How modern systems of automatic watering plants are arranged and work. Automatic watering in the country - which system to choose? Do-it-yourself automatic watering installation

Caring for the area near the house - a garden, a greenhouse, a garden, a lawn, flower beds - takes a lot of time and effort, and watering brings a lot of trouble. If it is automated, it will take less effort and time, and the result will be better: less water will be spent, the yield and appearance of plants will become better. It's all about the regularity and uniformity of watering. Such systems are developed by specialized companies, but automatic watering can be done by hand.

Types of automatic watering systems

Plantings planted in any way can be watered in automatic mode: on open ground, in a greenhouse, even on a balcony or on a windowsill. Just the scale and methods will be different. Water can be supplied in several ways:

Despite the different methods of water supply, the automated irrigation system itself is built in the same way according to the same principles. They differ in working pressure: drip water supply can work even in gravity systems with low pressure - from 0.2 atm, for sprinkler-sprinklers, the pressure should be greater. Accordingly, the components of the irrigation system and its connections must be designed for different working pressures. There are no other differences: the layout is the same.

Construction principles

The schematic diagram of automatic irrigation is briefly as follows. There is a source of water, from which the main pipeline is bred along the site to the irrigation zones. Further, with the help of tees, crosses, pipes of small diameter and water supply devices, an irrigation system is created. For the normal operation of the water outlet units, filters are required; they are placed on the main water supply. That's all. Everything else is particular. Even a pump or control system can be, or you can do without them

Do-it-yourself automatic watering system is a real task

How is it managed

Irrigation can be controlled by a controller (automation unit) or a person by turning the tap. If a controller is installed, the system is almost completely automated: it turns the water supply on and off at a given time. There are devices with a very high degree of automation - they monitor the weather, soil moisture and, in accordance with these data, adjust the operation of the equipment. In the simplest version, automatic irrigation supplies water at a given time, after a certain period of time (set in the settings) it turns off.

If there is no irrigation controller, a person needs to open the water supply and stop it. But this is all that is required of you, the irrigation system will do the rest.

Water consumption and irrigation intensity

Since the flow of water through distribution points is mostly normalized, it is possible to determine with sufficient accuracy how long irrigation should last so that there is not much water, and not little. If all watered plants require the same amount of water, no difficulties arise, but this is not always the case. This is the case with the lawn, sometimes there are extensive plantings of the same plantings in the garden or in the garden. But more often there is a situation when some plants are more moisture-loving, others less. There are several ways to solve this problem:

That's why automatic watering with your own hands can be done: you have a lot of opportunities to achieve the desired result.

Where to get water

The source of water for an automatic irrigation system can be a water pipe, a container with pumped water, a well, a well, a river, a lake. In all cases, filters are installed on the main pipeline. It's just that different sources require different equipment. If water is pumped from an open source (river, lake), be sure to put a coarse filter first, then a fine one. In all others (except drinking water supply), only equipment for fine cleaning is installed.

If we are talking about automatic watering of a garden or a greenhouse, then it is definitely better to first pump water into a container where it heats up, and then distribute it over the site. For dachas and personal plots, there are a number of systems that work almost by gravity. They need a minimum pressure, which is created by lifting the container to a height of about 1-2 meters. There are systems that can work if the container is raised 10-40 cm above the ground (this is).

With such an organization - with a water tank - you can choose any pump for an automatic irrigation system. If only he could periodically pump water into the tank. The water level in the tank is most often controlled by a float mechanism (like the one in the toilet tank). In this case, do not forget to provide for an emergency overflow and take it to some source, otherwise your site may turn into a swamp.

If water supply is used as a source - centralized or not, and drip irrigation is selected, a reducer is needed that lowers and stabilizes the pressure in the system, since most of this equipment can operate at a pressure not higher than 2 atm.

Automatic irrigation schemes

There are many options and variations of schemes. They are very mobile and allow you to take into account all the features of plots and plantings. Consider the case when water is supplied from a source with the help immediately for watering plants. Such an option for automatic watering is shown in the photo below.

Water can be supplied to plants in drops or using sprinklers. There is a fertilizer station. It will come in handy in the automatic watering system of the garden, greenhouse or garden, although it will not be superfluous for the lawn and garden either. The number of irrigation lines is determined depending on the need, then the pressure is calculated. Droppers or sprinklers are selected according to the amount of water needed for plants.

A diagram of an automatic irrigation system using sprinklers is shown in the photo below. These devices have several names: sprinklers and sprinklers, which is why watering is called "sprinkler".

The sprinkler irrigation system is suitable for watering the lawn or plantings of low height - up to 10-15 cm

The main difference between lawn irrigation systems is that pipelines are often laid underground. So that the sprinklers do not interfere with mowing the lawn, they must also hide in the ground. There are also such models.

The scheme of automatic watering of the garden, greenhouse and garden is shown in the figure below. Water is first pumped into the tank. From there it can be supplied by gravity if the water supply is drip (it is drawn). To provide the required pressure for the sprinklers, a pump or pumping station will need to be installed.

If a vegetable garden, garden or greenhouse needs to provide moisture, everything can be arranged as in the figure below. It differs from the one at the top by the presence of a pumping station that supplies water to the filters, after which the pipeline already diverges to the beds.

The procedure for developing a do-it-yourself irrigation system

First, take a site plan to scale. If it is not ready, draw on graph paper or a large piece of paper in a cage. Apply all buildings, beds, large plants.

Configuration development

On the plan, draw irrigation zones, a water source, its location. Along the way, draw the main pipeline. If you are going to spray with sprinklers, draw the areas of their action. They should overlap and there should be no unwatered areas.

If plantings are planted in rows, it is more rational to use: water consumption is much less, as is the cost of equipment. When designing a drip irrigation scheme, the number of irrigation lines depends on the row spacing. For rows between which the distance is more than 40 cm, one line is required for each. If the rows are closer than 40 cm, I water in the row spacing and the lines are one less.

After all the sections are drawn, determine the length of the required pipelines, consider how many and what kind of water distribution points you have, determine the equipment - the number of pipes, hoses, tees, droppers, sprinklers, whether or not you need a pump and reducer, will whether a container is installed or not, what kind of automation should be installed and where. Now, after all this has already been thought out, up to the diameters of pipes, fittings and adapters, the practical stage begins. The irrigation system drawn on paper begins to be embodied on your site.

We start building

The construction work is already underway. And the first thing you need is to decide how you will lay the pipes. There are two ways: lay the pipeline on top or bury it in a trench. On the ground, they are usually laid in the country: here the watering is seasonal and in the fall it is taken apart. Very rarely, irrigation systems in dachas are left for the winter: even if the equipment survives the winter, it can simply be broken or stolen.

When creating an automatic irrigation system for a section of a house of permanent residence, they try to make everything as inconspicuous as possible, because the pipes are buried. In this case, trenches are dug at least 30 cm deep. This depth is sufficient so that the pipes are not damaged during earthworks. Just remember that pipes, fittings and other equipment that is left to winter must be able to withstand freezing.

One of the stages of creating automatic irrigation with your own hands is land work and laying main hoses

Branches for irrigation depart from the main water pipes. It is desirable to make all knots and connections in hatches with covers: in joints, tees, etc. leaks are the most common. Digging an entire trench to find a leak is not the most fun thing to do, and if all the "problem places" are known in advance and relatively accessible, maintenance becomes an easy task.

The last stage - depending on the chosen irrigation method, water distribution devices are installed in the hoses, everything is connected and tested.


The layout of the pipeline in the area is made of polymer pipes. They are resistant to corrosion, do not react to most fertilizers, reliable, easy to mount (there are mounting methods without any special devices). Most often, HDPE (low pressure polyethylene) pipes are used. To all the advantages described earlier, UV resistance is added: they can be laid on the surface. Also suitable are PVD (high pressure polyethylene), PVC (polyvinyl chloride, but it is afraid of ultraviolet radiation) and PPR (polypropylene, its disadvantage is that it must be connected by welding and cannot be disassembled).

For automatic irrigation systems for cottages, greenhouses and vegetable gardens, they mainly take a pipe 32 mm in diameter. If you are going to water a large number of beds, it is better to take a size one step larger - up to 40 mm.

HDPE pipes are assembled using compression fittings (with gaskets on the threads). They withstand the pressure in the water pipes of high-rise buildings, so that the pressure for irrigation will withstand exactly. Their plus: at the end of the season, they can be unwound, dismantled, and used again next year.

If drip irrigation is selected, drip hoses or tapes can be connected to the main, droppers can be mounted on ordinary hoses (a hole is made and a small device is inserted there). For sprinkler irrigation, sprinklers are installed. They have a different structure and cover zones of different shapes and sizes - round, sector, rectangular.

The types and types of components for automatic irrigation are well described in a video from one of the market leaders in irrigation systems of the German company Gardena (Gardena). Their equipment is high quality, but the prices are very high.

When caring for his backyard territory, the gardener must constantly pay attention to the timely watering of planted crops. But not always the summer resident has the opportunity to often come to the site and carry out this work, then automatic watering comes to the rescue. After reading the article, the gardener will get acquainted with the main types of irrigation and will be able to make an automatic irrigation system with his own hands.

The automatic irrigation system is a complex of equipment designed for irrigation, transfer and pumping of water. Naturally, such a system includes a lot of automated equipment and vessels. Watering will be carried out in a timely manner and in the correct dosage only if the gardener properly organizes work on his territory.

The system can include both sprinkling and drip irrigation, which is especially important for greenhouse conditions. And by installing a good control device, you can achieve certain watering rates for each plant separately.

The best automatic watering system should include sensors that allow you to adjust the valves depending on the weather conditions. So, for example, by installing a humidity sensor, the system will turn on only during a drought, and by purchasing and installing a temperature sensor, you can easily adjust this indicator.

The advantage of such controllers is their customization. After setting up, the gardener can organize automatic watering of the lawn based on the natural conditions of his summer cottage. And with the necessary sensors, the system will never flood the plants, and the moisture in the area will be in moderation.

Types of irrigation systems

When planning watering on his site, the gardener asks himself how to water the plants. With this layout, it is immediately necessary to take into account the conditions of irrigation, because in greenhouse conditions it is simply impossible to organize sprinklers, otherwise the water will simply scatter along the walls, and there will be little benefit from such irrigation. A large irrigation system will not fit on the balcony. All of these factors should be taken into account.

The irrigation system is divided into 3 types:

Despite the difference in systems, they include similar elements and act as a single system. The only difference is the pressure supplied to the vessels. From this, the power of future pumps and filters is calculated.

Where to begin

Before starting the installation of an automatic irrigation system, the gardener must develop a work plan, as well as take into account all types of irrigation that will be carried out. It is easier to create an automatic watering project on a new site, otherwise the planted plants will cause inconvenience during installation or even make it impossible. Yes, and in this way there will be a chance of proper seating of plants for a certain type of irrigation.

But in the case when the gardener set to work already on the planted area, the irrigation plan must begin with the marking of the territory. It is better to do this on paper, while it is necessary to take into account and apply all planted crops. It will also be important to apply all capital buildings, because demolishing a building in order to lay a pipe would be impractical. The next step is to apply all watering points, namely, near each plant, indicating the type: irrigation or root system.

Important: in order to save money on the purchase of pumps, it is better to start the pipeline plan from the middle of the site, this is how you get a system with a uniform distribution of moisture.

The scheme should include all communications and plants with the specified points of exit of sprinklers to the surface. Here it is worth considering their range, and on the plan it can be marked with a compass. Thus, they will not intersect, and there will be no zones with stagnant water on the site.

These circles should include plants, but be careful not to fall within the radius of the buildings, otherwise the foundation will suffer and the building may collapse. At this point, it is necessary to mark all drip irrigation gaskets, so you can immediately calculate the required cross-section of the supply pipe.

It is immediately necessary to determine the number of sprinklers and which of them will work at one time. To do this, you need to find out the throughput of the future system: you need to take a meter hose and a bucket. We open the damper to the maximum and, using a stopwatch, calculate the time to fill the container. Now you need to measure the distance from the pump to the extreme sprinkler.

Important: every 14 meters will add 1 second.

Now you need to take the table attached to the sprinkler, and using the result, calculate the required amount of water.

Based on these data, it is easy to calculate the total amount of water required for the full operation of the entire irrigation system. In this case, the main thing is not to overdo it, and if the amount of water required exceeds the amount that the pump pumps out, the sprinklers will have to be removed.

A good method is to reduce the distance from the sprinkler to the water intake. This will require a new, unplanted area, in which case it will be possible to lay the pipeline directly, which will significantly increase the pressure.

Having carried out such actions, automatic watering with your own hands will not bring big losses, because, using the plan, the gardener will easily transfer all systems to the site. You can do this with pegs. When planning drip irrigation, you can use a thread, it will depict a pipeline, an additional peg should be installed in places of drip breakdown.

What elements of the system need to be purchased?

Auto-irrigation of the site includes several important elements, these are:

The above elements are mandatory for the irrigation system. But it can also include valves that will allow watering in different areas of the site: this will save water and money. You can also use pressure regulators, this is only necessary for densely planted areas, when one plant requires more moisture, and the other already has enough water.

Using such a regulator, it is possible to achieve different pressures in a particular sprinkler. The last thing to consider is the various sensors that allow you to improve your irrigation system. They will send signals to the regulator and controller depending on weather conditions. In rainy regions, this will significantly save water resources.

Irrigation system installation

Work on the installation of the irrigation system should be started only after the purchase of all necessary components. In this case, the installation will not take much time, and the system can be assembled in a day. The main thing in this case is a clear sequence of actions.

The first step in installing the system is to do earthworks. It is necessary to dig ditches in those places where pegs with a thread were previously set. You should immediately start digging ditches for pipelines and auxiliary devices. According to building regulations, the depth of pipe laying must be at least one meter.

Thus, during frosts, the pipe will not be damaged by frost and will last longer. If the site is small and does not require a lot of time for watering, you can limit yourself to a trench up to half a meter deep. But in this case, extra costs for a better pipeline will be required.

When digging trenches, you should be aware that the valves should be located slightly lower than the exit devices. This is necessary in the case when the pit for the gasket has not reached one meter, and by the winter period the water will have to be drained. This must be done without fail, otherwise, under the influence of frost, the water will expand and the pipes will crack.

Now we mount the pumping station.

Important: the best place for the pump will be the middle of the site, so the pressure on the sides will be uniform.

Now you need to lay pipes and mount them to the pumps. After carrying out this work, you should do a test run of the system and fill all the pipes. At this stage, it will be convenient to correct defects. Before burying, you should also take care of the tightness of the system. Open pipes should be closed with plugs or polyethylene, this will protect them from soil.

At the next stage, you can proceed with the installation of the comb and valves, as well as install the controller at the place of permanent deployment.

The installation of sprinklers should be done by an experienced person or, if you are confident in your abilities, you can use the proposed instructions. The fact is that different companies have different installation requirements, due to ignorance of which you can ruin the device. After carrying out these procedures, it is possible to bury all sections of the pipeline and level the ground.

At the last stage, you can install a filtration system and valves. The connection of the latter must be made using the electrical system and the controller. The system should now be checked again by test running at medium and then at full power.

As a result, a single irrigation system should come out, providing water to the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site. Although such an activity may require some investments, as well as a lot of labor, it is worth doing automatic watering, because such a system will allow you to relax on those days when the neighbors run around with buckets and watering cans.

Installation of a drip irrigation system

This type of irrigation is very similar to irrigation, and therefore, the installation has many similarities. After planning and marking the site, it is necessary to proceed with earthworks. Only in this case, most of the communications pass outside, which means that it will not be necessary to break through the entire site.

It is only necessary to dig a trench for the distributing pipe. Then a pipeline is laid from it to the immediate places of irrigation. The advantage of this method is that the system does not require much pressure, which means that there can be only a couple of guides. At the next stage, the outer elements of the pipe are removed, and everything is buried.

The last stage is very important and includes the installation of components. The pipe is laid out along the perimeter of the site and attached to the ground with special brackets. The ends must be closed with plugs. When carrying out these works, you should be careful about the pipes, otherwise the kink can lead to a fracture of the hose, and in the future - to the failure of the entire irrigation system.

In order for such a system to serve for more than a dozen years, it is advisable to purchase branded components. Naturally, many will say that it is not worth overpaying, but the quality of well-known brands has been tested by time, which means that this investment will pay for itself.

With a similar method, you can easily organize automatic watering in the greenhouse with your own hands. In this case, it will only be necessary to bring the distribution pipe, the rest can be installed in the greenhouse itself. You can also put a controller there. In this case, it will not be necessary to purchase expensive installations, because all the equipment will be in stable conditions, which means that the climate will not be able to interfere with them.

System care

  • filter cleaning;
  • cleaning drip hoses and sprinklers;
  • draining water in winter.

Thanks to such actions, it is possible to achieve maximum efficiency of the system for several years.


Beautiful, healthy flowers and crops can only be obtained by properly caring for them, which is helped by an irrigation system. You can make it yourself if you study the relevant photos and videos.

The pros and cons of automatic irrigation systems

Many owners of suburban areas with large land plots have already appreciated the positive aspects of using such systems. According to numerous reviews, installing automatic irrigation has many advantages:

  • Possibility to set the watering time, with the installation of a certain interval.
  • If all the work is done correctly, then after watering the dried earth will not be covered with a crust, as a result of which the root system will be supplied with the oxygen it needs.
  • A competent layout of irrigation circuits in the country will allow you to moisten all hard-to-reach places.

But the most important advantage of this method of moisturizing is that the auto-irrigation system allows you to save water by bringing it directly to the roots of plants, and not watering unnecessary plots of land. With several times the yield of various horticultural crops increases.

There are also small disadvantages of using such systems in the country. Even if you do all the work yourself, you will have to buy various equipment and materials for this. Although the components are cheaper than the finished system, but in order to assemble everything, you need to have the skills of a locksmith and an electrician. Also, the inconvenience can bring the failure of the plumbing system or its complete absence on the site. But these problems are solved by repairing the plumbing or using alternative water sources.

Auto-watering - types and possibilities

There are several options for organizing automatic irrigation in the country, the manufacture of which is possible with your own hands. Each type is used to achieve specific goals:

  • drip irrigation;
  • sprinkling;
  • subsoil irrigation.

The drip irrigation scheme is considered the most economical in terms of water use. As you can see in the photo, it is made of polypropylene or plastic pipes mounted between rows of flowers, plants or beds. They are installed at a distance close to the ground, taking into account the fact that the root system will be saturated as much as possible during irrigation. Water is supplied directly to the ground using special droppers built into the entire length of the pipes.

Thus, the leaves and stems remain dry, which negates the risk of rotting or burning in the sun. The savings lies in the fact that water is supplied directly to the place of irrigation, and is not sprayed throughout the territory, which also increases the life of the entire system and reduces water consumption, for which each summer resident is obliged to pay.

The option of auto-irrigation by sprinkling is also considered effective and no less popular. The principle of operation is to irrigate by spraying water evenly over the entire area. High-quality watering and simultaneous air humidification are carried out, which has a beneficial effect on plants, restoring leaf turgor in extreme heat.

Organizing such watering, it will be necessary to constantly monitor that moisture goes into the soil. If the system is left on for a long time, the soil, saturated with moisture, will not absorb it, and puddles form on the surface, and after they dry out, earthen crusts prevent the free circulation of oxygen. But when using the sprinkling method, it is necessary to turn on the system in the evening or early in the morning so that the plants do not burn in the bright sun.

The advantage of such a system is the possibility of using various fertilizers with water. As a rule, such automatic watering systems are more often arranged for lawns (you can see it in the photo).

Subsoil irrigation is a more complex method of irrigation. It will be extremely difficult to make it with your own hands, and it is used mainly for watering certain plantations or ornamental trees. By its principle, such a system works like drip irrigation, only pipes equipped with small holes through which water is supplied to the soil are dug in close proximity to the plantings. An example is shown in the photo. Water flows directly to the roots without wetting the soil surface. Accordingly, the crust on the ground after this is not formed, and the root system of plants will be able to fully receive oxygen.

If you have not yet decided whether you need automatic watering of the site, or do not know which system to choose, you need to familiarize yourself with the information on which plants this or that system is suitable for. A sprinkler is more convenient for flowers, trees and lawns. Water is supplied to the irrigation site from special sprinklers. Drip irrigation is mainly used to care for shrubs, flower beds, alpine slides and hedges. It is also very convenient for moistening beds in greenhouses and in the garden.

Installation of a drip system - what is needed for this?

The presence of water supply is the first condition for laying an auto-irrigation system. If there is none, then any container installed at least one and a half meters above the ground can serve as a source. If none of the above water supply options is available on the site, and installing them yourself is unacceptable for you, but there is a small reservoir nearby, it can serve as an alternative to water supply. The design of the automatic watering system includes:

  • drip tape;
  • pressure regulator;
  • controller;
  • distribution pipe and various fittings.

The drip tape is represented by a thin-walled PVC pipe, which becomes rounded when filled. On the inside, at an equal distance from each other, as shown in the example in the photo, droppers are installed. The size of the required intervals is calculated based on the type of watered plants.

A pressure regulator is necessary if the city water supply is the source of water supply. Small drops in flow can adversely affect the integrity of the pipe, and an increase in pressure can completely break it. The controller is an electronic unit for automatic regulation of the operation of systems. Its use is extremely appropriate, the presence of one or more programs allows you to set different time intervals and turn on watering at the right time, without human intervention.

If it is necessary to organize watering of several areas, for example, flowers planted in flower beds that are located at some distance from each other, in this case a distribution pipe is used. It can be laid above or below ground. Pipes with a diameter of at least 3.2 cm are used for this. In auto-irrigation devices, fittings connect all working units, from the place where the liquid is supplied to the area to be irrigated.

System design - how to equip a place?

To operate in fully automatic mode, you must purchase a controller powered by mains or batteries. The second power supply option, as a rule, is not enough for a long time, and it is better to use more expensive models powered by direct current. They are installed in protected places, a basement or a shed, in close proximity to a supply tap or water tank. In technical terms, it is recommended to equip the place with a special mounting box, where all valves and electrical appliances will be located.

If it is not possible to purchase an expensive control system for watering flowers in the country, then you can do it yourself, at a certain time, turning on the supply tap. In this case, the liquid can flow by gravity, provided that a large reservoir is used, raised at least 1.5–2 meters above the ground. In this case, the law of physics will work for automation, displacing water from a pressurized tank. You can also use a pressure regulator if it is not possible to organize the supply of water by gravity.

Some control devices allow you to set a schedule for automatic watering of plants for the entire summer season. This is very convenient, you do not need to go to the dacha every day and water the beds. It is enough to check the health of the system and the presence of water in the tanks or the health of the water supply once or twice a week.

Sequential steps for assembling a drip system

All work on the assembly and configuration of auto-irrigation systems is carried out by hand in a fairly short time, subject to the availability of all components.

  • First, the irrigation area and the approximate water consumption are calculated. According to the data obtained, a water supply method and a reservoir are selected. These manipulations can be avoided if there is a water supply in the country.
  • Then, a distribution pipe is laid to various areas, if this is required by the location of the places for growing flowers and other plants.
  • The place of installation of the controller and the supply of electricity for power supply are organized.
  • After that, the drip tape is installed directly above the irrigation site or it is buried in the ground if a retractable system is selected.
  • At the last stage, all components are connected, the performance is checked and possible leaks are detected.

The stage of connecting all components must be taken responsibly, the possibility of a constant supply of liquid to the place of irrigation will depend on this. Be especially careful when doing all the work with your own hands. It is better to place the pipe on the beds perpendicular to the plantations and fix it above the ground with the help of special brackets or spears, pre-installed along the entire length, as shown in the photo. The end is closed with special plugs or sealed with a plastic stopper.

Naturally, installing any system on their own, many count on a long service life. To do this, experts recommend purchasing components for assembly from well-known manufacturers. Their cost is a little more expensive, but the system will last much longer.

Automatic irrigation systems are increasingly gaining the favor of users. The use of automatic watering simplifies the care of house plants, lawn grass, flower beds, park, garden and greenhouse plants. Now on the market there are automatic irrigation systems from different manufacturers. Hunter and Gardena are world leaders in this segment.

Quite often, in summer cottages or in household plots, there are self-assembled automatic watering systems for plants.

1 The fundamental structure of any system

The automatic watering system for plants consists of many components, which include the following main elements:

  • electronic control unit;
  • weather sensors;
  • solenoid valves;
  • storage tank for water;
  • pumping system;
  • sprinklers;
  • pipes and fittings.

The control unit is the brain center of any automatic irrigation system. This device provides the desired irrigation mode. All data from weather sensors is processed and includes a watering timer. The controller opens and closes the solenoid valves at a certain moment.

Weather sensors record changes in weather conditions. When the temperature drops from + 4 degrees or it rains, irrigation stops.

The pump provides the required water pressure in the system, which determines its normal operation. It is very important that the pump is correctly sized for power. It determines the number of sprinklers in each of the irrigation zones.

Solenoid valves are used to divide the watered area into separate zones.

Sprinklers produce direct water spray. Depending on the size of the irrigated area and its topography, sprinklers are divided into three types.

  1. Fan (static) sprinklers are used for watering small or complex relief areas with a diameter of up to 10 m. The spray radius of such sprinklers does not exceed 5 m.
  2. Rotary sprinklers are used to irrigate flat and open areas, extensive in area. The spray radius is 10-20 m.
  3. Multi-jet static sprinklers are used in small areas. Multi-jet nozzles, in comparison with fan nozzles, consume less water, but have a large irrigation radius.

1.1 Hunter irrigation system

The American company Hunter has been providing professional equipment for watering plants for 35 years. The range of products produced is wide and allows you to set up automatic watering with your own hands, fully equipping the entire system with components manufactured by Hunter.

The Hunter irrigation system can be used not only in a complex way. It can be used to automate a previously established system of conventional pipes, connections, and manual taps, often used when watering a summer cottage. By replacing manual taps with solenoid valves and connecting irrigation controllers, it will be possible to achieve economical water consumption and time.

Considering the high quality of component parts manufactured by Hunter, often, when installing automatic watering, users opt for them.

1.2 Automated watering Gardena

Founded in Germany in 1961, Gardena is today a true leader in the manufacture of garden tools, tools and automatic irrigation systems. Gardena products are popular in 40 countries around the world.

Automatic irrigation Gardena is represented by systems and sprinklers. Drip irrigation moistens the soil under the plants evenly. It is effective for watering plants planted in rows.

Gardena sprinklers are available as conventional stationary, as well as complex ones - retractable, multi-circuit, oscillating. A real innovation in the field of automatic irrigation is the high-performance, multi-circuit Gardena sprinkler. Makes it possible to uniformly water the area, regardless of the shape, up to 380 m2. Programming a sprinkler for 40-50 irrigation points is equivalent to using five simple sprinklers. They are ideal for automatic watering of lawns.

Automatic irrigation systems produced under this brand are distinguished by reliability, performance, economy and ease of use.

2 How to make automatic watering in the country?

In order to prepare a workable irrigation system for cultivated plants in the country, it is not necessary to use expensive imported components. Considering that water is often supplied to summer cottages and garden plots in a metered amount and in time, water consumption should be economical and efficient. Installation of a drip irrigation system Akvadusya semi-automatic, automatic or automatic watering systems Volya Vodometer, completely solves this problem.

All modifications of these systems operate in open and closed ground. The device is connected to a water tank. An ordinary barrel of 100-200 liters is quite suitable. It is necessary to monitor its filling. The systems themselves consist of the following elements:

  • micropumps (supply and reverse) in one block, for suction of water from a barrel;
  • timer and control unit on which the irrigation mode is set;
  • transparent hoses to control the water level in the barrel;
  • watering black micro hoses;
  • droppers (30-60 pcs) of pencil type with connections. Automation for irrigation in these systems is powered by one set of batteries, which is enough for the whole season.

So that the system is not damaged by frost during the winter period, automatic irrigation is preserved for the winter. Preservation is carried out before the first frost hits.

Preparing drip irrigation devices for winter is as follows:

  • free the barrel from water and close it, preventing the ingress of precipitation;
  • remove the batteries from the control unit and store with the pump in a dry room;
  • and droppers must be purged with a compressor, twisted and stored in a container or room without rodent access.

2.1 Arduino and do-it-yourself automatic watering

Arduino is an electronic designer and universal hardware platform for assembling various electronic devices. With Arduino, you can set up an effective system for automatically watering the garden in the country with your own hands. On the basis of Arduino, you can organize automatic watering for indoor plants.

It will take about an hour and the following components to assemble an automatic watering bowl for indoor flowers:

  • Arduino of any modification;
  • minipump (submersible for an aquarium or for a windshield washer will do);
  • silicone tube;
  • power supply with a pair of batteries;
  • two variable resistors for adjustment;
  • two resistors (100 kOhm and 100 Ohm);
  • transistor;
  • diode;
  • water container (a plastic bottle is fine);
  • bread board.

You can upgrade the automatic watering system for home plants by introducing a water level sensor in the tank and a soil moisture sensor.

Smart devices assembled on the basis of Arduino are able to provide the necessary mode of watering indoor plants, crops grown in greenhouses. They are also suitable for automatic watering of lawns.

Installing Arduino irrigation machines with its versatility has a relatively inexpensive cost. The device is used for professional use. Self-assembled automatic irrigation system will also satisfy the user with its quality characteristics and ease of assembly.

Arduino platforms make it possible to constantly upgrade the irrigation device by adding additional components. Lighting control (for greenhouses) and other functions are often added to the automatic watering electronic control unit.

Every automatic irrigation system, assembled by hand or professionally, requires seasonal maintenance. Before conservation for the winter, it is necessary to purge the nozzles, hose and pipes to remove residual water and debris. Do it with a compressor. With proper care, automatic watering will function for more than one year.

2.2 Installation and installation of the automatic irrigation system (video)

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands do not know boredom!


It is not so easy to take care of a summer cottage of an impressive size, especially if there are not enough workers. Watering takes a lot of time in the hot season - this procedure has to be performed every day. A do-it-yourself automatic watering system will take some of the worries off your shoulders.

How to arrange automatic watering with your own hands

The main condition for irrigation is the presence of running water. If there is none, it is necessary to install a large container at a distance of at least 1.5 m above the ground. Another alternative to plumbing is a small reservoir. There are three schemes for automatic irrigation of a summer cottage:

  1. Drip. Water flows to the rhizome of plants, so that the stems and leaves remain dry. The system is suitable for moistening vegetable crops, provides economical water consumption. It is made of plastic / polypropylene pipes, which are installed between the beds at a close distance from the ground. Special droppers are mounted along the entire length, through which water enters directly into the ground.
  2. Rain. A feature of the system is the uniform spraying of water over a certain area. Installing a sprinkler is relevant for lawns, flower beds, gardens. It is necessary to ensure that moisture goes into the ground, because when it is oversaturated with water, puddles form. After drying, the earth cracks, which prevents free air exchange.
  3. Intrasoil. A complex system that is not easy to do with your own hands. It is used to automate the irrigation of ornamental and fruit trees, shrubs, and some herbaceous plants. Such automatic watering of the garden is similar to a drip system, but small holes are made on the pipes through which water oozes. The pipes themselves are dug into the ground close to the plantations.

Automatic watering of the site according to the scheme

It has been described above which irrigation systems it is advisable to use in different cases. The easiest to implement automatic watering in the country with your own hands is drip. It is better to start work on arranging the system at the end of winter, when the preparation of the land plot begins. To lay pipes in close proximity to plants, you must know where your beds will be located. Draw a site plan on a piece of paper, indicate the places that need automation. Plan to scale so you know the distance between plants.

Think carefully and apply the tracing of future droppers and water pipes. If the site is sloping, give the pipes a horizontal direction, draw the hoses at an angle. Mark the places where the irrigation pipes will connect and branch: this will make it possible to count all the fittings and their varieties. Designate where the pumping station will be located (preferably in the central part of the garden).

Do-it-yourself irrigation system for a summer residence

When the plan for automatic watering in the country with your own hands is ready, you need to transfer it to the site. To complete the task, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • large capacity (minimum 200 l) - needed if there is no running water;
  • stop valves (faucets, at least 2 pieces), filters;
  • pipes - rigid (for main pipelines) and soft (for drip irrigation);
  • tees;
  • drip nozzles or drip sleeve;
  • sprinklers;
  • controller;
  • pump;
  • hoses, valves, precipitation sensors;
  • tools: shovel (shovel and bayonet), tape measure, square, adjustable wrench, screwdriver, pliers, screwdriver, adjustable wrench.

These devices are needed for complex engineering work. The main stages look like this (depending on the type of irrigation system, they are modified):

  1. Digging trenches under highways. Depth - 40-60 cm.
  2. Laying pipes, connecting them with fittings.
  3. Installation of sprinklers (for rain watering system);
  4. Bringing peripheral highways to the main one.
  5. Fastening of the main line to the nozzle of the accumulative tank.
  6. Burying pipes.

DIY drip irrigation system

Your attention is presented to a simple scheme of plastic bottles. Drip irrigation in the country can be arranged as follows:

  1. Take a lot of plastic bottles with a capacity of 1.5-2 liters. For moisture-loving plants, a larger container will be required.
  2. With a nail, make several holes in the walls at a distance of 3 cm from the bottom.
  3. Bury the bottles upside down between green spaces at a depth of 10-15 cm.
  4. Add water through the neck as needed.

How to make drip irrigation with your own hands of a higher level? At a minimum, you will need minimal engineering knowledge and tooling skills. If you can calculate the working pressure, dig trenches, lay pipes at the right angle, connect them, set a timer, filters, etc., then it makes sense to take on the job. Otherwise, it is better to invite the masters.

Rain system for automatic watering in the country

Installation of such a sprinkler is not particularly difficult to implement. Stages of work:

  1. Replace the irrigation hose with an extensive network of pipelines that will cover the entire garden, garden or greenhouse.
  2. Install nozzles at the end of each stub pipe. Different models can be found in the economic departments.
  3. Replace the standard faucet you need to turn on the water with an automatic valve. Equip the device with an on timer.

Intrasoil irrigation system for summer cottages

Do-it-yourself automatic watering in the country of this type is the most difficult to implement. If we describe the construction scheme very primitively, then we get the following plan for building the system:

  1. Dig trenches 20-30 cm deep. The distance between them is 40-90 cm.
  2. Lay porous polyethylene pipes in trenches through which water will ooze.
  3. Lay tape under the pipes. They do not allow water to go deep.
  4. Install a solenoid valve/drain valve/precipitation sensors for the irrigation system to operate automatically.

Video: do-it-yourself automatic watering

The device of different types of automatic watering systems may seem very complicated to you. However, if you watch the videos below, you will understand that everything is realizable. Tips from experienced summer residents will help automate the process and make it easier to care for plants. You will see how the elements of the system look like, how to arrange and connect them to get a well-functioning sprinkler.