Do's and Don'ts for Easter. On what holidays can you work in the garden, at home, in the yard? Do they work on Easter

With the beginning of spring, many people remember with great pleasure that they have a dacha and soon you can not only relax in the fresh air, but also plant several rows of spicy greens or the same potatoes, thus distracting from everyday worries and the city. But here's the question - in the spring, just in the midst of sowing, there are several church holidays on which, as they say, it is forbidden to work, especially on Easter. But is it so, let's figure it out together.

A bit of history

Many believe that I have been celebrating Easter for only 2,000 years, that is, from the moment of the martyrdom of Jesus Christ, but this is not so. The fact is that initially Easter was, and is, a Jewish holiday, in honor of the liberation of the Jewish people from Egyptian slavery, in which Moses was the main acting figure. After all, it was he who led the Jews through the open waters of the sea and thus freed the Jews.

Given the fact that Jesus was a Jew, he also celebrated Easter, and the famous painting “The Last Supper” serves as documentary evidence of this. But after the death and resurrection of Christ, Easter became the main Christian holiday in honor of the rebirth and ascension of Jesus to heaven. That is, in fact, half the world considers Easter a holiday, which, accordingly, everyone celebrates in different ways.

Can you work in the garden?

In particular, the same Jews believe that it is strictly forbidden to work on Saturdays, and especially on major holidays, some even do not turn on the light and do not cut bread, not to mention field work. Christians have a slightly different attitude towards Easter, but, nevertheless, they also have a ban on all work, up to the fields of the field.

Most likely, this is due to the fact that earlier work in the field took a lot of time and effort, and the people had few reasons for holidays. In addition, just a few centuries ago, people treated with great fanaticism the rites and traditions that accompany many church holidays. That is why on the day of Easter it was supposed to only pray and celebrate.

At the moment, the world, like old traditions, has changed a bit, a clear work schedule has appeared, as well as only one day off in honor of the holiday. That is why many people have difficulty how to have time to plant a few acres in the country, if it is impossible on the weekend, since this is a holiday, and there is no time on weekdays.

By the way, the church has never forbidden to work directly, especially in the garden in springtime, but, on the contrary, all the servants of God have always said that working is not a sin, but you need to find time for rest and prayer. That is, you need to rationally allocate your time, and not thoroughly follow the traditions that arose several hundred years ago, when people had a completely different daily routine.

By the way, many advise not to do a garden on Easter day, it is best to go to church, and then celebrate the Resurrection of the Son of God in a quiet family circle with a festive Easter cake, sausage and eggs. But the next day, you can do a garden, plant flowers, spicy greens, and also ask God for a good harvest, because it is on Easter, as they say, that the words of each person can reach God.

Vova asks
Answered by Alexander Dulger, 04/22/2010

Peace be with you, Volodya!

Old Testament Easter was a religious holiday and God forbade working at this time ().

The Old Testament Easter lost its spiritual meaning with the death of Jesus Christ, since the prototype, the "shadow of the future", received a literal fulfillment (). Accordingly, all God's decrees on this matter no longer apply.

Orthodox Easter is NOT a biblical holiday, but a historically established church tradition. Most of the rituals of Orthodox Easter and the calculation of the date of its celebration are not mentioned in the Bible and, accordingly, are not God's institution.

Therefore, I can answer your question as follows:

People who identify themselves with the Orthodox faith are not allowed to work on Orthodox Easter, as this would be a violation of the traditions and regulations of the church of which they are members.
Every church has its own rules and traditions. Many of these rules are not mentioned in the Bible, but this does not mean that they should not be followed.
If a person voluntarily accepted this or that creed and became a member of this or that church, he must follow its rules. Provided that these rules and traditions do not conflict with biblical doctrine. If they conflict, the following principle should be used:
And Peter and the Apostles answered and said: must obey God rather than men." ().
The Bible does not forbid having a day off during religious holidays. There is no contradiction in the Bible here. This means that every conscientious member of the Orthodox Church must refrain from work during Easter.

Christians who are not Orthodox, that is, "non-Orthodox" (Protestants, Catholics, etc.), can work on Orthodox Easter, since they do not bear any obligations to the Orthodox Church.
However, I do not recommend doing this if the person lives in an Orthodox country.
Working on Easter without extreme need, such a person irritates those around him, who, in turn, consider him an atheist and a blasphemer, who has no need until the feast of the Resurrection of Christ. Not all Orthodox are well acquainted with the Bible. Many ignorantly believe that the ban on working on Passover is a biblical institution. A Christian who publicly works on Easter, in the garden, in the yard, etc., will be misunderstood by such Orthodox. He will be considered an atheist or a hypocrite who rejects the Word of God.
The Apostle Paul clearly warns us against such misunderstandings. It shows the principle of how we need to behave:
"And by sinning thus against the brothers and hurting their weak conscience, you sin against Christ. And therefore, if food offends my brother, I will not eat meat forever, so as not to offend my brother." ()

I try to avoid public work during the Easter holidays.


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In 2020, the bright holiday of Easter falls on April 19. People often ask if it is possible to work in the garden on Easter. Indeed, as a rule, these weekends it is already warm outside and many can not wait to open the summer season.

However, many Orthodox believers try to observe the customs established by our ancestors, especially during church holidays.

It is believed among the people that it is a sin to work on these days, since they are dedicated to saints and events that should be honored. People who do not observe traditions and church prescriptions will be punished.

Therefore, Christians try to refrain from working on holidays. The main one is the bright Sunday of Christ - Easter.

What kind of work can be done on Easter in the garden? In the old days, on the eve of this holiday, the peasants tried to finish all the housework in advance. However, during the Easter week, some of the necessary work in the garden was still carried out.

Is it possible to work on Easter in the country in the garden?

The general rule can be formulated as follows: if work in the garden can be postponed, then it is better to do it after the church holiday.

If there are urgent matters, for example, planting in accordance with the terms of certain types of garden crops, then the church perceives this tolerantly.

Therefore, when work needs to be done at this time, it is better to do what was planned, not forgetting to ask God for forgiveness in prayer. However, any kind of work should be done only after visiting the church.

Practice shows that the “missed” day is later made up for by friendly shoots and good plant growth. At the same time, people who worked on the land on church holidays subsequently did not have a good harvest, something went wrong, etc.

Is it possible to garden after Easter?

The clergy say that the meaning of such prohibitions is not that some actions cannot be performed, but that an Orthodox holiday is a day that people primarily dedicate to God.

It is believed that the day off should be devoted not to worldly affairs, but to spiritual ones: caring for the salvation of one's soul, praying in the temple of God and at home, studying the Word of God, helping the poor, visiting the sick and other works of mercy.

If you can't decide whether to start gardening after Easter, ask your priest for advice. Explain the situation to him. Whatever he blesses you with, do it. In this case, he takes full responsibility.

For city dwellers who live far from their dacha and go there for the whole weekend, the following can be advised. On Sunday, at least until noon, do not work, but devote yourself to prayer and reading spiritual literature. If there is a church in the holiday village, be sure to visit it on the day of the holiday.

As you know, in the spring, the gardener-gardener has so many worries that sometimes there is no time to sit down. And in the hottest time, when you just have time to turn around: dig, water, fertilize and plant, all Orthodox people begin preparations for the brightest and greatest holiday - Easter. And before the summer resident in all its glory, the question arises - is it possible to work in the country? Let's try to figure it out together.

Can I work until Easter?

Preparations for the Easter festivities begin on Holy Monday. All the last week before Easter, it is necessary to keep a strict fast and put aside all worldly worries. So, on Friday and Saturday you can’t work in the garden, clean or do repairs.

Is it possible to work during Easter?

Many superstitions are associated with the bright holiday of the Resurrection of Christ. One of them says that any work is strictly prohibited on this day. Moreover, it is a sin to work on this day, and such a sin will inevitably be followed by punishment, for example, a serious illness. In fact, this is not entirely true. Orthodox Easter is not a biblical holiday, so nowhere in the Bible is there a direct prohibition to do any work on this day. But according to the establishments and traditions of the Orthodox Church, work on this day is not welcome, just like visiting cemeteries. On the Bright Resurrection of Christ, it is supposed to attend church services, illuminate eggs and, and then gather with family and friends at the festive table. But what about those who are forced to work on this day? The answer is obvious - just conscientiously fulfill your official duties, not allowing evil thoughts and despondency in your heart. Any household chores will not be a sin on this day, whether it is washing dishes, cooking, light laundry or a little cleaning. The most important thing is that these chores bring only positive emotions and do not become a cause of family strife. After all, it is quarrels, tears, and a showdown on Easter Sunday that distract from the holiday more than a few strokes of a broom or a washed plate. Based on this, you should not plan for Easter and solid summer cottages: construction and repairs, general cleaning or moving.

Can you garden on Easter?

In the hot season of garden plantings, the question “Is it possible to plant in the garden for Easter?” as relevant as ever. The opinions of the townsfolk differ in two opposite directions: some say that you can plant a garden on Easter, while others are afraid to do this, fearing to sin. What do the priests say about this? As with any other work, there is no clear prohibition on gardening at Easter in the Bible. But in the same way, according to church traditions, it is not supposed to work hard on this day. The clergy allow some small garden chores to be done after attending the service and breaking the fast. But these things should be easy and bring only bright and positive emotions. What can you do in the Easter garden? On Easter, you can do any urgent work. Therefore, you lose unplanted seedlings or your soul lies in sticking several strawberry bushes into the ground, then it is quite possible to do this in the afternoon. You can plan a flower garden or whitewash tree trunks. But spending all Sunday planting potatoes or digging a garden is not a good idea. It is not worth doing various sanitary work on this day: pruning shrubs and trees, garbage collection, etc. And certainly this is not the right time to deal with various pests, for example, spraying bushes or trees with insecticides.

There are days when a believer needs to distract himself from worldly concerns and devote himself to spiritual sacraments. The question of who can work in is of interest to everyone who honors the canons of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Celebrating a bright holiday is the main religious custom of Christians. His date does not coincide in Catholicism and Orthodoxy. This is due to the fact that 2 denominations are reckoning according to different calendars. It is celebrated on the Sunday following the full moon immediately after the Spring Equinox. Therefore, every year the religious holiday falls on different dates from mid-April to mid-May.

The meaning of Easter is the triumph of the soul, conquering death and evil. According to the legends described in the New Testament, it was on this day that Jesus Christ resurrected 3 days after he was martyred on the cross for the sins of all mankind. The joyful news of the salvation of the Son of God gave people hope that their souls would not die after the disappearance of the physical shell. Therefore, on Easter it is customary to praise the Almighty and congratulate each other on the fact that the Savior has given everyone eternal life.

Bright Sunday marks the end of Lent, the longest and strictest of the year. The holiday is preceded by Holy Week - the days on which the Orthodox are supposed to refrain from bad thoughts, pray hard and begin preparations for the celebration. Some rituals are performed in advance. Such sacred dates include Maundy Thursday.

The name itself says what needs to be done on this day. Traditions prescribe to bathe at dawn, when the water is considered sacred. Any housework is not forbidden. The question of whether it is possible to wash and clean on Maundy Thursday is not worth it. This day is intended to cleanse the home of unnecessary things, and the soul - of bad thoughts. Doing household chores should be in a good mood, because this is already the beginning of preparation for the great religious holiday.

It is better for owners of private houses and gardens to complete all urgent matters in the yard and on the site on Thursday, because from Friday it will be forbidden to work in the garden.

Do's and Don'ts for Easter

Bright Sunday of Christ is a sacred day. This is a time to praise God and rejoice in the good news of salvation. Therefore, on the eve of Easter, it is not recommended to do hard and dirty work. It is even advisable not to wash on the very eve of the holiday, but a little earlier. Although in the modern world such a requirement looks rather strange.

Since Thursday, the Orthodox have been baking Easter cakes and painting chicken eggs - the main symbols of the celebration. On Friday, all business should be put aside and spend time in prayer. It is also not recommended to work on Saturday. On this day, believers must attend the Easter service, on which festive treats are consecrated.

After midnight, Christ's Sunday comes, given to people for rest. In you can not do anything that is not connected with the holiday. Washing, dyeing or cutting hair, sewing, knitting, doing field work or cleaning - all this is prohibited. A bright day should be spent at a magnificently laid table in the circle of close people with whom it is pleasant to share a festive meal and good mood.

After a long abstinence from fast food during Lent, the Orthodox can taste delicious dishes and drink some red wine. This is allowed if the person complies with the measure.

How to behave in the Easter week

Within 7 days after, it is customary to visit and treat friends with Easter cakes and krashenka. The week is considered Easter. These days, festive services continue in the temples. Opinions on whether it is possible to work on the first day after Easter differ. In some remote settlements where ancient customs are honored, it is also forbidden to do household chores and official duties on Monday.

However, all priests assure that God blesses any honest work, therefore it is not forbidden. It is quite understandable that immediately after the holiday you can swim and clean the house, especially if many guests visited it on Sunday.

It is better to refuse dirty and hard work during the entire Easter week. Although for those who work on the ground, it will not be a sin to plant potatoes or sow wheat. After all, spring days are a period of active field work, which must be done within a strictly set time frame. Therefore, the answer to the question whether it is possible to plant cultivated plants immediately after Easter is always in the affirmative.

There are activities that cannot be stopped during the holiday. The question of whether it is possible to work on this day for doctors, the military, motor transport workers, rescuers, police officers, specialists in factories with continuous production, salespeople in stores and representatives of many other professions who cannot refuse to perform their duties is not even raised. The Church does not condemn them, because it believes that work for the benefit of people is permitted work that is pleasing to God.