How to open your own optics salon. How to open your own optics store How to open your own optics

What is an optician's shop? This is an enterprise whose products are mainly glasses of various directions - from sunglasses to lenses. They also sell frames and various products that help take care of the glasses.

Now businessmen pay more and more attention to the trade in optics. According to statistics, about 25% of the country's inhabitants have various problems. 95 percent of residents have sunglasses in their wardrobe. According to experts, the optical trade niche is only 40-50 percent filled.

How to get a stable income

To open such a salon, first of all, you need to prepare the material base. In theory, a store can be opened if you have the registration of an individual entrepreneur. In practice, it's quite different.

If you need a trading license, it will not be easy to get one. This task can be facilitated by registering a legal entity (LLC).

Under what circumstances might a license be required?

If your plans include only selling ready-made glasses or lenses, then a license will not be needed. If yes, then by doing this you will limit the circle of your customers, and will look like ordinary market stalls.

In order to be able to offer a doctor's prescription glasses to a customer, you will need a license. This is due to the fact that this type of activity falls under the classification of the manufacture of medical equipment.

Making glasses means inserting glasses into frames. To do this, you must have a small office equipped.

If you are in doubt about whether you need a license, contact the Licensing Bureau. Specialists from the bureau will help you in resolving this issue.

Room search

As for the room, there are two options. Let's consider both.

The first option is the most economical.

You can rent a small space for your shop in the market, or in a shopping center. Underpasses are also not a bad option. Engage in the sale of inexpensive optics of Chinese origin.

The total sales volume of such products is considerable, because the goods of the middle price category are in great demand.

The second option is the opening of a solid salon for the sale of optics.

Salons mean by themselves that in it you can not only buy high-quality frames, but also consult a doctor, as well as order prescription glasses or contact lenses.

Renting such a room will not be cheap, because for a trading floor you need at least 35 square meters and about 15 more for a room for diagnosing vision problems.

When choosing a location, the city center is best suited, near expensive boutiques, large supermarkets and entertainment centers. The design of the room should look solid.

An abundance of light, a beautiful interior and professional showcases are essential attributes of a professional optics salon. Hire experienced salespeople to help your customers choose exactly what they need.


Now let's talk about the range. It should be formed depending on which market segment your store is aimed at. Focusing on the middle class, make sure that the assortment of your product is represented by a variety of models of different price categories.

Separately arrange a window display with sunglasses. Also, it will not be superfluous to replenish the assortment of your store with contact lenses, all kinds of simulators for the development and strengthening of vision, and other accessories.

You will make the most profit from the sale of sunglasses. A showcase with them can be put up towards the end of winter, because their sales season begins in March, and it will be at its peak in April. A huge margin on them will provide you with good profits.

A salon or an optics store cannot do without an ophthalmologist. He will receive clients and give recommendations on the selection of glasses. Of course, the best option would be a contact doctor who can prescribe contact lenses.

What criteria to choose a doctor

If the doctor is a professional in his field, then he will be able to prescribe the right glasses for people who suffer from astigmatism. People who buy prescription glasses from your doctor will need to see well with them.

It will be necessary to purchase an autorefractometer, with which the doctor will check the eyesight of customers. Such a computer is not cheap, so buying a used device would not be a bad option. The diagnosis will be made by working with a table that checks eyesight, the computer is more for the image than for good.

Almost all people trust more those optics stores where there are such devices, not knowing that it is not very useful.

A good way to increase income is to open an office in the store in which the doctor will work with children who have poor eyesight. For training, there are special sets of exercises that will help get rid of strabismus without resorting to surgery, it is also possible to train the eye muscles.

Parents are shelling out big bucks to save their kids' sight or just to slow down the irreversible loss of sight.

It is unfortunate that the number of children with poor eyesight or those suffering from astigmatism is on the rise. Even in small towns there are many such children, and huge queues line up in such children's offices.

To set up such an office, you need a couple of computers and other equipment that costs less than an autorefractometer. You also need at least two nurses in your state.

When will it all pay off and is it profitable

Most entrepreneurs who work in this business say that it is very profitable, but it must take at least 1 year to reach a good level of sales. Try to attract customers with the help of advertising - this will speed up the process of making a profit.

What are the pitfalls

If you decide that you will be doing business in the field of optics, then you better contact a good consultant, because this market is very specific.

You can make a mistake in the formation of the assortment if you cannot distinguish a frame that is universal in shape, from one that suits a particular person according to facial features.

Keep track of the skill level of your optical sales consultants. Choose only experienced and qualified people. After all, if the buyer wishes to receive information on any product and does not receive it, then he most likely will never return to you. To see behind all this, you need to know a lot of information about lenses from various manufacturers.

Another problem that arises when looking for a master who will make prescription glasses. You will most likely not find unemployed craftsmen, so you will have to bear all the training costs yourself.

Keep in mind one more thing - having bought an expensive machine for turning lenses, the qualifications of the master must also be at a high level.

You need a highly qualified specialist, who is almost impossible to find, if you have purchased a cheap, manual machine.

You can train a young person on a semi-automatic machine, and if the machine is automatic, then the training is minimal, which means that you won’t need a large amount to train a specialist, and you can save at the very beginning, when it’s already very difficult to enter the market and you need to have a lot of money.

Be prepared for big expenses, because you will need to buy or rent a good, spacious room, an autorefractometer, as well as a machine for the master, on which he will actually make lenses. Take a training course for your employees together so that you can train new employees yourself in the future.


Optics trading is a very promising business, because the market is not yet completely filled. Before you open a store, you need to do research on what the consumer audience is in your city and the area where the store is located - this will be the right approach to start a successful career.

To get high profits, try to get comfortable in this type of business as quickly as possible. Understand the intricacies of the optics trade, order advertising in the media, in a word, do everything in order to overcome your competitors.

A couple of decades ago, young people with glasses evoked ridicule and sympathy. Today the situation has changed dramatically. Glasses have become not only a device for improving vision, but also an element of style. Tastefully selected frames, colored lenses create their own, unique image, and not necessarily the image of a “nerd”. Much more often, it is thanks to the glasses that a person looks presentable and businesslike.

And experts refer to the optical business as “eternal” industries. Therefore, we can safely say that the opening of an optics salon is a promising undertaking and a profitable business that is not afraid of crises.

Overview of the optics market

The work of a modern optics salon takes place in two directions: the sale of corrective optics and vision diagnostics, followed by individual production of glasses.

Shops selling optics can be divided into three types:

trays with inexpensive finished products usually made in China. The advantage of such points is the cheapness and availability of goods. The average price of glasses does not exceed 300-500 rubles. They are very popular among the poor. Sales volumes of such trays reach 65% of all corrective and sun protection optics. Income varies between 2-3 thousand dollars per month. Many of them became the first step in the development of a large optical business. But quite often there are situations when the total monthly income does not allow to recoup the costs. Because, despite the cheapness, the consumer has become more picky and has begun to treat his health more carefully, and the quality of products from natural outlets is usually not high.

optical shops as medical institutions . Such points of sale are usually tied to pharmacies, shopping centers, and can be located as separate pavilions. They are distinguished by a high level of service, because implementation is carried out by people with specialized medical education. Typically, such a store has an ophthalmologist on staff who can provide advice and select the right glasses. The range of goods is quite wide, focused on various consumer audiences: from inexpensive Korean-made glasses to expensive elite Italian models. In some stores there are workshops for making glasses to order.

Usually, large optical salons open several stores with diagnostic rooms, where consultations and orders are taken. At the same time, the production of glasses itself is taken out to remote areas of the city or beyond its limits, in order to reduce rental costs. The monthly profitability of salons of this class is quite stable and reaches the level of 4-6 thousand dollars. But in order to be called a brand salon, they lack an idea, uniqueness, attachment to one well-known manufacturer.

brand salons , as a rule, are distinguished by high-quality and expensive goods. Many of them have a network of stores in different regions. Glasses can cost up to $1,500. Deliveries are organized directly from abroad or through official distributors. The profitability of the largest optical networks is in the range of 10-15 thousand dollars per month.

VIP-class salons have their own sales concept and take into account the latest fashion trends. They certainly have in their assortment luxury goods and, of course, branded models of well-known brands. Such models of glasses are made using modern production technologies and expensive materials for frames, in some cases precious metals. The category of citizens who can afford to buy optics in such salons is not large. Therefore, many networks focus their assortment on buyers with an average income.

As for the forecasts for the development of the optical business, they are quite optimistic. The profitability of salons is confidently holding on to positions of 15-20%. Oversaturation of the market is not expected, because, according to statistics, every person who has reached the age of 40 has vision problems. And that line is getting lower and lower.

The younger generation prefers not to save on their health, but mostly purchase contact lenses. The level of sales of lenses, in relation to the sale of glasses, is in proportion as 2:3. And, quite possibly, this figure will grow. In addition, the attitude of Russians to the way of life is changing. People want to spend money on quality products purchased in specialized stores. And this provides an annual increase in buyers up to 20%. Therefore, the optics market remains quite attractive for investment.

Premises selection

Depending on the services provided, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises is also selected. For a trading floor, 40-50 sq.m. is enough. Optics is a specific product. Even small areas allow you to place a wide range of products. In addition, as a rule, there is no need for storage areas. If the salon will be engaged in diagnostics and independent production of glasses, then the total area should be at least 80-100 sq.m.

The location of the salon plays an important role in generating profits. Therefore, it is desirable to equip the store in a crowded place, with good access roads and an equipped parking lot. The interior should be appropriate - stylish, harmonious and not flashy. Artfully selected design should bring aesthetic pleasure and the desire to return here again. You may need the services of a designer and project development.

Legal aspect of activity

Optics related business refers to medical activities. Therefore, in order to create it, in addition to legal registration, it is necessary to obtain a license for medical and pharmaceutical activities. Documents are issued by the Ministry of Health and the Federal Service for Supervision of Health and Social Development. The necessary conditions for obtaining a license are:

- the presence of a person responsible for the implementation of activities;
- availability and legal ownership of premises and equipment;
— Availability of personnel with appropriate education.

The premises will also be subject to increased requirements from the regulatory services - Rospotrebnadzor, fire control, SES.

The terms of issuing and coordinating documents can be delayed for several months. And the cost of paperwork will be about 5 thousand dollars.

Diagnostic room equipment

In accordance with the SNiP for medical institutions, the area of ​​​​the medical office must be at least 18 square meters, and it must be equipped with a sink. Sanitary standards provide for compliance with the requirements for interior decoration, ensuring optimal conditions for the microclimate of the premises. Natural lighting must be provided in the office.

The cost of equipment for a diagnostic room will cost about 15-20 thousand dollars. Moreover, the purchase of used equipment is not acceptable, because. when drawing up legal documents, its metrological examination will be required. And the risk of failure of these tests increases with the terms of use of the examined devices.

The necessary set of diagnostic equipment includes:

– autokeratorefractometer – a device for measuring refraction and corneal surface parameters – price from $6500;

- dioptrimeter - a device for measuring diopter and selecting optical glasses - price from $ 1500;

- ophthalmoscope - a device for examining the fundus - the price is from $ 1500;

- slit lamp - an apparatus for microscopic analysis of the eye - price from $ 2500;

- pupillometer - a device for determining interpupillary distance - price from $ 200;

– a projector of signs – a device for determining the acuity and nature of vision – the price is from $ 2000;

– a set of trial lenses is used for examination of visual deviations and selection of corrective optics by trial method – the price is from $600.

It is also necessary to equip the medical office with the necessary furniture and the workplace of the ophthalmologist.

Glasses workshop

Typically, optics salons, in addition to selling, provide the following types of services:

– production of glasses, taking into account the selected frame;
— production and tinting of optical lenses;
– repair of frames and ultrasonic cleaning of glasses parts.

To perform these services, you will need the following equipment:

- a machine for turning lenses. It is designed to scan the parameters of the frame, centering and giving the desired geometric shape to the lens. And also for polishing the end of the lenses - the price is from $ 2200;

- manual machine for final processing of lenses. With its help, the grinding of the lens for a specific frame is completed - the price is from $ 220;

— a dioptrimeter, necessary for marking the diopter in the optical center of the lens and restoring the required center-to-center distance in glasses — the price is from $520;

- a heating hair dryer, softens the plastic frame, for the subsequent installation of the finished lens - the price is from $ 130;

– apparatus for ultrasonic cleaning of small parts of frames and hard-to-reach areas of glasses – price from $1300;

- a manual woodman is used to cut a groove in the end of the lens, intended for subsequent installation in forest (semi-rimmed) frames - the price is from $ 230;

- a drilling machine, necessary for drilling holes in lenses, in the manufacture of glasses with screw fasteners - the price is from $ 210 ;.

- welding machine, designed for repair and soldering of frames - price from $ 10,000;

- a set of hand tools - the price is from $ 100.

With such equipment, an experienced master optician will spend no more than 1-2 hours to complete the task. For an optics salon with an impeccable reputation, this is a good indicator. Therefore, in order not to lose customers, it is not worth extending the order execution time.

But the order assumes that ready-made frames are already available. However, most firms are expanding their capabilities and are engaged in the manufacture of frames on their own. In terms of profitability, the production of glasses from the initial stages occupies a leading position among small and medium-sized businesses. Moreover, the frames can be not only for glasses that correct vision, but also for sun protection.

The cost of a complete line for the production of frames will be 25-50 thousand dollars. In many ways, the price of equipment is influenced by the manufacturer. The cheapest will be Chinese machines, more expensive - German and Swiss. To service the production workshop, you will need a link of 3-4 people. And the productivity will be from 1000 to 2500 products per shift.

Formation of the assortment and selection of personnel

The cost of buying goods will cost from 25 to 50 thousand dollars. The wider the choice, the more productive the work of the salon will be. Therefore, the assortment should include at least 500 frames, 10-15 types of contact and spectacle lenses and at least 80 diopters of each individual type, as well as sunglasses and accessories. Contact lens care products must include at least 10 items.

Recruitment of qualified personnel can be the most difficult task when organizing a spectacle business. In particular, this applies to experienced master opticians. The shortage of this profession has long been outlined in the labor market. And each salon in its own way comes out of these situations. Some poach specialists from competitors, others recruit graduates from universities and colleges. One of the solutions to the problem is self-training. The training of a master optician, with his subsequent employment, will cost about $ 320. Also, the mandatory staff should include an optician consultant, an ophthalmologist, a manager, an administrator.

The total initial investment will be at least $100,000. The payback period for optics salons depends on the number of services provided. On average, this figure is 1.5-2 years.

More and more people around the world are forced to wear glasses. Every bespectacled person knows very well how difficult it is to choose the right frame or lenses, but this has to be done regularly. Take care of the assortment that attracts different buyers, and you will have regular customers.

The World Health Organization reports alarming data - in recent years, people with poor eyesight are on the rise. If no action is taken, in the next ten years, 70% of Russians will suffer from visual impairment.

This sad trend is explained by sharply increased visual loads. Computer monitors, tablets, smartphones and constant work with these devices make many wear glasses. Even today, every fourth inhabitant of Russia cannot boast of good eyesight. This disappointing statistics makes you think about opening an optics store as a necessary and promising type of business.

We will tell you how to start opening an optics store, what costs this enterprise will require and how to organize trade so that it makes a profit.

Legal nuances

As a form of doing business, you can choose an individual entrepreneur or LLC. If you're only going to sell ready-made glasses, you don't need a license, which means you can be satisfied. True, in this case, one should not expect any tangible profit.

We advise you to start right away, that is, LLC. You will be able to obtain a license to practice medicine, and significantly expand the range of your services by offering lenses and glasses prescribed by a doctor. To do this, it is necessary to equip an office for the manufacture of glasses.

Registration of a license requires efforts in the preparation of documents:

  • constituent and registration papers;
  • sanitary and epidemiological conclusion;
  • documents for equipment and optics premises;
  • documents on the qualifications of optometrists, etc.

The collection of these documents will take no more than a month and you will have to pay a state fee. If you feel like you can't do it on your own, use the services of a legal agency.

Room selection

The first step prior to obtaining a license should be to find a suitable premises. In many ways, the choice will depend on the range of services that you plan to provide, but in any case, the optics should be located in a place with a sufficient flow of pedestrians.

If you are not going to organize a diagnostic room, an area of ​​​​40 square meters is enough for a store. m, since the placement of glasses does not require a large space, and you can get by with a storage room.

If your plans are more ambitious, and you want to open a large optics salon with vision diagnostics and glasses manufacturing, the area should be much larger. According to GOST, the diagnostic room must have at least 18 sq. m. You will also need additional space for the workshop. All premises must comply with the requirements of fire supervision and established sanitary standards.

A well-lit room with stylish showcases and a well thought-out interior will create the atmosphere of a modern professional salon. Don't be afraid of difficulties. Having overcome them, you will eventually be able to stand firmly on your feet and make excellent profits from the services in demand.


First of all, decide on the class of buyers who will contact you. It can be advised to bet on the middle class - working and fairly wealthy people prefer to change glasses quite often with a guarantee of their high quality and professional service.

The range of such optics should be as extensive as possible, including products from different price categories. In addition to corrective glasses, you need to sell highly sought-after contact lenses, sunglasses, vision aids, spectacle cases, necklaces, and other accessories.

Optics store equipment

For the equipment of the diagnostic room, special equipment is required:

  • ophthalmoscope;
  • refractometer-keratometer;
  • sign projector;
  • slit lamp.
  • a set of trial lenses and much more.

This set of equipment costs an average of 350,000 rubles.

In addition, to purchase a professional eyewear assembly line with a device for processing plastic lenses, a machine for processing glass lenses, a diopter, an ultrasonic cleaner, a centralizer and others, you will need an amount of 1.2 to 1.8 million rubles.


A qualified ophthalmologist is required to work in a salon with diagnostic services. It is desirable that the same specialist be a contactologist who can also prescribe contact lenses. Usually two doctors work in shifts in opticians. Sales assistants should work on the trading floor to help visitors choose a frame for glasses and a brand of lenses.

The director of the optics salon must be a professional pharmacist with an accreditation certificate. The staff of the store, consisting of a director, two doctors and two sales assistants, will require a wage fund of approximately 150 thousand rubles. About 40% of this amount will go to tax deductions and payments to funds. Separately, it must be said about the spectacle collector - a master who makes glasses according to a prescription.

How professional and highly paid it should be will depend on the equipment you purchase. On automatic or semi-automatic equipment, after a little training, a person who owns the skills of manual labor will be able to work. To work on a manual machine, you need a highly qualified specialist.

Issue price

As you can see, organizing an optics salon is an undertaking that requires serious capital investments. In addition to the already listed expenses for the purchase of equipment and the salaries of specialists, money will be needed for:

  • rent of premises - 20-50 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of goods - 200-400 thousand rubles;
  • advertising expenses - 30-60 thousand rubles.

The income from this business will largely depend on the location of the store, but in any case, the demand for glasses is quite high and will only increase over the years.

The profit of the enterprise will be tangible due to the difference in the purchase and sale price, especially if you can arrange supplies directly from the manufacturer. The average income will be 200-350 thousand rubles. per month, and net profit - 80-200 thousand rubles. Thus, your financial investment will pay off pretty quickly.

- Is there a need for external financing? For what purpose do you use it?

It happens. For example, when a new outlet was opened in St. Petersburg, additional funds were required to purchase a large number of goods.

Sometimes money is needed just to replenish working capital, when you need to fulfill a purchase plan for certain brands.

- What banks did you apply to?

I applied only to Sberbank. I realized that it was an extremely dreary process, a lot of documents, certificates and collateral.

I myself have been a client of Alfa-Bank for 8 years. I learned about a new lending service, I decided to try it.

- What is the essence of the service? How does he work?

An easy way to get money to grow your business. But it is not the bank that lends you, but the people. For investors, risks are distributed, and for borrowers, the process of loan approval is simplified.

- How do you rate the service?

Everything is easily and simply done with one click in your personal account. You don't even need to contact tech support. You can repay the loan at any time with one button. So I clicked on Friday - the loan was repaid on Saturday.

- How is it different from banks?

Of course, the ease of filing documents and the speed of decision-making. But besides, if you delve into the question, the interest rate in Potok is optimal for a loan for a period of 180 days (2% per month). In banks, a loan is taken on average for 12-24 months. At the initial stage, in the monthly payment, the majority of the amount will be interest, and in the Flow in the payment, interest takes up a fixed amount.

In general, I am sure that even at the current refinancing rate for 180 days, you will overpay less in Potok than in taking a regular business loan and repaying it ahead of schedule by 180 days.

How quickly did you collect documents and receive money into your account?

For one day! I uploaded an extract from Alfa-Bank's client's bank to Potok, and the very next day, in the morning, the money was credited to my account.

- How much did you borrow? Why were you sure that you would return?

I took two loans for 500 and 700 thousand rubles. Closed both early. I took the amounts
not large, based on the average monthly turnover, so that payments do not create a burden on the business.

- Do you plan to use the service in the future?

Here next week, perhaps, I will take more money for the purchase of goods. I believe that there may be a cash gap.

- Do you plan to become an investor?

And I already tried. I checked how it works. It turned out to be convenient.

- Advice for entrepreneurs. When should and should not take loans?

I would not advise taking loans for startups or businesses in the early stages of development. In the beginning, you should understand how it works, and how much money it brings you. There must be experience and some kind of turnover statistics. And already under the development, expansion or specific projects - you can.