Household gas analyzers for apartments with gas stoves. Do you need a household gas alarm in a room Household gas alarms

Ecology of consumption. Homestead: Leakage of natural gas is dangerous, and in order not to become the heroes of news stories, you should use protection devices - household sensors and gas leak alarms. There are a number of them for domestic use at home and in the country, and we will help you understand their diversity, installation and use rules.

Leakage of natural gas is dangerous, and in order not to become the heroes of news stories, you should use protection devices - household sensors and gas leak alarms. There are a number of them for domestic use at home and in the country, and we will help you understand their diversity, installation and use rules.

Functions and principle of operation

Household gas alarms are designed to determine the presence in the room atmosphere of a number of gases in concentrations that threaten human life and health. Unlike industrial and laboratory devices, gas sensors for civil use have a smaller range of substances to be determined, and are almost never equipped with measurement registration and self-diagnosis functions. If you think about it, then in the room atmosphere there may be a limited number of compounds that can harm a person: mainly natural gas, which is based on methane, as well as combustion products - monatomic and diatomic carbon oxides.

Inside each gas sensor, one or more gas analyzers of different types of action are installed. Control over the leakage of combustible hydrocarbons is carried out mainly by monitoring the ability of the gas mixture to absorb infrared radiation. Thus, oxygen and hydrogen molecules are diathermic, while methane clearly exhibits the properties of a greenhouse gas. By adjusting the device to a certain absorption wave, it is possible to accurately determine the type of substance to which the gas analyzer reacts.

Carbon dioxide is also capable of absorbing thermal radiation, although these properties are somewhat less pronounced. The problem is that a single infrared gas analyzer is not universal; a separately configured detector should be installed for each gas. At the same time, carbon monoxide is absolutely diathermic, that is, it is not detected by infrared detectors. To detect it, thermochemical detection is used, the principle of which is put into operation of catalysts in automobile exhaust systems. The bottom line is that getting on the catalyst, carbon monoxide is oxidized, causing heating of the surface. When heated, the electrical resistance of the catalyst decreases, which is successfully recorded by a simple electronic circuit.

Types of combined detectors

The device of gas leak detectors is quite simple, which made it possible to reduce the price for an ordinary consumer to an acceptable one. The most expensive element inside a household leak detector is the gas analyzer, which requires a separate power circuit and individual calibration. Therefore, household appliances can vary greatly in their abilities.

In the price range from 1 to 2 thousand rubles, the simplest devices of the combined principle of operation are located. Inside one housing are detectors for all three hazardous household gases, and all of them are connected to one alarm device. Sometimes such sensors do not allow to determine what exactly caused the operation, which can definitely be attributed to the disadvantages of this group of devices.

More expensive devices (from 2 to 5 thousand rubles) not only have more advanced detection methods, but are also equipped with a number of important functions. For example, all devices of this class help to unambiguously determine which gas concentration is exceeded. It is also possible to have relay or analog outputs for connection to the boiler room automation unit. Such devices are capable of automatically shutting off the gas supply or turning on forced ventilation.

The most expensive gas alarms are entire complexes consisting of separate sensors of various types and a common control unit. Inside the latter is a recorder, relay and analog outputs, power supply. Such devices are used in rooms of complex shape and considerable length, where the installation of several sensors is required.

What else causes the price difference?

The problem of choosing and operating household gas analyzers lies in their monoblock device. While all detectors are located at the same point, the locations of concentration for all three gases are different. Carbon monoxide and methane are concentrated in the upper part of the room, while carbon dioxide is heavier than air under normal conditions. For living conditions, this is acceptable, because carbon dioxide is the least dangerous, but in certain situations this circumstance is categorically unacceptable. For example, a liquefied gas mixture from a cylinder is always heavier than air, which requires the installation of two sensors in the lower zone and under the ceiling of the room. Thus, devices with separate remote sensors in such cases are more profitable to purchase.

Carbon monoxide sensors can be found as part of a complex alarm system and a "smart home" system with GSM communication support or via the Internet. In this case, the sensor readings can be checked even remotely using the phone.

Another nuance lies in the accuracy and reliability of the detectors. General requirements set the threshold for a methane concentration of 10% of the ignition threshold (LEL) and a carbon monoxide content of more than 85 PPM (parts per million). The measurement error (no more than 10%) and response time are also normalized. It is worth saying that all devices on the market fully comply with these requirements, but over time they may lose their properties. It is for this reason that gas alarms require annual verification and there is a high risk that the device simply will not pass the next certification, which means that you will have to buy a new one.

Verification and certification

It is possible to establish whether the device complies with safety requirements by checking it on measuring simulation stands. This can be done at the nearest center for standardization, metrology and certification, located in a government department. There are also private laboratories accredited to conduct this kind of activity, however, they are engaged in testing industrial equipment, the price tag for services is also appropriate. You can get the address of the nearest test center in Gorgaz, the cost of verification is from 300 to 500 rubles.

Verification of household gas detectors is also carried out before putting the device into operation: for unknown reasons, the manufacturer's mark on the suitability of the device among gas workers is not quoted. However, in some gas services, signaling devices can be bought immediately with a certificate and a mark in the passport, although the price will be slightly higher. Do not forget that due to the need for regular verification, the passport of the device must be kept until its disposal.

Installing the instrument

There are no requirements for the method of fixing the gas detector, it can be either screws or ordinary double-sided tape. Almost all devices are supplied in a plastic case, their weight is about 100 grams. The only thing to consider is the location in the immediate vicinity of an electrical outlet, because the length of the power cord of the device rarely exceeds 100–150 cm, while disassembling the device, using extension cords or extending the cord is not allowed.

The choice of the installation site is regulated separately. On average, the degree of protection of signaling devices is not higher than IP 33, so the device should not be installed in places where splashes, dust emissions, and steam and high temperatures are excluded. It also makes no sense to install gas alarms in the immediate vicinity of the ventilation ducts of windows.

The installation height of the devices is determined by its instruction-passport. On average, for combined detectors, this is 0.5 m from the ceiling, for liquefied gas detectors - no closer than 0.5 m to the floor. If there are recesses in the floor, additional propane sensors should be installed in them.

After installation, the device must be checked for operability, but this must be done correctly. All you need is a balloon and a wooden splinter. It is necessary to draw a small amount of gas into the ball, for example, from the stove burner. In this case, gas should not be released directly into the detector intake grate, which inevitably leads to damage to the sensitive detector. Imitation of gas contamination is performed by releasing small portions of gas from a distance of no closer than one meter. Everything is simpler with a splinter: it is set on fire and extinguished, and the detector is fumigated with a stream of smoke at a distance of 20–30 cm.

Nuances of operation

In conclusion, we note that, despite the simplicity of the device, gas detectors are a very sensitive technique. To keep the device in good working order, it is necessary to protect it from pollution, accumulation of dust and cobwebs on the case.

Also a characteristic feature of carbon monoxide analyzers is their long recovery time, during which the device requires personal monitoring. Some devices are designed for manual recovery after operation. The procedure is described in the instructions and takes less than a minute.

The signaling device does not require maintenance, on the contrary: the case cannot be disassembled, otherwise the verification certificate becomes invalid. For this reason, the analyzers should be repaired in a specialized service center, despite the fact that any more or less experienced radio amateur will be able to eliminate most of the faults. published

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What is a gas detector, what functions does it perform and how does it ensure safety? How does the signaling device work with additional devices, what is their cost and can I install them myself? You will learn about this and much more from this article.

What is a gas alarm

Gas detectors are devices that provide continuous monitoring of the content of combustible gases and carbon monoxide in the air of rooms where gas equipment is installed. Signaling devices have long been used in industry to ensure the safety of facilities, however, they have become relatively recently used in the gasification of residential buildings.

Types of signaling devices. Which to choose

Signaling devices are of two types: industrial and household.

More stringent requirements are applied to industrial ones and often they work in conjunction with a control panel, which receives signals from several gas sensors and which provides control over the concentration of the measured parameter in the air. The requirements for a household sensor are not so strict. Its main task is not to measure and display the concentration, but to operate if the value of the controlled parameter exceeds the set value. Also, a household sensor should provide a number of reactions to gas contamination.

Gas detectors differ in the controlled parameter; for household sensors, three main types can be distinguished:

  • methane (CH 4);
  • propane (C 3 H 8);
  • carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide, CO).

There are also combined sensors that simultaneously monitor the concentrations of combustible and carbon monoxide.

For a room in which gas-using heating equipment is installed, a combined sensor (CH 4 + CO or C 3 H 8 + CO) is best suited. For a room with stove heating, a carbon monoxide sensor will suffice.

When choosing a signaling device, it is necessary to take into account the power supply of the sensor and devices with which it will interact in case of operation, the best option is 220 V. The same power supply should be selected for related equipment, which will be discussed later.

Price table for gas detectors:

Sensor type Controlled parameter Switching of external electrical networks Shut-off valve control Cost, rub.
SGB-1-2 CH 4 - 0.1%, CO - 0.01% - - 1269,00
SGB-1-7 CH 4 - 1%, CO - 0.005% - - 1724,00
Guardian of Mind CH 4 - 0.5%, CO - 0.01% - - 1282,00
Guard 110UM CH 4 - 0.5%, CO - 0.01% + + 1638,00
Guardian UM-005 CH 4 - 0.5%, CO - 0.005% - - 1387,00
Guard 110UM-005 CH 4 - 0.5%, CO - 0.005% + + 1684,00
SGB-1-2B CH 4 - 0.1%, CO 0.01% + + 1545,00
SGB-1-7B CH 4 - 1%, CO - 0.005% + + 2073,00
Varta 2-03 CH 4 - 1%, CO - 0.005% + + 2252,00
Varta 2-03B CH 4 - 1%, CO - 0.005% - - 1850,00
UKZ-RU-SN4-SO CH 4 - 0.5%, CO - 0.002-0.01% - + 5664,00
SGB-1-4.01 CO - 0.01% - - 1159,00
SGB-1-4,01B CO - 0.01% + + 1393,00
UKZ-RU-SO CO - 0.002-0.01% - + 3658,00
SGB-1-6 C 3 H 8 - 0.46% - - 1270,00
SGB-1-6B C 3 H 8 - 0.46% + + 1504,00
Maxi/C CH4 - 1%, С3Н8 - 0.4%, CO - 0.005% - - 1112,00
Maxi/K CH 4 - 1%, C3H8 - 0.4%, CO - 0.005% - + 1421,00

What does the alarm respond to?

The value of the value of the controlled parameter in the air, at which the signaling device will work, is the same for most household sensors and is:

  1. Methane - 0.1-1%.
  2. Propane - 0.46-0.05%.
  3. Carbon monoxide - 0.005-0.01%.

The percentages of methane and propane are about five times less than the lower concentration limit of flame propagation for these gases. This means that the alarm will work much earlier than the gas content in the air reaches an explosive concentration.

What functions can a gas detector perform?

Household gas detectors, due to their design, are multifunctional devices. The list of possibilities of each signaling device is individual. Here are the main ones present in most sensors:

  • light and sound notification. When gassed, the indicator light comes on and a loud sound signal appears;
  • the ability to connect a solenoid gas shut-off valve;
  • relay output, through which it is possible to connect electrical devices (exhaust fan, separate annunciator, signal to a fire or control panel, etc.);
  • power outputs, for direct connection of additional equipment from the sensor;
  • some sensors have the ability to work from an autonomous power source.

What is a solenoid valve. Its types

The solenoid shut-off valve is a device that is mounted at the inlet of the gas pipeline to the room and is a valve that, when an electrical signal is applied to its coil, must shut off the gas supply to gas appliances.

Shut-off valves differ in:

  • nominal diameter. For domestic needs, valves Dn 15, 20, 25 are often used;
  • nutrition. For domestic needs, optimally - 220 V;
  • allowable pressure. For low pressure gas pipelines - up to 500 mbar;
  • by valve type: normally open and normally closed.

The type of valve is the most significant characteristic for operation in combination with a gas detector.

A normally open (pulse) valve is a manually reset valve. During operation, no voltage is applied to its coil. When the gas alarm is triggered, a short-term electrical impulse comes to the valve coil from the sensor, causing the sensor to trigger and cut off the gas. The designation of this type of valve is N.A.

A normally closed valve is also a manually reset valve. However, in order to cock (open) it, it is necessary to apply voltage to its coil. When the gas alarm is triggered, the voltage on the coil disappears and the valve cuts off. The designation of this type of valve is N.С.

For domestic use, a normally open valve with a 220 V supply is more suitable. This is due to the fact that a power outage will not cause it to operate. This makes it possible to use non-volatile gas appliances (stove, column). There is also no need to waste energy to keep the valve open.

The only inconvenience with such a valve may arise if it works in conjunction with a gas sensor, which automatically checks the health of its outputs when the power is turned on. After turning on the power, such a sensor will send a pulse to the valve, as a result of which it will work. When choosing a sensor, it is necessary to carefully study the sequence of its operation.

Information on the type of valve, supply, allowable pressure and conditional passage is indicated on its label.

Cost of solenoid shut-off valve: type N.A., 220 V, Pmax: 500 mbar:

Installation and connection of the gas detector

Installation of a household gas detector can be done independently. To do this, it is necessary to correctly place the sensor, guided by the instructions in the passport, and supply power to it. It is also necessary to connect additional devices according to the scheme provided in the product passport.

In modern gasification projects, the installation sites of gas detectors and their number are indicated in the project documentation. Also, the gas service can provide assistance in choosing the right place to place the sensor, guided by regulatory documents.

The signaling device should be placed on a vertical wall, in places where the probability of gas leakage is greatest (near the boiler, column, gas meter, stove), at a horizontal distance of no more than 4 meters from the gas appliance.

Where not to place the alarm:

  • at a distance closer than 1 meter from gas burners and ovens;
  • in places where steam, ash, dust and grease can get on the signaling device;
  • near ventilation ducts and open windows;
  • in places where paint, solvents, gasoline and similar materials are stored;
  • in the immediate vicinity of uninsulated chimneys.

It must be taken into account that for each type of signaling device (CH 4, C 3 H 8, CO or combined), the sensor mounting height will be different. This is due to the different density of air and gas, the area of ​​​​its accumulation in the room:

  • methane (CH 4) - not lower than 0.5 m from the ceiling;
  • carbon monoxide (CO) - at a height of 1.8 m from the floor, or higher, but not closer than 0.3 m to the ceiling;
  • combined sensor (CH 4 + CO) - in the range from 0.3 m to 0.5 m to the ceiling;
  • propane (C 3 H 8) - no higher than 0.5 m from the floor. If there are pits, trenches and other recesses in the room where combustible gas can accumulate, it is also necessary to install an additional signaling device in them.

Fixing a household signaling device on the wall often does not even require opening the case. The sensor is attached to the dowels for the mounting holes in the housing.

Shut-off valve connection

The installation of the shut-off valve must be carried out exclusively by specialized organizations licensed for this type of work. The valve is connected to the signaling device according to the schemes indicated in the passports of the valve and the signaling device.

Alarm service. Costs for periodic verification

A gas detector installed in a residential building is practically maintenance-free. The only thing that is necessary is to periodically wipe the grill in the sensor housing from dust and cobwebs.

Once a year, the signaling device must undergo metrological verification. This service is paid. In no case is it allowed to independently check the operation of the signaling device by supplying a 100% gas mixture to it, for example, from a gas lighter. This can damage the sensitive element of the sensor.

It is advisable to purchase sensors from domestic manufacturers. This will allow, if necessary, to send the sensor for repair, which is much cheaper than buying a new one.

Remember that a gas alarm is an important and relatively inexpensive safety feature that could very well save your life one day. The choice is yours!

Dangerous properties of gas fuel:

  • the ability of gas to form flammable and explosive mixtures with air;
  • suffocating power of the gas.

The components of gas fuel do not have a strong toxicological effect on the human body, but at concentrations that reduce the volume fraction of oxygen in the inhaled air to less than 16%, they cause suffocation.

During the combustion of gas, reactions occur in which harmful substances are formed, as well as products of incomplete combustion.

Carbon oxide (carbon monoxide, CO)- formed as a result of incomplete combustion of fuel. A gas boiler or water heater can become a source of carbon monoxide if there is a malfunction in the combustion air supply and flue gas removal path (insufficient draft in the chimney).

Carbon monoxide has a highly directed mechanism of action on the human body up to death. In addition, the gas is colorless, tasteless and odorless, which increases the risk of poisoning. Signs of poisoning: headache and dizziness; there is tinnitus, shortness of breath, palpitations, flickering before the eyes, redness of the face, general weakness, nausea, sometimes vomiting; in severe cases, convulsions, loss of consciousness, coma. Air concentrations greater than 0.1% result in death within one hour. Experiments on young rats have shown that a concentration of CO in the air of 0.02% slows down their growth and reduces activity compared to the control group.

Gas alarm - gas leak sensor, is it necessary to install

Since 2016, building regulations (clause 6.5.7 of SP 60.13330.2016) require indoor new residential buildings and apartments in which gas boilers, water heaters, cookers and other gas equipment are located, install gas alarms for methane and carbon monoxide.

For existing buildings this requirement can be seen as a very useful recommendation.

The methane gas detector serves as a leakage sensor for household natural gas from gas equipment. The carbon monoxide alarm is triggered in case of malfunctions in the chimney system and the ingress of flue gases into the room.

Gas sensors should be triggered when the gas concentration in the room reaches 10% of the natural gas LCVRP and the CO content in the air is more than 20 mg / m 3.

Gas detectors must control a quick-acting shut-off (cut-off) valve installed at the gas inlet to the room and shutting off the gas supply by the signal of the gas contamination sensor.

The signaling device must be equipped with a built-in system for giving a light and sound signal when triggered, and / or turn on an autonomous signaling unit - a detector.

The installation of signaling devices allows you to notice a gas leak and malfunctions in the operation of the smoke exhaust path of the boiler in time, prevent fire, explosion, poisoning of people in the house.

NKPRP and VKPRP - this is the lower (upper) concentration limit of flame propagation - the minimum (maximum) concentration of a combustible substance (gas, vapors of a combustible liquid) in a homogeneous mixture with an oxidizing agent (air, etc.) at which flame propagation through the mixture is possible at any distance from source of ignition (open external flame, spark discharge).

If the concentration of a combustible substance in the mixture is less than the lower limit of flame propagation, such a mixture cannot burn and explode, since the heat released near the ignition source is not enough to heat the mixture to the ignition temperature.

If the concentration of a combustible substance in the mixture is between the lower and upper limits of flame propagation, the ignited mixture ignites and burns both near the ignition source and when it is removed. This mixture is explosive.

If the concentration of a combustible substance in the mixture exceeds the upper limit of flame propagation, then the amount of oxidizing agent in the mixture is insufficient for complete combustion of the combustible substance.

The range of concentration values ​​between NKPRP and VKPRP in the "combustible gas - oxidizer" system, corresponding to the ability of the mixture to ignite, forms an ignitable region.

Gas detector for LPG

The building regulations do not contain mandatory requirements for the installation of gas alarms in rooms when using liquefied gas. But liquefied gas alarms are commercially available and installing them will undoubtedly reduce the risks for you and your loved ones.

Scheme of automatic control and protection against gas pollution in a private house

Schematic diagram of automatic control and protection against gas contamination in the boiler room of a private house: 1 - carbon monoxide gas contamination alarm; 2 - signaling device for natural gas; 3 - shut-off valve on the gas pipeline; 4 - gas boiler or water heater; 5 - a detector in the house, notifies the inhabitants of the house with light and sound.

Gas control systems for premises with automatic shutdown of the gas supply in residential buildings should be provided when installing gas equipment, regardless of the installation location and its power.

Gas alarm in the kitchen with a gas stove: 1 - natural gas alarm; 2 - shut-off valve on the gas pipe. Schematic diagram of automatic control and protection against gas contamination of apartments in an apartment building

How to choose the right gas alarm for your home

A set of equipment for an automatic protection system against gas contamination of a house, apartment. The set includes: carbon monoxide alarm, natural gas alarm, gas pipe shut-off valve, connecting wires.

To protect your home from gas pollution, you should choose a set of equipment specially designed for installation in a residential building or apartment. Such a household kit will not cause difficulties in coordinating the parameters of individual elements of the automatic gas control system. In addition, the equipment will be best adapted to work in domestic conditions, to be used by personnel without special training.

In the kitchen only with a gas stove carbon monoxide alarm can be omitted.

Gas protection equipment must have permits, Russian passport, certificate and/or declaration of compliance with the technical regulations of the Customs Union (Customs Union), allowing its use in the gas sector of Russia and other countries of the Customs Union.

When choosing a set of equipment, it is necessary to take into account not only its cost, but also costs for subsequent operation:

  • Compare the total equipment life specified in the factory documentation for systems from different manufacturers. At the end of its service life, the safety equipment must be replaced.
  • The service life of sensors - sensitive to gas elements, is usually less than the total service life of gas detectors. Sensors have to be changed frequently. Estimate the cost of replacing sensors in equipment from a particular manufacturer.
  • In the passport of the signaling device there should be a special mark on the passage of the metrological verification by the device. Otherwise, you will still have to pay for the verification of the device before putting it into operation. Such a mark is an extra guarantee that the purchased device is in good working order.
  • The gas protection system needs to be tested regularly - to check its serviceability and readiness for action. Choose equipment that is tested at the touch of a button.
  • I recommend choosing signaling devices with the ability to connect a backup autonomous power supply, for example, a battery or an accumulator.

In addition, gas alarms for houses and apartments choose:

  • by type of gas to be determined: natural gas (methane, CH 4), liquefied gas (propane-butane), carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide, CO);
  • sensitivity (threshold) : 10% LEL for gas fuel, 20 mg / m 3 for carbon monoxide;
  • according to the type of sensor - a sensor sensitive to gas: the operation of sensors for the same gas can be implemented on different physico-chemical principles: optical, chemical, thermocatalytic;
  • by service life, frequency of sensor replacement: 3 years, 5 years, the more the better;
  • by the service life of the device: at least 10 years;
  • for additional functions, for example, there are devices with a GSM module for instant notification of a gas leak using SMS and push notifications directly to a smartphone; devices with self-diagnosis and fault indication; devices with additional contacts for controlling other external devices - switching on an exhaust fan or an additional detector.

Shut-off electromagnetic shut-off valve for the gas pipeline

Can be connected to a gas sensor three types of shut-off valves with manual or automatic reset:

  • Normally closed valves - shut off the gas supply when the gas sensor is triggered and when the power is turned off.
  • Normally open valves - shut off the gas supply only when the sensor is triggered (the gas supply does not stop in the event of a power outage)
  • Pulse valves - the valve is held in the open position by a mechanical latch. If a short current pulse is applied to the solenoid coil from the gas contamination detector, the latch is released and the valve closes. The signaling device can generate a control pulse of electric current, both in the presence of a supply voltage, and at the moment of its disconnection.

The return (cocking) of the valves to the open position after actuation is performed manually (manual-cocked valves) or automatically (auto-cocked valves).

In private houses and apartments, gas alarms with a pulse valve and manual cocking are usually installed. This is an easier and cheaper option.

Normally open valve with manual cocking works as follows. Before starting work, it is necessary to supply electricity to the signaling device, then manually cock the normally open valve to open it.

The valve solenoid coil is de-energized in this rest position. The valve is held in the open position by a latch. Therefore, in the event of a power outage and after its re-supply, the valve remains open. Thus, the gas supply does not stop when the voltage is switched off and on.

In case of detection of gas contamination, the contacts of the signaling device are closed, voltage is applied to the valve solenoid, the latch releases the valve and it closes. After the disappearance of gas pollution, the contacts of the signaling device open, the signaling device automatically switches to normal operation. But to open the valve, you need to cock it manually.

Normally closed valve with manual cocking works as follows. Before starting work, it is necessary to supply electricity to the signaling device. The electromagnetic coil of the valve is energized through the normally closed contacts of the signaling device. Then you need to manually cock the valve.

In this initial position, the valve is held open by an electromagnet whose coil is permanently energized. In the event of a power outage, the valve closes and after re-applying power, the valve must be manually re-cocked.

In the event of gas contamination, the contacts of the signaling device open, voltage is lost from the valve electromagnet and it closes. After the disappearance of gas contamination, the contacts of the signaling device are closed, voltage is applied to the electromagnetic coil of the valve, the signaling device automatically switches to normal operation. But to open a normally closed valve, you need to cock it manually again.

Shut-off gas valve with electrical impulse control

Household gas detectors are usually designed to operate with a pulse controlled gas shut-off valve. The valve is held in the open position by a mechanical latch. The latch is released and the valve closes if a short current pulse is applied to the solenoid coil from the gas contamination detector. The signaling device can generate a control pulse of electric current, both in the presence of a supply voltage, and at the moment of its disconnection.

If a closing impulse comes to the valve from the signaling device both when the gas contamination sensor is triggered and when the power is turned off, then the valve operation algorithm corresponds to normally closed.

If the signaling device sends an impulse to close the valve only on the signal of the gas contamination sensor, the valve operates as normally open. In the event of a power outage, the valve does not shut off the gas supply.

The operation algorithm of such a valve can be changed by changing the corresponding gas alarm settings.

How to choose the right shut-off valve

When choosing a set of equipment, the shut-off valve is selected according to the following parameters:

  • diameter of the gas pipe at the valve connection point: 1/2″ (D at 15), 3/4″ (D at 20), 1″ (D at 25), 1 1/4 "(D at 32), 1 1/ 2 "(D at 40), 2" (D at 50);
  • according to the normal position of the valve: normally open or normally closed;

The type of valve, normally open or closed, is selected from the following considerations:

For gas boiler or water heater, which stop working in the event of a power outage and automatically resume work after applying voltage, on the gas pipeline install normally open valve.

On a gas pipeline for a gas stove, as well as a boiler or column, whose operation does not depend on the presence of voltage in the mains, a normally closed valve is mounted. Such a valve will shut off the gas supply during the absence of electricity in the house. This is necessary, because during a power outage, the gas pollution alarm will not work and the house, the apartment will be left without its protection.

In order not to feel discomfort from the lack of electricity and gas in the house, it is recommended to connect the gas detector to the mains through a UPS - an uninterruptible power supply.

Installation, installation of a gas alarm

The installation of gas alarms in a house or apartment can be carried out by organizations and individual entrepreneurs admitted to these types of work.

Recommended locations for gas detectors in the kitchen

Gas alarms are installed on the wall of the room, near the gas equipment. Gas sensors should not be placed in blind areas where there is no air circulation, behind cabinets. For example, it is recommended to install the device no closer than 1 m. from the corners of the room. In addition, it is forbidden to install devices in the immediate vicinity of supply and exhaust ventilation devices, from heat sources.

The signaling device for natural gas (methane, CH 4) is mounted in the upper zone, at a distance of no more than 30 - 40 cm. from the ceiling, as this gas is lighter than air.

Signaling devices for liquefied gas (propane-butane), which is heavier than air, are installed below, at a height of approximately 30 cm. from the floor.

For carbon monoxide, the detector is recommended to be installed in the working area of ​​a person, at a height of 1.5 - 1.8 m. from the floor. The density of this gas is approximately equal to the density of air. Carbon monoxide is heated from the boiler into the room. Therefore, the gas rises up to the ceiling, cools and is distributed throughout the volume of the room. A carbon monoxide detector may be installed near the ceiling, next to the same device for methane. Given this circumstance, some manufacturers produce a universal gas alarm that reacts immediately to both gases - methane and carbon monoxide.

Shut-off solenoid shut-off valve is installed on the gas pipe, in a place convenient for access to the manual cocking button.

The installation of a shut-off valve on the gas pipeline should include:
- in front of gas meters (if a disconnecting device at the input cannot be used to turn off the meter);
- in front of household gas appliances, stoves, water heaters, heating boilers;
- at the entrance of the gas pipeline to the room, when a gas meter with a disconnecting device is placed in it at a distance of more than 10 m. from the entry point.

Some models of gas detectors, in addition to the shut-off valve on the gas pipeline, can control the activation of an additional light and sound detector or an electric fan in the ventilation duct.

Gas detector operation

Metrological verification of the gas content sensor performed once a year, as well as after replacing the sensors. Verification is performed by a specialized organization that has the appropriate permission to carry out such work.

Test - a cylinder with a calibration gas mixture for testing and checking the operation of a gas alarm. Designed for 70 tests.

Once every six months a check is made of the operation of the signaling device from a test gas mixture containing a certain percentage of the test gas. It is forbidden to test the device with, for example, gas from lighters, because. this can lead to failure of the sensing element.

The "TEST" button is designed to test the light and sound detectors, as well as to test the operation of the gas shut-off valve.

Within the period specified in the factory documentation, sensor needs to be replaced— sensor sensitive to gas. After replacing the sensor, the alarm threshold is adjusted and the instrument is subjected to metrological verification. The work of replacing the sensor should be entrusted to a specialized organization.

Gas alarm - gas leak sensor with manipulator

Kit, gas alarm with electric ball valve on the gas pipe. The size of the gas cock manipulator bracket for mounting on a 1/2″ or 3/4″ or 1″ pipe.

On sale you can find sets of gas alarms with an electric ball valve manipulator on a gas pipe. The electric manipulator of the gas valve is fixed on the gas pipe with the help of a special bracket. The rotary lever of the manipulator is connected to the handle of a standard ball valve installed in front of a gas stove, boiler or column. At the command of the signaling device, the electric motor of the manipulator will turn the lever and the handle of the gas valve to the closed position within 3-7 seconds and shut off the gas supply. The tap can be opened or closed manually by pulling the retaining ring and releasing the lock.

Easy installation. There is no need to touch the existing gas circuit, install a solenoid valve. Installation can be done independently, without resorting to calling gas service specialists. Before buying though I advise you to coordinate the installation of the manipulator with the gas service with which a maintenance contract has been concluded. Find out how they will react to your amateur performances. And then, at the next check, they may require you to remove the device.

Proper installation of the manipulator - the axis of rotation of the arm of the manipulator must be above the axis of rotation of the ball valve.

The option with a manipulator instead of a gas valve is allowed for installation in already built houses and apartments.

Manipulators have complex electromechanics and are stuffed with electronics. They may not have Russian passports and certificates allowing their use. The signaling devices that are included in the kit are also often sold without a Russian passport, metrological verification and certificate. The reliability of the gas protection system with a manipulator is inferior to a similar system with a gas valve.

In newly built houses, the requirements of the rules should be followed and certified systems with gas alarms and a shut-off valve on the gas pipe should be installed. This is the best choice for old houses and apartments.

Gas alarm and leakage sensor without gas valve

Gas detector, gas leak sensor plugged into electrical outlet. The device beeps, the LED flashes, the gas supply does not turn off.

On sale there are a large number of different brands of gas detectors and gas leakage sensors, the design of which does not provide for the connection and control of a gas shut-off valve. Such signaling devices, when triggered, emit light and sound signals and even send SMS messages to a smartphone, but the gas supply is not blocked.

Installation of such devices, without a shut-off gas valve, is simpler and cheaper. The signaling device for the home master can be installed independently, without calling the gas service specialists. But it should be understood that the reliability of protecting your home and family members from fire, explosion or poisoning, with such equipment, will be much worse. Besides, the protection system will not comply with the requirements of current regulations.

Often such devices are sold without the necessary documentation or they do not comply with the requirements of the regulations. There are no metrological verification, certificates, the service life of devices and replacement of sensors is not indicated, the threshold of their operation is unknown. There are problems with the warranty and service, replacement of sensors.

Watch a video about a household gas alarm from one of the Russian manufacturers:

Gas alarms in your city

Gas alarm. Household gas leak sensor. Gas leak alarm.

For reliable protection of the house from gas contamination, the correct design and operation of ventilation systems is very important.

When a kitchen hood is attached above the stove to the only channel in the kitchen natural ventilation, then the filters, valves and fan in the kitchen hood practically block the natural draft in the ventilation duct.

The kitchen with the hood turned off remains without ventilation, which impairs air exchange throughout the house and creates a threat of gas accumulation in the room.

A powerful explosion brought down the entrance of an apartment building in Volgograd, located at 60 Universitetsky pr. 4 people died, eleven more were hospitalized in serious condition. The cause of the collapse was an explosion of household gas in one of the apartments of the ill-fated entrance. One of the residents simply forgot to close the burner handle on the stove ...

Similar messages appear in news feeds with enviable regularity. You wonder why people learn only from their mistakes and do not want to use the bitter experience of others? Modern gas stoves have smart burners - with a fire attenuation sensor. There is a fire - there is a supply, there is no fire - the gas supply stops. Convenient and safe.

But! Old stoves are completely unsafe. The classic - "and your milk ran away" can lead to disaster and the demolition of the whole entrance - as happened in the story above.

By installing an inexpensive gas alarm in the kitchen, half of these dramas could be avoided. Long before a dangerous concentration is exceeded, a sensitive sensor will trip and give a loud warning signal.

Gas alarm - what is it?

A gas analyzer or gas leak detector is a device that determines dangerous concentrations of certain volatile fractions in the air. Signal the presence of methane CH 4, propane C 3 H 8, carbon monoxide CO.


Structurally, the vast majority of household gas alarms are made in the form of a monoblock - the sensor, control module and power supply are enclosed in a common housing. Sometimes the sensors are taken out from the control unit for a certain distance. But such designs are several times more expensive and are extremely rare.

The gas analyzer needs a tiny amount of power. Typically, devices require only a few watts to operate. Kenaryu GD100, for example 3 watts. Gas analyzer HONEYWELL 6618B 2 W, Dajet MT8085 4 W.

Very often, power is provided by a 220V network, through the socket into which the device is connected. Sometimes, for reliability, they provide power supply from an autonomous source. These can be 9V or 12V batteries.

Types of sensors and principle of operation

The heart of any gas analyzer is, of course, the gas sensor. They are different in design. They differ in measurement accuracy, activation speed, life cycle period and cost.

Semiconductor. The principle is as follows - when a controlled gas is exposed to a platinum filament, the resistance changes. Work from -20°C. Accuracy 0.001%. The sensor initialization time is no more than 2 minutes. They are small in size at a relatively low cost. The most popular type of sensor in household gas detectors. In terms of accuracy, they lose a lot to electrochemical sensors.

However, in Europe, control standards are getting tougher all the time. The use of semiconductor sensors will soon be discontinued due to their low accuracy.

Electrochemical. Estimation of gas concentration is issued according to the degree of the electrochemical process. Actually, this gave the name to this type of sensor.

Features: very high measurement accuracy, ideal instrument for analyzing the concentration of certain gas fractions. They have a great resource of work. They are used in high-precision signaling devices in production. Where high resistance to vibration and shock is required.

infrared. Concentration analysis is performed based on the results of infrared irradiation of the incoming gas. At the moment, they are considered the most accurate sensors.

They have only one drawback - the high price, compared with electrochemical and semiconductor ones.

Methane, propane, carbon monoxide

Carbon monoxide CO

Molecular weight = 28. Almost equal to the weight of air, slightly lighter (28 vs. 29).

There is no other poison that would kill more people as a result of poisoning. Carbon monoxide is the absolute champion. Poison, colorless and odorless. Upon contact with carbon monoxide, the body does not recognize it as a foreign agent, and does not turn on defenses. On the contrary, it “opens its arms” towards the invisible killer. Carbon monoxide displaces oxygen, a person dies from hypoxia. He just falls asleep, not realizing what is happening to him.

Installation: at the height of human growth.

Methane CH4

Molecular weight = 16, lighter than air.

I. Explosive. Refers to toxic substances acting on the central nervous system. Colorless gas, odorless. In everyday life, they are enriched with odorants so that a person notices a leak in time. They are used to supply gas to household stoves in apartments. Often referred to as natural gas, trunk gas. Leakage of methane is the main cause of explosions in apartments and entire porches in apartment buildings with gas stoves.

Installation: a meter from the ceiling.

Propane C3H8

Molecular weight = 58, heavier than air.

I. Explosive, flammable. Has a specific smell. Refers to toxic substances acting on the central nervous system. It is used in everyday life to supply gas for portable stoves from liquefied gas cylinders.

Installation: a meter from the floor.

Installation locations

Carbon monoxide and propane sensors are installed - no higher than 25 cm from the floor, methane - under the ceiling. Not less than 35 cm from the ceiling. Why this is so is clear from the description of the chemical properties of hazardous gases. Sensors should be located in places of their possible concentration. Everything is simple.

Sometimes there are combined detectors, for example - methane + carbon monoxide. It is better to avoid them and take two separate ones. Carbon monoxide should be placed at the height of human growth, and methane - under the ceiling. There will be much more sense.

Examples of installation of household gas analyzers in the kitchen

Shut-off valves and solenoid valves

Obviously, the process of closing the gas pipe can be automated. Often a solenoid valve is installed on the pipe. As soon as the signaling device determines the danger, the siren immediately turns on and the valve cut-off is triggered - the pipe is reliably blocked, the main gas supply is stopped. This can be a great help when misfortune happened at the time of your absence.

Estimates and reviews of cutters are different. Many are afraid of the unreliability of such devices, considering such a measure difficult and dangerous. And they are limited to installing only a signaling device.

Installing solenoid valves is indeed a difficult procedure. You will not be able to install a cut-off device in the house on your own. You will need to call a gas specialist. By the way, before purchasing a valve, you need to know the diameter of the line. They come in ½ or ¾ inches.

Gas contamination detector "Kenar GD100". It can be installed anywhere. If desired, cut-offs 1/2 or 3/4 are connected


Take care of yourself. Your family, loved ones. There is nothing more valuable than your life. Honestly!

It is almost impossible to imagine a normal comfortable life without gas equipment in the house. The use of gas appliances allows us to heat rooms, cook food, and provide hot water at home. And all these devices can be potentially dangerous - gas leakage is possible, which can cause a fire or poison people. To prevent these misfortunes, gas detectors are installed - devices for monitoring the level of combustible gases in the air. Devices notify of a leak with a sound and light signal, which can save lives, health, and property.

Types of gas detectors and their functions

Gas alarms are used in domestic premises, furnaces, boiler houses, and industrial facilities. Depending on their purpose, household and industrial are distinguished. The first set the degree of gas contamination and are triggered if the gas concentration exceeds the specified parameters. The latter have a more complex design and represent entire complexes of sensors and control panels for measuring and displaying the concentration of gases in the air. Household type gas detectors can monitor the concentration of carbon monoxide, propane and methane.

Multi-channel gas detector can be installed to detect methane and carbon monoxide

Instruments can detect the presence of several gases in the air, such as carbon monoxide and methane. Such models are well suited for installation in rooms where heating equipment is installed. Devices may differ in the type of power supply. Most often, signaling devices are used for 220 V.

Gas detectors can be automatic and manual. Gas level measurements are based on different principles:

  • physical method of analysis;
  • physical method of analysis with physical reactions;
  • physical method of analysis with physico-chemical reactions.

In addition to giving a sound-light signal about the level of gas contamination exceeding the specified level, household alarms can also perform other functions:

  • ensure the operation of the solenoid shut-off valve that shuts off the gas supply;
  • the ability to connect a relay that controls an exhaust fan, an annunciator that sends a special signal to the dispatcher console, and other devices;
  • the ability to connect additional equipment;
  • autonomous power supplies;
  • self-diagnosis function that provides information about the status of the device and its elements.

The memory function of some models will be very useful in order to save the results of measurements.

Some types of alarms determine the level of several gases in the air. Such models are called combined.

Gas detector installation technology

You can install a household gas alarm with your own hands. It is necessary to determine the location of the sensor, install it and supply power, and then connect additional equipment. Detailed installation instructions and a connection diagram are indicated in the passport of a particular device. The location of the gas detector is determined in advance - even at the design stage of the gasification system.

Experts remind: when installing a gas detector, it is necessary to take into account all the requirements of regulatory documents. This issue is regulated by the relevant paragraphs of the following regulations:

  • Federal Law N 384-FZ;
  • SNiP 42-01-2002;
  • SP 62.13330.2011;
  • SP 41-108-2004.

If you have doubts about your own abilities, there is not enough knowledge to choose a place to place the sensor, it is better to invite gas workers.

When installing gas detectors, you must follow the instructions, building codes and regulations

The signaling device is placed in places where gas leakage is most likely - next to the boiler, geyser for hot water supply, counter, stove. The maximum distance from the sensor to the gas equipment is 4 m. It is forbidden to place devices in such places:

  • near sources of open fire, gas burners, ovens; the distance must be at least 1 m;
  • near places that can become sources of fat droplets, dust particles, steam or ash;
  • near windows, uninsulated chimneys or ventilation;
  • near paint and varnish compositions, solvents, combustible and fuel materials.

When determining the installation height of the signaling device, it is necessary to take into account the type of device, since sensors that respond to different gases (CH4, C3H8, CO) determine the density of air and gas. Focus on the following distances:

  • for a sensor that detects CO (carbon monoxide) - 1.8 m above the floor, but not lower than 0.3 m to the ceiling;
  • C3H8 (propane) - maximum 0.5 m from the floor, and if there are any noticeable recesses, care must be taken to install an additional sensor;
  • CH4 (methane) - 0.5 m from the ceiling;
  • CH4 and CO (combined) - 0.3 m-0.5 m to the ceiling.

The mounting method may differ depending on the model, but, as a rule, household gas detectors are attached using dowels. Usually, special holes are provided in the housing for installing sensors. Before installation, be sure to carefully read the product passport.

The passport of each model indicates the temperatures at which the device can be operated. Long-term storage at low temperatures may affect the performance of the detector. To restore it, you need to leave the device in the room for 3-4 hours at room temperature. The operating manuals for some CO signaling devices describe the procedure for restoring the zero threshold. It usually takes several minutes.

Pay special attention to the temperature regime of operation, in some cases it is necessary to keep the device at room temperature

Why are solenoid shut-off valves needed?

These are devices that allow you to quickly shut off the gas supply in the event of a gas alarm. Valves are mounted at the inlet of the gas pipeline. Devices may differ in diameter, power, type of valve itself. The last criterion is especially important.

There are normally open and normally closed valves. Normally open, they are also called pulsed, because the electrical signal enters the coil of such a valve only at the moment the device is triggered. The coil of a normally closed valve is energized at the moment of opening, and the cutoff occurs when the voltage disappears.

Domestic models are easier to maintain and repair than foreign counterparts

In everyday life, it is most rational to use a normally open valve powered by a 220 V network. In the event of power outages, the device does not work, which allows you to use gas appliances that do not depend on electricity without restrictions. When open, the valve does not require electricity to operate.

Like all devices, the normally open valve has some limitations in use. It is undesirable to install it together with a gas sensor that checks its outputs automatically every time the power is turned on. The device will fire at these moments. Therefore, even before buying a valve, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the features of its operation. Basic information is indicated in the documentation for the device.

Do-it-yourself installation and connection of the shut-off valve is not allowed. This type of work should be carried out only by specialized organizations that have the appropriate permits.

Proper maintenance of gas detectors

The household gas detector is easy to operate and does not require any special maintenance. The maintenance that should be provided is minimal and consists of regularly wiping the device to remove dust, dirt, cobwebs. It is important to ensure that dust does not accumulate and enter the sensor housing through the grille.

Signaling devices are checked every year. Independent verification using “grandmother's methods” is unacceptable, for example, by supplying a 100% gas mixture from a lighter or other device to the sensor. Such verifications sometimes end with the failure of the sensitive element of the sensor. It is necessary to provide metrological verification by specialists. The service is paid, and this should be taken into account in advance.

If a malfunction of the gas control system is detected, ensure good ventilation in the room and call the gas service. Before the arrival of a specialist, do not turn on electrical appliances or use open flames.

Experts recommend giving preference to gas detectors of domestic production, since if it is necessary to replace the device, they are cheaper than imported counterparts when buying and repairing. In addition, repairs are usually carried out faster.

A household gas alarm is a simple and inexpensive device that almost everyone can afford. There are practically no hassles with its maintenance, it is only necessary to check the device in a timely manner and wipe it from dust. This simple device could one day save your life and the lives of the people you care about. Ask yourself the question of whether it is worth installing a signaling device - and for sure the answer will be yes.