International championship case in. International Engineering Championship “Case-in. The goal of the Championship is to popularize engineering and technical education and attract the most promising young specialists to the fuel and energy complex and MSK


International Engineering Championship "Case-in"(Championship) - a practice-oriented educational project for undergraduate and graduate students of universities studying in the areas of mining, electric power, geological exploration, oil and gas and metallurgy.

Championship - competition, consisting from the full-time qualifying stages, which take place on the basis of universities, as well as final stage, which takes place in Moscow. As part of the qualifying stages, teams (up to 4 people each) from among undergraduate and graduate students of the relevant university solve an engineering case dedicated to the current problems of real enterprises. The winner of each qualifying stage is 1 team, which receives the right to take part in the Championship final, where the final case is decided.

The teams’ decisions are assessed by a specially formed expert commission consisting of representatives of federal and regional authorities, fuel and energy enterprises and universities, honored industry experts and case specialists.

Methodological basis of the Championship amounts to "case study"- one of the most effective technologies of practical training.

Regulations and additional information about the Championship are posted on the website

The championship is the legal successor of the All-Russian Championship for solving cases in the field of mining and the All-Russian Championship for solving fuel and energy cases, held in 2013-2015.

The purpose of the Championship is to identify and support the most promising students in the specialties Mining, Electrical Power Engineering, Geological Exploration, Metallurgy and Oil and Gas Engineering, as well as assistance in their acquisition of practical knowledge, experience and new competencies, popularization of engineering and technical education and attraction of young specialists to the fuel and energy and mineral resources sector.

Organizers of the Championship: Charitable Foundation “Reliable Smena”, NP “Youth Forum of Mining Leaders”, NP “RNC CIGRE”.

The championship consists of 5 independent leagues (directions):

  • Mining League;
  • Electric Power League;
  • Geological Exploration League;
  • Metallurgy League;
  • Oil and Gas League.

Each Championship league consists of qualifying stages, which take place at the sites of universities participating in the Championship in accordance with the Championship schedule approved by the Organizers.

The participating university has the right to choose the Championship Leagues in which it is ready to take part. Having made its choice, the university notifies the Championship Organizing Committee of its intentions.

Students of all courses studying in bachelor's, master's, specialty programs, and graduate students of the following universities have the right to take part in the Championship:

  • Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "National Research Technological University "MISiS";
  • FSBEI HPE “National Mineral Resources University “Mining”;
  • FSBEI HPE "Russian State Geological Prospecting University named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze";
  • FSBEI HPE "Siberian State Industrial University";
  • FSBEI HPE “Kuzbass State Technical University named after T.F. Gorbachev";
  • Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Ural State Mining University";
  • FSBEI HPE "South Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI) named after M. I. Platov";
  • Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Siberian Federal University";
  • Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Far Eastern Federal University";
  • FSBEI HPE "Transbaikal State University";
  • Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov";
  • FSBEI HPE "Tula State University";
  • Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Belgorod State National Research University" (NRU "BelSU");
  • FSBEI HPE “Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after. G.I. Nosova";
  • FSBEI HPE "Perm National Research Polytechnic University";
  • FSBEI HPE “Irkutsk State Technical University”;
  • FSBEI HPE "North-Eastern State University";
  • "Karaganda State Technical University";
  • FSBEI HPE “Ivanovo State Energy University named after V.I. Lenin";
  • FSBEI HPE "Kazan State Energy University";
  • FSBEI HPE “National Research University “MPEI”;
  • Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Novosibirsk State Technical University";
  • FSBEI HPE "Samara State Technical University";
  • Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "North Caucasus Federal University";
  • FSBEI HPE "North Caucasus State Mining and Metallurgical University";
  • Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University";
  • Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin";
  • FSBEI HPE "South Ural State University" (national research university);
  • Shakhty branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "South Russian State Polytechnic University named after M. I. Platov";
  • FSBEI HPE "Russian Peoples' Friendship University";
  • Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after. I. M. Gubkin";
  • Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Ufa State Petroleum Technical University";
  • FSBEI HPE "Tyumen State Oil and Gas University";
  • Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Sevastopol State University";
  • Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Almetyevsk State Petroleum University";
  • Karaganda State Technical University;
  • Mongolian State University of Science and Technology.

By decision of the Organizers, the composition of universities may be changed.

Participants of the Championship must register individually on the Championship website ( Registration opens one month before the start of the Championship.

Registered participants independently unite into teams of 2 to 4 people. Individual participants will be added by the Organizers to any teams at their sole discretion.

No more than 1 graduate student is allowed to participate in one team.

By agreement with the university, any team taking part in the qualifying stage may include one participant (a student studying in a bachelor’s, master’s, specialist’s, or graduate program) from a third-party university.

The university has the right, in agreement with the Organizers, to replace no more than one participant in the finalist team (the team that won the qualifying stage at this university)

The finalists of the Championship are also the winners of the Corporate Championships for solving cases (a championship that is implemented by an industry company to select promising young specialists for the external personnel reserve from among the students of the company’s targeted training), held in the current academic year. These Corporate Championships must consist of a minimum of 5 qualifying regional stages and a final. The total number of participants is at least 100 people. The winners of such a Corporate Championship become finalists of the International Engineering Championship “Case-in” on general terms and are subject to all the rights and obligations of the final participants.

During qualifying stage participants solve an engineering and technical case within 10 days, draw up a solution in presentation format and prepare an oral presentation in accordance with the requirements of the Organizers. Presentations of participants are sent by e-mail to the Organizer at [email protected] no later than 24 hours before the start of the qualifying stage.

Each team that wins the qualifying stage of the Championship is invited to participate in the finals of the Championship, which takes place in May 2016 in Moscow.

During In preparation for the final of the Championship, participants solve an engineering and technical case within 10 days, draw up a solution in presentation format and prepare an oral presentation in accordance with the requirements of the Organizers. The day before the final, participants are given an additional task, the solution of which they must include in their speech and presentation.

The university whose stage is recognized as the best in organizing the qualifying stage becomes the laureate of the annual Energy of Education nomination, established jointly by the Reliable Shift Charitable Foundation and the international Global Energy Award.

On May 31, 2017, the Final was held in MoscowVanniversary International Engineering Championship "Casein", which brought together 83 teams of students from 48 technical universities in Russia and Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, who presented solutions to engineering cases in five Leagues: geological exploration, mining, metallurgy, oil and gas, electric power.

The International Engineering Championship “Case-in” is the largest practice-oriented competition in Russia and the CIS countries for solving engineering cases among university students. The websitessia company acted as a partner of the Championship for the fifth year in a row. This year, the company approved a special nomination for teams that used the Micromine mining and geological information system to solve a case.

The final of the Championship in Moscow was the culmination of a four-month marathon of 80 qualifying stages, in which more than 3,500 students took part. The Final participants included 350 of the best engineering students and more than 200 experts – representatives of companies in the fuel, energy and mineral resources complexes.

During the first day of the Final, which took place at the State University of Management in Moscow, a plenary session was held dedicated to the fifth anniversary of Case-in. Representatives of industry companies, universities, government executive bodies, and students - winners of past seasons of the Championship - took part as speakers during the session. The special guest of the plenary session was the famous journalist, publicist, TV presenter, multiple winner of intellectual games Anatoly Wasserman.

The bulk of the first day was spent defending solutions to engineering cases. In just 10 days, the finalist teams prepared solutions to five engineering cases, developed based on materials from fuel and energy companies and MSC of Russia and describing real production problems. To evaluate the finalists’ decisions, 5 expert commissions consisting of more than 100 managers and specialists from leading industry companies were formed.

On the second day of the Championship began with a “Career Day”, during which representatives of partner companies - mining companies - met with the finalists in order to invite the best for internships, internships and employment.

In the evening, a solemn ceremony of awarding Case-in winners and prize-winners took place. It was traditionally held at the State Geological Museum named after V.I. Vernadsky RAS. Company founder Graham Tuder and Sitessia CEO Boris Kurtsev took part in the award ceremony for the winners of the Geological Exploration and Mining League. Graham Tuder, who became a guest of the Championship for the first time, shared his enthusiastic impressions of the Championship and emphasized the importance of working with universities.

Team “General Workers” – Final Case-in

The winner of the Geological Exploration League was Team "General Workers" Russian State Geological Prospecting University named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze (Moscow): Olga Vladimirtseva, Sergey Korotkov, Mikhail Mityugov, Ilya Protasov.

« Caseinis a wonderful project that allows you to express yourself both from a professional and creative point of view. We also noted the very high level of training of our colleagues from other universities; the competition was very worthy.”

The winner of the Mining League was the TopTeam team St. Petersburg Mining University: Polina Zinovieva, Alexander Nosov, Valeria Frolova, Valery Yaroshenko.

Team "TopTeam" Case-in final

“For our team, the championship is a platform for implementing the skills acquired at the university, it is real practical experience, a chance to show ourselves as specialists. The championship gave us the start of professional and personal development. We learned to structure a problem, algorithmize ways to solve it, find ways out of various situations and consider problems from the point of view of a systematic approach.”

The winner of a special nomination from the sitessia company was the “Intelligence Algorithm” team Moscow State University: Borisov Alexander, Dmitriev Dmitry, Korshunov Dmitry, Nesterenko Maria.

The International Engineering Championship "CASE-IN" opens a new season!

On January 20, 2018, registration of participants in the annual student league of the International Engineering Championship “CASE-IN” began. More than 4,000 future engineers of the fuel, energy and mineral resources complexes will offer their solutions on the topic “Arctic Development”.

The International Engineering Championship "CASE-IN" is a federal case championship, during which students from leading technical universities in Russia and neighboring countries solve engineering cases - practical problems based on real production situations in companies in the fuel, energy and mineral resources complexes. In 2018, more than 4,000 students from 52 universities will compete in six industry areas: geological exploration, mining, metallurgy, oil and gas, petrochemicals, and electric power.

The goal of the Championship is to popularize engineering and technical education and attract the most promising young specialists to the fuel and energy complex and the MSC.

“The CASE-IN Championship allows students to communicate with each other, with young specialists in companies, learn from the experience of mentors, allows them to put forward new ideas and develop professionally,” noted Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Anton Inyutsyn during a meeting with students of technical universities in Russia on Energy Worker's Day, December 22, 2017.

The championship also sets itself the task of attracting the intellectual potential of young engineering specialties to solving current practical problems facing the fuel and energy complex and the MSK of Russia. In this regard, in 2018, all areas of the Championship are united by the common theme “Arctic Development”.

The development of the Arctic region of Russia is one of the most pressing topics on the Russian government, business and information agenda.

“The development agenda of the fuel and energy complex is largely formed based on the global challenges facing the country. One of these challenges is the depletion of resources and the need to develop and develop territories and deposits, primarily in the Arctic zone. The anchor for the development of the Arctic are precisely energy projects, on which all other priorities are strung as a basis - the transport and logistics complex, metallurgy, etc. Training of personnel in the interests of the development of the Arctic is an absolute priority. We set the task of attracting the best and motivated students from all over Russia to work in the Arctic zone,” emphasized representatives of the national partner “CASE-IN”, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation during the Youth Day of the International Forum on Energy Efficiency and Energy Development “Russian Energy Week” "

The new season of “CASE-IN” starts on February 20, 2018 and will consist of more than 120 qualifying stages and the grand Moscow Final at the end of May 2018.

The championship will be held with the support of leading fuel and energy companies and MSK, including
JSC SO UES, LLC Transneftenergo, PJSC NK Rosneft, LLC SIBUR, PJSC FGC UES, JSC SUEK, JSC MCC EuroChem, JSC Rosgeologiya, LLC Micromine Rus ", VGK LLC, Siberian Anthracite JSC, EvrazHolding LLC, IMC Montan LLC, RusHydro PJSC, NLMK PJSC, United Company RUSAL, Sverdlovsky Branch of T Plus PJSC ", Branch "Saratovsky" PJSC "T Plus", LLC "Prosoft-Systems", Vyksa Metallurgical Plant OMK.

The organizers of the Championship are the Reliable Smena Foundation, the Non-Profit Partnership Youth Forum of Mining Leaders and AstraLogika LLC. The co-organizer of the Electric Power League is the Association “Russian National Committee of the International Council for Large Electrical Systems of High Voltage”.

Registration of participants in the new season will begin on January 20, 2018 on the project website

The International Engineering Championship "CASE-IN" is the successor of the All-Russian Championship for solving cases in the field of mining (2013 - 2014) and the All-Russian Championship for solving fuel and energy cases (2015).

The Championship is held in the following Leagues:

· School League (for schoolchildren in grades 9-11);

· League of Working Specialties (for students of secondary specialized educational institutions up to 20 years old);

· Student League (for students, undergraduates and graduate students of higher educational institutions under the age of 25);

· League of Young Professionals (for young specialists from fuel and energy companies and MSKs under 35 years of age).

The championship is implemented in accordance with the Action Plan aimed at popularizing blue-collar and engineering professions, approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 366-r dated March 5, 2015.

The championship is included in the List of all-Russian youth events aimed at popularizing the fuel and energy complex, energy saving and engineering education for 2018.

The championship was organized using a grant from the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society provided by the Presidential Grants Foundation.

Website of the International Engineering Championship "CASE-IN"

The Final of the VI International Engineering Championship “CASE-IN” ended in Moscow, bringing together 500 students from 55 technical universities in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and the Kyrgyz Republic. The finalists presented their ideas for the development of the Arctic region of Russia in six areas to the expert community of the fuel, energy and mineral resources complexes: geological exploration, mining, metallurgy, oil and gas, petrochemicals and electric power. As part of the Final, competitions of the League of Young Professionals “CASE-IN” were also held, where solutions to the case “Support zones of the Russian Arctic” were presented.

The CASE-IN Championship is the largest international system of competitions for solving engineering cases among students, schoolchildren and young professionals. The final of the Championship was preceded by qualifying stages in 55 leading technical universities in Russia and three CIS countries. 5,000 future engineers took part in the project, and more than 1,000 representatives of fuel and energy companies and MSK of Russia acted as experts.

The CASE-IN final became a grandiose intellectual battle and the largest youth engineering competition of 2018. On the opening day of the Final, a new tradition of the Championship was established - the “CASE-IN” Hall of Fame. It is planned to annually include 15 new members into the CASE-IN Hall of Fame who contributed to the work of the Championship throughout the season. The first members of the Hall of Fame were the most authoritative CASE-IN experts, multiple participants and winners of the finals of past seasons and representatives of universities - the best organizers of the qualifying stages.

In 2018, CASE-IN was united by the theme “Arctic Development”. The finalists' first working day began with a meeting with the outstanding polar explorer, Chairman of the Polar Commission of the Russian Geographical Society, Viktor Boyarsky.

For the first time at the Final, the champion cup of the School League “CASE-IN” was awarded: the captain of the “Dream Team” team, the winner of the School League “CASE-IN”, a tenth grader at school No. 1 in Furmanov, Ivanovo region, Vyacheslav Avdonin, took part in the opening ceremony.

420 finalists from 55 universities in Russia and three CIS countries defended case solutions to experts in six areas: geological exploration, mining, metallurgy, oil and gas, petrochemicals and electric power. In parallel with the students, young specialists from fuel and energy companies and MSK presented their ideas.

The awards to the champions of all CASE-IN areas were presented by Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Anton Inyutsyn.

“Participation in projects like the CASE-IN championship is an opportunity for young people to test their own knowledge, gain recognition from the professional community and potential employers. It is very good that not only students, but also young professionals and schoolchildren can take part. And not only in Russia, but also in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Belarus.

By taking part in solving cases and making new friends, you can continue to remain in this community - participate in forecasting technology development, popularize engineering and technical thought, participate in the social life of the fuel and energy complex of your region and within the framework of federal events,” noted A. Inyutsyn , welcoming the finalists.

The champion of the Geological Exploration direction was the MUR team of the Ural State Mining University (Ekaterinburg): Evgeny Zhuklin (team captain), Ilya Ovchinnikov and Artem Trutnev.

The champion of the “Mining” direction is the “Legion” team of the St. Petersburg Mining University: Antony Rakipov (team captain), Sofia Podenko, Anna Russkikh, Inna Khrabrova.

The champions comment: “It’s nice to see so many colleagues from different universities who have a decent level of training. The final case for us was an indicator of the independence of the teams. It is interesting and difficult at the same time to solve the task in such a short time. The case assignment was very interesting and ambiguous, requiring correct prioritization. Talking to experts gave our team a deep understanding of the significance of the issues we were talking about.”
The team “Curvimeter and Lapidarity” of the Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. was recognized as the champion of the “Metallurgy” direction. Yeltsin (Ekaterinburg): Igor Solovyov (team captain), Andrey Zamyatin, Inna Naschetnikova.

Champion of the “Oil and Gas Business” direction - “The second Effort” of the Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk): Marina Vnukova (team captain), Vyacheslav Kotovshchikov and Igor Trofimov.

“The solution proposed by our team is based on the experience of developing other offshore fields. Unlike other teams, we proposed to develop not only oil reservoirs, but also gas. To do this, we had to provide for the reconstruction of the platform at a certain stage. Additionally, our project is distinguished by the deep implementation of automation and telemetry into the production process - these technologies are simply necessary when working in confined spaces of an oil platform,” the students explain.

The champion of the new direction "CASE-IN" - "Petrochemistry" - was the team "Philosopher's Stone" of the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University: Alexander Krutey (team captain), Daria Afanasyeva, Ksenia Baklashkina, Ilya Eftor.

The champion of the “Electrical Power Engineering” direction is the “Damage Hunters” team of the South Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI) named after. M.I. Platova (Novocherkassk): Pavel Polonyankin (team captain), Olga Lgova, Alexey Tykvinsky, Alexander Teterin.

“Russia occupies a leading position in the export of hydrocarbon raw materials. For this reason, the development of the Arctic is one of the top priorities. The Russian Arctic should be a center for the implementation of technologies for increasing the capacity of power grids and emergency management,” the champions believe.

In the League of Young Professionals, the champion was the TatIQ team, representing PJSC Tatneft: Daniyar Oktyabrev (team captain), Elsa Akhmetshina, Angela Karimova, Anton Syurin.

For the first time in the history of the Championship, a special award dedicated to energy efficiency and energy saving was presented - “The best solution aimed at energy saving”. A question on this topic was included in the case of each direction at the initiative of the title partner of “CASE-IN”, Transneftenergo, as part of the Year of Energy Saving at Transneft PJSC.

The company’s specialists took part in the work of expert commissions of all areas of the CASE-IN Final and the competitions of the League of Young Professionals. They evaluated the finalists' solutions according to the following criteria: the depth of elaboration of the issue of energy efficiency; application of the best available technologies; balanced economic assessment and validity of the proposed solution; innovative approach.

For a solution that ensures maximum energy efficiency and energy saving, the “Philosopher’s Stone” team (direction “Petrochemicals”, NI TPU) was awarded a special award from Transneftenergo. Team members received valuable prizes - flagship smartphone models.

“As engineers, you must propose new and unique technologies and be able to defend your proposals. At the same time, you should focus on the energy efficiency of each proposed technology. This will allow your company to gain additional competitive advantages and follow the global trend towards energy saving,” noted Sergei Emelyanov, General Director of Transneftenergo LLC, when presenting the award.

The award winners emphasized their involvement in the topic of energy saving: “Our team understood that in modern economic conditions, every company is interested in saving various resources: saving heat, energy, as well as the material resources themselves. Therefore, in solving the qualifying and final cases, we proposed solutions for saving each of these types of resources, and we succeeded. The victory in the competition for the best solution aimed at saving energy was, however, unexpected for us, because all the teams showed a high level of preparation. Having won, we felt proud, since our solution turned out to be promising and competitive. And this joy is still with us!”

Representatives of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, the Russian Independent Trade Union of Coal Industry Workers (Rosugleprof), and the Russian National Committee of the International Council for Large Electrical Systems of High Voltage also took part in the award ceremony.

In the “Geological Exploration” direction, the silver medalist was the “Arctic Engineering” team of the St. Petersburg Mining University. The bronze medalist is the “Mountain Scouts” team of the Far Eastern Federal University.

In the “Mining” direction, the silver medalist is the “From the Bowels of the Earth” team of Tula State University. The bronze medalist is the Horizon 42 team of the Siberian State Industrial University.

In the “Metallurgy” direction, the “Extremum” team of the South Ural State University was recognized as the silver medalist, and the “Perspective” team of the St. Petersburg Mining University was recognized as the bronze medalist.

In the “Oil and Gas Business” direction, the silver medalist is the “Fortuna” team of the St. Petersburg State University of Economics. The bronze medalist is the “Easy” team of St. Petersburg Mining University.

In the “Petrochemistry” direction, the silver medalist was the “Scientific Poke Method” team from Samara State Technical University. The bronze medalist is the team “KhTTUM Brotherhood” of the Perm National Research Polytechnic University.

In the “Electric Power Engineering” direction, the silver medalist is the “Smart” team of the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, the bronze medalist is the “Idle Circuit” team of the Tyumen Industrial University.

In the competition of the League of Young Professionals, the team “MOESK”, representing PJSC “MOESK” (part of the Rosseti group), became the silver medalist. The bronze medalist is the “Active Part” team, representing PJSC FGC UES.

Their own awards and prizes were presented to the companies - partners of the Championship: JSC SO UES, JSC SUEK, PJSC FGC UES, PJSC NLMK, JSC MCC EuroChem, JSC Rosgeologiya, PJSC SIBUR Holding, LLC Micromine Rus, JSC Siberian Anthracite, LLC IMC Montan, LLC Transneftenergo, PJSC NK Rosneft, LLC EvrazHolding, LLC Prosoft-Systems, Union of Surveyors of Russia, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Russian Geological Society, general information partner of the Championship, the magazine “Electricity. Transmission and distribution" and others.

The winners of “CASE-IN” received the Champions Cup and the title of the best engineering team of 2018. Winners of the Mining and Electric Power Engineering majors will be able to improve their professional qualifications at the annual summer educational forums “Mining School” and “Energy of Youth”.

A special reward for the winners was an invitation to the champions of the VI season “CASE-IN” to take part in the events of the main program of the International Forum “Russian Energy Week”.

The “CASE-IN” final named the laureates and prize-winners of the “Energy of Education” competition - a special joint award of the organizing committee of the Championship and the Global Energy Association for universities participating in the Championship for the best organization of the qualifying stage of “CASE-IN”. The winners of the Energy of Education in 2018 were: Altai State Technical University named after. I.I. Polzunova (Barnaul), Almetyevsk State Petroleum Institute, North Caucasus Federal University (Stavropol), Tyumen Industrial University, North-Eastern State University (Magadan), Kazan State Energy University.

The CASE-IN Championship is a platform for direct interaction between future specialists and major employers. Traditionally, as part of the CASE-IN Final, a closed Career Day was held, where CASE-IN partner companies met with the finalists of the Championship in order to invite the best for internships, internships and employment. The following took part in the Career Day: JSC SO UES, PJSC FGC UES, RNC CIGRE, LLC Micromine Rus, JSC Rosgeologia, United Company RUSAL, JSC SUEK, JSC Siberian Anthracite, PJSC NLMK, Vyksa Metallurgical Plant OMK, EVRAZ ZSMK OJSC, NK Rosneft PJSC, SIBUR Holding PJSC, Saratov Branch of T Plus PJSC, RusHydro PJSC, SGK LLC.

The Final's educational program also included two master classes on personal effectiveness. Ultramarathon runner, traveler, founder of the company in the field of self-realization RestartYOU Petr Zozulya and a specialist in personal effectiveness and habit management, author of the project “It will be done!” shared their experience with the participants. and the podcast of the same name Nikita Maklakhov.

In addition, at the CASE-IN final site, an Open Laboratory educational event was held, designed to explain in a popular form the structure of the surrounding world and the principles of operation of technology. Answering assignments and laboratory questions, the finalists checked their picture of the world from the point of view of natural science, engineering and technical knowledge.

The organizers of the International Engineering Championship "CASE-IN" are the Reliable Smena Foundation, the Non-Profit Partnership "Youth Forum of Mining Leaders" and AstraLogika LLC. The co-organizer of the “Electric Power Engineering” direction is the Association “Russian National Committee of the International Council for Large Electrical Systems of High Voltage”.

National partners of the Championship: Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East, as well as the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh) and the Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects.

The championship is supported by leading companies in the fuel and energy complex and MSK, including JSC SO UES, LLC Transneftenergo, PJSC NK Rosneft, LLC SIBUR, PJSC FGC UES, JSC SUEK, JSC MCC EuroChem", JSC Rosgeology, LLC Micromine Rus, LLC VGK, JSC Siberian Anthracite, LLC EvrazHolding, LLC IMC Montan, PJSC RusHydro, PJSC NLMK, United Company RUSAL, Sverdlovsky Branch of T Plus PJSC, Saratovsky Branch of T Plus PJSC, Siberian Generating Company LLC, Prosoft-Systems LLC, Raspadskaya Coal Company LLC, Vyksa Metallurgical Plant OMK and other.

For information

The organizers of the Championship are the Reliable Smena Foundation, the Non-Profit Partnership Youth Forum of Mining Leaders and AstraLogika LLC. The co-organizer of the “Electric Power Engineering” direction is the Association “Russian National Committee of the International Council for Large Electrical Systems of High Voltage”.

The International Engineering Championship "CASE-IN" is the successor of the All-Russian Championship for solving cases in the field of mining (2013 - 2014) and the All-Russian Championship for solving fuel and energy cases (2015).

The Championship takes place in the following Leagues:

  • School League (for schoolchildren in grades 9 - 11);
  • League of Working Specialties (for students of secondary specialized educational institutions);
  • Student League (for students, undergraduates and graduate students of higher educational institutions);
  • League of Young Professionals (for young specialists from fuel and energy companies and MSK).

The educational partner of the Championship is The Boston Consulting Group.

The barter partner of the Championship is Matti.

The championship is implemented in accordance with the Action Plan aimed at popularizing blue-collar and engineering professions, approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 366-r dated March 5, 2015.

The championship is included in the List of all-Russian youth events aimed at popularizing the fuel and energy complex, energy saving and engineering education for 2018.

The championship was organized using a grant from the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society provided by the Presidential Grants Foundation.
In 2018, the final of the Championship is held with the support of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science as part of the implementation of state contract No. 05.D06.11.0003 dated May 21, 2018.

The information partner of the International Engineering Championship “Case-in” is the Analytical online magazine “”.

International engineering championship CASE-IN at the REN site

On October 6, 2018, in Moscow, as part of the Youth Day #BrighterTogether, at the International Forum “Russian Energy Week”, one of the stages of the International Engineering Championship CASE-IN – League of Young Professionals was held.

The winner of the stage was the team of the Lipetsk Metallurgical Plant, in second place were representatives of the company PJSC Tatneft, and in third place was the team “Arctic Impulse” from the Scientific and Technical Center “FGC UES”. The Tat-Neft PJSC team was declared the winner of the CASE-IN Young Professionals League 2018.

Youth Day #TogetherBrighter REW-2018 is a platform where young people propose strategic initiatives for the development of the industry to energy management. The participants of the League of Young Professionals faced an equally ambitious task. They had to predict the long-term development of the energy sector of the Far East and Sakhalin Island: plan the indicators and state of the economy, transport infrastructure and energy of the island for the period until 2030 and determine the need to build a bridge or tunnel that will connect Sakhalin Island with Mainland.

“This year we are holding the League of Young Professionals CASE-IN for the first time, but we note the growing interest of both fuel and energy companies and MSKs, as well as the young professionals themselves. Thanks to their qualifications, young specialists are involved in solving more complex and ambitious tasks, and we are ready to support them in this endeavor: in 2019 we plan to hold a full-fledged competitive season for the League of Young Specialists. I am sure that this will be a great experience for the participants, which they will be able to apply in their professional activities,” comments one of the organizers of the championship, director of the Nadezhnaya Smena Foundation Artem Korolev.

Participants of the League of Young Professionals on the sidelines of the Youth Day of REW-2018 are employees under 35 years of age from the largest fuel and energy companies and MSCs of Russia: LLC Gazprom Transgaz Moscow, PJSC GazpromNeft Scientific and Technical Center, Saratov Branch of PJSC T Plus, PJSC "MOESK", PJSC "MOSENERGO", LLC "Raspadskaya Coal Company", PJSC "Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works", IDGC of Center, JSC "SO UES", JSC "STC FGC UES", LLC "SIBUR Tobolsk", PJSC " Tatneft", "SIBUR Neftekhim" and LLC "Siberian Generating Company". “Young specialists presented at the championship the most effective and profitable engineering solution for a bridge on Sakhalin Island with well-thought-out proposals for the development of road infrastructure. The guys have a good command of professional terminology, and this is very important,” said Yuri Kulikov, chairman of the expert commission, leading expert of the personnel management department of JSC System Operator of the Unified Energy System.

The winners of the League of Young Professionals of the International Engineering Championship CASE-IN - 2018 from the team of PJSC Tatneft were awarded by the Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Alexander Novak

The League of Young Specialists of the International Engineering Championship Case-in within the framework of the Youth Day #TogetherBrighter REN is traditionally held with the support of SO UES JSC. The organizers of the Championship are the Reliable Smena Foundation, the Non-Profit Partnership Youth Forum of Mining Leaders and AstraLogika LLC.