Sketch of a paper pyramid. How to make a pyramid out of paper? Stages of pyramid modeling

If you are interested in how to make a paper pyramid with ideal shapes and edges, there is a certain diagram with dimensions so that you end up with the correct figure. A paper pyramid can be an original handmade gift or just an interesting craft.

Thanks to the ancient skill of origami, it is possible to recreate almost any figure from paper, including a pyramid. There are several ways to create an ideal figure with clear edges. For those new to this business, there is easy step-by-step advice on how to make a figure out of cardboard. These instructions will be understandable to both adults and children.

Step-by-step guide on how to glue a cardboard pyramid:

  1. On a piece of paper you need to draw one even square and three triangles. Each side of the square should be approximately 15 cm. The width of the triangle should be the same, and the height should be 27 cm.
  2. Using scissors, cut the blanks not along the contour, but with an indentation of 3-4 mm; in the future, this will be necessary when gluing the figure.
  3. Lubricate all parts with glue, let it dry a little and put all the parts into a single structure.
  4. Let the craft dry completely and you can start decorating.

How to decorate a pyramid can be anything you want. For example, you can stick figures on it, wrap it in foil, or paint it with special acrylic paints.

Materials and accessories

How to make a pyramid out of paper, a diagram with dimensions are not the only main components in making a figure.

For ease of performing origami, you should prepare in advance necessary materials and equipment so that they are all at hand at the time of work:

  • For making edges Various materials may be needed. You can use not only cardboard, but also plastic, metal, plywood, glass, or make a wire frame. If the figure is created with any esoteric message, then it is recommended to cover the inside of the paper pyramid with foil. This is necessary so that positive energy accumulates in the figure and does not dissipate. If several small magnets are placed inside the pyramid, the product will have magnetic energy.
  • For crafts It’s worth getting high-quality glue, which you can buy at a stationery store.
  • Sharp scissors will come in handy to cut straight pieces for a future figure.
  • You will also need a ruler, pencil and eraser. just in case.

To make a figure, you don’t need a lot of materials; all the accessories for a pyramid can be found in almost every home.

Defining the parameters

In order for the product to turn out neat and beautiful, it is worth setting clear parameters when making blanks for the future pyramid. You may need a separate sheet of paper for each part. You can download ready-made diagrams, but it’s also easy to draw them yourself.

The main thing to know is that the width of the triangle should be equal to each length of the edge of the square.

You can choose any height of the geometric figure, but the recommended length is to be 10-15 cm longer than the width of the workpiece. It is with this ratio that the figure will look harmonious.

We are building a drawing

To make it easier to learn how to make an ideal pyramid from paper or any other materials, there is a diagram with dimensions. The drawing is the basis for further gluing of components for a future solid figure. There are several types of pyramids, each of them has its own drawing.

But there is one simple way that is suitable for children and beginners in this matter:

Completing the Simulation

The cut out figure needs to be glued along the fold lines. Before connecting the parts into a complete model, you need to apply glue to the folds and leave it to harden a little so that it grips better. After the product is ready, you should leave it for half an hour, so that later during registration it does not accidentally come unglued. The final stage of modeling includes the design of the work.

You can decorate the pyramid with acrylic or shimmering paints and draw shapes on it.

The product can be covered with foil or paper for gifts. Also, for those who believe in the mystical power of the pyramid, it is worth gluing natural stones onto it, which will match the zodiac sign of the person to whom this figure will be presented. In the children's version, the pyramid can be turned into an animal by gluing ears and a tail to it and drawing the features of the face.

Method 2

This pyramid scheme involves the use of a ready-made blank, which can be downloaded and printed. This option is the simplest, since you don’t have to draw the figures yourself. The main thing is to prepare all the necessary tools and decorate the product in an original way at the decoration stage.

Method 3

There are quite a lot of tips on how to make a paper pyramid, a certain diagram with dimensions is an integral part in performing origami:

  1. Fold the square sheet so that the corners lie opposite to each other, cut off the excess paper with scissors. In this way you can make an even square.
  2. Fold the workpiece along one diagonal, open it and roll it along the other, and unfold it again. This is how the necessary lines are drawn.
  3. Take the halves of a square and roll it into a triangle in two layers. Fold two corners from the base towards the center. Repeat similarly on the second side of the figure.
  4. Bend the corners to the center on one side and on the other.
  5. Unbend the diamond on each side, pointing its corners inward.
  6. The pyramid must be bent so that it turns out to be a star with four sides. Take the figure with both hands at different ends and give it a shape.

Gradually giving the object a shape, a pyramid will begin to appear. It is very important to know that at the last stage you need to act carefully, trying not to accidentally tear the craft.

Method 4

Necessary tools for crafts:

  • paper sheet,
  • triangle,
  • scissors,
  • pencil,
  • glue,
  • eraser.


  1. Cut out a square. Bend the workpiece in half in different directions to form folds.
  2. Place the diagonal of the triangle on each side of the square and make marks along the folds.
  3. Using lines, connect the triangle with the vertices. For accuracy, it is recommended to use a ruler.
  4. Mark the gluing lines of the sides with a pencil.
  5. Cut out the shape and apply glue to the gluing lines.

How to make a pyramid out of cardboard?

You can quickly and easily make a figure out of cardboard with your own hands. You can use any color of paper, but the best colors are gold, beige, light brown.

To make the product look more realistic, you can use a needle to make horizontal and vertical lines on the paper blank.

Thanks to this, the effect of a real mini-pyramid from Giza will be created.

Using the above step-by-step methods, you can create a shape with edges. A cardboard pyramid is made according to the same principle as from plain paper.

But there is a big plus that it can be decorated, for example, with granulated sugar:

  • The product can be coated with completely transparent glue and granulated sugar applied to it. In this way you can create an interesting shining effect.
  • You can also sprinkle the pyramid with sand after coating it with glue. The figure will acquire a realistic effect.

"Golden ratio" in pyramid proportions

The standard of an ideal pyramid is certain correct proportions. The key to creating the correct figure lies in the coefficient and numbers of 7.23. A number that is important in the sciences of mathematics and geometry, these numbers are also important in architecture and even medicine.

A segment of length 7.23 must be multiplied by a factor of 1.618. The resulting number 116.981 should be rounded to 117 cm. This length is the base of the pyramid.

Also, to obtain larger models, this number can be multiplied several times. Thus, the length of our pyramid is 117 mm and the height is 72 mm.

Using the Pythagorean theorem, you can determine the length of the faces of a triangle. The resulting number is 92.769, it needs to be rounded to 93. These data are adjusted to the ideal proportion of the “Golden Ratio”.

How to make a net of a quadrangular pyramid?

To make a quadrangular figure you will need:

  • thick paper or cardboard,
  • simple pencil,
  • ruler,
  • scissors,
  • glue.


  1. First you need to make a pattern in which the base will be 8 cm and the height 6.5 cm.
  2. On a sheet of paper you need to draw an even square, mark the middle on each edge.
  3. Draw lines from the middle points perpendicular to a square, 6.5 cm long - there should be 4 of them in total.
  4. From each vertex draw two lines to the corners of the square to form triangles.
  5. Cut out the blank and fold the triangles so that they converge into a single vertex. Glue the figure together.

It’s easy to make a quadrangular figure yourself. Also, based on these step-by-step instructions, you can create larger pyramids.

How to unfold a regular pyramid?

To understand how to make a paper pyramid, you need to know the diagram with dimensions.

If you are interested in how to make a pyramid with a paper pattern, there is more than one diagram with dimensions that will help you make the figure correctly. At the time of designing the development, a regular triangle is taken as a basis. The lateral surface is presented as a flat drawing consisting of faces and a polygon.

To begin with, the natural size of the base is determined and the true size of all edges (can be done using a compass). After the three sides have been found, the base and side face are built. An arbitrary point is taken and an arc is drawn from it equal to the length of the side edges of the workpiece. Four segments are marked on the arc, equal to the base of the pyramid.

All lines are connected, including with an arbitrary point. A square is added to one of the resulting triangles, which is equal to the base of the figure.

Complex shapes: volumetric layouts

Figures of this type are made to gain skills in working with three-dimensional paper products and to teach children the basic basics of geometry. These models can be used to make original gift wrapping. Sometimes it can be difficult to develop the correct development; it is recommended to have at least a little knowledge of drawing.

But There are ready-made stencils that can be printed from a printer. Layouts are used not only for entertainment purposes, but also for educational purposes. You can clearly show your child what a particular figure looks like. Complex models can be: cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, icosahedron and others.

Before you start drawing a figure, you should imagine it in 3D format, how many faces and dimensions it has.

On a sheet of paper you need to draw edges so that they connect correctly with each other. Each shape has its own specific type of edge. The ribs should also be the same length so that no inconsistencies arise when fastening. If the layout has identical sides, then at the time of drawing you can draw a template and draw the rest of the blanks based on it.

3D models are important when teaching children: they give students the opportunity to hold the figures in their hands, examine them and better understand the structure. Also, when studying some theorems (Euler), a visual aid is recommended.

Modeling various polyhedra

To learn how to make more complex models, it is worth starting with the basics, for example, with 3D triangles. Gradually improving your skill in creating simple layouts, you can begin to create complex models. Complex figures require skills and refined dexterity when performing, for example, at the time of unfolding or shaping the figure, you need to act so that it does not accidentally break.

When making a drawing, you should carefully apply markings and be able to draw shapes.

If you have a question about how to make a high-quality paper pyramid, there is a detailed diagram with individual dimensions. You just have to put in a little effort, and then it will be difficult to do beautiful and high-quality work that will please the eye.

Thanks to the above methods, you can easily create various pyramid layouts. It is not difficult to learn how to perform these techniques, the main thing is to follow all the steps gradually and carefully.

Video on how to make a paper pyramid

Find out how to make a paper pyramid in the video:

Scheme for the implementation of a volumetric pyramid:

The most complex and unusual forms of structures, devices, and mechanisms are based on elementary geometric figures: cube, prism, pyramid, ball and others. To begin with, learn how to create the simplest shapes, and then you can easily master more complex shapes.

Many modelers start their journey with paper models. This is due to the availability of the material (finding paper and cardboard is not difficult) and the ease of processing it (no special tools are required).

However, paper also has a number of characteristic features:

  • capricious, fragile material
  • requires high accuracy, attentiveness, and perseverance when working

For these reasons, paper is a material for both beginners and real masters, and models of varying complexity are created from it.

In this article we will study the simplest geometric shapes that can be made from paper.

You will need the following materials:

  • paper
  • pencil
  • ruler
  • eraser
  • scissors
  • PVA glue or glue stick
  • glue brush, preferably with stiff bristles
  • compass (for some figures)

How to make a cube out of paper?

A cube is a regular polyhedron, each face of which is a square.

Creating a cube consists of two stages: creating a flat pattern and gluing. figures. To create a diagram, you can use a printer by simply printing out the finished diagram. Or you can draw the development yourself using drawing tools.

Drawing a sweep:

  1. We choose the dimensions of the square - one side of our cube. The piece of paper should be at least 3 sides wide of this square and slightly more than 4 sides long.
  2. We draw four squares along the length of our sheet, which will become the sides of the cube. We draw them strictly on the same line, close to each other.
  3. Above and below any of the squares we draw one of the same squares.
  4. We finish drawing the gluing strips, with the help of which the edges will be connected to each other. Every two edges should be connected by one strip.
  5. The cube is ready!

After drawing, the development is cut out with scissors and glued with PVA. Spread a very thin layer of glue evenly with a brush over the gluing surface. We connect the surfaces and fix them in the desired position for a while, using a paper clip or a small weight. The glue takes about 30-40 minutes to set. You can speed up drying by heating, for example, on a radiator. Afterwards we glue the following edges and fix them in the desired position. And so on. This way you will gradually glue all the faces of the cube. Use small amounts of glue!

How to make a cone out of paper?

A cone is a body obtained by combining all rays emanating from one point (the vertex of the cone) and passing through a flat surface.

Drawing a sweep:

  1. Drawing a circle with a compass
  2. We cut out a sector (a part of a circle limited by an arc of a circle and two radii drawn to the ends of this arc) from this circle. The larger the sector you cut, the sharper the end of the cone will be.
  3. Glue the side surface of the cone.
  4. We measure the diameter of the base of the cone. Using a compass, draw a circle on a sheet of paper of the required diameter. We add triangles to glue the base to the side surface. Cut it out.
  5. Glue the base to the side surface.
  6. The cone is ready!

How to make a cylinder out of paper?

A cylinder is a geometric body bounded by a cylindrical surface and two parallel planes intersecting it.

Drawing a sweep:

  1. We draw a rectangle on paper, in which the width is the height of the cylinder, and the length determines the diameter of the future figure. The ratio of the length of the rectangle to the diameter is determined by the expression: L=πD, where L is the length of the rectangle, and D is the diameter of the future cylinder. Substituting the required diameter into the formula, we will find the length of the rectangle that we will draw on paper. We finish drawing small additional triangles that are necessary for gluing the parts.
  2. Draw two circles on paper, the diameter of a cylinder. These will be the top and bottom bases of the cylinder.
  3. We cut out all the details of the future paper cylinder.
  4. Glue the side surface of the cylinder from a rectangle. Let the parts dry. Glue the bottom base. Waiting for it to dry. Glue the top base.
  5. The cylinder is ready!

How to make a parallelepiped from paper?

A parallelepiped is a polyhedron with six faces and each of them is a parallelogram.

Drawing a sweep:

  1. We select the dimensions of the parallelepiped and the angles.
  2. Draw a parallelogram - the base. On each side we draw the sides - parallelograms. From any side we draw the second base. Add strips for gluing. A parallelepiped can be rectangular if the sides are rectangles. If the parallelepiped is not rectangular, then creating a development is a little more difficult. For each parallelogram you need to maintain the required angles.
  3. We cut out the development and glue it together.
  4. The parallelepiped is ready!

How to make a pyramid out of paper?

A pyramid is a polyhedron, the base of which is a polygon, and the remaining faces are triangles having a common vertex.

Drawing a sweep:

  1. We select the dimensions of the pyramid and the number of its faces.
  2. Draw the base - a polyhedron. Depending on the number of faces, it can be a triangle, square, pentagon or other polyhedron.
  3. From one of the sides of the base we draw a triangle, which will be the side. We draw the next triangle so that one side is common with the previous one, and so on. So we draw as many triangles as there are sides in the pyramid. We finish drawing strips for gluing in the right places.
  4. Cut out and glue the shape.
  5. The pyramid is ready!

1. Bend the square vertically and straighten it, horizontally and straighten it, diagonally and stretch it. All this is done to outline the lines. Bend all corners towards the center.

2. Raise the side corners to the top. Then straighten the top corner into a square.

3. Fold the side corners of the upper square along the lines and tuck them inward.

4. Bend the upper triangle down and turn the part over to the reverse side.

5. Repeat steps 3-4.

6. Raise the bottom corners up.

7. Straighten the side corners so that the bottom is straight.

8. Smooth the bottom of the ribs well. Use a hole punch to punch a hole at the top of each face of the pyramid. Place a gift inside the pyramid and tighten the ribbon into the holes.

Second way

Use of blanks. You can draw them yourself, or simply download (save) our images, and then print, cut and assemble.

Third way

The pyramid in this case is made from a square sheet of paper through some steps.

Take a square sheet of paper. It is best to use a regular A4 sheet. Fold one of the corners to the opposite side and use scissors to cut off the excess or carefully tear it off. This will create a square, which we will use later.

First we fold the square along one diagonal and unfold it, and then along the other and unfold it again. With these actions we outline the necessary lines. Then roll a double triangle out of the square, holding its halves. Then you need to fold the two corners of the base of the figure towards the center. Turn the figure over and do the same operation.

After this, you need to bend the corners to the center again on one side, then turn the figure over and do the same on the other side. Then bend the diamond twice on one side, bend the corner inward and bend it again, similarly on the other. After this, let’s turn the craft over and do similar actions.

Bend the pyramid in the other direction to form a four-pointed star. With both hands, grab different ends and add volume to the figure. First, for some opposite edges, and then for the other. Gradually, the pyramid that we so wanted to assemble will begin to appear from the paper. If you succeeded, congratulations. You have achieved mastery in this and your paper pyramid is ready. Next time it will be easier to do this operation, and you can easily make a whole bunch of pyramids.

It is believed that civilization and culture of mankind appeared in Egypt, and there the pyramid is still a symbol of energy storage. They call it a sacred figure, which can contain a large flow of charged particles, so many people make small pyramids from ordinary paper, which are empty inside. You can put blades and knives there that have become dull so that they become suitable for cutting again.

Paper pyramid: diagrams

Do-it-yourself pyramid: methods of making paper

Even a beginner can make a paper pyramid; you just need to follow the instructions correctly.

Method 1. You need a sheet of paper 40 by 40 cm. First, you should fold it from corner to corner, that is, connect 2 opposite sides. These manipulations should be done 2 times, the result will be a double triangle - this is the base, its corners need to be folded towards the center. Then turn the figure over and do the same on the back side. Here you should bend the rhombus on one side 2 times and fold the paper inward, also on the other side. Now the ends of the pyramid are curved, so you should get a star with 4 ends. And to add volume, the pyramid just needs to be pulled at the opposite ends.

Method 2. First of all, you need to outline the lines of the square diagonally; to do this, bend and straighten the opposite ends. Then the corners of each side must be raised up and laid in such a way as to form a square. The corners of the upper square along the side lines need to be bent inward. Then the upper triangle needs to be carefully bent down, and then, holding the part with your hand, turn it over to the other side.

On the reverse side, the same thing is done: the corners are folded over and folded down. The pyramid is almost ready, you just need to raise the corners located below to the top. The corners should be straightened until a square is visible below - this is the bottom of the pyramid. Using the blunt end of the scissors, smooth out each side of the pyramid, each of its edges.

How to make a pyramid out of cardboard?

The pyramid is a symbolic object. Our ancestors also believed that it was capable of bringing harmony to the outside world. At home, you can make it yourself not only from paper, but also from cardboard.

Method 1. On a white sheet of paper, draw a square and 4 triangles. For example: a triangle is 26.5 cm high, and its width (equal to the side of the square) is 14.5 cm. Now, using scissors, you need to cut out all the details of the pyramid, while leaving a small gap for overlap. Place all the elements together and coat the joint areas with glue, and then allow to dry. After this, you can decorate the finished figure with paints (preferably acrylic) or pencils.

Method 2. You can glue the pyramid together using math skills. This craft is called “Pyramid with the Golden Ratio”. Its value will be 7.23 cm. Now you need to remember the geometry: the golden ratio is 1.618. Now this coefficient should be multiplied by 723 mm - it turns out 117 mm. This will be the length of the base of the pyramid itself, while the height will be 72 mm.

Now, using the Pythagorean theorem, you need to calculate the size of the faces of the triangle. The length of the pyramid should be 117 mm. If you multiply 117 by 117, you get the square of the base, which is necessary so that the pyramid does not turn out empty. All details must be drawn on cardboard and cut out. Then connect the edges of the triangles. When connecting the last of them, you must first lift the frame vertically and then glue it.

The corners need to be glued carefully and as evenly as possible, this will affect the stability of the product. If the figure has a bottom planned, then it should be glued at the very last stage, when all the edges have been glued together and have already dried.

Method 3. You can make a large pyramid from an old box, for example, from a refrigerator.

The length of the base will be approximately 50 cm. First, you need to draw a diagram of the figure on cardboard, taking as a basis the rule of the golden ratio, as in the previous example.

The result should be isosceles triangles. They need to be joined together on the side and glued with tape so that the side of the cardboard with the inscriptions is inside the figure.

Now you should have a pyramid without a base. You need to cut another square, the side length of which is 50 cm. It will be needed for stability.

Method 4. Gift cardboard pyramid. It can be used as packaging for a main gift. To make it you will need: a stapler, scissors, 4 small squares of cardboard, tape, thin tape, a pencil. You need to take 4 squares of cardboard, immediately put 1 of them aside, draw triangles on the other with a pencil, and then cut them out, and you need to do this with all 4 triangles. Attach 1 triangle to each side of the square with the shortest part. After this, the triangle must be glued to the base of the square with tape.

Next, you need to pick up 3 triangles and glue them together so that you get a “house” inside. In this case, there is no need to glue a single triangle. It needs to be left open so that you can put something inside the figure.

It’s easier to make a small pyramid if you print out a scan of the figure first.

Then, using a ruler, you need to bend the shape along the edges. A ruler is needed to ensure that the edges remain even. Afterwards you need to glue the joint of the development using a “moment”; if desired, you can also make a base so that the figure is stable.

The first way is how to make a paper pyramid.

1. First of all, we make folds with our hands. To do this, bend and straighten the sheet in half, vertically, horizontally and diagonally. The fold lines are marked in the picture with solid thin lines. Then bend the corners towards the center, the fold line is indicated by a dotted line.

2. Place the sheet as shown in the photo. Fold the right and left corners towards the top. Dotted lines indicate fold lines. Next, straighten the top corner to make a square.

3 . Fold the top square along the lines shown in the diagram. We will need them to tuck the corners evenly. Then we tuck these corners inside with our own hands.

4 . Bend the top corner, then rotate the piece 180 degrees.

5 . With this side we do all the same work as described in steps 3 and 4.

6 . We get this detail. Raise the corners to the top

7 . Straighten the side corners. Thus we straighten the bottom of our figure. Here we are coming to the end. The paper pyramid is almost ready.

8 . Finally, we stroke the edges of the bottom of the pyramid with our hands.

In principle, our pyramid is ready. You can wrap a small gift in it. To do this, you need to make holes in the tops with a hole punch and thread a beautiful rope through it. It will look very beautiful on the Christmas tree.

Visual video, master class on making origami above the figure described.

The second way is how to make a paper pyramid.

This version of the pyramid is a little more complicated than the first; you will need more time and patience. But the result is very unusual.

We will need 4 colored leaves measuring approximately 15 by 15 centimeters.

1. Take one sheet and place it color side down. Then bend it in half vertically, horizontally and unfold it back.

2 . Fold the bottom of the leaf along the center fold line, then unfold it back.

3 . Fold the bottom edge up. The bend location is indicated by a dotted line.

4 . It should look like this

5 . Fold the resulting figure in half, the approximate location of the fold is indicated in the photo.

6 . Turn the colored side up.

7 . We bend the left and right parts to the center line and bend them back.

8 . Fold the sheet along the dotted line.

9 . We bend another corner in a similar way.

10. It should look like this.

11. Next, we need to bend the corner so that points B and C are connected.

12. This is what should happen

13. We bend along the dotted line upward.

14. One of the four blanks is ready.

15. We do the same with the other three leaves. As a result, we get 4 identical figures. They will be the sides of our pyramid.

16. We connect them to each other as shown in the photo.

Congratulations, you completed the task. This is how easy it is to make an unusual pyramid model with your own hands.

If you fail to take any step, watch the video carefully and try again.

Printable pyramid templates and layouts.

You can print these templates on cardboard, cut them out with your own hands and glue them together. Parts of the figure that are shaded or marked with dark dots must be glued inside. We advise you to smooth the fold lines along the ruler with a blunt object. This will make your model more even. After making it, show your imagination and decorate the pyramid with colored ribbons. You can also decorate it with colored pencils and markers. Experiment with your ideas for amazing results.

Unrolling a pyramid is a very quick and easy DIY method. The finished product is reminiscent of the Egyptian wonder of the world.

You can watch our video tutorial on making a figure using a template.