Interesting bible quotes. A Storehouse of Christian Wisdom: A Selection of Quotations and Sayings from the Bible The Epistle to the Hebrews

The article presents the most common biblical sayings and phraseological units in the Russian language.
Fluency in these sayings is a sign of the general culture and education of a person.

Over the past two decades, due to well-known political changes, atheism has declined in the countries of the former Soviet Union, interest in religion has increased, which immediately affected the increase in the use of expressions from biblical texts. Sayings, phraseological units and examples from the Bible can be found everywhere. Bibleisms began to be widely used not only in ordinary, lively speech, but also "at the highest level."

Of course, it is necessary to understand this issue at least a little so as not to be like the Pindos, who for the most part believe that their presidents, politicians, TV presenters and movie heroes are the authors of biblical sayings and phraseological units. 🙂 These are the results of familiarization with the culture through a zombie.

Not only that, Biblicalisms have penetrated into humor, wit, and simply into a “pungent word”! And in their archaic sound they betray speech, as it were, freshness, novelty and originality. The pendulum swung the other way. After all, there were once times that they tried to expel words and expressions related to religion and the church from the Russian language. Just one example is enough when saying “a newborn was christened” was considered non-politically correct. It was necessary to say "the newborn was made a star". 😆

It must be said that in the "Christian languages" the number of proverbs, sayings and other phraseological units of biblical origin is enormous; most of them have completely lost touch with their primary sources, and only experts on the issue know where their roots grow from. It even happens that authorship is attributed to people who have nothing to do with religion. The “sands of time” erased the archaism of most biblical expressions, and they have long since become proverbs.

Scientists "aphorists-biblical scholars" count several hundred proverbs of biblical origin in the Russian language. And these are only those that more or less accurately reproduce the biblical text. And if you “announce the entire list” of phraseological units connected in one way or another with biblical sources, then the number will go to thousands. According to experts on the issue, among the most common Russian proverbs, proverbs of biblical origin make up 15-20%.

There are basically two options for the use of biblical words: close to the original source, with a claim to a quote; and completely transformed, having lost its archaic appearance, sounding modern. For example, the saying
“The one who treats the wise will be wise, and the one who makes friends with fools will be corrupted” (Solomon, 13:21) a long time ago the well-known “classic look” was transformed:
"Whoever you hang out with, that's what you'll get."
"The end of a thing is better than its beginning." (Ecclesiastes, 7:8) - "The end is the crown of business."
This process is called "folklorization".

In everyday speech, however, there are also untransformed sayings, which formally are direct quotations from the Bible. This happens in cases where sayings sound modern and understandable. For example:

An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth. (Mat. 5:38)
Judge not lest ye be judged. (Mat. 7:1)
There is a time to scatter stones and there is a time to collect stones. (Ecclesiastes 3:5)
Don't make yourself an idol. (Exodus 20:4)

Connoisseurs of the issue conducted research on the degree of popularity and usage in the Russian language of expressions of biblical origin.
As a result, 350 expressions taken for experiments were divided into 3 groups. The 1st group included sayings that turned out to be known to 75-100% of the respondents, native speakers of the Russian language. The popularity of sayings of the 2nd group is not less than 50%. The remaining sayings (there were 277 of them out of 350) are assigned to the 3rd group.

The most used and famous biblical sayings
(1st group)

1. Beware of false prophets. (Mat. 7:15)
2. Fear God, honor the king. (1 Peter 2:17)
3. Those who take the sword will perish with the sword. (Mat. 26:52)
4. Love your neighbor as yourself. (Luke 10:27; Matt. 22:39; Mark 12:31)
Love your neighbor as yourself. (Leviticus 19:18).
5. Physician, heal yourself. (Luke 4:23)

6. Time to scatter stones and time to collect stones. (Ecclesiastes 3:5)
7. Everything has its time. (Ecclesiastes 3:1)
8. Every unrighteousness is sin. (1 John 5:17)
9. The Lord gave, the Lord took. (Job 1:21)
10. A tree is known by its fruit. (Mat. 12:33)

11. Iron sharpens iron. (Solomon, 27:17)
12. And a thread twisted three times will not break soon. (Ecclesiastes 4:12)
13. And they shall beat their swords into plowshares, (and their spears into sickles). (Isaiah 2:4)
14. As you want people to do to you, so do you to them. (Mat. 7:12). …so do you with them. (Luke 6:31)
15. Whom the Lord loves, he punishes. (Solomon, 3:12)

16. He who is not with me is against me. (Mat. 12:30)
17. Don't believe every word. (Sirach 19:16)
18. Do not make yourself an idol. (Exodus 20:4; Deuteronomy 5:8).
Do not make yourself idols. (Leviticus 26:1)
19. Pay attention not to every word that is spoken. (Ecclesiastes 7:21)
20. Man does not live by bread alone. (Deuteronomy 8:3)
Man will not live by bread alone. (Matt. 4:4; Luke 4:4)

21. Do not judge so that you will not be judged. (Mat. 7:1)
Do not judge and you will not be judged. (Luke 6:37)
22. There is nothing new under the sun. (Ecclesiastes 1:9)
23. There is nothing secret that would not be made clear. (Luke 8:17)
24. No one can serve two masters. (Mat. 6:24)
25. An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. (Mat. 5:38)

26. A rich man has many friends. (Solomon, 14:20)
27. Turn the other to the one who hits you on the cheek. (Luke 6:29)
28. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God. (Luke 18:25; Matt. 19:24; Mark 10:25)
29. Whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. (Galatians 6:7)

Bible sayings known to 50-75 percent of “respondents”
(2nd group).

1. The abyss calls to the abyss. (Psalm 41:8)
2. Do not speak into the ears of a fool. (Solomon, 23:9)
3. A true friend has no price. (Sirach 6:15)
4. There is much sorrow in much wisdom. (Ecclesiastes 1:18)
5. Render to each according to his deeds. (Mat. 16:27)

6. A man's enemies are his household. (Mat. 10:36)
7. Everything came from dust, and everything will return to dust. (Ecclesiastes 3:20)
8. All is vanity and vexation of the spirit. (Ecclesiastes 2:11)
9. All the labors of a man are for his mouth. (Ecclesiastes 6:7)
10. Let this cup pass me by. (Mat. 26:39)

11. A good wife is a happy lot. (Sirach 26:3)
12. A good name is better than great wealth. (Solomon, 22:1)
13. If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into the pit. (Mat. 15:14)
14. There is a time to speak and a time to be silent. (Ecclesiastes 3:7)
15. And a fool, when silent, may seem wise. (Solomon, 17:28)

16. And a living dog is better than a dead lion. (Ecclesiastes 9:4)
17. Seek - and you will find. (Mat. 7:7)
18. With what measure you use, it will be measured to you. (Luke 6:38)
19. The love of money is the root of all evil. (Timothy 6:10)
20. The crooked cannot become straight. (Ecclesiastes 1:15)

21. Whoever relies on himself is stupid. (Solomon, 28:26)
22. Whoever is among the living, there is still hope for him. (Ecclesiastes 9:4)
23. He who listens to advice is wise. (Solomon, 12:15)
24. He who increases knowledge, increases sorrow. (Ecclesiastes 1:18)
25. Better is a handful with rest than a handful with labor and vexation of the spirit. (Eccles. 4:6)

26. It is better to listen to reproofs from a wise man than to listen to the songs of fools. (Ecclesiastes 7:5)
27. Better is a neighbor near than a brother far away. (Solomon, 27:10)
28. Love covers all sins. (Solomon, 10:12)
29. Many are called, but few are chosen. (Mat. 22:14)
30. Wisdom is better than strength. (Ecclesiastes 9:16)

31. Do not resist evil. (Mat. 5:39)
32. It is not good for a person to be alone. (Genesis 2:18)
33. No memory of the past. (Ecclesiastes 1:11)
34. One sows and the other reaps. (John 4:37)
35. Give what is Caesar's to Caesar, and what is God's to God. (Mat. 22:21)

36. Generation passes, and generation comes, but the earth remains forever. (Ecclesiastes 1:4)
37. Every person is vain. (Psalm 38:12)
38. This mystery is great. (Ephisians 5:32)
39. The work of a fool makes him weary. (Ecclesiastes 10:15)
40. Decoration of old people - gray hair. (Solomon, 20:29)

41. What is not, cannot be counted. (Ecclesiastes 1:15)
42. What God has combined, let no man separate. (Mat. 19:6)
43. What was, is now, and what will be, has already been. (Ecclesiastes 3:15)

Some aphorisms from the third group.

Be not quick with your tongue, and lazy and negligent in your deeds. (Sirah, 4:33) - Do not hurry with your tongue, hurry with your deeds.
Don't worry about tomorrow. (Mat. 6:34);
A man's enemies are his household. (Mat. 10:36);
Worse than death is a woman. (Eccles. 7:26);
A friend is not known in happiness, an enemy is not hidden in misfortune. (Sirah, 12:8) - A friend is known in trouble.

If anyone does not want to work, do not eat. (2 Thess. 3:10) - He who does not work does not eat.
Care ahead of time brings old age. (Sirach 30:26). - It is not work that makes you old, but care.
Dust you are, and to dust you shall return. (Genesis 3:19)
And the dust will return to the ground as it was. (Ecclesiastes 12:7)
Everything came from dust, and everything will return to dust. (Ecclesiastes 3:20).
Do not judge ahead of time. (1st Corinth., 4:5) - Do not judge ahead of time.

Whoever is among the living, there is still hope. - Live for a century, hope for a century.
The student is not higher than his teacher. (Luke 6:40);
Don't owe anyone anything. (Romans 13:8);
Be at peace with all people. (Romans 13:8)
Love your enemies. (Luke 6:27)
Do not return evil for evil to anyone. (Romans 12:17)

Don't answer evil for evil.
Don't resist evil. (Mat. 5:39)
Conquer evil with good. (Romans 12:21)
Whoever is not against you is for you. (Mark 9:40)
Do not slander the judges, do not vilify the boss. (Exodus 22:28);

Everything is permissible for me, but not everything is useful. (1 Corinth. 6:12);
The debtor becomes the lender's slave. (Solomon, 22:7);
Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. (Mat. 6:21);
You cannot serve God and mammon. (Mat. 6:24);
The worker deserves food. (Mat. 10:10);

Do not give me poverty and wealth. (Solomon, 30:8);
Do not make yourself too wise: why should you ruin yourself? (Ecclesiastes 7:16)
Whoever digs a hole will fall into it. (Ecclesiastes 10:8). Whoever digs a hole for another will fall into it himself. // Don't dig a hole for another - you yourself will fall into it.
The fathers ate sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge. (Jeremiah 31:29). - Fathers ate cranberries, and the children are set on edge.

No prophet is accepted in his own country. (Luke 4:24) - There is no prophet in his own country.
A gentle answer turns away anger. (Solomon, 15:1) - A meek word anger conquers. // A meek word humbles a violent head.
Don't be brave against wine, for wine has ruined many. (Sirah, 31:29) - He who loves wine will destroy himself.
He who deals with the wise will be wise, but he who makes friends with fools will become corrupt. (Solomon, 13:21) - From the smart you will learn, from the fool you will unlearn.
When you are full, remember the time of hunger, and when you are rich, remember poverty and want. (Sirakh, 18:25) - Eat the pie, and remember the dry crust.

He who hides his crimes will not succeed; but whoever confesses and leaves them will be pardoned. (Solomon, 28:13) - A guilty head and the sword does not flog.
The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning, but the heart of fools is in the house of joy. (Eccles., 7:4) - A smart one cries, but a stupid one jumps.
The joy of a man is in the answer of his mouth, and how good the word is at the right time. (Solomon, 15:23) - The word in time and by the way is stronger than writing and printing.


The statistics of the most used and well-known in Russian biblical sayings and proverbs of biblical origin is taken from the doctoral dissertation of V.F. Zangliger. The author of this work can be found on the page:


Delve into yourself and into the teaching; do this constantly: for by doing so, you will save yourself and those who listen to you (1 Tim. 4:16)


So say to the children of Israel: I am the Lord, and I will bring out (κα ἐ ξ ά ξω ὑ μ ς ) you from under the yoke of the Egyptians (ἀ π ό τ ς δυναστε ί ας τ ν Α γυπτ ί ων ), and I will deliver you (κα λυτρ ώ σομαι ὑ μ ᾶ ς) from their slavery, and I will save you with an outstretched arm and great judgments (Ex. 6, 6)

St. Basil the Great: “So, seek not a brother for your redemption, but the God-Man Jesus Christ, Who alone can give treason for everyone, because suppose God cleansing by faith in His blood (Rom. 3:25). Moses was a brother to the Israelites, but he could not redeem them ... Moses did not free the people from sin, but only begged God not to punish for sin».

    The evidence of Holy Scripture and the corresponding interpretations of the holy fathers that martyrdom is a sacrifice

No one has more sowing love, but who will lay down his life for his friends (John 15, 13)

St. Cyril of Alexandria: “He clearly says that this is a commandment and I teach those who want to follow Me to do and think, namely, to try for such love for each other, which I already showed and fulfilled earlier. And so, what limit of the love of Christ everyone should imagine, this again He Himself showed, saying that there is nothing greater than such love, which commands to give the very soul for loved ones... But now the Savior, out of love for us, laid down His very soul for us and, showing some incomparable love for humanity, revealed us to be zealous and trebleblessed, having no shortage of any good at all ... In this sense, I believe, the above words will befit the inspired heads students. If, however, this saying is extended to everyone, that is, this is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you research will be of great benefit. After all, if love for brethren contains and accomplishes the fulfillment of all the commandments of our Savior, then is not he worthy of great surprise who mainly tries to do it flawlessly and irreproachably, how soon she is, so to speak, the head of all virtues? For the second thing after love for God is love for one another, and all the power of piety towards God, as it were, is contained in this one owl "word, namely: love your neighbor as yourself." (Gal. 5:14)

For I am already becoming a victim, and the time of my departure has come

(2 Tim. 4:6)

St. John Chrysostom: “He did not say: my sacrifice, but something more, because not everything is offered to God from the sacrifice, but from the drink (σπονδ ς) - everything. »

Bl. Theophylact. Bulgarian: “I didn’t say: I sacrifice myself, but stronger. For in a sacrifice not everything is offered to God, but the drink offering was all offered.”

St. Theophan the Recluse: " I happen to eat , - σπ έ νδομαι . I'm already being slaughtered as a sacrifice; “or I already offer myself as a sacrifice to Christ” (Ecumenius of Trikk). “I stand at the very end of feats. The Apostle called his mortification a sacrifice (that is, he expressed it in a word - σπ έ νδομαι); because blood was shed for piety (σπονδη - sacrificial libation)” (Blessed Theodoret of Kirr). “He did not call the death that was being prepared for him a sacrifice, - θυσίαν - but a libation, - σπονδη, speaking more strongly and more sacredly. For in a sacrifice, usually only a certain part was offered for a burnt offering to God; and all drink offerings were offered to him. He commands his disciples to do the same when he says: imagine ubo body your sacrifice livin (Rom. 12:1). For he who is slain for Christ sacrificially sacrifices himself. Or σπενδομαι he understands as καταλ ύ ω πολεμον, - I end my war with everyone "

But even if I become a sacrifice for the sacrifice and service of your faith, I rejoice and rejoice over you all. (Philip. 2, 17)

St. John Chrysostom: “And he comforts them regarding his death, and teaches them to willingly endure death for Christ. I become, he says, as if by a libation and a sacrifice. O blessed soul! Bringing them is called a sacrifice. Indeed, to sacrifice a soul is much better than to sacrifice oxen. So, if I add myself to this offering as a libation, then I rejoice, he says, about my death.

Bl. Theophylact of Bulgaria: “Although, he says, I am a sacrifice, “but I become a sacrifice for the sacrifice and service of your faith,” that is, having made you a victim to God first, dedicating you to the service of God and making you believers. But in view of death, I do not grieve at all, but rejoice and rejoice with all of you. I rejoice that I offer your faith to Christ as a sacrifice."

Therefore, I beseech you, brethren, by the mercy of God, present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.(Rom. 12:1)

Bl. Theophylact of Bulgaria: “Otherwise: we must present our members to God, as to a king, irreproachable and best; for such are the king's. Then we must present them as a living sacrifice; for when we put them to death, then we live according to the Spirit.”

    Patristic sayings about martyrdom as a sacrifice

Holy martyr. Cyprian of Carthage: “And without that, you make and bring a sacrifice to God, how precious, how much glorious, which will serve much to reward us with heavenly rewards, since Divine Scripture says: sacrifice to God the spirit is contrite, the heart is contrite and humble God will not despise(Ps. 50, 19). Such a sacrifice you offer to God; having become sacrifices to God, you continually perform this sacrifice day and night, presenting yourselves as holy and blameless victims ... "

St. Gregory the Theologian: “... martyrs are no less instructive for us - these verbal burnt offerings, perfect sacrifices, pleasant offerings, this preaching of the truth, the reproof of lies, the fulfillment of the spiritually understood Law, the destruction of error, the persecution of vice, the drowning of sin, the cleansing of the world.”

St. Gregory the Theologian: “... for, as I think, for the holy martyrs cleansed by the blood and imitating the sacrifice of Christ, what the eye has not seen, the ear has not heard, and the human mind has not imagined, freely creating in itself the idea of ​​bliss, is observed.”

St. John Chrysostom: “By the grace of God, you no longer needed any proof, already rooted in faith; but the inhabitants of Rome, where there was then great wickedness, needed more help. Therefore, Peter and Paul, and after them this man, all there were sacrificed, both in order to cleanse this city, defiled by the blood of idols, with their own blood, and in order to present the evidence of the resurrection of the crucified Christ by the very deed. .

St. John Chrysostom: “You received a language from nature, but you raised a martyr out of it; you have received the mouth, the storehouse of the tongue, but you have made an altar for the tongue out of the mouth; you received a ring to make sounds, but you showed it as an ear cut off; you received the language, the minister of words, but you offered it as a sacrifice to Christ, like an immaculate sheep ... You, a valiant man, captured an honor equal to the sacrifice of the patriarch, offering the only begotten branch of the tongue instead of the only begotten son.

liturgical following

From the general service to the holy martyr (according to the Great collection. Mukachevo. 1991, part 1)

“Offering a bloodless sacrifice to God, like a priest of the most legitimate, God-speaking all-honestly, after ѣ waiting for all the fruits and etci yatnu sacrifice, to you with your own blood, as the truest martyr, you brought Christ, pray for those who sing to you ”(Stichera on the Lord cried, p. 438)

“The priest is the most lawful, even before your death you were, blessedly celebrating the divine and unspoken sacraments, you poured out your blood for Christ God, and favorable sacrifice you brought yourself ... ”(Glory to the Lord cried, p. 439)

“I live an all-perfect sacrifice, you brought yourself to Christ with torment ...” (Canon of Matins, Canto 3, p. 444)

« burnti you are divine, and the sacrifice is pure thou art brought to the Savior of all, wise holy martyr. (Canto 4, p. 445)

« Victim and priest, sacrifice yourself to God for the sake of faith ... ”(Song.6, p. 446)

“He piously performed the secret service of Christ, the verbal sheep himself was brought to Him the sacrifice is pleasing and pleasing all-perfect by blood, most blessed” (Canto 8, p. 448)

    Martyrdom is a liturgical continuation of the redemptive feat of Christ: Holy Scripture and the interpretation of the Holy Fathers of the Church

    • The Holy Church, in the person of her Fathers, teaches about martyrdom as equivalent to the Sacrament of Baptism

work out your salvation with fear and trembling. Because God works in you both willing and acting according to His good pleasure.(Philipp. 2, 12-13)

St. Theophan the Recluse: “The Apostle supplies the fear of God with the impetus that God Himself acts in them, and in their good desires and in good deeds. This is even stronger than what Chrysostom says: remember that God is everywhere, therefore with you and with you. It is said here that He is not only with us, but also in us; and not like a resting power, but like a power acting in everything ... And such are all Christians. They unite with the Lord and have Him active in them” (pp. 367-368) “God does not act because he compels and compels, but because, finding zeal in us, he strengthens it with grace” (p. 369)

Now I rejoice in my sufferings for you and make up for the lack in my flesh of the sorrows of Christ for His body, which is the Church(Col. 1:24)

St. John Chrysostom: “It seems to me that he said great things, but this is not out of impudence - no! - but out of strong love for Christ. He does not want these sorrows to be attributed to him, but to Christ ... So he is not ashamed to attribute these sufferings to Him, because (Christ) not only died for us, but after death is ready to suffer for us.(The Apostle) wished and tried to prove that (Christ) even now endangers Himself with His own body for the sake of the Church. His speech is directed to this, i.e., that you are not brought by us, but by Him, although we do it, we took upon ourselves not our own work, but His ... Look how much he expresses, revealing strong love. As he wrote in 2 Corinthians: put in us the ministry of reconciliation(Cor. 5:18), and more: we embassy in Christ, as if we pray to God(v. 20), so here, to attract them more, he says the same: for his sake, i.e., although he owes you, and retired, but I repay His debt. That'sabout deprivation he speaks to show that, in his opinion, Christ has not yet endured everything. For you, he says, he suffers even after death, if need requires. He presents the same thing differently in the epistle to the Romans, saying: and pray for us(Rom. 8:32), showing that He was not content with death alone, but after that He does infinitely many things for us.”

Bliss. Theophylact of Bulgaria: " And I performκα νταπληρ ) deprivation of the sorrows of Christ in my flesh. Apparently this word is vain and foolish, but no, on the contrary, it is full of great love for Christ. For he wants to convince them that Christ is still suffering for them, and that you do not come (to God) through us, the apostles, but through Him (Christ), although through our mediation. So what do you do when you turn away from the One who, even after his death, is exposed to dangers for you? The meaning of his words is this: if Christ was still burnt to suffer for you, but withdrew and did not pay this debt, then I fulfill His duty; just as, in the absence of a commander, his assistant, protecting the phalanx and taking his place, would receive wounds instead of him. That's why he said - deprivation ( στερ ή μα - deficiency) to show that, in his opinion, He has not yet suffered. He loves us so much that even after his death, as if the previous sufferings were not enough, he suffers in my body; for He was not satisfied with His death, but still works innumerable good deeds. So Paul, not exalting himself, says this, but out of a desire to show that Christ still cares for them.

For his body, the hedgehog is the church. Saying that although I suffer, but in fact it is the suffering of Christ, he gives credibility to these words, saying that these (sufferings) also occur for the sake of His body. So, do not regard these words as boasting, but believe that He who did not despise uniting the church with Himself, even now suffers in my flesh for her sake.

St. John Chrysostom: “The strongest truly proof of the resurrection is that the mortified Christ showed such power after death that he persuaded living people to despise their fatherland, and home, and friends, and relatives, and life itself for the sake of confessing Him ...”

Holy Fathers of the Church .

Svmch. Cyprian of Carthage: “With what good will, in the person of such His servants, he overcame and defeated this Guardian of the Faith, giving to the believers as much as anyone according to their faith can accept! He Himself was present at His battle - those who fought and fought for His name Himself encouraged, strengthened, inspired. And He, who once conquered death for us, always conquers in us.”

St. John Chrysostom: Not only the soul, but also their very body became partakers of greater grace, and not only did not lose, after frequent torments and cuts, the fortress that it had, but also acquired a greater and higher. What could be more amazing than this victory, when (enemies) could not defeat those who were held and had in their hands in their hands, and having tied them tormented of their own free will, but on the contrary, they themselves were defeated by them in a miserable and unfortunate way? They fought not against them, but against the God who dwells in them; and everyone knows that it is quite necessary for one who is at war with God to suffer an extreme defeat, incurring punishment for only one undertaking.

St. John Chrysostom: “If Christ died and did not rise again, then who did these supernatural deeds?”

St. John Chrysostom: “And who does not go to these exploits with great joy, meaning to partake of the sufferings of the Lord and become conformable to the death of Christ. This is a sufficient reward, a great honor, a reward exceeding labors, even before the kingdom of heaven.

St. John Chrysostom: “Because she, as if in some marvelous dyer, having become a royal scarlet, went to the King above and with great boldness entered the vaults of heaven, while Christ himself with an invisible hand supported the holy head of the martyr and baptized her with fire like water."

Martyrdom is a baptism of blood equivalent to the sacrament of Baptism

In cases where a person has not received a rebirth in the sacrament of Baptism, he receives one in the shedding of martyr's blood. This is the baptism "with which Christ Himself was baptized" (Matt. 20:22-23), notes Metropolitan Macarius (Bulgakov).

Svmch. Cyprian. Carthaginian: “What baptism can have greater and higher power than the baptism of confession and suffering, when the one who confesses Christ before people is baptized with his own blood?”

Svmch. Cyprian of Carthage: “... and secondly, they are not deprived of the sacrament of baptism, as people baptized with the most glorious and greatest blood baptism, about which the Lord also said: that he intends be baptized otherwise baptism(Luke 12:50). What about those who were baptized with their own blood? And those who are sanctified by suffering achieve perfection and receive the grace of the Divine promise, this is shown by the same Lord in the Gospel when he says to the thief who believes and confesses in the very suffering that He will be with Him in Paradise (Luke 23:43).

Svmch. Cyprian of Carthage: “Let it be known that the catechumens (who are martyred) are not deprived of the sacrament of Baptism: for they are baptized with the most glorious and greatest Baptism of blood, about which the Lord also said that He has to be baptized with another baptism (Matt. 20, 22). And that those who are baptized with their own blood and consecrated through suffering reach perfection and receive the grace of the divine promise, the same Lord testifies in the Gospel.

St. Cyril of Jerusalem: “Whoever does not receive baptism has no salvation, except for the martyrs, who receive the Kingdom of Heaven even without water. For the Savior, redeeming the universe with the Cross, and being pierced in the rib, brought out blood and water from it, so that some in times of peace would be baptized with water, others in times of persecution would be baptized with their own blood. And the Savior also called martyrdom baptism, saying: can you drink the cup, south of Az Piya, and by baptism, by which Az I am baptized, I am baptized(Mark 10:38)? And the martyrs realize this, becoming a spectacle for the world, and angels, and men; and in time you will find out ... ".

St. Basil the Great: “Some, in deeds for piety, really, and not imitatively, having died for Christ, no longer needed the symbol-water for their salvation, having been baptized with their own blood.”

St. Gregory the Theologian: “I also know the fourth baptism - baptism with martyrdom and blood, with which Christ himself was baptized, which is much more respectful than others, since it is not defiled by new impurities.”

Bliss. Augustine: “For those who die for the confession of Christ, having not yet taken the font of rebirth, it has the same power of remission of sins as washing with the holy source of baptism. For he who said: unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God(John 3, 5), excludes them by another of His sayings, in which he says with the same universality: Anyone who confesses Me before men, I will confess him also before My Father in Heaven(Matt. 10, 32) ... For what is more honorable than death, through which all sins are forgiven and merits are multiplied?

St. John Chrysostom: “So, yesterday our Lord was baptized with water, and today the servant is baptized with blood; yesterday the gates of heaven were opened, today the gates of hell are trampled. Do not be surprised if I call martyrdom baptism: here, too, the spirit hovers with great abundance, and there is a blotting out of sins and some wondrous and miraculous cleansing of the soul, and just as those who are baptized with water, so those who suffer martyrdom are washed with their own blood, which happened to this one (martyr Lucian )".

St. John Chrysostom: “And if you want to be convinced that this event was an undoubted baptism, listen to how Christ calls His death baptism. Thus, speaking with the sons of Zebedee, He says: drink my cup, and by baptism, even I am baptized, Imate be baptized(Matthew 20:23). And by what baptism was Christ baptized after the baptism of John, besides death and the cross? Just as Jacob, not crucified, but beheaded with a sword, was baptized with the baptism of Christ, so these, although they were not crucified, died of water, were baptized with the baptism of Christ.

Martyrdom and affliction are the means of deliverance from sin

St. Gregory of Nyssa: “Since sin has entered through pleasure, then the opposite will, no doubt, be expelled. Therefore, those who persecute the Lord for confession, and invent unbearable torments, by the difficulty of these bring some healing to the souls, healing from the disease of voluptuousness with the bites of sorrows, thus accept Paul - the cross, Jacob - the sword, Stephen - stones, blessed Peter - piercing with a spear in the head; all former ascetics of the faith after - various types of torment, animals, abysses, bonfires, numbness from cold, exposing the ribs from the flesh, piercing the head with nails, gouging the eyes, cutting off the fingers, tearing the body from both sides in parts, languishing with hunger - all this and the like to this, as a cleansing from sin, the saints endured with joy, so that not even a trace produced by voluptuousness would remain in the heart after this painful and painful sensation smooths out all the imprints of voluptuousness in the soul.

The Bible is a storehouse of worldly wisdom. It teaches to live in love and faith, in unity with God. We offer you a selection of quotes from the Bible and sayings of saints. They will help you find a way out of any situation, tell you how to deal with people around you.

The Bible is a collection of sacred texts that are canonical. The Bible consists of two parts - the Old Testament and the New Testament.

Every Orthodox person believes in God, in His mighty power. The Almighty has repeatedly proved its existence by healing people from serious illnesses, by saving them from loneliness. The Bible teaches to live according to the laws of God, instructs on good deeds, warns against betrayal, cruelty and other evil deeds. Everything that happens in this world happens according to the will of God: God gives life and takes it away. For a believing Christian, death is also a gift from God. The one who lives according to the canons of Jesus accepts all His will as a good deed.

Holy Scripture is the path to purification, truth, it is faith. She teaches us to believe in good and do good at all costs, to love our neighbors and help them in everything. The Bible is the Holy of Holies, because everything is described in it - from the creation of the world to the fall.

Love your neighbor as yourself.

You need to love those around you as much as yourself.

The life of a fool is worse than death.

Stupidity is the worst vice.

Modesty is the surest way to oblivion.

Humility is beautiful for everyone.

It is a vain business to get out of bed before dawn.

But there is a chance to do more.

The Bible is a book that contains so much wisdom that you can find an excuse for any stupidity.

The Bible is wisdom that not everyone can understand.

Confess your deeds to each other and pray for each other.

Prayers for each other make people happy.

Watch and pray so that you do not fall into temptation.

Temptation must be resisted, not succumbed.

Whoever despises his neighbor sins; but he who is merciful to the poor is blessed.

Do not despise anyone, you risk being despised yourself.

Pride precedes destruction, and arrogance precedes a fall.

Pride can destroy destinies and take lives.

Turn away from evil and do good. Seek peace and strive for it.

Do good even to those who have harmed you.

Whoever sins in one thing, he becomes guilty of everything.

Where there is one sin, there are a thousand of them ...

It is better to hear a censure from a wise man than to hear a fool's song to a man.

A wise man scolds rightly, a fool and praises falsely.

Only one who is crystal clear can blame another.

This means that no one has the right to blame others.

Do not boast about tomorrow, because you do not know what that day will give birth to.

You don't know what tonight will bring, much less tomorrow.

Faith both gives strength and takes it away.

And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

Where there is truth, there will be freedom.

In everything show in yourself an example of good deeds.

The one who does good is worthy of imitation.

He who lifts the sword from the sword will perish.

In life, everything returns according to the boomerang law.

Do not judge, and you will not be judged; do not condemn, and you will not be condemned; forgive and you will be forgiven.

Treat everyone well, then life will treat you as well as possible.

If someone has done good to you, remember that. If you did good to someone, forget it.

In memory, you need to leave only the good, everything bad - it is better to erase it right away ...

If you happen to sin, believe in the mercy of God, bring repentance and move on without being embarrassed.

Without sin, not the one who did not commit it, but the one who recognized it.

People do not come with buckets to a well where there is no water. No one would turn to Heaven if Heaven did not answer.

If God is asked, then He hears and helps.

The truly righteous Christian is the one who knows how to make the right mistake!

Notice, not the one who knows how to avoid a mistake, but the one who knows how to make it right.

God always surrounds us with those people with whom we need to be healed of our shortcomings.

Surrounding not only eliminate the shortcomings, but also endow them.

Look forward with hope, look back with thanksgiving, look up with prayer, look down with repentance, look inward with attention! And around - with love!

When you look at the world with love, you understand that life is impossible not to love.

Help each other! Pray for a person if you see that he is discouraged. But prayer can do anything.

Prayer has great power, its action is like magic.

And no one can either offend or annoy us, unless the Lord allows it to be for our benefit, or for punishment, or for testing and correction.

Everything that is not done in this world, everything happens by the will of God.

There is nothing secret that would not be revealed, and nothing is hidden that would not come out.

Everything secret sooner or later becomes clear - a theorem proven by life.

Freedom is freedom from passions.

Passion is worse than any captivity.

Be friendly with all people, and be alone in your thought.

The more you share your thoughts, the more they will turn against you.

Life is work; labor is life.

Only those who work truly live.

An evil and treacherous person is like coal, which, if it does not burn, then stains.

Anger destroys people.

Be ready for every good deed.

The calling of man is to do good.

The Kingdom of God is in yourselves, and not in buildings made of stone and wood. Cut the log and I will be there, lift the stone and you will find Me.

God is where you believe in him.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.

Selfishness is another vice.

Don't owe anyone anything.

You have to pay for everything in this life.

If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

Only God himself is without sin.

Where there is much wisdom, there is much grief.

Where there is a lot of stupidity, there is no less grief.

In all things, remember the end.

Starting something, we involuntarily think about the end.

There is no greater love than if a man lays down his life for his friends.

Friends are not those with whom you are not bored, but those with whom you are safe.

Faith is the realization of things hoped for and the certainty of things not seen.

Faith always amuses the mind.

A virtuous wife is a crown for her husband, but a dishonorable one is like rottenness in his bones.

The wife is the face of the family.

A wise woman will build her house, but a foolish woman will destroy it with her own hands.

A wise wife will never be unhappy.

Like the sun that rises on the heights of the Lord, so is the beauty of a good woman in the decoration of her house.

The house looks the way the owner will make it.

It is better to live in a corner on the roof than with a quarrelsome wife in a spacious house.

Better to be alone than with a grumpy wife.

Just as moths come out of clothes, so from a woman is female craftiness.

A woman is cunning when there is something to hide.

A good wife is a happy lot.

With a good husband, a happy life is also guaranteed.

You can be sure that the vicious will not go unpunished; the seed of the righteous will be saved.

In life, everyone gets what they deserve.

Love is long-suffering, merciful, love does not envy, love does not exalt itself, is not proud, does not behave violently, does not seek its own, is not irritated, does not think evil, does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; covers everything, believes everything, hopes everything, endures everything.

Love will conquer everything.

What is the nature of loving one's neighbor? - Seek not your own benefits, but the benefits of a loved one for the benefit of the soul and body.

They love when they think not about themselves, but about loved ones.

Do not be deceived: bad associations corrupt good morals.

There will always be someone who will look for good.

And now these three remain: faith, hope, love; but the love of them is greater.

She will save everyone.

Skip the children, for the kingdom of God is made up of people who have faith like children.

Children are a model of sincerity.

A friend differs from a flatterer in that one talks for pleasure, while the other does not hold back from what can upset.

A friend is someone who will always tell the truth in person.

Do not make friends with a wicked person. Friendship with the evil one is friendship with the devil.

It is better to be without friends than to have relations with the evil ones.

Holy Scripture replaces a friend and adviser; in it you can always find a hint and the right attitude. Believe in God, believe in your strength and you will definitely succeed!

50 quotes and sayings from the Bible

1. Better is a dish of greens, and with it love, than a fattened bull, and with it hatred.

(Prov. 15:17)

2. Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you...

3. ... Not what goes into the mouth defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth defiles a person ...
(Matthew 15:11:16-19)

4. There is a time for everything, and a time for every thing under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die... a time to scatter stones, and a time to gather up stones; a time to hug and a time to shy away from hugs… a time to love and a time to hate; a time for war and a time for peace.

(Eccl. 3:1-2, 5, 8)

5. Do not say: “Why were the former days better than the present?” For it is not from wisdom that you ask about this.

(Eccl. 7:10)

6. If the flesh came into existence because of the spirit, that is a miracle. If the spirit is because of the body, it is a miracle of miracles. But I, I am amazed at how such great wealth can fit into such poverty.

7. Therefore, beware of useless grumbling and beware of the slander of the tongue, for even a secret word will not go in vain, but slanderous lips kill the soul.

(Win. 1. 11)

8. Don't be intrusive lest you be pushed away, and don't move too far away lest you be forgotten.
(Sir. 13.13)

9. Therefore, be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect.

10. Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth... but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in and steal; for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

(Matthew 6:19-21)

11. Judge not, lest you be judged, for with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with what measure you use, it will be measured to you again.

(Gospel of Matthew chapter 7)

12. ... With what measure you measure, it will be measured to you, and it will be added to you who hear. For whoever has, to him will be given, and whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.

(Mark 4:24-25)

13. ... Do they not, having fallen, get up and, having turned astray, do not return?

14. Do not boast about tomorrow, because you do not know what that day will give birth to.

(Prov. 27.1)

15. Man's days are like grass; like the flower of the field, so it blooms. The wind passes over him, and he is gone, and his place will no longer recognize him.

(Ps. 102.15-16)

16. But there will not always be darkness where it has now thickened.

17. Light and darkness, life and death, right and left are brothers to each other. They cannot be separated from each other.
(Phil. 10)

18. ... Love your soul and comfort your heart and remove sorrow from yourself, for sorrow has killed many, but there is no benefit in it.

(Sir. 30.22-27)

19. So if the light that is in you is darkness, what is the darkness?

20. ... If our outer man smolders, then the inner one is renewed from day to day.

(2 Cor. 4:16)

21. For we know that when our earthly house, this hut, is destroyed, we have from God a habitation in heaven, a house not made by hands, eternal.

(2 Corinthians 5:1)

22. Do not give anything holy to dogs, and do not cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample it under their feet and, turning around, tear you to pieces.

23. Hope that does not come true for a long time torments the heart, and a fulfilled desire is like a tree of life.
(Prov. 13:12)

24. Do not open your heart to every person, so that he does not thank you badly.

25. Do not praise a man for his beauty, and do not have aversion to a man for his outward appearance.

26. My son! do not take on many things: with a lot of things you will not be left without guilt. And if you chase after them, you won't reach them, and if you run away, you won't get away. Another works, strains his strength, hurries, and even more so lags behind.

(Sir. 11. 10-11)

27. If those who lead you say to you: Look, the kingdom is in heaven! then the birds of the air will be ahead of you. If they tell you that it is in the sea, then the fish will get ahead of you. But the Kingdom is within you, and it is your eye! When you know yourself, then you will be known, and you will understand that you are the children of the Living Father. If you do not know yourself, then you will be in poverty and you are poverty.
(Fom. 3)

28. Thus says the Lord: stand in your ways and look, and inquire about the ancient ways, where is the good way, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.

29. ... The visible is temporary, and the invisible is eternal.

(2 Cor. 4:18)

30. Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and the Spirit of God dwells in you?

If anyone destroys the temple of God, God will punish him: for the temple of God is holy; and this temple is you.

(1 Cor. 3:16-17)

31. Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow, nor reap, nor gather into barns; and your Heavenly Father feeds them... Look at the lilies of the field, how they grow: neither toil nor spin... So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of its own: enough for each day of its own care.

(Matthew 6:26, 28, 34)

32. Do not be jealous of evildoers, do not envy those who do iniquity, for they, like grass, will soon be cut down ...

33. Because they sowed the wind, they will also reap the whirlwind...

34. And from everyone to whom much has been given, much will be required, and to whom much has been entrusted, more will be exacted from him.
(Luke 12:48)

35. There is nothing secret that would not be made clear.

36. Stand firm in your covenant and abide in it, and grow old in your work.

(Sir. 11.19)

37. And passions come from the four demons. From sadness - envy, jealousy, grief, anxiety, pain, heartlessness, care, trouble, and so on. From pleasure come many evil deeds, and empty boasting, and such things. And from desire comes anger, rage, and bitterness, and bitter passion, and greed, and things like that. And from fear - amazement, flattery, confusion, shame. All of them are of the kind that are both useful and harmful.

(Ap. John 18)

38. Do not say: "I will repay evil"; Leave it to the Lord and He will keep you.
Proverbs 17:13

39. What is life without wine? it was created for the joy of people. Joy to the heart and consolation to the soul is wine, moderately consumed at the right time; sorrow for the soul is wine when they drink it a lot, with irritation and quarrel.
(Sir. 31. 32-34)

40. Do not be afraid of the flesh - and do not love it. If you are afraid of her, she will dominate you. If you love her, she will consume you, she will crush you.

41. There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear, because there is torment in fear. He who fears is imperfect in love. Let us love Him, because He first loved us. Whoever says, “I love God,” but hates his brother, is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?

(1 John 4:18-20)

42. Do not owe anything to anyone except mutual love; for he who loves another has fulfilled the law... love thy neighbor as thyself. Love does no harm to the neighbor; so love is the fulfillment of the law.

(Rom. 13:8-10)

43. If I speak with the tongues of men and angels, but have no love, then I am a ringing brass or a sounding cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries, and have all knowledge and all faith, so that I can move mountains, but do not have love, then I am nothing. And if I give away all my possessions and give my body to be burned, but I do not have love, it does not profit me at all. Love is long-suffering, merciful, love does not envy, love does not exalt itself, is not proud, does not behave violently, does not seek its own, is not irritated, does not think evil, does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; covers everything, believes everything, hopes everything, endures everything. Love never ceases, although prophecy will cease, and tongues will be silent, and knowledge will be abolished. For we know in part, and we prophesy in part; when the perfect comes, then that which is in part will cease.

(1 Corinthians 13:1-10)

44. For whoever has the light of good deeds in his mind, then darkness also flees from him.

(Testament. 12.5)

45. The way of the lawless is like darkness; they don't know what they'll trip over.

(Prov. 4:19)

46. ​​Truly, every living person is utter vanity. Verily, man walks like a ghost; in vain he fusses, collects and does not know who will get what.

(Ps. 38:6-7)

47. ... The one who is envied always blossoms, the envious one fades.

(Testament. 2. 3)

48. He who watches the wind will not sow; and who looks at the clouds, he will not reap.

(Eccl. 11:4)

49. Jesus said: I am the light that is on them all. I am everything: everything comes out of Me and everything comes into Me. Split the tree, I am there; lift up the stone and you will find me there.

50. There are many plans in the heart of man, but only what is determined by the Lord will take place.

(Prov. 19:21)


Old Testament
(Gen.) Genesis
(Ex.) Exodus
(Lev.) Levite
(Num.) Numbers
(Deut.) Deuteronomy
(1 Sam.) First Book of Kings
(1 Kings) 1st Book of Kings
(2 Chron.) Second Book of Chronicles
(2 Rides) The Second Book of Ezra
(Comrade) Book of Tobit
(Judith.) Book of Judith
(Job.) Book of Job
(Ps.) Psalter
(Parable) Proverbs of Solomon
(Eccl.) The Book of Ecclesiastes, or the Preacher
(Song.) Song of Songs of Solomon
(Prem.) The Book of the Wisdom of Solomon
(Sir.) The Book of Wisdom of Jesus son of Sirach
(Is.) Book of Isaiah
(Jer.) Book of Jeremiah
(Weeping) Lamentations of Jeremiah
(Last Mer.) The Epistle of Jeremiah
(Var.) The Book of the Prophet Baruch
(Ezek.) Book of Ezekiel
(Dan.) Book of Daniel
(Os.) Book of Hosea
(Am.) The Book of the Prophet Amos
(Mux.) Book of Micah
(Hab.) The Book of the Prophet Habakkuk
(Zech.) Book of Zechariah
(Mal.) Book of Malachi
(2 Mac.) Second Book of Maccabees
(3 Rides) The Third Book of Ezra

New Testament
(Matt.) From Matthew the holy gospel
(Mk.) From Mark the holy gospel
(Luke) From Luke the holy gospel
(Jn.) From John the holy gospel
(Acts) Acts of the Holy Apostles
(James) Epistle of James
(1 Pet.) First Epistle of Peter
(2 Pet.) Second Epistle of Peter
(1 Jn.) First Epistle of John
(Rom.) Epistle to the Romans
(1 Cor.) First Epistle to the Corinthians
(2 Cor.) Second Epistle to the Corinthians
(Gal.) Epistle to the Galatians
(Eph.) Ephesians
(Phil.) Epistle to the Philippians
(1 Thess; 1 Sol.) First Epistle to the Thessalonians (Thessalonians.)
(2 Thess; 2 Sol) Second Epistle to the Thessalonians (Thessalonians.)
(1 Tim.) First Epistle to Timothy
(2 Tim.) 2 Timothy (Heb.) Hebrews
(Revelation; Apoc.) Revelation of Ap. John the Evangelist (Apocalypse)

(Eph.) Book of Enoch. "Ethiopian Text"
(1 Slav.) Book of Enoch the Righteous. "Slavic Enoch"
(2 Glories) Book of the Holy Mysteries of Enoch. "Slavic Enoch"
(Jub.) The Book of Jubilees, or Little Genesis
(Testament.) Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs
(Sol.) Psalms of Solomon
(Odes.) Odes of Solomon
(Fom.) Gospel of Thomas
(Ap. John) Apocryphon of John
(Phil.) Gospel of Philip

And God created man in his own image.
Genesis (ch. 1, v. 27)

And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.
Genesis (ch. 2, v. 7)

What is man and what is his use? what is his good and what is his evil?
Sirach (ch. 18, v. 7)

And God said: let there be light.
Genesis (ch. 1, v. 3)

And God saw that it was good.
Genesis (ch. 1, v. 12)

Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it.
Genesis (ch. 1, v. 28)

And the serpent said to the woman: ...on the day that you eat them, your eyes will be opened, and you will be like gods, knowing good and evil.
Genesis (ch. 3, v. 4)

Above all things, guard your heart, for from it are the fountains of life. Reject from yourself the deceitfulness of the mouth, and remove the deceitfulness of the tongue from you. Let your eyes look straight ... Consider the path for your foot, and let all your paths be firm.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 4, vv. 23-27)

Hope that does not come true for a long time torments the heart, and a fulfilled desire is like a tree of life.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 13, v. 12)

The heart knows the grief of its own soul, and no stranger will interfere with its joy.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 14, v. 10)

And with laughter sometimes the heart hurts, and the end of joy is sadness.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 14, v. 13)

Vanity of vanities, said the Ecclesiastes, vanity of vanities, all is vanity!
Ecclesiastes (ch. 1, v. 2)

A generation passes and a generation comes, but the earth remains forever. The sun rises, and the sun sets, and hurries to its place where it rises ... All the rivers flow into the sea, but the sea does not overflow: to the place where the rivers flow, they return to flow again ... What was, will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun ... There is no memory of the former; and of what will be, there will be no memory for those who will come after.
Ecclesiastes (ch. 1, vv. 4-11)

There is a time for everything, and a time for every thing under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to uproot what is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to destroy, and a time to build; a time to cry, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; a time to scatter stones, and a time to gather stones; a time to hug, and a time to avoid hugging; time to seek, and time to lose; a time to save, and a time to throw; a time to tear apart, and a time to sew; a time to be silent, and a time to speak; a time to love and a time to hate; a time for war and a time for peace.
Ecclesiastes (ch. 3, vv. 1-8)

The fate of the sons of men and the fate of animals is the same fate: as they die, so these also die, and everyone has one breath, and man has no advantage over cattle, because everything is vanity! Everything goes to one place: everything came from dust and everything will return to dust. Who knows whether the spirit of the sons of men ascends upwards, and whether the spirit of animals descends into the earth?
Ecclesiastes (ch. 3, vv. 19-21)

There is nothing better than a man enjoying his deeds: because this is his share; for who will bring him to see what will be after him?
Ecclesiastes (ch. 3, v. 22)

All the labors of a man are for his mouth, but his soul is not satisfied.
Ecclesiastes (ch. 6, v. 7)

Who knows what is good for a person in life, in all the days of his vain life, which he spends like a shadow? And who will tell a man what will be after him under the sun?
Ecclesiastes (ch. 6, v. 12)

In the days of well-being, use the good, and in the days of adversity, meditate.
Ecclesiastes (ch. 7, v. 14)

There is nothing better for a man under the sun than to eat, drink and be merry: this accompanies him in his labors in the days of his life.
Ecclesiastes (ch. 8, v. 15)

Man cannot comprehend the works that are done under the sun. No matter how much a person labors in research, he still will not comprehend it; and if any wise man said that he knew, he could not comprehend it.
Ecclesiastes (ch. 8, v. 17)

Whoever is among the living, there is still hope, for even a living dog is better than a dead lion.
Ecclesiastes (ch. 9, v. 4)

Not the agile get a successful run, not the brave - victory, not the wise - bread, and not the prudent - wealth, and not the skilled - goodwill, but time and chance for all of them.
Ecclesiastes (ch. 9, v. 11)

Man does not know his time. As fish are caught in a pernicious net, and as birds are entangled in snares, so the sons of men are caught in a time of distress when it unexpectedly comes upon them.
Ecclesiastes (ch. 9, v. 12)

Do not indulge in sorrow with your soul and do not torment yourself with your suspiciousness; gladness of the heart is the life of a man, and the joy of a husband is a long life; love your soul and comfort your heart and remove sorrow from yourself, for sorrow has killed many, but there is no benefit in it.
Sirach (ch. 30, vv. 22-25)

Do not follow the majority to evil, and do not decide litigation, deviating from the truth for the majority.
Exodus (chap. 23, v. 2)

The integrity of the upright will guide them, but the guile of the treacherous will destroy them.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 11, v. 3)

The truth of the upright will save them, but the lawless will be caught by their iniquity.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 11, v. 6)

Whoever rejoices in misfortune will not go unpunished.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 17, v. 5)

When the righteous triumph, there is great glory, but when the wicked rise, the people are hidden.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 28, v. 12)

Judgment on evil deeds is not soon done; from this the heart of the sons of men does not fear to do evil.
Ecclesiastes (ch. 8, v. 11)

There is also such a fuss on earth: the righteous are beset by what the deeds of the wicked would deserve, and to the wicked what the deeds of the righteous would deserve.
Ecclesiastes (ch. 8, v. 14)

Do no evil, and evil will not befall you; turn away from unrighteousness, and it will turn away from you.
Sirach (ch. 7, v. 1, 2)

In the sweat of your face you will eat your bread.
Genesis (ch. 3, v. 19)

If you are not lazy, then your harvest will come like a fountain; poverty will run far from you.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 6, v. 11)

A lazy hand makes poor, but a diligent hand makes rich. He who gathers in summer is a wise son, but he who sleeps in harvest time is a dissolute son.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 10, vv. 4,5)

He who tills his land will be satisfied with bread; and whoever follows in the footsteps of idlers is a dullard.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 12, v. 11)

From the fruit of his mouth, a man is saturated with goodness, and the reward of a man is according to the works of his hands.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 12, v. 14)

The hand of the diligent will rule, but the hand of the lazy will be under tribute.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 12, v. 24)

The soul of the lazy desires, but in vain.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 13, v. 4)

Wealth is depleted from vanity, and he who gathers it with labor multiplies it.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 13, v. 11)

There is a lot of grain in the field of the poor, but some perish from disorder.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 13, v. 24)

From any work there is a profit, but from idle talk only damage.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 14, v. 23)

He who is negligent in his work is a brother to a spendthrift.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 18, v. 10)

The thoughts of the diligent strive for abundance, but everyone who is hasty suffers deprivation.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 21, v. 5)

He who tills his land will be satisfied with bread, but he who imitates the idle will be satisfied with poverty.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 28, v. 19)

All things are in labor: a person cannot retell everything; The eye is not satisfied with sight, the ear is not filled with hearing.
Ecclesiastes (ch. 1, v. 8)

Every work and every success in business produces mutual envy among people. And this is vanity and vexation of the spirit!
Ecclesiastes (ch. 4, v. 4)

Knowledge is better than choice gold; for wisdom is better than pearls, and nothing desired can compare with it.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 8, vv. 10,11)

The wisdom of the prudent is the knowledge of his own way, but the foolishness of the foolish is error.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 14, v. 8)

A fool does not like knowledge, but only to express his mind.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 18, v. 2)

Put your heart to learning and your ears to clever words.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 23, v. 12)

There is much sorrow in much wisdom; and whoever increases knowledge, increases sorrow.
Ecclesiastes (ch. 1, v. 18)

Be in the assembly of the elders, and whoever is wise, cleave to him; love to listen to every sacred story, and let not parables of wisdom escape from you.
Sirach (ch. 6, v. 35)

Fools only despise wisdom and instruction.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 1, v. 7)

The stubbornness of the ignorant will kill them, but the heedlessness of the fools will destroy them.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 1, v. 32)

When wisdom enters into your heart, and knowledge is pleasing to your soul, then discretion will protect you, intelligence will guard you, in order to save you from the path of the evil one, from the person who speaks lies, from those who leave straight paths to walk in the paths of darkness. .
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 2, vv. 10-13)

Blessed is the man who has gained wisdom, and the man who has gained understanding, because the acquisition of it is better than the acquisition of silver, and the profit from it is greater than from gold: it is more expensive than precious stones; no evil can resist it; she is well known to all who approach her, and nothing you desire can compare with her. Longevity is in her right hand, and in her left is wealth and glory; truth comes out of her mouth; she carries law and mercy on her tongue; her ways are pleasant ways, and all her paths are peaceful. She is the tree of life for those who acquire her - and blessed are those who keep her!
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 3, vv. 13-18)

Wisdom is the main thing: get wisdom and with all your possessions get understanding. Appreciate her highly, and she will exalt you.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 4, vv. 7-9)

A fool will immediately show his anger, but a prudent hides an insult.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 12, v. 16)

A wise man hides knowledge, but the heart of fools speaks foolishness.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 12, v. 23)

Discord comes from arrogance, but wisdom comes from those who take counsel.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 13, v. 10)

The prudent man acts with knowledge, but the foolish one flaunts foolishness.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 13, v. 17)

Whoever associates with the wise will be wise, but whoever associates with fools will become corrupt.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 13, v. 21)

The foolish believes every word, but the prudent is attentive to his ways.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 14, v. 15)

The wise are afraid and turn away from evil, but the stupid are irritable and presumptuous.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 14, v. 16)

A reprimand has a stronger effect on a wise man than on a stupid one hundred blows.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 17, v. 10)

It is better for a man to meet a she-bear without children than a fool with his stupidity.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 17, v. 12)

Why treasure in the hands of a fool? He has no intelligence to acquire wisdom.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 17, v. 16)

Thoughts in a man's heart are deep waters, but a wise man draws them out.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 20, v. 5)

The prudent sees trouble, and hides; but the inexperienced go forward and are punished.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 22, v. 3)

A gold earring and pure gold jewelry is a wise accuser for an attentive ear.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 25, v. 12)

He cuts his legs, he suffers trouble who gives a verbal order to a fool.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 26, v. 6)

Have you seen a man who is wise in his eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 26, v. 12)

Heavy stone, weight and sand; but the wrath of a fool is heavier than both of them.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 27, v. 3)

The talk of a fool in a mortar with a pestle along with grain, his stupidity will not be separated from him.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 27, v. 22)

I gave my heart to search and try with wisdom all that is done under heaven: this hard work God gave to the sons of men to exercise in it.
Ecclesiastes (ch. 1, v. 13)

And I saw that the advantage of wisdom over stupidity is the same as the advantage of light over darkness: a wise man has his eyes in his head, but a fool walks in darkness; but I learned that one fate befell them all.
Ecclesiastes (ch. 2, vv. 13, 14)

The wise will not be remembered forever, nor the fool; in the coming days all will be forgotten, and alas! The wise die just like the stupid.
Ecclesiastes (ch. 2, v. 16)

It is better to listen to reproofs from a wise man than to listen to the songs of fools.
Ecclesiastes (ch. 7, v. 5)

Who is like the wise, and who understands the meaning of things?
Ecclesiastes (ch. 8, v. 1)

The heart of the wise knows both the time and the charter... for every thing there is a time and a charter; and it is a great evil for a man because he does not know what will happen; and how it will be - who will tell him?
Ecclesiastes (ch. 8, verses 5-7)

Wisdom is better than weapons of war.
Ecclesiastes (ch. 9, v. 18)

The heart of the wise will consider the parable, and the attentive ear is the desire of the wise.
Sirach (ch. 3, v. 29)

Wisdom exalts her sons and supports those who seek her: he who loves her loves life, and he who seeks her is filled with joy from early morning.
Sirach (ch. 4, vv. 12, 13)

Do not take advice from a fool, for he cannot remain silent about a matter.
Sirach (ch. 8, v. 20)

Hidden wisdom and hidden treasure - what good is both? Better is a man who hides his stupidity than a man who hides his wisdom.
Sirach (ch. 20, vv. 30, 31)

The one who teaches the fool is the same as the one who glues the shards.
Sirach (ch. 22, v. 7)

It is easier to bear sand and salt and a block of iron than a mindless man.
Sirach (ch. 22, v. 16)

Wine and music gladden the heart, but better than both is the love of wisdom.
Sirach (ch. 40, v. 20)

Whatever comes out of your mouth, keep it and do it.
Deuteronomy (ch. 23, v. 23)

With verbosity, sin cannot be avoided, but he who restrains his mouth is reasonable.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 10, v. 19)

The feeble-minded expresses contempt for his neighbor; but a reasonable person is silent.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 11, v. 12)

A faithful person hides the case.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 11, v. 13)

Anguish in a man's heart overwhelms him, but a kind word cheers him up.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 12, v. 25)

He who keeps his mouth keeps his soul; and whoever opens his mouth wide is in trouble.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 13, v. 3)

A meek tongue is the tree of life, but an unbridled one is contrition of the spirit.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 15, v. 4)

A deceitful heart will not find good, and a deceitful tongue will get into trouble.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 17, v. 20)

And a fool, when he is silent, may appear wise, and he who shuts his mouth may appear prudent.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 17, v. 28)

The words of the mouth of men are deep waters; the source of wisdom is a flowing stream.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 18, v. 4)

Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat of its fruits.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 18, v. 23)

It is a snare for a man to hastily make a vow, and after the vow to ponder.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 20, v. 25)

He who guards his mouth and his tongue, he guards his soul from troubles.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 21, v. 23)

Do not speak into the ears of a fool, for he will despise your reasonable words.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 23, v. 9)

Golden apples in silver transparent vessels - a word well spoken.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 25, v. 11)

Do not answer a fool according to his foolishness, lest you also become like him.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 26, v. 4)

Do not answer a fool according to his foolishness, lest he become a wise man in his own eyes.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 26, v. 5)

The words of the earphone are like treats, and they enter the inside of the womb.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 26, v. 22)

Like an earthen vessel lined with impure silver, so are fiery lips and an evil heart.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 26, v. 23)

Have you seen a man reckless in his words? There is more hope for a fool than for him.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 29, v. 20)

Do not hurry with your tongue and let your heart not rush to utter a word ... Let your words be few.
Ecclesiastes (ch. 5, v. 1)

It is better for you not to promise than to promise and not fulfill. Do not allow your mouth to lead you into sin... There is a lot of vanity in the multitude of words.
Ecclesiastes (ch. 5, vv. 4, 5)

There is no righteous man on earth who does good and does not sin; therefore, do not pay attention to every word that is spoken ... for your heart knows many cases when you yourself have cursed others.
Ecclesiastes (ch. 7, vv. 20-22)

The words of the wise, spoken calmly, are heard better than the cry of a ruler among fools.
Ecclesiastes (ch. 9, v. 17)

The words of the wise are like needles and like driven nails.
Ecclesiastes (ch. 12, v. 11)

Be firm in your conviction, and let your word be one. Be quick to hear, and answer thoughtfully. If you have knowledge, then answer your neighbor, but if not, then let your hand be on your lips. In speeches there is glory and dishonor, and the tongue of a man is his downfall. Do not be known as an earpiece, and do not be deceitful with your tongue: for on a thief is shame, and on a bilingual one is an evil censure. Do not be foolish in great or small things.
Sirach (ch. 5, vv. 12-18)

Before the assembly of the elders, do not talk too much, and do not repeat the words in your petition.
Sirach (ch. 7, v. 14)

A curbing tongue will live in peace, and one who hates talkativeness will lessen evil.
Sirach (ch. 19, v. 6)

You have heard the word, let it die with you: do not be afraid, it will not tear you apart.
Sirach (ch. 19, v. 10)

Don't believe every word.
Sirach (ch. 19, v. 16)

Another will sin with a word, but not from the heart; and who has not erred with his tongue?
Sirach (ch. 19, v. 17)

A wise man will be silent for a time; but the vain and reckless will not wait for time.
Sirach (ch. 20, v. 7)

If a wise word is heard by a prudent one, he will praise it and apply it to himself. The frivolous one heard it, and he did not like it, and he threw it behind himself.
Sirach (ch. 21, v. 18)

In the mouth of fools is their heart, but the mouth of the wise is in their heart.
Sirach (ch. 21, v. 29)

A story at the wrong time is like music in times of sadness; punishment and the teaching of wisdom is fitting for all time.
Sirach (ch. 22, v. 6)

A person who gets used to swear words will not learn all his days.
Sirach (ch. 23, v. 19)

He who reveals secrets has lost confidence and will not find a friend to his liking.
Sirach (ch. 27, v. 16)

Lend to your neighbor in his time of need, and repay your neighbor in due time. Keep your word firmly and be faithful to it - and you will always find what is right for you.
Sirach (ch. 29, vv. 2, 3)

The observance of truth and justice is more pleasing to the Lord than the sacrifice.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 21, v. 3)

The observance of justice is joy for the righteous and fear for those who do evil.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 21, v. 15)

When a country departs from the law, then there are many chiefs in it; but with a sensible and knowledgeable husband, it is long-lived.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 28, v. 2)

What is the ruler of the people, such are those who serve under him.
Sirach (ch. 10, v. 2)

Whoever repays good deeds, he thinks about the future and during the fall he will find support.
Sirach (ch. 3, v. 31)

Cunning is in the heart of evildoers, joy is in the peacemakers.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 12, v. 20)

Do not move the old boundary that your fathers drew.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 22, v. 28)

Fear is nothing but deprivation of help from reason.
Wisdom of Solomon (ch. 17, v. 11)

Just as a strong wooden bond in a house does not allow it to fall apart when shaken, so the heart, established in a deliberate council, will not waver in time of fear.
Sirach (ch. 22, v. 17)

Blood defiles the earth, and the earth is not otherwise cleansed of the blood shed on it, than by the blood of the one who shed it.
Numbers (ch. 35, v. 33)

Do not plot evil against your neighbor.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 3, v. 29)

Don't fight with a person for no reason.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 3, v. 30)

Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all sins.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 10, v. 12)

He who hides hatred has lying lips; and whoever spreads slander is stupid.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 10, v. 18)

The one who covers the transgression seeks love; and who again reminds of him, he removes the friend.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 17, v. 9)

Whoever repays good with evil, evil will not depart from his house.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 17, v. 13)

Whoever wants to have friends must be friendly himself; and there is a friend who is more attached than a brother.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 18, v. 25)

Do not make friends with an angry person and do not associate with a quick-tempered person.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 22, v. 24)

Do not frequently enter your friend's house, lest he become weary of you and hate you.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 25, v. 17)

Iron sharpens iron, and a man refines his friend's gaze.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 27, v. 17)

As in water face to face, so the heart of man is to man.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 27, v. 19)

Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor: for if one falls, the other will lift up his companion. But woe to one when he falls, and there is no other to lift him up. Also, if two are lying, then they are warm; How can one keep warm? And if someone begins to overcome one, then two will stand against him: and the thread, twisted three times, will not break soon.
Ecclesiastes (ch. 4, vv. 9-12)

Do not become an enemy out of a friend, for a bad name receives shame and disgrace.
Sirach (ch. 6, v. 1)

A sweet mouth will increase friends, and a kind tongue will increase affection. Let there be many who live with you in peace, and let one of a thousand be your adviser. If you want to win a friend, win him after a trial and do not trust him quickly.
Sirach (ch. 6, verses 5-7)

Keep away from your enemies and be careful with your friends. A true friend is a strong defense: whoever finds him has found a treasure. A true friend has no price and no measure of his kindness.
Sirach (ch. 6, vv. 13-15)

Leave not an old friend, for a new one cannot be compared with him; A new friend is like new wine: when it becomes old, you will drink it with pleasure.
Sirach (ch. 9, vv. 12, 13)

Acquire the confidence of your neighbor in his poverty, that you may rejoice with him in his wealth.
Sirach (ch. 22, v. 26)

And the Lord God said, It is not good for the man to be alone.
Genesis (ch. 2, v. 18)

Like a golden ring in a pig's nose, the woman is beautiful and reckless.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 11, v. 22)

Anger is cruel, rage is indomitable; but who can resist jealousy?
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 27, v. 4)

Three things are incomprehensible to me, and four I do not understand: the path of an eagle in the sky, the path of a serpent on a rock, the path of a ship in the sea, and the path of a man to a woman's heart.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 30, v. 18)

More bitter than death is a woman, because she is a snare, and her heart is a snare, her hands are shackles.
Ecclesiastes (ch. 7, v. 26)

Strong as death, love; fierce, like hell, jealousy; her arrows are arrows of fire.
Song of Songs (ch. 8, v. 6)

Great waters cannot extinguish love, and rivers will not flood it. If anyone gave all the wealth of his house for love, he would be rejected with contempt.
Song of Songs (ch. 8, v. 7)

You can endure any wound, but not a wound of the heart, and any anger, but not the anger of a woman.
Sirach (ch. 25, v. 15)

A man shall leave his father and his mother, and cling to his wife; and they will be one flesh.
Genesis (ch. 2, v. 24)

In sickness you will give birth to children; and your desire is for your husband, and he will rule over you.
Genesis (ch. 3, v. 16)

A wise woman will build her house, but a foolish woman will destroy it with her own hands.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 14, v. 1)

Better is a piece of dry bread, and peace with it, than a house full of slaughtered cattle, with contention.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 17, v. 1)

A foolish son is a ruin to his father, and a quarrelsome wife is a sewer.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 19, v. 13)

Whoever speaks evil of his father and his mother, the lamp will go out in the midst of deep darkness.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 20, v. 20)

It is better to live in a corner on the roof than with a quarrelsome wife in a spacious house.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 21, v. 9)

It is better to live in a desert land than with a quarrelsome and angry woman.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 21, v. 19)

Obey your father: he begat you; and do not neglect your mother when she is old.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 23, v. 22)

A constant drip on a rainy day and a quarrelsome wife are equal.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 27, v. 15)

Do not be jealous of the wife of your heart, and do not give her a bad lesson against yourself. Do not give your soul to your wife, lest she rebel against your authority.
Sirach (ch. 9, vv. 1, 2)

A patient person has a lot of intelligence, and an irritable one shows stupidity.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 14, v. 29)

A quick-tempered person stirs up strife, but a patient one calms strife.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 15, v. 18)

He who is long-suffering is better than the brave, and he who controls himself is better than the conqueror of the city.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 16, v. 32)

A merry heart is good as medicine, but a despondent spirit dries the bones.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 17, v. 22)

The prudent is restrained in his words, and the prudent is cold-blooded.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 17, v. 27)

Before a fall, the heart of man is lifted up, and humility precedes glory.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 18, v. 13)

Like a city destroyed without walls, so is a man who does not control his spirit.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 25, v. 28)

An angry person starts a quarrel, and a quick-tempered one sins a lot.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 29, v. 22)

The end of a deed is better than the beginning; patient is better than arrogant.
Ecclesiastes (ch. 7, v. 8)

Do not exalt yourself in the thoughts of your soul, lest your soul be torn to pieces like an ox: you will cut off your leaves and destroy your fruits, and you will be left like a dry tree. The evil soul will destroy its owner and make him a laughingstock of enemies.

And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, for in it he rested from all his works.
Genesis (ch. 2, v. 3)

May you have no other gods.
Exodus (chap. 20, v. 3)

Don't make yourself an idol.
Exodus (chap. 20, v. 4)

Do not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
Exodus (chap. 20, v. 7)

Remember the Sabbath day.
Exodus (chap. 20, v. 8)

Honor your father and your mother.
Exodus (chap. 20, v. 12)

Don't kill.
Exodus (chap. 20, v. 13)

Don't commit adultery.
Exodus (chap. 20, v. 14)

Don't steal.
Exodus (chap. 20, v. 15)

Do not bear false witness against your neighbor.
Exodus (chap. 20, v. 16)

Do not turn greedy eyes on the wealth of your neighbor.
Exodus (chap. 20, v. 17)

Cursed be he who wrongly judges a stranger, an orphan and a widow!
Deuteronomy (ch. 27, v. 19)

Do not withhold good deeds from those in need, when your hand is in the power to do so.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 3, v. 27

Whoever despises his neighbor sins; but he who is merciful to the poor is blessed.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 14, v. 21)

The beginning of a quarrel is like a breakthrough of water; leave the quarrel before it flares up.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 17, v. 14)

Enterprises gain firmness through the meeting. Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 20, v. 18)

He who stops his ear from the cry of the poor will himself cry out, and will not be heard.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 21, v. 13)

Do not eat the food of an envious person and do not be seduced by his delicious dishes.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 23, v. 6)

He grabs the dog by the ears, who, passing by, intervenes in someone else's quarrel.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 26, v. 17)

The foolish one pours out all his anger, but the wise one restrains it.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 29, v. 11)

By oppressing others, the wise become foolish, and gifts spoil the heart.
Ecclesiastes (ch. 7, v. 7)

Do not be hasty in your spirit to anger, for anger nestles in the heart of fools.
Ecclesiastes (ch. 7, v. 9)

Guard yourself from useless grumbling and beware of the slander of the tongue, for even a secret word will not go in vain, and slanderous lips kill the soul. Do not hasten death by the delusions of your life, and do not invite destruction to you by the works of your hands.
Wisdom of Solomon (ch. 1, vv. 11, 12)

Watch the time and keep yourself from evil - and you will not be ashamed of your soul: there is shame that leads to sin, and there is shame - glory and grace. Be not partial to your soul, and be not ashamed of your injury. Do not withhold the word when it can help: for wisdom is known in the word, and knowledge in the speech of the tongue. Do not contradict the truth and be ashamed of your ignorance. Do not be ashamed to confess your sins and do not hold back the flow of the river. Do not obey a foolish person and do not look to a strong one. Fight for truth until death.
Sirach (ch. 4, vv. 23-31)

Do not be quick with your tongue, and lazy and negligent in your deeds ... Let not your hand be outstretched to receive and clenched in giving.
Sirach (ch. 4, vv. 33-35)

Do not mock a man who is in the sorrow of his soul.
Sirach (ch. 7, v. 11)

Do not open your heart to every person, lest he thank you badly.
Sirach (ch. 8, v. 22)

Do not praise a man for his beauty, and do not have aversion to a man for his outward appearance.
Sirach (ch. 11, v. 2)

Don't talk too much to the foolish, and don't go to the foolish.
Sirach (ch. 22, v. 12)

Whoever throws a stone up, throws it on his head, and the insidious blow will divide the wounds. Whoever digs a hole will himself fall into it, and whoever sets up a net will himself be caught in it. Whoever does evil, it will turn on him, and he will not know from where it came to him.
Sirach (ch. 27, vv. 28-30)

Hold on to the advice of your heart, for there is no one more faithful to you than him.
Sirach (ch. 37, v. 17)

The beginning of every action is reflection, and before any action is advice.
Sirach (ch. 37, v. 20)

Cursed be he who takes a bribe to kill a soul and shed innocent blood!
Deuteronomy (ch. 27, v. 25)

As vinegar is to the teeth and smoke to the eyes, so is the lazy one to those who send it.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 10, v. 26)

In the mouth of a fool is the scourge of pride; but the mouth of the wise guards them.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 14, v. 3)

A quick-tempered person can do stupid things; but a man who deliberately does evil is hateful.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 14, v. 17)

A meek heart is life to the body, but envy is rottenness to the bones.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 14, v. 30)

Anger also destroys the intelligent.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 15, v. 1)

Pride precedes destruction, and arrogance precedes a fall.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 16, v. 18)

Honor for a man - to lag behind a quarrel; and every fool is perky.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 20, v. 3)

Charcoal is for heat and firewood is for fire, and a grumpy person is for kindling a quarrel.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 26, v. 21)

A man who flatters his friend spreads a net for his feet.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 29, v. 5)

Whoever loves silver will not be satisfied with silver.
Ecclesiastes (ch. 5, v. 9)

The service of idols... is the beginning and the cause and the end of all evil.
Wisdom of Solomon (ch. 14, v. 27)

Do not argue with a man who is bold in his tongue, and do not put wood on his fire.
Sirach (ch. 8, v. 4)

The evil vice in man is a lie; in the mouth of the ignorant it is always.
Sirach (ch. 20, v. 24)

Don't be brave against wine, for wine has ruined many.
Sirach (ch. 31, v. 29)

Wine is good for human life if you drink it in moderation. What is life without wine? It was created for the joy of people. Joy to the heart and consolation to the soul is wine, moderately consumed at the right time; sorrow for the soul is wine when they drink it a lot, with irritation and quarrel.
Sirach (ch. 31, vv. 31-34)

A good name is better than great wealth, and good fame is better than silver and gold.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 22, v. 1)

Let another praise you, and not your mouth; a stranger, and not your tongue.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 27, v. 2)

As a foundry is for silver, a furnace for gold, so is for a man the mouth that praises him.
Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 27, v. 21)

The crooked cannot become straight, and what is not, cannot be counted.
Ecclesiastes (ch. 1, v. 15)

If you blow on a spark, it will flare up, but if you spit on it, it will die out: both come out of your mouth.
Sirach (ch. 28, v. 14)