Alex name meaning for a boy. Name meaning: Alexey. Alexey - Pisces

The euphonious male name Alexey, like most modern Russian names, is of ancient Greek origin. It comes from the word “Alex”, which in turn translates as “Guard” or “Protect”. The name gained popularity in Rus' after the second tsar in the Romanov dynasty, Alexei Mikhailovich, became its owner. Alexy is the canonical church form of the name.

It was especially widespread during the Soviet Union. In the 70s, many boys left maternity hospitals under the name Alexey. At the moment, the name is losing its former popularity. Among the bearers of this name there are many historical figures - astronauts, poets and writers, and other outstanding and revered personalities.

The name Alexey has various abbreviated and colloquial forms. There are also a number of synonymous names for it.

Short forms: Leka, Alekseyka, Alyokha, Lyosha, Lexa, Leka, Aleka, Alyosha, Lyokha, Ali, Lyonya, Alyonya, Alyoka, Alya, Lelya, Lyunya, Alyunya.

Synonymous names: Alessio, Alexas, Alexi, Alexis, Alexius, Alejo, Alexios, Alessio.

In other countries: In English this name is translated as Alexis, similarly in French, Alexio in Esperanto, Alejo in Spanish and Alessio in Italian. The Ukrainian version of the name is Oleksiy, the Belarusian version is Aliaksey.

Alexey's character

Among the various character traits that define a man named Alexey, several main positive qualities can be identified: the ability to sympathize, fortitude, complaisance and sensuality. Thanks to the fact that Lyosha is flexible and knows how to make concessions, he feels comfortable both in a team and in marriage and family life, and the people around him will be comfortable with him.

From this we can also conclude that a man named Alexey is ideal for everyday calm and measured life, but dangerous adventures, adventures, great achievements and exploits are not for him.

Alyosha also has such traits as absent-mindedness and laziness. He is not characterized by excessive emotionality, impulsive actions and decisions, passion and unexpected turns of fate. If Alexey has not developed sufficient ambition, his own laziness can destroy him, preventing him from achieving results in his plans. Despite his extremely developed ambition, Lyosha is stubborn and constantly pulls the blanket over himself.

Alexey can be called a true peacemaker, a supporter of justice and honesty. One of its main functions is to bring harmony and peace into one’s own environment. He does not accept violence and hostility, but will immediately enter into conflict if it comes to restoring justice. Despite his outward gentleness, he firmly resists attempts to subjugate him.

Other character traits of Alexey

Since childhood, Lyosha has been strongly attached to his parents, and especially to his mother. And he will retain this affection until the end of his days. He also honors and observes family traditions. Having matured, Alexey becomes a real protector and reliable support for his mother and his future chosen ones.

There is also such a trait in Lyosha’s character as the inability to look soberly at the surrounding reality and objectively assess the current circumstances. Having failed or not acted in the best way, Alexey instantly builds a wall of self-justification in his mind. He tends to withdraw into himself, to have his head in the clouds, to dream and fantasize.

Does not tolerate criticism well, is not active. Sometimes you may get the impression that while doing some work, a man thinks only about how to quickly return home and do his favorite things (which may include simple idleness).

All of Lyosha’s character traits are not clearly expressed, they seem to be rounded. His mentality is more feminine than masculine; he is also distinguished by his attention to detail and good memorization ability, broad outlook and curiosity. He gains trust easily and quickly, and evokes sincere sympathy among the people around him.

What fate awaits Lyosha

The fate of a successful person awaits Alexey. However, he should be as careful as possible and under no circumstances rush into choosing his future wife. The fact is that he, being vulnerable and touchy, and also not very skilled in building relationships, can easily make a mistake. And he will remain faithful to his wife until the grave. Lyosha will idolize children, spend his free time with them, captivate and teach them.

In order for his family to be fully provided for and have no needs, he is capable of moving mountains. Based on this principle, he chooses his profession. His final choice will fall on an exciting and interesting business. He is not attracted to influence, power and leadership positions; the main thing for him is the material component, with the help of which he can provide for himself and his loved ones.

Over the years, Alyosha gains more and more wisdom and a deep understanding of current events, thanks to which he becomes an excellent adviser to relatives and friends on any issue.

His nature is creative, he will make an excellent actor, musician or writer. His calmness, thoughtfulness and perseverance will be useful in business and medicine. Thanks to his intelligence, he achieves high income.

Esoteric characteristics of the name

To fully understand the picture, it is worth familiarizing yourself with other characteristics of this name:

  • Zodiac sign – Scorpio;
  • Planet – Saturn;
  • Talisman stone – , ;
  • Name color – green, red;
  • Animal mascot; elk, crab;
  • Tree talisman – fir;
  • Talisman plant – mistletoe;
  • Favorable time of year is winter;
  • Lucky day is Thursday;

Lyosha's name day

Alexey's name day is celebrated several times a year. Angel Day is celebrated on those name days that coincide with the birthday or are closest to this date.

Name day dates: February 17, March 8, April 5, May 4, June 2, July 6, August 2, September 4, October 1, November 6, December 26.

Compatibility with other names

When choosing your chosen one, be guided by the principles of compatibility:

  • Not the most favorable union awaits Alexey and Olga. It is difficult for the soft and vulnerable Lyosha to resist Olya, who has an imperious and firm character.
  • Favorable relations await Lyosha and Anya, since the diplomatic Alexey secretly hands over the reins of power, which she skillfully uses for the benefit of their union.
  • The union in which Alexey fully realizes his potential as a defender is the pair of Lyosha and Lena. , being impetuous and touchy, will constantly give reasons for showing care, guardianship and love.
  • Alexey and are a great couple where partners can enjoy each other. But there is a risk that both will want to realize their potential to the fullest and begin to compete. This union requires wisdom.
  • Alexey and is a favorable union, which will often be incomprehensible to the people around him, since both partners tend to go into their own world, understandable only to them.
  • Lyosha fits perfectly with Masha, who shares his inclinations, interests and hobbies. They both gravitate toward self-development and travel.
  • An unfavorable union awaits Alexei and Victoria, since these people differ from each other in temperament and habits. Alexey is rational, but Vika can be too wasteful and frivolous.

Famous personalities

There are many famous personalities bearing this name. Among them there is the hero of fairy tales - Alyosha Popovich, and the famous physicist - Alexey Abrikosov, as well as Alexey Ermolov - the famous military leader. It is worth mentioning the famous writer Alexei Tolstoy, as well as Alexei Mikhailovich, the famous Tsar, who became the author of the saying “There is time for business, an hour for fun.”

It's no secret that a name is very important for every person. After all, it is not only an integral part of the personality, but is also considered the embodiment of the culture and traditions in which the child was raised.

And today many are interested in questions about the meaning and origin of the name Alexey. Astrologers have always argued that a name can give a person certain character traits, and in some cases even determine his future. For many expectant mothers, it is extremely important to know what qualities this name will impart to the baby.

A little history

What does the name Alexey mean? Today it is perceived as something native, primordially Slavic. But this was not always the case; several hundred years ago it was foreign. So what is the meaning and origin of the name Alexey?

It’s immediately worth noting that this is an ancient Greek name, derived from the word “alexis”, which means “to protect”, “to defend”. At one time, men wearing it were considered true protectors.

Origin of the name Alexey

As already mentioned, it came to us from Greece. And if in the ancient Greek state “defenders” were encountered extremely often, then on the territory of Rus' this word appeared already at the end of the tenth century AD along with the Christian religion.

But even after this, for a long time the name Alexei was considered unusual - it was worn mainly by church ministers.

For example, the first famous historical figure to bear this name was Moscow Metropolitan Alexy. The minister of the church had an amazing power of persuasion, thanks to which he more than once pacified the enmity between warlike princes. However, the main merit of the Metropolitan is the construction of churches in Moscow, and Alexy was canonized by the Orthodox Church, after which he became the patron saint of all men bearing this name. Name days, by the way, are celebrated on the second of June.

This is what the origin looks like. But it is worth noting that this name had a lot of abbreviations and so-called home forms. The boy could be called Olekseik, Oleksha, Leksey, Oleksa - all these are different interpretations of the same thing.

By the way, the history of the name Alexey is depicted in folk art. Every child is familiar with stories about the Russian hero Alyosha Popovich. This name is often used in proverbs and aphorisms.

What qualities does a child bearing this name have?

They say that by the name chosen for a baby, you can learn a lot about his mother. And the mother of the boy Alyosha is a calm, quiet, but self-confident woman. The child himself, already in early childhood, shows all his spontaneity and sincerity.

The boy does not know how to lie or be cunning at all. He is sociable and makes friends quickly. Almost always, such children become leaders in children's games and enjoy authority among their classmates. And if in the first years of his life Alyosha often gets sick, then by school age the boy’s body becomes strong and tempered.

Alexey is emotional, but with age he learns to hide it behind a thin mask of irony. Despite his sociability, the child can express his thoughts to the offender in a very open and aggressive manner. Even at such a young age, Alyosha does not tolerate injustice and shows his protest in every possible way - parents and teachers often get the impression that the boy is growing up as a bully and a hooligan.

Studying is relatively easy for a child, since he has a flexible, but whimsical and subtle mind. When raising and training a boy, these character traits should be taken into account.

Positive features

Almost all character traits that manifest themselves in childhood remain in adulthood. Most often, Alexey is an amazing person who, if desired, can bring a lot of bright colors and harmony to the world around him. By nature, this man is a peacemaker. He always tries to resolve conflicts peacefully. However, if there is a need to protect something especially dear (for example, a family), Alyosha will do what is required. As in childhood, the bearer of this name is extremely sensitive to injustice.

Alexey is a calm, cheerful and easy-to-communicate person, so he very quickly becomes part of any team. Moreover, quite often he takes on the role of leader. Such a man will never force his own point of view on someone. He himself also refuses to submit to the will of others.

Alexey makes friends quickly, but he is very whimsical in choosing loved ones - finding a person you can completely trust is not always easy. This is a real man who has a strong will, a balanced character and an unsurpassed sense of humor.

Negative traits

Like every person, Alexey has some negative traits, although the extent of their manifestation largely depends on his upbringing and the people around him. Since such a person is naturally peaceful and calm, if there is too much pressure from parents and relatives, excessive softness and complaisance may appear. It is difficult for such a person to make decisions.

However, too aggressive upbringing makes Alyosha quarrelsome and stubborn. Aspiring to grow into a real man, a teenager may join companies with a dubious reputation. Ambition imposed on parents can lead to internal discomfort, resulting in excessive rigidity, stubbornness and a desire to attract attention by any means. That is why it is extremely important in raising Alyosha to maintain a balance between strength of character and compliance.

The secret of the name Alexey

Modern astrologers claim that this name is not burdened with any negative karma - Alexey can become both a saint and an extremely unpleasant person. The main character trait is balance. But with improper upbringing, the worst sides of character can appear.

The element of the bearer of this name is water, and the planet is Jupiter. Alexey's ideal color is blue. To enhance positive qualities, men are recommended to wear jasper jewelry.

Now that the meaning and origin of the name Alexey has become clear, you can turn to advice on choosing a future profession. Some innate data will help a person achieve success in certain industries.

For example, a keen sense of justice along with fortitude can make Alexey an excellent lawyer. He will definitely sort out the little things and get to the bottom of the truth. Such men make excellent lawyers and judges. Quite often, the bearer of the name chooses a political career for himself - such work is easy.

Born a peacemaker, Alexey can become an excellent diplomat - this has been proven more than once by famous owners of this name. In addition, a man can achieve success in medicine thanks to a sincere desire to help, literally save people.

Alexey can create a thriving business, but only if this business interests and excites him. If it deprives a man of the opportunity to demonstrate his innate talents, interest quickly fades away.

It is worth noting that the owners of this name are valuable workers. They can patiently do painstaking work and rarely become a cause of conflict. Alyosha easily fits into any team from the very first day thanks to her intelligence, unsurpassed sense of humor and natural love of communication.

Secrets of communication and compatibility

Of course, the description of the name Alexey should also include some recommendations regarding love relationships. In fact, such a man craves not just passionate love, but sincere and strong affection. The future wife will firmly occupy an important place in Alexei’s life. It is believed that a successful marriage will be with Irina, Yulia, Galina, Natalya, Daria or Sophia.

As for communication, such men are pleasant to talk to, they are understanding and compassionate. But Alexey does not tolerate aggression, hypocrisy, attacks and rudeness.

The most famous bearers of the name

Famous people with the name Alexey were workers in various professions. As already mentioned, this name was borne by the Moscow Metropolitan. Don't forget about the rulers, in particular Alexei Romanov. Owners of this name can become artists, which has been proven dozens of times. As an example, we can cite Alexei Gorky, famous writer), Alexei Potekhin (writer), (poet), Alexei Egorov (artist). But Alexey Speransky is a member of the Academy of Medical Sciences. Among the Alekseevs there are commanders, generals, aircraft designers, doctors, and military leaders.

In a word, the bearer of this name naturally has enormous potential. And it is extremely important to monitor Alyosha’s upbringing, development and education, because his future will depend on this.

Alexey is a very strong name in terms of energy. The main focus of this name is protection and amulet from troubles, but it also has other strong features.

Meaning and origin of the name

The name Alexey is of Greek origin. The meaning of the name is simple and excludes any misinterpretation, because when translated it means “protector.” Since ancient times, this name has been popular in Rus', and now some forms are common in European and Spanish-speaking countries.

This is a primordially Christian Orthodox name that originated at the dawn of the development and formation of the Russian state.

The fate and character of Alexei

Alexei's fate directly depends on how much he trusts the call of his heart. His sixth sense is so developed that any lady can envy him. Not only does he have this significant advantage, but he is also intelligent and loves to use logic in the process of solving problems. This is a strong-willed and reasonable person who always feels where the truth is hidden.

His calm and peaceful nature allows him to have a happy marriage. Alexey is a wonderful father who prefers not to punish his children, but to teach them to always do the right thing. A woman who has connected her fate with Alexei usually does not regret her choice.

In his work, Alexey is extremely meticulous about what he does himself, so sometimes it’s difficult for him. He is creatively developed, but is either afraid or does not know how to implement his ideas, so he needs help.

Alexey usually does not strive to become the ruler of the world or prove to everyone that he is the best. This man is very calm and prefers a measured lifestyle. Serious problems are dangerous for him, as they can unsettle Alexey. The main thing for the owner of this name is to have incentive and emotional support. In this case, Alexey is able to achieve enormous success in any job, business or even sport. In general, this man is universal in terms of choosing a profession, because he can be both a creative person and fall in love with the exact sciences from childhood.

There are also vulnerable spots in Alexei’s character. He does not take criticism well, and when failures overtake him, he often looks for a reason to justify himself, rather than a way to solve it. If something doesn’t work out for him, he abandons his plan. His oddities and weaknesses, however, often look attractive to members of the opposite sex, which is why they adore Alexei and his shortcomings. Despite his success with women, Alexey prefers not to cheat on his chosen one.

The meaning of the name Alexey for a child: choosing a name for children

As a child, Alexey rarely fights, hooligans or does anything malicious, but sometimes he can still “give a thrashing” to his parents. Little Lesha dreams of being the best in absolutely everything, but this only manifests itself when his desires are fueled by his parents. If he has the opportunity to be lazy, he will never miss it.

The main advantage of this child is stability and relative accuracy. By choosing the name Alexey for their child, parents most likely will not find a problematic and extremely emotional son. Lesha will delight them with his calm disposition and prudence.

Characteristics of the name Alexey

Name energy: energetically Alexey is strong, but the power of this name manifests itself only in critical situations. He will stop at nothing to protect his loved ones from harm. He fiercely protects everything that belongs to him. Instability is justified by these bright bursts.

Alexey's birthday: August 22 is the day of memory of Alexei of Constantinople. October 11 is the day of memory of Alexei Pechersky.

Which middle name is suitable for the name Alexey: Ilyich, Vladimirovich, Nikolaevich, Mikhailovich, Vladislavovich.

Patron animal: a crab whose shell protects Alexey from problems.

Name element: Alexey is considered to be the element of water, as he always looks for an easy path to victory.

Zodiac sign: Energetically, Pisces and Virgo are suitable for Alexey. Pisces has an equally strong appreciation for art, and Virgos have good intuition.

Stone-amulet: jasper, which protects Alexei from failures and any bad influence.

Metal: copper, protecting Alexei from troubles and evil thoughts of his enemies.

Color: blue and dark shades of red. Blue is needed to stimulate intellectual activity, which allows Alexey to bypass any difficulties. Dark red is the color of true love and romance.

Planet: Alexei's heavenly patron is Neptune.

Favorable day of the week: Saturday.

Plant: poplar and lilac. These are symbols of kindness and compassion.

Lucky number: 5.

Famous representatives: Alexey Zharkov (USSR actor), Alexey Tolstoy (writer), Alexey Stakhanov (hero of labor), Alexey Smertin (football player).

The desire to overcome himself is what Alexey needs. He needs to find himself as early as possible in this life, and this will save him from the need to constantly battle with circumstances and temptations. Each of us dreams of doing what he likes, and Alexey truly needs to know his calling. Very often, wisdom and intuition help him find luck.

Numerology of the male name Alexey

Five is the number under the sign of which the name Alexey passes. Five are not only privileges, but also obligations. Intelligence, hard work, perseverance, responsibility, pedantry, punctuality, accuracy. In addition to these advantages, he is also distinguished by high moral qualities, which few can boast of. At the same time, Alexey is not arrogant and can soberly assess his merits... A more detailed numerological analysis of the name is available.

All names in alphabetical order:

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Soft, smooth, melodious - this is how you can describe the name Alexey. It will be useful to know its meaning for mothers and fathers who want to name their son this way. This information is also important for name owners. What does it mean, what influence does it have on character and destiny? The answers to these questions are contained in the article.

What is the origin and meaning of the name Alexey

First you need to figure out where it came from. What is the origin and meaning of the name Alexey? Fortunately, the answer to this question is not a mystery.

Researchers attribute the smooth and melodious name to ancient Greek roots. It is believed that it comes from the word “aleshios”, which is translated into our language as “prevent”, “reflect”, “protect”.

It is easy to guess that the meaning of the name Alexey is “protector”, “protector”. In our country it has become popular due to its euphony. The name's popularity peaked in the 70s of the last century, and it is still readily given to boys.

Diminutive options

How can close relatives and friends contact Alexey? Lenya, Lekha, Alyoshka, Leshka, Aleshenka, Leshechka - there are many options. When choosing derivative forms, care should be taken, since not all of them may be to the liking of the owner of the name.

In childhood

What is the meaning of the name Alexey for a child? First of all, mention should be made of his strong attachment to his mother. In early childhood, he does not like to part with her, he experiences anxiety even because of her short-term absence. However, there is no need to fear that Alyosha will grow up to be a “mama’s boy.” He takes on the role of protector and assistant with pleasure. For family and friends, he can become a real stone wall.

Laconic, reserved - this is the owner of the name since childhood. Alexey prefers to hide his thoughts and feelings from others, sharing them only with the closest people. The role of a leader does not suit him, but he gets along well with his peers and is unlikely to become an outcast in the team.

What else do parents need to know about the meaning of the name Alexey for a boy and the fate of its owner? Moms and dads should not hope that their son will be an excellent student. Laziness prevents him from studying well, although this child still pays attention to his favorite subjects.


What is the meaning of the name Alexey for a boy in adolescence? This period can be a real test for him. Alyosha's mood constantly changes; he can plunge into a state of depression for no apparent reason. He also often gets into trouble, especially if he gets involved with the wrong company. Fortunately, this won't last long. It is important that parents give the guy the support he needs.

Mother and father must not forget that nothing can be achieved from Alexei by using an imperative tone. Better results can be achieved by talking with him as an equal. In this case, he will definitely listen to the advice of his parents, whom he respects very much.


What does Alexey become as an adult, the meaning of the name, character and fate of which are discussed in the article? Compassion, fortitude, good nature, reliability are his main features. This person is not born for exploits, but he manifests himself perfectly in everyday life. He gets along well with people around him, is friendly and sociable. He has no tendency to conflict.

This man is a little absent-minded and lazy. These qualities can become an obstacle to his path to success, as well as a lack of ambition. Alexey is good in the role of a peacemaker, he strives for justice and calls on other people to do the same. Violence and hostility are disgusting to him. No one succeeds in subordinating this person to his will; he always makes decisions himself.

Family traditions and values ​​are important to Alexey. For his loved ones, he becomes a reliable protection and support. This man has a negative attitude towards criticism; much more can be achieved from him with praise.


“Defender”, “protector” - this is what the name Alexey means. directly depend on what time of year its owner was born.

  • Stubborn, persistent, emotional - this is a man born in winter. He can say rude words and then regret it for a long time. He is always ready to fight for the restoration of justice, to stand up for the weak who are offended by the strong. Also, Alexey, who was born in winter, has good health.
  • The owner of the name, born in summer, is much calmer. He is very dependent on other people's opinions, needs the support of friends and family, and the approval of colleagues. Excessive modesty can prevent this man from realizing his potential; any criticism seriously hurts him. It is important for summer Alexey to develop self-confidence. It should also be noted that this person has a broad outlook and is able to maintain a conversation on any topic. He is attracted to travel and mysterious phenomena.
  • Sensitive, impressionable - this is Alexey, born in the spring. This man is capable of strong feelings, but it is not easy for him to talk about them. It is amorous, easily lights up and also cools down quickly. Vesenny Alexey is a creative person. He can compose romances, sing songs, write poetry. This person avoids conflicts and prefers to resolve all problems peacefully. He never tries to force his opinion on anyone. Alexey, who was born in the spring, does not strive for power. But the ability to get along with others helps him quickly move up the career ladder.
  • What is the meaning of the name Alexey for a person born in autumn? Laconic, specific, smart - that’s what this man is like. He has developed intuition, which helps him easily get out of even the most difficult situations. The opinion of society is important to him, but he does not allow others to influence him. Alexey, who was born in the fall, loves to have fun in noisy companies and is always ready for adventure.


The secret of the name Alexey and its meaning are interconnected. What is its owner hiding from others? The main advantage of this man is his developed intuition. It is very difficult for those around him to deceive him, since he is able to predict their actions and actions.


  • Patron planet - Neptune.
  • Zodiac sign - Aquarius.
  • The totem animal is the crab.
  • The talisman plant is mistletoe.
  • The talisman stone is lapis lazuli.
  • The favorable time of year is winter.
  • Favorable day of the week is Saturday.
  • Green color.

Love, sex

How does the meaning of the name Alexey and the character of its owner affect relationships with the opposite sex? A woman who hopes to attract his attention must have an attractive appearance. For this man, beauty and grooming are very important. If a lady doesn’t take care of herself, he won’t be able to please her.

What else can you tell us about how the meaning of the name Alexey and the character of its owner affect his romantic relationships? It is safe to say that this man pays attention not only to appearance. Sincerity and loyalty are qualities that are also very important to him. It is important for Alexei that the woman he loves is devoted to him and takes care of him.

The owner of the name is not the person who is ready to change partners like gloves. By nature he is monogamous, he easily manages to remain faithful to his chosen one. It cannot be said that Alexey is experienced in flirting. However, the fair sex likes this person due to his natural charm and easy-going character.

Alexey has every chance of falling in love with a lady who turns out to be a little older than him. He likes experienced and sophisticated, delicate and affectionate women. He subconsciously expects maternal warmth from his partner. Attentive, sensual, gentle - that’s how he is in bed. First of all, this man cares about his partner’s pleasure, and only then about his own.

Marriage, family

Will the marriage of a man named Alexey be happy? The meaning of the name and fate are directly related, this also applies to creating a family. There is a high probability that Alexey will decide to give up his freedom only when he is 30 years old. He will propose to a kind, clean and thrifty lady. This man will willingly take on the role of a protector, take care of his family and protect it.

The meaning of the name Alexey indicates that its owner is not prone to betrayal. It is easy for him to remain faithful to his chosen one even after many years of marriage. This man also expects fidelity from his wife. If he finds out about the betrayal of his other half, the relationship will immediately end. If the relationship in marriage is honest and trusting, he will not want anything more.

What else can you tell us about how the family life of the owner of the name Alexey develops? The meaning of the name and fate are connected, so the marriage is most likely to be happy. For this man, the family is a quiet haven in which scandals are unacceptable. He is ready to give in to his other half in small things and be flexible. However, Alexey prefers to solve all important issues on his own. He readily takes upon himself the financial support of the family, and also does not refuse to help his wife with the housework.

Alexey is very attached to his children, touchingly caring for them throughout his life.

Choice of profession

“Defender” is what the name Alexey means. The meaning of the name has a direct impact on the choice of profession. This man has a craving for creative activity. He can achieve success as a writer, designer, artist, actor.

Alexey is also attracted to exact sciences. Forensic scientist, surgeon, physicist, engineer - he is able to succeed in any of these professions. Painstaking and monotonous work is strictly contraindicated for the owner of the name. His career advancement directly depends on how passionate he is about his work. Alexey does not know how to work carelessly; he is pedantic and scrupulous.


It cannot be said that the owner of the name dreams of taking a leadership position. However, if this happens, he can make an excellent boss who is respected by his subordinates.

Alexey can also start his own business. Developed intuition, a responsible attitude to work - these qualities will help him succeed as an entrepreneur. However, this person is more suited to running a small business than running a large enterprise. Lack of ambition is a quality that can let him down.

Passion, hobby

What else can you tell about the meaning of the name Alexey and the interpretation of the name? If this man is interested in something in childhood, then this business has every chance of becoming his profession. For example, a boy who likes to draw can turn into a famous artist. A child who is interested in assembling airplane models has every chance of becoming a successful aircraft designer.

Alexey is a man who can often be seen with a book in his hands. This man prefers science fiction works. He is also attracted to adventure novels and travel stories. Alexey is easy-going, so his hobbies may include hiking and trips to other cities and countries.


What can you tell us about the health of the owner of the name? In general, it is not a cause for concern. However, Alexey needs to monitor the condition of the gastrointestinal tract. Proper nutrition is very important for him, avoiding unhealthy foods in favor of healthy foods.

The man whose name is this is often overworked at work. This can lead to insomnia and nervous overload. Alexey must definitely find time for proper rest, otherwise his health will begin to deteriorate.

The owner of the name cannot be called a good patient. This man does not like to undergo treatment and is reluctant to follow doctor’s orders. He trusts more in alternative medicine, which can lead to serious health problems.


The meaning of the name Alexey has a direct impact on the character and fate of its owner. However, it is also important what zodiac sign a man was born under.

  • Aries - active, energetic, courageous. Ambition in Alexei's character is surprisingly combined with sentimentality and daydreaming. This person likes to be praised and admired. From time to time he fails to distinguish a sincere compliment from rude flattery.
  • Taurus is a passionate and tender nature. Alexey, born under this sign, is distinguished by his independence and love of freedom. For this man, it is important to achieve everything in life himself. He is characterized by perseverance; he will never deviate from the path he has once chosen.
  • Gemini is a dreamy and freedom-loving person. Alexey, ruled by this sign, is too keen on building castles in the air. He spends more time in his fantasy world than in reality.
  • Cancer is a person who likes not to command, but to obey. This man does not like to share his innermost thoughts with others and does not allow anyone into his inner world. Kindness, responsiveness, devotion are his positive qualities. Disadvantages include laziness and lack of self-confidence.
  • Leo is a narcissistic and selfish nature. Alexey, born under this sign, takes care of himself first and foremost. However, he is noble and generous, readily defending the weak who are offended by the strong. This man likes admiration and compliments.
  • Virgo is a persistent and purposeful person. Alexey, who is ruled by this sign, is a fighter in life. Work plays an important role in his life. It is not easy to communicate with him, since he places too high demands on others.
  • Libra is a well-mannered, intelligent, non-conflict and reserved man. This person easily gains the respect of others. He does not allow anyone into his inner world; rare people manage to unravel his true goals.
  • Scorpio is a dark horse. Alexey, born under this sign, is distinguished by strength, authority and selfishness. He attaches more importance to his own desires than to the needs of others. It is dangerous to have such a man as an enemy.
  • Sagittarius is a romantic who has been looking for his soulmate for a long time. Optimism, faith in the best, the ability to easily experience failures are his positive qualities.
  • Capricorn is an ambitious, hardworking and serious person. For this man, career advancement is important; he is ready to work tirelessly for a high position.
  • Aquarius is a friendly and freedom-loving person. Alexey, who is controlled by this sign, does not depend on the opinions of others. He makes all decisions independently, consulting only with himself.
  • Pisces is a visionary and a dreamer. This person is constantly searching for the meaning of life.

Meaning and origin of the name Alexey: Translated from ancient Greek, the name Alexey means “protector”, “protector”.

Energy and Karma: This name is not burdened with any negative Karma. In terms of sound energy, it is quite calm and cheerful.

Even if the name does not call its owner to leadership, it still quite reliably protects a person from all sorts of troubles. A much larger role in Alexei’s fate is played by his upbringing and the environment in which he grows up.

Communication secrets: Alexey's balance makes him an excellent listener and advisor. He is capable of compassion and is ready to provide support to the best of his ability. Just don’t, perhaps, try to put pressure on him, as they say.

  • Sign Zodiac: Scales.
  • Planet: Jupiter.
  • Color A named after Alexey: red, light green.
  • Talisman stone: alexandrite, jasper.

Meaning of the name Alexey option 2

The meaning of the name Alexey is “protector” (Greek)

As a child, Alyosha is a sincere, spontaneous child. He doesn't know how to lie at all. When faced with injustice, he can emotionally express disagreement and do everything to spite the offender.

In controversial situations, he resolutely insists on his own, clearly arguing his arguments. He is a leader in games and enjoys authority among his peers.

In early childhood, he is often susceptible to respiratory diseases. With age, his body becomes stronger, he gets sick much less often.

“December” Alexey is in better health than the “summer” and “spring” ones. Emotional nature. Alyoshka is stubborn and persistent and often finds himself in conflict situations without wanting to. He is an eternal fighter for justice, but adults sometimes get the impression that the boy is an incorrigible bully and a hooligan. Pride will not allow him to prove that it was not he, but his classmate, who was to blame for some brawl, that he only wanted to restore justice. As a result, most often all the blame falls on himself.

“Summer” Alexey has less strong will than “winter” or “autumn” Alexey. He needs the support of friends and the approval of his actions by colleagues. Because of modesty, he is not always able to realize his ideas himself; he turns to friends and like-minded people for help. It is difficult to cope with failures and takes criticism painfully. Girls really like his diplomacy and tact. He has a good memory and quickly grasps everything new. Loves adventure literature and science fiction.

Alexey, born in spring, is capable of deep feelings, but does not dare to express them. Severely suffers from indecision. The emotional drama he experienced unsettles him for a long time. He is amorous and will not delve into the motives of his beloved’s behavior; her goodwill and sensitivity are enough for him. He prefers not to talk about feelings, since he is still unable to express their depth. He does not tolerate violence, pressure and even the influence of outsiders, but he does not know how to openly express protest and tries to get rid of the presence of such people. He himself does not strive for power. He is not one of those who read morals or impose himself, which earns him the respect of colleagues, friends and especially his adored children and beloved wife.

“Autumn” Alexey is more confident in himself. It’s not easy to talk to him, he analyzes every phrase, demands arguments from his partner, undeniable arguments, and he himself always knows how to prove and defend his ideas. And he is specific, laconic in conversation, and has a sharp, lively mind. Initiative, practical, rational. But at the same time, he is attentive to his colleagues, always ready to listen to everyone, discuss the work plan, and takes into account the opinions of others. Tactful, correct, charming.

Winter and autumn give firmness to Alexei's character. He gravitates toward exact sciences, is practical, and enterprising.

The name Alexey successfully combines with patronymics: Sergeevich, Georgievich, Grigorievich, Denisovich, Mikhailovich, Vladimirovich, Viktorovich.

“Summer” and “spring” Alexei is softer and more compliant. Amorous and addicted. Poorly protected. His patronymic can protect him: Dmitrievich, Nikolaevich, Igorevich, Olegovich, Anatolyevich, Eduardovich, Arturovich.

Meaning of the name Alexey option 3

Personality of the male name Alexey. Those who hide.

  • Character. 86%.
  • Radiation. 83%.
  • Vibration. 75,000 vibrations/s.
  • Color. Blue.
  • Main features. Intuition - will - activity.
  • Alexei's totem plant. Lilac.
  • Totem animal. Crab.
  • Sign. Cancer.
  • Type. To understand the Alekseevs, you need to remember that their totem animal is the crab, which attacks with its claws, backs away, drags its victim, and if the fight is unequal, buries itself in the sand.
  • Psyche. Introverts, this means that they are more deep within themselves, running away from reality, hiding in the sands of their subconscious. They have a vivid imagination. They often try to justify their actions in advance, especially when they are scared or afraid of condemnation.
  • Will. At first glance, it is very strong, but in Alexei’s determination there is some instability and unsteadiness.
  • Excitability. In their persistence one senses some kind of anxiety, which emphasizes some inconstancy of character.
  • Speed ​​reaction. Alexey takes friendship very seriously, and often passionate love degenerates into friendship, which not all women like. They experience fear and fear failure, most often unreasonably.
  • Field of work. They are not attracted to science, or rather, they study for themselves. This is a type of independent loners who do not tolerate the pedagogical process well; they do not tolerate coercion. Artistic natures. They can become talented actors, directors, entertainers, and television workers. Among them are travelers, sailors, lawyers, people who have withdrawn from the society they reject.
  • Intuition. Female type.
  • Intelligence. Alexey has a synthetic type of thinking. They have a reliable memory and a simply frightening curiosity.
  • Susceptibility. They are difficult to understand, they are very independent, although they strive to find a refuge where they could find care and peace.
  • Moral. Capable of questionable actions.
  • Health. Average, easily overtired. They suffer from stomach diseases, so they must take care of their digestion.
  • Sexuality. Alexey's sexuality is mostly speculative. They tend to dream about love instead of living it. There is something childish in their sensuality, with a subconscious craving for maternal warmth.
  • Activity. This is not their strong point. Sometimes it seems that while they work, they only dream of returning home, where they can do what they like... or do nothing at all!
  • Sociability. Alexey often expects something impossible from friendship. Luck, a happy accident helps them get out of unpleasant situations.

Conclusion. Alexey has been looking for support in a strong partner all his life - be it a mother or a wife.

Meaning of the name Alexey option 4

The secret name Alexey is of ancient Greek origin and means protector.

A calm, self-confident, quiet woman by nature will name her son Alexey. Alyosha is very attached to his mother, looks like her, but rarely inherits the meekness inherent in his mother. On the contrary, from early childhood he feels like a protector of his mother, and as he grows up, he becomes a protector of those women who surround him. Alexey is friendly, verbosity is not typical for him, he is a man of action. And although in childhood he did not lead a gang of boys, for some reason they always turned to him for advice.

Adult Alexeis are distinguished by their diligence in all matters, with obvious pleasure they engage in painstaking work and strive for perfection in the area in which they work. Whatever Lesha starts doing, sooner or later he will know his business better than anyone else; At the factory he is an irreplaceable master, in teaching he is an experienced mentor, in sports he is a patient coach, in business he is an obligatory partner. Alyoshas are ambitious, and this helps them, given their business qualities, to achieve a good position in society.

Alexey is a person with pronounced creative abilities, and therefore artists, writers, and actors are often among them. Exact sciences are not alien to them either. They make good engineers and good physicists, surgeons and criminologists. The successes of the Alekseevs are greatly facilitated by their subtle intuition.

Alexey has a character trait that all mothers-in-law value - complaisance. He is almost always calm, thorough, hardworking, persistent and conscientious. He yields to his wife in trifles, but in serious matters he shows such firmness that those who know him closely do not even try to convince him. Alexei, however, is touchy and vulnerable. What he values ​​most in women is cleanliness. God forbid that you appear before him in a greasy robe: he will remain silent, but make it clear that this is extremely unpleasant for him. In conflicts between his wife and others, he always takes her side, even if she is wrong. Without being jealous, sometimes a wife can lead Alexey by the nose for a long time. Alexey is faithful, most often - out of his inherent feeling of disgust. He cares more about his children than about himself. Until old age, he retains filial affection for his parents. Alekseys born in winter are more difficult to communicate with.

Success in marriage awaits Alexey with Anastasia, Angela, Anna, Varvara, Galina, Claudia, Larisa, Lyubov, Nadezhda, Roxana and Svetlana. Less preferable are marriages between Alyosha and Alina, Vera, Oksana, Tamara, and Yulia.

Meaning of the name Alexey option 5

Here is a description of the name Alexey, large in volume and from an old source. Perhaps you are using this article for essays, such as essays, names. The meaning of the name Alexey is given here in conjunction with the name Alexander.

Both in the sounds and in the relationships of the signs of the name Alexander there is balance and a certain standing - not necessarily stability, but the absence of urges to move due to self-isolation; there is some kind of geometric cubicity in this name.

And if Alexander does move, then this movement is determined by internal forces and therefore is expressed by a series of acts separate from each other, by climbing steps, in general by a step: Alexander walks, which is always accompanied by a corresponding knocking sound, a corresponding distinct and separate manifestation outside him promotions. On the contrary, both in the sounds and in the properties of the name Alexey, and even more in the true church form of this name Alexy, and even more so in the original Greek form of its own Alextos, there is disequilibrium, instability, lack of standing and therefore movement. But this movement is determined not from within, but from without, by external attraction, and, since it does not come from separate acts of self-determination, like craving, it itself is not separate. Alexey does not have a step, but a glide. And the sound of its movement should accordingly be compared to a rustling sound, like the sound of dry leaves. Alexey's movement is not active, like Alexander's, but passive.

If the gravitational mass of Alexei were great, then during his movement he would drag and, consequently, create a great disorder in the environment - he would crush everyone and everything that came in the way, rumble and creak. But its weight is not great, and therefore the pull of external forces or the breath of the atmosphere carries it away without much violence to its surroundings, and in continuous, albeit unexpectedly whimsical ways, it glides from one vital relationship and form of inner life to another. The sound of this sliding is higher than that of Alexander, although the latter does not have low bass registers, and stands almost on the border with the female sound.

The names Alexander and Alexey manifest almost opposite signs and yet are metaphysically very close to each other, and Alexey is a certain softening or softening of the name Alexander, as a result of which the basic balance in it is disturbed: Alexander is a solid body, crystalline, while Alexey is doughy. Alexey is the same Alexander, but near the melting point. Alexander stands, Alexey falls, always falls, and there is not a single vertical line in him.

In Alexei, the composition of the personality is close to that of Alexander, and the elements of personality largely correspond to the elements of Alexander's personality. But Alexander is characterized by a very precise definition of the horizon of consciousness, as a result of which the conscious and sub- and superconscious are in very precise correspondence with each other, and this determines the balance and self-closure of this personality. In Alexei there is the same commensurate proportion of personality elements in themselves, taken separately, but the totality of those that fall into the realm of consciousness is no longer proportional to the totality of the elements of the subconscious. By moving the level of consciousness in Alexander, and precisely by raising this level significantly higher, we thereby obtain Alexey. In other words, the subconscious (including the superconscious) forms a deeper layer in Alexey than in Alexander, and the conscious is represented by a thinner layer than in the latter.

Given the depth of the subconscious, Alexei would need a much greater degree of consciousness and intelligence to balance his personality than he has and can have. If we were to imagine Alexey having acquired such consciousness and intelligence, but without changing the depth of his subconscious, then Alexey would cease to be Alexey and would become Alexander, but not an ordinary Alexander, but a great one, a genius. But the fact of the matter is that the structure of Alexei’s personality is such that any increase in consciousness in him leads to an accelerated, in comparison with the growth of consciousness, growth of the subconscious roots of the personality; Growing spiritually, Alexey becomes even more Alexey, but in the extreme he strives for foolishness.

From here it is clear: in Alexander, the surrounding reality is perceived primarily through consciousness and therefore evokes a consciously self-determined reaction, which, therefore, is verbal, separate, and rational. On the contrary, the same external world acts on Alexei through the subconscious, and Alexei’s reaction is also subconscious, emotional, does not come from a single act, but flows, as it were, in a continuous current, emanating from him indiscriminately and irrationally.

When Alexander’s degree of consciousness decreases, for example due to illness, etc., he shifts somewhat towards Alexey, just as Alexey’s shift towards Alexander occurs with a temporary aggravation of consciousness. But for both, these shifts are only temporary deviations from their own inherent correlation of personality elements, and, having undergone a shift, both of them usually return to their own type.

Comparative subtlety and lack of cohesion of consciousness is characteristic of Alexei. This is a loose consciousness that easily breaks apart and reveals what is underneath; I would like to compare it to felt that is loosely matted and easily comes apart. Such consciousness freely passes through itself the direct influence of external existence on the inner essence, and vice versa. Alexei comes into contact with the world with an almost discovered subconsciousness, and therefore his attitude to the world is existential - in a good or bad sense - depends on the given person, but is emotional, spontaneous, mystical and of little responsibility. Existence blows through Alexei, and he endures this, but what kind of existence is different in different cases.

Alexey seems to be deprived of a cover that separates him from the outside world, little united in himself, not a microcosm or a monad at all, in contrast to the self-isolated Alexander; Alexey is a curl of the world and for at least temporary stability he is certainly thought of as leaning against something or someone, and without this external attachment to the place he will certainly be carried away to who knows where, who knows what winds.

In Alexey there is defenselessness, if not in a crude sense, then in a more internal sense. In this defenselessness and morbidity, foolishness - ugliness corresponds, to one degree or another, with signs of some kind of squalor: either a lisp, or a stutter, or spiny legs, etc.

The mind is subtle - understanding this word in both directions. In a positive sense, this is the ability of the mind to capture delicate, barely outlined shades - something that has not yet been formed is sensitivity to symbols, and therefore a tendency towards symbolism. For such a mind, which is only conscious on the surface, developing its main activity subconsciously, and, moreover, emotionally, every word, every image, every judgment is colored by allegory, and therefore such a mind is characterized by the desire to be allegorical. But he is subtle and in another sense - he is not strong, he has little control over himself, he does not control himself, therefore, he does not know how and does not want to express himself in coherent and open creativity; it gives more sparkles, individual stars, self-sufficient penetration, rather than a long-term merger or even a powerful flash.

This is a capricious and whimsical mind, sometimes insightful, sometimes refusing to act. Its manifestations are poorly coordinated with each other, and if each separately, as emotional, even saturated with emotion, in itself sounds very convincing and captivating with its spontaneity, then taken together they destroy each other, because they are neither antinomic nor consistent, but simply speak about different things or differently. Usually, during a certain period of life impressions, Alexey expresses a series of homogeneous, although not reduced to unity, judgments or, rather, exclamations; but in another phase he is disgusted and irritable, although in the same tone of utmost spontaneity and inner conviction, he scatters and tramples everything that was before. It’s good with Alexey now - and be happy with that: don’t expect that it will be good in the future on the same basis of communication.

On the contrary, after some time, Alexey may hate you, as a reminder of the past, his own past, and he will hate you - also only for a while with a thin, ringing at the very top, almost at the border of hearing, notes, a hatred powerless in the severity of its disgust. In you, he will hate himself, the coherence of his own existence, for Alexey is an impressionist by nature. And then, with a new streak of impressions, he can again return to the old ones, approaching them in a new way, and things can become good with him again.

If this impressionism were not so emotional and so instantaneous, then from this changeability dangerous and destructive passions could arise, crushing everything around like hammer blows. But it is precisely the instantaneousness of these impressions and their mutual conflict, not generalized in the mind, that does not allow them to take root in the will, and therefore Alexey remains relatively quiet and inactive in the outside world. His will does not keep up with the impressions of his feelings, and through the mind, accumulating and generalizing in him, they cannot act according to their mutual struggle. Hence Alexey's helplessness, although in the sense of the elementary structure of life Alexey can adapt; despite his helplessness, and perhaps precisely because of it, Alexei is characterized by cunning, not cunning, but precisely cunning in his mind. Alexey is a cunning man. It is not for the worse or for the greater harm, but rather a means of self-defense, a kind of mimicry: Alexey pretends to be Alexey more than he is, and hence his craving for foolishness. If he is reputed to be stupid, then he will show more stupidity than he really is, laughing in his heart that with this mask he deceived those who wanted to take advantage of his helplessness. If he stutters, then in other cases he will pretend to stutter more than he actually does, when he needs to hide absent-mindedness or ignorance. Alexey is simple and rustic; but, in addition, he forgives himself for simplicity, cultivates in himself the subtlety and looseness of the mind, both seeing in it the refinement of the spirit, and instinctively masking his helplessness.

But this does not mean that Alexey does not understand his “simplicity” and the attitude of those around him: he suffers. Alexey is a man with wounded pride, which is all the more painful because his main mental ability is feeling. But he is not proud, and therefore he is not mentally disintegrated by this woundedness: he carries a thorn in his heart and by constant reminders of it he humbles himself. There is humility in Alexey - this is his spiritual appearance, which may not be expressed, since this Alexey has not yet taken shape. But, in addition, in addition to humility, Alexey is also on the path of humility. However, genuine humility, already given or taken upon oneself, is the path of Alexei.

Alexey’s characteristic foolishness, a mask, is at the same time a kind of protecting himself from responsibility, declaring himself beyond responsibility. Relying on his disguise, he, like all masked people, is inclined to allow himself things that he would not dare to do without a mask, and believes that he, who has declared his irresponsibility, should be allowed to do what is prohibited to others. Then Alexey allows himself - he allows himself, and does not just exist - rudeness, harshness, sometimes, if he takes the mask - rudeness, some kind of servility, vulgarity.

Alexey is spontaneous. But its spontaneity is also exaggeratedly shown by a mask of spontaneity, a mask of simplicity, a mask of the non-intellectual structure of inner life. This mask is a way to restore relations with the world, an internal lack of something - broken in Alexei. Making life possible, this mask cannot, however, completely compensate for the natural inferiority of the Alekseevs, and they, living in the world, are still not adapted to it: there is something “wrong” with them, and therefore they inevitably strive for their highest to the limit, to foolishness. Although not in the crude form of a mask, but in the thinnest veil of spiritual isolation, incomprehensible to everyone and not visible to the majority, they try to artificially create for themselves a shell that is not given to them by nature, and to separate themselves and hide themselves from the world.1 Emanate - to flow, to radiate.

Meaning of the name Alexey option 6

Flexible, serious. They often get sick in early childhood. They grow up focused, a little fixated. They think abstractly and speak convincingly. Alexey is able to start a business and carry it out. The thirst for physical and spiritual integrity is also inherent. Able to gather internally when necessary, the need for self-expression, self-discipline, sometimes vanity: the ability to mobilize. Commitment to partnership.

Meaning of the name Alexey option 7

Dictionary of names Alexey - from Greek. defender, colloquially Lexey; old Alexy.

Derivatives, list of male names: Alekseyka, Alyokha, Lyokha, Alyosha, Lyosha, Alyonya, Lenya, Alek, Leka, Lelya, Alya, Alyunya, Lekseyka, Lexa, Lexa.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

  • Alyokha - no trick, just stupid.
  • Alyosha, tie up your galoshes!
  • Alexey, take the shafts out of the sleigh!
  • Whatever the streams (large or small) on Alexei (March 30), such is the flood.
  • This is also the day of goose fighting, when the ganders are released.

Character: There is something painful and defenseless in Alexei: an inability to exist independently in the world, which is not always manifested in appearance. The mind is subtle, capable of capturing delicate, barely outlined shades. Alexey is an impressionist by nature, and an instant impression takes possession of him completely, only to be rejected just as completely after some time. He tends to protect himself from responsibility; he tends to indulge in rudeness, harshness, even rudeness, vulgarity, and servility. At the same time, he is flexible, and this allows him to be happy in his family life.

Meaning of the name Alexey option 8

Interpretation of the name Alexey - protector (Greek).

Name day: February 25 - Saint Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow, with prayer healed the wife of a Tatar khan from an eye disease, thereby saving Russia from many Tatar troubles; in 1378 he founded the Chudov Monastery in Moscow.

March 30 - Venerable Alexy, man of God, was so named by a voice from heaven (5th century). By the will of God, on his wedding day he stopped his parents’ house and lived in the clothes of a beggar, first on the church porch, and then for seventeen years under the porch of his home in Rome. He died with a letter in his hand, by which he was recognized by his parents and wife.

  • Zodiac sign - Aquarius.
  • Planet Neptune.
  • The color of the name is green.
  • A favorable tree is poplar.
  • The treasured plant is mistletoe.
  • The patron of the name is elk.
  • The talisman stone is lapis lazuli.

Personality: Friendly towards people since childhood. In all matters he is very diligent and, no matter what he does, strives for perfection. Ambition helps him in this; but if Alexey is deprived of it, then he often gives in to laziness - and turns into a completely different person! He has pronounced creative abilities and has subtle intuition. He is flexible, this helps him to be happy in his family life. He does not indulge in all serious things, most of all because of his innate disgust. He cares more about his children than about himself; at the same time, he retains a certain dependent attachment to his father even into old age.

Meaning of the name Alexey option 9

Outwardly, Alexey is an exact copy of his mother, but his character is completely different. He knows how to stand up for himself and plays sports. He is modest with women and usually starts a family late. “Winter” Alexey is very difficult to communicate with.

But in general he is not scandalous and gets along well in a team. In friendship, Alyosha is selective; not everyone manages to achieve his favor and frankness. However, a true friend can count on his constant support and help. Quite proud and vain, he always achieves success.

Talented teacher, engineer, military leader. The family is flexible; squeamish, picky about food. He does not refuse to help his wife, but, if possible, he tries to shift everything onto her shoulders. Alexey treats children well and devotes a lot of time to their upbringing.

Meaning of the name Alexey option 10

The name Alexei comes from the ancient Greek word "alex", meaning "to protect". The name appears in old Russian fairy tales (remember, Alyosha Popovich?).

Although from childhood Alexey is very attached to his mother and is in many ways similar to her, he immediately begins to feel like his mother’s protector, and in a more mature age he can become a protector for other women.

Prefers to be a man of action and spend less time talking.

The adult Alexey is diligent in any business he does, and even does painstaking work with pleasure. He always strives for excellence and achieves great success in any endeavor - production, science, sports, business. Alexey is an individual with pronounced creative abilities. In the family he is caring and hardworking. He especially values ​​neatness and neatness in a woman. In numerology, the name Alexey corresponds to the number nine.