What should a moonshine still consist of? How to make a moonshine still at home - instructions and drawings. Cleaning tap

Having tried many varieties of vodka at a price of 100-600 rubles per bottle, I realized that high-quality moonshine is much better. After all, unfortunately, it is simply impossible to drink current vodka, and it is quite difficult for an ordinary person to buy real Russian vodka. For all these reasons, I decided to make a homemade device for the production of moonshine.

Nowadays, real grain alcohol is rarely used to produce vodka. Vodka producers can even obtain alcohol from natural gas. The most disgusting store-bought alcohol tinctures - “With Honey” and “Lingonberry” - contain artificial additives that overcome the terrible smell of bad alcohol, but do not relieve a severe hangover the next morning.

To produce good moonshine at home, you need to get some utensils for mash. There is a simple rule: the larger its volume, the better. In my first experiments, I used ten-liter bottles for mash. Now I have 18-liter bottles in my arsenal, as well as milk cans.

Next, you need to have a pressure cooker and a thermometer. We drill a hole in the lid of the pressure cooker where we need to insert a thermometer. A piece of silicone tube can serve as a seal. You can cover the top with dough. A flask of this kind is also needed.

You also need to have a reflux condenser. We'll talk about its purpose a little later.

Ariometers (alcohol meters) serve well as a coil, which also performs the function of a refrigerator.

So, let's start assembling. Place the pressure cooker on a sprayer (gas stove). And then - according to the sequence shown in the pictures. When installing silicone tubes, you can use dough as a sealant. Cold water is supplied to the refrigerator from below!

After the assembly is complete, it’s time to pour the mash. Along with it, you need to add 2 tablespoons of activated carbon BAU-A and just a little potassium permanganate.

One pressure cooker can produce moonshine within half an hour. Condensation starts at 88 degrees on the thermometer and lasts until 97 degrees. We mercilessly remove the first 20-30 grams to avoid spoilage of the entire product. Don't be greedy on them!

During cooking, various nasty things accumulate in the flask.

But after the dephlegmator and condensation of the moonshine in the refrigerator, you can evaluate the purity of the color of the finished product!

Ready-made moonshine can be drunk, but it is better to clean it. To do this, take two egg whites and pour them into a 1 liter jar of moonshine. Then strain through cheesecloth. Now you need to make a filter from white bread, oats, BAU-A activated carbon, cotton wool, bread, gauze. It is recommended to filter the almost finished product three times through it.

The resulting moonshine can be diluted with spring or regular drinking store water. The optimal alcohol content in the drink is 50 degrees.

The basic principle on which the operation of a moonshine still is based is the difference in boiling temperatures of water and ethyl alcohol. Water, as is well known, boils at 100ºС, but alcohol already boils at 78 ºС. Thus, if you heat the mash to 80 ºС, you can achieve intense evaporation of alcohol with a slight evaporation of water. The resulting vapors must be liquefied back to produce a liquid with a high alcohol content. There are two methods that allow you to do this: distillation and rectification.

The classic moonshine still is based on the principle of distillation. In this case, the mash is heated in one container until vapor is obtained, which condenses in another container and settles in the form of a finished product. In this case, the moonshine will have a strength of up to 70 degrees and will require additional purification, as it will contain various impurities. During rectification, a rectification column (tsarga) is used, which separates the steam during condensation into its components and makes it possible to obtain 96% alcohol purified from impurities. In fact, a rectification column is a smaller analogue of the factory equipment used in the industrial production of alcohol. Among modern moonshine stills, there are both the first and second devices. There are also devices that can operate on both principles.

Distillation and rectification have their pros and cons. The advantages of distillation include several points:

· If you use multiple distillation and purification, the quality of the product complies with GOST standards for the tolerance of impurities

· The taste and smell of moonshine retain the shades inherent in the raw materials used in production

· High performance. Depending on the model, the production speed can reach up to 3 liters per hour

· Such devices are relatively cheaper

The disadvantage of distillation is that it is impossible to obtain pure alcohol.

Rectification has diametrically opposite pros and cons. An undoubted advantage is the ability to immediately obtain pure alcohol, which is free of impurities and has a high strength.

The disadvantages are the following:

· Tastes and aromas of raw materials disappear, the product becomes emasculated

· Productivity is significantly lower. More time is spent, water and heating costs also increase

· The cost of such devices is higher

· Understanding the process is more difficult

Next, we will consider the design of a classic moonshine still. Since the process uses high temperature and is exposed to alcohol, the device is made of high-strength metal. In most cases this is stainless steel. The ideal option is copper. A typical circuit consists of four main parts

Number one is the still. This is a container in which the mash is placed and where it is subsequently heated. Its size varies and depends on the volume of mash that you plan to prepare for distillation. You should pay attention to the neck. How convenient it will be to fill the mash and wash the distillation cube depends on its size. But in any case, it must be hermetically sealed. On some models, a thermometer is built into the distillation cube or there is a place to install it. A thermometer helps monitor the distillation process. Depending on how you plan to heat it, the distillation cube can be equipped with an electric heating element.

The second element is the steam tank. It is also called a settling tank or a reflux condenser. This is not a mandatory, but highly desirable design element. Intermediate cleaning occurs in it. As steam passes through, heavy compounds settle in it. For convenience, it is better if it is made with the ability to open it and drain the accumulated liquid. Sometimes it is used to further enhance the aroma of moonshine. To do this, lemon peels or other natural flavors are placed in it.

Next comes the refrigerator in which the coil is located. This is the area where steam condenses. Another name for it is a distiller. It comes in two types - classic and reverse (dimrot). In a classic one, alcohol vapor flows through the coil, and in a dimrot, on the contrary, cold water is supplied through the coil to cool the vapor around it. The distiller may also differ in its cooling method. Usually this is running water, but containers are possible where water is poured and changed if necessary, or snow or ice is added. Next, you should distinguish refrigerators by the location of the coil in space. This can be vertical, horizontal and inclined positions. If the distiller is of a classic type and the vapor flows along a coil, its vertical location is desirable. Then the resulting moonshine will flow freely under its own weight into the container intended for it. This container is designated 4 in the diagram; the finished product is collected in it.

Now let's look at the distillation column. It can be depicted schematically as follows.

1. Heating container

2. Column with filler

3. Dephlegmator

4. Distiller

5. Finished product

The principle of operation is as follows. The alcohol-containing liquid is heated until intense vapor formation occurs. They rise to the reflux condenser, where primary distillation occurs. The resulting liquid (reflux) flows back into the column, where it meets the vapors going up. Due to the column filler (usually a fine-mesh mesh or a sponge made of thin wire), a large area of ​​contact between vapor and liquid is achieved. As a result of this contact, highly volatile substances, which are various impurities, settle in the liquid. In vapors, on the contrary, the concentration of volatile substances, namely alcohol, increases. After repeated cycles of condensation and evaporation, the resulting steam with a high alcohol content enters the distiller. There, an alcohol solution with a strength of at least 93% condenses.

In conclusion, I would like to add that alcohol is a flammable liquid. Therefore, fire safety must be carefully observed.

There are two types of moonshine stills: distiller And distillation column. They are made up of different parts and are slightly different. We propose to consider the structure of both options and indicate the components of these units.

Understanding the moonshine process itself has an extremely good effect on product quality. Knowing the essence of distillation and rectification, you will be able to adjust the optimal temperature and monitor harmful fractions so that they do not get into the moonshine.

The design of such a unit has been known since time immemorial, since our closest ancestors from villages and villages used it. We will look at the most popular version of a moonshine still with a steamer, which is used by both beginners and home brewing professionals.

Appearance of a classic distiller with a steam chamber.

  1. Alembic. This is where the mash is poured and subsequently heated. The volume of this container varies from 10 to 50 liters, and it is recommended to fill it no more than 70% (to avoid).
  2. Steam line. This can be either a thin or thick tube through which alcohol-saturated vapors move.
  3. Sukhoparnik. This is where the vapors first enter and are partially purified by condensation. Harmful impurities settle at the bottom of the sump, and ethyl alcohol continues its movement through the moonshine still.
  4. Fridge. In this device, the vapors are cooled and condensed into moonshine, which then drips into the receiving container. The refrigerator can be connected to a water supply, in which case it is called flow-through (all modern devices). In rural devices, it simply looked like a container with cold water, which was periodically replaced with a new one.

The working principle of the distiller.

What parts does a distillation column consist of?

For rectification, you need a more complex apparatus that is able to separate the alcohol-containing liquid into pure fractions (ethyl alcohol, water, fusel oils, etc.). The column is a little more difficult to work with because the temperature needs to be adjusted, but the end product is cleaner.

A classic distillation column for distilling mash into alcohol.

  1. Alembic. By analogy with a distiller, this is a container with mash, which is heated in one of the possible ways: electricity, heating element or gas.
  2. Tsarga. A metal pipe of fairly wide diameter through which alcohol vapor rises. For additional cleansing, it is sometimes inserted.
  3. Dephlegmator. A rather clever device that cools fractions boiling at high temperatures and passes pure alcohol vapor through it. Due to this, harmful impurities flow back into the cube in the form of phlegm, and at the exit we get the purest moonshine up to 96% strength.
  4. Thermometer. An extremely important thing that will help you navigate the factions during the race.
  5. Selection unit with refrigerator. Here we cool the vapors of our rectified product and collect them in a receiving container.

Due to such intensive purification, we do not need additional distillation.

In fact, We perform about 10 distillations during one rectification, and with minimal alcohol loss. Due to this, the taste and aroma of moonshine is lost, but a clean and high-quality product is obtained.

An interesting video on Youtube was presented by the company Master Alkomaster. The author described the design of a universal distillation column in as much detail as possible and showed all the components.

Moonshine, contrary to popular opinion, is not such a bad drink at all, and a properly made distillate is several times higher in quality than store-bought vodka. Each whiskey, rum, cognac or brandy is created using moonshine aged in oak barrels. But before you taste the drink, you need to understand how to make it in a moonshine still and what this device is

What is the distillation process, or moonshine?

According to some sources, chemical distillation, or moonshine, was invented by the Arab peoples many hundreds of years ago and called their creation “arak.” Other sources claim that the ancient Greeks drank moonshine long before the representatives of the East. In ancient times, tubs of mash were exposed to sunlight, where the product fermented for several days. It is known that the mash was filled with essential substances and other easily flammable liquids. Then pipes were connected to the container, through which the vapors slowly entered the refrigerator, becoming a distillate.

The discovery of the process of alcoholic fermentation had a huge impact on the operating principle of the moonshine still. It is still unknown who was the first to obtain the distillate in this way, but it all started with observations of animals. In the wild, monkeys deliberately wait for the fermentation of fallen fruit in order to improve their mood in the form of intoxication.

In any case, the design of a moonshine still differs strikingly among different peoples of the world, but in all cases of alcohol extraction from mash, it is unchanged - all alcohol in the world is produced this way.

Of course, in addition to fermentation, you can resort to centrifugal processing of raw materials, diffusion, freezing, or rectification of mash, but distillation consists of the simplest mechanism, hence it is the optimal way to produce alcohol. If you think about what a moonshine still consists of and how this system works, it will be enough to find two vessels connected by a clean metal tube and some simple firewood.

The essence of the moonshine process

The essence of moonshine brewing is the evaporation of various substances at boiling point. It all depends on the amount of sugar, which contains up to fifteen percent ethyl alcohol, which is what you need to get. Everything else is unusable. In addition to the pure distillate, essential oils, methyl, aldehyde components, fusel oils, resins, acids and even alkali are released. In other words, from the entire amount of mash, no more than one 1/7th of moonshine is obtained.

Placed in a vessel (evaporator, cube, bucket, etc.), the mash evaporates when heated and boiling, releasing many substances. At a temperature of 63 - 65 degrees Celsius, low-boiling substances (aldehydes, phenolic compounds, acetone and methyl) begin to evaporate.

A working device at a temperature of 68-70 degrees begins to release the first steam - this is the first ethyl alcohol formed, which exits into the pipe hole up to a temperature of 78-80 degrees. At higher heating temperatures, fusel begins to be released, consisting of heavy oily components.

When the temperature reaches boiling point, the principle of action of the substances in the vessel changes slightly - the mash becomes as watery as possible, which pushes the alcohol out.

However, heating is only part of the process.

The moonshine still includes a refrigerator, the importance of which cannot be overestimated. Vapor substances entering a cooled place undergo a process of condensation, transforming into liquid.

It is important to know that during condensation, first the easily evaporated components of the mash go into the liquid state, then alcohol, which is replaced by fusel oils, and the last compound comes out of the moonshine apparatus H2O.

Despite its simplicity, a moonshine still is capable of regulating many chemical processes, producing high-quality distillate at home, which over time can turn into elite whiskey, cognac or rum. The most important thing is to maintain a high temperature all the time the moonshine still operates. If you reach the boiling temperature of the mash and stop heating, you will get the same mash, only without mechanical precipitation.

What does a moonshine still consist of?

The distiller is designed in a simple way; it is much more important to know how to handle it. There is no need to carry out any complex processes; the main thing is the importance of each link in the chain of obtaining a natural product that is superior in all respects to store-bought analogues.

Mash container

The minimum capacity for mash should be 10 liters, the optimal option is 30-40 liters. The fact is that one bucket of mash yields about two and a half liters of high-quality distillate, therefore, it is undignified to start the process for the sake of one liter. The efficiency of the unit produces at least three to four liters in 1 session, which lasts only a few hours. Of course, this amount of alcohol will be enough until the new mash ripens.

The container for the mash can be a bucket, enamel brew, barrel or other vessel with a lid. Sealing is important. For example, aluminum tanks have a large volume and close tightly, and subsequently do not burn on fire and do not spoil the product.

On the other hand, this option does not suit everyone - based on the results of the researchers’ analyses, we can conclude that a moonshine still made of aluminum is not safe for humans, and it does not matter whether it is a steam line, a tank or a refrigerator. No, aluminum does not contain anything harmful - it’s all a result of the reaction of methyl alcohol, fusel oils and resins with this metal. The best option would be a vessel made of stainless steel, copper or coated with enamel. Aluminum is not recommended.

Path of steam to the refrigerator

Today, stainless steel is the best metal for delivering steam to the refrigerator. A pipeline with a diameter of 15 - 25 millimeters would be the best option. You might ask yourself: why stainless steel? The thing is that this metal is easy to weld and thread. And the main advantage of stainless steel is the absolute rejection of chemical vapors, including fusel oils and methyl alcohol.

The path of steam to the refrigerator should not be less than a meter or one and a half, and the longer, the better. And if the tube rises vertically above the mash container to a height of 50 - 70 centimeters, the pipeline gives the effect of a reflux condenser, which cleans the distillate a little. Thus, the heat capacity of stainless steel will allow high-boiling harmful substances in the form of fusel oils to obtain a liquid form even before entering the refrigerator and return back to the mash.

Why is a steamer necessary?

Before entering the refrigerator, vapor substances must pass through a steam chamber. This device, despite its simplicity of design, performs the functions of a filter, efficiently cleaning the product. Most fusel oils, methanol, harmful resins and other high-boiling substances remain in the steamer. The principle of operation of such a device is very simple - you need a small vessel with a capacity of up to one liter (a glass jar is quite suitable) with a sealed closure or a durable lid with two holes for tubes. The entrance hole should deepen two to three centimeters. The second, where the purified steam will flow, should be two-thirds of the diameter from the first hole.

Thus, the incoming hot mash steam will cool slightly and the fusel oils will remain in the jar as a liquid.

The alcohol compounds will continue on their way to the refrigerator and turn into a pure distillate. On the other hand, for the steam tank to operate as efficiently as possible, it is necessary to maintain the temperature inside it at about 75 - 80 degrees Celsius.

Moonshine still refrigerator

The final, but no less important place on the way of mash steam to the final product is the refrigerator of the moonshine still. The design of this item is not so important, the main thing is to provoke the condensation effect. The temperature in such a container should not exceed 30 degrees Celsius. The best design option is a coil located in a vessel filled with cold water or running water. If the refrigerator is a flow-through type, it is necessary to provide a place for draining the water (a kitchen sink is quite suitable). If the water is stagnant, to obtain one liter of moonshine you will need 25 liters of water with constant replacement of 1/4 of the part every half hour.


In conclusion, it is necessary to mention the need to regularly wash the mash vessel and steamer after completing each distillation process. It is similarly recommended to wash the steam line to remove any remaining negative substances. The main thing is to create absolute tightness of the entire unit. To obtain a distillate of maximum quality, you can add activated carbon and various fruits to the steamer to purify the steam, giving it a rich taste. The resulting product will be from 50 to 70 degrees of strength, with a quality absolutely superior to strong alcohol from the supermarket. The main thing is to follow the design of the device, observing all the rules described in the article.

Unfortunately, the statistics of poisoning with vodka and other alcohol make us think. Sometimes counterfeit goods that are very dangerous to health end up in stores, so some people have a question about how to make a moonshine still at home. With proper production, you can only get a high-quality product.

General description and principles of operation

The circuit of the moonshine still is simple, like everything ingenious. In design and operation, it is not much different from the distiller used in many chemical laboratories.

Device structure. The main components are as follows: distillation cube: container for raw materials (mash); refrigerator with coil; tube to connect them.

To obtain higher quality moonshine, the device is sometimes supplemented with: a steamer; bubbler; carbon or wood filter.

You can buy a ready-made device. However, many are more interested in assembling it themselves. They even do electrical installations using automation.

Mechanism of operation

The raw material is mash based on sugar or starch. Yeast is also added here. The composition is optimal for the growth of the necessary microorganisms - fungi.

In the process of life they will release waste- alcohols in concentrated form, of which only ethyl is of interest. During distillation the following happens:

  1. In the distillation cube, the mash is heated and breaks down into liquid and vapor containing alcohols.
  2. The vapor moves through the tube, the coil. Alcohols are divided into fractions (types).
  3. In the refrigerator, a container of water, suitable alcohol is cooled and condensed.

The difference between moonshine and rectified

It is worth considering that even if you carry out this procedure several times, using additional devices (filter, bubbler, steamer), harmful impurities will remain. The quality of the product depends only on their volume.

There is a method that allows you to obtain alcohol with a minimum amount of impurities. This is rectification, in which alcohols are divided into fractions in several stages. To carry it out, you will need more complex equipment, which is difficult to make yourself.

The rectificate can be found at the pharmacy: this medical alcohol(95.57%). Moonshine is also called distillate based on its production method.

The following drinks are prepared using rectification:

  • vodka;
  • liqueurs, etc.

In the process of obtaining rectification properties are lost required for some drinks. For example, the aroma of cognac appears due to fusel oils, so this drink is best made from distillate. It is usually obtained in a professional industrial way. As an option, flavorings are added to the rectified product.

The opinion that rectified alcohol is safer than moonshine is erroneous. The purer the alcohol, the its intoxicating effect is stronger. Molecules move from the blood into the nervous system faster, and harmful products take longer to be eliminated. The poison is better absorbed and comes out harder.

Installation assembly

Distillation cube. Any container with suitable qualities is suitable for a distillation cube. It is often heated on the stove.

The main requirement is tightness. Some weld the container themselves from regular or stainless steel. This option may be unreliable for the following reasons:

  • The mash sticks, but there is no way to stir it, since it needs to be sealed.
  • When exposed to high temperatures and pressure, poor quality seams will come apart.

Fridge. The quality of the refrigerator as part of the distillation unit determines: operating speed; quantity of product. Refrigeration structures are divided into two types:

  • cumulative;
  • flow-through

In running water, the water moves, so it does not have time to heat up. The design includes tubes.

  1. Through the first, water enters the refrigerator.
  2. From the second - it comes out.

Storage refrigerator- closed container with water. Inferior in quality to flow-through: the amount of condensate and the volume of product are reduced. Cooling is not as effective, which is why there is 15-20% less moonshine.

You can find many drawings of a storage refrigerator for a homemade moonshine still. The simplest design is regular plastic bucket with holes for draining and collecting water and a coil inside. In winter it is especially convenient, as you can collect snow and ice.

In storage containers, the hole for draining should be at the top, for collection - at the bottom. It is advisable to keep the temperature in the distillation cube as low as possible. This will result in less steam and more product.

The moonshine will come out through another hole. To control, try on the wrist. If it’s cool, the cooling system is excellent, if it’s hot, it’s bad. In the latter case, the product will be about a third less.

Coil - tube, placed in the refrigerator and connected to a cube or, if available, to a steamer. The longer, the better the steam is cooled. The following simple manufacturing options are common:

  • Copper tube measuring 15-20 mm, screwed onto the base. During winding, it is advisable to fill it with sand to prevent deformation that would interfere with the escape of condensate. To prevent sleep, they plug it with a rod, for example, made of wood. The base is in a vice.
  • Siphon hose, the desired length is 2 m. It is also twisted into a spiral. Fastened using nipples, gaskets, nuts. Additionally, a sealant is applied to any coil.

Steamer and bubbler

The steamer is an optional part of the design of a moonshine still, made at home with your own hands.

He is needed for removing fusel oils. It is located between the still and the coil. With its help the following happens:

  1. The pressure and temperature decrease, so the vapor becomes liquid. The next wave of vapor pushes them out.
  2. Fusel oils collect on the walls of the vessel. When repeating the procedure 2-3 times, almost no of them remain.

The drink itself is often called fusel because of its characteristic taste and smell. Fewer amounts of these oils make the product safer for health: The hangover is not so severe.

It is not possible to completely get rid of them during moonshine brewing (distillation). In many well-known drinks, these oils are necessarily left in a certain amount (whisky, rum, etc.). Such products are “advanced” analogues of moonshine. Three steam steamers are often used in a cascade. The advantages here are:

  • the moonshine comes out to be of very high quality, with a high degree of purification;
  • Already on the first distillation, the strength is about 80%.

Three containers - the optimal number: if it is less, then the effect will be insufficient; a larger number plays almost no role.

The volume of one steamer is approximately 10 times less than that of a container with mash. It's easy to make. Usually a glass jar of the required volume is taken, and the lid is “modernized” to it.

The lid must be screwed on. Two holes are made in it, for example, with a knife or screwdriver. You need to try to avoid burrs. Fittings are inserted into the holes and secured with nuts. Next, the tubes are put on.

Periodically, the water is drained to avoid it getting into the coil, and then into the moonshine. The steamer is also used for flavoring. Add something to taste, for example:

  • berries, preferably dried;
  • herbs;
  • citrus peels, etc.

Feel free to experiment with scents. They will be barely distinguishable, and more by smell than by taste.

The bubbler is used for the same purposes as the steam steamer. The differences are more related to the design. In the bubbler there is usually liquid, through which the pairs are passed. The supply tube is lowered much lower, almost to the bottom of the container.

Connecting tubes and filters

If flexible hoses are used for connection, it is better to choose silicone ones. If you use PVC pipes, toxic substances will be released upon contact with hot vapors. Externally, these materials are sometimes confused. You can distinguish by some signs:

  1. A piece of PVC burns with a lot of smoke and an unpleasant odor. Silicone does not smoke, has almost no smell, and leaves behind a light ash.
  2. The silicone is pleasant and silky to the touch.
  3. PVC hardens at -10 °C, silicone remains elastic.

Filters for purifying the finished product are made, for example, like this:

  • The bottom of a plastic bottle is cut off.
  • There are many small holes made in the cork.
  • The filter itself is prepared from cotton wool and coal fractions inside. Roll a ball at least 4 cm in length.

Moonshine is passed through the resulting device. Before filtering, the drink must stand in a container with coal.

Selection of materials

In Soviet times, it was widely believed that the best material for a direct-flow distiller was copper. It was easy to find and inexpensive.

However, when alcohol vapor interacts with copper, ethers and aldehydes are formed, which remain in the system. There is always vinegar in the mash. When interacting with aluminum, harmful salts are obtained - alum.

Glass has neutral qualities and does not react. However, this material has a significant drawback - fragility. Food grade stainless steel- perhaps the most reliable option:

  • does not react and does not form deposits;
  • reliable;
  • easy to care for.

Although, in terms of thermal conductivity and ease of making coils, copper is much better. In terms of accessibility, other materials may benefit. The harm from their use is usually not significant. Therefore, a design made from various suitable materials often pays off.

Examples of simple installations

A moonshine still of the simplest design can be made from available materials. The main thing is to follow simple rules and use your imagination.

Moonshine still from a saucepan. Even a regular five-liter saucepan is suitable for the device. It is better to use a pressure cooker as it is more airtight. In addition to it, you need to find: a 5-liter plastic bottle; copper tube: length - approximately 1 meter, diameter - 4-5 mm.

  1. The handle is removed from the lid. A fitting is inserted into the hole and secured on the inside with a nut. If the hole is small, you need to drill it out.
  2. A silicone tube will be used as a connecting tube. It is harmless and does not change the taste, so it is often used by industrial producers.
  3. The refrigerator will be a plastic bottle with a copper tube placed inside. The bottle is turned over and the bottom is cut off. A coil is made from a tube, about 8 cm in diameter. It comes out through a hole made in the bottle cap.
  4. Water is poured into the mini-fridge and mash into the pan.
  5. For sealing purposes, the lid of the pan is pressed with clothespins. Its edges can be covered with dough. It will harden when heated. Another clamp option is carpenter's clamps, and the seal is a cut silicone tube.
  6. The design can become more complicated and improved. For example, there is also a hole in the lid for a pin thermometer.

Can based distiller

Often a large milk can (flask) is used for production. It is initially quite airtight.

The rubber gasket must be removed. The mash will absorb its smell. Instead, it will do food grade silicone gasket.

You can make it yourself from aquarium silicone:

  • Apply to the edges of the lid. After complete drying - at least two more layers.
  • Ordinary cellophane is placed on the neck of the can, after which the lid is closed. You need to wait a few hours.

Further, a hole is made in the lid under a tube or a long coil. The thickness of the latter is about 12 mm. As a refrigerator, you can use, for example, a specially designed plastic bucket with holes at the bottom for water to flow in and moonshine to come out.

To submit hose used connected to the water supply. Draining occurs through a hole in the top of the tube.

When prepared correctly, moonshine can easily compete with store-bought products. He also has clear advantages: low price and comparative safety.

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