Acceptance tests. Acceptance testing program and methodology. Electronic products GOST acceptance rules for preliminary testing

(GOST 16504-81, GOST R 54783-2011)

1. Preliminary – testing of prototypes of products in order to determine the possibility of their presentation for acceptance testing.

2. Acceptance tests - tests of prototypes, carried out accordingly in order to decide the feasibility of putting these products into production.

3. Periodic - tests of manufactured products, carried out in the volumes and within the time limits established by the regulatory and technical documentation, in order to control the stability of product quality and the possibility of continuing its production.

4. Qualification - tests of the installation series or the first industrial batch, carried out to assess the readiness of the enterprise to produce products of this type in a given volume.

5. Typical - tests of manufactured products, carried out to assess the effectiveness and feasibility of changes made to the design, recipe or technological process.

6. Certification – tests of products carried out to establish compliance of the characteristics of its properties with national and (or) international regulatory documents.

7. Testing of foreign equipment in order to determine whether it fits into the technology and complex of machines for the production of agricultural crops and compliance with domestic requirements for purpose indicators.

8. Testing of petroleum products to determine the quality of fuels and lubricants used in the agricultural sector.

9. Inspections of new agricultural machinery of domestic and foreign production under real operating conditions in order to check the quality of workmanship and technical reliability by inspection and questioning of service personnel and technical workers.

List of documentation required for testing a prototype
(GOST R 54784-2011; GOST 28305-89)

Operating documentation provided with the machine:

1. Technical description and operating instructions (operating manual)

2. Passport or draft passport (if available).

3. Catalog of parts and assembly units (if available)

4. For machines using pesticides and mineral fertilizers:

5. “Safety rules for storage, transportation and use of pesticides in agriculture.

Operational documents for construction, content, presentation and design must comply with GOST 2.601-2013, GOST 27388-87.

List of documentation additionally (if necessary) provided with the machine

1. Technical specifications or ND replacing it.

2. Draft technical conditions (specifications - if available).

3. Protocol of preliminary (factory) tests.

4. List of changes made to the design of the machine compared to the previously tested sample(s).

5. A set of assembly drawings and its components (assemblies).

a. assembly – electric, hydraulic and pneumatic;

b. fundamental – technological, kinematic, electrical.

7. Micrometer maps of the main wear parts (at the request of the testing organization).

8. Draft factory selling price, limit, parity price at the time of testing.

9. Draft temporary annual standards for the consumption of spare parts.

10. List of tools and equipment for maintenance.

Shipping documentation submitted along with the machine:

1. Picking list.

2. Packing sheets (sheet).

List of documentation required for testing a serial sample (OST 10 2.1-97; GOST 28305-89)

1. Passport.

2. Technical conditions.

3. Technical description and instructions for operation, maintenance, installation, start-up, adjustment and running-in of the product at the site of its use in accordance with GOST 27388.

4. Measures to eliminate deficiencies previously identified during testing and operational inspection.

5. List of structural and technological changes, drawings of modified assembly units and parts with an explanatory note.

6. Draft factory selling price, limit, parity price of the product at the time of testing.

At the request of the testing organization, the enterprise that submitted the product for testing must provide a catalog of parts and assembly units in accordance with GOST 2.602, drawings for any parts.

List of documentation required for the Certification Body:

1. Declaration-application for product certification in the GOST certification system (Appendix 1).

2. Technical specifications for manufacturing.

3. Operating manual (instructions).

4. List of documentation required for certification tests:

5. Decision of the Certification Body on the declaration-application for certification of products (machine) (Appendix 2).

6. Certificate of sampling for certification tests (selection is made in accordance with GOST 18321 and the rules of the “Agricultural Equipment Certification System”) (Appendix 3).

7. Technical specifications for manufacturing.

8. Operating manual (instructions).

9. Passport for the car.

10. List of changes made to the design of the machine and to the design and operational documentation, in comparison with the previously tested sample(s) and (or) during the testing process.

In recent years, the issue of acceptance testing has become very acute. Many believe that standards in our country are used on a voluntary basis, and the Technical Regulations do not provide direct indications of the need for acceptance tests. There are also such judgments: why invest extra money if you still need to issue a certificate. Or: permission to use may not be obtained, acceptance tests are also an unnecessary procedure, etc.

Let's try to figure it out.

Technical regulations

Since mid-February 2013, the long-awaited document came into force: “On the safety of machinery and equipment” TR TS 010/2011. It contains direct instructions to guarantee safety during design work and subsequent production. That is, the conversation is about the need to determine and establish the acceptable risk for the machine and/or equipment. In this case, the level of security must be ensured:

  • a set of calculations and tests that are based on proven methodological developments;
  • completeness of development and research work;
  • the manufacture of the machine and/or equipment must be accompanied by tests specified in the attached design (project) documentation.

That is, it is clear that both the design organization and the manufacturer are obliged to test the object. They are provided for in the design documentation and must be implemented before certification (procedures confirming compliance). The fact of declaration is obvious - the presence of a document about its own tests carried out before the confirmation procedure. But it is not clear what tests are meant.

The concept of "test"

It means a technical action that makes it possible to check the engineering characteristics of an object (product), determine the degree of wear, quality and suitability for long-term use. It is allowed to test the prototype both individually and as a whole.

Test stages

There are departmental, interdepartmental and state acceptance tests. GOST 34.601-90 establishes the following types:

  • preliminary;
  • experienced;
  • acceptance

Any of them requires compliance with a certain procedure, for which a special document is developed - an acceptance testing program. It must be approved by the customer. The program specifies the scope of testing, both necessary and sufficient, ensuring the intended completeness of the results obtained and their reliability.

Preliminary tests should be carried out after testing and preliminary debugging of the equipment.

Pilot tests are carried out to determine the readiness of the equipment (machine, system) for continuous operation. Without these tests, acceptance tests are prohibited.

Final stage

These are acceptance tests. The path to life of the equipment (machine, system) being developed depends on them. This stage provides answers to the questions posed to designers. First of all, this is compliance with the given purpose, productivity and technical and economic efficiency, whether it will meet modern safety requirements and contribute to improving the work of workers.

During acceptance tests, the following is checked:

  • assessment of the success of completed pilot tests;
  • making a decision on the possibility of launching equipment (machine, system) into commercial operation.

Acceptance tests are carried out at the customer’s site (and an existing one). To do this, an order or instruction is issued to perform the necessary work.

Both of these documents are written according to current regulations and standards developed for certain types of objects. They are approved by the ministries supervising design organizations.

The program details:

  • the purpose of the upcoming work and its scope;
  • acceptance criteria for both the object as a whole and its parts;
  • a list of objects to be tested, as well as a list of requirements that the object must meet (necessarily with indications of the points of the technical specifications);
  • test conditions and deadlines;
  • material and metrological support for upcoming work;
  • testing means: technical and organizational;
  • methodology for conducting acceptance tests and processing the results obtained;
  • names of persons appointed responsible for carrying out testing work;
  • list of required documentation;
  • checking its quality (mainly operational and design).

Depending on the technical and other characteristics of the research object, the document may contain these sections, but if necessary, they can be shortened or new ones introduced.

Package of documents for the development of the Program and methodology

Requirements for the design and content of these documents are regulated by GOST 13.301-79.

The list of documents for creating the Program and methodology is not constant. It varies depending on the relationship of the tested object to a particular ministry or organization. But in general, the following documents will be required:

  • manual;
  • regulatory and technical documentation: technical conditions, standards, etc.;
  • passport of the received object;
  • documents on completed registration from the manufacturer;
  • drawings and descriptions;
  • factory test reports (for foreign manufacturers).

The program and methodology for testing work compiled and certified by the customer and Rostechnadzor specialists is registered with the Federal Agency.


For acceptance tests, it is formed by the relevant decree of the enterprise. The commission should include representatives of the supplier of components, the customer, the design organization, the developer, technical supervision authorities and organizations involved in installation and the commission is approved by the relevant ministry.

In its work, the commission uses the following documents:

  • terms of reference for the creation of equipment (machine, system);
  • preliminary test report;
  • as-built documentation for installation;
  • acceptance testing program;
  • acts (if necessary);
  • work logs from pilot tests;
  • acts of acceptance and completion from them;
  • technical documentation for equipment (machine, system).

Before acceptance tests, system documentation and technical documentation are finalized in accordance with the comments of the preliminary test protocol and the certificate of completion of pilot tests.

The manufacturer and design organization must provide the acceptance committee with:

  • materials from preliminary tests;
  • experimental objects that have successfully passed preliminary tests;
  • reviews, expert opinions, patents, copyright certificates issued during acceptance testing for a development sample;
  • other materials approved by test methods for certain types of objects and standard programs.


This is one of the main points of acceptance testing. They should not duplicate previous stages, and the timing of their implementation is compressed.

Acceptance tests include checking:

  • quality and completeness of the implementation of the functions of the equipment (machine, system) in accordance with the technical specifications;
  • work of service personnel in interactive mode;
  • fulfillment of any requirement related to equipment (machine, system);
  • completeness of operational and accompanying documentation and their quality;
  • methods and means necessary to restore the functionality of an object after possible failures.

If two or more objects with similar characteristics are tested, then the same conditions are created for testing.

During acceptance tests, durability and reliability studies are not carried out, but the indicators obtained during the tests must be entered into the relevant reports.

End of testing

Acceptance tests are completed by technical examination. That is, the object is disassembled, and the technical condition of its elements (assemblies) is established, as well as the complexity of disassembling and assembling the entire research object.

Upon completion of the work, the commission develops and draws up a test report. Based on this, further acceptance will be made. If necessary, the commission determines the scope of modification of equipment (machine, system) and/or technical documentation, and also makes recommendations for launching the tested object into mass production.

If this is not possible, then the acceptance test report is supplemented with proposals for improving the product, repeated acceptance testing, or a requirement to stop work on the object.

Acts and results

Acts on acceptance of the object are approved by the management of the enterprise, which appointed a commission to conduct tests.

The acceptance testing methodology recommends, if necessary, that the results of the tests be reviewed at the scientific and technical council of the relevant ministry or enterprise developing the facility jointly with the customer (that is, even before the acceptance certificate is approved).

The decision to launch tested objects into series is made on the basis of materials and recommendations of the acceptance committee and/or scientific and technical council by order of the ministry. It must indicate the volume of production and provide recommendations for implementation.

Acceptance test report

Four years ago, unified forms of primary documents were abolished. This gave organizations the right to develop their own templates for any document. The main thing is to comply with the following requirements:

  • The document is signed by all persons who compiled it. If one of them acts under a power of attorney, this must be reflected in the act.
  • The legality of the act is not affected by whether it is drawn up on a regular piece of writing paper or on letterhead. As, by the way, whether the document is handwritten or typed on a computer (the main thing is “live” signatures).
  • Stamps and seals are placed on a document if this is specified in the charter and/or accounting policies of the organization.
  • Logically, the act has three parts: the beginning (the so-called header - date, title, place of compilation), the main part and the conclusion.

The number of copies of documents is equal to the number of signatories. Each of them has the same legal status and identical text. Information about the act is entered into a specialized journal of the organization’s documentation.

There should be no errors or omissions in the acceptance test document. Because it can be not only the basis for placing an object on the balance sheet of an organization or writing it off, but also the main supporting document when filing a claim in court.

The name of the document is written in the center of the page, below is the place of compilation (city, town, etc.) and date.

The main part of the act contains the following information:

  • Composition of the commission. The enterprise (organization, ministry), representatives who will sign the document are indicated, then their positions and full last name, first name and patronymic.
  • Name of the object and real address its installation.
  • Detailed list of test work(formatted in the form of a list or table) with information about the test conditions.
  • If deficiencies are discovered, they, as well as proposals for elimination, are included either below or in an appendix to the act.
  • The acceptance test report (a sample is given below) ends with the commission’s conclusions about the capacity or incapacity of the tested object.

The opinion of any member of the commission, different from the rest, must be written down either in the act itself (as a separate paragraph) or in an appendix to it. All documents accompanying the act are also listed in it.

And only after this, all participants in the preparation of the document put their signatures and decipher them.

Completion of work

A signed act is included with the object being tested. The act is stored either in accordance with current legislation or in the manner established by the regulations of the organization.

All tests are classified according to the following principles: purpose, level of implementation, stage of development, testing of finished products, conditions and location, duration, result of exposure, determined characteristics of the object (Fig.).

Rice. Classification of tests by type

3.1 Depending on the purpose, tests can be divided into research, definitive, comparative and control.

Research tests are carried out to study certain characteristics of the properties of an object and their purpose is:

    determination or assessment of performance indicators of the tested object under certain conditions of its use;

    selection of the best modes of operation of the object or the best characteristics of the properties of the object;

    comparison of many options for implementing an object during design and certification;

    construction of a mathematical model of the functioning of an object (assessment of the parameters of the mathematical model);

    selection of significant factors influencing the quality indicators of the facility’s functioning;

    selection of the type of mathematical model of the object (from a given set of options).

A feature of research tests is the optional nature of their conduct, and they, as a rule, are not used when delivering finished products.

Definitive tests are carried out to determine the values ​​of the characteristics of an object with specified values ​​of accuracy and reliability indicators.

Comparative tests are carried out to compare the characteristics of the properties of similar or identical objects. In practice, sometimes it becomes necessary to compare the quality of EA with similar characteristics or even the same, but produced, for example, by different enterprises. To do this, the compared objects are tested under identical conditions.

Tests And tests are carried out to control the quality of the object. Tests of this type constitute the most numerous group of tests.

3.2 The goals and objectives of the tests change as the product passes through the stages of the “life” cycle. In this regard, it is understandable to distinguish test groups in the classification under consideration according to the stages of design and manufacture of finished products.

    At the design stage, development, preliminary and acceptance tests are carried out.

    The types of tests of finished products include qualification, presentation, acceptance, periodic inspection, standard, certification, certification.

Finishing tests are research tests carried out during the design of products in order to assess the impact of changes made to it in order to achieve specified values ​​of quality indicators.

Preliminary tests are control tests of prototypes and (or) pilot batches of products in order to determine the possibility of their presentation for acceptance testing.

Acceptance (MVI, GI) tests are also control tests. These are tests of prototypes, pilot batches of products or single-production products, carried out to decide the feasibility of putting these products (EA) into production and (or) using them for their intended purpose.

Qualification tests are carried out already on the installation series or the first industrial batch of EA, i.e. at the stage of mastering the production of EA. Their purpose is to assess the readiness of an enterprise to produce products of a given type in a given volume.

Bearer tests EA is necessarily carried out by the technical control service of the manufacturer before presenting it for acceptance by the customer’s representative, consumer or other acceptance bodies.

Acceptance tests are carried out in mastered production. These are control tests of manufactured products during acceptance control.

Periodic product testing is carried out with the aim of monitoring the stability of product quality and the possibility of continuing its production in the volume and within the time frame established by regulatory and technical documents (NTD). This type of control tests is usually carried out every month or quarter, as well as at the beginning of production of EA at the manufacturing plant and when production is resumed after its temporary cessation. The results of periodic tests apply to all batches produced within a certain time. Periodic tests include those tests during which part of the EA resource is exhausted (long-term vibration, multiple shocks, thermal cycles); These are relatively expensive tests, so they are always random.

Inspection tests are a special type of control tests. They are carried out on a selective basis in order to control the stability of the quality of established types of products by specially authorized organizations.

Typical tests are control tests of manufactured products, carried out to assess the effectiveness and feasibility of changes made to the design, recipe or technological process.

Acertification .And tests are carried out to assess the level of product quality when certifying it according to quality categories.

Certification tests are control tests of products carried out to establish compliance of the characteristics of its properties with national and (or) international normative and technical documentation .

3.3 Depending on the duration, all tests are divided into normal, accelerated, and shortened.

Under normal EA testing refers to tests, the methods and conditions of which provide the required amount of information about the characteristics of the properties of the object in the same time interval as under the intended operating conditions.

In its turn accelerated tests are those tests, methods and conditions, the conduct of which provide the necessary information about the quality of EA in a shorter period of time than during normal tests. The normative and technical documentation for testing methods for specific types of EA indicates the values ​​of influencing factors and operating modes corresponding to normal test conditions. Abbreviated tests are carried out according to a reduced program.

3.4 Depending on the level of significance of EA tests, they can be divided into state, interdepartmental and departmental.

TO state tests include tests of established most important types of EA conducted by the parent organization for state tests, or acceptance tests conducted by a state commission or testing organization that is granted the right to conduct them.

Interdepartmental tests are tests of EA conducted by a commission of representatives of several interested ministries and departments or acceptance tests of established types of EA for the acceptance of its components, developed jointly by several departments.

Departmental tests are carried out by a commission of representatives of the interested ministry or department.

3.5 Tests of EA in accordance with external influencing factors are divided into mechanical, climatic, thermal radiation, electrical, electromagnetic, magnetic, chemical (exposure to special environments), biological (exposure to biological factors).

It is obvious that not all external influences can be simulated, and they, as already noted, cannot always be applied together, as happens in real conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to establish what external influences the EA should be exposed to, what the level, frequency, and sequence of changes in these influences will be, as well as the duration of the EA’s operation in various modes. When choosing external influencing factors when testing EA, it is necessary to take into account:

    the type of equipment in which the equipment is used (ground, aircraft, sea, etc.);

    level of generalization of the test object (radio technical complexes and functional systems, electronic equipment, radio-electronic units, components, materials), depending on which the number of external influencing factors selected for testing may decrease or increase;

    climatic region of subsequent operation of the test object;

    conditions for intended use, transportation and storage of the test object.

3.6 Tests are called destructive, if destructive control methods are used in the process or external factors affecting the object lead to its unsuitability for further use.

The goals and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation are established by Federal Law No. 184-FZ of December 27, 2002 “On Technical Regulation”, and the rules for applying national standards of the Russian Federation are GOST R 1.0-2004 “Standardization in the Russian Federation. Basic provisions"

Standard information

1 DEVELOPED by the Open Joint Stock Company “Russian Research Institute “Electronstandart” (JSC “RNII “Electronstandart”)

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 303 “Electronic products, materials and equipment”

3 APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated December 15, 2009 No. 1161-st


Information about changes to this standard is published in the annually published information index “National Standards”, and the text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly published information index “National Standards”. In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly published information index “National Standards”. Relevant information, notifications and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet

GOST R 53711-2009



Electronic components. Rules of acceptance

Date of introduction - 2010-09-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to newly developed and modernized electronic products (hereinafter referred to as products) intended for use in equipment for national economic purposes, and establishes the rules for their acceptance.

The standard establishes rules for the acceptance of products submitted for inspection in batches or in a continuous flow.

Features of acceptance of products during continuous monitoring - in accordance with the application.

This standard is used in the development of standards and technical specifications for products of specific groups, types, types (hereinafter referred to as standards and specifications).

The standard was developed taking into account the requirements of GOST 15.309.

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following standards:

GOST R 15.201-2000 System for developing and putting products into production. Products for industrial and technical purposes. The procedure for developing and putting products into production

GOST R ISO 2859-1-2007 Statistical methods. Alternative sampling procedures. Part 1: Sampling plans for successive lots based on acceptable quality levels 1)

1) Currently, the term “acceptable quality level” has been replaced by the term “acceptable quality limit”, while the abbreviation of the term in English (AQL) has been retained.

GOST R ISO 3951-1-2007 Statistical methods. Sampling procedures based on quantitative characteristics. Part 1. Requirements for single-stage plans based on the acceptable quality limit for the control of successive batches for a single characteristic and a single AQL

GOST R ISO/TO 8550-1-2007 Statistical methods. Guidelines for the selection and application of statistical acceptance control systems for discrete units of production in batches. Part 1. General requirements

GOST R 50779.11-2000 (ISO 3534-2-93) Statistical methods. Statistical quality management. Terms and Definitions

GOST 15.309-98 System for developing and launching products into production. Testing and acceptance of manufactured products. Basic provisions

GOST 20.57.406-81 Integrated quality control system. Products of electronic technology, quantum electronics and electrical engineering. Test methods

GOST 15467-79 Product quality management. Basic concepts. Terms and Definitions

GOST 16504-81 System of state testing of products. Testing and quality control of products. Basic terms and definitions

GOST 18321-73 Statistical quality control. Methods for random selection of samples of piece goods

GOST 21493-76 Electronic products. Storability requirements and test methods

GOST 25359-82 Electronic products. General reliability requirements and test methods

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annually published information index “National Standards”, which is published as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding monthly information indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard you should be guided by the replacing (changed) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference is made to it is applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

3 Terms and definitions

This standard uses terms according to GOST 15467, GOST 16504, GOST R 50779.11, as well as the following terms with corresponding definitions:

3.1 test group: One or more subgroups of tests combined according to a specific characteristic.

3.2 single production: Production characterized by a small volume of products produced over a certain period, comparable to the sample size intended for destructive testing during this period when monitoring the quality of products.

3.3 design and technological group of products: A set of types (standard ratings, standard sizes) of products, combined according to design and (or) technological characteristics that determine the features of their design or manufacture.

3.4 structural and technological similarity of products: A set of design and (or) technological features of products that allow them to be combined into one design and technological group for testing.

3.5 controlled batch of products (batch): A set of products of the same type (standard rating, standard size), manufactured by one manufacturer over a limited period of time according to one design and technological documentation and simultaneously presented for acceptance, when assessing the quality of which a single (general) decision is made.

3.6 new challenges: Testing of newly manufactured products after taking measures to eliminate the causes of defects.

3.7 rejection tests: Testing of samples performed at the production stage in order to identify and remove defective products.

3.8 parameters - eligibility criteria: Product parameters controlled during testing of specific types, based on the values ​​or changes in values ​​of which the product is considered suitable or defective.

3.9 primary tests: Tests carried out at the first presentation of the lot.

3.10 repeated tests: Tests carried out upon re-presentation of the lot.

3.11 test subgroup: A set of types of tests (or one test) carried out according to one test plan, based on the results of which a single (general) assessment is taken.

3.12 acceptance: The process of checking the compliance of products with the requirements established in the design documentation, standards and specifications, the supply agreement, and execution of the relevant documents.

3.13 fixed control plan: A sample control plan established without the use of statistical methods, including a sample size and an acceptance number.

3.14 electrothermal training: A temperature test combined with an electrical load to identify products with hidden defects.

4 Basic provisions

4.1 To control the quality of products, standards and specifications establish the following test categories:


Acceptance and acceptance;



Storability tests.

4.1.1 The purpose and program of qualification tests is in accordance with GOST R 15.201.

4.1.2 Acceptance tests are carried out in order to control the quality of products of each submitted batch for compliance with the requirements established in the standards and specifications in the scope of this test category, and to determine the possibility of its acceptance.

4.1.3 Periodic tests are carried out for the purpose of periodic monitoring of the quality of products, the stability of the technological process of their manufacture in the period between previous and subsequent tests in the scope of the requirements established in the standards and specifications for this category of tests, and to confirm the possibility of continuing acceptance.

4.1.4 Type tests are carried out to assess the feasibility and (or) effectiveness of changes made during the production process of products in their design, technology or used materials and semi-finished products, and to verify the compliance of products manufactured with changes with the requirements of standards and specifications.

4.1.5 Storability tests are carried out to confirm the gamma-percentage shelf life established in the standards and specifications.

4.2 The composition of the tests included in each category is divided into groups and subgroups. Each group (subgroup) may include one or more types of tests.

The criteria for dividing the test composition into groups (subgroups) are:

Technical necessity or feasibility of dividing tests into groups (subgroups), including taking into account the nature of the tests (destructive, non-destructive);

Variation in test plans;

Difference in testing frequency;

Possibility of simultaneous testing of several types to reduce the overall test duration.

All types of tests included in one subgroup are carried out according to the same test plan.

4.3 To conduct tests of each subgroup, the standards and specifications establish selective or continuous control.

Sampling control under mass production conditions is established using statistical methods. The selection of a suitable statistical control system can be carried out according to GOST R ISO/TO 8550-1.

Planning of product tests is carried out, as a rule, according to an alternative criterion in accordance with GOST R ISO 2859-1. The acceptance criterion is the established acceptance number.

To control individual parameters (for each parameter separately), testing can be planned according to a quantitative criterion in accordance with GOST R ISO 3951-1, if the distribution of the parameter is close to normal or can be converted to a normal distribution law (for example, by logarithm). In this case, the acceptability of the batch is determined by comparing the assessment of the parameter variability with the control standard.

4.4 For each type of test when monitoring the quality of products, the technical specifications establish parameters - criteria for suitability.

4.5 The product is considered to have passed the tests of the submitted subgroup (group) if it is tested in full and in the sequence established in the standards and specifications for this subgroup (group) of tests, and meets all the requirements verified during these tests.

A product that fails the test is considered defective.

4.6 The standards and specifications indicate subgroups (types) of tests that are destructive. Products directly subjected to destructive testing are not eligible for delivery.

4.7 For expensive products, single-purpose products and single-piece products, quality control features are established in standards and specifications.

4.8 The procedure for conducting and evaluating the results of tests for reliability and durability are established in GOST 25359.

4.9 When accepting products, direct application of international standards is allowed if the corresponding indication is given in the standards and specifications.

5 Acceptance rules

5.1 General requirements

5.1.1 Acceptance of products is carried out by the manufacturer’s quality control service (hereinafter referred to as QCS).

5.1.2 Each manufactured product submitted for acceptance by the SKK must be checked by the manufacturing workshop in accordance with the technological documentation (hereinafter - TD).

It is allowed not to check individual quality indicators of manufactured products or to replace continuous control with selective control, if such a check was carried out at one of the technological operations and this indicator did not change further in production, and also depending on the completeness and effectiveness of operational control, the results of statistical regulation of the technological process and other quality assurance activities.

It is allowed to combine certain types of tests conducted by the manufacturing workshop and the QC.

It is recommended that production control include rejection tests carried out to identify potentially unreliable products with hidden defects. The need for and composition of rejection tests are established in TD, standards and specifications based on the design and technological features of products and information about the causes of failures of products and their analogues. The modes and conditions for conducting rejection tests are established in the TD.

The most effective types of screening tests can be:

Electrical thermal training;

Reliability tests in forced mode;

Exposure to vibration and shock;

Thermal effects.

Standard test methods are generally used to carry out screening tests.

If the rejection tests include reliability tests, as well as tests for the influence of external factors, the characteristics of which correspond to the requirements for the products, the scope of checks for these requirements when accepting the products can be reduced.

5.1.3 Acceptance and shipment of manufactured products is carried out based on the positive results of acceptance tests, as well as periodic tests for the previous period.

5.1.4 Acceptance and shipment of products in the period after qualification tests until the results of the first periodic tests are obtained are carried out based on the results of acceptance tests.

If necessary, before serial production of products after completion of acceptance of development work (hereinafter referred to as R&D), acceptance and shipment may be carried out in accordance with the requirements of standards and specifications according to a test program approved in the prescribed manner.

5.1.5 Before acceptance and shipment of products, the production of which was interrupted for a time exceeding the periodicity period established for certain subgroups of periodic tests, periodic tests are carried out on those subgroups for which the established frequency is less than the production interruption period.

A break in production is not taken into account if the production of structurally and technologically similar types (standard ratings, standard sizes) of products verified by this subgroup (group) of tests continues, or the duration of the break does not affect the level of quality of the products.

The decision on the advisability of carrying out these tests is made by the JCC.

5.1.6 Upon receipt of negative test results, an analysis of the detected defective products is carried out by a commission in the manner established at the manufacturer (hereinafter referred to as the manufacturer).

5.1.7 If it is determined that negative test results are not related to the quality of the products, but are caused by other reasons, then the test results are considered invalid, they are canceled by the appropriate act approved by the manufacturer’s management, and repeated tests are carried out according to the plans established for the initial tests.

5.1.8 Test results are summarized and used for periodic assessment of the level of quality of product manufacturing in accordance with regulatory documents (hereinafter referred to as ND).

5.1.9 The manufacturer systematically (usually monthly) provides QC with data indicating the percentage of yield of suitable products, types and causes of defects detected in production over the past period.

If the percentage of yield of suitable products decreases below the acceptable level, the manufacturer, together with the QC, analyzes its causes, develops and carries out measures to improve quality.

5.1.10 When a high and stable level of product manufacturing quality is achieved, an incentive control system can be applied, implemented by changing the volume and frequency of tests.

5.2 Acceptance tests

5.2.1 Products are presented for acceptance testing in batches.

For small production volumes, individual presentation is allowed, but no more than one initial presentation per day.

The manufacturer's presentation of products for testing is carried out in the manner adopted by the manufacturer, ensuring long-term storage of information and its operational use (by notice, corresponding entry in the journal, etc.). In this case, you should indicate the type (standard rating, standard size) of products, individual product numbers (if any), the number of products in the batch and the date of presentation.

5.2.2 A controlled batch is formed from one or more submitted production batches, made from the same materials and under the same production conditions (technological processes, equipment, etc.).

The recommended period of time during which a controlled batch is formed is a week. It is allowed to form a batch of products manufactured over a period of no more than a month. When compiling samples, random sampling methods are used in accordance with GOST 18321.

5.2.3 Before submitting for acceptance tests, the products are kept in normal climatic conditions in accordance with GOST 20.57.406, if this requirement is established in the TD or standards and specifications.

5.2.4 Acceptance tests can be divided into two groups: group A and group B. Group A includes visual inspection and inspection carried out to assess the basic properties of products.

Group A is usually divided into two subgroups:

A1, which includes checking the appearance and markings;

A2, which includes checking the general appearance, overall, installation and connection dimensions, monitoring the main parameters and characteristics that determine the functional purpose of the products.

If necessary, other subgroups or types of tests may be established.

Group B may include short-term reliability tests or tests for stability of parameters, monitoring of basic parameters and characteristics, the measurement of which is more labor-intensive than the parameters and characteristics assigned to group A, separate short-term mechanical and climatic tests, tests for solderability and etc.

Group B is divided into subgroups if necessary.

Group B tests may include destructive tests.

The duration of tests included in group B should not exceed one week.

Group B may not be included in the acceptance tests.

To reduce the number of tested products in group B, it is allowed to carry out tests in this group on a combined batch of products consisting of several batches that have passed tests of group A. The rules for compiling a sample for testing group B are established in the standards and specifications.

5.2.5 For tests of group A, selective or continuous control is used; for tests of group B, as a rule, selective control is used.

Sampling control is recommended to be used if the volume of controlled batches exceeds the sample size established in the standards and specifications by at least three times. In technically and (or) economically justified cases, a smaller ratio of batch and sample volumes is allowed. In other cases, continuous control is used.

During continuous inspection with sorting, each product of the batch is checked. Defective products found are excluded and suitable ones are accepted.

When sampling using alternative attribute sampling procedures based on the acceptable quality limit AQL in accordance with GOST R ISO 2859-1, the type of control plan (single-stage or two-stage), the value of the acceptable quality limit are established as initial data in standards and specifications AQL and level of control. Values AQL It is recommended to choose from the following range: 0.10; 0.15; 0.25; 0.40; 0.65; 1.00; 1.50; 2.50; 4.00.

For group A tests, it is preferable to use the control level II . For Group B tests, special levels of control are usually used.

Tests begin with normal control, the transition from normal to enhanced (weakened) control and back is carried out in accordance with GOST R ISO 2859-1.

For tests of group B, as well as tests of group A of products specified in, the use of a fixed control plan is allowed.

5.2.6 Acceptance tests begin with group A tests. Group B tests are carried out on products that have passed group A tests (the sample includes products directly tested by group A tests).

5.2.7 The results of acceptance tests are considered positive if positive test results are obtained for all subgroups of tests of groups A and B.

Test results are considered negative if negative results are obtained for at least one subgroup of tests.

5.2.8 Acceptance and shipment of products during tests planned according to AQL , are suspended if the number of consecutive batches presented for enhanced control and not accepted from the first presentation reaches five.

During tests carried out by continuous control with the establishment of the permissible proportion of defective products, as well as carried out according to fixed control plans, acceptance and shipment of products are suspended if negative test results are received from four consecutively tested batches, including those re-submitted.

5.2.9 A batch of products that fails the test for any subgroup is returned to the manufacturing workshop for sorting, removal of defective products, analysis of the reasons for rejection and, if necessary, taking measures to eliminate the causes of defects.

If a batch does not pass the test based only on appearance and markings, a complete re-check may be carried out based on the characteristic that led to the rejection. Products that have defects in appearance and markings are excluded from the lot, after which the lot is considered accepted.

If negative results are obtained for any subgroup of tests, tests for other subgroups are allowed to continue.

5.2.10 Returned batches, after analyzing the reasons for rejection and their elimination, carrying out a complete re-check by the manufacturer in the scope of group A, are allowed to be re-submitted for acceptance by the SKK with a notice of re-submission containing the reasons for rejection.

5.2.11 The batch submitted again is checked in full for the tests of group A and for those subgroups of tests of group B for which negative results were obtained and for which tests were not carried out. In this case, tests for subgroups for which negative results were obtained are carried out according to more stringent control plans (according to enhanced control plans - when monitoring according to AQL).

If, upon initial presentation, negative results were obtained for only one subgroup of tests, and for the remaining subgroups, tests were carried out in full and positive results were obtained for them, then upon repeated presentation of such batches, tests are allowed to be carried out only for the group for which negative results were obtained during the initial presentation.

5.2.12 A batch of products that does not pass repeated tests is completely rejected without the right to be presented again and is isolated from suitable products.

5.2.13 Acceptance is resumed after analyzing the causes of defects and taking measures to eliminate them. In this case, tests are carried out using enhanced control.

5.2.14 If, during continuous production in ten sequentially tested batches, tests of any subgroup of group B are completed with positive results, then the next tests of this subgroup may be carried out either on samples compiled from the totality of several sequentially presented batches, constituting one enlarged controlled batch, or carry out tests with skipping batches. The number of batches combined into one enlarged batch, or the number of batches on which tests are not carried out, is established in the standards and specifications.

5.2.15 It is allowed to ship products before completion of tests of group B (early delivery), if positive results were obtained for all subgroups of this group when testing at least ten consecutive batches (including re-submitted ones).

In this case, tests of group B continue until they are completed. If a negative result is received, the right to early delivery is canceled, and the batch on which the negative result was obtained, if possible, is returned to the manufacturer.

The duration of testing, after which early delivery is allowed, is established in the standards and specifications.

5.2.16 When canceling the test results of group B (), it is allowed to replace only the failed products, and not the entire sample, with this replacement documented in the test report.

5.2.17 If the shelf life of products in a warehouse exceeds the time established in the standards and specifications, then they must be rechecked before shipment to the consumer. When rechecking, as a rule, the main parameters are monitored, as well as, if necessary, tests for solderability.

The composition of tests carried out during rechecking and test plans are established in standards and specifications.

The date of recheck must be indicated in the operational document, and in the absence of an operational document - on the consumer packaging.

5.2.18 The results of acceptance tests are documented in a test report (according to Form 1 of Appendix B of GOST 15.309) or in another control document in the form accepted by the manufacturer (supplier), or are reflected in a journal.

5.2.19 All accepted products are marked with the SKK mark.

If there is no place for branding on the product (small-sized products), as well as in cases where the presence of a brand on the product itself is unacceptable, stamps are affixed only on the accompanying documentation and on consumer packaging (except for returnable ones).

5.2.20 Accepted are considered batches of products that have passed acceptance tests, are marked, completed and packaged in accordance with the requirements of standards and specifications and the terms of supply agreements (contracts) and for which accompanying documents have been drawn up certifying the acceptance of the products.

5.3 Periodic testing

5.3.1 Periodic tests are carried out by SKK within the time limits established by the schedule.

Periodic tests are divided into tests of group C and, if necessary, group D.

Group C is divided into subgroups of tests, which may include:

Checking parameters and characteristics not related to the main ones;

Reliability tests;

Short-term tests on the influence of external mechanical and climatic factors;

Control of mechanical strength of the structure;

Tests for solderability and heat resistance when soldering;

Checking mass, tightness, etc.

Tests of subgroups of group C can be carried out at different frequencies, set from the following: month, quarter, half-year. Testing of expensive products, as well as single-piece products, may be carried out at intervals of 1 year.

Group D are divided into subgroups of tests, which may include:

Long-term durability tests;

Long-term tests for exposure to mechanical and climatic factors;

Checking the quality of packaging, etc.

Group subgroup trials D may be carried out at intervals of 1 year, 2 years or 3 years.

When establishing frequency, the significance of the characteristics being tested for the operation of the products, as well as the volume of production, are taken into account.

The composition of the tests, the division of the tests into groups and subgroups, the sequence of tests, the frequency of tests of each subgroup, as well as control plans for each subgroup of tests are established in the standards and specifications.

5.3.2 To check products for test subgroups of each frequency, a representative sample of one or more batches manufactured during the controlled period and passed acceptance tests is completed in a volume sufficient to test products for all test subgroups according to the control plans established for them, taking into account the procedure for carrying out control by subgroups within test groups and the design and technological similarity of products.

When compiling a sample, random sampling methods are used in accordance with GOST 18321.

Criteria for design and technological similarity are established in order to reduce the number of tested products in relation to the main type (types) of tests included in the subgroup.

If, according to the same specifications, several types (standard ratings, standard sizes) of products manufactured using a single technology and (or) having a single design are supplied, then for carrying out

tests of individual subgroups (groups), it is allowed to complete a sample of products of one (any) type (standard rating, standard size). It is recommended to alternate the types (standard ratings, standard sizes) of products from which the sample is completed. The test results apply to the entire set of types (standard ratings, standard sizes) of products.

If several types (standard ratings, standard sizes) of products that have design differences and are manufactured using different technologies are supplied according to the same specifications, then in order to test individual subgroups (groups), the entire set of products is divided into design (technological) groups and a sample is completed for each design (technological) ) groups separately.

The selection of the sample may be carried out on the basis of representativeness from a specific group of products produced according to different specifications at the same enterprise, but identical in functionality, having the same type of design and similar in manufacturing technology and materials used.

5.3.3 Before testing each subgroup, all products in the sample are checked according to parameters - suitability criteria. If during this check defective products are found, they are excluded from the sample, replacing them with suitable ones from products of current production. The manufacturer analyzes defective products, identifies the causes of defects and, if necessary, takes measures to prevent the possibility of such defects occurring.

5.3.4 If the established sample volume exceeds 1/20 of the production volume of products per year, then increase the frequency of testing and (or) reduce the sample size so that the volume of tested products per year does not exceed 1/20 of the production volume.

5.3.5 Control plans are established in accordance with GOST R ISO 2859-1 at a given value of the acceptable quality limit AQL , single stage or two stage, using normal control.

For small production volumes, fixed control plans can be established. Values AQL It is recommended to choose from the range: 1.0; 1.5; 2.5; 4.0; 6.5; 10.0. In this case, the value 1.0 is chosen in the case of single-stage control with an acceptance number equal to zero.

5.3.6 Tests for reliability and durability are carried out in accordance with GOST 25359.

5.3.7 The results of tests with the same frequency are considered positive if positive results are obtained for all subgroups of tests carried out with this frequency.

The results of tests with the specified frequency are considered negative if negative results are obtained for at least one subgroup of tests carried out with this frequency.

5.3.8 If negative results are received for any subgroup of tests, acceptance and shipment of products manufactured after the start of previous periodic tests for this subgroup are suspended. Trials in this and other subgroups continue until completion.

The manufacturer, with the participation of QC, analyzes defective products and establishes the reasons for negative test results.

When canceling the results of periodic tests (), it is allowed to replace only the failed products, and not the entire sample, with this replacement documented in the test report.

If the detected defects are due to a recognizable violation of the technological process, and defective products can be detected and rejected during continuous inspection, the manufacturer takes measures to eliminate this violation and carries out sorting of products in order to eliminate defective products, continuing until positive results are obtained repeated tests on a sample drawn from the first available controlled batch submitted for control after the violation was eliminated. After receiving positive results from repeated tests, acceptance and shipment of products is resumed.

If the reasons for the negative test results are not established (the identified defects are not due to a violation of the test methodology or a recognizable violation of the technological process), the acceptance tests for subsequent batches of products additionally include tests of the subgroup for which negative results were obtained, until positive results are obtained from two consecutive games. These batches are subject to acceptance and shipment upon receipt of positive test results.

Products returned to the manufacturer, manufactured during the period from the start of previous tests until negative test results are obtained for the given subgroup, are subject to modification (if modification of products is possible), complete sorting in order to eliminate defective products, after which the returned products are subject to acceptance and shipment.

If the reasons for negative tests have not been established, the manufacturer, together with the QC, develops an action plan to improve the quality of products, introduces them into production and conducts new periodic tests. Acceptance and shipment are resumed upon receipt of positive results of new tests.

Products that are in production from the moment negative results of periodic tests are established until the implementation of measures developed based on the results of the analysis of defects (taking into account the duration of the manufacturing cycle and the measures taken) are subject to additional sorting.

New tests, as a rule, are carried out in full on the subgroup of tests for which negative results were obtained, as well as on those types of previous tests that could affect the occurrence of defects.

New (repeated) tests are carried out according to control plans established for the next periodic tests.

5.3.9 If negative results of new periodic tests are received, the manufacturer decides to terminate acceptance.

If the consumer's products are defective, the batches must be returned to the manufacturer. At the same time, a decision is made on the need to refine these products with qualification tests (if necessary).

5.3.10 If, when conducting periodic tests for this subgroup, the following conditions are met:

The duration of production of products at this enterprise exceeds 2 years;

During the year, there were no negative test results for this subgroup; a transition is being made to an incentive testing frequency. In this case, the frequency of testing - a month, a quarter or a half-year - is changed accordingly to a quarter, a half-year or a year.

A return to the previous frequency is carried out at the first negative results of the next tests with an incentive frequency or when recognized complaints arise for products manufactured over the past two years.

5.3.11 The results of periodic tests are drawn up in accordance with the requirements of GOST 15.309.

5.4 Type tests

5.4.1 Type tests are carried out to assess the effectiveness and feasibility of changes made during the production process of products to their design, manufacturing technology, materials used and semi-finished products, as well as to verify the compliance of products manufactured with changes with the requirements of standards and specifications.

5.4.2 Type tests are carried out by the manufacturer's QC, if necessary, with the participation of a representative of the developer (holder of the original documentation).

5.4.3 Rules for conducting type tests, including recording test results, - in accordance with GOST 15.309 with the following additions and clarifications.

The test program and methodology are agreed upon with the holder of the original documentation, if the manufacturer is not the holder of the originals.

Type tests are carried out on samples established in the standards and specifications for the corresponding subgroups of periodic and qualification tests.

If the type tests include in their entirety individual subgroups of periodic tests, then the results of these tests are accepted as the results of the next periodic tests, and the start of the type tests must coincide with the start of the periodic tests for a period determined by the SKK.

5.5 Qualification tests

5.5.1 Qualification tests are carried out by the commission for acceptance of the installation series in accordance with GOST R 15.201.

If the technical specifications for R&D included the development of a product and the development of its production (combining the stages of development and development), then the tests carried out during acceptance of the R&D are combined with qualification tests. At the same time, the scope of tests carried out upon acceptance of the design and development work includes all tests included in the qualification tests.

5.5.2 The composition of tests, the division of tests into groups and subgroups, the sequence of their conduct, as well as control plans are established in the standards and specifications.

5.5.3 Qualification tests are divided into the following test groups:

KA - tests corresponding to acceptance tests of group A;

K.B. - tests corresponding to acceptance tests of group B;

KS - tests corresponding to periodic tests of group C;

KD - tests corresponding to periodic tests of the group D ;

KR - one-time tests.

Test groups are divided into subgroups, and the composition of the KA subgroups is KD , as a rule, should be similar to the composition of the corresponding subgroups of acceptance and periodic tests.

Subgroups of one-time tests include testing of individual characteristics of products and the impact of external factors that are not tested as part of acceptance and periodic tests, as well as durability tests.

It is allowed not to check individual requirements determined by the design and materials used as part of the qualification tests, if their fulfillment is confirmed before the qualification tests or these requirements are ensured by the design of the products and guaranteed by the manufacturer.

5.5.4 For testing, a representative sample is completed in a volume sufficient to conduct tests of all subgroups according to the control plans established for them, taking into account the order of testing. The sample is completed by the commission for acceptance of the installation series.

When mastering a number of types (standard ratings, standard sizes) of products supplied according to the same specifications, the sampling is carried out taking into account the structural and technological similarity of the products (see).

5.5.5 Before checking products by subgroups of groups KB, KS, KD and KR all sample products must be tested according to parameters - suitability criteria, by which the results of these tests will be assessed. If defective products are found, they are excluded from the sample and replaced with suitable ones.

5.5.6 Qualification tests are carried out according to fixed control plans. For subgroups of spacecraft groups, KB, KS and KD control plans correspond to those established for subgroups of acceptance and periodic tests. For group subgroups KR control plans are established in standards and specifications.

5.5.7 All defective products identified during qualification tests are subject to analysis and identification of the causes of defects. If identified defects are related to the quality of products, measures are taken to prevent the occurrence of these defects during the production process.

5.5.8 In case of negative test results, the QCM establishes their reasons.

If the analysis of defects shows that the test results are not related to the quality of the products, then repeat tests are carried out on products of the same installation series. It is allowed to carry out repeated tests according to an abbreviated program approved by the commission for acceptance of the installation series.

If the analysis of defects shows that the test results are related to the quality of products, measures are taken to prevent the occurrence of identified defects in the production process and to bring the quality of products into compliance with the requirements of standards and specifications.

If necessary, a new installation series is manufactured and new qualification tests are carried out.

Based on the results of repeated (new) tests, a final decision is made on the readiness of production to produce products of this type.

5.5.9 For products whose installed operating time does not exceed 1000 hours, the assessment of qualification tests for a group (subgroup) of durability tests is carried out upon completion of these tests.

For products whose installed operating time exceeds 1000 hours, the assessment of qualification tests for a group (subgroup) of durability tests is carried out based on the results of tests for 1000 hours, with the tests continuing until they are completed.

5.6 Storability tests

Storability tests are carried out in order to confirm the gamma-percentage shelf life established in the standards and specifications in accordance with GOST 21493.

Appendix A

Features of product acceptance during continuous monitoring

This appendix, in accordance with the section of this standard, establishes the specifics of test planning, the procedure for conducting and evaluating the results of testing products during continuous monitoring. Requirements (provisions) of the standard that are not specified (not supplemented) by this appendix are mandatory.

A.1 General provisions

With continuous monitoring, acceptance is carried out if the following conditions are met:

The conditions for stable production are met (the technological process is adjusted to produce homogeneous products, there are no changes in sources of supply, changes in equipment or emergency circumstances);

The manufacturer has sufficient technical means for possible prompt and complete inspection of products when the need arises;

Carrying out control is not relatively labor-intensive.

A.2 Acceptance rules

A.2.1 The continuous monitoring plan is characterized by two parameters: the number of sequentially manufactured suitable products i identified by continuous inspection, during which they switch to selective inspection, and the share of products f, which should be checked during random inspection.

Parameter values i And f determined depending on:

From the number of products Nt, manufactured during one production interval;

From the value of the acceptable quality limit AQL.

The production interval is understood as the period of time established in the technical documentation (for example, a shift, a day) in which products are manufactured under relatively identical production conditions.

Control parameters i And f determined according to table A.1.

Control plans ( Nt, i, f) established in standards and specifications. In this case, it is recommended to additionally indicate the values ​​of the average output quality limit AOQL (Table A.1) as reference data. The AOQL value expresses the maximum proportion of defective products in products inspected according to the appropriate control plan and delivered to the consumer (the indicated AOQL values ​​were obtained for the case when all defective products detected during inspection were replaced with suitable ones).

Table A.1 - Continuous monitoring plans

Nt , PC.


Number of suitable products manufactured in a rowi, pcs., for the limit of acceptable quality AQL, %


































More than 110000




















A.2.2 Continuous monitoring is carried out by the manufacturer's QC during the production process.

A.2.3 Each controlled product is subjected to tests of group A. It is allowed to include only parameter testing in group A tests. Tests included in group B of similar products submitted for acceptance in batches, and checks not included in group A, are carried out as part of group C.

The composition of product tests during continuous monitoring is established in standards and specifications.

A.2.4 Continuous monitoring begins with continuous monitoring, which is continued until it is detected i consistently manufactured suitable products.

A.2.5 Once discovered i sequentially manufactured suitable products, continuous inspection is stopped and further checked f- Yu part of the manufactured products, i.e. out of every 1/ f of sequentially manufactured products, one product selected at random is tested.

A.2.6 If a defective product is discovered during random inspection, then inspection continues according to the same rules as before discovery. In this case, the number of products inspected after detection of a defective product is calculated.

A.2.6.1 If in the following i or less i If a defective product is found in the inspected products, then the selective inspection is stopped and the inspection is switched to complete inspection.

A.2.6.2 If in the following i of the inspected products, a defective product is not found, then selective inspection is continued until a defective product is detected, after which one should act in accordance with A.2.6.

A.2.7 Standards and specifications set an upper limit M number of products inspected during continuous inspection in accordance with Table A.2.

Table A.2 - Limit values M number of products inspected during continuous inspection

Number of products in the production intervalNt, PC.

Share of products inspected during random inspection

Meaning M, pcs., for the limit of acceptable quality AQL, %























































































































More than 110000














Average Output Quality LimitAOQL, %













A.2.7.1 If during continuous inspection defective products are detected and the number ofMtested products from among sequentially manufactured products, then acceptance of the products is suspended. The manufacturer analyzes defective products and determines the causes of defects. Based on the results of the analysis, the manufacturer develops the necessary measures to improve the quality of products and implements them into production.

After the JCC has submitted materials confirming the effectiveness of the measures taken, they begin continuous control at an AQL value that is one step stricter than the established one. An inspection plan with this AQL value is applied until the conditions for transition to selective inspection are met.

A.2.8 Periodic tests are carried out in accordance with.

To check products for subgroups of tests of each frequency, a representative sample of products manufactured during several production intervals is assembled.

For subgroups of periodic tests formed by the transfer of individual subgroups of acceptance tests (provided for products submitted for acceptance in batches), the standards and specifications establish the composition of the tests, control plans and frequency of conduct. At the same time, control plans can be tightened and the frequency of its implementation reduced.

Keywords : acceptance rules, batch of products, control plan, acceptance tests, periodic tests, acceptable quality limit