and it is not used in the junction box because of its bulkiness. A washer is put on the bolt, then a stripped wire is wound, another washer (if copper and aluminum are connected), a second wire, a washer and the nut is tightly tightened.

Screw terminals

Screw terminals allow fast and neat installation. They are widely used when connecting to the wires of lamps, switches, sockets. With their help, you can connect copper and aluminum, while no insulation of the connections is required.

The disadvantages of screw clamps include:

  • the need for crimping or soldering a multi-core cable before installation;
  • the need for periodic maintenance of the connections, since the screws need to be tightened, that is, they need access.

Clamp "nut"

Such a connector is named for its shape. It is a cable clamp with special plates in which the grooves for the wires are made, and four screws in the corners. The wires are stripped, inserted under the plate and fixed with screws. Then a carbolite shell is put on. With this clamp you can join copper and aluminum, the insulation is sufficiently reliable, the installation process is simple and does not cause difficulties. Basically, such a branch connection is used to drain to apartments from a common aluminum riser. But besides tightening the threaded connections, there is another drawback - the dimensions, due to which the “nut” does not fit into the junction box.

Terminal blocks

Connection using terminal blocks is used in junction boxes, when installing lamps, sockets and switches. Terminal blocks are small in size, easy to fit in a box. A brass bushing is inserted into a small plastic case, into which screws are screwed on both sides. Stripped conductors are inserted from the ends of the block and clamped with screws with force. For wires of different sections, pads with different inlets are designed. The quality of such a connection is high, installation is easy, dissimilar materials can be connected, but there are significant disadvantages of terminal blocks:

  • connection of only two wires;
  • the poor quality of the pads themselves, due to which disturbances in the network are possible;
  • care is needed when mounting aluminum and stranded wires so as not to damage the contact due to the brittleness of the metal.

Terminals WAGO

This relatively new type of connection using insulated spring clamps is by far the most reliable and safe. Disputes over the reliability of connections using WAGO terminals can be associated either with fakes on the market, or with the wrong choice of terminal for a specific load. International certificates and approvals protect the reputation of these products. Their only drawback is high price.

The special screwless spring mechanism makes the installation of connections simple and fast. The terminals can be reusable with a special lever that clamps the wire and releases it if necessary. Disposable terminals fix the core with some effort, but, according to the manufacturers, it is impossible to release it.

For installation, you only need to strip the ends of the wires and insert them into the clamp.

Advantages of WAGO terminals:

  • the possibility of mounting dissimilar metals;
  • the possibility of fixing more than two wires at the same time;
  • neat fixation of thin wires;
  • good connection quality;
  • compact dimensions.

Connection of wires in the junction box

Of all the listed methods of connecting wires in the junction box, “nut” and bolted connections are not used for one reason - large dimensions. All other methods have the right to life.

It remains to clarify two points, which method to use to connect a large (three, four, five) number of wires and what to do if you need to connect wires of different sections.

For connecting wires of different cross-sections, WAGO terminals or a cheaper option are well suited - conventional terminal blocks. But for a large number of conductors in a junction box, you can use several options, depending on the conditions and cost of installation:

  • WAGO terminals;
  • crimping;
  • soldering;
  • PPE;
  • twist.

Naturally, it is most preferable to use WAGO terminals, and last but not least, twist.

When choosing a solution, it is necessary first of all to ensure the safety and reliability of the operation of electrical networks, then durability and cost follow. And it is very important that the wire connections, no matter how they are made, are accessible for inspection and maintenance.

When planning the energy supply at the facility, one of the important issues is the saving of materials. Laying a separate supply line from the circuit breaker to each consumer is irrational, therefore, nodal points and branchings of wires are made on the power line. Each additional connection requires a junction box.

What is a junction box

This is an electrical product, which is a closed case made of metal or dielectric material. The second option is preferable, provided that the material is sufficiently reliable in terms of fire safety. That is, it must be non-combustible, or at least not support combustion.

Inside, power cables and supply wires for consumers or switching devices are connected. The junction box must protect the internal connections from dust, moisture, and foreign objects. In addition, the product prevents accidental contact with bare sections of the electrical circuit (current-carrying busbars, contacts).

The shape of the box, as well as its dimensions, is not regulated - the format of the product is selected based on the installation conditions. However, manufacturers adhere to certain standards for compatibility with various fittings and components.

Types of junction boxes

According to the material of the body, the boxes are divided into:

  1. Metal - for installation in rooms built of combustible materials (wood, plastic), or on walls insulated with combustible material. They can have a dielectric layer inside to reduce the likelihood of unauthorized contact closure.
  2. Plastic - the most common, due to the low cost of manufacture. They are made either from non-combustible material, for operation in conditions of high fire danger, or from materials that do not support combustion. That is, the junction box in any design should not become a source of fire, even if the wiring ignites inside.

According to the conditions of installation:

Junction boxes can be equipped with a ready-made set of connectors for wires. Or you buy an empty case, and the fittings are selected separately.

Do-it-yourself junction box installation

Since we are talking about savings, let's consider how to properly connect the junction box to the mains. Before wiring the junction box, it must be securely fastened. The installation method varies depending on the box type. One thing in common: before starting work, careful calculations are carried out and markings are applied, which are then fixed on the power supply scheme of the room.


To get started, make a flowchart that will make it clear which consumer groups you need to create. After that, the power on each branch is calculated.

There are two methods of load balancing:

Concealed installation

Between the nodal points (where the boxes are installed), wiring is laid. Since the installation is hidden, the walls are cut for the cable, the boxes are installed on the alabaster. Prepared wires are removed from the installed boxes for disconnection. The length of the free ends should provide the possibility of connection without interference, and a margin for 2-3 alterations (with cutting off the used conductors).

The method of connection does not matter (soldered twist in the illustration), the main thing is to understand the principle itself. For cable, flush-mounted boxes have pre-drilled holes. Tightness in this case is not required, there will be a wall and plaster around. The secret is that alabaster, diluted to a creamy consistency, fills all the cracks, grooves and extra holes when installing the box.

It turns out a monolith with dielectric walls. Planting depth is calculated taking into account the thickness of the wallpaper and the shape of the cover.

Open mounting

The principle of connecting the wiring is the same, but the installation is done differently. First, the junction boxes are installed, then an external cable is connected to them. Since the housing provides protection against dust and moisture, the cables are brought in with the help of sealing clamps.

For outdoor installation, tightening collet clamps are used.

The wires must be color-coded: in a single-phase version, zero, phase, and protective earth. It does not allow (especially before connecting the ends of the cable) to hang tags indicating the purpose of the wires. After the final installation, it is enough to fix the purpose of the wires on the diagram. Short markings can be stuck on the inside of the cover for ease of further maintenance.

If the ways of how to turn off the junction box on the power line are clear: we simply connect the input and output wires by color, then connecting the switch is a completely different scheme.

Various ways to connect the switch and lighting fixtures

Methods for connecting wires in junction boxes

Getting the wires inside the box is half the battle. Now you need to choose a reliable and easy-to-maintain connection.

All cable line connections are divided into two main categories:

  • Detachable, that is, the wiring can be repeatedly disconnected and connected back, without critical damage to the wire or connecting device. For example - a screw connection on the contact blocks.
  • One-piece, that is, when the conductors are separated. the connection is broken. This is not a big problem, it's just that the cable is shortened each time, and the connecting devices have to be bought again.

The type of splicing when disconnecting the boxes is selected based on the design of the overall network. If it is planned to periodically disconnect one or two branches from a common box, it is better to choose a screw connection, or reusable quick-release terminals.

For permanent connections that will not be unmounted for many years, the same terminals are used, only for one-time use. Despite the obvious disadvantage: the impossibility of reuse, such terminals provide more reliable contact, compared to reusable ones.

Important! These methods allow you to wire the cable using different conductors: for example, aluminum and copper. In this case, the metals do not touch, and electrocorrosion does not threaten contact loss.

If you use only copper conductor in both the backbone network and subscriber branches, there are cheaper ways to permanently connect the wires:

Direct connection (disconnection)

Is it possible to arrange electrical wiring without junction boxes? With a branching of no more than 2 lines - easily. Several conditions must be met:


No matter how you install the junction boxes, you need to remember the main thing - the cable cross-section must correspond to the tripping current of the circuit breaker at the input to the line.

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» continues.

And today I present to your attention the second competitive work called "", which was sent by Khusnullin Timur Muslimovich, a student of GBOU SPO "KPK", an electrician of the 3rd category, 2nd group. Chernushka city, Perm region.

So, attention.

This diagram shows the connection of power to an electrical circuit. To connect, we need a two-wire supply wire. One vein is a phase, and the second is zero. Through the terminal block, we immediately connect both incandescent lamps and the socket to zero.

We connect the socket and one core of the three-core wire of the switch to the phase supply wire. For this work, we used, one light should light up from one key, and the second from the other. We connect the second wire to the first key, and the third to the second key.

In the junction box, zeros are connected from two cartridges and a socket. Power wire connected: phase - red wire; zero - blue wire.

A connection has been made for connecting from one key of the switch to the cartridge and from the other key to the second cartridge.

5. Checking the functionality of electrical equipment

The circuit works properly, the bipolar switch, as it was intended, turns on one lamp from one key, and the second from the other. Means connection of wires in the junction box done correctly.

6. Dismantling

The last step in this work. During dismantling, no damaged sections of the wires, burning on the contacts and on the stripped ends of the wires were revealed.

P.S. Thank you for your attention!!!

Absolutely any wiring diagram is accompanied by branches and connections of wires and cables. To do this, you need to purchase a junction box - it is made of polymer material, looks quite aesthetically pleasing, is located under the ceiling and can have a square or round shape.

Table of contents:

Why you need to use a junction box

Indeed, many novice builders and repairmen ask this question - the “packing” of wires and their connections / branches is a rather tedious, painstaking and slow task. Agree, it is much easier to twist all the wires in the right places, insert them into the wall and plaster this place. But before making such a decision, it is worth heeding the warnings of experts.:

  1. There is no free access to the wires. But it may happen that the socket or switch stops working in the room - how to check where exactly there is no voltage? Open the entire wall, remove finishing materials, ditch the surface? This is definitely not a way out - the repair will be completely spoiled, you will have to redo it all over again.
  2. There is a need to put an additional outlet or another switch. It is inconvenient to connect such devices from already installed and working sockets / switches - it is from the junction box that it will be possible to lay the necessary wires, practically and quickly.
  3. Neglecting the installation of the junction box is violating regulations. Yes, the PES regulation clearly states:

"All junctions and branches of wires and cables must always be available for inspection and repair"

  1. Compliance with fire safety. The junction box is one of the conditions for ensuring the fire safety of the premises.

In general, a junction box is a must, especially since it will not be difficult to install it even for an absolute beginner in construction and repair work. But the most important stage remains - to connect all the wires, and you need to know the types of such connections.

How can I connect the wires in the box

The connection of wires must perform the task of a full and strong contact of all cores - the chain does not break, there is no risk of a short circuit. And you can ensure the connection of the desired level in the following ways:

  • welding;
  • twist;
  • soldering;
  • bolted connection;
  • crimping with a connecting sleeve;
  • use of self-clamping terminals;
  • use of screw terminals for contact.

These methods have been tested over the years, each of them can be used, but only in accordance with the rules for such specific work.

Twisting wires in a junction box

This option is chosen due to the simplicity of the work. After all, it is enough just to strip 10-20 mm of wires from insulation and twist them with pliers. This is how our ancestors connected the wires! But officially, such a connection of wires is prohibited - it is sensitive to pulsed current, has a large contact resistance, and as it is used, the contact will become worse, and then completely burn out.

Note:you should not connect the wires in the junction box by twisting, although many craftsmen still do this. The fact is that in critical situations (for example, a fire during a short circuit), all responsibility for what happened falls on the shoulders of the owner of square meters.

Wire crimping

For this method, you need to purchase a special connecting sleeve, which can be made of copper (suitable for connecting copper wires) or aluminum (optimal for working with aluminum wires). It is necessary to carry out crimping with a connecting sleeve using press tongs.

A similar method of connecting wires in a junction box is quite reliable, it is included in the group allowed according to regulatory documents.

Wire crimping technology

  • insulating material is removed from the wires to a length equal to the length of the connecting sleeve;
  • the wires are twisted into a bundle and inserted directly into the sleeve;
  • using press tongs, the sleeve is crimped;
  • the connection point is insulated with insulating tape or heat shrink.

Note:it is not recommended to carry out crimping with ordinary pliers (pliers) - the connection of the wires will not be reliable.

wire welding

This method is considered reliable and safe, since the wires are connected by melting and as a result become one. And such a solid wire will not oxidize, which means that the connection will not weaken, the contact will remain strong.

To carry out such work, you need not only to have welding skills, but also to have the following tool available:

  • welding machine (its power must be more than 1 kW);
  • protective equipment - goggles (or mask), gloves;
  • a small piece of sandpaper - you will need it to strip the wires;
  • clerical knife - it is easy for them to remove the insulation from the wires;
  • electrode (carbon);
  • flux - it protects the melt from the action of air.

Wire welding technology:

It is noteworthy that such a connection lasts a long time; in some “Khrushchev” apartments, such wires have been in operation for 50 years or more.

Soldering wires

This connection method is identical to welding, but the wires are fixed together with solder. To carry out the work you will need the following tool:

  • soldering iron;
  • sandpaper (fine);
  • rosin (flux);
  • solder tin-lead;
  • brush - it applies rosin to the wires.

The work is carried out using the same technology as welding.:

  1. The insulation is removed from the wires, everything is cleaned to a shine.
  2. The wires are twisted together.
  3. Rosin (flux) is applied to the wires.
  4. The soldering iron melts the tin-lead solder - it must flow directly into the twist.

Note:copper wires are connected to each other by soldering, and for aluminum wires you will need to purchase special solder.

Screw terminals

This method is modern, practical and simple. It is with the help of contact clamps that copper and aluminum wires can be connected to each other, although this is not practiced.

To make a wire connection using screw terminals, you need to take only 2 steps:

  • insulation is removed from the wires - no more than 5 mm;
  • the prepared wires are inserted into the clamp, and the screw is tightened.

Note:do not tighten the screw with great force - you can damage the cores, which is especially common with aluminum wires. If work is being done with a stranded wire, then the connection will need to be carefully crimped so that the contact is complete.

Bolted connection of wires in a box

This connection method is reliable, but very cumbersome - it won’t work for modern junction boxes, but it’s completely for Soviet-style boxes. By the way, in this way you can connect wires from different materials.

Bolted connection technology:

  1. A steel washer is put on the bolt.
  2. The insulating material is removed from the wires, after which it is necessary to form them into a ring.
  3. The first ring is put on the bolt.
  4. A second steel washer is placed on the bolt just behind the wire.
  5. A second wire is put on top.
  6. The resulting design is clamped with a nut.
  7. All wires/connections are insulated.

If the task is to connect several pairs of wires, then it is better not to use this method.

Self-clamping terminals

You need to buy special terminals - there is a paste inside them that prevents the wires from oxidizing, so absolutely any metals can be inserted into the terminals.

Technology of work with self-clamping terminals

  1. 10 mm of insulating material must be removed from each wire.
  2. There is a small lever on the clip - you need to lift it up.
  3. The wires are inserted into the connector.
  4. The raised lever is put in place (lowered).

Did you know that 70% of wiring errors occur because those who undertake this work without experience have no idea how to connect the wires in the junction box. But if performed incorrectly, there may be a weak contact, or it will completely disappear. Most often, these kinds of problems associated with an unreliable connection occur in junction boxes or in sockets, in lamps, in switches. It can also occur due to an unacceptably large load, due to the connection of powerful electrical appliances.

How should the wires be connected?

The generalized answer is simple - so that there is good contact. Let's look at a few common ways:

  • twist;
  • crimping;
  • welding;
  • soldering;
  • screw terminals;
  • bolted;
  • self-clamping.

Now in more detail.


According to the seventh edition of the PUE regulatory document, in chapter 2, paragraph 2.1 / 21, twisting is officially prohibited. Therefore, there is no need to talk about the reliability of such a fastening for wiring designed for a large load, since the contact area is small, and when heated, such a connection can weaken even more.

A connecting sleeve is used for crimping. It is selected according to the diameter of the beam, and whether it will be aluminum or copper depends on the material from which the wire is made. Reliability is ensured by crimping this sleeve with a special tool - press tongs (pliers cannot be used for these purposes). This technology is in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents.

Operating procedure:

  1. Considering the length of the sleeve, remove the insulation.
  2. Twisting the wires into a bundle, insert them into the sleeve.
  3. Crimp with press tongs.
  4. Insulate with electrical tape or heat shrink.

Thanks to the use of the fusion method, a kind of solid wire is obtained, which is not afraid of oxidation, and, of course, such a connection will not weaken over time.

To perform such work, in addition to the ability to work on welding equipment, you will need:

  • 24-volt welding machine with a power of at least 1 kW;
  • carbon electrode;
  • flux, which will subsequently protect the melt from oxygen exposure;
  • glasses for welding;
  • welder gloves.

With all this, the welding process itself is not particularly difficult. Remove the insulation, and clean the wires with sandpaper to a shine. After twisting, pour the flux into the recess of the electrode, pressing the wires to it, hold it until a ball is formed, which is called the "contact point". Clean it of flux, polish and insulate.

This method differs from welding in that solder is melted with a soldering iron.

The bond is reliable, but not suitable for use in places where the wire can get very hot.

Also, such a connection will not be reliable under mechanical action on it. You also need to be able to solder, otherwise the unheated wire will tear under tension.

For work you will need:

  • soldering iron;
  • solder (tin-lead);
  • flux (rosin);
  • a special brush with which the flux is applied to the core;
  • coarse sandpaper.

Soldering technology differs from welding only in that it is not the metal itself that is melted, but the solder, which must be monitored so that when melted, it flows inside the twist. Basically, soldering connects copper wires, but with a special solder, aluminum can also be soldered.

Screw clamps can be used to connect different metals, for which contact is contraindicated, since they come into contact with each other in the presence of moisture (copper with aluminum). Due to their compactness and ease of working with them, they have found application not only for the contact of dissimilar metals. In addition, their use is permitted and provided for by regulatory documents, however, they have a significant drawback - when used for aluminum wires, the latter must be periodically crimped.

Bolted connections

This type is very bulky and not suitable for hiding it in a junction box. When used for dissimilar metals, a steel washer must be inserted between them. The method is very simple and the connection can be made from improvised materials. A washer is put on the bolt, then one of the wires, then the washer again, the second, and all this is tightened with a nut. Naturally, everything needs to be isolated, which will increase the size even more.

Self-clamping connections

Today, such clamps are the most popular, as it is simple, convenient and fast to work with them. In addition, inside such compounds there is a paste that prevents the metal from oxidizing, so dissimilar metals can be inserted into the block without fear that they will oxidize.


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