How to fix a nail in a concrete wall. How to hammer a nail into the board - a few secrets from the masters. Actions with the cord.

Brick is a recognized favorite building material (it is quite possible, even with the title of "folk"). It is used everywhere in both the exterior and interior decoration of the room. They also make decorative elements (for example, fireplaces). However, beauty always wants more: it is able to create the same portraits or paintings in the interior. In this regard, a reasonable question arises: how to hammer a nail into a brick wall?

Mark the nail spot with a pencil. Choose a place in the masonry joints between the bricks, and not into the brick, because the brick can crack or break. Choose a masonry drill bit slightly smaller than the diameter of the nail. Drill a hole in the joint using masonry.

Place the masonry nail in the drilled hole. Fasten it in place by holding the nail straight throughout the process. Pull the nail after installation to make sure it is in the masonry and does not move.

  • Drill for Freemasonry.
  • You can repair the nail later if you need to remove the nail.
  • Simply remove the nail with masonry repair filler.
  • Wear safety glasses when drilling and nails in masonry.
  • Cement fragments can cause injury.
Jenny Harrington has been a freelance writer since published articles have appeared in various print and online publications.

Difference in approaches

Depending on whether we want to attach the cord or hang something heavier, the methods used are completely different. Each of them is worth telling in more detail.

  • Straight to the plaster

The first method is perfect for those walls where plaster trim is available. If you plan to hang a very light object, then you will not need too powerful fasteners. A small carnation is also suitable - it will clog into the plaster. With a thick leveling layer, the rod itself also does not leave its place.
  Such stability is achieved by the fact that no attempts will be made to hammer the element into a more rigid material - that is why the part will go in as it should and at the necessary angle.

Previously, she owned her own business, selling handmade goods on the Internet, in bulk, and at craft fairs. Harrington's specialties include small business information, handicrafts, jewelry, and gardening. You may have an upcoming project where you need to attach a piece of processed lumber to the poured concrete slab   or wall.

The main advantages and advantages of nails for concrete fasteners

You can watch a beautiful short video that shows how to attach the wood to the flooded concrete by going here. Step Two: Make sure the wood you use is processed with lumber. It is always recommended to use treated wood for any wood in contact with poured concrete. Concrete may become wet from contact with the soil, causing rotting of conventional lumber. Wood-destroying insects, such as carpenters and termites, are often found near flooded concrete that touches moist or moist soil.

  • And now in the grout

In this case, the metal rod will be clogged in the seam, which is located between the bricks. Everything is done in a manner similar to the previous one, with the only difference being that the part to be inserted must be more powerful than usual. This will allow her to enter much deeper.
But there are also disadvantages:

These insects do not like to eat processed wood. Step Three: Position the wood exactly where you want it to come in contact with the poured concrete. If it is a bottom slab for a wall, gravity holds it in place. If this is a wall-mounted rack clasp, you can enlist an assistant to hold the wood against the wall when you are driving the drill.

Mounting nail for concrete fasteners

Fourth step: turn on the drill, making sure that it is in hammer mode. Hammer drills   - These are amazing tools that use fast forward and backward movements when the drill also rotates. Explosive hammers ground in concrete and drilling are very simple.

  1. A large nail will stick out of the wall (it will not fit into every interior).
  2. If the wall is already covered with plaster, it will be very difficult to find a mortar joint. You may be interested in reading an article about.
  • Dowel Rescue

Dowel-nail for concrete fasteners

Step Five Despite the fact that the drill is made for masonry, it easily penetrates into the wood. You do not need to pre-drill a hole in the wood with a wooden board before using carbide masonry. Just drill a piece of carbide into the wood.

Step six: as soon as the bit begins to bite into the poured concrete, creating dust, remove the bit from concrete and wood about every five seconds when you drill. This helps pull most concrete dust and particles to the surface, creating less friction on the sides of the drill. Press on the drill when drilling.

Before working this way with brick wall, it should be remembered that nails are not intended for this. Therefore, the outcome cannot always be predicted: an element can gain a foothold in the wall, or perhaps the very opposite result.
  But not everything is lost - success in this matter can still be ensured. Of course, if you know a simple secret: the nail should be used in conjunction with a dowel (plastic can be used).

Seventh step. Continue drilling until the hole in the poured concrete is at least two and a half inches wide. Step Eight: Take two of the 16-centimeter weight nails and hold them together so that the heads of the nails are flat. Touch both nails of the heads at the same time until they come into contact with the poured concrete. Continue to apply nails with a heavier blow hammer, making sure that the hammer head kicks directly into the center of the hammer head. Short, strong hammer blows are better than wild big blows that can bend nails.

Here the sequence of actions should be as follows:

  1. A hole is drilled to the desired depth.
  2. A plastic dowel is inserted there and the nail itself is hammered.

Cord Operations

Such a measure, indeed, can provide high-quality fasteners. However, if you need to stretch the cord between the corners (for example, for construction and repair needs), you can do this this way:

Summary. If you do it right and the concrete is strong, you will often need a crowbar to remove the nails later. Nail nails, headdress nails, fasteners, protective screws, plugs - the world of nails, screws and wall plugs can be difficult, so if you are going to do the work, make sure that you use the correct fixation.

Steel nails come in all shapes and sizes. Outdoors, always use galvanized galvanized nails - they help trap rust. Used for attaching slates and sash windows. It has a rectangular cross section and is used for attaching floor boards.

  • Tie nails and other wire trimmings to kapron thread.
  • Insert them into the mortar seam (with a soft solution, immersion will occur without a pick or other tools).
  • In winter, you may need a pickaxe (as in the case if the solution was yesterday).
  • No need to hammer the parts too deeply, because they need to be constantly pulled out. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the rod can withstand the tensioned cord itself.
  • It is important to ensure that the element does not sit too tightly inside. To do this, it will be enough to loosen a little in his nest.

Another option of one hundred percent quality of work is the choice of comb options. A similar material is copper elements with sharper edges (this allows you to easily enter any material). To fulfill the plan, you need to prepare those tools that can help and hammer a nail, and in the future do not worry about things hanging on the wall. For this, you will need such preparations.

Shorter than a nail, it is used to fasten the roof. A round nail that can be pierced below the surface with a pin punch. It captures bricks and breezes well and is used to fasten wood to masonry. The oval shape helps prevent crushing of wood as it is clogged.

A small, thin nail that easily breaks through and is used for fastening, moldings, carpentry, and general carpentry. General purpose round nail. Its serrated shank helps grab drywall. A round nail with rings around its shank to make fixing more secure. Use for tasks such as laying flooring and fixing the exterior finish, where the nail is unlikely to ever need to be removed.

Your question:

What is the best way to drive a nail into a wall?

The answer of the master:

There is nothing difficult in driving a nail into the wall. There would be a wall, a nail, a hammer and strong hands. The main thing here is not to spoil the surface of the wall, and for this you just need to choose the right tools.

All you need is a hammer, a screwdriver. nails, screws and choppers. In addition, you certainly need to know what material the wall is made of, into which you are going to drive nails. For the material of the walls in houses and apartments, wood, concrete, brick can be used, most often their surface is plastered.

The screws are usually made of mild steel, but hardened steel, stainless steel, solid brass and steel coated with chrome or brass, as well as galvanized rust screws for external use, are also available. The screw has a head, shank and thread. Its length is measured from the pointed tip of the thread to the part of the head located flush with the surface into which it is screwed. The pressure gauge is the diameter of the shank. Reinforced head screws have heads that are located above the surface, countersunk screws have heads that are flush with or lower below the surface.

The easiest and easiest way to drive nails into the wooden surface of the walls. A hammer, nails and a stepladder (if you need to drive a nail high) - all that you need for this. Mark on the wall the point at which you need to hammer the nail and put its point to it. Hit the nail head with a hammer. If the wall is made of "dense" tree species, for example, walnut or ash, the nail tip must be moistened with ordinary oil or turpentine. So it will be easier for him to enter the surface.

The screws may have slotted or crossed heads — Phillips screws are easier to drive than slot heads, especially with a power screwdriver. The imperial screw gauge system evaluated the shank diameter as a number from 1 to 20 - the higher the indicator, the larger the screw. Metric equivalents are not so user-friendly, but that is how screws are now increasingly sold. Use this handy table as a guide.

It has a thick shank and a coarse thread, which may be useful for attaching chipboard. A deep thread extends right to the head, which makes it useful for both wood and chipboard. The square neck under the domed head is clamped into the wood when the nut is tightened.

Nails must be driven into a plastered wall at a right angle, that is, perpendicular to the wall surface. Any wall can be plastered with a sufficiently durable mortar. To check how true this statement is, hit the hammer where you will drive the nail. Thus, you can somewhat disrupt the surface structure of the plaster, and further clogging of the nail will make it much easier. In addition, with this approach to business, nails will not bend at all.

Has a square or hexagonal head, which is entered with a wrench. Gives a very strong and solid hold. This traditional loose wood screw has a single thread and needs drilled hole   and holes for the gap of the shank before installing it.

Twin screw used for attaching drywall or fiberboard to wooden studs. Double threads allow for quick installation, without the need for a pilot hole when screwed into softwood. A strong screw that can be driven into brickwork without using a fork.

Surely you realize that driving nails into concrete, stone or brick wall   much more complicated and problematic. In addition to a hammer and nails, wooden choppers (special wooden rods) and hammer drill. Using a drill, you need to drill a hole in the wall and hammer into it a chopper of a suitable diameter. To achieve the desired result, choose a drill that is slightly larger in diameter than the diameter of the chopper. If you don’t have a suitable short piece of wood at hand, it will be easily replaced by a “stub” of a pencil. After you drive a chop into the wall, drive a nail into it.

Used for decorative hardware, this screw countersunk to the edge of the head. The shape of the countersunk head prevents screw removal after installation. Trims own thread in thin sheet metal and plastic. The normal screw did not remain in the masonry without a wall outlet. The wall outlet expands the grip on the sides of the hole when the screw is inserted, holding the screw securely in place. Ideal for use in a wide range of construction tasks, as well as for hanging shelves, photographs and mirrors around your home.

Before you drive a nail into the wall, think about what kind of load it has to withstand. In this case, there is a direct proportion: the greater the load, the thicker and longer the nail should be and vice versa. If necessary, nails can be replaced with screws that need not to be driven in, but screwed into the wall surface.

Molded plastic wall plugs are made on plastic “trees” with the size of a drill bit printed on a tree. Some manufacturers produce branched outlets of different sizes - but beware, because colors are not standard for all brands.

Choosing a hammer for hammering nails

These alternatives to wall screws and screws are suitable for attaching wooden planks to masonry. One type has a wall screw with a pre-made screw. It is inserted into the drilled hole with a hammer and then driven by a screw. There is also a version designed for drywall. Another type has a flanged expansion sleeve equipped with a masonry nail.

If you plan to hang a sufficiently large load on the wall, for example, a stand on which there will be a TV or a shelf for books and flowers, it is better to use screws of a suitable size. They are much more reliable to fix the item you need on the wall.