Motherwort extract: instructions for use of tablets. Motherwort tablets - instructions for use Side effects of the drug. special instructions

The medicinal drug Motherwort is available in the form of tablets and tinctures. This remedy has sedative and hypotensive properties, and therefore is used in the treatment of mild arterial hypertension, insomnia, neurasthenia and other disorders. The safety of the use of the drug by children, pregnant women and patients who are breastfeeding is unproven. Hypotension, bradycardia and ulcer are among the contraindications of the drug.

Dosage form

Motherwort tablets are available in blisters of 10 pieces. In a cardboard box - one blister.

Motherwort tincture is sold in vials.

Description and composition

Motherwort tablets are flat-cylindrical units of the drug.

The tablets contain a thick extract of motherwort. Among the substances that have an auxiliary character:

  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • sucrose;
  • potato starch;
  • calcium stearate;
  • colloidal silicon dioxide;
  • povidone (medical low molecular weight polyvinylpyrrolidone).

The tincture is a clear liquid of a green-brown hue, the product has a bitter taste.

The composition of the tincture also contains an auxiliary component in the form of ethyl alcohol.

Pharmacological group

The drug Motherwort is classified as a sedative of plant etiology. The main component has hypotensive, sedative, cardiotonic and negative chronotropic properties. Motherwort has an intense calming effect, counteracts rapid and sluggish heartbeat. Another positive effect of Motherwort is lowering blood pressure. According to the mechanism of action, the drug is extremely similar to valerian.

Indications for use

The agent in both forms of release is aimed at sedative and hypotensive effects.

for adults

  • neurasthenia;
  • mild arterial hypertension;
  • insomnia;
  • nervous excitability.

Indications for the use of motherwort tincture:

  • neurotic disorders associated with sleep disturbance;
  • arterial hypertension at the initial stage;
  • tachycardia as a symptom of hyperthyroidism;
  • asthenoneurotic disorders associated with sleep disturbance;
  • vegetative neuroses before the onset of menopause, which are associated with increased blood pressure, tachycardia, or pain sensations of a cardial nature;
  • increased excitability as a clinical manifestation of hyperthyroidism;
  • neurasthenia;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • neurosis.

for kids

There are no data confirming the safety of the use of the drug in childhood. Therefore, the use in this category of patients is not recommended.

The safety of the use of Motherwort in pregnant women and in patients in the lactation period has not been confirmed. This fact makes it necessary to refrain from taking Motherwort in any of the dosage forms for these groups of patients.


Contraindications for both forms of release include:

  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • erosive gastritis (for tincture);
  • ulcerative lesions of the stomach and intestines;
  • bradycardia (for tincture);
  • arterial hypotension.

Applications and doses

The drug Motherwort in both forms of release is used by patients orally by mouth.

The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor, taking into account the nature of the disease that caused the drug to be taken, as well as all the features of the history and current state of the particular patient.

for adults

Adults use 30 to 50 drops 3-4 times a day.

In tablet form, you need to drink one unit of the drug 3 to 4 times a day.

for kids

for pregnant women and during lactation

Safety for pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding has not been confirmed.

Side effects

In some cases, when taking a drug-oriented drug Motherwort, side effects can occur, including allergic reactions or dyspeptic symptoms.

If any side effect occurs, the medicinal product is subject to immediate cancellation.

Interaction with other drugs

In general, Motherwort has a good degree of compatibility. The drug can be used simultaneously with heart medications and other sedative drugs.

special instructions

The development of the sedative effect is slow. The action of the drug Motherwort appears only by the end of the third or the beginning of the fourth week of use.

During the entire period of therapy with the drug Motherwort in any of its dosage forms, it is necessary to refrain from engaging in potentially hazardous activities. You should also be extremely careful when driving a car or other vehicle, or when working with mechanisms or devices, the handling of which requires an increased concentration of attention and a high speed of psychomotor reactions.


When using a substance in high dosages, lethargy, a decrease in the level of working capacity, and weakness may appear.

Storage conditions

Keep the drug Motherwort in a dry place, protected from direct sunlight. Storage should be carried out out of the reach of children at room temperature.

The shelf life of the drug in the form of tablets is 2 years, this period is twice as long for tincture and is 4 years. The use of the drug after the expiration of the specified period is strictly prohibited.


Drugs of drug etiology, presented below, have a similar effect to that of Motherwort.

The product is available in film-coated tablets. The drug belongs to a number of hypnotics and sedatives. Sanason is recommended for sleep disorders associated with sleep disturbance, frequent awakening at night, early morning awakening. Children under 6 years of age are not prescribed this drug.

The composition of the product contains flowers of heart-leaved linden, leaves of medicinal lemon balm, grass and leaves of medicinal sage. The drug is classified as a sedative and hypnotic. The drug is sold in the form of drops.

Antistress Labopharm

In addition to motherwort herb, this product contains rhizomes with medicinal valerian roots, medicinal lemon balm leaves and hop cones. The release is made in tablet form. Antistress Labopharm is used for sleep disorders. This medication belongs to a number of hypnotics and sedatives.


The cost of Motherwort is an average of 53 rubles. Prices range from 8 to 214 rubles.

Motherwort is one of the safest herbal preparations used in both folk and traditional medicine. How to drink motherwort in tablets, and what is the number of useful properties in it, you can find out by trying the medicine. The drug copes well with disorders of the nervous system, and is used as a sedative. Available in the form of tincture, crushed form, in briquettes and tablet form.

Motherwort tablets - medicinal properties and contraindications

Motherwort, the benefits and harms of which have long been tested even by traditional medicine, is used in the treatment of various pathologies. It has been proven that it can be used to cure many diseases of the nervous system, it is used both in individual treatment and in complex therapy. Motherwort is able to cope with hypertension, normalize hormonal levels and even help the digestive tract.

Tableted motherwort has the following healing properties:

  • stabilizes;
  • helps the work of the heart muscle;
  • has a calming effect;
  • heals wounds.

Tablets are applied in a course. They should be drunk an hour before meals and the average course of treatment is 1 month. How to drink motherwort in tablets is determined by a doctor who will help establish the required dose of medication. It is important to note that motherwort reduces concentration, so it is not recommended to drive after its use. The maximum dose of tablets per day is 4 pieces.

Motherwort - medicinal properties

What helps motherwort, and what is the effect of the drug on the body:

  • sedative;
  • sedative;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antispasmodic;
  • restorative;
  • motherwort has also been used as a diuretic.

It is able to stop bleeding, in combination with medications, it has an anticonvulsant effect, normalizes the hormonal background and the menstrual cycle. Dog nettle is a very useful herb, it has a large number of beneficial properties and affects the organs that a person needs for a full existence.

Motherwort is also used for diseases such as:

  • nervous deviations of different etiologies;
  • early stages of hypertension.

Motherwort - contraindications

For all its usefulness, motherwort extract also has a number of contraindications:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • hypotension;
  • stomach ulcer and gastritis;
  • recent abortions;
  • plant intolerance and allergic reactions;
  • children's age (up to 12 years).

Motherwort, excluding all its useful properties, has a number of side effects:

  • allergy;
  • rashes;
  • skin irritation.

How to take motherwort?

Motherwort in tablets should be started to drink only after visiting a doctor. Apply the drug either an hour before meals, or 2 hours after. It is necessary to drink motherwort at regular intervals. The maximum dose per day is 4 tablets. The course of treatment, as a rule, is determined by a specialist, but on average it ranges from 2 to 4 weeks. Do not self-medicate! The medicine, if used incorrectly, can cause irreparable harm to the body.

Motherwort in tablets from nerves

Motherwort has many health benefits, but it is best known for its sedative properties. It helps to overcome stress, quickly calms and copes with insomnia. Before you drink motherwort in tablets to calm down, it is important to know the rules for taking the medicine:

  1. It is necessary to take one tablet one hour before a meal or 2 hours after a meal.
  2. Drink the product with a small amount of water and lie down to rest.
  3. Within 15 minutes, the drug will begin to act and the person will be able to relax.

Motherwort tablets for insomnia

Motherwort is a herb that belongs to the group of sedatives, sedatives and hypnotics. However, tincture is more often prescribed. They produce it in glass vials and it is sold in all pharmacies in the country. The use of the drug in this case is long-term, since the action is based on a cumulative effect. With each day of use, sleep becomes calmer and longer. You can completely get rid of insomnia after 2-3 weeks from the start of treatment. For insomnia, it is recommended to drink 1 tablet 3 times a day for the time prescribed by the specialist.

Motherwort tablets for pressure

Motherwort extract in tablets is used for pressure drops only at the initial stage of the disease. If the disease lasts more than one year, then the drug is used in conjunction with other drugs. The effectiveness of motherwort in the treatment of hypertension is proved by the presence in its composition of substances such as quercetin and rutin. They are able to normalize the work of the heart muscle and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Motherwort also contains a number of vitamins that have a positive effect on the hematopoietic system and stabilize blood pressure. Multiplicity of reception: 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day.

Motherwort tablets for heart arrhythmia

Dog nettle has active compounds that help dilate arteries, reduce excitability and relieve spasms. All this has a beneficial effect on the heart and stabilizes its work. For treatment in this case, you can use all types of the drug, and the question of how to drink motherwort in this pathology does not have a definite answer. You can take the drug no more than 4 tablets per day, you need to drink 1-2 tablets at a time, depending on the appointments of a specialist, 2-3 times a day.

How long can you take motherwort tablets?

If we talk about how often you can drink motherwort in tablets, there are several application schemes here:

  1. The drug is used cyclically for 20 days. Break - 10 days. It is recommended to drink 3 courses, and then take a month break.
  2. The second scheme involves a monthly intake of motherwort with a 2-week break. The need to repeat the course is determined by the attending physician.

Motherwort during pregnancy

Often women doubt whether it is possible for pregnant women to drink motherwort tablets. With such a question, it is best to consult a doctor, because only he can determine how useful or harmful the use of the drug will be at a given time. Motherwort tablets are allowed for pregnant women, but it can only be used under medical supervision. A common type of drug for pregnant women is Motherwort forte. These tablets also contain B vitamins, which strengthen the nervous system. Before you drink motherwort tablets during gestation, you need to remember that the course is no more than 2 weeks with a maximum use of 3-4 tablets per day.

The article discusses motherwort extract. You will find out what pharmacological effect the medicine has, what indications and contraindications for use it has. We will tell you what side effects the drug causes, as well as whether it can be used in childhood and during pregnancy.

Appearance (photo) of motherwort extract in tablets Motherwort extract (lat. Leonuri extract) - a sedative of plant origin. The drug is compatible with cardiac and other sedatives. Motherwort enhances the action of analgesics and sleeping pills.

The sedative drug is produced in tablets, in the form of a dry herbal mixture and in liquid form in the form of an alcohol tincture. These drugs have a lasting therapeutic effect with prolonged use.

Composition of motherwort extract

The drug contains the main component - motherwort extract and the following auxiliary components:

  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • sucrose;
  • calcium stearate;
  • potato starch;
  • aerosil.

Some manufacturers enrich the motherwort extract with vitamins and trace elements, such as magnesium and vitamin B6.

pharmachologic effect

Motherwort extract has a sedative effect, reduces blood pressure and heart rate, while increasing their strength. The drug is taken for vegetative-vascular dystonia. By the nature of the action, the drug is close to its analogue - valerian.

Other useful properties:

  • antispasmodic;
  • restorative;
  • bactericidal;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • diuretic;
  • expectorant.

Due to a wide range of useful actions, the drug is used in the combined therapy of various diseases. Motherwort extract is effective in premenopausal and menopausal periods. The drug calms the nervous system, eliminates sudden mood swings and irritability.

Indications for use

Indications for use:

  • neurasthenia;
  • stress;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • psychoasthenia;
  • angina;
  • cardiosclerosis;
  • myocarditis;
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • insomnia.

Motherwort extract is used for epilepsy, gastrointestinal disorders and thrombosis. In homeopathy, the drug is used to treat hyperthyroidism and flatulence.

motherwort extract tablets

Before taking motherwort extract, read the instructions for use. It says how to take pills for adults and children:

  • adults - 1 tablet (14 mg) up to 4 times a day.
  • children from 8 years old - 1 tablet 2-3 times a day.

Motherwort extract is taken one hour before or 2 hours after meals. The duration of admission is selected individually, depending on the severity of the disease. The herbal preparation is suitable for long-term use. The maximum daily dose is 56 mg (4 tablets).

Learn more about motherwort in this video:

motherwort extract during pregnancy

Motherwort extract is taken during pregnancy only after consultation with a specialist. In this case, a tablet form of medicine or herbal teas is prescribed. Alcohol tinctures are contraindicated.

Motherwort extract calms the nervous system of the expectant mother, eliminates sudden mood swings, and normalizes sleep. The drug is prescribed in late pregnancy to reduce the tone of the uterus.

For the expectant mother, the daily norm of the drug is 2 tablets. Herbal tea drink no more than 1 cup per day.


Contraindications to the use of motherwort extract:

  • acute phase of gastric and duodenal ulcers;
  • erosive gastritis;
  • low blood pressure;
  • slow heart rate;
  • individual intolerance.

Motherwort extract in tablets is contraindicated in children under 8 years of age. Tincture - up to 3 years.

Side effects

Motherwort extract rarely causes side effects. Basically, these are manifestations of an allergic reaction - redness of the skin and itching. When taking the drug, the reaction rate decreases, so it is used with caution while driving a car and in any type of activity that requires a quick reaction.

In case of an overdose of the drug, an upset occurs in the digestive system. Appear nausea, vomiting, heartburn, heaviness in the stomach.

Motherwort is a medicinal plant known for its soothing properties. In medicine, two of its varieties are used - "five-lobed" and cardiac.

Fans of collecting herbs, making preparations, can find it on the outskirts of forests, in wastelands, on roadsides.

Ready-made forms of medicine are used more often - tablets, infusions, extracts, drops.

Motherwort herb tablets (Latin name Herba Leonuri) in the pharmacopoeia are in the group of sedatives (sedatives). According to the international classification of diseases ICD-10, they are used for the following diseases:

  • dysfunction (dysfunction) of the autonomic nervous system;
  • nervousness, restlessness and agitation;
  • primary (essential) and secondary hypertension.

The therapeutic effect is due to the complex chemical composition. Components of flavonoid glycosides, alkaloids, mineral salts, vitamin C, tannins, and some other compounds cause a wider spectrum of effects.

Main healing properties:

  1. soothing. Expressed in those suffering from pathology of the central and peripheral nervous system. Their excessive activity is reduced. The pain associated with dysfunction of the nerve centers subsides. Moderate hypnotic effect, anticonvulsant with muscle spasm.
  2. Influence on the heart and blood vessels. With an increase in blood pressure at the initial stage of the disease, the herb reduces it, has a diuretic effect. In the work of the heart, muscle contractions become less frequent, normal rhythm is restored by stimulating the activity of the myocardium (heart muscle).

Additionally, there is an antispasmodic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and wound healing, strengthening effect on the body.

Glucose is normalized, normal metabolic rates of a diabetic patient are restored.

For bones and joints, a positive point is a decrease in the content of lactic and pyruvic acids. The herb has a beneficial effect on the content of cholesterol, blood lipids in atherosclerosis, hypertension, reducing their number.


Neuroses, neurasthenia and psychopathy, epileptic convulsions, insomnia. In a state of depression, psycho-emotional stress helps to fight irritability, mood swings, negative emotions. Improves mood, has an analgesic anti-spastic effect by relieving muscle spasm during menstruation, menopause, during uterine bleeding. Relieves pain in traumatic brain injury.

It is used for tachycardia, heart failure, coronary heart disease, myocarditis, hypertension and symptomatic increases in blood pressure.

It is used in the treatment of ulcerative lesions and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, hyperthyroidism (excessive thyroid function). It alleviates the condition in case of pneumonia with a strong cough, in bronchial asthma with frequent shortness of breath.

Release form

The tool is freely sold in pharmacies. It exists in several dosage forms - dragees, tablets, infusion, extracts (dry, liquid), alcohol tincture. The collection of crushed dry grass in cardboard boxes is used to prepare the infusion.

The factories that produce the medicine determine the dosage form themselves. They decide whether the motherwort will be a component for biologically active additives, herbal preparations or released in its pure form.

Optimal therapeutic doses depend on the form of release.

Tablets (Leonuri extract) - gray or white, film-coated.

Tincture (Tinctura Leonuri) - is made on the basis of 70% alcohol in a dilution of 1:5.

It looks like a green, with a noticeable brown tint, a transparent liquid in dark bottles to protect from sunlight, with built-in droppers. There is a slight specific smell, the taste is bitter. It is taken 30-50 drops x 3-4 times a day 30-60 minutes before meals. You can soften the unpleasant taste of grass by adding 1/4 cup of cold boiled water to the drops.

An infusion is prepared from the dried herb (Herba Leonuri). 15 g (1 tablespoon) pour 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 2 hours in a sealed container. Strain the prepared solution. Drink 1/3 cup x 2 times an hour before meals.

Nuances of application

A feature of the treatment is a long-term cumulative healing effect. The result of the therapeutic effect is expected for many drugs by the end of the 3-4th week of administration. Some of them are taken for a long time and even for life.

Motherwort is also no exception: it is used for a long time, up to 4-6 weeks.

Herbal intake, dose and method of use depend on the stage of the pathological process and the severity of the course of the disease, the age of the patient, the presence of concomitant diseases.


General restrictions:

  • selective intolerance to chemical components, an allergic reaction to grass;
  • hypotension (low blood pressure);
  • bradycardia (slow heart rate), arrhythmia (unstable heart rhythm);
  • erosive gastritis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer;
  • malabsorption syndrome (violation of the absorption function of the small intestine);
  • lack or intolerance to lactose, sucrose, impaired carbohydrate metabolism, severe diabetes mellitus;
  • pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum breastfeeding;
  • children's age up to 12 years.

The herbal remedy suppresses the activity of the nervous system: it exacerbates the processes of inhibition, reduces activity, concentration, attention.

Do not use in patients with diseases accompanied by depression, lethargy. Contraindicated for drivers of all categories of vehicles, aviators. The list includes professions related to concentration, concentration, quick reaction.

Side symptoms:

  1. Nervous system- lethargy, apathy, drowsiness.
  2. Gastrointestinal tract- dyspeptic disorders (loose stools), belching, nausea, vomiting.
  3. Skin- dryness, itching, rashes like hives, pallor, puffiness.

Overdose is rare. It resembles the symptoms of acute chemical poisoning. The activity of the nervous and cardiovascular systems is disrupted.

Is it dangerous during pregnancy

The hormonal background of a woman, her mental state is changing radically. Bearing a child is accompanied by stressful situations, increased blood pressure, heart palpitations, and toxicosis. In order to eliminate these symptoms, soothing herbs are prescribed - valerian, motherwort.

Categorically, you should not use the drug without the advice of a doctor.

Grass further improves digestion, relaxes the muscles of the uterus with increased tone. Improves the general well-being of a woman, normalizes sleep.

Being an antispasmodic, it indirectly causes miscarriage or premature birth. Its ability to thin the blood is a risk factor for uterine bleeding.

Do not forget about allergies. Absolutely contraindicated in breastfeeding.

In rare cases, it can be prescribed to a nursing mother with postpartum depression, with overexcitation, restless behavior of the child.

Application in pediatric practice

Pharmaceutical enterprises do not produce special dosage forms of motherwort for children. A consultation with a pediatrician and a pediatric neurologist is required.

Restless children from the age of one month can be bathed in a decoction of grass, and a decoction can be given inside from three months. Under its influence, babies calm down well. In newborns, flatulence disappears, sleep improves.

The decoction perfectly relieves nervous tension, relaxes the spasm of the abdominal muscles and lulls the child. From the age of 12, children are given half the adult dose of any dosage form. Alcohol tinctures are excluded from the list for children. Indications, contraindications as in adult patients.

Instructions for use of motherwort extract in tablets - just a fact-finding information, not a recommendation for treatment. Motherwort belongs to sedative drugs, therefore, it can give pronounced side effects, has a number of contraindications and age restrictions. Before starting treatment, a medical consultation is recommended.

Motherwort is a sedative known in folk and traditional medicine. As a pharmacological raw material, two closely related types of motherwort are used - five-lobed and hearty. A dry extract is obtained from the herb, from which tablets and capsules are made. Read more about other dosage forms and read our other article.

Features of motherwort in tablets

The instructions for use of motherwort extract in tablets indicate that the sedative effect occurs slowly, like that of valerian. The substance should accumulate in the body and begins to act in the second or third week of admission.

Composition and packaging

As part of the tablets - dry extract of motherwort five-lobed and heart (14 mg per tablet) and excipients (cellulose, sucrose, starch, colloidal silicon dioxide, calcium stearate, monohydrate and others). Tablets are packed in blisters of 10 pieces.

pharmachologic effect

Motherwort five-lobed and heart are listed in the State Pharmacopoeia of Russia and belong to the group of sedative, hypnotic drugs of plant origin. In addition, the herb has a number of other healing properties:

  • antispasmodic;
  • painkiller;
  • hemostatic;
  • astringent;
  • cardiotonic;
  • bactericidal;
  • restorative;
  • hypotensive;
  • diuretic;
  • expectorant;
  • antipyretic;
  • diaphoretic;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • anti-inflammatory.

Indications for use

  • Functional disorders of the central nervous system. The drug is indicated for increased nervous excitability, insomnia, anxiety, anxiety, panic attacks. It is used in complex therapy for epilepsy, paralysis, convulsions of various origins. The instructions for motherwort in tablets indicate that the herb helps to quickly fall asleep and relax the nervous system, but helps with mild forms of sleep disturbance, in the initial stages of neurosis. For example, neurotic states that turn into manic-depressive psychoses require a serious integrated approach to treatment and observation by a psychiatrist and work with a psychotherapist.
  • Hypertension. The herb helps at the initial stage of hypertension, normalizes high blood pressure and heart rate, relieves spasms and headaches.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Tablets are prescribed for various heart ailments - tachycardia, angina pectoris, cardioneurosis, shortness of breath and edema in heart failure, myocarditis. Increasingly, motherwort is prescribed for vegetovascular dystonia (VVD), when diseases of the nervous system, heart and blood vessels are of a psychosomatic nature. The herb stimulates blood circulation, relieves spasms of cerebral vessels, and helps with atherosclerosis.

In addition to the main indications mentioned in the leaflet, there are other appointments. A doctor may recommend this drug for the following symptoms and conditions:

  • digestive disorders;
  • spasms, colic of the stomach and intestines;
  • flatulence;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • swelling in renal and heart failure;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • hyperthyroidism.

Dosage and method of administration

How to take motherwort extract tablets? It is important to remember that sedatives and sleeping pills are taken only on prescription. Only a specialist can assess the clinical condition of the patient, determine the severity of the disease, the severity of symptoms.

  • Dosage The maximum daily dose of the drug is 56 mg, that is, 4 tablets. It is advisable to take them at regular intervals to maintain the sedative effect. It is not recommended to take double doses to achieve a rapid therapeutic effect. This can lead to overdose and intoxication.
  • A course of treatment . To achieve a therapeutic effect and consolidate it, the grass is drunk for a long course. It may take 2 to 4 weeks. A second course after a break in treatment may be prescribed at the discretion of the doctor.
  • Acceptance conditions. The drug is recommended to be taken 1 hour before meals or 2 hours after. The tablet is swallowed whole with a sufficient amount of water.

drug interaction

You can drink motherwort extract with other sedative and heart medications. But it should be remembered that the herb can enhance their effect. Also, the drug potentiates the effect on the body of analgesics and antihypertensive drugs. It is not recommended to take motherwort with alcohol, as the herb enhances its effect.

Side effect of the drug

Side effects can be observed with individual intolerance to the herb, overdose, long-term treatment, combination of pills with alcohol or other drugs. How are side effects manifested?

  • Digestive disorders. Nausea, belching, vomiting, heartburn, heaviness in the stomach, diarrhea.
  • Allergic manifestations. Redness of the skin, urticaria, itching, swelling.
  • Disorders from the nervous system. Severe drowsiness, lethargy, decreased intellectual and physical capacity for work, dizziness, confusion.

With all the above symptoms, you should stop taking the medication and seek medical help.

special instructions

Sedative, hypnotic effect of the drug can affect the speed of psychomotor reactions. Therefore, it is not recommended to take pills when driving vehicles, working with mechanisms, in any type of activity that requires speed of reactions.

Storage conditions and shelf life

The drug should be stored in a dry, dark place at room temperature not exceeding 25°C. Tablets should be kept out of the reach of children. Expiration date - 24 months. After the expiration date, the use is not permissible.

What are the contraindications of motherwort tablets? Hypotension, bradycardia (slow heartbeat), individual intolerance to the herb extract and other excipients, varicose veins, acute forms of stomach ulcers and erosive gastritis. Also, in the official instructions, it is forbidden to take pills during pregnancy and during feeding, for children under 12 years old.

Application features

How is the drug used in adults and children? What preparations based on motherwort can be purchased at the pharmacy today?

A variety of preparations based on motherwort

Motherwort is a valuable pharmacological raw material. Based on the dry extract of the herb, tablets are made with the same spectrum of action, but different in price, packaging, with different commercial names. Today, motherwort can be bought not only in pharmacies, but also in phytopharmacies, online stores of herbal preparations that offer dietary supplements (BAA). It is important to know that taking dietary supplements based on motherwort is not recommended without consulting a doctor. It is also necessary to pay attention to the certification of pharmacy products. Reviews of such drugs are most often positive, but you should not rely on them and self-medicate.

More about "Motherwort Forte"

"Motherwort forte" in tablets (capsules) differs from other drugs in that it contains magnesium and vitamin B6. They enhance the action of motherwort. The drug belongs to food additives, is valued for its high content of glycosides. These substances have sedative, diuretic, bactericidal properties, hormonal activity, and have a beneficial effect on cardiac activity. "Motherwort forte (Evalar)" is prescribed as a sedative, hypnotic for functional disorders of the nervous system. Also, the drug has cardiotonic, diuretic, anticonvulsant properties. The instructions for use of Motherwort Forte in tablets indicate the average dosage for adults: 1-2 tablets 2 times a day (with meals!). The course of treatment and dosage is prescribed by the doctor, based on the individual characteristics of the body, the clinical picture.

Use in men, women, children

  • What is useful motherwort for men. Tablets are prescribed for all the above diagnoses and symptoms, regardless of gender. The medicine helps with diseases of the prostate gland, inflammation of the urogenital area. Tablets are drunk in a long course under the supervision of a physician. It is important to remember the effect of motherwort on psychomotor reactions and not to drink pills while driving a car, a professional activity that requires concentration.
  • What is motherwort useful for women. The herb is especially useful for severe premenstrual syndrome (PMS), in the premenopausal period. The drug restores hormonal levels, normalizes metabolism and thyroid function, calms the nervous system, relieves attacks of fear, anxiety, irritability, panic attacks. Also, the drug can be prescribed as a hemostatic agent for uterine bleeding, but more often with this symptom, water and alcohol infusion of motherwort is used. The decision on the use of motherwort tablets during pregnancy and lactation is made by the doctor. Read more about the various dosage forms in our other article.
  • Benefits for children. Self-administration of the drug in children of any age is prohibited. Only a doctor after diagnosis and an internal examination can assess the condition of the child, calculate the correct dosage and course of treatment. How to drink motherwort tablets for children? This dosage form is strictly contraindicated for children under 3 years of age. The child should be able to safely swallow tablets and drink them with water. But even at 3 years old, not all children are able to do this. Therefore, up to this age, water infusions and teas based on motherwort are prescribed. Tablets are most often prescribed to children of primary school age and adolescents. The main indications for use: restless sleep, excitation of the nervous system, outbursts of aggression, irritability, signs of hyperactivity.

The drug is equally useful for men, women and children. Grass increases resistance to stress, well relaxes muscles and nervous system, relieves emotional stress. It is only important to correctly calculate the age dosage. After all, motherwort, like all sedative drugs, with an overdose gives pronounced side effects. But at a low dose, its therapeutic effect will be quite low.

Motherwort in tablets is indicated for neurosis, insomnia, physical and mental overwork, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, at the initial stage of hypertension. In complex therapy, the drug is prescribed for digestive disorders, urinary excretion, problems with metabolism. This is the first sedative for women with PMS and in the premenopausal period.