How to borrow money against a receipt from a private person? How to lend, and how to repay the debt? Legal tips and tricks How to borrow money from a friend

If you urgently need money, you can ask for a loan from relatives and friends. Of course, you won’t be able to borrow a lot, and not every loved one has free funds, but it’s still better to ask than to be tormented by doubts. If the amount is large enough, then it can be done with several people. Thus, the chance of being rejected will be much lower, since the amount will not be very large. The advantage of such a loan is that you will not have to pay interest. However, the debts will need to be repaid on time, otherwise the relationship will be damaged and it will be very difficult to restore them.

Bank loan

If relatives and friends refuse to help, then you can try at the bank. However, in this case, you will need to collect a lot of documents and leave your property as collateral. It is important to remember that banks may refuse a loan if a person has a bad credit history. A huge disadvantage of relations with a bank is the high interest rate on the loan. You will also need to pay a certain amount monthly; late payment is punishable by a fine.


When you urgently need money and a loan was refused, you should contact a pawnshop. However, in this case, you will need to mortgage your property and jewelry. The downside of such a loan is the huge interest rates and the high risk of losing the collateral. But this method of obtaining the required amount also has advantages. Thus, the pawnshop is completely uninterested in the borrower’s credit history; money can be obtained very quickly and a minimum of documents is required.

Credit unions

Credit unions are ready to issue funds for almost any purpose: treatment, training, purchase of household appliances, etc. The collateral for the loan can be a car, real estate, or furniture. Credit unions have several advantages over banks. They treat borrowers more humanely. So, in the event of a delay in payment on a loan, the borrower only needs to inform the reason for it, so that penalties will not be applied to him for a certain period. It can be a week, in some cases 1.5 months.

Loan at work

If a person is appreciated at work, then he may well turn to the director with a request to give him a loan against his salary. Of course, he will have to sign some documents, but in this case he will not have to pay interest, and the debt will be repaid quickly, it will simply be deducted from his salary.
    • Method 1. Ask
    • Method 2. Take a microloan
    • Method 3. Get a loan from a bank
    • Method 4. Pawn or sell jewelry to a pawnshop
    • Method 5. Sell valuables
    • Method 6. Rent out your home
    • Method 7. Find a job
    • Method 8. Donation
    • Method 9. Recycling materials
    • Method 10. Win
    • Method 11. Get your money back
  • 2. Where to get money if all banks and microloans refuse - where can you borrow money urgently?
    • Exit No. 1. Loan from a private investor
    • Exit No. 2. Ask for a loan on the Internet
  • 3. Conclusion

Today in our lives, any event is somehow connected with money. Or rather, with their presence or absence. Even if you don't go anywhere or buy anything, you still need a minimum amount of money: rent, electricity, even the water in your tap cost money. A lot in our lives depends on them. Therefore, every person, with any level of income, sooner or later asks the question: “Where can I get money?”

Therefore, in this article we will consider the following questions:

  • Where can I get money urgently right now?
  • Where can I get money for free or for free?
  • Where can I get money if all banks and microloans refuse?

We would like to warn you that this article is not intended for lazy representatives of humanity, who, instead of doing something, lie and scold life, fate, the government and hope that money can be obtained for free, free of charge, and in other ways.

We won’t go into details about why you urgently need money now, why you need money right now and here. Be it a purchase (thing) that you found cheaper (at a discount), or you were unexpectedly invited to a holiday ( birthday, anniversary And etc..), or your pet urgently needs to be taken to the veterinarian, the reason can be any, the consequence is one - you urgently need money here and now. Everyone needs them, always and everywhere.

1. Where to get money for free (for free) - 11 ways to quickly find money

Let's take a closer look at the main ways you can get money without working in a short period of time.

Method 1. Ask

Remember the saying: " Don't have ( 100 ) one hundred rubles, but have ( 100 ) hundred friends"? This is our case. You can ask friends and acquaintances, ideally if they are rich and you can give not exactly on time, but when possible. Or don’t give it at all, dig up their garden beds at the dacha or help with repairs. It’s worse if friends also look for money from time to time. You will have to give the money, otherwise your friendly relations will deteriorate.

The most difficult moment in this situation is that few people like the idea of ​​borrowing money from someone; be prepared to receive more than one refusal. Therefore, it is better to ask several people for a small amount than to ask one for a large amount. It is better to do this in person, since it is much easier to refuse over the phone than by looking into your eyes. The story of what money is for should be very convincing - no one will give money for an unimportant case.

Relatives can also help with money, if they are close, then for a long time, or even completely. If you are not very close, the option is the same as with poor friends. Plus is the complete absence of interest and clear deadlines. If you cannot pay by the specified date, you can ask to push the date back, without penalties, commissions or penalties. If you behave correctly - apologize, don’t disappear, talk honestly about your problems, you can not only not give for a long time, but also ask a little more.

Method 2. Take a microloan

If you have few friends, relatives are far away, and your pride does not allow you to ask, you can go to a bank or a special organization and get a microloan. Let's take a closer look at what it is, what advantages microloans have, and what advice we will give you when using microloans.

Microloans – a quick way to get the required amount.

Now progress has reached every home, so you don’t even have to go, you can just submit an application via the Internet. A microloan gives you the opportunity not to waste your time on filling out all sorts of certificates, but to receive money right away. If you have an urgent question - where can you borrow money urgently, then microloans are the most suitable way out of your situation.

Let's take a closer look at why more and more people are turning to this type of loan and what advantages it has over all others.

13 advantages of microloans:

Features and advantages of microloans:

  1. maximum loan amount 50 thousand rubles;
  2. To get one, you just need a passport, you don’t need to prepare certificates from your place of residence, place of work, etc.;
  3. no guarantors are needed, even the most seedy bank will require you to bring at least one guarantor. This is not necessary here - there is no need to involve someone you know in your affairs, hence the following advantage:
  4. anonymity. Only you and the manager will know about the receipt of funds;
  5. the organization issuing microloans is not interested in your credit history;
  6. bonuses for regular customers;
  7. the maximum period for which a loan is provided is usually 12 months;
  8. you can take out a microloan without having a job;
  9. the application is processed in a few minutes, after approval you can immediately receive money;
  10. To get a loan, you don’t have to leave your home at all – the application is completed online. Just go to the company’s website, enter your data in the form, and indicate a valid phone number. Select the loan amount and repayment period. Managers will contact you, perhaps ask you to scan your passport, and tell you about the conditions for receiving it;
  11. money is transferred to your bank card;
  12. possibility of early repayment without commissions. Any time you have money, you can repay the loan; no commission is charged;
  13. Interest is calculated for the actual number of days of use of the funds.

If you decide to take out a microloan, take into account a few more points:

  • Please note that they will give you money at a higher interest rate than in a bank;
  • When filling out an application via the Internet, you register and enter your personal data, thus there is a possibility of falling into the hands of scammers. It is better to call a microfinance organization to clarify its reliability;
  • If you receive money not at the cash desk, but on a card, there may be a delay in the transaction due to fault or due to the bank’s operating conditions. You will start paying interest for use before you have received the money;
  • Payments must be made on time; late fees are very high. If it is not possible to pay the full amount, you need to pay the accrued interest by notifying the manager of the loan issuing organization;
  • Don't borrow more than you need. Remember the popular saying: “ You take someone else's for a while, you give yours forever».

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Let's look at some examples of where you can get money by finding a job:

  • Handmade. You can make good money by selling hand-made soap, casting a candle, or knitting socks or mittens. You can sell fake beads, cross-stitched icons, and homemade souvenirs. You can paint oil paintings, and you don’t have to doubt your talent, you’re just painting in the style of expressionism. But here we need PR. You can make nesting dolls. Handmade work is valued much more than factory work.
  • Distribute flyers, or promotional offers, or advertising brochures. The payment is minimal, does not require much effort, payment is made on the spot. You stand there, silently handing out. Always a penny in your pocket. Cheap and cheerful.
  • You can clean apartments. We look for an ad, we call, we come, we clean. Full cleaning of an apartment is paid very decently. The cost depends on the population of your city, the volume of cleaned premises, and the quality of the work done. You receive money immediately on the spot, and if the owners like how you handled the tasks, there is a high probability of getting this job again. (Read also - how to make money quickly in)
  • You can get a job as a furniture assembler. The pay is decent, we look up recommendations and precise instructions on the Internet and get to work.
  • If you are not an engineer and do not have a certain specialty, then you can simply take out construction waste, bring in building materials, lift furniture to the floor, mow lawns, in general, do hard work.
  • You can find advertisements for care for plants, fish, cats, dogs while their owners are away.
  • Remote work as a manager- accepting orders, registering requests, calling with offers to potential clients. Registration of ordered goods. Sales and resale in online stores. You can buy on foreign websites and sell on our websites.
  • If you own any musical instrument, you can perform works in public places. It's sad if it's a piano. But you can try using a synthesizer. Earnings depend on the flow of people, your charisma and a little on the quality of performance.
  • Many people earn good incomes participating in election campaigning and election commissions. The earnings are decent, but infrequent.
  • Joint shopping can be arranged. Find a site that sells goods wholesale. You invite the required number of people online to buy this product. You act as an intermediary and take a small commission. The commission fee should be such that it is cheaper to buy from you than elsewhere

Earning money on the Internet

If you work on the global network, then your work schedule and working conditions are chosen personally by you and personally for you. You don’t have to think about what to wear, how not to be late for work, how to improve relationships with colleagues. More time left for family.

Examples of how you can make money on the Internet:

  1. The process is labor-intensive, but worthwhile. Brings good income to the owner.
  2. If you can’t create a website yourself, you can go to the survey site, register and answer surveys. For each completed survey you will receive a coin, albeit a small one.
  3. Perform very simple tasks. Basically it comes down to leaving a comment and liking it. The pay is poor, but still...
  4. If you are a wizard of the pen and a master of style, if there is grain in a bag, you are able to find gold, this job is for you. The better your literary style, the more payment you can get.
  5. (on so-called referrals). This is a passive, but very promising way to receive funds. Of course, not very much and not very quickly. This is a good method when you have another job. You do your job, and the income from your referrals grows. The difficulty is that on other people's sites the income is much less than on your own. But if you have your own website and you can promote it, you will receive excellent income.
  6. It is believed that this is one of the most effective and productive ways to make money on the Internet. You can believe in this, since even in economic news you can often hear about it. Many people working there were able to improve their lives, but it is not as easy as it seems. Here you can’t do without preliminary training and step-by-step instructions. You need an analytical mind, the ability to calculate the situation several steps ahead. Another important point is that you need to invest money there initially. At least a hundred dollars. " To make money you need money" is the company's motto. But Forex is a completely legal and official business. (Where you can invest money so that it generates income, read)
  7. Earnings on cryptocurrencies. This is a new industry that is changing our lives, but what is much more important for the average person is that not in any other industry you can make so much money. We bring to your attention, earning virtual and real money.

And there are many many more variations and ways to earn money, you can find them in the sections of our website. The main thing is the desire to work and earn money, regardless of the chosen option.

In addition to these methods, Andrey Merkulov in his video answers the question - is it really possible to make money on the Internet without investment. This video will answer this “eternal” question.

Thank you for watching the video, and we think that our course will allow you to make money, especially since you get it for free.

Method 8. Donation

Let's be honest, this is a bit of a dubious way to get money for free. Of course, you can sell a kidney, but it is not quick and not without damage to your body. It is necessary to take tests, select a candidate with whom she will live, look for brave doctors, since this is prohibited in our country. But going abroad is expensive, we are just looking for money, not a way to spend it.

There is an option to donate blood- You need to look hard for where they pay decently for donating blood. Mostly they pay pennies, or even take it for free, on an altruistic basis. You can take it once a month, more is harmful.

You can sell your hair - if you have it, of course, strong, long, undyed hair will pay well at a hairdresser. And then grow them again for several years.

The only well-paid way to donate is to donate sperm. The main thing here is to find where to sell it at a more expensive price, and fifty-one percent of the population does not have it. There is no more personal one.

It is a dangerous way to allow scientific or medical testing to be carried out on your body. This is a risk, but there are also such extreme types of people in our country.

There is also surrogacy, but it is prohibited in our country.

It’s not scary at all, but it’s very rare to work as a model. The main thing here is to find an artist who will paint your body, or on your body for money.

Method 9. Recycling materials

Of course, you immediately thought that this meant collecting bottles. In principle, you should not discard this method, and some representatives raise good money. They even call it a business!

But seriously, the following are subject to collection:

  • waste paper, starting from his apartment, where one hundred percent there are deposits of old magazines, newspaper files, little books that are unlikely to ever become antique. For example, modern detective stories, just to keep your eyes occupied, low-grade romance novels bought because of their beautiful design. Yes, even near the mailboxes in the entrance you can make good money. The main thing is not to relax, where you see it and take it away, do not refuse free promotional materials and printed publications.
  • glass. Broken glass, whole glass, cans, bottles, glass from construction waste. It is important to find where to put it before delivery.
  • plastic. Like all the above materials, we collect and hand over.
  • scrap metal. Of course, by selling scrap non-ferrous metals, aluminum, copper, lead, and tin, you can earn good amounts of money. But they are quite rare. It's just scrap metal, it's much easier to find, but they pay less for it. And again you need to put it somewhere.

You've probably come across materials collection points. And it will not be a secret to you that these small receivers also rent them out somewhere and also earn money. But they rent more and get more money. Why don’t you organize your own collection point and start earning money not by collecting materials, but by providing intermediary services. Great business!

Method 10. Win

If you believe in your luck, then lotteries are in your hands! Maybe you believe in conspiracies, magical rituals and know how to use them. Now there are so many different lotteries, just choose! But seriously, any gambling will sooner or later lead to loss of money.

Casino, roulette, horse racing, sports betting…. Financial pyramids: invest money and invite as many of your friends as possible! It very rarely makes a profit. Mainly loss and neurosis, and the eye is already twitching.

If you have already decided to make money on your winnings, then you need to organize your own brokerage company and earn money on commissions - skim off the cream of the money won and lost. But it is very difficult to find a legal way. You need to either negotiate with the authorities or go underground on the Internet. (Read also - and sweepstakes)

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Unfortunately, there are situations in life when there is a catastrophic lack of personal funds, but there is no desire or opportunity to burden yourself with bank loans. Therefore, it will be easier for almost everyone to turn to friends and acquaintances for help who can provide the necessary financial support. However, in this situation, a completely pressing question arises: how to borrow money and then return it legally? Below, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the scheme for registering a receipt, as well as with the subtleties that you need to know about before lending funds. So, let's figure out how to properly lend money and get it back.

Features of drawing up a receipt

In that case, if the loan amount is more than a thousand rubles, then in accordance with the legislative framework, a receipt in writing will be required. At the time of issuing the receipt, it is additionally recommended to write down all the terms of the loan and the specifics of the return of funds. Only in this way will it be possible to resolve any controversial issue that may arise between the parties - the lender and the debtor.

In order to claim full repayment of the debt, it is necessary to approach the execution of the receipt with full responsibility. If the document contains incorrect information or conditions, the money may not be refunded. For example, in the receipt it is very important to indicate the amount of borrowing not only in numbers, but also in writing. In addition, it is necessary to indicate the exact date of return of funds, register the borrower’s passport details, as well as his actual place of residence. You can also indicate how it would be preferable to receive your funds back - in cash or by bank transfer.

Interest on the use of funds

It is important that a private individual has every right to lend funds at a certain interest rate in the same way as banking and credit institutions do (in accordance with Article 809 of the Civil Code). Moreover, any loan issued that is above 375,000 rubles by default can be provided at 10% per annum, but only if the lender has not specified other conditions in the receipt.

It is very important to understand that if the debtor decides to repay the funds in full ahead of schedule, then he has the right to partially pay the interest. For example, if money is lent for a year at 10% interest, and the borrower returns the funds six months later, then in this case he has the right to pay only 5% of the overpayment. This will be a fair payment for both the borrower and the lender.

Penalties for late repayment of debt

In addition to interest, the lender may also charge penalties for late payment of the debt, but only if such a requirement is specified in the receipt. As a rule, this will be an important incentive for the borrower to repay the debt and interest on time.

The amount of penalties may be fixed. For example, the document states that if the debtor fails to pay the debt on time and in full, he will be obliged to pay penalties. Or you can formulate the conditions in a completely different way: after the debt repayment period, the interest on the use of funds will be doubled. You can also add that the fee for using borrowed funds from the established date will be one percent for each day.

In accordance with current legislation, the lender has every right to go to court immediately the next day after the delay occurs, and without personally notifying the borrower of this intention.

If the debt repayment period was not specified in the document, then, according to Article 810 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the funds must be returned to the lender within 30 days after the initial demand. In order to prove to the court that the demand was nevertheless sent, it is recommended to send a registered letter directly to the debtor.

Please note that an application can be sent to the court in two ways: by letter or in person by submitting it to the court office. This document is drawn up in three copies, one of which the lender must keep for himself, the second is handed over to the court, and the third is handed over to the debtor. Moreover, each copy must have a copy of the receipt. The original receipt should be retained for presentation in court. Another additional, but important document that will need to be provided is a receipt confirming payment of the state duty.

If the lender lends an amount of more than 150,000 rubles, then in addition to the receipt, you will additionally need to draw up a loan agreement. However, the threshold of 150,000 thousand is not regulated at the legislative level; this figure was taken based on their analysis of judicial practice.

  1. Money must be lent only if a receipt is issued, and in some situations, a loan agreement must be concluded.
  2. Directly on the territory of the Russian Federation, loans from individuals are issued exclusively in national currency.
  3. If a loan agreement is concluded for large amounts, it is necessary to require property security, collateral or guarantors.
  4. It is imperative to specify the terms for repayment of the debt as accurately as possible.

We have reviewed the basic recommendations and requirements for drawing up a receipt and a loan agreement (in the case of issuing a large amount). Now, the main task of the lender is to approach this issue with full responsibility, evaluate and analyze all the details and nuances of the situation. Only in this way can you protect both yourself and the debtor from the occurrence of unforeseen or force majeure circumstances.

Everyone’s attitude towards money and debt is different, so you need to take this factor into account before approaching a specific person with a request. Remember a very important rule: even if the borrowed amount is negligible, hurry to return it as soon as possible so as not to spoil the impression of your personality.

If the conversation is about a fairly large amount (for you or for the lender), but it is absolutely necessary to receive it, you will have to prepare a little for the conversation. This will allow you to decide how much and from whom you will borrow. Borrowing 1,000 rubles from 10 friends can be easier than borrowing 10,000 rubles from just one.

After this, be sure to call your potential lender and arrange a meeting, since the person may simply have no time to listen to you without a prior agreement. But you shouldn’t ask for money over the phone; in person you have a better chance of getting a positive answer.

During a conversation, it is better to express your request, avoiding the particle “not”. The way the human brain works is that when asked “Could you...?” It's easier to say no. If you are asked about the reason for the loan, it is better not to mention your own health. Even insurance agents refuse to cooperate with a sick person, but there is a debt, and without any guarantees on your part. Just don’t lie, because that’s why they are acquaintances; sooner or later they will find out about your insincerity: whether they see it themselves or hear from others, their attitude towards you will be spoiled.

If you are asked to sign a document

It happens that even your closest friends ask you to sign a receipt for a loan. In fact, there is nothing wrong with this, the main thing is to compose it correctly in order to avoid double interpretations. When drawing up a debt receipt, pay attention to the following points:

The loan document is usually drawn up in one copy, which remains with the lender;
- the receipt must include the passport details of both parties to the loan agreement, information about the timing of repayment, the date the receipt was issued and the amount of debt, the address of actual residence and the personal signature of the borrower;
- the receipt does not need to be confirmed by witnesses (but if desired, everything can be notarized);
- when paying off the debt amount, the borrower has the right to require his/her receipt before transferring the money, and may also ask the lender to sign a document confirming receipt of the entire amount due and no claims.

Considering these rules, you will not only successfully obtain the necessary loan, but will also be protected from possible problems with repayment of funds.

Everyone’s attitude towards debt is different - some constantly take out loans and, through this, solve current problems, without bothering with trying to save their own funds; for some, even a couple of thousand borrowed from a neighbor is a problem. And some people don’t lend money on principle, believing that they need to live within their means. However, life makes its own adjustments to any plans, and there may be a time in everyone’s life when the need to ask someone to borrow money will be inevitable.

Someone will object that in our time of bank lending, there seems to be no need to “run” around neighbors or acquaintances with requests for borrowing. However, this situation can be looked at from the other side - not all Russians can apply for a bank loan, even if they need little money. The main obstacle is a damaged credit history; especially many such documents were replenished with records of the unreliability of borrowers during the crisis, when jobs were being cut and salaries were being cut. Actually, there can be many reasons, and here the question arises - how to borrow so that your potential lender does not refuse you?

Who can I borrow from?

First of all, it is worth saying that it is best to ask for such a favor from someone who knows you closely - friends, relatives with whom you maintain relationships, neighbors with whom you communicate closely. A person with whom communication has so far been limited only to greetings will most likely simply refuse and be right. Also, you should not contact those whom you know for sure that they do not lend money on principle - never to anyone. There are a lot of such people and trying to borrow from them, even for a very good reason, is simply useless. So, you have chosen who to contact - now you need to seize the moment when this person is in a good mood. Believe me, you shouldn’t ask your neighbor for a loan if five minutes ago he was telling you how he just paid a fine to a traffic cop, or from your sister, to whom your son showed a diary with a bad mark. And one more thing - no matter how close the person from whom you intend to borrow is, be prepared for the fact that he may ask you to write.

A little trick

If you doubt that they will lend you the required amount, ask for a little more than you actually need. Need five thousand? Feel free to ask for ten, and when your potential lender starts to resist, “lower the bar” to seven, explaining that you will borrow three more elsewhere. When your interlocutor begins to clearly have doubts, agree to five thousand (the same ones that you needed initially), citing the fact that you “really need the money.” Another option is to immediately state, along with the request to borrow money, that you needed a lot more, but you have already found the rest of the amount, and it’s just these five thousand that are missing. Actually, there are many ways to “put pressure” on a creditor, although most of them require at least some psychological skills. The only thing you shouldn’t do is be boring, regularly go asking for favors, even if you have already been refused, convey to this person information about how bad your life is and how much you need this money. Maybe the lender really can’t stand it and will lend you a certain amount, but you’re unlikely to approach him anymore.

If it was not possible to return the money on time

It also happens that you are unable to return the money within the deadline announced to your lender. The main thing in this case is not to try to hide or abruptly “cut off contacts”, otherwise you will simply ruin your relationship with this person and your reputation among your acquaintances forever. The simplest solution would be to immediately go and “apologize” for not being able to return the money on time. However, if you are not sure about the exact return date, it is better to admit it honestly. If possible, offer your creditor something as compensation for the delay; usually such “gestures of goodwill” are always received positively.