Roots with alternating dir der examples. Alternating vowels in word roots. Stress-dependent alternation

The topic of alternating vowels in roots causes confusion among schoolchildren. To remember all the alternations, you need to cram the rules, remember the exceptions, and do the exercises regularly.

In this article you will learn spelling rules, find exercises for alternating vowels in the root and answers to them.

Vowel alternation

In general, the letters also alternate. One morpheme can appear with different letters.

Vowel alternation is a feature of some roots that changes the vowel depending on certain factors. In other words, two words with the same root can have different vowels. For example, the word zag A r has the letter "A" at the root, and the word zag O say the letter "O".

This seems incomprehensible to schoolchildren. It seems that the words have the same root, but the roots are different... If you don’t want to get confused and make mistakes in exercises on roots with alternation, then read on to our article.

History of Alternating Roots

Where alternation came from in the Russian language is not entirely clear. It is believed that the tradition of the language appeared first, that is, the habit of writing that developed over the years. For a long time, people wrote the way they liked, so words with the same root had different vowels. When linguists decided to streamline the language and subject spelling to rules, the alternating roots had to be left as they were used to seeing them.

Philologists constantly discover roots that they did not know before. The base of exercises on roots with alternating vowels, which students have to solve, is also being updated.

There are several factors that influence the spelling of alternating letters:

  1. consonant following an alternating vowel;
  2. accent;
  3. suffix;
  4. semantic meaning.

Spelling of vowels A-O: adjacent consonant

The alternation of "A" and "O" depends on all four factors. You need to remember which roots depend on which indicator.

The following roots depend on the adjacent consonant: lag-lozh, skak-skoch, rast-rasch-ros.

After “G”, “K”, “ST” and “SH” write the letter “A” at the root. After "F", "CH" put the letter "O" at the root.

For example: location ah to be located - to be located cool to be assumed ah at - assume cool it (but gender og), sk ak at - sun very good it. (but sk ah ok, sk ah y), p A sti - nar A to grow - to grow O merger (but p O drain, negative A sl, R O stov, r O stockman)

Spelling vowels A-O: stress, suffix

From accents six roots depend, alternating: plav-pilaf, zar-zor, pay-poy, gore-gar, clone-clan and tvor-tvar.

In an unstressed position in the roots -pl A v-, -z A p-, -p A th - write the letter "A".

For example: s O rka - z A rya, prip O th - p A yka, pl A vat (but s O roar, pl O vec, pl O sneeze).

In unstressed position in roots -r O r-, -tv O r- and -cl O n- put the letter "O":

For example: zag A r - zag O roar, TV A ry - TV O rhenium, cl A bother - bow O thread (but bulge A rki, prig A ry, utv A ry).

The roots kas-kos, lag-lozh depend on the suffix . If there is a suffix “A” after the root, then write the letter “A” at the root.

For example: to A With A to be - to O dream, exc. O live - forever A appropriately .

Spelling vowels A-O: root meaning

Only two roots depend on the semantic meaning: equal-even and mak-mok. In meaning, they are more likely to be different roots than two variants of the same root. However, they are considered roots with alternating vowels.

Root p A vn is used in the meaning “to equalize, to become equal.”

For example: ur A heed the rights, wed A attentive analysis.

Root p O vn is used in the meaning “to level, to make even.”

For example: other O heed (bangs), cf O get down to earth, p O vesnik Exceptions: p A vnina (r O obvious), p A opinion (become p O obviously).

Root -m A k- is used in the sense of “dipping into liquid.”

For example: prom A swipe with a napkin, m A drop cookies into tea.

Root m O k means “to let liquid through.”

For example: prom O beat to the bone, deputy O Wash your shirt before washing.

Vowel alternation A-O

Try to test your knowledge by solving exercises with answers to alternating roots.

Fill in the missing letters:

1) Put(_)a pin, put(_)naively, express(_)thoughts correctly, put(_)the toys in their place, accidentally fell(_)fell, don’t touch(_)hands, lay down( _) commitments are made, sit (_) on the sofa, contact (_) connection, cash (_) payment, Cathedral Street (_) location, offer (_) help; the famous pl(_)chikha, steel is smelted, pl(_)weight of the ship; old boots are wet (_) washed, wet (_) hands with a napkin, wet (_) to the skin;

2) R(_)involvement in the rows, dis(_)remove the concrete, compare(_)introduce two variants of the root, uncompared(_)attentive judgments, remove(_)remove the tan, increase the level(_)of life, p( _) pay attention to the best students, ur (_) to pay attention to the pit, picturesque river (_) valleys; thick pores, congenital fusion of fingers, become weeds, pores grow as thick grass, modern branch of production, increased styles of strength.

Answers to exercises on alternating “A” and “O” in the root of a word:

1) Mean O lived a pin, naively gender A hey, that's correct A full of thoughts, floor O put the toys in place, accidentally O I woke up and didn't wake up A site by hand, cash A obligations are located A hang out on the couch, idiot O dream, cash O wife payment, Sobornoe st. O proposal, proposal A they are asking for help; famous square O sneeze, out A steel, pl A registration of the vessel; old prom boots O cabins, prom A wipe your hands with a napkin, prom O beat to the bone;

2) P A opinion in the ranks, size O listen to concrete, wed A understand two variants of the root, not A attentive judgments O take on the tan, increase your level O vein of life, p A pay attention to the best students, ur O listen to the pit, picturesque p A vnina; thick pores O sl, congenital sr A stretching fingers, charging A become a weed, then A thick grass, modern reflection A sl production, nar A styles of strength.

Alternating vowels e-i: spelling rules

Spelling is determined using one indicator - the suffix "A". If there is this suffix after the root, then we put the letter “I”. If there is no suffix, then we write the letter "E".

It is necessary to memorize the roots in which such alternation occurs. Namely: ber-bir, der-dir, mer-mir, per-pir, ter-tir, shine-blist, zheg-zhig, steal-steel, even-cheat.

For example: zab e ret - forget And R A yes, come e rushing - coming And R A yes, deputy e rli - deputy And R A no, zap e r - zap And R A yes, no e rsya - you And R A yes, bl e stit - bl And st A oh yeah e g - vyzh And G A ut, post e pour - dist And l A subtract e t - calc And T A t.

Exceptions: op. e T A t, op e T A tion.

Vowel alternation E-I

Test yourself by solving exercises with roots alternating “E” and “I”.

1. The glass is blowing, the stars are melting, mushrooms are gathering, toys are falling, dying with laughter, dying from admiration, otp(_) open the door, open the gate, wipe the face, wipe the dust, pull out the tape, pull out the teeth; flex(_) muscles, wag(_) tail, remember(_) about household chores, pronounce spell(_)nations.

Glass bl e stit, stars bl And melt, mushrooms And paradise, personal e root toys, mind And heaven with laughter, deputy e r from admiration, ot e break the door, otp And the gates are opening, e rub your face, prot And they're throwing up dust e rip off the tape, yep And teeth are rotting; size And hiring muscle And tail wagging And they nag about household chores, pronounce the vow And knowledge.

And another exercise on spelling roots with alternating E and I:

2. Ripping through old clothes, crawling across the road, sleeping in the sun, freezing up in fear, locking myself in a room, harmonious commotion, exhaustion (_)to pick up from the table, to (_)to pick up the scotch tape, to (_)pick cherries, to die of laughter, dying out(_)looking, unlock(_)to pick up the castle, election campaign, pull out(_)wounded T-shirts, pick(_)up clothes, pull out(_)a tooth, apply pressure(_)to a wound, wipe(_)dust, come(_)find typos, get(_)struggling undertaking( _) mothering.

Pereb e we recycle old clothes And barks across the road, bl e sleep in the sun, deputy e I was crying out of fear, e hanging out in the room, harmonious op. e dancing, exhausting e get off the table, sd And take the tape, fuck And pick cherries, mind And laugh with laughter, you And paradise view, otp And army castle, hut And ral campaign, exhibition And early t-shirts, linen e decide clothes, vyd e they pull a tooth, press it And open the wound, get out And dig up the dust, come e rushes to typos, busy And swearing predprin And swearing.

And the last exercise on alternating vowels in the root of a word (“A” and “O”, “E” and “I”):

1. R(_)stislav Ivanovich over(_) ate the fish he caught in the morning. Its scales glowed brightly in the sun.

2. An election campaign was held in R(_)st-on-Don. Soon the residents of the Republic will go to elect deputies.

3. We are dying with impatience to see the brilliant performance of this actress.

4. Hearing the steps, everyone first froze in fear, and then immediately rushed out into the street, without even locking the door.

5. After moving into the apartment we bought, we had to sort through old things, sweep (_) the floor and wipe away centuries-old dust.

Perform more root exercises in alternation, so you will remember them better. Orally or even in writing, group roots according to characteristics when doing homework. This will help you remember spelling rules.

Learn the theory, don’t forget about practice, and success awaits you!

The root is the basis of the word, carrying the main lexical load. It is the most stable morpheme in the language: the basic vocabulary of any natural language dates back to ancient times. During the existence of a language, phonetics, syntax, grammar, and writing may change beyond recognition, but the root system is quite conservative. And it is by the root composition that such things as the relationship of languages, foreign influences and much more are established.

With all its stability the root of the word also undergoes changes over time, and traces of these changes are present in the language; The Russian language is no exception here. Below we will talk about such a phenomenon as alternating vowels in the root of a word. In science, this phenomenon is called ablaut.

In Russian, ablaut is a historical phenomenon. There are quite a lot of words with him. And if we are dealing with an unstressed alternating vowel of the root, then we cannot use the school rule, according to which the vowel must be stressed in order to find out which one to write. It is even more difficult for people learning Russian as a foreign language, because in many cases that are obvious to a native speaker (that is, there is no unstressed vowel at the root, there is an accent), a foreigner has to remember a non-standard model of word formation or inflection.

Origin of alternating vowels in the root of a word

Where the roots with ablaut come from in the Russian language is a vast topic and deserves a separate article. The reasons for this phenomenon will be summarized below. But I would like to note that the process continues: it currently exists in phonetics, despite the fact that the spelling norms of the Russian language have long been fixed.

So, where does the Russian language have alternating vowels at the root of words?

Sometimes several factors worked together, for example, in words X reap, reap, reaper, P pressing t Such diversity is fundamentally a consequence of both the disappearance of nasal sounds and the decline of reduced ones.

Spelling roots with alternating vowels

Be that as it may, in the Russian language there are about thirty words with ablaut, where native speakers themselves make mistakes. Those people who read a lot have the least problems with spelling: the graphic image of a word is not separated from the word itself, and therefore they do not need to know the rules. For the rest, we will try to create a summary table, where we will try to classify the types of alternation at the root and their spelling. The table is also useful because it will help in spelling precisely unstressed vowels at the root.

selection criterionrule and examplesexceptionsnotes and special cases
suffix behind the roote/i. If the root is followed by the suffix -a-, then we write and at the root. In other cases - e. take - take away, die - die, wash - erase, anneal - burn, unlock - unlock cover - lay wash - rub shine - shine, read - read combine, couple, rub badass take away, lock
a(i)/im, a(i)/in. If after the root there is a suffix -a-, in the root we write -im-, -in-. In other cases we write a. squeeze - compress, reap; understand - understand bunnies, bunnies(folklore terms relating to harvest) pulp, squeeze sometimes alternate with zero sound: reaper
-kas-, -kos-, -lag-, -false-. If the root is followed by the suffix -a-, we write a, otherwise - o. touch - touch, believe put canopy, prologue
emphasis-gar, -gor-, tvar-, -tvor-, plav-, plov-, -clan-, -clone-. -a- under stress, o without stress. bow - dodge, tan - burn, swim - swimmer, create - creature.-zar-, -zor-. Accented o, unaccented a dawn - dawn utensils, swimmer, as well as words where the emphasis is on: bow, shutter glow, glow in the root -plav-, -pilaf- can be alternating with s: swim, quicksand.
letter after vowel-growth-, -ras-, -growth-. Before -st- and -sh- it is written a, before -s- o grow, grown, grown-jump-, -jump-. and before -k-, o before -h- jump - jump out sprout, growth, moneylender, teenager, industry, grove jump, jump, jump, jump
lexical meaning-mac-, -mok-. We write a in the meaning of “immerse in liquid”, o in the meaning of “pass liquid through” dunk - get wet-equal-, -equal-. We write a in the meaning of “identical”, o in the meaning of “straight” equality, even, equation, trim -speckled-, -crop-. We write about in the meaning of “to sprinkle”, and in the meaning of “to cover with small spots” to sprinkle - speckled plain, equal!, equally, level, equal, peer
verb suffixo/a. in some imperfective verbs with the suffix of repetition of action -ыва-, -iva- the root o changes to a talk - persuade ask - beg soak - soak trample - trample you should not check an unstressed vowel on a verb with the suffixes -yva-, -iva-

Roots with alternating o- A can be divided into three groups: 1) roots, in which you should remember which vowel letter is written in an unstressed position; 2) roots, in which the choice is about or A depends on the next consonant; 3) roots, in which the choice is about or A depends on the meaning of the word.

1. The first group (you should remember which vowel letter is written in an unstressed position) includes roots gar-/gor-, clone-/clan-, creative-/tvar-, zar-/zor-, plav-/plov-.

Roots Rule


mountains-/gar- The letter is written without accent O(emphasis - A): burn, tanned, burning, fireproof, fire victim; tan, fumes

Soot, scorch, fumes

clone-/clan- The letter is written without accent O inclination, bow down,declination; bow, bow
creature-/creative The letter is written without accent O(under stress is the vowel that is heard): create, creator, creation, transform; creativity, creature


zar-/zor- In unstressed position it is written A(under stress is the vowel that is heard): dawn, lightning, illuminate; glow, dawn


ppav-/pilaf In an unstressed position it is written about: floating, float, fin

Swimmer, female swimmer, quicksand(specialist.)

2. To the second group (choice O or A depends on the consonant letter preceded by the root vowel) roots include lag-/lozh-, skak-/skoch-, grow-(rasch-)/ros, kas-/kos(n)-.

Roots Rule
-lag-/-false- Before G is written A, before and- O: to present, to propose,term, adjective; lay out, propose, lay out, put


jump-/jump- Before To is written A , before h- O : gallop, gallop, at a gallop; jump in, upstart, jump up

Jump, I'm jumping

-grow-(grow-) 1 -grew- Before cm And sch is written A , before s - O: grow, grown, age, plant; grew, algae,

shoot, grown

Rostock, moneylender, Rostov, Rostislav, industry(as well as derivatives from these words): sprout, moneylender, industry and etc.

kas-/kos(n)- It is written O , if followed by a consonant k, in other cases - A: touch, tangent, touch; touch, touch

3. The third group includes roots -mac-, -mok-, -equal-,-level-, i.e., in which the choice O or A depends on the meaning of the word.


Root meanings Exceptions

-mac-, -mok-

Root -poppy- written in words meaning “immerse, lower into liquid”: dip the brush into the paint. Words with root -mok- have the meaning “to let through, absorb liquid, become wet, moist”: waterproof fabric, get wet in the rain.



Root-equal- has the meaning “identical, equal, the same, on a par”: to equalize values, equal conditions, to catch up with those in front. Root-roen- is written in words meaning “flat, straight, smooth”: level the road, level the lawn, level the ground Plain, equally, peer, level

4. When selecting words with the same root with alternations words with other meanings that have V roots similar sound combinations: burn- tan, but: mountain, mountain; impose- impose, But: lodgeka, camp; mow- tangent, But: bonfire, cascade etc.

Spelling of roots is included in the Unified State Examination in the Russian language for grade 11 (task 8).

Algorithm for checking the spelling of roots

  1. Check if the root is alternating. If it is, check according to the rule.
  2. If the root is not alternating, try to find a test word. If a test word is found, the letter is tested.
  3. If the test word was not found, the letter is untestable.

Spelling of alternating roots

The spelling of alternating roots can depend on many factors: stress, the presence of a suffix, the meaning of the word, etc.

Alternating vowels O and A in the root

Alternating roots Rule Examples Exceptions
-GOR-/-GAR- Without accent always -GOR- G O howl Vyg A rivers
Prig A ry
-ZOR-/-ZAR- Without accent always -ZAR- Z A rya Z O roar
-CLONE-/-CLAN- Without accent always -CLONE- Knuckle O a thread -
-TVOR-/-TVAR- Always without emphasis -TVOR- TV O rhenium Approved A ry
-PLOV-/-PLAV- Without accent always -PLAV- Pople A wok Pl O vec
Pl O sneeze
Pl O vtsy
-KOS-/-KAS- If after the root there is a suffix -A-, then -KAS- TO O dream
TO A With A tion
-EVEN-/-EVEN- If the word means “even, smooth”, then -EVEN-
If the word means “equal, identical”, then -EQUAL-
Ur A opinion
Subdr. O heed
R A vnina
Por O vnu
Ur O ven
R A get into the ranks
-MOK-/-MAK- If the word means “wet, absorbed liquid”, then -MOK-
If the word means “still dry, immerse in liquid”, then -MAK-
Exchange A whip
You m O whip
Prom O rolling paper
-ROS-/-RAST-/-RASH- The root -ROS- letter O
In the roots -RAST-, -RASH- the letter A
R A wailing
Vyr A whelped
Vyr O if
R O drain
R O stov
R O stislav
R O stockman
P O teenage
Negative A sl
On the rise O st
-LOG-/-LAG- At the root -LOZH- the letter O
At the root -LAG is the letter A
Floor A go away
Floor O live
Floor O G
-SKOCH-/-SKACK- The root -SKOCH- is the letter O
At the root -SKAK- the letter A
Sk A roll
Sun O read
Sk A choke
Sk A chu
Sk A chi

Alternating vowels E and I in the root

The alternation of vowels E and I in roots depends on the presence of the suffix -A- after the root: if there is a suffix, then I is written, otherwise E is written.

Alternating roots Rule Examples Exceptions
-BER-/-BIR- Ub e RU
Ub And R A t

If after the root there is a suffix -A-, then the root contains I

Zap e R
Zap And R A t

If after the root there is a suffix -A-, then the root contains I

Vyd e ripped
Vyd And R A t

If after the root there is a suffix -A-, then the root contains I

You are t e R
You are t And R A t

If after the root there is a suffix -A-, then the root contains I

Not to be confused with the word put up, the vowel of which is verifiable (peace).

Deputy e R
Deputy And R A t

If after the root there is a suffix -A-, then the root contains I

St e pour
Dist And l A t

If after the root there is a suffix -A-, then the root contains I

Bl e weave
Bl And st A t

If after the root there is a suffix -A-, then the root contains I

Calculation e T
Calculation And T A t
Op. e thief
Op. e tanning

If after the root there is a suffix -A-, then the root contains I

Vyzh e G
Vyzh And G A t

Spelling of checked vowels/consonants in the root

If a vowel or consonant is a verifiable letter in the root, then there is a word with the same root in which the vowel is under stress and the consonant is before the vowel.

  • Sche...matic – test word schema => schematic
  • To cheer up - the test word is cheerfulness => to cheer up
  • Happy – test word happiness => happy
  • Fragile - test word frail => fragile
  • Ice hole - test word cut through => ice hole
  • Dangerous – test word dangerous => dangerous

Spelling of unchecked vowels/consonants in the root

Unverifiable vowels and root consonants should be checked in a dictionary and memorized the correct spelling.

This information, of course, is for reference only and helps to understand the causes of the phenomenon. However, you are naturally concerned about another problem: how to correctly write words that contain alternating sounds. Moreover, the main difficulties relate to unstressed vowels.

Pay attention to the expressions “alternating sounds” and “roots with alternating vowels.” Do you feel the difference?

The difference is that we are moving from a phonetic phenomenon to spelling; it is important for us to be able to write letters in the roots of words, where the sounds [e] and [i], [a] and [o] alternate.

Remember in what positions these vowels can be found?

In a strong position - under stress, in a weak position - in an unstressed position.

Why is it difficult to write vowels in weak position?

Vowels are heard less clearly and unclearly.

What vowel is this - verifiable, unverifiable, alternating?

If it is alternating, then the usual rule for checking vowels through a stressed sound cannot be applied to it and there is no need to select test words.

What are the conditions for writing vowels in roots with alternation?

To write roots with alternation, you need to find out which vowels alternate and in which root.

We have a choice: write the letters “e” or “i”, “a” or “o”.

The type of root depends 1) on the suffix -a- following the root; 2) from the place of stress in the word; 3) from the consonant at the root of the word; 4) from the meaning.

Let's start with the most common case. The spellings e–i in verb roots. The condition for writing and is the suffix -a- after the root.

There are two groups of such roots:

in one group, the vowels are always in an unstressed position (elect - I’ll choose, you’ll choose, choose; lock - lock, lock);

in the other - vowels are either unstressed or stressed (spread - spread - spread; wipe - wipe - rubbed).

We reason like this: to find fault.. to find fault - a root with alternation, an unstressed vowel, it cannot be checked, there is a suffix -a-, which means I write the letter “and” - to find fault; prid..rus - a root with alternation, an unstressed vowel, it cannot be checked, there is no suffix -a-, I write the letter “e” - I’ll find fault.

Most often, you can make a mistake in words with the roots -blist-blest-, -zhig-zheg-, -steel-steel-.

For example, bl..steep in the snow, bl..sleep in the distance, shining snow, glimmers of fire - there is no suffix -a-, write the letter “e” (glitter, sparkle, brilliant, flashes), and in these words “and”: b..become, b..stately, b..becoming.

Another example: light the candles, lost ignition, ignition system - everywhere there is a suffix -a-, so write the letter “and” - light, lighter, ignition. Words without the suffix -a- have the letter “e”: burned the inscription, lit the light, lit a fire, burned a hole, burned the letters.

Remember about nouns with the letter “o”: unpleasant heartburn, barn burning, hand burn, underburning of a brick.

And finally, the combination of the letters of the root and the suffix gives “names”: IRA, ISTA, IGA, ILA, ITA (collect, shine, burn, spread, read; after the root -lag- the suffix -a- follows, the combination AGA is obtained (to add ), no AHA – I write “o” (addition).

And now let’s turn to the root -kas-kos-, there are few words with this root, the vowels a-o in them are always unstressed. Some words do not have prefixes: tangent, touch, touch - touch. They need to be distinguished from similar words with tested vowels: scythe, haymaking, mowing, mower, slope, pigtail, roe deer (deer), sidelong glance, mow.

Most of all, the words with the prefixes pri-, so- are in doubt: touch – touch, touch; touch – come into contact, contact.

We mention the root -lag-lozh- twice. And that's why. You can use two conditions for the correct choice of a vowel: the suffix -a- and the consonants “g” and “zh”.

Just don’t confuse this root with other verifiable roots: false, lie, complex, pretext, moisture, noble!

I would especially like to highlight a group of words with the combinations -a(ya)-im(in)-: remind, conjure, crush, understand, listen, attentive, remove, lift, raise. These combinations are difficult to recognize and remember. But how often they meet!

Pay attention to the exception words!

The spelling depends on the suffix –a-











combine, combination, phrase, couple (pair)

KasA - if there is a suf after the root.

A- touch;

Kos- if there is no suf.-a-


LagA - if there is a suf after the root. -A-


False - if there is no suf. -a- offer

exceptions: canopy



written after the suffix -a- compress-compress, remove-remove,



Let's consider another type of roots with alternating vowels a-o.

Let us repeat: you cannot check the stress of an unstressed vowel in the root -gor- (“a” is written only under stress: intoxication, carbon monoxide, tan, soot, cinder, razgar - there are few such words).

There is no point in looking for the suffix -a- after the root. But even if you find it, know that it does not affect the choice of the letter “a” (burn, burn, burn).

The root -gar-gor- is widespread in verbs and words formed from the verb: burn, combustion, burn, flared up, combustion, combustible, tanned, burners (game). The meaning of such words is associated with fire, flame, sunlight.

Distinguish this root from similar twin words: hillock, under the mountain, grief, grieve!

In the root -zar-zor- “a” is written in an unstressed position: dawn, glow, robin (songbird with a bright breast - see photo!), robin, lightning, lightning, lightning, illuminate, illumination, illumination, illuminated, illuminated (in the stressed position less often: glow, radiant). The vowel “o” is written under stress (zorka, zoryushka, zorenka, zori).

The words “robin” and “dawn” cause controversy. Here we rely on the meaning of the word: a bird like a robin is a robin, and the reflections of lightning are a robin.

Don't forget about exception words!

Spelling depends on stress location

tan, burnt

exceptions: fumes, dross, scorch

under stress the letter we hear, without stress -a

dawn, lightning

exceptions: zorevat (not sleeping at dawn), zoryanka (lightning flashes)



under the accent the letter that we hear, without the stress o: bow, bow, creativity, creature, creator

exceptions: utensils

Swimmer, swimmer

We have already talked about the root -lag-false. It's time to deal with the root -grow-grow-grow-.

It is written in verbs and in all words formed from them: grow, grow, grow, plant, age, increase, fusion, increment, nurtured.

Growth - is found in verbs and past participles: grew, grew, grew up, grew up, grew up, grew up, grew up, grew up, grew up (and also in nouns: undergrowth, algae, thickets).

Similar-sounding words need to be distinguished: melt (melt and prefix dis-), painting (root and prefix ro-), dew (dew), lose (lose and prefix dis-), luxurious (luxury)!

You simply must learn the exception words!

The most difficult and confusing type of roots is based on the lexical meaning of the word.

And again, don't forget about exceptions!

Writing depends on meaning

Poppy - immerse in liquid: dip, dunk, dip

Mok - let liquid through: get wet, get wet, waterproof raincoat

exceptions: blotting paper, blotter

Equal, equal, the same can be weight, age: uniform, equivalent, compare, equalize, equal, equal, equal, equal, all the same, equal

Everything that is straight and smooth is called even: level, level, level, level, level, level

exceptions: plain, equal, peer, equally, level

The table compiled by the students summarizes data on those roots whose spelling follows particular patterns.

The spelling of the root depends

from the suffix –a-

from the point of impact

from consonant

from the meaning



Mer- world-


Ter - tira-

Shine - shine -

Burn - burn -

Stele – style-

Chet - read-

exceptions: combine, combination

tan, burnt


fumes, soot, scorch


grown, plant

exceptions: sprout, industry, growth, moneylender, Rostov, Rostislav, adolescent, teenage

Mac- immerse in liquid:


Mok - let liquid through: soak,


blotting paper, blotter

Kasa - if there is a suf after the root.

A- touch;

Kos - if there is no suf.

A- touch

Laga - if after the root there is a suf.-a-


False - if there is no suf.-a- sentence

exceptions: canopy


under the accent the letter we hear, without the accent -a

dawn, lightning


to dawn,

Zoryanka (lightning flashes)


before -k- we will write

And, before -h- we’ll write -o jump, jump out

exceptions: jump, gallop

Equal, weight, age can be the same


they call everything straight, smooth: level, level;


plain, equal,

same age, equal, level

A(i)-im(in)- combinations -im(in)-

written after the suffix -a- compress-compress, remove-remove



under the stress is the letter that we hear, without the stress o: bow, bow, creativity, creator;

exception: utensils

Float - vowel stressed and unstressed: float, floating, float

Swimmer, swimmer

exceptions: quicksand, floating ground (float)

before -g- we will write -a, before -z- we will write –o attach, attach

exceptions: canopy

Training tasks

Fill in the missing letters and explain the spelling:

The days were unbearably hot, hot, but in the small oak forest there was a life-giving freshness. The glossy leaves of the plants are fresh, as if they have just been dipped in shiny wax. Whole families of mushrooms grow in abundance on peaty soil. A hare jumped out of the thicket to the edge of the forest and slowly began to make its way from tree to tree. And ahead lay a plain. The sun's rays touched the treetops.

But here it is evening. Soon the moon will rise, illuminate the entire surrounding area with a mysterious light, and the stars will light up in the sky. And the great mystery of the night will begin.

The letter "i" is written in the word:

a) rest, freeze, die, die, pick up, fucking sleep;

b) burn, to tear, to, to remove, to pour;

c) freezing, scorching, brilliant, cauterizing.

The letter "e" is written in the word:

a) read a book, rise..toss, bl..steep, spread, subtract..t;

b) collect, wipe, wipe, die, die, erase, lock;

c) marriage, arranged, locked, strayed, became, chosen.

The letter "a" is written in the word:

a) wash out in the rain, wash out all the ink, sleepy, sunburnt, dirty, wet..mush;

b) jump..chock, speed up..kal, touch..sit, melt..sweep, bewilder, m..dump a dumpling;

c) urgently, reacted, rashly, rushed, all right, in vain.

The letter "o" is written in the word:

a) bend..bow, bow..beetle, pl..wunets, pl..sneeze, pl..buchy, jealousy;

b) approve, warm, brighten, balance, balance;

c) resist, create, strengthen, follow, straighten paths, bend.

Insert the missing letters and complete the row with your word:

collect, remove, separate, ...

freeze..freeze, die..die, freeze..freeze, …

touch..dream, k..fell, tangent, ...

tan..burnt, scorched..burned, burnt...

in vain, in vain, in vain, in vain, ...

R..stislav, growing up, growing up, ...