Taking nandrolone. Medicinal reference book geotar. The use of the substance Nandrolone

Available in the forms of decanoate and phenylpropionate. Nandrolone in the form of decanoate, known as nandrolone decanoate(slang name "deca"), is a more popular AS and is much more common than nandrolone in the form of phenylpropionate ( nandrolone phenylpropionate). Therefore, this article will mainly focus on nandrolone decanoate.

Deca is considered a classic anabolic steroid. The practice of its use began in the 60s of the last century, in this regard, this drug is well studied and has many recommendations regarding its correct, competent use.

Like many anabolic steroids, Deca was developed for use in medicine: for faster recovery of damaged tissues after operations, injuries, etc. Over time, the properties of the deck were noticed by athletes, and gradually it gained popularity and fame in the gyms. This drug is produced under the brands Deca-Durabolin and Retabolil.

Difference Between Nandrolone Decanoate and Nandrolone Phenyl

Due to the fact that the active substance of these drugs is the same (nandrolone), the effects of them are very similar. The main difference between decanoate and phenylpropionate is the half-life, with deca being 7-10 days and nandrolone phenylpropionate being 2-4 days.

Nandrolone phenylpropionate has the following features and differences from the deck:

  • retains less water
  • has the same side effects as Deca, but the frequency of their occurrence is lower;
  • the frequency of injections is higher (every 3-4 days);
  • own testosterone is restored a little faster than after the deck.

All other effects and performance characteristics are approximately the same as those of nandrolone decanoate.

Nandrolone phenylpropionate is usually combined with other AS. Weekly dosages are the same as for the deck (200-400 mg), only the frequency of injections is higher (every 3-4 days, the average dosage of one injection is 50-100 mg). Usually nandrolone phenylpropionate is combined with Winstrol, turinabol, methandrostenolone and testosterones ( propik/enanthate).

Deca steroid

Deca acts slowly, so weight gain occurs gradually. Athletes who practice nandrolone note good muscle growth, a significant increase in strength and endurance. On average, athletes gain up to 6-8 kg of meat per course.

Retabolil retains water in the body. This allows you to reduce pain / discomfort in the joints and ligaments (for example: eliminates crunching and discomfort in the shoulder joints). Also, this drug helps to strengthen the immune system and bone tissue, increases the number of red blood cells, which improves the transport of oxygen throughout the body. It is worth noting that the deck is practically non-toxic to the liver.

Unlike testosterone, deca does not have a carbon atom in position 19, so androgenic action of this drug is much less than that of drugs based on testosterone. Usually athletes do not conduct a solo course of nandrolone. This is due to a decrease in libido, suppression of testosterone levels, etc. Most often, retabolil is combined with testosterone or Winstrol (the latter has antiprogestin activity).

Deca-durabolin course

The period of activity of retabolil is 15 days, so injections are usually carried out once a week. The average optimal dose of nandrolone is 200-400 mg per week (200 mg is enough for beginners). Sometimes athletes exceed the recommended dosages, but along with them, the frequency and strength of side effects increase.

The optimal course length is 8 weeks. If this line is exceeded (or large dosages), it should be used gonadotropin, which must be connected from the 4th week of the course and administered 2 times a week at a dosage of 250-500 IU.

Also, do not forget to connect cabergoline on the course (take 0.25 mg every 4th day, starting from the 2nd and ending 3 weeks after the last injection). This will allow you to eliminate progesterone activity.

PCT after deck

In the last week of the course and during the next 3-4 weeks, you must connect clomid, it contributes to the restoration of the level of " test". It is worth taking 50-100 mg per day, gradually reducing the dosage.

Do not forget that tamoxifen on the PKT after the deck can not be used. Also, nandrolone cannot be combined with other progestins (trenbolone, anadrol, anadrol).

To get the maximum effect from the use of AS, you need to eat right and adhere to the regime, it is also advisable to use sports supplements: protein, gainer, creatine, vitamin and mineral complexes, amino acids, BCAA etc. Take extra during PCT testosterone boosters.

Deca-Durabolin Side Effects

Deca not aromatizes, however, in a small amount (4-5 times less than testosterone) is still converted into estrogens. Periodically, athletes report increased pressure, acne and headaches.

Retabolil has progestogenic activity, which, against the background of a reduced amount of testosterone, entails a number of unpleasant side effects, such as:

  • weak erection/impaired libido (known among athletes as "deca dik"). It takes approximately 3-4 weeks to recover);
  • gynecomastia(popularly: "prolactin gyno"). Nandrolone-induced gynecomastia is different from "standard gynecomastia": it doesn't itch or itch, so it's usually not a cause for concern. You can determine it by touch, as in the area of ​​​​the nipples there is a seal and swelling.

In order to minimize side effects, it is necessary to use

Included in medications

Included in the list (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2782-r dated December 30, 2014):




A.14.A.B.01 Nandrolone


Stimulation of anabolic processes in tissues, reduction of catabolic processes, increase in erythropoietin production, increase in hemoglobin concentration and increase in red blood cell volume. Anabolic, antianemic, antineoplastic pharmacological effects.


The maximum concentration of nandrolone decanoate after intramuscular injection at a dose of 100 mg is 3-6 days, nandrolone fenpropionate is 1-2 days. Metabolism in the liver to various forms of 17-ketosteroids. Elimination by the kidneys (90%) and faeces (10%).


diabetic retinopathy; progressive muscular dystrophy; Werdnig-Hoffmann syndrome; conditions characterized by a negative balance of calcium ions (senile and postmenopausal osteoporosis, long-term therapy with glucocorticoids); an increase in catabolic processes that deplete the body's resources (chronic infectious diseases, severe injuries, extensive surgical interventions, steroid myopathy); anemia in chronic renal failure, myelofibrosis, myelosclerosis, myeloid bone marrow aplasia (refractory to conventional therapy), bone marrow damage by metastases of malignant neoplasms, myelotoxic drugs and heavy metal salts; inoperable (with metastases) breast carcinoma in postmenopausal women or after oophorectomy; growth retardation in children caused by growth hormone deficiency.

VI.G70-G73.G73.7* Myopathy in other diseases classified elsewhere

VI.G70-G73.G73.6* Myopathy in metabolic disorders

VI.G70-G73.G73.5* Myopathy in endocrine diseases

VI.G70-G73.G72.9 Myopathy, unspecified

VI.G70-G73.G72.4 Inflammatory myopathy, not elsewhere classified

VI.G70-G73.G72.2 Myopathy caused by another toxic substance

VI.G70-G73.G72.1 Alcoholic myopathy

VI.G70-G73.G72.0 drug myopathy

VI.G70-G73.G71.3 Mitochondrial myopathy, not elsewhere classified

XIII.M80-M85.M82.8* Osteoporosis in other diseases classified elsewhere

XIII.M80-M85.M82.1* Osteoporosis in endocrine disorders (E00-E34+)

XIII.M80-M85.M82.0* Osteoporosis in multiple myelomatosis (C90.0+)

XIII.M80-M85.M82* Osteoporosis in diseases classified elsewhere

XIII.M80-M85.M81.9 Osteoporosis, unspecified

XIII.M80-M85.M81.8 Other osteoporosis

XIII.M80-M85.M81.6 Localized osteoporosis [Lequena]

XIII.M80-M85.M81.5 Idiopathic osteoporosis

XIII.M80-M85.M81.4 Drug osteoporosis

XIII.M80-M85.M81.3 Post-surgical osteoporosis due to malabsorption

XIII.M80-M85.M81.2 Osteoporosis due to immobility

XIII.M80-M85.M81.0 Postmenopausal osteoporosis

XIII.M80-M85.M81 Osteoporosis without pathological fracture

XIII.M80-M85.M80.9 Osteoporosis with pathological fracture, unspecified

XIII.M80-M85.M80.8 Other osteoporosis with pathologic fracture

XIII.M80-M85.M80.5 Idiopathic osteoporosis with pathologic fracture

XIII.M80-M85.M80.4 Drug-induced osteoporosis with pathologic fracture

XIII.M80-M85.M80.3 Post-surgical osteoporosis with pathologic fracture due to intestinal malabsorption

XIII.M80-M85.M80.2 Osteoporosis with pathological fracture caused by immobility

XIII.M80-M85.M80.1 Osteoporosis with pathological fracture after ovariectomy

XIII.M80-M85.M80.0 Postmenopausal osteoporosis with pathologic fracture

XIII.M80-M85.M80 Osteoporosis with pathological fracture


Hypersensitivity, prostate cancer, malignant tumors of the breast in men, breast carcinoma in women with hypercalcemia (capable of activating osteoclasts and causing bone resorption), pregnancy (has embryotoxicity, fetotoxicity, can cause muscularization of the female fetus); acute and chronic liver diseases, including alcoholic lesions; nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, pregnancy, lactation.


Renal failure, heart failure, old age, children under 18 years of age.

Pregnancy and lactation:

The use is contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation.

Dosage and administration:

Intramuscularly, deeply. Nandrolone decanoate: for anemia (simultaneously with iron preparations) - 100-200 mg (for women - 50-100 mg) 1 time per week; to stimulate anabolic processes - 50-200 mg (for women - 50-100 mg) 1 time in 1-4 weeks; children 2-13 years old - 25-50 mg once every 3-4 weeks. Duration of the course (with a 1-4-week interval between injections) - up to 12 weeks, a second course - 8 weeks after the last injection of the drug. Treatment is carried out against the background of a diet rich in proteins. With breast carcinoma (nandrolone phenylpropionate) - 50-100 mg once a week; the duration of the course is individual.

Side effects:

In men and women - the progression of atherosclerosis (an increase in LDL concentration and a decrease in HDL concentration), iron deficiency anemia, peripheral edema, dyspeptic disorders (abdominal and epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting), impaired liver function with jaundice, leukemia-like syndrome (changes in leukocyte formula, pain in long bones), hypocoagulation with bleeding tendency, hepatonecrosis (dark stools, bloody vomiting, headache, discomfort, respiratory failure), hepatocellular carcinoma, hepatic purpura (dark urine, discoloration of stools, urticaria, punctate or macular hemorrhagic rashes on the skin and mucous membranes, pharyngitis or tonsillitis), cholestatic hepatitis (yellow staining of the sclera and skin, pain in the right hypochondrium, dark-colored urine, discolored stools). In women, virilism (enlargement of the clitoris, coarsening of the voice, dys- and amenorrhea, male-type hair growth), hypercalcemia (CNS depression, nausea, vomiting, fatigue). In men: in the prepubertal period - virilism (acne, penis enlargement, priapism, the formation of secondary sexual characteristics), idiopathic hyperpigmentation of the skin, slowing or cessation of growth (calcification of the epiphyseal growth zones of tubular bones); in the post-pubertal period - irritation of the bladder (increased frequency of urges), compaction of the mammary glands, gynecomastia, priapism, in old age - hypertrophy and / or carcinoma of the prostate.


Manifestations of toxic liver damage.

Treatment is symptomatic.


Glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, corticotropin, sodium-containing drugs and sodium-rich foods potentiate (mutually) fluid retention in the body, increase the risk of edema, and increase the severity of acne. Enhances the effects of antiplatelet agents, indirect anticoagulants, insulin and oral antidiabetic agents (inhibits their biotransformation), weakens growth hormone and its derivatives (accelerates the mineralization of the epiphyseal growth zones of tubular bones). Reduces hepatotoxicity of other drugs.

Special instructions:

To achieve the optimal therapeutic effect during the treatment period, the patient should receive adequate amounts of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals with food.

If signs of virilization appear, it should be canceled.

Anabolic steroids can cause an increase in glucose tolerance and reduce the need for insulin and other hypoglycemic drugs in patients with diabetes mellitus.

The use of anabolic steroids to stimulate athletic qualities can cause serious harm to health and is unacceptable.


A14AB01 (Nandrolone)

Before using the drug NANDROLONE you should consult your doctor. These instructions for use are for informational purposes only. For more information, please refer to the manufacturer's annotation.

Clinical and pharmacological group

16.038 (Anabolic steroid for systemic use - depot form)

pharmachologic effect

Long acting anabolic steroid. Stimulates protein synthesis in the body, contributes to the retention of nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, potassium in the body. Promotes fixation of calcium in the bones, an increase in bone mass in osteoporosis. It causes an increase in appetite, an increase in muscle mass with a corresponding increase in body weight. In women with disseminated breast carcinoma, it improves the condition for many months. Characterized by long-term action.


Nandrolone is metabolized in the liver. The following metabolites are determined in the urine: 19-norandrosterone, 19-norethiocholanolone and 19-norepiandrosterone. It is not known whether these metabolites have pharmacological activity.


Apply at a dose of 50 mg / m 1 time in 3 weeks. In cases of violation of protein metabolism, it is possible to use a lower dose - 25 mg intramuscularly 1 time in 3 weeks.

drug interaction

Clinical data on drug interactions with nandrolone are limited.

Pregnancy and lactation

Nandrolone is contraindicated for use during pregnancy and lactation.


Side effects are most likely when using nandrolone in high doses.

On the part of the endocrine system: virilization in girls, women (coarsening of the voice, male pattern hair growth) and boys in the prepubertal period; amenorrhea, impaired spermatogenesis.

From the side of metabolism: premature ossification of the epiphyses and growth retardation are possible; fluid retention in the body.


Cachexia of various etiologies; asthenia; osteoporosis; the need to accelerate regeneration (including fractures, injuries); violations of protein metabolism after severe injuries, operations, burns, radiation therapy, with infectious diseases accompanied by protein loss; with diabetic retinopathy, nephropathy; growth stimulation in children with growth retardation; the need for long-term anabolic therapy with progressive muscular dystrophy, osteoporosis and cancer; disseminated breast cancer in women.


Prostate cancer, acute and chronic prostatitis, breast cancer in men, hepatitis, acute liver dystrophy, pregnancy, lactation.

special instructions

To achieve the optimal therapeutic effect during the treatment period, the patient should receive adequate amounts of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals with food.

If signs of virilization appear, nandrolone should be discontinued.

Anabolic steroids can cause an increase in glucose tolerance and reduce the need for insulin and other hypoglycemic drugs in patients with diabetes mellitus.

The use of anabolic steroids to stimulate athletic qualities can cause serious harm to health and is unacceptable.

To date nandrolone decanoate (DECA) received the greatest distribution and popularity among injectable anabolic steroids.

Nandrolone (19-testosterone), an anabolic steroid, was synthesized in the fiftieth year of the last century. The structure of all anabolic androgenic is similar to the structure of testosterone (male sex hormone). However, artificial analogues contribute much better to building muscle mass (anabolic effect). Nandrolone is a classic representative of anabolics. Conducted studies have shown that in terms of the time of exposure to cellular receptors, which play an important role in the course of anabolic processes, it surpasses substances that have a similar formula. This was the reason for the success of nandrolone. In Hungary, nandrolone decanoate was produced under the name Retabolil. In the US and Western countries, it is known as "Deca-Durabolin". One ampoule of retabolil contains fifty milligrams of the active substance. The effect after using nandrolone lasts two weeks. The properties of nandrolone determine its use in recovery from injuries, in the treatment of dystrophy, in the postoperative and post-infarction periods. When the drug enters the female body, an increase in hemoglobin is observed, a decrease in calcium loss by bone tissue. For people whose activities are associated with constant physical exertion (circus and ballet artists), a busy work schedule (show business stars), a course of injections is sometimes simply necessary and becomes a way out of a difficult situation. Many doctors, biologists, physiologists consider the concept of the IOC (International Olympic Committee), which has declared a real war on doping, wrong and to some extent criminal. The fact is that the ban on nandrolone by this organization, supposedly guarding the health of athletes and fair competition, leads athletes to search for alternatives, which consist in the use of little-studied drugs that are more toxic and harmful to health.

Properties of nandrolone

The structural difference between nandrolone and testosterone is the absence of the first methyl group 19 in the molecule, which caused the spread of the name 19-nortestosterone. This gave the substance the ability to better stabilize androgen receptors. In other words, the time of action of nandrolone increases by about two to three times compared to the time of action of testosterone, and the longer the receptor remains activated, the more protein is synthesized by the cell. There is also a negative point: free nandrolone degenerates into dihydronandrolone (DGN), which is two to three times inferior to nandrolone in efficiency, impairs the ability of nerve fibers to transmit signals, which negatively affects neuromuscular stimulation and libido. True, nandrolone is not so active in the prostate, skin, so athletes taking this drug are less prone to acne, prostate hypertrophy,.

The effect of aromatase on the course of nandrolone is not so significant. But as a result of a chemical reaction, estrogen is still produced, albeit in small quantities. We should not forget about the progestogenic activity of 19-nortestosterone. Those who have a total dose of the drug in excess of six hundred milligrams per week put themselves at risk of developing gynecomastia.


The choice of method of application of the drug is due to genetic differences. For some, nandrolone is simply a miracle cure. Others, whose body does not interact well with the "long esters" of nandrolone, are at risk of acquiring health problems. This result is due to the presence in the muscle fibers of a large amount of 5-alpha-reductose, when it is possible to replace 19-nortestosterone with phenylpropionate, or increased sensitivity to progesterone. In the second case, the way out is to use nandrolone together with stanazolol or to prevent the weekly dose from exceeding three hundred to four hundred milligrams. For athletes who do not have the above features, the use of nandrolone will greatly facilitate weight gain. The purpose of testosterone and nandrolone is to activate satellite cells and increase IGF-1, which stimulates muscle hyperplasia, but the dosage of the latter should exceed six hundred milligrams per week. Based on the properties of nandrolone, capable of retaining water, its use during the "drying" before the competition is impractical.

Previously, there was an opinion that the retention of fluid in the body under the influence of nandrolone is one of the factors in the accumulation of water in the joint capsules, which makes the joints have a beneficial effect. In fact, the mechanism of functioning of 19-nortestosterone is somewhat more complicated.

The drug does not cause additional influx of water into the joint bags. Thanks to nandrolone, water simply does not leave them. This process is explained by the fact that nandrolone is a very strong progestin, which has a fifth of the power of progesterone, and can turn into estradiol, which is responsible for water retention in tissues. Assessing the properties inherent in nandrolone, one cannot fail to note its superiority over other drugs that have antiestrogenic (drostanolone) and antiprogestogenic (stanozolol) activity. Making a cycle of trenbolone, stanozolol, drostanolone can become a factor in causing damage to the joints during a strenuous training process. Do not forget: if a certain concentration of estrogens and progestins is exceeded in the blood plasma, then an anti-inflammatory effect is observed. Nandrolone has progestogenic activity, the ability to convert to estradiol, which determines the possibility of a beneficial effect on the joints. In this regard, nandrolone is significantly superior to oxymetholone, methandrostenolone, testosterone.

Nandrolone not only affects the increase in muscle mass. When it is taken, strength indicators increase significantly. Most athletes, whose weekly dose is at least four hundred milligrams, confirm this. True, there is one very important negative factor: the suppression of endogenous testosterone production by 19-nortestosterone leads to a deterioration in the conductivity of nerve fibers and erectile dysfunction. Not everyone is ready to sacrifice their intimate life. The way out of the situation is seen in the use of some strong androgen, for example, testosterone, in combination with nandrolone.

When using the deck, there are usually no serious side effects. However, when the weekly dosage exceeds four hundred milligrams, it is not uncommon for blood pressure to rise. Against the background of a deterioration in blood clotting, this leads to nosebleeds, poor wound healing, the work of the sebaceous glands in forced mode, acne, and severe headaches. The maximum increase in the dose is fraught with a violation in the work of the testicles, which begin to produce less testosterone, which causes a delay in the release of gonadotropins by the pituitary gland.

The high progestogenic activity of nandrolone leads to erectile dysfunction and gynecomastia.

Dosing methods

Achieving a noticeable effect from taking nandrolone is possible with dosages of two hundred milligrams per week and above. Some professional athletes have given themselves a daily dose of eight hundred milligrams. It is difficult to say how expedient this is today. Indeed, recently there has been a tendency to abandon nandrolone decanoate. World-class bodybuilders consider this drug to be exhausted and obsolete. However, people who do not think about sports achievements and simply want to have a beautiful body can be advised to set an upper limit for themselves of one gram of nandrolone per week.

Nandrolone decanoate has a fairly long half-life, so it is advisable to stop at one injection per week. True, there is another opinion. Many believe that to maintain a stable level of the hormone, it is better to inject long-lived drugs into the body more often.

How to combine deca with other steroids

It is not so often to meet people who have chosen nandrolone as the only steroid in the cycle. Rather, it is the lot of testosterone and trenbolone. Usually combine drugs that are synergists. The scheme for taking nandrolone with is considered effective. Even greater efficiency is achieved by those who include testosterone in the complex with nandrolone (the ratio of nandrolone and testosterone is 1: 2). The second method is also a kind of insurance against potency problems. The combination of the three drugs listed above is the best option for those who want to gain weight in the shortest possible time.

It is worth cautioning zealous followers of dubious ideas, taking on faith everything they are told. The use of nandrolone with other progestins (, trenbolone) is dangerous and can lead to negative consequences, causing the abandonment of anabolic steroids for a long time.

The use of the deck by women

In the middle of the last century, nandrolone found wide application in the treatment of women. Moreover, representatives of traditional medicine considered it a fairly effective drug. Then athletes paid attention to 19-nortestosterone and actively used it until the nineties, until the studies conducted by Heinonen and Gusens cast a shadow on the drug. The first experiment involved women taking fifty milligrams of nandrolone decanoate every three to four days. As a result, half of the subjects began to observe the phenomenon of virilization. The second experiment did not lead to this. True, nothing was reported regarding the size of the doses. Of course, women taking one hundred milligrams of nandrolone decanoate per week raises questions, but limiting the dose to thirty milligrams administered once every two weeks can be considered acceptable. This fact was proved by an experiment that took place in 1996, when no virilization phenomena were recorded with a similar method of receiving. Dear ladies who nevertheless chose the deck as a means to achieve their goal, I would like to advise you not to rush to extremes and start with a dose of fifty milligrams once every ten days, gradually increasing it to seventy-five to one hundred milligrams in the same period of time. The first signs of virilization should be a signal to stop taking the drug.


  • Deca is not only good for gaining mass, but also increases strength.
  • Nandrolone decanoate implies a course of administration that lasts quite a long time (the minimum is determined at six weeks).
  • Nandrolone has a beneficial effect on the joints.
  • The toxic effect of nandrolone on the liver is minimal.
  • Athletes who are going to take part in competitions in the coming year that involve a doping test should avoid taking nandrolone.
  • Nandrolone is less likely to be the culprit of prostate hypertrophy, baldness, acne than testosterone.
  • The pronounced progestogenic activity of nandrolone should encourage athletes to take dose selection seriously. If it exceeds four hundred milligrams per week, then the risk of gynecomastia and weakening of libido increases. The use of dostinex, bromocriptine, proviron is intended to eliminate these unpleasant side effects.
  • It is advisable to resort to a scheme for combining a deck with turinabol, methane, oxandrolone, winstrol and other so-called soft drugs.
  • It is unacceptable to take nandrolone decanoate in combination with other progestins (anadrol, trenbolone).

This article is written for informational purposes only. We do not promote or endorse the use of strong substances.

In this article, you will learn about what Deca is, whether this drug has side effects, and how it affects women. Also you will find information on how to take Nandrolone Decanoate and dosages.

Description of Nandrolone Decanoate

Deca durabolin, or retabolil, is an injectable form of the anabolic steroid Nandrolone. Nandrolone is similar in structure to the male hormone testosterone. The difference lies in the absence of a carbon atom in the 19th position (hence the scientific chemical name of the substance: 19-nortestosterone).

As befits testosterone, this form of it exhibits brightly grown anabolic properties. At the same time, unlike other forms, the tissue-forming activity of Nandrolone testosterone is not accompanied by strong androgenic properties. This is due to the fact that the main part of Nandrolone is converted inside the body into a weaker form of anabolic - dihydroNandrolone. Androgenic activity of which is only 30 percent of dihydrotestosterone.

It is the mild androgenic action of Nandrolone decanoate that explains the many years of popularity of the use of Nandrolone among athletes around the world, as the number one injectable steroid. It is chosen for its ability to support strength and muscle growth without pronounced hormonal side effects.

Nandrolone also exists in natural form. In small quantities, it is secreted by the human body during the period of overcoming injuries, stresses; during pregnancy in women. However, in pharmaceuticals, of course, we are talking about its artificially synthesized counterpart.

The synthetic form of Deca Nandrolone (DN) was isolated in the laboratory and first described in 1960, and after a couple of years it became a prescription drug. The first developer and manufacturer of the drug is the Organon International Pharmaceutical Concern (founded in 1913 in the Netherlands). Nandrolone decanoate has been sold under the brand name deca-durabolin since the beginning. In Eastern Europe - retabolil.

Deca-Durabolin is an injectable form of Nandrolone phenylpropionate made with the addition of a 10 carbon ester. This form greatly accelerates the release of Nandrolone from the injection site into the body and its transportation. Thanks to this advantageous difference from similar analogues of the drug, the Organon company quickly and systematically expanded the market for these products. Probably, these properties explain the fact that it was the organon variant that soon became one of the most widespread steroids in the world and the use of Deca Durabolin became so popular.

Release options

Nandrolone decanoate is also widely distributed in the pharmaceutical market, including its veterinary field, in the 21st century. The exact composition with excipients and dosage may vary slightly depending on the country and manufacturer. But, as a rule, they contain 25 mg/ml, 50 mg/ml, 100 mg/ml. or 200 mg/ml. substances dissolved in essential oil, based on peanut in most cases.

Instructions for use Nandrolone

The drug is available in the form of ampoules containing an oily solution. It is necessary to take Nandrolone for at least 4-6 weeks for a pronounced result. It is necessary to inject Nandrolone intramuscularly, inserting the needle as deeply as possible (it is better to inject into large muscles, for example, buttocks, thighs). It is advised to increase the calorie content of the daily diet, be sure to include vitamins and minerals in it, since it is necessary to take Deca Durabolin with a large amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as other nutrients.

Dosage of Nandrolone Decanoate and course

The course of Deca Nandrolone is as follows:

For men, the best dosage for providing qualitative changes in the physique and in the growth of strength indicators is in the range from 200 to 600 mg. in Week. Nandrolone is taken in a course of 8 to 12 weeks. This dose has proven sufficient for most athletes to provide tangible, measurable gains in muscle and strength gains. It is worth noting that in building muscle mass, the effect of Deca Durabolin is very pronounced, but at the same time it is not too sharp.

In terms of use in women's sports, the most common and recommended dosage for women is 50mg. during the week. In this case, the course of Nandrolone Decanoate is usually from 4 to 6 weeks. Although, as already noted, the substance is weakly androgenic, women with a significant excess of this dose may experience symptoms of masculinization. Those. activation of hair growth on the face and body, an increase in muscle mass, coarsening of the voice, etc.

Studies have shown good tolerance and few or no significant side effects of Nandrolone in women, if you do not exceed its weekly dose of a maximum of 100 mg. At the same time, the studies were long-term and considered the consequences of taking an increased dose of the drug for 12 weeks. Even longer-term studies - a course of Deca Durabolin up to 12 months of use, taking 50 mg every 2-3 weeks. also showed an extremely low level of side effects.

Side effects of Deca Durabolin

Estrogen: Nandrolone has a low tendency to convert to estrogens, the female group hormones. This probability is only about 20 percent. However, an increase in estrogen levels is still noted with high doses of the drug. Accordingly, this, with a high degree of probability, causes such side effects: fluid retention and accumulation of body fat; gynecomastia - the growth of the mammary glands in size.

To prevent these "side effects" there are effective drugs - "antidotes". Anti-estrogens such as clomiphene citrate or tamoxifen citrate have been used successfully to prevent estrogenic side effects. For the same purpose, an aromatase inhibitor drug, namely Arimidex (or anastrozole), can be used, which even more effectively controls estrogen by blocking its synthesis.

Androgenic: any of the anabolic steroids may have androgenic side effects, including this one. The most common of them are changes in the structure of the skin, with the activation of its fatty areas; acne (acne and pimples); more intensive growth of hair on the face and body, with their simultaneous thinning and signs of baldness on the head. This is for men.

Women need to be aware of the possible manifestations of masculinization, from minor to clearly palpable. Namely, the appearance of a deeper voice, disturbances in the menstrual cycle, violations of the texture of the skin, activation of hair growth on the face and body, an increase in the size of the clitoris.

Nandrolone is an anabolic steroid with lower androgenic activity in relation to tissue-forming actions than agents such as methandrostenolone (methandienone) or fluoxymesterone. It is also important to note that due to its weak androgenic nature and ability to suppress endogenous testosterone, a course of Nandrolone solo can interfere with libido (sex drive) in men, reducing it. So it is recommended to take it with libido supporting compounds or test boosters.

Liver toxicity: Unlikely. For more than half a century of use, no adverse effects of the drug on the liver have been noted. Nandrolone is not alkylated with Alpha / 17, under certain circumstances it can give an increased load on the liver. However, in healthy people, it does not give a hepatotoxic effect (liver poisoning).

Cardiovascular: Theoretically, steroids may have a harmful effect on increasing cholesterol levels and the risk of atherosclerosis. They can also negatively affect blood pressure, potentially increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease and myocardial infarction.

Therefore, people with high cholesterol or heart disease in close relatives in the family history should be careful not to take high doses of steroids. But: a study of a group of patients who were administered 600 mg for 10 weeks. Nandrolone decanoate per week showed a 26% reduction in cholesterol levels.

And this suppression effect is in complete agreement with much earlier studies looking at the effect on cholesterol levels of nandrolone decanoate versus testosterone cypionate. In any case, nandrolone decanoate has a significantly weaker effect on serum lipids than alpha / 17-alkylated agents.

Testosterone suppression: any steroid in doses sufficient to promote muscle growth, one way or another, eventually suppresses the endogenous production of testosterone by the body. The effect of Nagdrolone with the introduction of 100 mg. per week for 6 weeks results in an approximately 57% reduction in serum testosterone. At a dose of 300 mg. per week, this decrease reaches, on average, already 70 percent.

Without the use of substances that stimulate the production of testosterone by the body, the level of this production returns to normal within 2-6 months after giving up steroids. It should be borne in mind that prolonged abuse of anabolics leads to hypogonadism - a pathological decrease in the level of male sex hormones, which the body can no longer cope with on its own, without medical intervention.


As a pharmaceutical product, nandrolone decanoate has very rare and limited uses in clinical medicine. Accordingly, its official production is very small. Most preparations of this substance on the black market are of "gray" or "underground" origin.

Today it is legally impossible to buy Nandrolone on open sale. But you can buy prohormones, which have the same benefits as AAS but are legal.

About the author:

William Llewellyn is the author of the Anabolic Steroid Guide, now in its 10th edition. Longtime member of the Muscular Development Association team, doing monthly reviews there since 2002. William is involved in the behavior of steroid tests to identify real and fake steroid products.

Legal replacement for Nandrolone (Deca-Durabolin)

Since the use of AAS today is illegal, and it has a lot of side effects, we decided to tell you about two legal drugs with a similar effect. These products are prohormones, have virtually no side effects and give a cleaner result.

Prohormones are safer and easier to use, but never forget to use support and PCT on the cycle.