Instructions for land reclamation and pipeline construction. Departmental norms and instructions for land reclamation during pipeline construction. Operational quality control of work

Disturbed lands are lands that have lost their economic value or are a source of negative impact on the environment due to disturbance of soil cover, hydrological regime and the formation of technogenic relief as a result of productive activities.

Land reclamation is a set of works aimed at restoring the productivity and national economic value of disturbed lands, as well as improving environmental conditions in accordance with the interests of society.

Causes of land disturbance:

    Development of mineral deposits.

    Pipeline laying, construction work.

    Liquidation of industrial and other facilities and structures.

    Warehousing and disposal of waste.

    Elimination of the consequences of land pollution.

When placing the pipeline, a construction site is formed. Its right of way depends on the diameter of the pipe. A trench is dug at this location. First, the fertile layer is removed, regardless of the diameter of the pipe, along a 3.5 m wide trench and folded at a distance of 5-7 m from the trench. The soil is piled at a distance of 0.5-1.5 m from the trench.

8 Protective afforestation

Forest vegetation is one of the powerful factors in improving the natural environment. It performs water protection, sanitary-hygienic and health-improving functions and is widely used in forest reclamation to prevent wind and water erosion.

The main forms of influence of protective forest plantations on natural conditions:

    They protect the territory from the harmful effects of dry winds, reducing the evaporation of soil moisture, increasing its beneficial use by the plants themselves and protecting the crop from destructive dry winds;

    They retain snow on the fields and slow down its melting, increasing the absorption of melt water by the soil.

    Retain surface water runoff, thereby reducing soil erosion and helping the beneficial agricultural use of water;

    Forest plantations located near natural reservoirs reduce evaporation from their water surface, saving this water for various economic purposes;

    Situated on sands and soils easily blown by the wind, forest strips protect crops from drifts and contamination by sand or dust and secure shifting sands and soils susceptible to blowing.

Protective forest plantations have different reclamation effects depending on their construction and location conditions throughout the territory. This determines the division of protective forest plantations into main types according to their main reclamation purpose. Belonging to one type or another, protective forest plantings differ, firstly, in their specific location on the territory and, secondly, in the type of construction that ensures the necessary nature of their reclamation effect.

All forest species used to create protective plantings are divided into main, accompanying and shrub species.

The main species make up the main upper canopy in the plantation and perform a protective wind-breaking function. Therefore, they must be tall, since the height of the trees determines their protective effect. Photophilous. Durable. They should form a fairly dense crown that shades the soil. They renew well with shoots. They include: warty birch (or weeping), downy birch, white willow, silver willow, willow, trembling poplar, white poplar (silver), balsam poplar, Berlin poplar, black poplar (sedge), pyramidal poplar, Scots pine, cedar pine.

Accompanying, or complementary, species grow under the canopy of the main species. These are densely crowned shade-tolerant tree species. They shade the soil well, create more favorable microclimatic conditions for the main species, which contributes to their growth in height, clearing the trunk of branches, and fighting weeds. Should renew well with shoots. They include: Siberian hawthorn, smooth elm, pinnate elm, Ginnala maple, Norway maple, Tatarian maple, ash-leaved maple, small-leaved linden, buckthorn, common rowan. Common bird cherry, Maaka bird cherry, Siberian apple tree.

Shrub species form the undergrowth; unlike tree species, they do not have a single trunk, but form a bush. Shrubs shade the soil, protect it from overgrowing by weeds, help increase soil moisture under the forest belt as a result of snow retention, but they should not dry out the soil too much, which has a depressing effect on the main and accompanying species, and are well renewed by shoots. They include: yellow acacia, common barberry, Thunberg barberry, felt cherry, shelyuga willow, Tatarian honeysuckle, common lilac, Hungarian lilac, golden currant, wrinkled rose hip.

The protective value of forest strips depends on their design. The design of forest strips is the structure of the longitudinal profile in the leafy state, which determines its aerodynamic properties. There are 3 main designs:

    Dense (windproof) structure - is a dense planting from top to bottom, which does not have continuous gaps. The wind almost does not penetrate through such a strip. The air flow passes through it, forming numerous turbulences. There may be a pronounced calm in and behind the forest belt, but as you move away from it, the wind speed quickly increases. The uneven distribution of wind speed leads to the accumulation of large snowdrifts near the forest belt. Such forest belts are most often three-tiered, consisting of main, accompanying forest species and shrubs, the number of which reaches 50% of the total composition of the belt.

    Openwork design - along the entire vertical profile of the forest strip, gaps with an area of ​​15-35% are evenly spaced. Such forest belts consist of tree species with a small admixture of shrubs or only trees. Such strips partially allow air flow through themselves and act as lattice barriers. The air flow passing through them is fragmented. Part of the air flow falls over the strip, part passes through it. When connecting behind a lane, they reduce their speed, but this decrease is not as significant as behind lanes of dense construction.

    Ventilated design - they have continuous large openings up to a height of 1.5-2 m at the bottom, in which only tree trunks are visible; at the top in the crowns such stripes are closed. There are no shrubs in these strips. The upper part of the strip is almost or completely windproof. Such strips divide the air flow into two parts, one of which passes through the strip, the other rolls over it. In the territory protected by such a strip, the snow cover is more evenly distributed, evaporation is reduced, the temperature and humidity regime of the ground layers of air between the strips changes, and deflation processes are weakened.

Characteristics of the qualitative condition of agricultural land are shown in Table 9, which determines the suitability of soils for afforestation.

According to the agroforestry zoning of the territory of Western Siberia, the first group of soil suitability includes soils suitable for afforestation - these are meadow-chernozem medium-deep medium-humus soils, ordinary chernozem low-dense medium-humic soils.

The second group includes chernozem-meadow solonetzic medium-thick medium-humus, meadow solonetzic medium-thick medium-humus, chernozem-meadow solonetzic medium-thick medium-humus, and ordinary thin, low-humus chernozem is classified as non-forestable.

According to Table 10, a scheme for creating a five-row water-regulating forest strip was constructed, the width between them is 3 m, the width of the edges is 1.5 m.

On the project drawing, the suitability of land for afforestation and the types of protective forest plantings were highlighted in certain colors.

(In development of Instruction BCH 2-59-75)

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Moscow 1976

Appendix 4

Ministry of Construction of Oil and Gas Industry Enterprises

All-Union Research Institute for the Construction of Trunk Pipelines


Gosstroy of the USSR Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR State Forestry of the USSR





VSN 2-59-75 Ministry of Neftegazstroy


Moscow 1975


on land reclamation during the construction of main pipelines

(In development of Instruction VSN 2-59-75)

Editor I.R. Belyaeva Proofreader A.A. Aorosheva

Technical editor T.V. Bereneva

d-77349 Signed for printing 24.1.76gLormat 60x84/16 Printed sheet. 2.75 Uchtizd.l. 1.8 Conditions oven.d. 2.5

Circulation 1000 zkz. Price 18 kopecks. Order 29

Rotaprint of VNIIST

UDC 622.692 L7

The instruction is intended for organizations conducting work on the construction of main pipelines.

Employees of VNIIST took part in the development of the Instructions: candidates of technical sciences Mentyukov V.P., Karpenko N.P., Anikin E.L., engineer Podorozhny G.A. and employee of Innnneftegaastroy Kaikov I.V.

"vC" Center for Scientific and Technical Information of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute for the Construction of Trunk Pipelines (CSTI VNIIST), 1975

VSN 2-39-75 Ministry of Oil and Gas Construction

Instructions for land reclamation during the construction of main pipelines

Ministry of Construction of Oil and Gas Industry Enterprises


I, This Instruction was developed in accordance with the “Basic provisions for the restoration of lands disturbed during the development of mineral deposits, geological exploration, construction and other work”, approved by the State Committee for Science and Technology of the USSR, the State Construction Committee of the USSR, the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR and the State Forestry of the USSR on June 30, 1971 and is distributed for work on reclamation of lands disturbed during the construction of main pipelines.

When drawing up projects for land reclamation work, you should also be guided by the provisions of the following documents:

"Fundamentals of land legislation of the USSR and Union republics";

SN **52-73 "Norms for land allocation for main pipelines";

SNiP Sh-D. Yu-72 "Main pipelines* Rules for production and acceptance of work."

2* Bringing lands provided for temporary use for the construction of main pipelines to a state suitable for their intended use is carried out in accordance with the land reclamation project developed by the design organization. The specified project is part of the technical (technical and working) project for the construction of the pipeline. The cost of work provided for by the specified project is included in the consolidated construction estimate.

Introduction date: j ^February

Introduced by VNIIST!

Land reclamation during the construction of main pipelines consists of removing the fertile layer of soil before the start of construction work, transporting it to a temporary storage site and applying it to the restored land after completion of construction work.

3. In the land reclamation project, in accordance with the conditions for providing land plots for use and taking into account local natural and climatic features, the following must be determined:

boundaries of lands along the pipeline route in which reclamation is necessary;

thickness of the removed fertile soil layer for each area subject to reclamation;

width of the reclamation zone within the right of way;

location of the dump for temporary storage of the removed fertile soil layer;

methods for removing, transporting and applying fertile soil;

the permissible excess of the applied fertile soil layer above the level of undisturbed lands;

volumes and methods of loading and removal of excess mineral soil, as well as its dumping in designated places;

methods for compacting loose mineral soil and fertile soil milking after backfilling the pipeline.

4. Work on removing, transporting and applying the fertile layer of soil is carried out by the construction organization. Work to restore soil fertility (fertilizer application, plowing and other agricultural work), if provided for by the reclamation project, is carried out by land users at the expense of funds provided for in the project estimate.

All land reclamation work must be carried out within the construction zone established by Table 1 “Land Allocation Standards for Main Pipelines” (SN 432-73).

The minimum width of the strip from which the fertile soil layer is removed should be equal to the width of the trench at the top plus 0.5 m in each direction.

5. The land reclamation project is coordinated with all land users: state farms, collective farms, forestry

organizations and bodies of state control over the use of land, and such with organizations carrying out the construction of the main pipeline.

6. When developing a land reclamation project for a main pipeline laid parallel to the existing one, the design organization must determine the actual position

in plan, the depth and technical condition of the existing pipeline and develop design solutions that ensure its safety and safety of work.

7. When constructing a main pipeline parallel to an existing pipeline, the operating organization, before starting work, must mark on the ground the location of the axis of the existing pipeline, identify and mark with special warning signs dangerous places (places of leaks of the transported product, areas of insufficient depth and sections of the pipeline that are in unsatisfactory condition ).

During the period of work near existing pipelines or at the intersection with them, the presence of representatives of the operating organization is required.

8. In the warm season, the removal of the fertile soil layer and its movement to the dump should be done with bulldozers: longitudinal-transverse moves for a layer thickness of up to 20 cm and transverse moves for a layer thickness of more than 20 cm. For a fertile layer thickness of up to 10-15 cm, it is recommended to use motor graders .

9. Removal of the fertile layer of soil is carried out to its maximum thickness in one pass; removal of the fertile layer in several passes is allowed as an exception. In all cases, mixing of the fertile soil layer with mineral soil should not be allowed.

10. Excess mineral soil formed as a result of volume displacement after laying the pipeline in a trench, the sheet should be evenly distributed and leveled on the strip of removed fertile soil (before applying the latter) or transported to the places specified in the project and agreed upon with the authorities providing land plots for use.

Removal of excess mineral soil can be carried out according to two schemes:

a) after backfilling the trench, the mineral soil is distributed evenly with a roller above the trench using a bulldozer or motor grader along the strip to be reclaimed, then after compaction, the soil is cut with scrapers to the required depth (in such a way as to ensure the permissible excess of the level of the applied fertile soil layer above the surface undisturbed lands), and then the mineral soil is transported to places specially indicated in the project;

b) mineral soil, after leveling and compaction, is cut and moved by a bulldozer along the strip and placed in special piles up to 1.5-2 m high (volume up to 150-200 m 3) in order to increase the efficiency of its loading onto transport, from where it is used with single-bucket excavators or single-bucket front loaders are loaded into dump trucks and transported to places specially indicated in the project.

The choice of work plan is carried out in the project depending on the distance of soil removal"

11. If, at the request of the land user, the project provides for the removal of the fertile soil layer outside the construction zone to special temporary dumps (for example, on especially valuable lands), then its removal and transportation at a distance of up to 0.5 km can be carried out by scrapers, and at a distance of more than 0.5 km. 5 km - by dump trucks. In order to ensure effective loading of the fertile soil layer into transport, the soil is also shifted by a bulldozer in the longitudinal direction along the strip (within the boundaries of the removal zone) and placed in piles up to 1.5-2 m high (volume up to I0Q-I50 m3). It is recommended to load the fertile soil layer onto dump trucks using front-end loaders, as well as single-bucket excavators equipped with a straight shovel or grab.

12. Removal of the fertile soil layer, as a rule, is carried out before the onset of winter with stable negative dealer rounds. By agreement between land users and bodies exercising state control over the use of land, it is allowed to remove the fertile soil layer in winter conditions. Such approval is carried out during land allocation*

13. When carrying out work to remove the fertile soil layer, the frozen fertile soil layer should be developed using bulldozers with the preliminary use of rippers.

Digging should not be done to a depth not exceeding the thickness of the removed fertile soil layer.

When loosening soil with tractor rippers, it is recommended to use a longitudinally rotary technological scheme.

14. To remove and move fertile soil, rotary trench excavators can be used in winter. The depth of immersion of the rotor should not exceed the thickness of the fertile soil layer.

15. The pipeline is backfilled with mineral soil at any time of the year immediately after installation. For this purpose, rotary trench fillers and bulldozers can be used.

In the warm season, after backfilling the pipeline with mineral soil, it is compacted with pneumatic rollers or crawler tractors making multiple passes (three to five times) over the backfilled pipeline. Compaction of mineral soil in this way must be carried out before filling the pipeline with the transported product.

16. In winter, artificial compaction of mineral soil is not carried out. The soil is poured into a trench with a roller, and it acquires the required density after thawing for two to three months (natural compaction). The same compaction method can be applied to a river valley when there is product in the pipeline during the reclamation period.

17. The application of a fertile layer of soil should be carried out in the warm season (with normal humidity and sufficient bearing capacity of the soil for the passage of vehicles). For this purpose, bulldozers are used, working in transverse moves, moving and leveling the fertile soil. The final leveling can be done by longitudinal passes of auto graders.

18. If it is necessary to transport the fertile soil layer to the place of its application from dumps located at a distance of up to 0.5 km, scrapers can be used.

If the transportation distance exceeds 0.5 km, then the fertile soil layer is delivered using dump trucks, followed by leveling it with bulldozers working in oblique transverse or longitudinal moves.

Leveling the fertile soil layer can also be done with motor graders equipped with a blade blade in the front part.

19. Bringing land plots into a suitable condition is carried out during the work, and if this is not possible - no later than within a year after certification of the work.

20. Control over the correct execution of work in accordance with the land reclamation project is carried out by state control bodies over the use of land in accordance with

with the Regulations approved by the Council of Ministers of the USSR, dated May 14, 1970, No. 325. The transfer of restored lands to land users must be formalized by an act in the prescribed manner.

1. General provisions................................... 3

2. Technology of technical work

reclamation of disturbed lands............... 7

Appendix I. Extract from the “Fundamentals of Land Legislation of the USSR and Union Republics” ............... 13

Appendix 2. Basic provisions for the restoration of lands disturbed during the development of mineral deposits, geological exploration, construction and other work............... 19

Appendix 3. Land allocation standards for main pipelines SN 452-73 ..................................... 27






VSN 179-85

Ministry of Neftegazstroy

Moscow 1985

This Instruction establishes new methods for land reclamation during the construction of trunk pipelines. For the first time, it is planned to use continuous machines for land reclamation, as well as to carry out work to remove the fertile soil layer in the winter without first loosening frozen soils. The instructions are intended for design and construction organizations involved in the construction of main pipelines. The instructions were developed by A.S. Shatsky with the participation of A.I. Zinevich, K.I. Zaitseva, A.I. Galperina, N.T. Vilenskaya, Kh.M. Saifulova, E.G. Amcheslavsky, V.A. Smirnova, L.P. Semenova, G.I. Kartasheva, S.I. Larina (VNIIST), L.M. Kulikova, V.A. Lysova (Glavvostoktruboprovodstroy), E.A. Podgorbunsky, R.M. Ismagilova (Glavtruboprovodstroy), M.P. Grishaeva, A.I. Ashcheulova, V.A. Ovchinnikova (Ministry of Agriculture), A.P. Iofinova (Bashselkhozinstitute). The instruction was agreed upon by the USSR Ministry of Agriculture and the USSR State Forestry Agency. With the entry into force of the “Instructions for land reclamation during the construction of pipelines” VSN 179-85/Minneftegazstroy, “Instructions for land reclamation during the construction of main pipelines” VSN 2-59-75/Minneftegazstroy, “Guidelines for land reclamation during the construction of main pipelines” (R 204-75). Comments and suggestions on these Instructions should be sent to the address: Moscow, 105058, Okruzhnoy proezd, 19, VNIIST, mechanization-construction department.


1.1. This Instruction applies to the technology of excavation work during the construction of the linear part and ground facilities of main pipelines using new technological solutions and new technical means of continuous operation to carry out work to preserve land fertility.1.2. When developing design documentation for the technology and organization of excavation work, one should be guided by this Instruction, as well as the requirements of current standards, regulations and recommendations [1-17]. 1.3. The entire complex of earthworks, including the removal of the fertile soil layer and its return, must be carried out in accordance with the plans for the organization and production of work. 1.4. Land plots provided for temporary use after completion of pipeline construction must be restored to the same types of land as they were before the violation, by performing technical and biological reclamation.1.5. The area of ​​the construction strip exposed to construction machinery and other types of mechanical impact on the soil is subject to biological reclamation. It is carried out by land users. This Instruction covers technical reclamation techniques performed by pipeline builders. 1.6. Upon completion of construction, the land allotment strip in forest areas must be cleared of stumps and other woody debris and graded.1.7. When carrying out excavation work, it is necessary to use methods and methods that exclude erosion processes (erosion, blowing out), landslide phenomena, as well as salinization, pollution, littering or waterlogging of lands. 1.8. Reclamation of the construction strip after backfilling of main pipelines must be carried out during the construction of pipelines, and if this is not possible, after completion of construction within the time limits established by the authorities providing land plots for use in accordance with duly approved projects. 1.9. In the land reclamation project, in accordance with the conditions for providing land plots for use and taking into account local natural and climatic features, the following must be determined: areas along the pipeline route where technical and biological reclamation is necessary; volume of the removed fertile soil layer; location of the dump for temporary storage of the removed fertile soil layer; the permissible excess of the applied fertile soil layer above the level of undisturbed lands; volume and methods of loading and removal of excess mineral soil after backfilling the pipeline; the cost of technical and biological reclamation work. 1.10. Excavation work must be carried out using safe methods in compliance with safety regulations and industrial sanitation [11-14].1.11. Persons who have completed training are allowed to carry out excavation work and land reclamation; instruction and testing of knowledge on safety precautions in accordance with OST 102-78-83. SSBT "Organization of labor safety training for workers. General provisions." 1.12. Management of excavation work and land reclamation work, as well as ensuring conditions and labor protection requirements in specialized departments, is entrusted to the managers and chief engineers of these departments. At construction sites or in areas where work is directly carried out, responsibility for compliance with labor safety requirements rests with the heads of flows, sections, foremen and foremen.


2.1. Before removing the fertile soil layer, poles 2-2.5 m high are installed along the axis of the trench. On straight sections of the route, poles are installed within visibility, on curves - after 5-10 m.2.2. With one pass along the axis of the trench, a rotary excavator ETR 254-05 removes the fertile layer of soil from a strip 3.5 m wide (Fig. 1). Technical characteristics of the ETR 254-05 recultivator are given in the appendix. 1. 2.3. The soil dump is placed on the excavation strip (B) at a distance of 5-7 m from the edge of the reclamation strip to the middle of the dump (Fig. 1a). 2.4. The trench is developed by excavators moving along a strip free of fertile soil (Fig. 1b), the brands of which, depending on the diameters of the pipelines being constructed, are given in the appendix. 1, 2. 2.5. After the construction flow has passed, the pipeline laid in the trench is backfilled, moving all the mineral soil from the dump using a DZ-18, DZ-27 bulldozer (Fig. 1c). Technical characteristics of bulldozers are given in appendix. 3.2.6. Excess mineral soil is distributed along the reclamation strip with a longitudinal passage of a DZ-18, DZ-27 bulldozer or a DZ-40B motor grader and compacted with a bulldozer. After performing this operation, the reclamation strip should look like a recess with clearly marked edges (Fig. 1c). 2.7. The return of the fertile soil layer is carried out by bulldozers DZ-18, DZ-27, moving it from the storage dump, distributing it and performing the final leveling with longitudinal passes (Fig. 1d). For surface leveling, motor graders of any brand can be used, the technical characteristics of which are given in the appendix. 4.2.8. The return of the fertile soil layer can be carried out using an ETR 254-05 excavator. In this case, the passage is made deeper than the base of the soil dump in order to compensate for the loss of soil in the ridges remaining on the sides of the working body. These ridges are graded using longitudinal passes of bulldozers or a motor grader.

Pipeline diameter, mm

Installation strip A, m

Excavation strips, m

Up to 426
*) It is allowed to use rotary excavators with a working body width of 0.9 and 1.8 m to remove fertile soil during the construction of pipelines with a diameter of up to 200 and 300 mm, respectively.

Rice. 1. Sequence of excavation operations during the construction of pipelines with a diameter of up to 820 mm with any thickness of the fertile layer, as well as during the construction of pipelines with a diameter of 1020-1420 mm with a thickness of the fertile layer of more than 50 cm:

A - strip of installation work; B - excavation strip; B - trench width


3.1. The preparation of the construction strip is carried out in the same way as during the construction of small-diameter pipelines (see clause 2.1). 3.2. The fertile soil layer is removed with an ETR 254-05 rotary excavator from a strip 3.5 m wide and placed on the excavation strip at a distance of 11-13 m from the edge of the reclamation strip to the middle of the dump. For this purpose, ETR 254-05 excavator transporters, which have hydraulic suspension, are equipped with a device that increases the soil transportation range. In the absence of such devices or when the conveyor is suspended by cable, which does not allow the installation of additional means, the layer of fertile soil is removed with an ETR 254-05 excavator and additionally moved with a bulldozer. 3.3. The sequence of further operations depends on the thickness of the fertile soil layer. 3.4. The sequence of excavation operations with a fertile soil layer thickness of more than 50 cm and the parameters of the construction strip are shown in Fig. 1. 3.5. When the thickness of the fertile soil layer is 20-50 cm, it is necessary to carry out operations in the following sequence: 3.5.1. The dump of the fertile soil layer is removed from a 3.5 m wide strip with an ETR 254-05 excavator and placed on the excavation strip (Fig. 2 a). 3.5.2. Rotary or single-bucket excavators moving along the reclamation strip develop a trench, placing a dump of mineral soil on the excavation strip at a distance of 0.5-1.5 m from its edge (Fig. 2b). The technology for digging and backfilling trenches is given in Section 5 of this Instruction. 3.5.3. After the construction flow has passed, the pipeline laid in the trench is backfilled, moving all the mineral soil from the dump to a strip with the fertile soil layer removed, mainly using powerful bulldozers (Fig. 2 c). 3.5.4. With the second pass of the ETR 254-05 excavator along the excavation strip, the fertile layer of soil is removed from a strip 3.5 m wide, i.e. the reclamation strip is expanded to 7 m. The removed fertile layer is placed on the dump of soil developed during the first pass (Fig. 2d).

Pipeline diameter, mm

Construction strip parameters

Installation strip, A, m

Excavation strips, m

Rice. 2. Sequence of excavation operations during the construction of pipelines with a diameter of 1020-1420 mm with a fertile soil layer thickness of 20-50 cm:

A - strip of installation work; B - excavation strip; B is the width of the trench.

3.5.5. Excess mineral soil located above the trench is distributed over the extended reclamation strip using motor graders DZ-40B, DZ-14 or bulldozers and compacted with bulldozers or pad rollers (Fig. 2e). When performing each of the above operations, it is necessary to maintain clearly defined boundaries of the reclamation strip 7 m wide, which, after completing the operations specified in clause 3.5.5, should be a excavation. 3.5.6. Bulldozers DZ-18, DZ-27 or DZ-55 return the fertile soil layer to the reclamation strip (Fig. 2f). 3.5.7. If there is a shortage of ETR 254-05 rotary excavators, it is allowed to carry out operations to remove the fertile soil layer in an unfrozen state (clause 3.5.1) with longitudinal passes of bulldozers DZ-27, D-155A, D-355A to the width of the blades, but not less than 3.5 m with the subsequent expansion of this strip to 8 m (clause 3.5.4) with longitudinal-transverse passages of bulldozers of the same brands. In winter, the operation of removing the fertile soil layer (see clause 3.5.1) can also be carried out with a rotary excavator with a working body no less than the width of the trench. The subsequent expansion of this strip to 8 m must be carried out in unfrozen soil using bulldozers of the above-mentioned brands. 3.5.8. The operations provided for in paragraphs. 3.5.1-3.5.3 are equally feasible in non-frozen and frozen soils.


4.1. Optimal technology for excavation work in winter. 4.1.1. The sequence of operations of the optimal reclamation technology is shown in Fig. 3, 4. 4.1.2. The main difference between these technological methods and the general technological reclamation schemes discussed above (Fig. 1) is the placement of a dump of the fertile soil layer on the installation work strip. 4.1.3. Removal of the fertile soil layer is carried out using an ETR 254-05 recultivator without a conveyor extension. 4.1.4. The layout of the dump of the fertile soil layer is carried out by the longitudinal passage of bulldozers DZ-18, DZ-27 to the width of their working bodies.

Pipeline diameter, mm

Construction strip parameters

Installation strip, A, m

Excavation strips, m

*) It is allowed to use rotary excavators with a working body width of 0.9 and 1.8 m to remove fertile soil during the construction of pipelines with a diameter of up to 200 and 300 mm, respectively.

Rice. 3. Sequence of operations for the optimal excavation technology for the construction of pipelines with a diameter of up to 820 mm at any thickness of the fertile soil layer, as well as for the construction of pipelines with a diameter of 1020-1420 mm with a thickness of the fertile soil layer of more than 50 cm:

A - strip of installation work; B - excavation strip; B - trench width

Pipeline diameter, mm

Construction strip parameters

Installation strip, A, m

Excavation strips, m

Rice. 4. Sequence of operations for optimal excavation technology for the construction of pipelines with a diameter of 1020-1420 mm with a fertile soil layer thickness of 20-50 cm:

A - strip of installation work; B - excavation strip; B - trench width

4.1.5. These technological methods determine the most economical use of land during construction, the quality of reclamation and the minimum labor intensity of both technical and biological land reclamation. 4.2. The technology given in clause 4.1 should be used when constructing pipelines in unfrozen soils in the dry season. 4.3. The fertile soil layer less than 20 cm thick and unfrozen is removed by longitudinal passes of bulldozers. In this case, the width of the reclamation strip is taken to be 1 m larger than when using ETR 254-05 excavators. All excavation operations are carried out depending on the diameter of the pipeline in accordance with the technological diagrams given in sections 2 and 3. The expansion of the reclamation strip is carried out by reducing the excavation strips 3 and 5 (Fig. 1, 2). To remove the fertile soil layer in a frozen state, you should use an ETR 254-05 excavator or conventional bucket wheel excavators. 4.4. In areas where the width of the top of trenches, excavations and embankments exceeds 3.5 m (curves, approaches to transitions, crane units, areas with rocky and frozen soils that require preliminary loosening with mechanical rippers or an explosion, etc.), the fertile soil layer is removed from the entire area to be developed before the start of excavation work (cutting, leveling, digging wide trenches, pits, filling embankments, etc.). 4.4.1. The fertile layer of soil is removed and moved to a storage dump on one or both sides of the excavation zone at a distance that ensures the placement and return of immoral soil to the disturbed area, while preventing its mixing with the fertile layer of soil. 4.4.2. In an unfrozen state, the fertile soil layer is removed using ETR 254-05 bucket wheel excavators, bulldozers or single-bucket excavators. 4.4.3. The fertile soil layer in a frozen state is removed in one or several passes with an ETR 254-05 excavator and moved to a storage dump with a DZ-18, DZ-27 bulldozer; with a total width of the reclamation strip of up to 7 m, it is distributed along the strip of installation work. 4.4.4. After excavation, installation and construction work is completed, the mineral soil is returned to the construction strip or site using bulldozers DZ-18, DZ-27, D-355A, leveled with bulldozers of the same brands or motor graders, and compacted with pad rollers or bulldozers. Then the same bulldozers move the fertile layer of soil from the dump, leveling it over the entire disturbed area. 4.4.5. After moving the fertile soil layer in the case of the formation of excavations and embankments, their slopes are strengthened in accordance with the work plan for this transition, for example, by laying turf or sowing perennial grasses. 4.5. In areas with low bearing capacity of soils, the fertile layer of soil should be removed from a strip at least 3.5 m wide using single-bucket excavators, placing it in a dump on the installation work strip and leveling it (see clause 4.1). This allows you to carry out the operation of removing the fertile soil layer simultaneously with the development of a trench using a single-bucket excavator with reduced specific pressure on the ground (EO-4221) or from sleds. Such an excavator can perform operations to backfill the pipeline and return the fertile soil layer according to one of the options in sections 2, 3 and clause 4.1, without waiting for the soil to dry out on the site. 4.6. If it is necessary to lay drainage ditches or drainage wells to drain a section of the route, the fertile soil layer and mineral soil must be laid sequentially on their opposite sides, and the mineral soil and fertile soil layer must be returned in the reverse order. 4.7. In the case where the work project involves the removal of excess mineral soil, the width of the reclamation strip is determined by the width of the trench and the possibility of passage of excavators developing the trench along this strip. It is advisable to remove the fertile soil layer using ETR 254-05 rotary excavators or excavators with working bodies 1.2-1.8 m wide. It is possible to remove the fertile soil layer using single-bucket excavators simultaneously with the development of the trench and laying the fertile soil layer and mineral soil on opposite sides of the trench in accordance with clause 4.5.


5.1. Trenches are developed by excavators moving along the reclamation strip. When developing trenches for pipelines with a diameter of up to 1020 mm in soils with a strength above category III and frozen soils, it is possible to move excavators over a strip of removed fertile soil layer 1.2-1.8 m wide. 5.1.1. Rotary excavators (ETR) are used on straight sections of the route in non-sticky soils without boulders. On agricultural land, at least 70% of the trench must be developed with these excavators. 5.1.2. Single-bucket excavators should be used only in conditions where rotary excavators are not applicable: during transitions, crossings, on curved areas, in soils with inclusions of boulders, on waterlogged soils, and pre-loosened rocky soils. 5.1.3. In conditions where ETR is not applicable, excavation work should, as a rule, be carried out in unfrozen soils. 5.1.4. To develop trenches at an accelerated pace for pipelines with a diameter of up to 1020 mm, it is most advisable to use ETR with a power of 184-220 kW with narrow working bodies 1.25 m wide (I-337, ETR 231) or 1.2-1.5 m (ETR 254- 01) *) . They provide a trench development rate in unfrozen soils of up to 1.5-2.0 km per day in one pass. The same rate in seasonally freezing soils can be ensured by a set of two such ETRs when used in a differentiated way, each of which develops its own specific part of the trench without technological jumpers. The main condition for the effectiveness of such sets is the coordination of the working feeds of the machines included in them. For excavators with the same rotor width, working feeds are coordinated by changing the digging depth depending on the change in soil strength along the depth of the trench and the degree of wear of the excavators [16]. *) Excavators with replaceable working bodies 1.2-1.5 m wide have the ETR index 254-01, developed by SKB "Gazstroymashina" according to the initial requirements of VNIIST and Glavtruboprovodstroy, produced by MEMZ at the request of the headquarters and associations. 5.1.5. A trenching rate of 1-1.5 km/day for pipelines with a diameter of more than 1020 mm can be achieved in non-frozen soils with a set of two ETRs with a power of 220 kW, used in a differentiated manner. For this purpose, the most rational set is ETR 254-01 with a rotor width of 1.2 m and ETR 254 with a working body 1.8 or 2.1 m wide. If there are two identical ETR-254 in the set, coordination of working feeds is carried out according to paragraph. 5.1.4. In soils with seasonal freezing, such kits can achieve a rate of up to 1 km per day. 5.1.6. Differentiated methods of digging trenches with sets consisting of single-bucket excavators and powerful bulldozers lead to an increase in the area of ​​disturbed land. Therefore, it is advisable to use them at crossings and in rocky soils, where the dimensions of the trench are significantly larger than usual, and the width of the reclamation strip is determined by the width of the trench. To increase the rate of trench digging under normal conditions, more powerful single-bucket excavators EO-5122 and ND-1500 should be used using traditional technology. 5.2. Backfilling trenches when performing excavation work on agricultural land involves returning a certain part of the mineral soil dump to the trench, leveling it and compacting it at a certain level, depending on the reclamation method. 5.2.1. The most efficient earth-moving machines for filling trenches in terms of labor intensity and productivity are bulldozers. For backfilling trenches of small diameter pipelines and for backfilling large diameter pipelines, TR-351 rotary trench fillers can be used (see Appendix 1). Rotary excavators should be used to sprinkle pipelines. To use them, a preliminary planning of the soil dump with a longitudinal passage of bulldozers DZ-18, DZ-27 is required. To service rotary trench fillers and excavators, bulldozers DZ-18, DZ-27 are required (final backfilling, leveling of soil ridges). 5.2.2. When filling trenches, mineral soil is moved by transverse passages of bulldozers DZ-18, DZ-27 (diameters up to 1020 mm) or DZ-27, D-355A (diameters 1220-1420 mm). The cross-sectional shape of the displaced soil dump is shown in Fig. 14.


6.1. When constructing above-ground main pipeline facilities, the fertile soil layer is removed from the construction strip or site and moved to temporary storage dumps in accordance with the work plan. 6.2. After completion of the work, including landscaping of the entire construction site, the excess fertile soil layer should be used to improve unproductive lands. The procedure for using the fertile soil layer for this purpose must be provided for by the project. 6.3. Operations to remove and return the fertile soil layer should be carried out by earth-moving machines used for earthworks in ground construction, mainly bulldozers, bucket and rotary excavators with and without the use of vehicles in accordance with the project. 6.4. To remove the fertile soil layer in a frozen state from construction strips and areas, ETR 254-05 rotary excavators should be used, followed by movement to a storage dump or direct loading into transport. In the absence of ETR 254-05 rotary machines, mechanical rippers on tractors with a power of 118-316 kW should be used to loosen the soil. 6.5. When constructing access roads, the fertile layer of soil is removed from the entire construction zone, mainly with ETR 254-05 rotary excavators, if necessary, moving it to temporary storage dumps with bulldozers or vehicles. The fertile soil layer must be preserved and restored in the construction zone. Excess topsoil should be used to improve nearby unproductive land. 6.6. When constructing off-site networks and communications on agricultural lands, land reclamation work is carried out in the same way as during the construction of the linear part of pipelines or branches from them (see sections 2, 3, 4). 6.7. Operations to return the fertile soil layer can only be carried out when the soil is not frozen. 6.8. The technology for reclamation of lands disturbed during quarrying involves removing the fertile layer of soil from the entire area of ​​disturbed lands and moving it to temporary storage dumps. 6.8.1. After completion of work in the quarry, depending on the terrain, they either plan the excavation with the subsequent return of the fertile soil layer to its entire surface, or fill the excavation with mineral soil displaced by the pipeline under construction, followed by its grading and return of the fertile soil layer to it, or plan slopes workings to slopes that ensure their stability. Subsequently, the slopes are covered with a fertile layer of soil and sown with perennial grasses. Reclamation of exhausted quarries should be provided for by the project. 6.8.2. Work to remove the fertile soil layer can be carried out both in cold and warm seasons, and work to return it only in the warm (frost-free) season.


7.1. The specifics of quality control of reclamation work during the construction of pipelines are as follows: after returning, leveling and compacting the Mineral soil, a recess (trough) with clearly defined edges should remain on the reclamation strip. The depth of the excavation depends on the thickness of the fertile soil layer; When performing excavation operations, mixing fertile soil with mineral soil is not allowed; The thickness of the fertile soil layer on the reclamation strip must be at least 30 cm (in a compacted state). If zonal soils have less thickness, then the fertile soil layer should be applied with the same thickness. 7.2. General provisions for quality control of linear earthworks are given in Appendix 5. An extract from the “Fundamentals of Land Legislation of the USSR Union” is given in Appendix 6.


8.1. When carrying out excavation work and land reclamation using earthmoving equipment, one should be guided by the following regulatory documents on safety precautions: SNiP III-4-80 “Safety in construction” [11]. “Safety rules for the construction of main steel pipelines” [12]; Passports and operating manuals for machines issued by manufacturers; “Unified safety rules for blasting operations” [14]. 8.2. When constructing oil and gas industry facilities in the security zone of existing communications (pipelines, power lines, etc.), one should be guided by the "Instructions for the safe conduct of work in the security zones of existing communications" (VSN 159-83 / Ministry of Neftegazstroy), as well as the "Rules protection of main pipelines", approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of April 12, 1979, No. 341 (M., Mingazprom, 1982); "Instructions for construction work in security zones of main pipelines of the Ministry of Gas Industry" (M., Mingazprom, 1982); “Rules for the protection of communication lines” (M., Svyaz, 1969); “Rules for the protection of high-voltage electrical networks” (Moscow, Gosenergonadzor, 1961). 8.2.1. All personnel involved in the construction of facilities in the security zone of existing communications must undergo additional training in safe labor methods, regardless of the timing of previous training. 8.2.2. Excavation work in a strip limited by a distance of 2 m on both sides of an existing pipeline or electrical cable, as well as at intersections with underground utilities, should be carried out only manually in the presence of a representative of the operating organization. 8.2.3. When carrying out work in security zones, dumps of mineral and fertile soil should be located between the existing and the pipelines being laid, leaving a free berm with a width of at least 0.5 m. The location zones of dumps of soil (mineral and fertile) are indicated in the work plan. 8.2.4. To carry out work on backfilling a pipeline with machinery, the person responsible for carrying out the work is obliged to give the operator of the trench backfilling mechanism a work plan, show the boundaries of the mechanism’s operation and the location of existing pipelines on site. 8.2.5. Work on backfilling, returning and leveling the bead over an existing pipeline (including after winter backfilling) should be carried out using a technology specially developed and agreed upon with the operating organization, which prevents vehicles from colliding with the existing pipeline. A permit is issued for this work. 8.2.6. The passage of earth-moving and other machines over existing communications is permitted only at specially equipped crossings in places specified by the operating organization. These crossings are constructed from prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs connected by steel strips welded to mounting loops. In areas where existing communications are buried less than 0.8 m, signs must be installed with inscriptions warning of special dangers. In places that are not equipped with crossings through existing communications, the passage of construction equipment (tractors, excavators, bulldozers, pipe layers, etc.) and vehicles is prohibited. 8.2.7. It is prohibited to move construction vehicles and mechanisms in the dark, as well as during non-technological breaks, without the accompaniment of a person responsible for the safe performance of work in the security zone of existing communications. 8.2.8. The operation of construction and road vehicles in the security zone of power lines is permitted if the drivers of the above-mentioned machines have a work permit and when the voltage is completely removed by the organization operating this power line. 8.2.9. The distance from the lifting or retractable part of a construction machine in any position to the vertical plane formed by the projection onto the ground of the nearest wire energized by an overhead power line is given in the table.

Voltage, kV


Distance, m
8.2.10. The operation of construction machines under power lines is permitted at a voltage of 110 kV or higher and a vertical distance from the retractable part of the machine or load to the drive in accordance with the table. 8.3. When operating construction machinery, it is prohibited to: leave operating mechanisms unattended; rest in the area of ​​working machines and mechanisms in poorly visible places and close to places where vehicles and machines are moving; smoking and using open fire when refueling cars; repair a car with the engine running; be under the car when the engine is running; get off the excavator when it is moving or the platform is turning. 8.4. Excavators and bulldozers used for excavation work and land reclamation must be equipped with sound and light alarms. 8.5. When excavators and bulldozers work together, it is not allowed for the bulldozer to be closer than 5 m to the excavator bucket. 8.6. The distance between earth-moving machines working in a set must be at least 5 m.


Annex 1



Name of parameters

Trench excavator brand

Brand of trench filler TR-351

Dimensions of the trench to be torn off, m:
Engine power, kW
Technical productivity, m 3 /h, in category 1 soils
Range of soil movement to the dump, m
Working speed, m/h

From 38 to 224

From 60 to 360

20-509 (32 speeds)

Transport speed, km/h
Overall dimensions, mm:
Weight, kg
Specific ground pressure, MPa
*) When filling trenches.

Appendix 2



Name of parameters

Excavator brand

Diesel brand
Engine power, kW
Clearance under the turning part, m
Track width, m
Average ground pressure when moving, MPa
Bucket capacity, m 3
Maximum digging depth, m
Weight, kg

Appendix 3



Name of parameters

Bulldozer brand

Bulldozer type






power, kWt
Basic tractor
Blade length, mm
Working body drive

Tractor hydraulic system

Overall dimensions with tractor, mm:
Weight with tractor, kg

Appendix 4



Name of parameters

Motor grader brand

Engine power, kW
Blade dimensions with knife, mm
height (chord)
Wheel track, mm:
Overall dimensions, mm:
Motor grader weight, kg

Appendix 5


Extract from the “Instructions for the performance of work during the construction of main pipelines. Earthworks" VSN 2-130-81/Minneftegazstroy


3.1. Quality control of excavation work consists of systematic observation and verification of compliance of the work performed with the design documentation, the requirements of the SNiP chapter "Main pipelines. Rules for the production and acceptance of work" in compliance with the tolerances given in table. 3.2. The purpose of control is to prevent the occurrence of defects and defects during the production process, eliminate the possibility of accumulation of defects, and increase the personal responsibility of performers. 3.3. Depending on the nature of the operation (process) being performed, operational quality control is carried out directly by performers, foremen, foremen, foremen or a special controller. 3.4. Devices and instruments (except for the simplest probes and templates) intended for quality control of materials and work must be factory-made and have passports confirming their compliance with the requirements of State standards or technical specifications approved in the prescribed manner. 3.5. Defects identified during inspection, deviations from designs and requirements of building codes and regulations or technological instructions must be corrected before subsequent operations (works) begin. 3.6. Operational quality control of excavation work should include: checking the correctness of the transfer of the actual axis of the trench with the design position; checking the marks and width of the strip for the operation of bucket wheel excavators (in accordance with the requirements of work projects); checking the profile of the trench bottom with measuring its depth and design elevations, checking the width of the trenches along the bottom; checking trench slopes depending on the soil structure specified in the project; checking the thickness of the bedding layer at the bottom of the trench and the thickness of the layer of filling the pipeline with soft soil; the size of the actual radii of curvature of the trenches in the areas of turning of horizontal curves. 3.7. Control of the correct transfer of the trench axis in plan is carried out with a theodolite with reference to the alignment axis. The distance from the alignment axis to the wall of the trench along the bottom in dry sections of the route should be at least half the design width of the trench, this value should not be exceeded by more than 200 mm; in flooded and swampy areas - by more than 400 mm. 3.8. The actual radii of rotation of the trench in plan are determined by a theodolite (the deviation of the actual axis of the trench on a curved section should not exceed ±200 mm). 3.9. The compliance of the trench bottom marks with the design profile is checked using geometric leveling. The marks of the reference benchmarks are taken as the initial ones (if necessary, the network of benchmarks when carrying out marking work is condensed in such a way that the distance from the temporary construction benchmark to the most distant point of the route does not exceed 2-2.5 km). Leveling the bottom of the trench is carried out using technical leveling methods. The actual elevation of the trench bottom is determined at all points where the design elevations are indicated in the working drawings, but at least 100, 50 and 25 m, respectively, for pipelines with a diameter of up to 300, 820 and 1020-1420 mm. The actual elevation of the trench bottom at any point should not exceed the design one and may be less than it by up to 100 mm. 3.10. If the project provides for adding loose soil to the bottom of the trench, then the thickness of the leveling layer of loose soil is controlled with a probe lowered from the trench berm. The thickness of the leveling layer must be no less than the design thickness (tolerance for layer thickness is given in the table). 3.11. If the project provides for filling the pipeline with soft soil, then the thickness of the powder layer of the pipeline laid in the trench is controlled by a measuring ruler. The thickness of the powder layer must be at least 200 mm. It is allowed that the deviation of the layer thickness is within the limits specified in the table. 3.12. The marks of the reclaimed strip are controlled by geometric leveling. The actual elevation of the strip is determined at all points where the design elevation is indicated in the land reclamation project. The actual elevation must be no less than the design elevation and not exceed it by more than 100 mm.

Permits for the production of earthworks

Name of tolerances

Tolerance value (deviation), cm

Illustration of tolerance (deviation)



Half the width of the trench along the bottom in relation to the alignment axis
Deviation of marks when planning a strip for the operation of bucket wheel excavators
Deviation of trench bottom marks from the design:
when developing soil with earthmoving machines
when developing soil using the drill-and-blast method
The thickness of the bed of soft soil at the bottom of the trench
Thickness of the soft soil layer above the pipe (when subsequently backfilled with rocky or frozen soil)
3.15. In order to carry out the work comprehensively, it is necessary to control the shifting pace of trench development, which must correspond to the shifting pace of insulation and laying work. Development of a trench backfill is, as a rule, not allowed. 3.16. Acceptance of completed earthworks is carried out upon commissioning of the entire main pipeline. Acceptance of the pipeline is carried out by a special state commission in compliance with the general rules for the organization and acceptance of work, for the construction of earthworks and main pipelines. Upon delivery of completed projects, the construction organization (general contractor) is obliged to transfer to the customer all technical documentation, which must contain: working drawings with changes made to them (if any) and a document for registering the changes made; intermediate acts for hidden work; drawings of earthen and other structures made according to individual projects in difficult construction conditions; a list of deficiencies that do not interfere with the operation of the earthen structure, indicating the time frame for their elimination; list of permanent benchmarks, geodetic signs and route markings. The handover and acceptance of main pipelines, including excavation work, must be formalized by the relevant acts. The procedure for acceptance and delivery of completed work, as well as the preparation of documentation, must be carried out in accordance with the current rules for acceptance of work. For underground and above-ground installations, the entire pipeline must rest on the bottom of the trench or the bed of the embankment. The correctness of the foundation for the pipeline and its laying (bottom of the trench along the length, depth of laying, support of the pipeline along the entire length, quality of filling the bed from soft soil, etc.) must be checked by the construction organization and the customer on the basis of geodetic control before backfilling the pipeline with soil drawing up the relevant act. Particular attention should be paid when preparing the base (bed) for pipelines of large diameters, in particular 1420 mm, the acceptance of which should be carried out on the basis of leveling surveys along the entire length of the pipeline.

Appendix 6



Article 7. Land in the USSR is provided for the use of collective farms, state farms, other state agricultural, cooperative public enterprises, organizations and institutions; industrial, transport, other non-agricultural state, cooperative, public enterprises, organizations and institutions, citizens of the USSR. In cases provided for by the legislation of the USSR, land may be provided for use by other organizations and individuals. Article 9. Land is provided for indefinite or temporary use. Land use without a predetermined period is recognized as indefinite (permanent). The land occupied by collective farms is assigned to them for indefinite use. Temporary use of land can be short-term (up to three years) and long-term (from three to ten years). In case of production necessity, these terms can be extended for a period not exceeding, respectively, the terms of short-term or long-term temporary use. The legislation of the Union republics for certain types of land use may establish a longer period of long-term use, but not more than 25 years. Article 10. The provision of land plots for use is carried out in the order of allotment. The allocation of land plots is carried out on the basis of a resolution of the Council of Ministers of a union republic or the Council of Ministers of an autonomous republic or a decision of the Executive Committee of the relevant Council of People's Deputies in the manner established by the legislation of the USSR and union republics. Resolutions or decisions on the provision of land plots indicate the purpose for which they are allocated and the basic conditions for using the land. The provision of a land plot in use to another land user is made only after the withdrawal of this plot in the manner prescribed by Article 16 of these Fundamentals. Lands recognized in the prescribed manner as suitable for agricultural needs must first of all be provided to agricultural enterprises, organizations, and institutions. For the construction of industrial enterprises, residential facilities, railways and roads, power lines, main pipelines, as well as for other non-agricultural needs, non-agricultural land or unsuitable for agriculture, or agricultural land of poorer quality, is provided. The provision of land plots from the lands of the state forest fund for these purposes is carried out mainly at the expense of areas not covered with forest or areas occupied by shrubs and low-value plantings. The provision of land plots for development in areas where mineral deposits occur is carried out in agreement with the state mining supervision authorities. Power lines, communications and other communications are carried out mainly along roads, existing highways, etc. It is prohibited to begin using the provided land plot until the relevant land management organizations have established the boundaries of this plot in kind (on the ground) and issued a document certifying the right to use the land. The land use rights of collective farms, state farms and other land users are certified by state acts on the right to use land. The forms of acts are established by the Council of Ministers of the USSR. The procedure for registering temporary use of land is established by the legislation of the union republics. Article 11. Land users have the right and obligation to use land plots for the purposes for which they are provided. Depending on the intended purpose of each land plot provided for use, land users have the right, in the prescribed manner: to erect residential, industrial, cultural and other buildings and structures; sowing agricultural crops, planting forest, fruit, ornamental and other plantings; use hayfields, pastures, and other lands; use common mineral resources available on the land plot for the needs of the farm; peat and water bodies, as well as exploit other beneficial properties of the land. Losses caused to land users are subject to compensation. Violated rights of land users are subject to restoration in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the USSR and union republics. The rights of land users may be limited by law in the interests of the state, as well as in the interests of other land users. The use of land for the extraction of unearned income is prohibited. Land users are obliged to use the land rationally and effectively, treat it with care, and not commit actions on the land plots provided to them that violate the interests of neighboring land users. Enterprises, organizations and institutions developing deposits of minerals and peat, carrying out geological exploration, survey, construction and other work on agricultural lands or forest lands provided to them for use, are obliged, after the need for these lands has passed, at their own expense to bring them into a condition suitable for use in agriculture, forestry or fisheries, and when performing the specified work on other lands - into a state suitable for their intended use. Bringing land plots into a suitable condition is carried out during the work, and if this is not possible, after their completion within the time limits established by the authorities providing land plots for use, in accordance with projects approved in the established manner. Enterprises; organizations and institutions carrying out industrial or other construction, developing mineral deposits, as well as carrying out other work related to soil disturbance, are obliged to remove, store and apply fertile soil to reclaimed lands or unproductive lands. Enterprises, organizations and institutions developing deposits of minerals and peat, as well as carrying out other work that has a negative impact on agricultural, forest and other lands outside the land plots allocated for their use, are obliged to provide and implement measures to prevent or limit as much as possible these negative impacts. Article 16. The seizure of a land plot or part thereof for state or public needs is carried out on the basis of a resolution of the Council of Ministers of a union republic or the Council of Ministers of an autonomous republic, or a decision of the Executive Committee of the Relevant Council of People's Deputies in the manner established by the legislation of the USSR and union republics. The withdrawal of plots and lands used by collective farms, state farms, other agricultural enterprises, organizations and institutions from lands of cultural or scientific significance is allowed only in cases of special need. Confiscation of irrigated and drained lands, arable lands, land plots occupied by perennial fruit plantations and vineyards, cultivated pastures, as well as hayfields and pastures where work has been carried out to radically improve them for non-agricultural needs, lands occupied by water protection, protective and other forests of the first group , for use for purposes not related to forestry, is carried out in exceptional cases and only by resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Union Republic. The seizure of these lands in order to provide them for temporary short-term use for the construction of pipelines, power lines and other linear structures can be carried out, if necessary, on the basis of a resolution of the Council of Ministers of the autonomous republic or a decision of the executive committee of the regional, regional Council of People's Deputies. Enterprises, organizations and institutions interested in the seizure of land for non-agricultural needs are required, before the start of design work, to first agree with land users and bodies exercising state control over the use of land, the location of the facility and the approximate size of the area planned for seizure. Withdrawal of plots from lands used by collective farms can only be carried out with the consent of general meetings of collective farm members or meetings of authorized representatives, and from lands used by state farms, other state, cooperative, public enterprises, organizations, institutions of union or republican subordination - by agreement with land users and relevant ministries and departments of the USSR or union republics.


1. GOST Protection of Nature. Classification of disturbed lands for reclamation. 2. GOST Protection of Nature. Land reclamation. Terms and Definitions. 3. GOST Protection of Nature. Land reclamation. General requirements. 4. Fundamentals of land legislation of the USSR and union republics. Collection of normative acts on nature conservation. M., "Legal Literature", 1978. 5. Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of June 2, 1976 No. 407. On land reclamation, conservation and rational use of fertile soil layer in the development of mineral deposits and peat, geological exploration, construction and other works Collection of normative acts on nature conservation. M., "Legal Literature", 1978. 6. SNiP II-45-75. "Main pipelines. Design standards". 7. SNiP III-42-80. Main pipelines. Rules for production and acceptance of work. 8. SNiP III-1-76. Organization of construction production. 9. SNiP III-8-76. Earthworks. Rules for production and acceptance of work. 10. SN-452-73. Norms for land allocation for main pipelines. 11. SNiP III-4-80. Safety precautions in construction. 12. Safety rules for the construction of main steel pipelines. M., Nedra, 1972. 13. Instructions for the safe conduct of work in security zones of existing communications (VSN 159-83/Minneftegazstroy) - M., VNIIST, 1983. 14. Unified safety rules for blasting operations. M., Nedra, 1972. 15. Instructions for the performance of work during the construction of main pipelines. Earthworks (VSN 2-130-81/Minneftegazstroy). M., VNIIST, 1981. 16. Guide to methods for developing trenches at an accelerated pace. (R 285-77). M., VNIIST, 1977. 17. Recommendations for removing the fertile layer of soil in the production of mountainous soils; construction and other works. M., Kolos, 1973.

Reclamation consists of restoring land disturbed during road construction. The main types of reclamation work are: removal and storage of the fertile layer, land leveling, land drainage, application of the fertile layer, measures to prevent water and wind erosion.

On the transverse profiles of the right of way, a strip of permanent

allocation of land for the road and temporary road strip.

The permanent allotment strip for the road includes areas for embankments, excavations, drainage structures and shoulders 1 m wide on each side of the road. The near-road temporary allotment strip includes the area of ​​lateral reserves, areas under the temporary allotment of plant soil and roads. The width of the temporary allotment strip required for storage and storage of plant soil, passage and maneuvering of an earthmoving machine is assumed to be 10-12 m.

After completion of construction work, the temporarily occupied area must be leveled, and the vegetation layer from the temporary dumps must be evenly distributed over the restored area. If necessary, organic and mineral fertilizers are applied, plowing and harrowing of the soil is carried out with sowing of herbs or planting of seedlings.

4.5.3. Sources of air pollution

The main source of air pollution is cars and other types of transport.

Vehicle emissions, accounting for about half of atmospheric emissions of anthropogenic origin, are formed from engine emissions, wear products of mechanical parts, and road surface tires.

Factors that have an adverse effect on the human body include lead compounds contained in vehicle exhaust gases. Lead is found in atmospheric air almost exclusively in the form of inorganic compounds.

The amount of lead in human blood increases with its content in the air. This leads to a decrease in the activity of enzymes involved in oxygen saturation of the blood and, consequently, to disruption of metabolic processes in the body.

Atmospheric air pollution not only poses a threat to human health, but also causes great environmental damage. Toxic substances in the air poison animals, discolor the paint on the walls of houses and car bodies, and plants die under their influence. Therefore, it is necessary to know the concentration of harmful substances in the atmospheric air.

Maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances in the atmospheric air of populated areas.

To reduce the concentration of harmful substances in the air, the project provides for double-row planting of trees on both sides of the road.

Green spaces play an important role in air purification. Tree leaves absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. In 24 hours, an average-sized tree recovers as much oxygen as

required for three people to breathe.

Green spaces absorb not only carbon dioxide from the air, but also cleanse the atmosphere of carbon monoxide, reducing its concentration to natural - about 0.00001%.

Green spaces not only improve the microclimate, change the thermal regime, humidify and purify the air, enrich it with oxygen, kill pathogens, but also have a beneficial effect on people.

Planting not only reduces gas pollution, but also protects populated areas from noise.


Most of the world's population already lives surrounded by technogenic landscapes, which are also actively used for the needs of recreation and mass short-term tourism - the so-called suburban areas. Their characteristic altered biotic systems and complex engineering and technical structures create a constant living environment for people. But most technogenic landscapes in their current state are clearly unfavorable and even dangerous for human health. In addition, all technogenic landscapes, due to low biological productivity and specific biophysical and biochemical properties, form peculiar gaps and barriers along the paths of planetary migration of substances and energy. They distort the normal course of such fundamental processes occurring in the biosphere as the biological cycle of nitrogen, the gas regime of the atmosphere, etc., and reduce their intensity (3).

Their characteristic feature is the violation of the integrity and continuity of the “film of life” in the biosphere, up to the complete destruction of soil and plant covers as a result of human activity comparable in importance to geological processes. Among man-made landscapes, a special place in terms of their negative impact on natural complexes (and on human health) is occupied by the so-called industrial dumps. They are concentrated in the vicinity of most populated areas and all major cities (4).

The main task of research, experimental and production work on reclamation is to eliminate the harmful, polluting impact of these lands on adjacent territories, and restore their biological and socio-economic value.

Thus, land reclamation is understood as a set of works aimed at restoring the biological productivity and economic value of disturbed lands, as well as improving environmental conditions (3).

The purpose of this work is to describe the biological method of reclamation of disturbed lands.

To achieve the goal, the following tasks were set:

1. Reveal the essence of the land reclamation process and the requirements for it;

2. Consider the procedure for carrying out the biological stage of reclamation of lands disturbed during major and emergency repairs of oil pipelines;

3. Describe the technology of biological reclamation of disturbed lands in four combined zones: in the polar-tundra zone; in the forest-tundra northern and middle taiga zones; in the southern taiga forest and forest-steppe zones; in the steppe and dry steppe zones.

4. Compare known methods of reclamation and describe the Canadian method of biological reclamation of oil-contaminated lands.

Chapter 1 Reclamation of disturbed lands and requirements for it

1.1 The essence of the land reclamation process

Land reclamation is a set of works aimed at restoring the productivity and economic value of disturbed and contaminated lands, as well as improving environmental conditions (1).

Disturbed lands of all categories, as well as adjacent land plots that have completely or partially lost productivity as a result of the negative impact of disturbed lands, are subject to reclamation.

Land reclamation is an integral part of technological processes associated with land disturbance and should be carried out taking into account local soil and climatic conditions, the degree of damage and pollution, landscape and geochemical characteristics of disturbed lands, a specific site, and the requirements of the instructions.

Recultivated lands and the adjacent territory after completion of the entire complex of work should represent an optimally organized and ecologically balanced sustainable landscape (1).

In conducting research on the problem of biological reclamation, several stages are clearly distinguished. At the first stage (from 1959 to the end of the 1970s), methods for the biological reclamation of industrially disturbed lands were developed under economic contracts with industrial enterprises. The results of the research were recommendations that were used in the preparation of projects and the practical implementation of biological reclamation. As a rule, taking into account specific environmental conditions made it possible to significantly reduce the cost of design and practical work on the biological reclamation of the studied technogenic formations and even identify a group of areas that do not require biological reclamation. These are old dumps with good restoration of vegetation and soil cover (3).

When carrying out the biological stage of reclamation, the requirements for land reclamation in the areas of their use must be taken into account.

An important area of ​​research on industrially disturbed lands is the study of the dynamics of cenopopulations of cultivated species in phytocenoses created during biological reclamation, and the dominant species of plant communities that arose in the process of self-overgrowing.

The authors' research has shown that the formation of communities occurs according to the type of primary succession in an open, practically lifeless space, often in extreme edaphic (peculiar in chemical and physical properties) and microclimatic conditions. At the first stages of formation, strict ecotopic selection and intensive elimination of plants are carried out, especially in the phase of seedlings and shoots. Species that have advantages in any of the vital parameters have a higher potential for survival and the formation of a viable coenopopulation. Under these conditions, the process of niche differentiation plays a decisive role in the formation of plant communities (4).

1.2 Requirements for land reclamation for various uses

Requirements for land reclamation for agricultural purposes should include:

Formation of areas of disturbed land, convenient for use in terms of relief, size and shape, the surface layer of which should be composed of rocks suitable for biological reclamation;

Layout of disturbed land areas, ensuring the productive use of modern equipment for agricultural work and excluding the development of erosion processes and soil landslides;

Applying a fertile layer of soil to unsuitable rocks when preparing land for arable land;

The use of potentially fertile species with the implementation of special agrotechnical measures in the absence or insufficient fertile soil layer;

Carrying out repairs to reclaimed areas;

Carrying out intensive reclamation with the cultivation of annual, perennial cereals and legumes for the restoration and formation of the root layer and its enrichment with organic substances using special agrochemical, agrotechnical, agroforestry, engineering and anti-erosion measures;

Obtaining a conclusion from the agrochemical and sanitary-epidemiological services that there is no danger of plants carrying out substances toxic to humans and animals (1).

Requirements for land reclamation for forestry should include:

Creation of plantings for operational purposes, and, if necessary, forests for protective, water-regulating and recreational purposes;

Creation of a reclamation layer on the surface of slopes and dump berms from fine-earth non-toxic material favorable for forest growing;

Determination of the thickness and structure of the reclamation layer depending on the properties of rocks, the nature of the water regime and the type of forest plantations;

Layout of sites that does not allow the development of erosion processes and ensures the safe use of soil cultivating, forest planting and planting care machines;

Creation of forest plantations in unfavorable soil and ground conditions that perform reclamation functions;

Selection of tree and shrub plants in accordance with the classification of rocks, the nature of the hydrogeological regime and other environmental factors;

Organization of fire-fighting measures (1).

Requirements for land reclamation for water management should include:

Creation of reservoirs for various purposes in quarry excavations, trenches, deformed areas of mine fields;

Integrated use of reservoirs primarily for water supply, fish farming and recreational purposes, irrigation;

Construction of appropriate hydraulic structures necessary for flooding quarry excavations and maintaining the calculated water level in them;

Measures to prevent landslides and erosion of slopes of reservoirs;

Shielding of toxic rocks, beds and sides of reservoirs and layers prone to spontaneous combustion in the zone of variable level and above the water level;

Protection of the bottom and shores from possible filtration;

Measures to prevent acidic or alkaline groundwater from entering reservoirs and maintaining a favorable regime and composition of water in accordance with sanitary and hygienic standards;

Measures for landscaping and landscaping of slopes (1).

Requirements for land reclamation in the sanitary and hygienic direction should include:

The choice of means of conservation of disturbed lands depending on the condition, composition and properties of the constituent rocks, natural and climatic conditions, technical and economic indicators;

Coordination of all measures for technical and biological reclamation during conservation of disturbed lands with the sanitary and epidemiological service;

The use of binding materials to secure the surface of disturbed lands that do not have a negative impact on the environment and have sufficient water resistance and resistance to temperature fluctuations;

Application of a screening layer of soil from potentially fertile rocks on the surface of industrial dumps composed of substrate unsuitable for biological reclamation;

Carrying out reclamation works;

Conservation of sludge ponds, tailings ponds, ash dumps and other industrial dumps containing toxic substances in compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards;

Consolidation of industrial dumps by technical, biological or chemical methods (1).

Requirements for land reclamation for recreational purposes should include:

Vertical planning of the territory with a minimum amount of excavation work, preservation of existing or formed as a result of work, relief forms at the technical stage;

Ensuring soil stability during the construction of structures for recreation and sports;

The design, construction and operation of recreational areas of water bodies for organized mass recreation and swimming must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST and taking into account the requirements of standard (1).

Chapter 2 Biological reclamation of lands disturbed during major and emergency repairs of oil pipelines

2.1 Biological reclamation of lands disturbed during major repairs of oil pipelines

The general requirements for the reclamation of lands disturbed during major repairs of oil pipelines include the following:

During major repairs of oil pipelines, reclamation for agricultural, forestry and other purposes requiring restoration of soil fertility is carried out sequentially in two stages: technical and, if necessary, biological.

The technical stage includes planning, formation of slopes, removal and application of fertile soil layer, installation of hydraulic engineering and reclamation structures, as well as other work that creates the necessary conditions for the further use of reclaimed land for its intended purpose or for carrying out measures to restore soil fertility (biological stage) .

Norms for removing the fertile soil layer, potentially fertile layers and rocks (loess, loess-like and cover loams, etc.) are established during the design depending on the level of fertility of the disturbed soils, taking into account applications and corresponding guarantees from consumers for the use of potentially fertile layers and rocks. The removed top fertile soil layer is used for reclamation of disturbed lands or improvement of unproductive lands.

The biological stage includes a set of agrotechnical and phytomeliorative measures aimed at improving the agrophysical, agrochemical, biochemical and other properties of the soil. The biological stage is carried out after completion of the technical stage and consists of preparing the soil, applying fertilizers, selecting grasses and grass mixtures, sowing, and caring for crops.

The biological stage is aimed at fixing the surface layer of soil with the root system of plants, creating a closed grass stand and preventing the development of water and wind soil erosion on disturbed lands.

In order to specify reclamation methods, disturbance of soil and vegetation cover is grouped into five degrees:

1st - vegetation and soil cover are completely destroyed;

2nd - the vegetation cover is completely destroyed, and the soil layer is preserved on 50% of the area;

3rd - vegetation is destroyed on 50 - 80% of the area, the soil cover is preserved;

4th - vegetation is destroyed on 20 - 50% of the area, the soil cover is preserved;

5th - vegetation cover is destroyed on an area of ​​less than 20%, soil cover is preserved (2).

On reclaimed sections of routes, 3-4 types of disturbance are usually present simultaneously, and this circumstance must be taken into account when choosing methods for performing soil restoration work.

The types of grasses sown and their possible combinations must correspond to those recommended by the zonal agricultural system of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Herbs of local origin are more adapted to local soil and climatic conditions, and therefore are more resistant to adverse effects. The sown grasses must have the ability to quickly create a closed herbage and durable turf that is resistant to washout and grazing, and quickly grow back after mowing. Grass seeds intended for sowing must meet the requirements of the standard and be at least class II in terms of sowing qualities. Legume seeds should be scarified whenever possible. Before sowing, it is advisable to inoculate legume seeds and treat them with bacterial fertilizers (nitragin) (2).

Caked mineral fertilizers must be crushed and sifted through a sieve before being applied to the soil. In the case of pre-sowing application of fertilizers, they are mixed with seeds immediately before sowing. Ammonium sulfate and ammonium nitrate cannot be mixed, dispersed or incorporated into the soil at the same time as lime. It is advisable to apply superphosphate and potash fertilizers together with lime.

Before carrying out bioreclamation of disturbed lands on acidic soils, reclamation measures are first carried out, including soil liming. Doses of lime are established according to reference and regulatory documents in force in a specific soil and climatic zone. Depending on the dose of lime, the method of its incorporation into the soil is determined. When applying lime, it is necessary to distribute it evenly across the field; it is better to mix it with the entire arable layer of soil. This can be achieved by incorporating lime under cultivation. When applying lime superficially, the dose should be reduced to 1/2 - 1/5 of the full dose. Small doses of lime act on the process of normalizing soil acidity more effectively in the first year after application. For liming soils, it is recommended to use ground limestone (lime flour), calcareous tuff (key lime), and peat tuff.

In places where oil pipelines cross streams and ravines, the most appropriate method is to level the surface with a bulldozer after laying the oil pipeline or to level out the resulting unevenness. The leveling process should be combined with the formation of drainage earthen ridges and the creation of concrete drainage drains or ditches with a gradual slope and reinforcement with turf and other means, especially on slopes with a slope of more than 3 degrees. After leveling the area with a bulldozer, conditions are created that are quite sufficient for pre-sowing cultivation of the land, application of fertilizers and ameliorants.

On steep slopes and inaccessible areas, hydroseeding is most appropriate. If a hydraulic seeder is not available, it can be replaced by an all-terrain vehicle for fire extinguishing with water. In this case, the mixture of water and seeds must be stirred regularly (2).

Calculation of the required amount of seeds included in the grass mixture for reclamation is carried out using the formula:

X = Hx P / D (kg/ha), (1)

X - sowing rate of seeds included in the grass mixture, kg/ha;

H is the percentage of content of a given species in the mixture, %;

P - calculated sowing rate of conditioned seeds in their pure form, kg/ha;

D - economic suitability of seeds, % (2).

2.2 Reclamation of lands disturbed and contaminated during emergency repairs of oil pipelines

The process of reclamation of lands disturbed and contaminated during accidents on oil pipelines includes: removal of oil from the soil; land reclamation (technical and biological stage).

Reclamation of oil-contaminated lands is carried out in several stages, the timing of which must be indicated in the project. The timing and stages of reclamation are planned in accordance with the level of pollution, climatic conditions of a given natural zone and the state of the biogeocenosis (2).

There are two levels of pollution:

moderate pollution, which can be eliminated by activating self-purification processes using agricultural techniques (fertilization, surface treatment and deep loosening, etc.);

severe pollution, which can be eliminated by carrying out special measures that promote the creation of aerobic conditions and the activation of hydrocarbon-oxidizing processes.

In areas heavily contaminated with oil, to accelerate the process of oil biodegradation, biological preparations that have permission from government services for use can be introduced. The drugs should be used according to the instructions for their use and according to the technology agreed with the local authorities of the State Committee for Land Resources.

At the technical stage, oil weathering, evaporation and partial destruction of light fractions, photo-oxidation of oil components on the soil surface, restoration of microbiological communities, development of oil-oxidizing microorganisms, and partial restoration of the community of soil animals occur. Some of the components turn into solid products, which improves the water-air regime of the soil. Aeration and soil moisture significantly contribute to the intensification of these processes, reducing the concentration of oil and its more uniform dispersion (2).

The biological stage includes 2 stages - trial sowing of grasses and phytomeliorative with the application of mineral fertilizers and sowing of pollution-resistant perennial grasses. In case of moderate pollution, it is sufficient to carry out only the technical stage of reclamation with the expectation of self-cleaning of the soil. In the southern taiga forest and forest-steppe zones with heavy loamy soils, for which the danger of wind erosion is low, it is necessary to carry out loosening, mainly moldboard cultivation to a depth of 20 cm. These areas remain during the technical stage of reclamation in the form of fallow (arable land without sowing ). Where loosening may lead to erosion, in oil-contaminated areas surface treatment is carried out to a depth of 8 - 10 cm, leaving untreated strips 2 - 3 m wide across the slopes or directions of the prevailing winds.

During the technical stage, it is necessary to periodically moisten contaminated areas. This, first of all, concerns natural zones - steppe and dry steppe. In winter, snow retention is necessary in these areas. The completion time of the technical stage depends on the degree of pollution and climatic conditions

At the biological stage of reclamation, a test sowing of grasses is first carried out. The purpose of this event is to assess the residual phytotoxicity of the soil, intensify the processes of oil biodegradation and improve the agrophysical properties of the soil, and clarify the timing of the transition to the final stage of reclamation. Before trial sowing of grasses, plowing (to the depth of contamination), loosening and disking are carried out. Legumes cultivated in this area (peas, lupine, sweet clover, seradella, etc.) are sown in the prepared soil. Sowing and caring for crops are carried out using technology adopted for a given soil and climatic zone.

At the second stage of the biological stage, 1.5 - 2.5 years after contamination, perennial grasses are sown. It begins if the trial sowing of grasses has sprouted on at least 75% of the area. Before sowing perennial grasses, harrowing, application of mineral fertilizers, and soil cultivation are carried out. Fertilizer application is carried out with the aim of intensifying the vital activity of microbial communities in the soil and increasing plant biomass, which, in turn, helps to enhance the processes of restoring land fertility.

On soils with high natural acidity (pH< 6) после завершения технического этапа рекультивации следует провести известкование. Необходимо учитывать, что органические вещества и микроэлементы, содержащиеся в составе нефти, при определенной трансформации и снижении концентрации до 300 мг нефти на 1 кг почвы могут быть стимуляторами роста растений и пищевыми компонентами для почвенного биогеноценоза.

Perennial grasses are sown in prepared areas. The choice of grass species is carried out based on local soil and climatic conditions and recommendations of the zonal farming system of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

To control the restoration of land and the quality of the grown biomass, the same crops are simultaneously sown using a similar technology on a control (uncontaminated) plot in the buffer zone between the contaminated zone and lands used for economic purposes. If the overgrowth on the contaminated site is at least 75% of the land area compared to the overgrowth on the control site, then the reclamation work is considered completed and the site should be transferred to the landowner. It is not recommended to use the green mass of cultivated grasses for feed purposes after completion of reclamation. It is left on the reclaimed area and used as green manure fertilizer (after processing with disc glazes, the green mass is plowed) (2).

Let's consider a description of the technology for biological reclamation of disturbed lands in four combined zones: in the polar-tundra zone; in the forest-tundra northern and middle taiga zones; in the southern taiga forest and forest-steppe zones; in the steppe and dry steppe zones.

2.3 Biological remediation technology in the polar-tundra zone

If the disturbance of the soil and vegetation cover corresponds to grade 1 or 2, the surface can be leveled using a bulldozer using the cutting method. To fill large thermokarst formations and other low areas of the route, imported fine soil is used. Then the area is prepared for the upcoming filling with fertile soil layer or peat chips. To do this, it is necessary to plow the area to a depth of 20 - 30 cm and roll it with rollers weighing 150 - 200 kg. A fertile layer of soil or a peat-sand mixture is applied to the area prepared in this way in a uniform layer of at least 10 cm. It is advisable to first compost the peat crumbs with lime, and then prepare the peat-sand mixture (2).

Plowing and further tillage of the soil are carried out using small-sized tractors, using tooth-disc harrows, cultivators and zig-zag tooth harrows. In the top layer of soil, it should be crushed to granules (lumps) no larger than a corn grain, which is achieved by cross-cultivation with light harrows and rolling with rollers weighing 75 - 100 kg.

In case of disturbances of the soil and vegetation cover of the 3rd degree, leveling by cutting cannot be carried out in order to avoid the destruction of the remaining soil layer. First, the site is prepared for applying a fertile layer of soil (peat-sand mixture) and the work recommended for the reclamation of sites with 1 and 2 degrees of disturbance is carried out.

When carrying out reclamation work in areas with 4 and 5 degrees of disturbance, leveling is carried out only by adding a fertile layer or a peat-sand mixture. Pre-sowing treatment in this case comes down to cutting up the newly introduced soil and rolling it with rollers (75 - 100 kg). After pre-sowing preparation, areas with varying degrees of disturbance are practically in the same conditions, and further work is carried out according to the same principle.

Sowing or overseeding is best done in the fall, in September (pre-snow). Recommended plants are listed in the Appendix. Before sowing, insufficiently moist soils should be moistened to a depth of 10 cm. Sowing should be carried out in calm weather using seeders or manually. On long routes and slopes, hydroseeding or sowing using aircraft can be recommended. When sowing with seeders, seeds smaller than 1 mm should be sown in a mixture with dry sand in a ratio of 1:1 by volume. The seeds are planted to a depth of 0.5 - 1.0 cm. After sowing, the soil is rolled with rollers weighing 75 - 100 kg. On soils that form a crust, rolling is not performed. The seed sowing rate is 50 - 60 kg/ha. In areas with types 4 and 5 disturbances, it is necessary to sow seeds with a seeding rate of 20 to 50% of the full rate. In case of thinning of vegetation in reclaimed areas, additional reseeding is carried out.

After the snow melts, it is necessary, as the sown soil dries out, to carry out regular watering to moisten the soil to a depth of 20 cm. On average, water consumption is 20 - 30 cubic meters per 1 hectare. On hot sunny days, watering is done in the morning (before 10 a.m.) or in the evening (after 7 p.m.). Watering is carried out using sprinklers (2).

2.4 Technology of biological reclamation in the forest-tundra northern and middle taiga zones

Before reclamation of disturbed lands in these zones, reclamation measures are carried out: drainage of surface water, surface leveling and, if necessary, liming (pH< 6).

The procedure for preparing a site for sowing is determined by its size, configuration and steepness of the slope. The leveling is done with a bulldozer. After leveling, conditions are created that are sufficient for pre-sowing soil preparation and sowing. In these cases, the most acceptable is hydroseeding, which involves the selection of such mandatory components as fertilizers, mulching and stabilizing substances, which allows you to obtain grass with high anti-erosion qualities during the sowing season without first applying a fertile layer. Sowing can also be carried out using seeders of various modifications for sowing grass. Sowing is done in early spring, summer or autumn before winter.

When sowing in reclaimed areas and especially on slopes, taking into account washout and unfavorable conditions for germination, the seed sowing rate should be increased by 20%.

Sowing with a seeder is carried out along the plot, starting from the edge or middle. The first pass to maintain the straightness of the rows should be carried out along the hanging line. Hydroseeding of grasses is carried out using a hydroseeder. Pulp and paper production waste can be used as a mulching and stabilizing material: waste and sludge mass (2).

2.5 Biological remediation technology in the southern taiga forest and forest-steppe zones

Reclamation measures in these zones come down to cultural and technical ones: removing debris, stones, eliminating subsidence cracks and closed depressions, smoothing out uneven areas, etc.

Liming or gypsuming of soils is carried out in small areas at pH< 6. Подготовка участка к посеву сводится к тщательной обработке почвы. При возможности обрабатывают ее по типу полупара, чтобы вызвать массовое прорастание сорняков с тем, чтобы уничтожить их при последующих обработках. После планировки нарушенных земель на участках проводят, по мере необходимости, боронование, дискование, культивацию, прикатывание и посев. Перед предпосевной обработкой вносят удобрения в следующих дозах: органических 20 - 30 т/га, минеральных 50 - 60 кг/га (азота, фосфора, калия).

The sowing rates of grass seeds on disturbed lands are increased by one and a half times compared to usual ones. In two-species mixtures, the components of the grass mixture are taken in equal proportions, and the seeding rate of each component is reduced by 20 - 25% compared to single-species ones. In three-species mixtures, legume components occupy 30 - 40% of the total weight, cereals - 70 - 60%. In the case of hydroseeding and sowing on slopes, the sowing rate of seeds with hydraulic mixture increases by another 1.5 times. The main method of sowing is sowing with grain-grass seeders in a row method. On steep slopes and inaccessible areas, hydroseeding should be used (2).

2.6 Biological reclamation technology in the steppe and dry-steppe zones

A distinctive feature of the steppe and dry steppe zones is the insufficient moisture content of the territory and highly fertile soils. Both zones are well provided with heat. In these zones, solonetzic soils are common, requiring gypsum (to neutralize alkalinity and excess sodium). Increased alkaline reaction of the soil solution and excess sodium cause the formation of soil crust and reduce soil productivity. Therefore, excess alkalinity must be neutralized by gypsuming, i.e. chemical reclamation, in which alkaline salts are removed from the soil. Doses of gypsum are determined according to reference and regulatory documentation in force in the given territory.

When preparing the soil for sowing grass, special attention should be paid to preserving moisture in the soil, giving the surface layer a fine cloddy structure, and leveling the surface. This is achieved by leveling, processing with disc implements, harrowing and rolling.

The effectiveness of organic and mineral fertilizers in these arid zones is reduced due to low soil moisture, and increased doses can even have a negative effect on soil productivity. Therefore, in these zones the following doses of organic 30 - 40 t/ha and mineral 40 - 60 kg/ha fertilizers are recommended.

The seed sowing rate is similar to the sowing rate in the forest-steppe zone. Sowing of perennial grasses in this region is mainly done with a grain-grass seeder. Only on steep slopes (more than 10 degrees) is it necessary to use hydroseeding (2).

· surface planning;

· care of crops;

· monitoring the progress of reclamation (2).

Chapter 3 Canadian method of biological remediation of oil-contaminated lands

The methods of technical and biological land reclamation used in Russia have disadvantages that make them either ineffective or expensive.

In practice, the following methods are most often used:

1. Technical reclamation with backfilling with soil and sowing of grass - this method gives a cosmetic effect, since the oil remains in the soil. In addition, a large amount of excavation work is required.

2. Technical reclamation with removal of oil-contaminated soil to waste sites. The method is practically unrealistic from an economic point of view, since large volumes of oil-contaminated soil and the high cost of transportation and disposal of waste can cover the company’s profits many times over.

3. Filling with sorbent (peat) with subsequent transportation to waste sites. The disadvantages are the same as in the previous method.

4. Use of imported oil extraction units. The productivity of these installations is 2-6 m3 per day, which, with an installation cost of $150,000 and a staff of 3 people, makes it extremely ineffective. Foreign companies no longer use such installations and are trying to sell them in Russia, passing them off as the latest word in science and technology.

5. Use of microbiological preparations such as “putidoil” and the like. The drugs are active only on the surface, since contact with air is necessary, and in a humid environment at a relatively high temperature. It has proven itself very well in the summer remediation of the sea coasts of Kuwait, polluted during military operations. It is popular in Siberia due to its ease and low cost of use. Very good for reporting when there is no on-site verification of the result (5).

The authors recommend a Canadian method of soil reclamation, which is not sensitive to temperature, does not require transportation of soil and waste landfills, and does not require investment in special equipment and permanent technical personnel. The method is very flexible and allows modification using various materials, microbiological preparations, and fertilizers (5).

The method was conventionally called “greenhouse ridge”, because the method is based on microbiological oxidation with a natural increase in temperature - like a manure heap “burns”. The structure of the ridge is shown in Fig. 1.

Perforated plastic pipes are laid in a snake pattern on a 3-meter-wide soil cushion, which are then covered with a layer of gravel, crushed stone or expanded clay, or a Dornit-type material. Alternating layers of oil-contaminated soil and fertilizers are laid on this porous cushion like a sandwich. Manure, peat, sawdust, straw and mineral fertilizers are used as the latter; microbiological preparations can be added. The ridge is covered with plastic film, and air is supplied to the pipes from a compressor of appropriate power. The compressor can run either on fuel or on electricity - if there is a connection. Air is atomized in the porous pad and promotes rapid oxidation. Pipes can be reused many times. The film prevents cooling; If you supply heated air and additionally insulate the ridge with peat or “dornit”, then the method will be effective in winter. The oil oxidizes almost completely in 2 weeks, the residue is non-toxic and plants grow well on it. Efficient, economical, productive (5).

Rice. 1. Scheme for reclamation of oil-contaminated lands


Thus, land reclamation refers to a set of works aimed at restoring the biological productivity and economic value of disturbed lands, as well as improving the conditions of the natural environment.

Land plots during the period of biological reclamation for agricultural and forestry purposes must go through the stage of reclamation preparation, i.e. the biological stage must be carried out after the technical stage has been fully completed.

For the successful implementation of biological reclamation, it is important to study the floristic composition of emerging communities and the processes of restoration of phytodiversity on lands disturbed by industry, when soil and plant covers are catastrophically destroyed.

The biological stage of reclamation of oil-contaminated lands includes a complex of agrotechnical and phytomeliorative measures aimed at improving the agrophysical, agrochemical, biochemical and other properties of the soil. The biological stage consists of preparing the soil, applying fertilizers, selecting grasses and grass mixtures, sowing, and caring for crops. It is aimed at fixing the surface layer of soil with the root system of plants, creating a closed grass stand and preventing the development of water and wind soil erosion on disturbed lands.

Thus, the technological scheme (map) of work on the biological reclamation of disturbed and oil-contaminated lands includes:

· surface planning;

· application of chemical ameliorant, organic and mineral fertilizers, bacterial preparation;

· moldboard or non-moldboard plowing, flat-cut processing;

· peeling with a disk harrow or disk huller;

· mole, crevice with mole;

· burrowing, intermittent furrowing;

· snow retention and melt water retention;

· pre-sowing soil preparation;

· heaping of heavily contaminated soil with the installation of air vents;

· distribution of soil from mounds over the surface of the site;

· sowing seeds of phytomeliorative plants;

· care of crops;

· monitoring the progress of reclamation.

The Canadian method of soil reclamation is recommended, which is not sensitive to temperature, does not require transportation of soil and waste landfills, and does not require investment in special equipment and permanent technical personnel. The method is very flexible and allows modification using various materials, microbiological preparations, and fertilizers. The method was conventionally called “greenhouse ridge”, because the method is based on microbiological oxidation with a natural increase in temperature.

List of used literature

1.GOST Protection of Nature. Earth. General requirements for land reclamation.

2. Instructions for the reclamation of lands disturbed and contaminated during emergency and major repairs of oil pipelines dated February 6, 1997 N RD 39-00147105-006-97.

3. Chibrik T.S. Fundamentals of biological reclamation: Textbook. allowance. Ekaterinburg: Ural Publishing House. Univ., 2002. 172 p.

4. Chibrik T.S., Lukina N.V., Glazyrina M.A. Characteristics of the flora of industrially disturbed lands of the Urals: Textbook. allowance. – Ekaterinburg: Ural Publishing House. Univ., 2004. 160 p.

5. Internet resource:

1. Polar-tundra, forest-tundra, northern taiga, middle taiga zone:

Cereals: soddy pike, reddish northern lily, Fischer's dupontia, purple reed grass, ground reed grass, red fescue, alpine leaftail, viviparous bluegrass, Holm's reed grass.

Sedges: round sedge, angustifolia cotton grass, Scheichzer's cotton grass, reddish cotton grass, Arctic Siberian sedge, erect sedge.

Forbs: crowded groundsel, arctic sorrel, drooping saxifrage, Heperborean buttercup, confused horned grass, dark-headed three-fin grass, northern blueweed, creeping carnation, double-pinnate tansy, sea armeria, ceremonial chickweed, Laxman's knotweed, meadow geranium, faithful cat's foot.

2. Southern taiga forest and forest-steppe zone

Grass mixtures: meadow fescue, meadow timothy, red clover; meadow timothy, meadow fescue, awnless brome, red clover; hedgehog grass, meadow fescue, red clover; fibrous regneria, blue-hybrid alfalfa or white sweet clover; meadow timothy, meadow foxtail, blue hybrid alfalfa; awnless brome, blue wheatgrass, blue-hybrid alfalfa; awnless brome, rootless wheatgrass, sandy sainfoin.

3. Steppe and dry steppe zone

Forbs: wheatgrass, bromeless brome, yellow and yellow-hybrid alfalfa, sainfoin, rhizomatous wheatgrass, Siberian hair grass, sweet clover, regneria.

Grass mixtures: comb wheatgrass, sandy sainfoin; awnless brome, sandy sainfoin or yellow hybrid alfalfa.