Supervised installation work - what is it? Installation supervision program Installation supervision program

As such, the concept of “installation supervision” is not defined by any standards. Of the most frequently encountered definitions - This is the installation, connection and adjustment of equipment by customer personnel under the direction of supplier personnel. Naturally, the definition is general and all the details must be specified in the contract. So our company, as part of the installation supervision work the following work is performed:
  • installation and assembly of equipment components, if the transport position of the machine implies their dismantling;
  • connecting communications (electricity, compressed air, water, etc.) using customer materials (electrical cable, fittings, hoses, etc.);
  • setup and commissioning of equipment;
  • checking the functionality of the equipment at idle and in operating mode, checking that the performance characteristics comply with the declared ones;
  • production of test samples of parts using the functions of the equipment (in some cases it is possible to manufacture parts according to drawings and customer requirements);
  • consultation and instruction of customer personnel on issues related to the operation and maintenance of equipment.
Necessary note that all work is carried out by our specialists and this is a fundamental difference from the general definition.

What is the difference between commissioning and installation supervision work?

In order to understand this issue, it is necessary to define the concept of commissioning. Unlike installation supervision, it is found in SNiP 3.05.05-84: “Commissioning works include a set of works performed during the preparation and conduct of individual tests and comprehensive testing of equipment.” It follows from this that, apart from the difference in the name, there are no other differences in the general understanding of the wording. With one exception: since the activities carried out as part of the installation supervision work are not regulated, when concluding a contract there is room for creativity, i.e. the ability to determine activities and conditions for their implementation that fully satisfy the customer’s requirements.

Why is installation supervision necessary?

High-quality installation supervision work can radically reduce the risk of errors during installation, commissioning and further operation of equipment, identify possible problems even before putting the equipment into operation, which ultimately helps to increase the reliability of equipment operation and, as a result, eliminates equipment downtime. Supervision of installation work carried out by authorized organizations eliminates many organizational and technical difficulties that inevitably arise when installing new equipment unfamiliar to personnel.

Who should perform installation supervision work?

When working with customers, most equipment suppliers highly recommend execution of installation supervision works by authorized specialists. An exception may be customers and partners whose specialists are well familiar with the supplied equipment, have been servicing it for a long time, or have undergone special training. It is necessary to take into account that when performing work on its own, the customer assumes all risks associated with both its implementation and further operation of the equipment.

How to plan installation supervision work and prepare for it?

There are two options for equipment delivery:
  1. installation supervision work is included in the cost of the equipment;
  2. installation supervision work is paid for and performed under a separate contract.
Both in the first and second cases information must be obtained in advance necessary for installation, connection and testing of equipment, such as:
  • dimensions, weight of equipment;
  • method of installation and installation of equipment in place;
  • used tool, equipment;
  • technical fluids used;
  • necessary communications;
  • requirements for operating personnel.
Timely preparation reduces downtime during work execution and ensures that equipment reaches production capacity on time.

Agreement No. ____ dated ___.___.201__

for the chief - installation work


Hereinafter referred to as the “Customer”, represented by __________________________________, acting on the basis of the Charter on the one hand, and AP Service Center LLC, hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor”, represented by the General Director, acting on the basis of the Charter of the other party, have entered into this Agreement on the following :


1.1. Under this agreement, the Contractor undertakes, within the time period established by this agreement, to carry out, on the instructions of the Customer, the following installation works at the facility at the address _________________________________________________________________________________:

· Equipment list

· Equipment list

and the Customer accepts their result and pays the cost stipulated by this agreement.


2.1. It is agreed between the Contractor and the Customer that the total cost of the work performed under this contract is ________________ rubles, including VAT 18% - _______________ rubles. The calculation of all types of work under this contract is given in Appendix A.

2.2. If the Contractor discovers during the installation supervision work that is not taken into account in the contract, but necessary additional work, the implementation of which will entail an increase in the agreed contract price, the Contractor undertakes to immediately notify the Customer about this.

2.3. The Contractor has the right to refuse to perform additional work only in cases where they are not within the scope of the Contractor’s professional activities, or cannot be performed by the Contractor for reasons beyond his control.

2.4. The agreed price of this contract can be changed only if an Additional Agreement to the contract is drawn up, signed by both parties.

2.5 Payment for additional work under the contract is made by the Customer in the amount and within the time period provided for in the Additional Agreement to this contract.

2.6 Payment for the work in full is made in Russian rubles by transferring funds to the Contractor’s bank account specified in this agreement within 3 banking days after signing the Certificates of Installation Supervision and the invoice.

2.7 The Contractor undertakes:

2.7.1. Carry out the installation supervision works provided for in this Agreement, the list of works is given in Appendix B.

2.7.2 Timely deliver to the Customer properly completed work in the manner prescribed by this agreement.

2.7.3. Provide the customer with documents confirming the quality of the installation supervision work performed; the list of documents is given in Appendix B.

2.7.4. Upon completion of the work provided for in the List to this contract (Appendix B), the Contractor hands over to the Customer the completed and signed “Certificate of Installation Supervision” for execution and signing by the Customer.

2.8 The Customer undertakes:

2.8.1. On our own and at our own expense, ensure that the facility is fully ready for work under the contract.

2.8.2. Pay the Contractor for installation supervision work under this agreement within 3 banking days after signing the Work Completion Certificates and invoices.

2.10 The work agreed upon by the parties at the time of signing this contract, the cost of which is determined by clause 2.1 of this contract, the Contractor undertakes to carry out within _____ days from the moment the specialists arrive at the production site. The Customer is obliged to notify the Contractor in writing about the readiness of the production site. In this case, the Customer sends the Contractor a completed questionnaire about readiness to carry out installation supervision work. Within ___ days after receiving written notification of the readiness of the production site, the Contractor shall send specialists.

2.11 Additional work discovered during the execution of the contract, the cost of which is determined by the Additional Agreement, the Contractor undertakes to complete within the time period agreed upon by the parties. At the same time, for the period of this period, the deadline for completing the main work under clause 2.10 of the contract is shifted.


3.1 The parties are released from liability for failure to fulfill obligations under this agreement in the event of force majeure circumstances (force majeure). Certificates issued by the relevant authorities are sufficient confirmation of the presence and duration of force majeure.

3.2. If the work under the contract was carried out by the Contractor with deviations from the terms of this contract, which worsened the result of the work, or with other shortcomings that prevent or complicate the use of the work object for its intended purpose, the Customer has the right to demand in writing that the Contractor eliminate the defects free of charge within the period agreed upon by the parties.

3.3 Disputes arising during the implementation of this agreement are resolved through negotiations, and if no agreement is reached, they are considered in the arbitration court of the Russian Federation in the prescribed manner.

3.4. When executing this agreement, the parties are guided by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, current legislation, regulations on capital construction, and this agreement.


4.1. The agreement comes into force from the moment it is signed by both parties and is valid until ___.___.201__.

If disagreements arise between the parties when drawing up the Agreement, as a rule, these disagreements are resolved by signing the “Protocol of Disagreements” by the parties, which is an integral part of the Agreement being signed. The Agreement is considered concluded from the moment the parties agree on all disagreements under this Agreement.


5.1 The Parties acknowledge that this Agreement, the Protocols of Disputes and Addendums to it are valid when transmitted by fax signed by authorized persons and are full-fledged legal documents that have a simple written form with the exchange of originals of these documents. The party that initiated the preparation of any of these documents is obliged to send the original to the other party by mail within 10 days from the date of signing it by fax or hand it over by courier.

5.2. When executing this agreement, the parties are guided by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, current legislation, regulations on capital construction, and this agreement.

5.3 This agreement is drawn up in two copies having equal legal force, one copy for each of the parties.



Appendix "A"

Calculation of work performed

Total labor costs amount to ____ man-hours, the total cost of the work performed is _____________ (_________________________________________) rubles. ____ kop., including VAT 18% _______________ (________________________________) rub. ____ kop.

Appendix "B"

to Agreement No. ____ dated ___.___.201__

List of documents transferred to the Customer by the Contractor:

1.Work log- is an official document signed
authorized persons of each Party. The work log is filled out
representative of the Contractor indicating the volume of work performed and the time it took
carried out at the Customer's Site.

2. Certificate of execution of installation supervision works- a document confirming the fact that the Contractor has completed the installation supervision work, signed by representatives of the Parties.



Supervised installation (supervision and organizational and technical management of the installation of equipment on the part of its supplier/manufacturer or an authorized partner when installation work is performed by specialists of the customer/contractor) and commissioning work is carried out by the personnel of the commissioning site (PNU) of BPA LLC - a territorially distributed structural unit (Almetyevsk, Azov, Ufa, Nizhny Novgorod), as well as employees of the assembly production and service department (Lyubertsy, Moscow region) depending on the specifics of the supplied equipment and systems.

The list of activities carried out during installation supervision work must be regulated when concluding the relevant contract in order to maximally satisfy the customer’s needs.

Commissioning work on the technical complex of instrumentation and automated process control systems is carried out in the following scope and sequence:

Preparatory work, including organizational and engineering preparation of work, including:

  • Analysis of working design documentation, selection of measuring instruments and instruments, preparation of workplaces
  • Checking compliance of the main technical characteristics of the equipment with the requirements established in the passports and instructions of the manufacturers (the results of the check are documented in a protocol, faulty technical equipment is transferred to the customer for repair or replacement)
  • Coordination of reporting documentation forms, etc.

The first stage of work is usually carried out outside the installation area. Commissioning work, combined with work on the installation of monitoring, control and electrical devices, is carried out before the introduction of the operating mode and is carried out simultaneously with work on the installation of instruments and automation equipment, including communication channels with peripheral subsystems.

These works include the adjustment of individual elements and components of the automated process control system, including:

  • Checking intra-system connections and preparing for switching on
  • Checking the correct installation of cable connections, including the connection of contact sensor circuits, mechanism control circuits, etc. The installation is checked to ensure compliance with the requirements of the manufacturer's instructions and working documentation.
  • Checking the correct marking, connection and phasing of electrical wiring
  • Setting and monitoring the characteristics of actuators
  • Setting up logical and temporal relationships of alarm systems, protections, interlocks and control systems, checking the correctness of signal passage

When performing work at the second stage, it is allowed to supply voltage to individual mounted units from test circuits and temporary power supply circuits in compliance with organizational and technical measures provided for by safety regulations.

Commissioning works ensuring pre-starting technological operations, individual tests and comprehensive testing of all equipment.

Commissioning works of the third stage include:

  • Checking the functioning of application and system software
  • Preliminary determination of object characteristics, calculation and configuration of equipment parameters of automated systems, configuration of measuring transducers and program logic devices
  • Setting up and putting into operation application programs in the scope of operational functions that ensure normal operation of the equipment
  • Adjustment of control circuits and testing of electric drives of regulatory bodies, including software testing of equipment with testing of interlocking circuits
  • Setting up information measuring channels (discrete and analogue)
  • Setting up and conducting pre-launch tests of the technological protection subsystem. Bringing the settings of software and hardware, communication channels and application software to a state in which automated systems can be used in operation is carried out in a complex:
  • Determining the compliance of the procedure for testing devices and elements of alarm, protection and control systems with the algorithms of working documentation, identifying the causes of failure or “false” activation, setting the required response values ​​of positional devices
  • Determination of compliance of the throughput of shut-off and control valves with the requirements of the technological process, the correct operation of limit and limit switches, position and condition sensors
  • Determining the flow characteristics of regulatory bodies and bringing them to the required standard using the adjustment elements available in the design
  • Clarifying the static and dynamic characteristics of the object, adjusting the values ​​of system settings parameters
  • Preparation for putting systems into operation to ensure comprehensive testing of process equipment
  • Testing and determining the suitability of automated systems to ensure the operation of technological equipment with productivity corresponding to the standards for developing design capacities in the initial period
  • Analysis of the operation of automated systems
  • Preparation of production documentation, systems acceptance certificate
  • Introducing changes into one copy of the schematic diagrams from the set of working documentation based on the results of adjustment work agreed with the customer

Design work

The company's design department consists of highly qualified and experienced personnel, is provided with modern equipment and specialized software for design, the necessary regulatory and methodological framework, adapted to modern design and construction requirements. The company's main activities in the field of design are aimed at the creation, reconstruction, technical re-equipment and expansion of automation and dispatch systems for oil production, oil refining, petrochemical, chemical and other industries. There is also a direction for designing electrical switchboard equipment for various purposes.

The proposed technical solutions are based on commercially produced equipment and software, both domestic and imported, tested and confirmed by relevant documents (certificates, permits for use in Russia):

  • “Certificate of Conformity” of the Russian State Standard;
  • “Certificate of approval of the type of measuring instruments” of the State Standard of Russia;
  • For equipment installed in explosive areas “Certificate of explosion protection of electrical equipment”;
  • Permission from Rostechnadzor (Gosgortekhnadzor) for use in the Russian Federation.

Engineering services

Development of Application Software for automated process control systems.

The company’s specialists develop each specific project based on the following basic principles:

The use of equipment and software based on standards and produced by leading manufacturing companies that have been operating in the market for a long time and steadily, have representative offices in Russia and provide high-quality support to customers of their products.

Openness of technical solutions, allowing efficient sharing of equipment and software from different developers.

Preparation of detailed technical documentation, if necessary, training of enterprise personnel to ensure the future possibility of developing the system by the customer’s specialists.

Effective interaction with existing industrial control systems at the enterprise. Moreover, if the existing automated process control system is created on the basis of standard open approaches, it is possible to ensure its closest integration with the new information system - up to the relay of control commands from the top level of the system to the level of sensors.

The ability to implement automated process control systems as quickly as possible, in particular, due to the fact that the technical solutions of the systems are modular and strictly structured.

High-tech solutions

BPA LLC offers various solutions to optimize the operation of automation systems - process control systems, process control systems and increase the efficiency of your production:

Implementation of advanced process control systems APC (Advanced Process Control)

The implementation of an advanced process control (APC) system can improve the efficiency of process and facility management, improve process safety, and expand the ability of operators to control a large number of control loops.

The introduction of APC makes it possible to organize control over the management of a group of technological installations by one operator. An advanced process control (APC) system is a software-based set of measures aimed at increasing the efficiency of one or more process units using “non-technological” methods - by changing control algorithms. APC is an add-on to the basic logic of the DCS. Using the infrastructure of your DCS, the ARS software and hardware system significantly increases the utility of the asset.

APC is implemented on the basis of multi-parameter control using predictive models (Model Predictive Control - MPC). Traditionally, virtual analyzers (Soft Sensors) are implemented with APC systems to calculate non-measured parameters of the control object. When introducing ARS, models of mass flows, heat balance, and a static model of measured parameters are developed for each technological object (process).

Most modern packages, already within the framework of APC, provide special techniques for optimization of process control (basic level). The implementation of real-time optimization systems can increase the profitability of APC projects. These systems can be aimed at optimizing the operation of an installation, a group of installations or technological complexes. The implementation of an APC is a fairly small additional investment when compared with the development of a modern DCS. The introduction of APC usually leads to an increase in plant productivity by several percent.

Supply of equipment for automation and power supply

The BPA company supplies automated process control systems on a turnkey basis, including the entire cycle of development, manufacturing, installation, commissioning and maintenance (here are links to the relevant sections), as well as the supply of individual components, assemblies, and spare parts.

At its production base in Lyubertsy, Moscow region, BPA has an equipped and certified production of automation, control and electrical cabinets. The assembly production premises are equipped with a video surveillance system, through which it is possible to provide remote control over the assembly process, conduct final control, and organize a video conference with performers and customers.

On the premises of the BPA production base, a warehouse is equipped to store materials for current projects and to accommodate a warehouse stock of consumables. The warehouse has a covered loading and unloading area, and warehouse loading equipment with a lifting capacity of up to 3 tons. If necessary, special equipment with a higher lifting capacity is called.

BPA practices various options for multimodal transportation (transportation by various modes of transport, including sea transportation and air delivery) of oversized cargo from anywhere in the world and delivers to all large and medium-sized settlements where the Customers’ production bases are located, both in the Russian Federation and and in other countries. In some cases, by agreement with the Customer, delivery of oversized cargo and delivery to hard-to-reach places is possible.

Production of electrical panel equipment

The BPA company offers comprehensive services for the design, manufacture and supply of electrical switchboard equipment for various purposes:

  • NKU from idea to commissioning of the finished product,
  • NKU for various purposes, standard and individual designs,
  • flexible approach when concluding contracts:

  • NKU "turnkey"
    NKU from customer-supplied raw materials,
    On-site assembly
    warranty and service maintenance of switchgear.

The company's priority area of ​​activity is the development and implementation of modern low-voltage switchgears (LVDS) of alternating and direct current with voltage up to 1 kV. The proposed electrical panel equipment, along with high reliability and safety indicators, is more compact, convenient to use, has an improved design and takes into account the increased requirements of Customers.

Line of main BPA products:

  • NKU of alternating current distribution (main switchboard, ASU, ShchR, AVR, ShchSN;
  • NKU of direct current distribution (SHPT, SHROT, SHOT, PPT, Complete SOPT);
  • NKU control (process control cabinets, metering cabinets, MCC motor control cabinets, consoles and control stations, test benches, server cabinets),
  • combined cabinets (electrics + hydraulics or pneumatics)
  • block boxes with NKU.

NKU design:

  • modular NKU, with plug-in or stationary devices,
  • sectioning up to 4b,
  • degrees of protection up to IP66,
  • explosion-proof or conventional version.

NKU are made on the basis of high-quality components from leading manufacturers:

  • cabinet shells: Rittal, ABB, Schneider Electric, Siemens, Eaton
  • devices: ABB, Schneider-Electric, Siemens, Eaton
  • electrical installation equipment: Phoenix Contact, Wago, etc.

BPA production characteristics:

  • production and storage capacity 855 sq.m (Lyubrtsy)
  • certification of production in the companies Schneider Electric, ABB and Eaton for compliance with Western requirements for manufacturers of switchgear switchgears,
  • system of step-by-step quality control of manufactured products,
  • high-quality tools and production equipment,
  • certification of manufactured equipment (certificates of GOS R and Customs Union)

The high quality of UUV assembly work is based on the principles:

  • professional personnel;
  • high-quality production equipment and tools;
  • modern approach to organizing work;
  • quality control at different stages of production; finished electrical equipment is necessarily tested and verified by our own electrical laboratory.

Construction and installation works

To carry out construction and installation work (CEM), the structure of BPA LLC has organized an Installation Department, represented by construction and installation sites located geographically in the cities. Ufa, Azov (Rostov region) and Saratov.

The sites are fully equipped with competent, certified personnel, machines, mechanisms, tools and devices for the work. The personnel performing welding work and the equipment used are certified by the National Welding Control Agency (NACC).

The main volumes of construction and installation works are carried out by BPA LLC at the facilities of electric power industry, oil and gas production, oil refining, transportation of oil and oil products, chemical, petrochemical and other production facilities.

The core jobs for installation site personnel are:

  • Installation of instrumentation and automation, electrical installation work at various technological installations of oil refineries, including the construction of external cable racks;
  • Electrical installation work of automation equipment, telemechanics, relay protection, power electrical equipment of 10/6/0.4 kV substations;
  • Installation of instrumentation and equipment in tank farms, oil depots, overpasses and terminals, including commercial accounting systems for oil and petroleum products, fire safety equipment, gas analysis systems;
  • Installation of instrumentation and automation, power electrical equipment, electrical installation work during the development of oil and gas fields (including the construction of 6 kV overhead lines);
  • Installation of instrumentation and automation, power electrical equipment, integrated security systems, electrical installation work of other industrial installations.

The management of BPA LLC is carrying out systematic work to diversify the industry and expand the types of construction and installation work performed by the Installation Department’s own resources.

Supervised installation and commissioning works

BPA LLC carries out installation, connection and adjustment of equipment, as well as commissioning work - a set of works performed during the preparation and conduct of individual tests and comprehensive testing of equipment.

All work is carried out by BPA specialists. The activities carried out as part of the installation supervision work are regulated at the conclusion of the contract with the opportunity to determine the format and conditions for their implementation that fully satisfy the customer’s requirements.

High-quality installation supervision work allows you to radically reduce the risks of errors during installation, commissioning and further operation of equipment, identify possible problems even before putting the equipment into operation, which ultimately helps to increase the reliability of equipment operation and, as a result, eliminates downtime equipment.

Supervision of installation work carried out by authorized organizations eliminates many organizational and technical difficulties that inevitably arise when installing new equipment unfamiliar to personnel.

When working with customers, most equipment suppliers strongly recommend that installation supervision be performed by authorized specialists. An exception may be customers and partners whose specialists are well acquainted with the supplied equipment, have been servicing it for a long time and have undergone special training.

It must be taken into account that when performing work on its own, the customer assumes all risks associated with both its implementation and further operation of the equipment.

There are two options for equipment delivery:

  • installation supervision work is included in the cost of the equipment;
  • installation supervision work is paid for and performed under a separate contract.

In both the first and second cases, it is necessary to obtain in advance the information necessary for installation, connection and testing of equipment, such as:

  • dimensions, weight of equipment;
  • method of installation and installation of equipment in place;
  • used tool, equipment;
  • technical fluids used;
  • necessary communications;
  • requirements for operating personnel.

Timely preparation reduces downtime during work execution and ensures that equipment reaches production capacity on time.

Any questions regarding the conditions for performing installation supervision work should be addressed to the equipment supplier or its service center.

If the service center of your supplier is our company or your supplier is not able to perform quality installation supervision work, our specialists are ready to answer all your questions.

Measurements and tests of electrical equipment up to 35 kV

The electrical engineering laboratory is designed to carry out measurements and tests to determine the condition of electrical networks, equipment, and devices. One of the main conditions for stable operation of the power supply system is its regular maintenance and carrying out all necessary electrical measurements.

Carrying out electrical measurements by specialists from electrical laboratories allows us to establish the reasons for the presence of extraneous voltage on the housings of various devices, monitor their performance, measure the insulation resistance of wires, check the integrity of the grounding circuit, check the operation of the protection and measure the resistance to the spreading of the ground loop current) and lightning protection, ringing of cables, equipment and much more on a contractual basis.. On time.

It is worth noting that testing and measurements are necessary not only in the event of an emergency, but also when installing new electrical equipment (acceptance measurements and tests), as well as during its operation for preventive purposes (control measurements and tests). Control tests allow timely detection and elimination of the possibility of equipment failure.

All work is performed at a high level, and we perform our duties responsibly and professionally.

After electrical measurements and tests have been carried out, electrical laboratory specialists, processing the results obtained, draw up a technical report on electrical measurements of a certain form and issue a standard protocol of the established type and, in case of detection of malfunctions, a defective statement.

The activity of the electrical laboratory is licensed. The devices used are tested and certified by the State Metrological Service

Service maintenance

To provide service and warranty service for equipment purchased from BPA LLC, or supplied by other manufacturers or suppliers, our company has its own service department and a spare parts warehouse. The work is carried out by highly qualified specialists in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documents using various diagnostic equipment.

The main tasks of the service department for equipment maintenance of the BPA company

  • service maintenance, repair and adjustment of various NKU (ShchSN, ShchPT, Main Shch, Shrot, PPT, ShPOBR and others);
  • service, repair and adjustment of frequency converters (Danfoss, Vacon, Rockwell Automation and others);
  • service maintenance, repair and adjustment of various automated process control systems;
  • service maintenance, repair and adjustment of monitoring systems for transformer equipment from various manufacturers;
  • retrofit of NKU and circuit breakers produced by Schneider Electric and ABB;
  • service, repair, commissioning of rectifiers, inverters and UPS from GUTOR Electronic LLC (Schneider Electric);
  • warranty and post-warranty repairs of equipment produced by the assembly production of the BPA company;
  • supply of spare parts for equipment produced by assembly production or supplied by BPA LLC;
  • providing technical support for the operation and maintenance of equipment supplied by BPA LLC;
  • carrying out inspections and fault detection of equipment supplied by BPA LLC;
  • Conducting on-site training for customer personnel.

Advantages of the service department of the BPA company:

  • Extensive experience in servicing electrical equipment and repairing equipment;
  • Experienced specialists who regularly undergo training and certification in training centers of equipment manufacturers;
  • The company's service department has the necessary fleet of specialized equipment to carry out service and other work;
  • Conducting a technical examination of equipment with issuing recommendations for further operation, maintenance and repair of equipment;
  • Carrying out service and repair work in accordance with the manufacturer’s regulations and your needs;
  • Providing consultations to clients on the choice of equipment to solve specific problems;
  • Having our own production and service center allows us to repair and maintain equipment of almost any complexity.

Project management

During the period of operation of the company, BPA LLC has developed an effective strategy for managing various projects, taking into account international experience. In addition to standard procedures, such as project planning, minimizing risks, and increasing team efficiency, there is an internal control service that allows timely corrective influences on the management system of a specific project.

The company structure is project-oriented, which allows for each project to create a close-knit team focused on completing the project within the required time frame with optimal quality. The presence of a large number of branches allows you to optimize logistics costs, which leads to increased efficiency and simplifies communications with the customer.

To manage large and/or technically complex projects, the project team is strengthened by chief project engineers, which allows us to increase the speed of resolving technical issues that inevitably arise during the implementation of such projects.

The presence in the company of a full range of departments from the design department to construction and installation departments and close connections between departments at the horizontal level allows us to implement turnkey projects, as well as improve the quality of work due to a more complete understanding of mutual advantages and needs.

Industrial safety management

Hazard and performance analysis “HAZOP”

BPA LLC compulsorily conducts HAZOP studies when implementing its projects at the design, construction and commissioning stages. The BPA LLC company conducts a training course within its subsidiaries, which includes the theoretical and practical foundations of the “HAZOP” Hazard Analysis and Performance Method based on GOST R 51901.11-2005.

Analysis of the hazard and performance of technological systems “HAZOP” is one of the most common methods of risk analysis.

Risk analysis is a structured process whose purpose is to determine both the likelihood and magnitude of adverse consequences of the activity, facility or system under study. Adverse consequences are considered to be harm to people, property or the environment.

Risk analysis is an integral part of the risk management process, during which both qualitative and quantitative risk analysis methods are used.

HAZOP/HAZID and other methods of qualitative analysis of technological processes are widely used in foreign practice of safety justification and are reflected in the FNP “General Explosion Safety Rules ...”, RD -03-418-01, GOST R 51901.11-2005 (IEC 61882:2001), etc.

General contracting

General contracting is one of the most versatile services in the field of construction and installation work, implying a whole range of organizational and management work, including full control of the facility as the Customer and with full responsibility to him. BPA LLC provides general contracting services of both a narrowly focused nature and as part of full-scale individual or commercial construction of the highest level of complexity.

Main goals

General contracting is the centralized management of the entire range of work at a construction site in strict accordance with the approved working documentation and schedule, including:

  • organizing interaction between its own structural divisions;
  • clear coordination of the activities of subcontractors performing the stages specified in the subcontract agreement;
  • inviting specialized third-party specialists;
  • close cooperation with regulatory and inspection authorities.

The general contractor is responsible for the quality of all work performed both on its own and with the involvement of subcontractors, taking on all possible risks of the project as a whole.

Main functions

Carrying out the functions of a general contractor, we offer a full range of design, engineering and construction services, including:

  • technical consulting and expertise during design;
  • carrying out the necessary range of geodetic surveys;
  • development of design, technical and estimate documentation with optimization of the best solutions;
  • searching for and attracting specialized subcontractors with a proven reputation to carry out construction work;
  • provision of logistics services to provide the facility with the necessary materials and resources;
  • organizing interaction between subcontractors and resolving conflict situations;
  • constant technological and quality control over each stage of work with the signing of intermediate acceptance certificates;
  • strict compliance with fire safety, labor protection, and environmental standards;
  • coordination of the work carried out with state control authorities;
  • control of financial flows within the approved expenditure budget;
  • carrying out current and full settlements with involved third-party organizations and persons;
  • preparation of a complete set of documentation upon completion of construction; commissioning of the facility.

Thanks to a clearly developed concept, the general contracting services provided by BPA LLC make it possible to implement the most complex turnkey projects within the time frame strictly specified by contractual obligations and in compliance with approved building codes and requirements, with a guarantee of high quality of all work performed.

You can obtain comprehensive information about general contracting services in the complex or in the segment of construction work chosen by the customer by contacting the specialists of BPA LLC.

Supervised installation work is the installation of equipment directly by the supplier’s managers. The working personnel are provided by the buyer, and the control of the main components is carried out by specialists from the performing company.

What does the supplier guarantee?

The equipment supply company undertakes to provide full support for the ongoing project. Based on the results of the completed activities, the buyer accepts the installations that are already fully prepared for launch into production.

Installation supervision works are activities during which the supplier assumes certain responsibilities. Within his competence:

  • conclude a contract for installation supervision;
  • resolve organizational issues of installation;
  • provide technical preparation of the project and its implementation;
  • supervise employees;
  • supply all equipment and additional spare parts if necessary;
  • if the work is carried out by the supplier’s specialists, his responsibilities include delivery of a fully working installation;
  • bring the equipment to the declared capacity;
  • complete the installation by drawing up a report on the work done and acceptance of the installation by the customer.

What does the supplier do?

Installation supervision is activities to supervise each individual part of the installation procedure of purchased equipment. Under the supervision of specialists, the customer’s employees perform the entire installation complex. They adjust and adjust the main parameters, adjusting them to the appropriate performance.

Upon completion, the batch of suitable products specified in the contract is delivered. Installation supervision is the optimal choice for installing new technological solutions in existing production. The customer is relieved of routine duties. Often it is not possible to look for relevant specialists, who will no longer be needed by the organization after the commissioning of the facility.

The management of the selling company has the most complete experience in the installation of complex technical products. All operations are perfected to the smallest detail, the staff is ready for unforeseen situations and malfunctions. We have our own developments on the organization of work and the sequence of actions performed.

Equipment setup points

The supplier’s responsibilities include supervision of installation and commissioning, including a full cycle of monitoring the functioning of the assembled installation:

  • the compliance of the finished product with documentation and drawings is checked;
  • parameters of technological operating modes are adjusted;
  • the equipment is turned on for the first time;
  • trial testing is carried out in an automatic cycle;
  • control and verification of the produced trial batch of finished products is carried out;
  • The customer's engineers and workers carry out adjustments under the guidance of the equipment supplier's specialists.

Responsibility for the quality of work lies entirely on the shoulders of the supplier. The customer and his specialists are only performers. Any damage caused by improper assembly will be compensated at the expense of the seller. Faulty elements are replaced before the object is delivered.


Before starting work, the site is carried out on site. Fully coordinated actions are prescribed in a contract that suits the customer. It includes all items of work, deadlines, in addition, a preliminary cost is specified. Each project is unique and requires careful preparation of documents by specialists.

Project changes are often required due to unforeseen conditions. Adjustments are made immediately and discussed with the customer. The completion of the work is carried out in accordance with the completed documentation (installation supervision certificate). After its signing, the object is handed over, and the buyer of the equipment and services confirms the quality of the work performed.

Pros of hiring a supplier

Often, at critical sites, inexperienced specialists carry out installation supervision work. The identification of priority tasks is carried out incorrectly. The consequence of this approach is equipment downtime and additional costs to correct the situation.

Experienced customer specialists have already encountered problems of this kind and know how to quickly cope with even the most difficult situation. A guarantee is given for the work done, which additionally insures the customer. After all, when the object is delivered on time, then everything goes according to the planned path of business development. This means that the payback from modernizing the line will correspond to the stated indicators.

Miscalculations can be avoided if you entrust the matter to professionals. Each step of the work will be documented. The delivery of the object will take place according to the stated requirements of the customer. Additional changes are possible during installation in agreement with the supplier’s specialists.


The work performed includes the following actions of the performer. Experienced specialists begin their preparation by inspecting the site. The project is analyzed by engineers and its compliance with real conditions is assessed. Based on the results, measuring instruments and technical means are selected for marking the main equipment installation points.

The requirements of GOSTs and other regulatory documents for the selected installation methods and the means used are compared. The qualifications of the customer’s employees, the availability of permits, tolerances for heights, cranes, and electrical work are checked. If the technical equipment does not meet the requirements, it is considered unsuitable for performing work. If they were provided by the customer, they will be returned or replaced with working equipment.

When all the nuances are agreed upon and documented, the actual installation begins. Only after checking the work by the customer’s employees is permission given to turn on individual components first, and then the entire installation. They strive to fine-tune operating modes, and train process personnel and technical services. The buyer is provided with documentation, applications, a list of spare parts with nomenclature for ordering.

There is no definition in the law of “installation supervision work”. This situation leads to the fact that there are no standards regarding the determination of the quality of work performed. At the moment, there is only one explanation, which implies performing installation actions of such a plan, connecting, and setting up equipment. They are carried out by the customer's personnel, under the supervision and direction of the supplier's personnel.

Often, installation supervision works mean a certain set of tasks that are performed according to the agreement, among them:

  1. Consultations regarding the selection and purchase of equipment.
  2. Monitoring the condition of goods during transportation.
  3. Technological control of the installation.
  4. Preliminary.
  5. Setup and adjustment during the first start-up of equipment.

Domestic actions include:

  • Correction of defects that arose during the production process.
  • Preparation work before installation.
  • Dismantling of old equipment.
  • Transportation to the installation site, storage if necessary.

Important! When concluding installation supervision deals, all even the smallest aspects that may affect the installation process are discussed.

Essence of services

The essence of installation supervision is that specialists in their field will carry out all the necessary manipulations in order for the equipment manufactured by them to work as needed. Moreover, the customer chooses the workers to perform such tasks, at least he has every right to do so. Although in this case the customer himself is responsible for the quality of installation manipulations.

Supervised installation is a guarantee of the correct choice of equipment, its installation, and the elimination of minor defects that were not noticeable during the production process. Often such specific services are underestimated primarily by manufacturers, because incorrect installation, and especially the first start-up of equipment, is dangerous for subsequent problems in operation, which means applying for warranty service.

Contract and work plan