Autonomous power supply for a country house. Autonomous home: when you live and don't owe anyone. Why you should contact us

Autonomous power supply is a hot topic for Russia. In most small settlements, the existing networks have reached a high degree of deterioration and cannot provide electricity to all consumers. There is also more disappointing data - 60% of the country's territory cannot be connected to the network in principle. The very first to feel the lack of energy are the owners of private houses and summer cottages. But they are not the only ones who need it. Weather stations, farms, cell phone base stations, scientific stations, etc. face this problem.

Previously, autonomous power supply of the house was provided by gasoline generators. But such a solution is not optimal, since generators require constant refueling, they need regular maintenance, and their life is not as long as we would like. Another tangible minus is the poor quality of the output current.

Inverters as a source of autonomous power supply for a private house

Significantly improve the performance of the system can be connected to the generator of power inverters with chargers and capacious batteries that work as a source of autonomous power supply to a private house at a high level.

In this case, the generator does not operate all day, but only the time it takes to recharge the batteries. The rest of the hours, all systems of a country house are powered by battery energy, which is converted by an inverter into alternating current with a pure sine.

As soon as the batteries are discharged, the inverter turns on the generator again, providing AC power to the load and at the same time replenishing the battery charge. Autonomous power supply, organized according to this principle, ensures reliable operation of equipment, since switching between the load from the batteries and the generator is automatic.

The inverter regulates the operation of all devices, the control of which is possible with the presence of special branded system controllers. You can program the system by writing several options for the development of the scenario:

  • the generator turns on when the voltage level or the degree of charge of the batteries drops;
  • connecting a generator can also be associated with an increase in load;
  • autonomous power supply from the generator can be programmed for certain hours (for example, allow it to work during the day and prohibit it at night).

The use of inverters and batteries allows you to extend the life of the generator and reduce the cost of maintaining the facility, significantly reducing the cost of purchasing fuel and maintenance. The maintenance of the components of the inverter system is not required.

Operation of inverters with alternative backup power sources

Modern power inverters together with batteries make it possible to ensure autonomous operation of all household appliances through the use of alternative power supply sources. In this case, in addition to the generator, solar panels and a wind generator are included in the hybrid system. Also, the backup power supply system can only function with renewable energy sources.

Solar or wind energy can be stored in batteries using special charge controllers when it is available. With a sufficient level of battery charge, inverters convert the direct current of the batteries into alternating current with a pure sine wave, which is used to maintain the performance of household appliances and appliances.

Another option for using inverters is to build uninterruptible power systems in situations where there is a connection to the network, but it is not stable. In this situation, an autonomous power source based on inverters with batteries and solar panels is used not only in the event of a power outage in the stationary network, but also for the priority use of solar energy in order to save network electricity.

To work with alternative energy sources: solar panels and wind turbines, Victron inverters of the Phoenix Inverter series with power from 1.2 kVA to 5 kVA are well suited.

The Victron Phoenix series inverter is a professional technical device for converting DC to AC. Designed using hybrid RF technology, it is designed to meet the highest demands. Its function is to provide power to any autonomous power supply system with the need to obtain a high quality output current with a stable voltage in the form of a pure sine wave. In everyday life, voltage with a pure sine is required by such appliances as a gas boiler, refrigerator, microwave, TV, washing machine, and so on.

A completely autonomous power supply to a private house with various household electrical appliances requires both high quality voltage and the ability of the inverter to cope with the inrush currents of difficult loads (refrigerator compressor, pump motor, etc.). The SinusMax function of the Phoenix inverter can meet this need. It provides twice the short-term overload capacity of the system. Simpler and earlier voltage conversion technologies cannot do this.

Inverter power consumption:

  • at idle: 8 to 25 W depending on the model;
  • in load search mode: 2 to 6 W, this mode is accompanied by a regular turn on of the system every two seconds for a short period of time.
  • continuous operation in power saving mode (AES): 5 to 20 watts.

Autonomous power supply systems allow for their own control and monitoring by connecting the inverter to a computer. Victron Energy has developed the VEConfigure software for its inverters. The connection is made via the MK2-USB interface.

Phoenix Inverter and Phoenix Inverter Compact inverters can operate both in parallel configurations (up to 6 inverters per phase) and in 3-phase configurations. Optimal in terms of "price / quality" they are suitable not only for the home, but also for autonomous power supply of vehicles, mobile complexes.

Autonomous power supply system of a private house

The autonomous power supply system at home can include not only an inverter and alternative energy sources, but also a generator. The inverter system will turn on the generator when the batteries need to be recharged. Either the built-in inverter relay or the BMV-700 battery monitor relay can be used to start the generator. Upon reaching the required level of charge, the generator turns off. Further, the batteries again begin to provide power to the loads. Such a scheme will fully provide electricity to a remote house, even in the absence of a temporary sun or wind.

Batteries for autonomous power supply

The Vega company offers lead-acid batteries for autonomous power supply of well-established brands:

These batteries are made using GEL technology, are resistant to deep discharges, do not require maintenance and topping up water, and have a higher number of cycles than AGM batteries.

With a properly selected system and ensuring the discharge is not more than 50%, the battery life can reach about 1000 cycles. By installing such a system at home or at a controlled facility, you will be convinced of its impeccable long-term service.

  • Variants of PracticVolt basic inverter backup power systems based on Victron Energy inverters

Price: 39 793 rubles.

Recommended for uninterruptible power supply of a gas boiler and circulation pumps of a country house, cottage or other facilities with a load power of up to 800 VA. The PracticVolt system includes a Victron inverter and high capacity maintenance-free batteries.

Price: from 106,474 rubles.

Recommended for uninterruptible power supply of a gas boiler, circulation pumps and household appliances of a country house, cottage or other facilities with a load power of up to 1600 VA. The PracticVolt system includes a Victron inverter and high capacity maintenance-free batteries.

Price: from 168,710 rubles.

Recommended for uninterruptible power supply of electrical appliances and household appliances of a country house, cottage or other facilities with a load power of up to 5000 VA. The PracticVolt system includes a Victron inverter and high capacity maintenance-free batteries.


Price: from 434,143 rubles.

It would seem that there is only one point in an autonomous power supply system - this is when there is no power line near the house, and it is too expensive to pull your own line. However, many homeowners create their own electrical system even if they are already connected to the public system.

So what is the benefit of autonomous power supply?

  • Regardless. Your system will protect against power outages for various reasons. An autonomous system is also not immune from accidents and other troubles, but if you create duplicate devices, then the protection against accidents will reach a maximum.
  • In economy. Electricity supplied through a single system is expensive. Building a stand-alone system isn't cheap either, but many homeowners find it pays for itself very quickly, and just as quickly becomes not only cheap, but profitable.
  • In mobility. Autonomous system, built on several sources of electricity, allows you to quickly respond to the situation, remaining in the light in any situation.

Which source of autonomous power supply to choose

You can even get electricity from the stove. However, if we take into account the factor of time and effort, then only those sources that can work on their own can be seriously considered. For this reason, the following methods of providing electricity to the home are the most popular.

1. Liquid fuel generator

For example, they are available in a variety of options, but it is not advisable to use them as a permanent source of electricity in a residential building. The reason is:

  1. high cost of fuel;
  2. noise of the generator;
  3. the presence of exhaust gases;
  4. the need to allocate a separate room or shed for the generator.

Prices for liquid fuel generators start from 30 thousand rubles. However, the cheapness of the generated electricity is illusory, since it must be multiplied by the cost of fuel.

The photo shows a gas generator HONDA HG 5500 (SE) with a power of 4.0 kW, the price is 121 thousand rubles

Does not require attention and fuel. The only thing they need is intense light, and since nature does not regularly supply this fuel, powerful batteries. In the presence of the latter, in a climate with a large number of sunny days, it is quite possible to provide a house with electricity.

Prices for a set of solar power plants start at 130 thousand rubles. The payback is high, as some models can work thirty years without problems.

In the photo "Solar Dacha" with a capacity of 1.6 kW / 400Ah / 1000 W, the price is 160 thousand rubles per set

No less popular than solar panels. However, they are even more dependent on the vagaries of the weather, so relying only on this source of energy is not always possible.

The simplest wind turbines cost from 30 thousand rubles. They can be used for local power generation, but they cannot solve the problem of full power supply at home. More powerful wind generators to fully provide a home with electricity (from 3 kW) will cost 150 thousand and more.

A full-fledged wind generator with a capacity of 10 kW costs at least 500 thousand rubles. With an average household consumption of 250 kW per month and a price of 4 rubles / kW, such a windmill will pay off for more than 40 years

It requires a watercourse with a small difference in height to provide the effect of falling water. A small turbine is installed in the place of such a drop, and electricity will be supplied to your house constantly, and most importantly - for free. Under the mini hydroelectric power station, you can use a natural stream or river, or you can dig a small channel that passes through your site. However, such a hydroelectric power station will operate only in the warm season, then it will have to switch to other sources.

If you assemble a hydroelectric power plant for 3-5 kW from improvised materials, then the cost of the device will not exceed 20 thousand rubles

5. Alternative low power sources

This can also be included. In both cases, it is not necessary to count on a full-fledged power supply, but such sources are quite suitable for "dacha" needs.


  1. If electricity consumption does not exceed 3-5 kW / h, then it is most profitable to install a mini hydroelectric power station and receive electricity almost free of charge. For regions where there are often sunny days, solar power plants with high efficiency are also relevant.
  2. If you plan to consume from 10 kW / h, then there are no methods cheaper than connecting to the main power supply. If there is no connectivity, then make a combined system based on individual capabilities and conditions.

Is it not possible to connect a private house or cottage to the mains? In this case, the company "Istochnik Sveta" offers a reasonable and profitable alternative - autonomous power supply. We provide services in the field of its design and installation. Our company employs first-class specialists. In addition, we have excellent modern equipment at our disposal. All this allows you to perform the work with the highest quality and accurately in a timely manner.

Advantages of autonomous power supply systems

Many owners of private houses, not being able to connect to a centralized network, use mobile generators. Such devices operate on gas, gasoline and diesel fuel. However, they have a lot of disadvantages that autonomous power supply systems do not have:

    huge fuel consumption;

    too high starting current;

    rapid engine wear.

Using such devices is extremely irrational. They give out high power, which is absolutely not required for domestic needs, even in a large cottage. About 70% of the power is simply not consumed. Autonomous power supply at home allows you to effectively provide the house with electricity and avoid unnecessary financial costs.

Laying your own power grid in a new village is also not the best solution. To do this, it is necessary to install a transformer substation and lay power lines. This requires a lot of money, a lot of paperwork and a lot of time for approval by the regulatory authorities. In this case independent power supply of a country house is also the simplest and most profitable alternative.

Why is it worth contacting us?

The company "Istochnik Sveta" is an excellent turnkey solution. There are plenty of reasons to choose us. Here are some of them:

    individual approach. We estimate as accurately as possible how much electricity is needed in your cottage and on the site. The autonomous power supply system of a country house, mounted by our specialists, will work as efficiently and economically as possible;

    modern batteries. They work on the principle of accumulation and rational use of electricity;

    Ability to eliminate network congestion. This is achieved by automatically starting and stopping the generator. It runs on diesel or gasoline;

    voltage stability. The system of autonomous power supply of the house from the company "Istochnik Sveta" allows you to completely eliminate power surges. Thus, your network will be protected from wear and tear;

    fully automated control system. The generator turns on and off automatically, and the network works non-stop. Such a system makes life in a cottage comfortable.

How we are working?

To order the installation of equipment, just call us. Our experts will come to you, advise the most acceptable option, calculate the cost of materials and work. If it suits you, then we will conclude an agreement with you.

Works are carried out strictly within the established time limits and according to a detailed project drawn up in advance.

In addition to standard systems, we install autonomous power supply of the house on solar batteries. Such systems today are becoming more and more in demand among the owners of country houses and cottages.

We do work at reasonable prices. The company "Istochnik Sveta" strives to ensure that each client is satisfied with cooperation with us. Therefore, you can be sure of the high quality and reliability of the systems we install.


Without a reliable power supply, the normal operation of communications and life support systems of private houses is impossible. This is especially true for pumping systems for water supply and other equipment. However, not everywhere it is possible to connect the central supply of electricity, so many owners prefer to use an autonomous power supply of a private house, with which all problems are solved. Autonomous systems are characterized by stable voltage, absence of short circuits, the ability to fully control the production and supply of electricity.

Requirements for autonomous power supply

One of the conditions for the normal life support of a private house is considered to be a stable, uninterrupted supply of electricity to all installed household appliances and equipment. These requirements are fully met by autonomous power supply sources that consistently generate electricity, regardless of any external factors. When choosing one or another option, it is necessary to take into account the degree of influence of autonomous systems on the environment.

The final choice of an autonomous source of electricity is carried out in accordance with the total power of consumers in the house. These are heat and water supply systems with pumping equipment, air conditioners, various types of large and small household appliances. Regardless of the power of consumers, general requirements are imposed on the power supply network.

Without fail, the total power is preliminarily determined, which is compared with the capabilities of the selected autonomous power supply system. It is recommended to increase this figure by about 15-25% so that electricity consumption can be increased in the future.

The requirements for the system and its technical characteristics are completely dependent on the further use and assigned tasks. That is, it can be a completely autonomous power supply or only a backup source of electricity that functions during the period when the central network is turned off. In the second case, the duration of the operation of the backup system is necessarily set during the absence of the main electricity.

The choice of a particular autonomous system must be made taking into account the real financial capabilities of the owners of the house. The project budget determines the cost of the purchased equipment, as well as the work performed. Many people try to create an autonomous power supply for a country house with their own hands, however, in these cases, special knowledge of theory and practice, skills in working with tools, and some experience in installing such systems are required. Poor assembly will lead to unstable operation of expensive equipment and its rapid failure.

Advantages and disadvantages of autonomous systems

The advantage of most of these systems is considered to be free electricity obtained in an alternative way. This results in significant cost savings and complete independence from centralized supply.

Thanks to preliminary calculations and design taking into account the total power of consumers, it is possible to achieve high quality of the produced electrical energy. Power surges and unplanned power outages are completely eliminated. The equipment of autonomous systems is of high quality and very rarely breaks down and fails.

There are several special programs under which part of the excess electricity can be sold to the state. The solution of this issue begins at the stage of designing an autonomous power supply, where possible surpluses are foreseen in advance. In addition, permits will be required confirming the generation of electricity of the established quality and in the required quantity.

Nevertheless, autonomous systems have certain disadvantages, primarily associated with the high cost of equipment and significant costs for its operation. Therefore, when choosing the main equipment and additional materials, all factors must be taken into account so that the system works for the set period and fully pays for itself. To this end, it is recommended to carry out regular preventive inspection and maintenance by qualified specialists.

Each autonomous power supply system has its own advantages and disadvantages, which are most clearly manifested in specific operating conditions.

Petrol and diesel generators

Any kind of generators can be used as main or backup power sources. In the second case, they are used in the absence of electricity in the central network. These units are widely used in cottages and country houses, where power outages often occur. With the help of generators, it is possible to create a reliable autonomous power supply for a private house, which allows you to maintain comfortable conditions in any situation. The modern market represents a large number of gasoline and diesel generators, each of which has certain advantages and disadvantages.

The main advantages of gasoline units are their relatively small size, providing compactness and mobility. They are characterized by low noise level, economical fuel consumption, easy engine start in cold weather. Of great importance is the relatively low price. Some gas generators are equipped with fuel tanks with an increased volume, protective casings from noise and bad weather, starters and a system.

As a disadvantage, we can note the weak power of gasoline generators, which does not exceed 15 kW. All lighting devices, household appliances and equipment must have a total power not exceeding the parameters of the generator. Gasoline units can operate continuously from 4 to 11 hours at 100% load. If the load is reduced to 75%, then the duration of work increases. For known high loads, the use of a diesel generator is recommended.

Diesel units have a higher motor resource and power, they can be continuously operated for a long time. One of the main advantages is fuel economy. However, compared to gasoline generators, diesel generators are larger and much more expensive. To start them in cold weather, mandatory preheating is required. Such installations have proven themselves well in conditions of continuous long-term operation, when significant savings in diesel fuel become noticeable.

Therefore, when deciding which generator to choose, gasoline or diesel, you must first take into account the specific operating conditions. If installation is required on a case-by-case basis, you can completely get by with a gasoline unit. However, a constant power supply is provided only by a diesel generator.

Pros and cons of solar panels

The use of solar panels is possible at any time of the year. However, they can work as efficiently as possible only with a clear, cloudless sky and direct sunlight on the work surface. In cloudy weather, electricity continues to be generated, but not in such quantities due to a sharp decrease in the performance of solar panels.

After the electrical energy has been produced, it must be conveyed to the consumer. In this regard, in addition to the batteries themselves, special additional equipment will be required:

  • . This appliance converts 12-24V DC power generated by solar panels into 50Hz AC power suitable for household appliances and equipment.
  • Battery pack. The production of solar energy is not uniform. During peak hours, there is too much of it, and in the evening and at night, electricity is not generated at all. A certain amount of electricity is accumulated in batteries during daylight hours, after which it is given to consumers at night. It is not recommended to use ordinary car batteries that fail after 2-3 years of operation.
  • Controller. Ensures the completeness of the battery charging, prevents it from overcharging and boiling.

All components together form a kind of solar power plant. The choice of the necessary equipment is carried out depending on the needs and the number of working electrical appliances. Therefore, a complete list of them should be determined in advance, taking into account the appropriateness of using each device and the possibility of an alternative replacement. For example, instead of an electric kettle, you can use a gas stove.

After determining the minimum list of loads, solar panels with the appropriate power are selected. It must be borne in mind that the system of autonomous power supply at home with their help does not solve all the problems of power supply. Solar panels are installed not to save energy, but to ensure comfortable living in the absence of centralized electricity supplies. Due to the high cost of equipment, one kilowatt of generated energy is also expensive and amounts to about 25 rubles. This is several times higher than the cost of electricity produced centrally. Cost reduction is possible only if equipment prices are low, which is not yet feasible in the short term.

Use of wind generators

Until recently, wind generators in private homes were more exotic than a permanent source of energy supply. However, nowadays they are increasingly found in suburban areas.

The principle of operation of these devices is as follows: due to the wind flow, the blades mounted on the generator shaft rotate. As a result, alternating current is generated. The resulting electricity enters the batteries, where it is accumulated and stored, and then, if necessary, is supplied to household appliances as power. This scheme of work is simple and very conditional, since in real conditions devices and equipment are needed that perform the conversion of electric current.

In the electrical circuit, a controller is installed after the generator, which is involved in converting alternating current to direct current, which is necessary to charge the batteries. However, household appliances cannot operate on direct current, so an inverter is installed after the battery, which performs the reverse operation of converting direct current to alternating current, with a voltage of 220 volts. These conversions lead to losses of generated electricity, in the amount of 15-20%. If the wind generator is used in combination with other devices, the electrical circuit is supplemented by an automatic reserve input that switches them between each other as needed.

To obtain maximum power, the generator blades must be placed along the wind flow according to the principle of the weather vane. For this purpose, the vertical blade is fixed at the end opposite the blades. Under the influence of the wind, it ensures the turn of the generator in the right direction. On installations of increased power, rotary electric motors are installed.

Inverters in private houses

Inverters can only be used as an additional backup power source in the presence of a centralized power supply. In the event of a power failure of the external network, all devices and equipment installed in the house are switched to work from the batteries of the uninterruptible power supply. After the restoration of the electricity supply, all consumers are reconnected to the external network.

An integrated uninterruptible power supply is an inverter that converts the DC voltage of the batteries into AC voltage 220V. The batteries themselves give out a voltage of 12 or 24 volts. During the period of centralized power supply, the inverter again switches to the mode of charging batteries from the external network. Thus, it constantly observes the standby mode and monitors the drop in external voltage. In the event of a power outage, it almost instantly picks up the load drop and prevents the devices from turning off.

Inverters can charge batteries not only from an external network, but also from other power sources - generators, solar panels, wind generators and others. Modern inverter installations are able to provide electricity to any home appliances. With their help, the operability of lighting, water supply and heating systems is maintained. Catering and various communications are provided - the Internet, telephone and others.

Inverters do not require special rooms equipped with ventilation, they do not create noise, do not require constant maintenance. They are more resistant to overloads during switching of powerful devices. All these advantages ensure stable and flawless operation of all connected equipment.

The rapid rise in electricity prices is forcing summer residents to look for an alternative to centralized AC supplies.

Where the prospect of electrification has been pushed back for many years or the costs of connecting to external networks are too high, autonomous installations come to the fore.

Poorly understanding the intricacies of energy supply, not every person is able to analyze which autonomous energy supply for a country house is economically profitable. We will try to help in this matter and consider three possible options for energy supply: a gasoline generator set, a battery converter and a solar battery.

The main selection criteria for a battery converter and a solar battery are: the cost of the equipment, its service life before decommissioning and, as a resultant factor, the price of 1 kWh of electricity generated during all this time.

For a gasoline generator, the calculation will be different. Here in the foreground is the consumption and price of fuel. Using these parameters and taking into account the cost of the generator itself, we will get the price of 1 kWh of "gasoline" electricity.

Inverter gas generator

Today, this unit is most often used for backup power supply of country houses. The reason for this popularity is the affordable price of the generator and its ease of use. No installation or setup. Filled with gasoline, pressed the button and got the light.

However, any comfort has its price, and it is very high for a gas generator. Let's calculate how much it costs 1 kilowatt hour of electricity generated by this device.

For calculation, we take a single-phase generator HERZ IG2200E (Germany) with a power of 2 kW.

  • Purchase costs - 21,000 rubles.
  • Generator resource - 4000 hours.

The cost per kilowatt is calculated as follows:

At a load of 2000 W, the consumption of AI-92 gasoline according to the generator passport is 1.4 l / h (the cost of fuel is assumed to be 36 rubles). We get the price of 1 kWh = 36x1.4 / 2 = 25.2 rubles.

We divide the cost of the generator by its motor resource and get: 21,000 rubles / 4,000 hours = 5.25 rubles.

As a result, the cost of 1 kWh = 25.2 + 5.25 = 30.45 rubles.

The price of 1 kWh of network electricity for the Moscow Region in the first half of 2016 is 5.03 rubles. We see that the gas generator turned out to be 6 times more expensive.


  • It is unprofitable to use a gas generator for long-term power supply at home.
  • The use of a generator (with the exception of installations with auto start) requires the presence of a person - to start, add gasoline and monitor the work.

The use of a gasoline generator in the country is economically justified only as an emergency or backup power source. In the absence of external power networks, it is better to operate it for a short time (4-5 hours a day).

Today, many manufacturers produce universal installations that operate both on gasoline and bottled gas. Since the cost of liquefied gas is almost 2 times less than that of gasoline, it is economically more profitable to receive electricity from this type of fuel.

Battery Converter

The principle of operation of this installation is to cyclically charge powerful batteries and then slowly discharge them into the power supply network of the house. At the same time, in a special device - an inverter, the battery current is converted from DC with a voltage of 12-24 Volts to AC 220 V.

Such autonomous power supply sources need to be charged from the apartment network in the city, and in the country to use electricity, which is a battery reserve.

Home craftsmen should be aware that a standard car starter battery will not work for such a converter. It creates a powerful current in a short period of time. A small current is also needed here, which feeds the network for several hours. Therefore, the inverter converter works with special maintenance-free batteries, which are 3-4 times more expensive than car batteries of the same capacity.

The high cost in this case justifies itself. The service life of such batteries is 8-9 years, while car batteries do not last more than three.

The price of a ready-made battery converter kit, consisting of an inverter and two batteries of 200 Ah each, is about 110,000 rubles.

The required battery capacity for its operation is determined by the following formula:

Battery capacity (Ah) = Power consumption (W) x Discharge time (hours) x Efficiency (0.7) * 1.2 (reserve factor) / Battery voltage (V)

It turns out that to provide household appliances with a total power of 1500 watts for 5 hours, we need batteries with a capacity of 1500x5x0.7x1.2 / 12 = 446 Ah. This is almost as much as is offered to the buyer in the kit for 110,000 rubles.

For 8 years of battery operation, it will take 21,600 kilowatt hours of electricity to recharge it at a "city" price of 5.03 rubles.

In this case, we will determine the cost of one autonomous kilowatt as follows:

  • The cost of electricity for charging batteries (for 8 years of operation) is 21,600 x 5.03 rubles. = 108,648 rubles.
  • The cost of equipment is 110,000 rubles.

In total, we got 218,648 rubles. The price of one kilowatt is 218,648/21,600 = 10.12 rubles. As we can see, the battery converter provides electricity 3 times cheaper than a gas generator (10.12 versus 30.45 rubles) and 1.7 times cheaper than a gas generating plant.

Solar battery

For the considered technologies of autonomous power supply of a country house, external replenishment (gasoline and electricity) is needed. The solar battery is beneficial in that it takes energy right on the spot. She does not need refueling and recharging batteries. It does not poison the air with exhaust gases and does not create noise.

The warranty period of modern solar panels is 25 years. This is quite enough for a full payback of expenses and a reduction in the cost of a kilowatt hour.

Let us consider in more detail what solar autonomous electricity can give to a country house and how profitable its use is.

The cost of solar panels cannot be called low. So for a single-crystal solar panel that generates 150 watts of electricity per hour, you will have to pay from 11,000 rubles.

In practical terms, the use of solar energy should not be talking about a single battery, but about a complete photovoltaic station. It consists of 4 solar panels, two powerful batteries with a capacity of 200 Ah each, a voltage inverter (converts DC 12 volts to AC 220 volts) and a controller.

For one sunny day, such a system produces 2.5 kW / h of electricity. This is quite enough to power a small country house. Taking cloudy days into account, we will assume that the average energy production is 1.5 kWh per day.

With an average cost of a "solar" set of 130 thousand rubles, it will work for at least 25 years. Batteries do not live that long, so during this time we will have to change them 2 times. The cost of batteries is 30,000 rubles. The costs for the entire period of operation of the solar plant will be: 130,000 + (30,000x2 = 60,000) = 190,000 rubles.

For 25 years, the station will generate us 1.5 kW / h * 365 days * 25 years = 13688 kW / h. Dividing the cost of spending on a solar station by the total amount of electricity received, we get 13.9 rubles per kilowatt. This is 2.75 times more expensive than the network tariff, but it guarantees the user complete energy independence.

If we take into account the fact that solar technology does not stand still, then soon we will get more capacious and cheaper batteries, as well as batteries with increased efficiency and service life.

Summing up our mini-research, we will rate the considered options. So, the highest cost of autonomous electricity is obtained from a gasoline generator (6 times more expensive than a network one). In second place are two installations at once: a gas generator and a solar station.

Formally, the palm will have to be given to the battery converter, since it has the lowest energy price (10.12 rubles). However, a solar battery can compete with it. It is completely autonomous and does not pollute the air with harmful emissions.