Paradise hell. Why do you dream about Hell in a dream? Why do you dream of flying to hell?

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Hell in a dream?

Hell - If you dream that you are in hell, then in reality you will fall into temptation that will almost completely break you morally and financially. Seeing your friends in hell means need and burdensome worries. Some of your friends are in trouble. Screaming in hell - your friends will not be able to save you from the machinations of your opponents.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why do you dream about Hell?

Hell - Falling into hell in a dream means a fleeting deterioration in the circumstances of your life. Coming out of hell unharmed is a sign of salvation from danger.

Ancient Russian dream book

I dreamed of burning in hell

Hell - Hell in a dream - Seen in a dream with all the torment and fire, it means to the one who saw it that he should change his bad behavior, repent and turn to God with sincere repentance; leaving hell foreshadows misfortune and sadness for the rich, and consolation and relief for the poor in his fate, this is how the dream book interprets this dream.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream about Hell?

Hell - Dream about hell with devils - fun adventures; go to hell - they envy you; to get out of hell - to escape from danger.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about hell, what does it mean?

Hell - Dream calls for a reconsideration of life values. If you don't change your lifestyle, you'll be in big trouble.

Intelligent dream book

Why do you dream about Hell?

Hell - Sadness; to be tormented by it means loss of health or appetite, and sometimes remorse; getting rid of hell - liberation, getting out of trouble, recovering.

Islamic dream book

Why do you dream about hell?

Hell in a dream - And if someone sees himself in hell, then, feeling himself a debtor to God, let him leave all sinful deeds. If he is one of the people who enjoy the blessings of life, then he has a journey ahead of him. If someone sees that he has returned back from hell, this means a pious and abstinent life and also means a return from a journey.

If someone sees that he, captive in hell, is suffering torment, this indicates the upcoming suffering and hardships of everyday life. And if someone sees the Last Judgment in a dream, it means the unjust rule of the king of that country.

If someone sees that at the Last Judgment he is being brought to account for his deeds, but without violence and anger, this means the achievement of desires - both in matters of religion and in worldly affairs. If you see that when demanding an account from him, he is treated strictly, this means a slowdown in the fulfillment of desires.

Azar's Dream Book

Why dream of burning in hell according to spiritual sources

Hell - Why do you dream about Hell - To be in a dangerous situation.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation:

Hell - To be in it is a fleeting deterioration of conditions; to go to hell - they are jealous that you own famous property; to come out of it unharmed is to escape from danger, this is how the dream book interprets your dream.

Persian dream book of Khubayshi Tiflisi

Hell in the ancient sense

Hell - If someone sees himself in hell in a dream, then, feeling like a debtor to God, may he immediately leave all his sinful deeds! If the dreamer is one of the people who enjoy the benefits of life, then he will have an exciting and unforgettable journey.

If someone dreamed that he returned back from hell, this means the need to lead a pious and abstinent lifestyle. When you dream that you are a prisoner in hell, exhausted from monstrous torment, then such a dream indicates the suffering and everyday problems ahead of you.

And if someone sees the Last Judgment in a dream, this means the unjust rule of the ruler of the country where he lives. If someone sees that at the Last Judgment he is being called to account for the unseemly acts he has committed, but they are calling him without violence and without anger, then such a dream is extremely favorable, since it foretells that all your desires will soon come true! But if the dreamer is treated harshly, then in reality his dreams will eventually come true, but this will not happen immediately, but much later.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Interpretation according to the saint:

Hell - Dreaming of Hell - A fleeting deterioration in conditions - going to hell - your ill-wishers will envy you - getting out of it - saving yourself from danger.

Vedic dream book of Sivananda

You dream about Hell

Hell - This dream indicates that you will experience physical and emotional suffering caused by enemies and the death of relatives.

Numerological dream book

How to understand hell

Hell and heaven in a dream - If in a dream you see yourself in heaven, this means that in reality you find yourself in a difficult situation and without outside help you will not be able to figure it out. If you feel good in paradise, then in two days you will meet an old acquaintance who will tell you who to turn to for help. If you don’t like paradise, then you must be prepared for an unpleasant event that will deprive you of peace and fill your soul with confusion.

If in a dream you find yourself in hell and are trying to escape from it, then in reality you will lend your friend a large sum of money and for a long time you will unsuccessfully try to get it back.

If you manage to escape from hell, then your debtor will do you a favor in return and will introduce you to a person from whom you can get valuable advice on an issue that interests you. Perhaps this meeting will take place on the 20th of this month or the 2nd of the next month, this is how such a dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of hell from your dream

Hell - Hell, heaven - sinful actions and offenses, feelings of guilt; prolonged severe negative emotional state under pressure of circumstances; painful illness. Paradise is a happy time; spiritual revelation; demonic seduction, seduction, deception; intrauterine states of consciousness.

Slavic dream book

What does the dreamer dream about about hell in a dream?

Hell - you dreamed of Hell, what is this for - perhaps they are casting a spell on you. This is a bad dream, indicating approaching misfortunes in the 12th house.

Dream Book of Calvin Hall

If you see hell, what is it for?

Hell - What does Hell mean in a dream - to fall into a dependent position. To experience torment in hell - to lose appetite, to be frightened in a dream of hell - to remorse, to be freed from hell - the resolution of painful problems, to see entities in hell - to start an unclean deed. Seeing hell drawn is a fleeting deterioration in conditions.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Interpretation: Hell:

Hell - Some of your actions will bring grief to someone. You should think carefully before doing or saying anything. Let the Universe know that you do not wish harm upon anyone. Ask the Universe to protect you from any steps that could harm other people.

Great modern dream book / Zaitsev S., Kuzmin S.

Interpretation of 7777 dreams: Hell

Hell - you see hell in a dream (as you imagine it), but you feel detached from hell; you are not in it, you are only an observer - such a dream warns that not everything will develop smoothly in your affairs, minor delays may occur, obstacles may arise, which you, however, will ultimately cope with and bring your affairs to the end.

Seeing yourself in hell - this dream indicates that someone from your environment envies you with black envy and desires evil; this someone you are about to identify is trying to discredit you; he believes that he will feel good when you feel bad. Having discovered this ill-wisher, do not take revenge on him, do not punish him; just draw conclusions and move away from this person; defending from a distance is sometimes much more effective and, perhaps, always smarter than defending with your fists.

You see yourself in hell, you are scared, you are tossing and tearing, you are screaming and waking up in a cold sweat. It is clear that nightmares are not a pleasant thing. However, such a dream does not promise you misfortunes, as one might expect, or any noticeable grief. However, get ready for the fact that your business will not go very well; you will make efforts, but you will not get results; you will try to act this way and that, but you will not achieve much success; the questions posed by life are just questions and you will remain nervous and annoyed. Remember what the Bible says: vanity and vexation of spirit?.. This is what we are talking about.

You see in a dream that you managed to escape from hell - a very good dream; you will avoid danger that you did not suspect; you may even think that your dream did not come true, meanwhile, know: the danger has passed by

Dream book for the whole family by E. Danilova

Why do you dream about Hell, how to understand?

Hell - If you experience fear - frightening emotions, adversity; if you are not afraid, you can confidently overcome difficulties; to come out of it unharmed - to avoid danger; to be on an excursion in hell is the desire to figure out what is good and what is bad.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Hell - To be in hell is to lose property and health. Coming out of hell means victory and recovery. Seeing parents in hell is a sign of great grief.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Hell - To be in hell in a dream means that in the near future you will be deprived of peace due to troubles at work, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Hell - Being in hell in a dream - in reality can lead to the opposite, that is, a calm, measured life awaits you.

Personal dreams and their interpretations

told us al-Walid ibn Ahmad al-Waiz, who heard from Hafsa bint Rashid, who said the following: “Marwan al-Mahlami was our neighbor and was cheerful and active. He died, and I grieved greatly for him. One day I saw him in dream and said to him: “O Abu Abdullah, what did God do to you?” He answered: “He brought me into Paradise.” And I asked again: “And then?” He said: “Then I was taken up to those on the right.” I asked: “And then what?” “Then he was taken up to those close to him.” “And which of your brothers (in faith) did you see?” “I saw al-Hasan, Ibn Sirin, Maymun, Hammad, Hisham Ibn Hassan.”

Umm Abdullah, one of the best women in Basra, told me: “I saw in a dream that I entered a beautiful house, then I entered the garden and saw how beautiful it was, and suddenly I found myself next to a man lying on a golden bed, and around his slave maids with fans in their hands. I was amazed by the beauty of what I saw, when suddenly a man was brought in, and someone asked: “Who is this?” They answered: “This is Marwan al Mahlya.” He went to his seat and sat down. And I woke up from sleep, and at that moment the funeral procession of Marwan al-Makhli passed by.”

Abdul-Hussein Abdal-Wahhab Ibn Jaafar al-Maidani from Damascus told us, who told him that Ali Ibn Ahmad al-Bazzar told him, who reported that he heard Ibrahim Ibn Ansari al-Mugh1lis tell, who said: “I heard as my father said: “One day after midday prayer, I was left alone in the mosque and put a jug of water in a niche in the mosque so that it would remain cold at the time of breaking the fast. My eyes closed in sleep, and I saw that several black-eyed houris entered the mosque, clapping their hands. I asked one of them: “Whose are you?” She replied: "Sabita al-Bannani." I asked the other: “And you?” She replied: "Abdar Rahman Ibn Zeid." He asked the next one: “Whose are you?” She answered: “Atabas.” Another one: “And you?” - “Farcades.” I kept asking until there was only one left. I asked her: “Whose are you?” She replied: “The one who does not cool the water to break the fast.” I told her: “If you are telling the truth, then break the jug.” Then the jug rolled and fell out of the niche. I woke up from the sound of a breaking jug." Narrated by Abu Said, RA. Whoever sees Paradise in a dream, but does not see himself entering it, the dream foretells him a good deed or care about his business or good news. This is what a just man dreams of , which does not offend anyone. And someone said that the one who sees Paradise with his own eyes will receive everything he wants, and his sadness will be dispelled. If he sees that he wants to enter Paradise, but is not allowed in, then he will not will have the opportunity to perform Hajj and participate in Jihad, despite the desire for this, or he will not be allowed to repent of the sin in which he persists, despite such a desire. If he sees that one of the doors of Paradise is closed in front of him, then one of them will die his parents, if he sees that both doors of Paradise are closed in front of him, then both of his parents will die. But if he sees that all the doors of Paradise are closed in front of him and do not open for him, then this means that his parents are angry with him. And if they see him entering Paradise through any door, then they are happy with him. And if he sees that he has entered there, then he will gain joy and security in both abodes, from the words of the Almighty: “Enter here in peace and safety!”

If someone sees that he has been brought into Paradise, then his time has come and his death is near. And someone said that the one who sees this dream will follow the example of the one who introduced him to Paradise, and under his protection he will repent of his sins, if he knows it. Someone said that whoever sees entering Paradise will gain whatever he wants after troubles, since troubles remain outside Paradise. It was also said by someone that whoever sees this dream will fulfill what is prescribed by Allah Almighty. If someone sees that he was ordered to enter Paradise, but he did not enter it, then his dream suggests that he will renounce the faith, based on the words of the Almighty: “And they will not enter Paradise until he enters camel in the eye of a needle." And if he sees that he was told that he will enter heaven, then he will receive an inheritance, based on the words of the Almighty: “And this garden, which is given to you as an inheritance...”.

If someone sees that he is in Paradise, he will be on the path of Truth and will receive knowledge. If he sees that he has entered Paradise, smiling, then he will repeatedly remember the name of Allah. And if he sees that he is sitting under the paradise tree of Tuba, then he will acquire goodness in both inhabitants, from the words of the Almighty: “...They have goodness and a good shelter.” If anyone sees that he is in the gardens of Paradise, then he will be granted purity and perfection of faith. And if he sees that he has eaten the fruits of paradise, he will acquire knowledge in proportion to what he has eaten. Also, if he sees that he has drunk the waters of heaven, wine and milk, he will acquire wisdom and knowledge and become rich. If someone sees that he is lying down on a heavenly bed, then this indicates the chastity of his wife and her piety. And if he does not know how he ended up there, then as long as he is alive, his greatness and prosperity in this world will last. And if he dreams that he is not given the fruits of paradise, then this indicates the corruption of his faith, based on the words of the Almighty: “After all, whoever associates partners with Allah, Allah has forbidden Paradise to him.”

If someone dreams that he is picking the fruits of paradise and feeding them to another, then he will be useful to the other with his knowledge, from which he will benefit, but he himself will not benefit. If he sees that he has thrown Paradise into the fire, he will sell the garden and waste the payment for it. If someone dreams that he drank from the paradise river al-Kawsar, then he will gain dominance and win victory over the enemy, according to the words of the Almighty: “Truly We have given you plenty! Pray to your Lord and slaughter!”

Whoever sees that he is in one of the palaces of Paradise will gain dominance and marry a beautiful maiden, based on the words of the Almighty: “Black-eyed, hidden in tents.” And if someone dreams that he is copulating with heavenly women or young men who are “circulating” him (her), then he will receive kingdom and prosperity, according to the words of the Almighty: “And the eternal youths will circumambulate them.” If someone sees in a dream Ridwan, the guardian of the entrance to Paradise, then joy, prosperity and the aroma of life will come to him while he is alive, and he will avoid troubles, according to the words of the Almighty: “...And its guardians will say to them: Peace be with you !..."

If someone sees in a dream that angels are coming to him and welcoming him to Paradise, then he will begin some kind of work, thanks to which he will get to Paradise, based on the words of the Almighty: “And angels enter them through all the doors.” And everything will end well for him. And whoever sees himself wandering around Paradise, this is a sign of an increase in his lot and high dignity and significance. And if someone who experiences fear in life sees that he has entered Paradise, he will feel calm, and if he is worried and anxious, then he will get rid of his anxiety, and if he is single, he will get married.

Interpretation of dreams from

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

Why do you dream of Paradise:

Paradise - Dreaming of paradise is a sign of the greatest prosperity and a harbinger of happiness for your entire family.

See also: why do we dream about God, why do we dream about Adam, why do we dream about hell.

Dream Interpretation by A. Vasilyev

Why do you dream about paradise?

Paradise - If you dreamed of paradise, then peace and tranquility await you.

Also, you will have a good environment and your good destiny will ripen.

Big dream book

Why do you dream of Paradise - dream analysis:

Heaven - To see that in heaven you have loyal friends who will help you in difficult times.

If mothers dreamed of heaven, then this promises them beautiful and obedient children.

If you are sick or unlucky in some way, then after you dreamed of heaven, you will definitely recover, and good luck will certainly come to you.

If lovers dreamed of paradise, then this promises them wealth and fidelity.

If in a dream you felt uncomfortable in paradise, then the business you have undertaken may turn into disappointment.

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why do you dream about Paradise, what does it mean:

Paradise - A favorable dream in which you will see the landscape of paradise: a cozy corner will appear in your life in which you will feel quite comfortable, as well as loyal friends who can help you in any difficult moment.

Finding yourself in heaven and feeling great is a good dream. It promises health, joy, devotion of friends or very interesting communication with someone. For sailors, a dream about paradise means a successful completion of the voyage; for mothers - to wonderful children; for lovers - to fidelity and wealth, long-term stable relationships. To feel your sinfulness in paradise, to feel lost - to remorse, disappointment in the work you have begun. If you are sick or consider yourself a failure, then after such a dream you will soon recover, and your luck will not keep you waiting.

To dream that you are going to heaven and seeing your ancestors there - Adam and Eve - is a sign that you should pay more attention to the people who directly surround you, in particular your relatives.

Only for women: You dreamed of paradise (that is, you were absolutely aware in the dream that you were currently in paradise), and it made an indelible impression on you, which means that you perceive real life, relationships with your partner as nothing other than paradise. You believe that you have nothing more to desire in this world, since you are completely satisfied with the present. Think about whether you are idealizing the situation and your partner? Subjective opinions can be erroneous, and no one is immune from mistakes.

If you were not alone in the paradise you dreamed of, it means that you are destined to meet a person who will be the key to changes in your personal life. And if he himself does not make any visible changes in your life, you will feel changes within yourself precisely with his appearance.

Universal dream book

What does it mean to see Paradise in a dream?

Heaven/Hell - Heaven: Brief interpretation: bliss; satisfaction; purity.

Popular expression: given from above; heaven and earth; on the seventh sky.

Hell: Brief interpretation: illusion; punishment; retribution.

Popular expression: the gates of hell have opened; Damn him; rise from hell.

Our idea of ​​heaven and hell is as individual as our fingerprints. What exactly, heaven or hell, did you see in your dream? Who deserves to be there? How did this man get there? Who will receive the reward and who will receive the punishment? How do you feel when you see hell or heaven? Without heaven there would be no hell. Perhaps your dream suggests that heaven will await you if you endure the hell you are in?

Symbolic dream book

Seeing Paradise in a dream:

Paradise - One of the most important symbolic oppositions, standing on a par with such oppositions as top - bottom, east - west, left - right, light - darkness, good - evil. Paradise personifies everything good, sublime, heavenly, divine in the world and in man, while hell symbolizes everything bad, base, underground, demonic.

Paradise is the place of eternal bliss of the righteous and the place where the human soul resides with God. Hell, on the contrary, is a place of eternal torment for sinners and “executions” of a soul deprived of communication with the Divine.

The pre-Christian tradition viewed heaven and hell together, inseparably; compare, for example, the Greek Hades (Hades), that is, the afterlife, which consists of three regions - the Champs Elysees, where the souls of the righteous went, the Fields of Asphodels, a kind of prototype of the Catholic Purgatory, and Tartarus, where sinners suffered punishment. The same is typical for the Egyptians: in their afterlife - Amenti - there existed both heaven (the fields of Ialu) and hell. We find a special version of the afterlife in the Scandinavian tradition: sinners and “ordinary” dead, who died of old age, illness and those who died not on the battlefield, go to Niflheim, located under the roots of the world tree Yggdrasil, and those who fell in battle are Odin’s envoys, the Valkyries taken to Valhalla - the paradise of warriors; in Valhalla, these warriors - the Einherjar - eat endless boar meat, drink mead and fight among themselves.

The Christian concept sharply distinguishes between heaven and hell, defining both locations as a reward (literally and figuratively) for a person’s behavior during life: a true Christian will certainly end up in heaven, while a sinner will inevitably end up in hell. Catholicism “invented” an intermediate location - Purgatory, or Limbo, where the souls of “good” pagans who died before the establishment of Christianity and the souls of repentant sinners are located. In Islam, hell (jahannam) is reserved for sinners and jinn. A blade bridge will be stretched over hell, along which people will have to pass on the day of the Last Judgment: the righteous will easily cross the abyss, while sinners will collapse into the underworld. The Muslim paradise - Jannah - is described as “gardens of grace”, where the righteous taste bliss in the arms of the houris.

Paradise can also be interpreted as the center, or archetype, of the universe: the first trees grow in it (the world tree, the Tree of Life, the tree of knowledge), four rivers flow from it, giving rise to all earthly rivers; the wall with which it is surrounded faces the four cardinal directions, and the three gates in each section represent the Trinity.

Inextricably linked with the opposition of heaven and hell is the opposition between angels - servants of God, mediators between the Divine and people - and demons, fallen angels who rejected God and preferred to serve Satan.

Lunar dream book

Why does a sleeping person dream of Paradise? It means:

Paradise - peace and tranquility await you. Good environment. Your good destiny has matured. White moon.

Dream Interpretation of O. Smurova

Why do you dream and what does Hell mean:

Hell - Seeing that you are in hell and hearing the terrible cries of martyrs in it is an indication that your actions are making other people suffer, and the dream is a warning from above that you must take everything as it is if you want to avoid big heartbreaks torment and not waste your mental strength in vain.

If you dreamed of martyrs and their suffering, this is a sign of melancholy, grief and repentance. To see that you have been subjected to public punishment in hell, then your torment and suffering due to an undeserved insult will soon pass. The person who made you suffer so much will repent of it and ask for your forgiveness.

If you see that you accidentally ended up in hell, then in reality you will learn that envious spiteful critics are spreading dirty rumors about you that can damage your good name and reputation. Such a dream encourages you to take a closer look at your surroundings, which will promptly identify intruders.

To see that you yourself descended into hell, and then safely got out of it, means that you will be able to successfully extricate yourself from a rather difficult situation, which threatened you with lack of money and a big scandal, and could also spoil the opinion of those around you who are now talking about you only good. If a patient dreams of such a dream, then recovery awaits him. Such a dream is especially successful for the poor.

See also: why do you dream of an execution, why do you dream of a terrible death, why do you dream of a cauldron.

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

Why do you dream about Hell?

Hell - If you dreamed of the torment of sinners in fiery Gehenna, boiling tar and dancing devils - this foreshadows a change in an unrighteous lifestyle, humility before the Almighty. Also, such a dream means remorse and repentance for actions.

To see that you find yourself in hell - you will find yourself in more unfavorable living conditions, even if only for a short time. To see that you are in hell - this means someone is envious of your financial situation. Leaving the fiery Gehenna for the rich promises misfortune and bitterness. The poor, on the contrary, have peace and relief in their lives. Hell is a change for the better, repentance before God.

Pocket dream book by T. Lagutina

Why do you dream about Hell, how to understand the dream:

Hell - Seeing what is in hell - a temptation awaits you, which can lead to a financial and mental crisis. To see that you are crying in hell - friends will not be able to protect you from the machinations of ill-wishers. If you saw friends in hell, bad news from a friend, misfortune, and unpleasant troubles awaits you.

Dream Interpretation by A. Vasilyev

Why do you dream about hell?

Hell - I dreamed about hell - perhaps they are casting a spell on you. This is a bad dream, indicating impending misfortunes.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

Why do you dream about Hell in a night dream?

Hell - To see that you are in hell - beware of succumbing to temptation, because this will undermine your business and moral reputation. Seeing hell in a dream with all its horrors and tortures seems to call on you to cleanse your soul by repenting of bad deeds. If you dreamed that you met your friends in hell, expect misfortunes and burdensome worries; In addition, you will learn about the plight of someone close to you.

If you see that you have fallen into hell under the influence of some higher power, then you will arouse the envy of others with your own success. Seeing that you are in hell and screaming, unable to contain your fear, means that in reality something will not work out, and your friends will be powerless to help you. Seeing that you managed to get out of hell unharmed and this nightmare ended by itself - therefore , and in real life you will be able to avoid the impending danger.

Lunar dream book

Why do you dream about hell?

Hell - they may be casting a spell on you. This is a bad dream, indicating impending misfortunes. 12th house of the horoscope.

Dreaming of Hell? See the following interpreter.

Lewis's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Hell, for what reason:

Hell - Hell symbolizes a place of suffering and torment. A person who dreams of hell may be suffering from the seemingly inevitable situation of giving up his emotional powers to someone else.

Going to hell, even in a dream, is, to put it mildly, an unattractive prospect. But contrary to bad forebodings, what one dreams of being in purgatory is not interpreted so categorically badly by dream books.

Think about your values ​​in your spare time

Medea's dream book considers a dream about hell to be a sign calling you to reconsider your lifestyle, change your life priorities and values, since the current state of affairs will lead you to considerable trouble.

Seeing hell in a dream with its “classical” attributes, torture and devils, is a kind of call to repent of bad deeds and clear your conscience.

According to the interpretation of psychologist Denise Lynn, what one dreams of seeing the torments of hell is a sign of a conscience burdened with cruelty and the inner malice of a sleeping person. The dreamed vision encourages the dreamer to become softer and kinder.

To be in hell and heaven at the same time in a dream predicts a great internal conflict, a struggle between one’s carnal desires and spiritual values.

Seeing a creature from the underworld, according to Miller’s dream book, is a hint to start adjusting your character.

Don't let your guard down - evil never sleeps

According to Miss Hasse, what you dream of going to hell in a dream expresses the interest and envy of some people that you own prominent and popular property.

Going to hell from heaven is predicted by the English dream book about the possibility of facing the betrayal of a loved one. If you dreamed exactly the opposite, it means that a certain person, by her own example, will tell you the right way out of a difficult life situation.

If in a dream you found yourself in the underworld by accident, it means that in real time, be prepared for the fact that ill-wishers are spreading dirty and untrue rumors about you, which can tarnish your good name. Try to recognize slanderers in a timely manner.

Hearing the terrible cries of martyrs in purgatory - pay attention to your actions, which, apparently, cause a lot of suffering to loved ones.

Be patient, everything will work out soon

To be in hell means a temporary deterioration in the living conditions of a sleeping person. What it means to dream of burning in a hellish cauldron and going through all the torture in a dream is explained by Denise Lynn’s dream book, the prospect of facing difficult circumstances in real life, after which you will feel renewed and cleansed.

Hell seen in a dream can be positioned as a symbol of the difficulties that the dreamer experiences in real life. Since there are no hopeless situations, try to consider the situation that has arisen in a different, completely opposite direction.

According to Dr. Freud, burning in hell is a sign of sexual dissatisfaction.

Luck is very close

I dreamed that I managed to get through hell alive and unharmed, as Miss Hasse’s dream book interprets it as an opportunity in reality to avoid serious danger.

Feeling a desire to go not to heaven, but to hell, indicates the dreamer’s extraordinary thinking, and also implies a successful resolution of a difficult situation through risky and dangerous steps.

For those who are sick, visiting the underworld and getting out safely is promised by the dream book a speedy recovery. For the poor, such a vision foreshadows a good opportunity to earn money for food.