Energy source for heating. Boilers for autonomous heating systems. Electric heating

We are considering liquid gas, solar, electric and heat pump heating.

For some reason, solid fuel is not considered, at least in the option of just stoves. It’s practically impossible to heat 200 square meters with electricity unless you have a personal substation.

Here, from above, there is also a calculation. The correctness of the calculations is determined by the prices taken and the correct tabular figures for the calorific value (for all fuels you must take the lowest calorific value if you do not have a condensing boiler). It would be nice to estimate the initial costs of equipment, design, and installation when calculating.
I also made my assessment.

Boiler houses with a capacity of up to several MW will be distributed approximately as follows:
- diz. boiler room 80-100 Euro/kW (2800-35000 rub/kW)
- gas boiler room 120-150 Euro/kW (4200-5250 rub/kW)
- coal boiler house 180-200 Euro/kW (6300-7000 rub/kW)
These are prices for basic equipment, design, installation, commissioning without the construction of buildings and external communications.
The price of a gas boiler house can increase significantly with long gas lines and many local conditions when gas is released. If we include here the cost of the highway, tech. gas conditions, gas supply project, then the price of a gas boiler house can increase by 1.5-2 times and exceed the cost of a coal boiler house.
The high initial price of coal boiler houses is due to the high cost of boilers (imported) and may become lower than gas units when producing boilers in Russia.
However, the economics of boiler houses during further operation may be significantly in favor of coal.

The cost of a kilowatt of thermal energy for diesel. fuel is such that the costs for two years of operation become higher than for the construction of boiler houses using gas or coal.
Additional costs for supplying gas to a gas boiler house and overheads associated with interaction with gas workers bring the cost of a gas boiler house beyond the cost of a coal one and increase the cost of overheads for operating a boiler house to a level close to the costs of a coal boiler house.
Even if today's low gas tariffs remain (RUB 1.75/m3), in most cases the costs of a gas boiler house will be equal to those of a coal boiler house only after 7-8 years.
Comparing the cost of coal and gas in Europe, where the cost of heating today using coal is lower than using gas, we understand the prospects of building coal boiler houses with a high degree of automation.
The graphs below reflect my personal experience with Gazprom.
Based on insulation according to modern standards and heating in a season of up to 4000 thousand hours, an assessment was made of the effectiveness of various types of equipment. A non-automatic TT boiler was estimated based on the cost of firewood in the Moscow region of 1600 rubles per cubic meter and with an average efficiency of 50%.

The assessment was made six months ago, but the overall picture has changed little.

The construction of any production facility, cottage village or private house is always accompanied by the problem of choosing an effective heating system using various energy sources.

Of course, natural gas or electricity is the first thing that comes to mind for property owners, followed by diesel fuel. But upon closer examination of the problem, a number of questions arise.

The main energy sources used in production and in everyday life are:
- Natural gas (methane);
- Liquefied natural gas (LNG);
- Liquefied petroleum gas (a mixture of propane and butane);
- Synthetic gas (a mixture of LPG - air, caloric content equivalent to natural gas);
- Diesel fuel;
- Electricity;

The cheapest energy carrier is Natural gas.

- Low price;

- It is not always technically possible, or it is not economically profitable to connect to the main gas pipeline, since the costs are not commensurate with the economic effect of the connection;
- Equipment malfunctions may occur due to pressure changes in the pipeline, which happens especially often in winter;

Liquefied natural gas (LNG).

- Low price compared to LPG (propane-butane), but more expensive than natural gas;

- Very expensive equipment;
- Lack of infrastructure (liquefaction, transport, logistics, few facilities)

One step higher in the energy price category - Liquefied petroleum gas - LPG (mixture of propane and butane).

- Obtaining the main, autonomous or backup energy carrier. Using LPG, you can create not only an autonomous energy supply system, but also a backup one.
- LPG is an order of magnitude cheaper than diesel fuel or electricity per kW of energy;
- LPG is environmentally friendly, does not form soot or odor when burned, and has high heat transfer, which reduces energy consumption.

- The equipment is relatively expensive, but over the past 2 years there has been a clear trend towards a reduction in cost by 1.5-2 times.

At the same level in the price category as LPG, the energy carrier is Synthetic gas (a mixture of LPG - air, caloric content equivalent to natural gas).

- All the advantages as when working on LPG;
- Using Synthetic gas, you can create not only an autonomous energy supply system, but also a backup and combined system for facilities (industrial, private, towns, small cities) using mixing devices (LPG-air) that allow synthetic gas to be supplied to the natural gas gas system separately or in parallel, without reconfiguring end-user equipment;
- Convenient for scheduled repairs of natural gas pipelines;
- Due to the possibility of parallel supply of Synthetic gas and Natural gas in combined mode, the possibility of pressure drop (especially in winter) at the inlet of end-user equipment is eliminated;

-Relatively expensive equipment, but cheaper than equipment for LNG, is becoming increasingly widespread in Europe;

Energy carrier is one step higher in the price category - Diesel fuel.

- Relatively inexpensive equipment;

- Odor, frequent maintenance of equipment due to soot;

- Noise when boilers operate on Diesel fuel;

One step higher in the price category is the energy carrier – Electricity.

- Low price of equipment;
- Easy to use;

- Technical possibility does not always exist;
- Expensive connection fee;
- A sharp rise in the price of this energy carrier over the past 3 years;

Analysis of the cost of obtaining thermal energy using the example of heating a house
area 200 sq.m.

For heating in winter (6 months) at an average temperature of - 15º C in a house with an area of ​​200 m2. required - 17200 kcal/hour of heat. Calculations show:

Type of fuel Unit
boiler efficiency,
Heat of combustion unit
measurements, taking into account
Boiler efficiency, kW
Cost 1 kW
Natural gas m3 92 3.6 rub. 8.7 0.41
LNG m3 92 4.7 rub. 8.7 0.54
Liquefied gas l 91 16.0 rub. 6.48 2.47
Synthetic gas l 91 16.0 rub. 6.48 2.47
Diesel fuel l 89 27.0 rub. 9.9 2.73
Electricity kW 100 4.5 rub. 0 4.50

It follows from the table that the energy carrier LPG or Synthetic gas is a real alternative to all energy carriers.

The widespread use of these energy carriers (as the main, backup, combined sources) for autonomous gas supply during the construction of production facilities, cottage villages, and private houses over the past three years is a vivid example of this.

Based on the selected energy carrier, the heating system will be further designed and the appropriate equipment will be selected. In this article, we will review the energy carriers that we can focus on and see what the pros and cons of each are.

Heating with natural gas

Natural gas is still the cheapest for Russia, but not for Europe and not for everyone who, out of thoughtlessness, squeaks, but climbs into it. Disadvantage: the high cost of carrying it into the house, especially if the gas lines are far away.

Heating with solid fuel

Solid fuel is firewood, coal, pellets, peat... It is also not in abundance everywhere.

Disadvantages of solid fuel:

  • you need a place to store firewood and coal;
  • traditional boilers and stoves are very power-hungry, and if the house is poorly insulated... I think the hint is quite thick - the house needs to be insulated!

Heating with liquefied gas

If there is no gas nearby and no solid fuel, you can “swing” at liquefied gas, which is delivered in special vehicles.

For liquefied gas you need a special storage - a container that can withstand high pressure and a sufficiently large volume; The container is very expensive:

The container is secured with guy wires on a concrete slab to prevent groundwater from squeezing it out. As you can see, extensive excavation and concrete work is needed.

To use liquefied gas in this way, you must have a permit and comply with the relevant energy supervision requirements. Well, there is a lot of earthwork here.

Liquefied gas is also sold in cylinders, but the latter is only enough for a few hours of boiler operation.

By the way, boilers designed for natural gas also operate on liquefied gas.

Electric heating

There are restrictions from energy supervision and usually it will not be possible to connect more power (maximum 3...5 kW) if there is gas in the house.

If there is no gas, you can get a connection of up to 15 kW, but this is still not enough for a large house - especially if the house is poorly insulated!

For heating small rooms, for example, country houses, various electric heating devices are suitable, of which there are many in stores and markets. For large areas, it is better to get an electric boiler, of which there are also many designs: heating element, electrode, induction, etc.

However, having been tempted by heating from an electric boiler, you need to be aware of the cost of electricity. Of course, it happens that there is no other way out, so it’s up to you to decide.

Heating with diesel fuel

Diesel fuel is expensive and is becoming more expensive and is going to become more expensive.

The heating scheme with diesel fuel is very similar to the heating scheme with liquefied gas, discussed above:

You also need a place to store a sufficient amount (at least 2 cubic meters):

Another inconvenience is the smell.

And the quality of domestic diesel fuel is far from ideal, which is why during combustion a lot of soot is formed, which clogs the burner; it has to be disassembled and cleaned quite often (several times during the winter!).

There is one more point that doesn’t hurt to know. Already in 1972, the dynamics of the development of civilization in the 20th-21st centuries were calculated. The calculations are illustrated by the following graphs:

From the first it is clear (red line) that resources intend to decrease in quantity.

From the second it is clear that the peak of oil consumption by civilization has passed and will only continue to fall, while demand will grow. Accordingly, the price.

What conclusions should we draw?

Such: It is NOT CORRECT to focus the heating system of your home on only one type of fuel, moreover, supplied by “utility companies”. This applies to both diesel fuel and gas. However, probably also electricity.

Heating with ecological types of energy

Ecological types of energy are the energy of earth, sun, water and air. I will not talk about them here, although I have devoted a lot of time to studying this issue (and continue to do so). The fact is that I have not yet found a source of such energy that would satisfy me in terms of power, and which, moreover, could be made at a cost affordable to me (except for a wood-burning stove and fireplace).

Conclusions on choosing an energy carrier for a home heating system

Let me clarify right away: I am not a supporter of the flawed ideology of going into the forests or abandoning the conveniences of civilization, therefore you should not suspect me of anything like that and do not perceive my conclusions as an advertisement for one thing. You understand, there is no particular benefit for me to advertise anything here, I don’t demand money from you...

The conclusion given here is a conclusion I made for myself, and you can do as you wish.

So, which energy carrier should you choose?

My answer: whichever is more convenient and accessible now. If it is network gas, diesel fuel or network electricity, then also have an independent source in stock (stoves, fireplaces, solid fuel boiler...).

When reconstructing old and constructing new facilities, the problem of choosing a heat supply system arises. Naturally, it is advisable to choose a system that has lower costs. We live in the coldest country in the world. The average annual temperature in Russia is minus 5.5 °C, and, for example, in Finland plus 1.5 °C. Specific energy consumption for heating 1 sq. m. area of ​​residential buildings in the USA - 55 kW-hour, in Sweden and Finland 135 kW-hour, in Germany 269 kW-hour, in Russia - 418 kW-hour. This is 7.6 times more than in America and 3 times more than in Finland. The costs of heating residential buildings account for 26% of total operating costs. In the cost of production, the price of heating is 25-30%. Figure 1 shows the course of average monthly outdoor temperatures in different regions. For Moscow, the heating season is 210 days.

In order to produce competitive products, heating costs must be reduced by introducing energy-saving technologies.

The first question that needs to be answered when choosing a heating system is which system is preferable: centralized heating system or decentralized?

In the planned Soviet economy, autonomous heat supply practically did not develop, since it did not correspond to state ideology. Preference was given to facilities serving entire cities. The lion's share of funds was spent on the construction of giant thermal power plants, while boiler houses of low and medium capacity remained on the periphery of state interests in municipal heat supply. In addition, the development of small and medium-sized energy was significantly hampered by government policy in the field of energy prices. Due to the low cost of basic fuels, manufacturers did not need advanced resource-saving equipment.

With the transition to a market economy, the guidelines in the Russian energy sector have changed. The capacity of operating thermal power plants from 1992 to 2006 decreased from 725 million Gcal to 474 million Gcal. At the same time, energy production at low-efficiency boiler houses equipped with outdated equipment increased.

The general economic crisis and the systematic allocation of financial resources on a residual basis caused a sharp deterioration in the condition of public utility facilities in Russia. According to estimated data, the physical wear and tear of fixed assets in the housing and communal services sector in Russia as a whole amounted to: boiler houses - 54.5%; central heating points – 50.1%; heating networks – 62.8%; Bodies pumping stations – 52.3%.

The degree of wear and tear of public utility facilities in individual municipalities reaches 70-80%. Moreover, the rate of increase in wear is 1-2% per year” (from the report of the Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation V.A. Yakovlev on May 11, 2006 at a meeting of the Government of the Russian Federation).

Collapsed heating mains heat the street, not the house. Utility companies pass on the costs of heating streets to the end consumer. Installing heat meters will only provide a temporary respite. After the majority of consumers install meters, heating companies will definitely increase tariffs to compensate for their losses in heating mains. At the same time, the increase in tariffs does not reduce the likelihood of being left without heat during the peak of frost.

A similar situation has developed at many large enterprises. The centralized factory boiler houses built in Soviet times have already exhausted their service life several times. In-plant heating mains have become dilapidated. Repurposing industrial premises necessitates changes in their heating schemes. As a result of privatization, many factories are divided into several independent parts, while the boiler house remains the property of one legal entity. In such a situation, the local monopolist not only can, but actually in most cases, increases heating tariffs several times.

Even in the absence of all economic comparative calculations for capital and operating costs, the selection criterion heating systems according to the principle of decentralization, it is quite sufficient to understand how much more economical such a system is:

Losses during heat production and transfer;

Adjustability of the system at a given temperature directly in the working area;

Direct heating costs, operating costs for maintaining the system (scheduled repairs and wages of maintenance personnel);

Ease of switching the heating system to standby mode (maintaining minimum temperature conditions during non-working hours).

The main disadvantage of large centralized heat supply systems, which is the main reason for the uneconomical consumption of heat in them, is that the huge number of heat consumers connected to it, having their own, in each case, a special heat supply mode, is practically deprived of the ability to regulate the heat supply. This situation is aggravated by the fact that district heating systems supply heat not only for heating and ventilation, but also for hot water supply, although the heat consumption modes of these systems are completely different. Central regulation at the heat source is forced to focus on the satisfaction of all consumers. During the cold time of the heating season, such consumers are the most disadvantaged premises with large specific heat losses, without internal heat release and heat gain from solar radiation. During the warm time of the heating season (30-35% of its duration), such consumers are systems hot water supply. As a result, a huge number of rooms overheat above the optimal temperature. Excessive overheating of rooms is relieved by ventilating them through windows and vents, which leads to unacceptable dryness of the air and has a harmful effect on people's health.

What is an energy-saving heating system? The answer lies in the name itself. This is a system that produces and transfers heat with the highest efficiency. And the easiest way to make a heating system energy-saving is to bring the heat production closer to the consumer of this heat. This is the principle of decentralization. As a result, any decentralized system, when analyzing the above parameters, will have advantages over a centralized one, and can be considered an energy-saving system.

The cost of heat is almost everywhere significantly lower than the price of heat purchased from outside. It is much more promising to spend money on your own development, rather than on the development of another commercial enterprise, which, as a rule, is a monopolist.

1. Selecting the type of energy carrier for heating systems, heat supply and hot water supply.

The second question that needs to be answered is: what type of energy carrier to choose? Existing types of autonomous heating equipment according to the type of energy carrier can be divided into: solid fuel (coal, firewood), liquid fuel (fuel oil, diesel fuel), gas, electric (heating elements, electrode, induction, etc.). Each type of equipment has its own advantages and disadvantages and finds its consumer.

The main types of equipment for decentralized systems, which are mostly oriented towards when developing the latter, are fairly traditional heating devices based on direct heating of the coolant. However, as many experts note, such devices have a number of disadvantages that reduce their competitiveness compared to centralized heat supply systems. Among them: higher specific fuel consumption and potentially higher operating hazards. In addition, when operating solid fuel boilers, it is necessary to deliver, unload and store fuel, dispose of slag, install and operate treatment systems. Firemen must work three shifts, which significantly increases operating costs. The use of liquid fuel boilers eliminates some of the problems, but the cost of liquid fuel is much higher than solid fuel.

When choosing heating equipment, more and more attention is paid to environmental safety. Heating equipment using solid and liquid fuels in many cases does not meet the environmental safety criteria, since the combustion of these types of fuel releases many harmful substances, and the combustion of solid fuels still leaves a large amount of slag that must be disposed of.

Therefore, in most cases the choice is really between gas and electricity.

Costs for heating, heat supply and hot water supply can be divided into three groups:

Energy costs;

Current operating costs;

Capital expenditures.

Currently, the average level of gasification in the country is 53%, in some regions - about 30%. OJSC Gazprom constantly insists on increasing the maximum level of gas tariffs on the domestic market. OJSC Gazprom believes that: “The undervalued price of gas on the domestic market has a negative impact not only on the financial and economic position of Gazprom, but also contributes to the development of negative trends in the economy as a whole. If the undervaluation of gas as the main fuel resource continues, then gas prices will still not economically stimulate consumers to implement energy-saving technologies, help reduce the high energy intensity of the country’s economy and will hinder the increase in its competitiveness.” According to experts, over the next two years the demand for gas will exceed the volume of its production. It follows from this that gas tariffs and the cost of allocating limits for connections to the gas network will increase.However, the consumer is not buying fuel, a means of generating heat. It is not the fuel that should be cheap, but the heat that consumers receive during winter blizzards.

Based on energy costs in the 2007/2008 heating season, on average for the Russian Federation, these costs forthermal hydrodynamic pumps were comparable to gas heating costs (about 15% lower). The rapid growth of gas tariffs givesthermal hydrodynamic pumps advantage over gas boilerseven in terms of energy costs. Electricity tariffs for the population are expected to increase in 2009-2011 - by 25 percent annually. Prices for gas supplied to the population will increase by 25 percent this year, in 2010 - by 30 percent, and in 2011 - by 40 percent (statement by Deputy Head of the Ministry of Economic Development Andrei Klepach, 05/06/2008). In addition, multi-tariff electricity meters are installed in many places. For example, at the recreation center “Dubna”, Sergiev Posad, Moscow region, five-tariff meters have been installed. The minimum tariff for 1 kWh of electricity is 80 kopecks, the maximum is 5.00 rubles. Heating of water for heating and hot water is carried out at a minimum tariff, which sharply reduces costs.

Operating costs for heating, heat supply and hot water supply when using thermal hydrodynamic pumps are significantly lower than for gas boilers. Thermal hydrodynamic pumps are fire- and explosion-proof, n do not require permission for use from the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (letter of the Office of State Energy Supervision ref. No. 10-05/2845 dated September 26, 2007). Operation of thermal installations with electrical power up to 100 kW is carried out without a license ( Federal Law No. 28-FZ dated 04/03/96). They are easy to maintain and can be serviced by an electrician without special permission. Gas boiler houses must be serviced by personnel with special clearance, the condition of the equipment is regularly checked by numerous regulatory authorities, etc.

For facilities under construction, in most cases there is simply no alternative to gas or electricity, since the capital costs of building a gas boiler house are an order of magnitude higher than when using thermal hydrodynamic pumps. For example, on the website of the company Watercom, which provides gasification services for industrial facilities and private homes in the Moscow region, there is a list of work performed by the company during gasification of the facility:

· registration of gas connection, preparation of the necessary primary documents for filing an application for gasification of the facility (the necessary documents for gas connection are drawn up, the cost of gas connection and prices are determined);

· obtaining technical conditions (registration of land, cottage, gas);

· registration of gas and preparation of project documentation (at this stage the gas trust is determined);

· design of gas supply for a house, or design of gas supply for a cottage, coordination and approval of the project;

· coordination of the gas connection scheme with the relevant government authorities;

· installation of a gas pipe from the gas main to the facility, connection of the main gas, gas supply;

· insertion of gas into the gas main;

· acceptance of the facility by gas and fire service specialists, gas registration;

· commissioning of the facility.

According to information from the manager of the Watercom company, the cost of work to connect an object with a thermal power of 90÷100 kW to the gas main and equip it with the necessary equipment can approximately amount to 10.3 million rubles, including:

· preparation and approval of design and permitting documentation – 5 million rubles;

· laying a gas pipeline (including all costs for materials, equipment and work) – 10 thousand rubles. for 1 meter, at a distance of 500 m, the cost of laying will be 5 million rubles;

· costs for installation and connection of gas equipment (including acceptance of the gas service and fire service facility) - 20–50 thousand rubles;

· the cost of purchasing a 90 kW boiler with an automation kit is 200 thousand rubles.

· costs for installing and connecting the boiler (including acceptance by the gas service) - 45 thousand rubles;

The implementation period for the gasification project, taking into account the receipt of all approvals and permits, is on average 1.5 years. At the same time, the gas trust (for example, Mosoblgaz) may not give permission to connect the facility to the main gas pipeline.

The approximate amount of capital costs in the case of the option of autonomous gas supply to the facility using liquefied gas is 896 thousand rubles, including:

· purchase of a gas tank (capacity 10 m3, for a maximum volume of 8000 liters of liquefied gas) and additional equipment (fittings, pressure regulators, pipelines, anodic-cathodic protection), including installation of equipment, gas pipe connection (10 m) and basement entry into the building - 500 thousand rubles;

· earthworks (pit for a gas tank and a trench for a pipeline) – 30 thousand rubles;

· production of a concrete base for a gas tank - 16 thousand rubles;

· registration of a gas tank with Rostechnadzor of the Russian Federation - 15 thousand rubles;

· purchase and installation of an electromagnetic valve and a gas detector at the basement entrance to the building - 30 thousand rubles.

· purchase of a 90 kW boiler with an automation kit - 200 thousand rubles;

· installation and connection costs gas boiler(including acceptance of the facility by the gas service) – 45 thousand rubles;

· purchase and installation of a chimney (made of stainless steel) – 60 thousand rubles.

In the case of connection to an existing centralized heat supply system from a boiler house, the capital costs for laying a heating main and equipping a heating point are approximately 1.7 ÷ 3.95 million rubles, including:

· for laying a heating main at a distance of 500 m - from 1.5 to 3.75 million rubles. According to various sources, the cost of laying 1 meter of a modern heating main (pipes with polyurethane foam thermal insulation) ranges from 3,000 to 7,500 rubles;

· for the purchase and installation of equipment for a heating point about 200,000 thousand rubles.

3. Block-modular boiler houses and heating points.

To reduce the time for construction and commissioning, that is, to speed up the commissioning of heating, heat supply and hot water systems, block-modular boiler houses (BMK) have increasingly begun to be used. BMK is a boiler room designed as a separate autonomous and transportable module or block of modules with a complete set of all necessary boiler equipment. Modular boiler houses are designed to meet the heating and hot water supply needs of enterprises and organizations experiencing a shortage of energy resources or in need of a higher quality and cost-effective source of heat supply.

BMK can use several types of fuel: gas, diesel fuel, coal, oil. Combined versions are available for operation on gas-diesel and gas-fuel oil fuels. For any type of fuel, the kit includes block modules with thermomechanical components and a chimney mounted in them. Photos 1-3 show the appearance of several BMKs from different manufacturers.

Photo 1-3. External view of the BMK with chimney blocks.

In addition to the smoke pipe, the BMK equipment set includes working and backup smoke exhausters, ash collectors for each boiler, and a set of external flue ducts.

Fuel for boilers must be supplied either through pipelines or from a tank included with the BMK equipment. The presence of fuel storage and supply equipment requires that the BMK be equipped with fire alarm and fire extinguishing systems.

For block-modular heating points (BMHP) based on thermal hydrodynamic pumps, the above equipment is not required, since fuel is not burned to produce heat, but mechanical heat generators driven by electric motors are used. Therefore, to prevent misunderstandings and misunderstandings on the part of clients and regulatory authorities, the complex is positioned precisely as an individual heating point. However, taking into account the functional purpose of the BMTP, the novelty of the development is assessed and the technical characteristics are compared with the BMK.

BMTP were developed to replace diesel heat guns, while providing the construction site with heat from the very beginning of construction. But in this particular case, photo 4 shows a general view of the BMTP-55 pilot sample, intended for air heating of drilling rigs. The BMTP-55 is equipped with a thermal hydrodynamic pump TS1-055, with an installed electrical power of 55 kW, which heats the liquid coolant, and an air-heating unit based on the KSk heater, which removes heat. The coolant volume in the system is 70 liters. Outside air, when passing through the heater, is heated to a temperature of +70 °C and is pumped into the heated rooms.

Initially, in accordance with the customer’s technical specifications, an air heating unit AO2-10 was installed, with a heat output of heat gun 116 kW, that is, with a heat removal rate 2.1 times greater than the installed electrical power of the TS1-055. During testing, the coolant liquid was heated to a maximum temperature of + 95 °C in 5 minutes, after which the TC1-055 automatically turned off. Over the next 5 minutes, AO2-10 removed the heat, lowering the temperature of the coolant liquid to +70 °C, TS1-055 turned on. After 5 minutes the process was repeated. Such a frequency of switching on and off a powerful electric motor is not allowed, so it was decided to replace the AO2-10 with a more powerful unit AO2-20, with a heat output of heat gun 220.4 kW. During the acceptance tests, at an ambient temperature of 2 °C, the installation operated for 17 minutes from a cold state before shutting down. During repeated starts, heating to the maximum temperature occurred in 13 minutes, which indicates incomplete removal of thermal power. Currently, BMTP-55 is undergoing full-scale testing. Work to improve the BMTP continues, but existing experience shows its high efficiency. Despite the large capital costs for the purchase of thermal hydrodynamic pumps, compared to diesel ones heat guns, current costs will allow you to save on the cost of heat production in the next heating season after purchase.

Let's consider the economic efficiency of using thermal hydrodynamic pumps based on actual data received from consumers and shown in Table 1.

Table 1.


Construction material





Purpose of the object

Average temperature


Electricity costs per month, kW/hour



Power per hour


Volume, heated

1 kW, cubic m.

Branch "Plastimex M" Brick

20 433



45 455



Rubezh LLC sandwich panels

22 000



20 000



JSC "Spline-Center" Brick

7 000



15 000



PBOYUL Zamotaeva Metallic Hangar

4 500

repair shop


8 171



LLC "Tuba"

sandwich panels

26 500



54 000



Now let’s calculate how much it will cost the consumer to heat a facility using the Pyatisotka modular boiler house.

Internal layout of a modular boiler room, including diesel boilers, with a power of 500 kW, is shown in photo 5.

Diesel boiler REX-50, Ecoflam burner. The boiler room module is insulated, reinforced, with a partition for fuels and lubricants, size 2.5 * 2.5 * 7.5 meters. The mass of the block module is 7.5 tons. The heated area is about 6000 m2. The volume of the fuel tank is 5000 liters. Power consumption 5 kW. Average fuel consumption: 50 kg/hour.

Photo 5. Internal layout of the boiler room “Pyatisotka”

To heat a room with a volume of 6,000 * 3 = 18,000 m3, diesel boilers consume 50 * 24 * 30 = 36,000 kg per month. diesel fuel and 5 * 24 * 30 = 3,600 kW of electricity. The cost of energy resources, for example, for Novosibirsk as of January 1, 2008, is shown in Table 2

Table 2.

At these prices, the cost of heating from diesel boilers per month will be

36,000 * 24.40 + 3,600 * 2.14 = 886,104 rubles.

To heat a building similar in volume, the Plastimex M branch spent

45,455 * 2.14 = 97,273.7 rub.

From the above, we can clearly conclude that building a heating station using heatthermal hydrodynamic pumps, cheaper and faster, and operating costs will be several times less than when using diesel boilers.

Natural (mainline) gas

The cost of natural gas in the Moscow region for 2019. is 5.617 rub/m 3. To produce 1 kW of thermal energy, about 0.1 m 3 of main gas is consumed. Thus, the cost of 1 kW of thermal energy when using gas is approximately 0.56 rubles.


Average cost of firewood for 2019 taking into account delivery it is 2700 rubles/1m 3. The approximate weight of 1 m 3 of firewood is about 650 kg. To produce 1 kW of thermal energy, about 0.4 kg of firewood is consumed. Thus, the cost of obtaining 1 kW of thermal energy by burning wood is approximately 1.66 rubles.


Average cost of coal for 2019 (depending on quality) is 7 rubles/kg. To obtain 1 kW of thermal energy, approximately 0.25 kg of brown coal is consumed. Thus, the approximate cost of 1 kW of thermal energy when using coal is 1.76 rubles.


The cost of electricity in the Moscow region for 2019. is 3.77 rub/1kW. To obtain 1 kW of thermal energy, approximately 1.03 kW of electricity is consumed. Thus, the cost of obtaining 1 kW of thermal energy when heating with electricity is 3.88 rubles.

Liquefied gas

Average cost of liquefied gas for 2019 is 18 rub/l. (30 rub/kg) To obtain thermal energy of 1 kW, approximately 0.09 kg of liquefied gas is consumed (depending on the efficiency of the boiler, etc.). Thus, the cost of 1 kW in this case will be 2.7 rubles.

Liquid fuel (diesel)

Approximate cost of diesel fuel for January 2019. is 47 rub/l. On average, approximately 0.095 liters are consumed to produce 1 kW of heat. diesel fuel (depending on the efficiency of the boiler, etc.). Thus, the cost of 1 kW in the case of using liquid fuel heating will be 4.5 rubles.

Price comparison in ascending order


  1. Main gas - 0.56 rub/kW;
  2. Firewood - 1.66 RUB/kW;
  3. Coal - 1.76 rubles/kW;
  4. Liquefied gas - 2.7 rubles/kW;
  5. Electricity - 3.88 RUR/kW;
  6. Diesel fuel - 4.5 rubles/kW.

As expected, natural gas won by a significant margin. Today, gas is the most cost-effective energy carrier for heating a country house.

In the absence of natural gas, electricity or liquid fuel is an objective replacement. Electric boilers are inexpensive, easy to install and do not require a separate boiler room and chimney. But the subsequent costs of operating electric heating are very high. In addition, a common problem is the lack of required capacity. Therefore, a fairly popular option for installing a cottage heating system without using mains gas is liquid fuel boilers. Liquid fuel boilers of the Viessmann brand have a wide range of models and the ability to switch to gas in the future (by replacing the burner).