What kind of chests are in Lola. Hextech crafting and loot system. What determines the drop rate of key fragments?

The New Year has brought with it a new system, with which we want to give you two opportunities: purchase random content with deep discounts and receive free champions and skins for your cool achievements.

Open chests with keys earned by winning matchmaking games. In them you will find fragments of loot that you can exchange for champions, skins and summoner icons.


Free content for mastering a champion

The Loot System is a new way to create, obtain, and purchase content such as Champions, Champion Skins, Wart Skins, and Summoner Icons.

Mastery Chests

You will be able to receive locked chests for successfully playing various champions alone or with friends. If anyone in your party gets an S grade at the end of the game, you will receive a chest. You can earn up to four chests each month, and each champion allows you to earn one chest per season.

You can find out which champions you have not yet earned a chest for on the champion select screen and on the champion page.

Keys and loot in the store

To open your chests, you need to get a random key by winning a matchmaking game. It is worth noting that players playing with friends will receive more keys than solo players.

For those who just want to purchase content at a deep discount, we offer the purchase of chests and keys separately. The random contents of the chests are worth more than the chests themselves (unless you're sick of Teemo, of course), so buying them means you're getting a good deal (however, if you need a specific item, it's easier to purchase it directly from the store ).

Hextech Crafting


Chests can be received as rewards or purchased. A locked chest costs 125 RP. Chests contain loot, shards, and essences. Also, chests can contain several types of loot (essences will always come with something else).


Earn keys for winning matched games or buy them in the store for 125 RP. Chests can be opened with keys using Hextech crafting.


Shards are materials that can be combined through Hextech crafting to create permanent content (such as champions). Don't like tinkering? Then they can be used for a limited time.


Champion's Essence

Champion Essence is used to create permanent content from Champion Shards.

Cosmetic essence

Cosmetic Essence is used to create all other types of content - such as champion skins or wards - from the corresponding types of shards.

Disenchantment, improvement and re-selection at the crafting table

Use the crafting table to pick up, upgrade, or reselect content you don't need. Here are some useful tips:


Use the shard for seven days or convert it into permanent content.


Reroll three of the same type of loot item and get permanent content of the same type (for example, you can reroll three different champion shards and permanently get a champion you don't have).

In ancient times, there was no hextech crafting in League of Legends, and the system for obtaining new champions was as simple as possible. For each battle, regardless of victory or defeat, you received a certain amount of experience and a special resource. Actually, this resource was used to acquire new champions. In 2016, in one of the updates, players saw a new progression system called Hextech Crafting. For winning or losing a match, players no longer receive a special resource (the only exception is the first victory of the day), but instead only receive experience. At the same time, the maximum account level has been increased. Previously, players unlocked all available content at level 30 and account development stopped there. Now the maximum level can be increased further and for this you will be given special capsules from which you can get champion fragments. Of course, you can acquire champions the old fashioned way, that is, accumulate resources and acquire the champion you like, but for novice players this will not be the most profitable way. Below we'll take a closer look at each aspect of this mechanic and try to explain why the new system is more beneficial for new players.

First of all, it’s worth understanding where hextech chests and the keys to them come from. After all, it is from the chests that you can get fragments of champion images and other goodies. The most common way is to play certain champions well. If you or one of your teammates receives an S-, S or S+ at the end of the match, you will be given a Hextech Chest. It sounds simple, but in reality it is not easy to achieve such an assessment. You will have to train well and find smart friends who will also have a good level of play. It is important to note that the Hextech chest can only be obtained once per champion. At the end of the season, this restriction is reset. Thus, it will not be possible to constantly play on one champion and earn chests. It is necessary to master as many new characters as possible and increase your overall level of play. If you forgot which champion you have already received a chest with and which one you haven’t, you can see this on the “Champions” tab. This is not the only limitation associated with chests. You can receive a new chest no more than once every 7 days. At the same time, if, for example, you do not enter the game for a month, then you will accumulate 4 chests, which you can receive in the future, but no more. Thus, in a month you can get 4 chests, which is actually quite good. After all, the chests may contain an interesting image of the champion, which can only be purchased for real money. The new hextech crafting system allows you to obtain champion skins without any real investment in the game. Yes, the images will appear randomly, but you must agree that this is better than nothing at all. If you buy a Hextech chest from the store for 125 RP, it will not count towards the system above. You can purchase up to 25 chests per day.

With the chests, I think it has become more or less clear, but there is one more catch. To open the chest you need a Hextech key.

Of course, the key can be bought in the store for real money, but there are other ways. For example, a key can be purchased during various events, but as a rule, players try to buy some rare items during events: chests, emotions, and so on. The next option for obtaining keys is the simplest and most popular. When your allies thank you after the match (it’s best to play with randoms), then your honor level not only increases, but you are also given key fragments for this. One key is collected from three fragments, and within a month you can get a maximum of 12 fragments (or 4 keys). This option seems somehow complicated and even confusing, but this is only at first glance. If, for example, you play as a support and at the same time help the team in every possible way, then you will be praised very often and there will be no problems with fragments of keys. Of course, the support role is just a recommendation. Just try to be friendly and helpful to your team and praise will follow.

Possible reward

In order to open a hextech chest (or any other), you need to click on the “Loot” icon, which is located at the top of the screen and looks like a small container. Actually, this is where all the manipulations with opening chests and obtaining new champions take place. We will examine each point in more detail below, but now let’s figure out what you can get by opening a hextech chest.

The reward from the chest can be different and in many respects everything will depend on your luck. There are several reward options, and all will be described below.

  • 57% chance- champion skin fragment for 1820 RP (or less) or permanent champion skin. That is, either a piece of the image will drop out, which will then need to be improved to a permanent image with the help of orange essence, or a ready-made image will drop out that can be used immediately. It is important to note that the drop rate does not depend on the price of the image. That is, you can get both expensive and cheap images equally often.
  • 25% chance- 4800 blue essence + champion fragment. Basically, you get a new champion if you didn't have one before. After all, even the most expensive fragment requires 3780 blue essence to turn it into a ready-made champion. You'll even still have some Essence left over for other champions. Of course, all the essence received can be spent on other champions. Above was just an example of what can be done with the resulting essence.
  • 11.5% chance- fragment of totem image + 150 orange essence. Here it should be said that 150 units of orange essence is not enough to immediately turn the fragment into a finished image, since 340 units are needed. That is, you will have to get the orange essence somewhere else if you didn’t have it before.
  • 10% chance
  • Chance 3.5%- ready-made summoner icon + 150 orange essence. As you understand, this is the rarest award.

In addition to the main reward, there is a chance to receive an additional reward:

  • 10% chance- hextech chest and key to it. A very good bonus that actually doubles our reward.
  • Chance 3.6%
  • Chance 0.04%- mythical image. This image is very valuable, but as you understand, the chance of getting it is so tiny that it’s better not to even count on it.

The developers, realizing that some players may simply be unlucky, laid down a so-called mechanism to protect against failure. It lies in the fact that if you open a lot of chests, you will eventually get a rare item. It's nice when developers care about such things.

From all that has been said above, it becomes clear that hextech chests are mainly intended to receive new skins for their champions. If you wish, you can get several looks in a month, and even more if you participate in various events.

In Season 8, in addition to standard hextech chests, Masterpiece chests appeared in the League of Legends. They cost more (about 30%) and the reward from these chests is slightly different. Therefore, below we will look at what exactly can be obtained from these chests. You will also need keys to open them.

  • 72% chance- fragment of the champion's image.
  • 10% chance- a new emotion that can be used in the game.
  • 10% chance- fragment of totem image + 150 orange essence.

Just like with a regular Hextech chest, there is a chance to receive an additional reward.

  • 10% chance- chest of masterpieces and the key to it. A very good bonus that actually doubles the reward.
  • Chance 3.6%- Gemstone crystal, using which you can receive a unique reward.

Due to the higher chance of dropping a champion skin fragment and the exclusion of some rewards, this type of chest is beneficial to buy if you want to receive exclusively champion skins and less often other rewards.

First let's deal with Champion Capsules. You will receive them by leveling up your account, or rather after level 12. After level 30, you will receive mostly only capsules. To open such a capsule, a key is not required, which is of course very good. The capsule may contain from 1 to 5 champion fragments and possibly some blue essence. The number of images depends on their cost. That is, for example, you may receive one expensive fragment or several cheaper ones. A champion fragment is not a full-fledged champion yet. If you want to turn a shard into a permanent champion, then you need to spend a certain amount of blue essence. To transform, you need to click on the champion’s image icon and select “Upgrade to permanent champion” from the menu.

It is extremely important to understand these mechanics right away, as you can save a lot. To make it more clear, let's look at a simple example. You have decided to purchase the Bard champion. If you buy this champion through the list of champions, without using a shard, then the price of the champion will be 6300 blue essence, and if you have a shard, the price will be 3780. As you understand, the benefit is almost doubled. There are situations when you really want a certain champion, but the fragment does not fall out. In this case, of course, you can buy a new hero for full price, but you shouldn’t get carried away with it.

Here next to the menu there are the items “Spray on essence” and “Rent for 7 days”. The first point must be used when you get a fragment that you already have. This way you can accumulate blue essence. It is better not to use the rental point, since in this case you will simply spend the shard and receive the champion for use only for a week. It's better to wait until this champion is among the freebies this week.

In addition to regular capsules, there are also honor capsules and rare champion capsules. The reward from these capsules is better, but the principle of opening them is exactly the same. Honor capsules are given when your honor level increases (you should be praised often by your allies), and rare champion capsules are given when you reach levels 30, 40, 50, 60, and so on.


The spheres are identical to honor capsules. No keys are required to open them; they contain champion shards and key fragments. You can get an orb in the same way by increasing your honor level when your allies praise you in every possible way. As you understand, being a friendly and responsive player is very beneficial in the League of Legends.

When you start playing League of Legends, try to understand the mechanics of Hextech crafting right away. It seems complicated only at first glance. Basically, you open 2 types of chests (some require keys, others don't) and get either champion shards or various skins from them. To turn a shard into a champion, you need to spend blue essence, which you also get from chests or get when you disenchant the shards you have. In order to obtain the image of a champion (from a fragment), an orange essence is used, which can also be obtained from chests and by dispersing those images that already exist. As you can see, everything is extremely simple. Try to avoid buying champions for blue essence at the beginning of the game, that is, for the full price without a shard. It will seem to you that you really want some champion and even have the resources, but there is a high probability that you will quickly get tired of the champion and you will regret that you spent so much blue essence on him. Ultimately, you will still want to have all the champions in your collection, in which case you need to start saving essence from the very beginning of the game. When you really have a lot of essence accumulated, and the necessary fragments do not fall, then you can slowly transfer the blue essence into new champions.

Try to play with the team. Help your allies in every possible way and be friendly. This way you will be praised more and you will receive key shards and special capsules and spheres of honor more often. At the same time, find friends and try to play with them sometimes in order to get an S rating and thereby acquire Hextech chests.

Pay special attention to events that take place quite often in the League of Legends. By completing simple tasks, you can earn special currency and then you can buy interesting things.

The developers have finally enabled the new Hextech Crafting system and now all players have the opportunity to get free game content that previously could only be purchased for real money.

Now, if you or your teammate receives an "S" grade at the end of the battle, you will receive a locked chest. This way you can receive up to 4 chests per month. The number of available free chests can be viewed in the player’s profile. Of course, this system only works in random and ranked games. As you understand, playing with friends becomes much more profitable, since you can get a chest not only for your game, but also for a friend’s game. You can only get one chest for each champion, so playing with the same champions is less profitable than constantly increasing your level of play by choosing new heroes.

In order to open the chest you will definitely need a key. Keys are dropped randomly in matchmaking games. If you play with friends, then you can get more keys per battle and again, playing with friends becomes more profitable.

Chests and keys have also appeared in the game store and can be purchased separately. It is worth considering that a random image drops from the chest, but the price of the chest is noticeably lower than the price of the image. Thus, it is profitable to buy chests and keys if, for example, you do not yet have images on your account and you want to get them at a good discount.

What can you get from chests? Prize chests drop Champion Parts, Champion Skins, Totem Skins, and Summoner Icons. Please note that only part of the “shard” drops from one chest, and not the whole image or hero at once. So you will have to open more than one chest to get the coveted image.

In addition to skin shards and new champions, chests also drop champion essences and cosmetic essences. Essences are used when crafting new images. The crafting system is very flexible and allows you to combine different pieces of images to get something new and more useful to you.

For many years, players could only get skins of heroes or totems by investing money in the game, but now every player has the opportunity to get some skins and new heroes completely free of charge. To do this, you just need to play a lot and it is advisable to do it together with your friends.

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reply cheshir (07.04.2016) Can you clarify for noobs? What is "S rating" and does this system work in ARAM mode?

reply lol (19.04.2016) Why don’t I have a craft tab yet? It’s just not there, neither in my profile nor in the store

reply lol (20.04.2016) I would also like to clarify that I’m not playing in a Russian-speaking country, but more precisely, I’m playing from a Chinese server, so I’ll ask the question more precisely: is the craft running on all servers? (Also, just a couple of days ago I was in an Internet cafe; there’s also no this tab when playing )