Which electricity meter is better to install in an apartment? If the apartment has a two-tariff meter, and the house has a single-tariff meter. For what periods of time is the two-tariff meter accounted for?

Consumed electricity (meter) is a familiar and mandatory item in any home, private or multi-apartment. Increasingly, in homes and businesses, outdated electric meters with a spinning disk are being replaced by a new generation electronic meter - a two-tariff electricity meter. Feedback from citizens who have already switched to separate metering of consumed electricity is quite contradictory.

An impressive portion of electricity consumers talk about a fairly quick payback for installing a two-tariff meter: they call it a period of 6 to 18 months. However, negative reviews are also found. The main complaint is that the two-tariff metering system did not justify itself and turned out to be less profitable than the energy supply companies claimed. Why does this happen, and to what extent can the installation of such a device as a two-tariff electricity meter be justified?

Two-tariff meter - what is it?

Electronic two-tariff refers to energy metering devices of a new generation. The functions of this type of meter allow you to keep separate records of consumed electricity based on the time of day when consumption occurred. Why is such a function needed?

Energy companies have long noticed the “zoning” of electricity consumption. The main “peak” of energy consumption traditionally occurs in the morning and evening - at this time, people, getting ready for work or returning home in the evening, use the maximum number of lighting fixtures and household appliances. The minimum occurs at night. Such “fluctuations” create inconvenience for energy companies, forcing them to work with additional load during peak hours. And it was precisely with the goal of somewhat “unloading” energy companies that multi-tariff and two-tariff metering schemes were invented.

Two-tariff accounting is that the day is conditionally divided into “day” and “night” time. In this case, electricity consumed “at night” is paid at a price lower than during the “day”. Thus, it becomes beneficial for citizens to slightly adjust the operating time of their home energy-consuming appliances.

For what periods of time is accounting kept using a two-tariff meter?

With a two-tariff electricity metering scheme, the day is distributed as follows:

  • Day zone - the period from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.
  • The night zone, respectively, is from 23:00 to 7:00.

Who benefits from installing a two-tariff meter?

So, the two-tariff metering system offered by energy companies is, at first glance, quite simple and profitable. Electricity suppliers, “selling” electricity at night at a price lower than during the day, partially compensate themselves for this difference by slightly increasing the “daytime” tariff. Then why are all the owners of residential and industrial premises in no hurry to switch to two-tariff metering devices? There are several reasons. One of them is the usual Russian “running around with documents”, which not everyone has the time or desire to deal with. Another reason why property owners are most often afraid to install a two-tariff electricity meter is reviews from people who claim that the “day/night” tariff does not pay off or pays off very slowly.

What is the reason for the appearance of such reviews? The main thing that those who are just planning to install a two-tariff electricity meter should know: people’s reviews about the benefits and payback time of switching to such a metering scheme in different regions differ significantly due to the fact that the “day” and “night” tariffs set differ energy companies in each region. So, for example, in the Russian capital and region the price of a kilowatt for the urban population during the day is 5.57 rubles, at night - 1.43 rubles. Such a noticeable difference makes installing a two-tariff meter incredibly profitable.

Another example: if a citizen lives in the Volgograd region, for him the day/night ratio for 2016 will be 2.81/2.01 rubles. In this case, the difference is not so noticeable. And if we take into account that during the day a citizen “overpays” for electricity compared to a single-tariff scheme, the benefits of installing a two-tariff meter are quite dubious.

Therefore, before installing a two-tariff electricity meter, it is worth clarifying the difference between the day and night tariffs and deciding for yourself whether it is worth switching to a similar metering scheme at all.

How to install a two-tariff meter

The process of switching to a two-tariff system for metering consumed electricity is actually much simpler than is commonly believed.

The first step is to buy an electronic meter with the function of setting two tariffs. It is best to purchase the device directly from a specialist called to replace the old meter with a new one. If for some reason the owner of the premises wants to purchase a metering device himself, then this must be done exclusively in a store that specializes in the sale of metering devices.

The next step is to obtain a resolution from the energy supply company to replace (install) the electricity meter. Only after receiving this document can you call a specialist who will install the meter.

The mandatory final stage of installing a two-tariff meter is calling a specialist from the energy supply company. He must set up, adjust and seal the installed meter, and make the appropriate notes in the technical passport. In addition, the specialist can give the necessary instructions regarding the operation of the meter, the timing of verification and taking readings from the meter.

What documents are required to install a two-tariff meter?

To switch to a two-tariff metering system, you must provide the following package of documents to the energy supply company:

  • Passport.
  • Previously concluded agreement with the energy company; After the transition to two-tariff electricity metering, the contract is renewed.
  • Documents confirming ownership of the premises where the meter will be installed.
  • Application (form and sample application, as a rule, are provided by a specialist from the energy company).

Which metering device is better to choose for a residential premises?

What should you pay attention to when purchasing an electronic two-tariff meter?

Before purchasing, you need to make sure that the meter you are purchasing is approved for use in the Russian Federation (that is, this model is included in the state register) and, which is also important, complies with GOST.

It is imperative to check the completeness of the technical passport, the presence of the factory serial number in the passport, the date of manufacture, the calibration interval and warranty periods, the presence and integrity of all mandatory factory seals.

Another important indicator is the accuracy class. For private houses or a separate apartment, the accuracy of a class 2 device is quite acceptable; for a multi-storey building, class 1 is established by law.

Another question that people who purchase two-tariff electricity meters often ask: “Which is better - imported or Russian-made?” Until recently, preference was often given to metering devices manufactured in European countries. But today there are many Russian manufacturing plants that produce two-tariff electricity meters, reviews of which perfectly characterize their products. These include, for example, the Moscow Plant of Electrical Measuring Instruments, which supplies meters of the SOE-55 line, the Stavropol company Energomer, which produces metering devices with the same name, or NPK Incotex, a manufacturer of the popular brand of metering devices "Mercury". And this is not a complete list of Russian manufacturers that have proven themselves in this area.

It is best to decide on the choice of model with the help of a specialist from the energy supply company - he can tell you which models of metering devices are recommended for installation.

Single-phase or three-phase - what's the difference?

Another question that may arise during the installation of a two-tariff meter: purchase a single-phase or three-phase meter. The difference is that they are intended for installation in a room where the power supply is 220 V. These include an ordinary city apartment, a private residential or country house, a personal garage or a small retail outlet.

For electrical networks with a voltage of 380 V, a three-phase electricity meter is required. A two-tariff electronic meter that meets this requirement is suitable for large private houses and cottages, enterprises, large private or industrial garages, in short, for any room with increased electricity consumption.

The main advantage of a three-phase meter is that, unlike a single-phase one, it can fully operate both at a voltage of 380 V and in networks with a voltage of 220 V. Thus, a three-phase two-tariff electricity meter is in some way a universal option for most premises.

When to take meter readings

After the meter installation procedure has been completed completely, you need to figure out how to take readings from a two-tariff meter correctly and in a timely manner in order to avoid overpayment, penalties or incorrect charges.

Energy company specialists most often recommend taking monthly meter readings at the same period - the last days of the current month. This regularity allows you to control your electricity consumption and provide timely data to your electricity supplier.

How to correctly take monthly electricity readings

Readings from a two-tariff electricity meter are taken as follows:

  • It is best to keep a separate notebook (notepad) for the readings of the consumed electricity meter.
  • On the display of the metering device, the readings are indicated by the letter “T” and numbers 1-3. The time period “day” corresponds to the indicator “T1”, the night period is indicated on the display as “T2”. Both indicators are written down in the notebook.
  • Important! Not all numbers on the display are recorded, but only the meter readings indicating kW. Numbers separated by a dot (framed, highlighted in a contrasting color, etc.) indicate fractions of kW - this indicator is not fixed or the first digit after the dot is rounded.

according to a two-tariff meter

Calculation of electricity using a two-tariff meter is carried out as follows:

  • The previous T1 readings are subtracted from the T1 readings for the current month. The result obtained is multiplied by the price of kW at the “day” tariff.
  • The previous T2 readings are subtracted from the “T2” readings for the current month. The result obtained is multiplied by the price of kW at the “night” tariff.
  • If the energy supply company sends a separate receipt for each tariff, then the results are entered into the “day” and “night” receipts, respectively. If payment is made using a single receipt, the amount for the day and night rates is included in the general receipt and is summed up upon payment.

Fill out the receipt

If, for the convenience of the client, the energy supply company sends a monthly receipt with completed details and a ready-made calculation, then the only thing that needs to be supplemented with such a form is the electricity meter readings for the current month.

If the owner of the premises fills out the receipt independently, then it is not enough just to know how to calculate electricity using a two-tariff meter yourself; you need to fill out the payment receipt correctly and in detail:

  • All required fields are filled in on the receipt.
  • The column “Branch (name) of the bank, recipient account, personal account” indicates the details of the bank in which the energy supply company opened the account, the number of the personal and current accounts of the electricity supplier, code and microfinance organization. All this information is contained in the contract with the energy company.
  • The payer enters his data in the “Last name, initials, address” column.
  • The month for which payment is made is entered into the “Electricity” table. Next, fill in line by line: the current “final” readings “T1”, the previous readings “T1”, the “daily” tariff (kWh), the amount to be paid in rubles and kopecks. Similarly, in the next line, fill in the data for the night tariff “T2”: the current “final” readings of “T2”, the previous readings of “T2”, the “night” tariff (kWh), the amount to be paid in rubles and kopecks.

Please note that the article provides a standard receipt form. The form of payment receipt may vary slightly between different electricity suppliers. If questions arise when filling out, you should contact the energy supply company specialists for explanations.

“I live in house No. 57 on Soyuznaya Street. At the end of 2012, a massive installation of apartment electricity meters took place in our house. Many residents, in order to save money, installed two-tariff meters, the cost of which is higher than single-tariff meters. The house is equipped with a single-tariff meter. We fill out receipts in which we indicate two meters (day and night), but we are charged at the daily rate, citing the fact that the common house meter has a single tariff. Help me find the truth. We contacted our management company "GUK No. 1", where they told us that the calculations were correct, and in order to calculate at two tariffs, we also need to install a two-tariff communal meter. However, we were not told about this before installing individual meters.” T. V. VOLKOVA (Kursk).

The specialists of the Kurskenergosbyt department of the Branch of IDGC of Center JSC - Kurskenergo answer: “According to paragraph 40 of the “Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings”, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on May 6, 2011 No. 354, the consumer Regardless of the chosen method of managing an apartment building, as part of the payment for utility services, it pays for both individual electricity consumption and consumption for general house needs. If an apartment building is equipped with a single-tariff metering device, and the apartments in it are equipped with two-tariff electricity metering devices, individual consumption is paid according to the installed two-tariff metering device, and general household needs are paid for using a single-tariff metering device.

Subparagraphs h) and i) of paragraph 31 state that the consumer has the right to decide on the installation of an individual, common (apartment) or room metering device that meets the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements, including a metering device whose functionality makes it possible to determine volumes of consumed utility resources differentiated by time of day or other criteria reflecting the degree of use of utility resources, even if such an individual or common (apartment) metering device differs in functionality from the collective (community) metering device with which an apartment building is equipped, and apply for performing actions to install such a metering device to persons carrying out the relevant type of activity, and also require the contractor to take actions to commission the installed individual, common (apartment) or room metering device, even if such a metering device differs in functionality from a common house device accounting, which is equipped with an apartment building. Consequently, the decision to install a one- or two-tariff communal metering device is made by residents.

According to paragraph 7 of the order of the FTS of the Russian Federation dated August 6, 2004 No. 20-E/2 (as amended on December 26, 2011) “On approval of the Guidelines for calculating regulated tariffs and prices for electric (heat) energy in the retail (consumer) market ", the consumer independently chooses one of the possible tariff options to pay for consumed electricity. To switch to electricity metering differentiated by zones of the day (day-night tariff), the consumer must equip his home with a two-tariff electricity meter, and also notify the energy supply organization at least 10 days before the start of the billing month following the current one (sample application – Appendix No. 1) on the selection of the appropriate tariff option for making payments for electrical energy (with the introduction of appropriate amendments to the agreement with the specified organization in the prescribed manner).

As for the apartment building at the address specified in the appeal, of all the consumers of electrical energy living in this apartment building, only one of the tenants or homeowners contacted the Kurskenergosbyt branch of the branch of IDGC of Center, JSC - Kurskenergo with a notification of choice a two-zone “day-night” tariff, differentiating electricity metering by zone of the day (the so-called two-rate “day-night” tariff). This subscriber's electricity consumption is charged in accordance with the tariff plan he has chosen.

No notifications about the choice of a tariff that differentiates electricity consumption by zone of the day were received from the remaining residents of the specified house to the Kurskenergosbyt branch of the Branch of IDGC of Center, JSC - Kurskenergo, and therefore the power engineers have no legal basis for tariffing the consumed electricity according to tariff that differentiates electricity metering by day-night zones.

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Sooner or later, the moment always comes when you need to think about replacing your electricity meter. There are many reasons - an old meter may outlive the period set by the manufacturer, become unusable, cease to meet the requirements of an existing or modernized home electrical network, or simply not fit into the apartment interior. There is another reason that encourages owners to decide to replace this device - a differentiated tariff system for electricity consumption.

That is why they have become increasingly in demand among consumers. electricity meters two-tariff how to choose which will be recommended in this publication.

What is a multi-tariff accounting system

Video: what are multi-tariffs for? counters

Parameters for selecting a meter with separate tariffication

Before you start choosing an electricity meter with separate tariffication, you need to: Firstly, find out exactly whether a differentiated payment system operates in a particular locality. A multi-tariff meter costs much more than a regular one, and therefore its purchase should be justified.

Moreover, it is also necessary to clarify the number of tariff levels - as we have already seen above given For example, there may be two or more. It is possible that this gradation may increase even more - for example, with separate accounting on weekdays and weekends or even by seasons - similar experiments are being carried out, and in some places in European countries this has already been implemented. Some models of modern meters have a fairly large technological backlog - the electronic circuit allows you to program their operation with separate accounting in 8 or even 12 different modes.

Type of meter based on operating principle

All electricity meters can be divided into two large groups - induction and electronic.

Induction meters are familiar to everyone - they were the ones that were installed everywhere until recently. The consumed current passing through the coils of the meter created an electromagnetic field, due to which the disk connected to the mechanical counting device rotated. Each revolution of the disk corresponded to a certain amount of energy consumed.

Electronic meters have a different operating principle. Semiconductor elements of the circuit convert the passing current of a certain voltage into a pulse signal, which is transmitted to the counting device.

The indication can be provided electromechanically - the same wheels with numbers as on an induction meter, but with rotation transmitted through a stepper electric drive that responds to impulses generated by the circuit. Another, more modern option is an electronic digital display.

It is quite clear that multi-tariff meters can have an exclusively electronic operating principle and digital display. By the way, this limits them by location. Liquid crystal displays require a certain “microclimate” to operate correctly, and in conditions of low temperatures or direct sunlight they may simply stop displaying information, although the meter circuit itself will properly calculate consumption. Therefore, if you plan to install a new meter in a private house, you should plan to place it exclusively indoors.

Meter accuracy class

This indicator indicates the permissible error of the device, expressed as a percentage. The vast majority of induction meters belonged to the “2.5” class. Electronic devices in this regard are, of course, more accurate, and have classes “2”, “1”, “0.5” and even higher.

The accuracy class is always indicated both in the technical documentation and on the device itself - usually a pictogram is used in the form of a number enclosed in a circle.

Of course, the higher the accuracy class, the more expensive the device. And here it is important to know one subtlety so as not to overpay when buying too much. Electricity network workers may unreasonably demand the purchase of a meter with inflated indicators - “1” or even “0.5”. However, there is a legislative act on this matter that clearly establishes the requirements for such devices. In the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 442 of May 4, 2012, which regulates retail electricity markets, it is determined that for private consumers, citizens living in multi-storey apartments, private houses, an accuracy class of “2” or higher is established. Class “1” is required only at the entrance to a multi-apartment residential building or if the total load power exceeds 670 kW, which simply does not happen in private housing.

There is one more nuance. The same Resolution (Article 142) established that even if the meter standing in the apartment at the time of adoption of this document has a lower accuracy class, then its replacement will be mandatory only after the expiration of the term inter-verification interval or when the device fails (or is lost).

Demands of electric network workers to replace the meter with a more accurate one, class “1” or within a previously established period, without the desire of the homeowner, are illegal.

Single-phase, three-phase, maximum current

Most city apartments and private houses are connected to a single-phase network 220 V, 50 Nz. Accordingly, the meter must meet these indicators. However, there are also connections to a three-phase 380 V network, for example, in apartments with stationary electric stoves or electric heating systems provided for by the design of a particular building. This will be indicated by special sockets and plugs on the cables of powerful electrical appliances, which differ from the usual connection points.

Socket and plug for powerful electrical appliances powered by a three-phase network

In such cases, you will have to select a three-phase meter. By the way, many private developers often create a kind of “energy reserve” by immediately connecting their homes to a three-phase network - this significantly expands the possibilities of using household appliances and powerful power tools in the future. Many models of modern three-phase meters can be connected to work with a single-phase network, which significantly increases their versatility.

For each meter, the rated and maximum load current indicators are determined. As a rule, they are designed for a maximum permissible value of up to 60 A, which approximately corresponds to a total load of 10 kW - this is quite sufficient for almost any private home with a large margin. If the calculation shows that the total power consumption is above 10 kW, then you should purchase a meter with a maximum current value of 100 A. Such devices have a direct principle of connecting to the network, without additional converters. If a load exceeding 100 A is still planned, then it will also be necessary through a special device - transformer current

Voltage, rated and maximum current indicators are also always indicated in the device data sheet and on its front panel.

Availability and type of communication interfaces

Further prospects for the development of power grids include the introduction of automated consumption metering systems, and in some regions the practical implementation of such developments is already underway on an experimental basis. Communication channels are organized, transmitting first to local stations, and then to a single center of meter readings, including for other types of consumed resources (water, gas). The power lines themselves can be used as feedback channels (via PLC-modem), IP or GSM– networks.

In any case, it would be a good idea to ask the local energy supply organization about the planned upgrades, so that, if necessary, you can purchase one with a similar function built into it, so that you don’t have to buy another one when putting such a system into operation.

Additional options meter

Modern electronic meters, in addition to separate tariffs, may have a number of other additional options. These include entering monthly consumption indicators into memory cells, which can be convenient, for example, when conflicts arise with energy supply organizations. In some cases, this data can be transferred to a computer. Some meters can be used to take instantaneous indicators - consumed current, voltage or active (reactive) power at a specific moment in time, thus performing the function of a multimeter. The built-in “event log” can reflect peak consumption points, power surges or lack thereof, attempts and time of opening the device, phase changes, exposure to an electromagnetic field and other actions.

As practice shows, most of the built-in functions for the average consumer remain unclaimed.

Varieties by type of installation

When choosing a meter, be sure to take into account its design features regarding the method of its installation in the distribution board.

All old metering devices were installed using standard screw fastenings at three points - the top and two bottom. For this purpose, mounting holes or brackets with standardized distances between them were provided on the devices themselves, and on the panels there were corresponding threaded sockets or places for screwing in fasteners.

Some electronic meters are produced in housings that are designed specifically for this type of installation. This is the best choice, if an old design switchboard is installed in the apartment (entrance).

A more modern option for mounting a switchboard with a metering device is installation on a DIN rail. In this case, there is a figured groove on the back of the counter from the clamps, using which it is mounted on a standard profile metal rail.

Some models provide the possibility of both types of fastening. In addition, the same electronic circuit of a metering device can be housed in different housings. For example, the fairly popular two-tariff meter SOE -55 is available in four versions, with housings from “1” to “4”, which differ in appearance, dimensions, and mounting method.

When constructing private housing or during major renovations in an apartment, preference is increasingly being given to modern plastic boxes for external or built-in (wall-mounted) placement, with mounting of meters, circuit breakers, and other devices on DIN rails.

What to pay special attention to when purchasing counter

  • First of all, the “golden” rule should work here - never, under any circumstances, purchase such devices from random people, in markets or in obscure organizations that do not have the appropriate state certification. What would no matter how favorable the terms of purchase seemed would neither the sellers convinced you nor showed the product passports certified by seals - such a deal should be resolutely rejected. Moreover, you should not even consider the issue if it is proposed to purchase a used device.

Probably the most reasonable approach to this issue would be to contact your local energy sales organization. They will probably either offer to purchase a meter from them, or they will tell you which manufacturers’ models are recommended for installation. Very often such information is posted on official websites. supplier companies electricity.

  • Selected meter model, independent - domestic or imported, must be on the list of the State Register, that is, be fully certified and approved for sale and operation on the territory of the Russian Federation.

  • When purchasing a meter, be sure to check its completeness - original packaging, electronic parts, housing with fasteners, technical data sheet of the product with a specific factory serial number.
  • Attention is immediately drawn to the presence, safety and clarity of factory seals. If you suspect a violation, you should take another product.

Particular attention to the technical form of the product with all the necessary marks

  • When reading the technical documents accompanying the meter, the date of manufacture of the product, the established warranty periods and, of course, the inspection interval are checked. The technical form must contain a quality control mark for the product.
  • The operating instructions for the device should clarify the permissible modes of its operation - this is especially important when the switchboard is planned to be installed in an unheated room.
  • It is not recommended to carry out a counter survey - for this it is better to invite a specialist with access to work of this type. In any case, after installing the device, it is mandatory to call the employees of the energy supply company, who must check the correct connection, register it, carry out their own sealing of the device, configure it in accordance with the current tariff policy, give the owner detailed instructions on the rules for taking readings and other important questions regarding the operation of a specific model. The installation of the meter is also noted in its technical form, indicating the date for its next verification.

Popular models of meters with differentiated tariffs

In conclusion, without pursuing any advertising purposes, but only as an example, here are several models of meters with multi-tariff metering function, which are quite popular and have earned positive reviews from both electricity consumers and specialists.

ESR - 55

These are products of the Moscow Electrical Instruments Plant (MZEP). The SOE - 55 line includes 8 models, differing in the design of the housing and a number of technical characteristics.

SOE-55 in housing “1” - perfect for replacing a meter in an old cabinet

Models 50 Ш are designed for a maximum current consumption of 50 A and have the possibility of four-level tariffication. Meters 60 Ш are more powerful, up to 60 A, and the number of levels has been increased to 8.

SOE-55 in housing “3” for fixing on a DIN rail

Some models (60 Sh-T -415 Ohm and 60 Sh-T-213 Ohm) have a built-in power limiter - a residual current device (RCD). 60 Ш meters have a function for instant measurement of power network parameters - voltage, current, power consumption and frequency.

The accuracy class of the entire model range is “1”.

The intercheck interval of devices is set at 16 years, and their estimated service life is 32 years. The manufacturer's warranty is 42 months.

Housings “1” and “4” are convenient for replacing metering devices on old electrical panels - their fastenings comply with these standards. Models with housings “2” and “3” are designed for DIN rail mounting. Weight, depending on the type of case, from 300 to 600 g.

"Mercury - 200"

This ruler counter V It includes three models (“02”, “04” and “05”), the main difference between which is the interfaces for external communication. In general, the technical characteristics are similar.

"Mercury 200" is a successful model with a good reputation

Although "Mercury - 200" is a fairly new development - it is more than 10 years old, nevertheless these meters are in great demand.

Instrument accuracy class is “1”. The intercheck interval is 16 years. The warranty period is 3 years, and the estimated period of use is 30 years.

The meters allow you to maintain differentiated accounting at 4 tariffs, and it is possible to separately record indicators both by day of the week and by month of the year. You can enter, if necessary, holidays into the built-in electronic calendar.

The meters are designed for installation on a DIN rail, their weight is no more than 600 g.

"Energy meter - SE-102"

The Energomera - CE -102 meter, which has earned many positive reviews, is the own development of the Stavropol company that produces it.

"Energomera - CE-102" - can also be available in several housing options

It supports eight-level billing with storage of readings for the last 13 months. The electronic display displays the current time and date, the currently valid tariff, the remaining limit (if it is set), active power, voltage and current.

The electronic circuit of the device allows you to make a number of additional settings, for example, up to 32 days of exceptions (for example, holidays), the breakdown of one day into up to 16 tariff zones, automatic transition to “summer” time, setting the built-in response threshold and others.

The meters are available for both conventional placement and DIN rail mounting.

The accuracy class of the device is “1”. The average time between failures of an electronic circuit is 160 thousand hours. The intercheck interval is 16 years. The manufacturer provides the product with a solid 5-year warranty.

Features of the Energomera - CE-102 devices, in addition, are an electronic seal, three communication interfaces - PLC, radio modem and RS-485, an infrared port for programming and data transfer, a reliable data protection system from unauthorized access.

Multi-tariff meters of the “Neva” line are also of interest, which you can learn about by watching the attached video:

Video: multi-tariff meters "Neva"

Today we will talk about metering devices and which electric meter is best to install in an apartment. Theoretically, the meter is the responsibility of the company that sells you electricity, but in practice, this issue has to be resolved by the residents of the house or apartment. You are required to have a metering device and replace it as needed, for example, if it is old and does not meet modern requirements.

And here a big question arises - how to choose an electric meter for an apartment? If you can’t count them, like mosquitoes in summer. Offhand, any experienced electrician will name you a couple of dozen manufacturing companies from Russia and neighboring fraternal republics.

But even the coolest of us will not remember all the types, because there are more than four hundred names. And this is without imported electricity meters from Europe. In short, your eyes widen and your head spins if you need to buy an electric meter for an apartment, and even the price is a secondary issue.

So, we decided to write instructions on how to choose an electricity meter for an apartment or house.

1. Electricity meter for an apartment - design and characteristics

To understand how to choose, you need to know what we are choosing. As the rabbit in Winnie the Pooh said: “I come in different forms!”, the same picture applies to counters.

Induction and electronic

First of all, metering devices are divided by design.

Induction counter was invented a long time ago and until recently only it was used. This is a familiar disk drive that is located on the site or right in the apartment. Inside such a device there are two magnetic coils, current and voltage. Their magnetic field rotates a disk connected to a counting mechanism, which takes into account the kilowatts used.

A distinctive feature of the induction meter is its reliability and long service life. According to the passport, at least 15 years, but in fact, such “electricity accountants” have been quietly working for 30-50 years. But the accuracy of the measurement is rather weak, as they say, only large fish are caught, and weak loads are missed.

Electronic counter measures flow directly and appeared not so long ago. There are no moving measuring parts in it; consumption data is shown on the indicator board. An electronic recorder can store consumption figures and transmit them, for example, in automated smart home systems.

Manufacturers promise that they will work for at least 10-15 years, but so far none have reached this age; they appeared only recently. As for reliability, we can say that the electronics can be glitchy, but in general, if done well, it works just as well.

Single-phase or three-phase meter for an apartment

Since electrical networks are single-phase, with a voltage rating of 220 V, and three-phase, with a voltage of 380 V, meters are produced in different types.

Such a device can calculate electricity at 4 tariffs. The maximum current of 60A will easily cover up to 10 kilowatts of home equipment load. Calibration interval 16 years, warranty 6, service life 30. Such a meter can be connected to a computer and transmit accounting data remotely. And to control the load in different tariff zones, install an RCD. So that energy-intensive equipment does not turn on autonomously during the hours of the most expensive peak load.

Three-phase meter Mercury for a private home

Mercury 231 AM-01Mercury 231 AT-01Mercury 230 AM-01Mercury 230 ART-01

It has an accuracy class of 1.0 and a verification interval of 10 years. Single and multi-tariff meters of the 230 and 231 series are suitable for metering active energy. Devices of the 230, 234, 236 and AR series are useful for metering active, reactive and total load.

Electric meters Energomera

Produced at electrical plants of the same name. The company has been operating for more than 20 years and the products have passed the reliability test. Basic accuracy class 1.0, calibration interval 16 years, warranty 5 years and service life up to 30 years.

Single-phase single-tariff meters Energomera series CE 101

Energy meter CE101 R5Energy meter CE101 S6 145M6Energy meter CE 101 S6 145

They keep track of active electricity at a maximum current of 60/100A. Designed for 220 thousand operating hours. The design with a measuring shunt ensures high accuracy and immunity of the device to electromagnetic interference. Meters of the CE 101 series are available in different housing options, both for mounting on a DIN rail and on a plane with bolts.

Multi-tariff single-phase meter Energomera CE 102

Energy meter CE 102 MR5

Can measure consumption at four tariffs and transmit data. The results are stored in non-volatile memory and are not lost when the meter is de-energized. You can also take accumulated readings from the device without mains voltage. The manufacturer produces equipment in various types of housings for installation in panels with bolts or on a DIN rail. The meter is well protected from mechanical influences and attempts to “hacking data” using a magnet.

Three-phase Energomera meters for a private house

Suitable for taking into account different types of load in three-phase circuits. Active, reactive and total energy are taken into account. Designed for a current value of 60/100A, can be connected directly or through a current transformer. Calibration interval is 16 years, warranty is 4 years and service life is 30 years.

Energy meter TsE6803V 1 M7 P31Energy meter TsE6803V 1 M7 P32 Energy meter CE300 R31 145-J Energy meter CE300 R31 043-J

For single-tariff metering, three-phase Energomer meters of the CE300, CE302 and TsE6803V series have been developed. Bolt or DIN rail mounting, depending on enclosure type. Equipment of the CE301, 303, 304 series is suitable for multi-tariff metering.

Energy meter CE301 R33 145-JAZ Energy meter CE301 R33 146-JAZEnergy meter CE301 R33 043-JAZ Energy meter CE303 R33 745-JAZ

Electric meters Neva

Manufactured by the TAYPIT company, they are distinguished by a convenient body design; there are narrow models on a rail that are suitable for assembling modular electrical panels. Basic accuracy class 1.0, re-verification period 16 years, warranty for 5 years and service life 30 years.

Single-tariff single-phase electric meter Neva series 101-105

NEVA 101NEVA 105NEVA 102NEVA 103

Suitable for household accounting in apartments and houses. Designed for current from 40 to 80 A. Mounted on a rail or on the surface of a panel using bolts. The equipment has durable housings and a modern design.

Three-phase meter Neva for a country house

NEVA 301NEVA 306 60NEVA 303NEVA 306 100

For installation on a three-phase network, devices of the Neva 301, 303, 306 series for single-tariff metering are useful. They can be installed directly connected or via a transformer. The maximum current in the network is 60/100A, with a transformer connection 7.5/10A. Meter housings are designed for installation using dinrails or screws.

ABB electricity meters

The ABB single-phase multi-tariff meter FBU-11205 is installed on a network with a load of up to 80 Amperes. Accounting is carried out at two tariffs, with storage and transmission of data via infrared.

All equipment has Russian certificates of conformity, calibration interval is 16 years, service life is 30 years, warranty is up to 5 years.

8. Which electric meter is better to install in an apartment - the best option

It’s clear that you want to install the best meter, so let’s say a few words about the optimal option. On the one hand, such recommendations are the personal preferences of the electrician, on the other hand, they are based on experience in installing meters. When you install 2-3 hundred devices in a year, you recognize them, as they say, both in profile and in front.

Mercury 230 ART-01

Mercury 230 ART-02Mercury 231 AT-01Energy meter CE 301

These models calculate the energy consumption in three-phase circuits in one or two directions. Accuracy class 0.5-1.0, maximum current load 60-100 Amperes. Connection both directly and via current transformers. Installation on a dinrail or in a shield with bolts. Designed to meter active energy (models 231 AT-01, CE 301) or active and reactive (230 ART-01, 230 ART-02). A multi-tariff three-phase meter can operate both autonomously and as part of an automated system.

Important! The choice of the optimal meter model should match the recommended manufacturers from your electricity supplier. For example, Mosenergosbyt proposes to install Mercury and Energomera meters for apartments. Petroelectrosbyt prefers products from Taipit (Neva meters) and Energomer. If you do not live in capital cities, the requirements may be different. Check them on the local energy sales website or at their office.

9. Let's summarize

The online store site offers high-quality electric meters in a wide range of Russian and European production. Everything is done according to GOST standards, with the correct documents and valid verification dates

Come in and choose your counter!

Ask what is unclear or just interesting. As they say in Odessa, “we still have something to tell you!”

If necessary, we will assemble and deliver a turnkey installation kit from the meter to the DIN rails and fasteners. We will take into account your wishes regarding price and preferences for “brands and companies”.

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