Asparagus home care transplant and reproduction. Asparagus sickle-shaped: home care for a plant with "small sickles Asparagus needle-shaped

Asparagus (lat. Asparagus) is a plant that at first glance resembles a fern, an example of the Asparagus or Asparagus family. This is the clearest example of perennial rhizomatous herbs, it can be in the form of vines or small shrubs and has inflorescences with single flowers. In nature, there are approximately three hundred different species, some of which are strikingly different from each other. The native places are considered to be the southern part of America, the countries of South and East Africa, Asian countries, although under natural conditions this representative of the Asparagus can live in any climatic zones and various continental territories.

Historical facts about the asparagus flower

The earliest cultivated species can be attributed to ordinary asparagus, or as it is also called medicinal (asparagus officinalis) or pharmacy. It is popularly known as asparagus. Since ancient times, this dietary culture has been especially popular among the peoples of France and England. However, long before that, it was grown in the territories of Egypt and the Mediterranean. There is an assumption that for the first time this flower was mentioned at the beginning of the heyday of Egyptian civilization. This conclusion was made by archaeologists when they discovered the inscription of asparagus on a piece of a painted frieze, the time frame of which dates back to the third millennium BC. Some time later, this plant was mentioned by the famous culinary specialist of Ancient Rome when writing his book on food "De re coquinaria".

The Romans had a special relationship with this plant, and therefore even during military campaigns they ate it. In view of this, a certain fleet was even organized, the purpose of which was to deliver grass to the empire from the territory of the colonies.

Around 160 BC, Cato the Elder, a well-known politician of the time, wrote about asparagus as the most important culture for the empire.

asparagus asparagus


The structure of the plant is quite unusual. If we consider in more detail, it becomes obvious that instead of leaves there are phylloclades - this is a combination of the stem and leaf part of the plant, which has a needle shape. However, this does not mean that this representative of the flora does not have leaves, they are, in the form of dried triangular scales on the stem, in other species they look like small spikes. The stem is relatively hard and resilient.

The entire aerial part of asparagus is presented in the form of transformed stems, on which miniature flowers of white or pink color periodically bloom.

Asparagus white color

The fruits are small berries, which, due to their belonging to a particular species, also have a different color - red, orange or black. Inside they are filled with seeds. If we talk about the root system, then asparagus is the “owner” of thin roots and bulbous oblong tubers. With the help of such tubers, the plant is able to store and retain the necessary moisture, nutrients and carry out the process of reproduction.

Asparagus species

The most recognized species are Meyer's asparagus, for example. It looks like a small bush. It can reach a height of about half a meter. It is characterized by the presence of a straight stem, on which there are thin, green foliage, resembling small needles in appearance. The most common use is in the creation of flower arrangements.

Also called plumosus. This species of Asparagus is presented in the form of a shrub. The plant can be confidently classified as a highly branched plant, having bare stems with small leaves in the form of scales, brown in color. The length of phylloclades is 1.5 cm and they are connected in small bouquets, on average up to ten pieces. Painted light green and partially curved. Asparagus has a curly, thin stem. Blooms are presented as white small flowers; only plants that have lived for more than a dozen years can boast of them. Fruits with black berries, in which there are three seeds.

The plant is characterized by the presence of many small flowers, the color of which ranges from white to pale pink, have a delicate smell. The form of asparagus can be ampelous, or it can be bushy. A distinctive feature is a powerful root system. Phyllocladia pointed configuration, light green in color, 3 cm long, collected in bunches. Ethiopian asparagus (this is another name for Sprenger's asparagus) is the owner of a bare stem, which becomes arched as it grows. The result of ripening are red berries with one seed inside.

Asparagus or asparagus variety

One of the varieties of semi-shrub plants, reaches a height of 1.5 m, a light green hue. When mature, it needs firm support due to the flexible stems that have a creeping structure. It blooms in the form of white miniature flowers (only if the asparagus is not indoor), which subsequently turn, during the ripening period, into dark orange berries. It has oval leaf-shaped phylloclades of a light green color.

asparagus asparagus

Crescent Asparagus (A. falcatus)

This is perhaps one of the largest representatives of the Asparagus. Outwardly, it resembles an elegant liana. Under natural habitat conditions, it can grow up to fifteen meters, and the thickness can reach one centimeter. When bred at home, the sickle-shaped species is about four meters. Flowers of traditional white color, collected in small inflorescences, have a pleasant fragrance.

asparagus sickle

It is most popular among botanists-researchers, and amateur flower growers perceive it as a sophisticated elegant flower that can be used to decorate a home interior. The plant has multi-tiered dense and light stems. It grows best on the windowsill, needs regular feeding, the optimum temperature regime is at least 10 degrees. At the same time, it negatively tolerates the presence of dry air in the room, due to which asparagus turns yellow and crumbles. The plant will bloom in five or six years, subject to all recommendations for caring for it.

Racemosus asparagus (asparagus racemosus). It is characterized by two-meter elongated shoots, tufted phylloclades of a linear shape. There are flower brushes, consisting of fragrant pale pink flowers.

Asparagus species video

Asparagus: care and reproduction

Home care

It is no secret that asparagus is primarily considered not a garden plant, but primarily an indoor plant. It is in great demand due to its unpretentiousness to growing conditions. How to care for asparagus? To achieve the desired result, it is important to remember only a few recommendations. For example, the plant is photophilous, therefore it should be under bright diffused light, direct sunlight is strictly contraindicated, as it can destroy the flower.

With the onset of heat outside, it is important to consider a place where asparagus would be under the flow of fresh air, but would be protected from drafts and precipitation.

The optimal temperature regime should not exceed 22 C in the summer, and not lower than 15 C in the autumn-winter period, otherwise the plant may lose its leaf part and begin to dry out. What to do? You should not panic too much, because in the spring, when normal care is resumed, new shoots form. To maintain moist air (this is what is acceptable for asparagus), it is important to spray not only the substrate, but also the air around the plant, wet expanded clay or pebbles can be laid at the base of the pot. As with any plant, regular moderate watering is important for asparagus. It is worth remembering the "golden mean" in order to avoid decay of the plant's horse system. In the autumn season, the number of moisturizing procedures is reduced.

Top dressing is carried out every fourteen days with fertilizers with organic or mineral content. For greater efficiency, it is worth fertilizing after careful watering.

As for transplantation, it is produced every two years. In view of this, it is necessary to remove the plant from the container in which it grew before, clean it of dried shoots and trim the roots slightly, and then place it in an already prepared flower container.

The asparagus flower is a lover of loose, nutritious, relatively acidic soil, consisting of sod and deciduous soil, peat and coarse sand.

Asparagus home care video

Types of reproduction

One of the available ways to reproduce asparagus is to grow it using seeds that you can buy at a flower shop, or you can buy it yourself, extracting it from ripe fruits, while it is important to remember that the berries are poisonous, and therefore it is worth doing it with gloves. To get a good result, it is better to sow them immediately after extraction. To do this, you need to place the seeds on the prepared soil, lightly sprinkle on top of the earth and water. Top with oilcloth or glass and put in a warm, well-lit place. In a month, the first shoots will appear. When the sprouts reach a height of ten meters, they can be transplanted into larger containers and continue with the necessary care.

The reproductive process using cuttings is best done in the spring.

To do this, strong ripe shoots are selected and part of the branch is cut off. Wet sand is suitable as a substrate. After planting the cuttings, they must be covered with glass containers and placed in a warm place under bright light, creating greenhouse conditions. After 1.5 months, after rooting, they can dive into individual pots.

The propagation method that is most likely to germinate is the division of the rhizome. This process is as follows: the flower is taken out of the container, the old shoots are destroyed, the roots are cleaned of the remnants of the earth and washed. Then they are divided into small parts and planted in containers with an already prepared and moistened substrate, after which the pots are placed in a shady place with an air temperature of +15 C. The process of adaptation and rooting will take a month, then young asparagus can be planted in a permanent place and taken care of .


Asparagus has many advantages as a plant. It can be used as a room decoration. Also, due to its healing abilities, it is able to have a sedative effect, regulates pressure, is used for diseases of the heart and blood vessels, and can be used as a means of promoting lactation.

Hooked spikes are visible on the stems of asparagus sickle. In the natural environment, they serve to scare away herbivorous animals and allow sickle-shaped asparagus to cling to plants growing nearby.

Asparagus sickle is one of 300 species of perennial evergreens, shrubs and climbing species of the genus Asparagus. In the wild, this plant is found in Sri Lanka and in the tropical or southeastern regions of Africa. Despite this, crescent asparagus can grow in fairly cool conditions, even a temperature of 10 ° C will not harm it.

growth pattern

Asparagus sickle is a relative of the edible asparagus and, like most species of this genus, is distinguished by narrow "leaves". The "leaves" are actually modified shoots (fylokladium); they are collected in bundles of 3-4 pieces. Over time, the leaves lengthen and woody. Asparagus reaches 90-120 cm in height and 60 cm in diameter, less in a pot.

Flowers and roots

Asparagus crescent forms inflorescences of small, delicately smelling flowers, in place of which brown berries sometimes appear.

The white roots of asparagus become woody over time, resembling radish roots in their appearance. These roots store water and nutrients, so the plant is not afraid of drought. During planting and transplanting from above, leave enough space for the development of such roots. Overgrown roots interfere with watering the plant.


It can grow into a high green wall, consisting of delicate leaves. The stems of the plant can be tied to bamboo arcuate supports or created from them into a green column by lifting them up on a peg.


Asparagus crescent will feel good in a variety of places. It is best to provide him with a bright place, protected from bright sunlight, however, crescent asparagus feels great in a very shaded place. Plant asparagus in normal soil, provide it with a large flower pot so that its roots can grow freely.

Plant and transplant asparagus crescent into fertile clay potting soil. It is very important to leave at least 4 cm between the rim of the pot and the ground, this will leave room for the plant's woody roots to form as this unusual plant grows. Asparagus sickle is an undemanding plant that will grow well even with minimal care. During active growth, it is important that the soil always remains moist; in winter, during dormancy, crescent asparagus needs more economical watering, especially if the plant grows in a fairly cool room. Over time, adult stems of asparagus crescent lose their attractiveness, cut such stems at the base, and soon attractive young shoots will appear in their place. To make your asparagus crescent look attractive, you can tie its long stems to an arcuate support, thanks to which the stems of the plant will grow in a given direction.

Watering and feeding

During active growth (March to September), provide crescent asparagus with abundant watering, just enough to moisten the soil well. Make sure the soil in the pot is dry before the next watering. At other times of the year, watering should be economical. Feed the plant once every two weeks during active growth. In winter, asparagus is not fed.

Location selection

It is best to provide the plant with diffused light. Nothing bad will happen if sickle-shaped asparagus spends more than three weeks in a heavily shaded place. In warm rooms with asparagus, it is important to maintain high humidity; in cool rooms, do not water the plants too abundantly. In winter, the minimum room temperature should be 10°C.

In his best

Asparagus crescent usually grows to about 1m in height, making an attractive backdrop for a collection of ornamental foliage and flowering plants. In addition, it can be used as an openwork protection from bright light, placed among plants with colorful leaves, such as croton. Asparagus looks good in a white pot on a white windowsill, better against the background of white day curtains that protect from the sun.


Buy young plants in spring from flower shops and nurseries. Small specimens are also sold in mini-pots. Choose a plant with healthy smooth leaves and several sturdy stems. Asparagus sickle is a perennial. The price depends primarily on the size of the plant.

Possible problems

Spider mites

Asparagus is sometimes affected by spider mites, but other pests are extremely rare on the plant. A sign of the appearance of spider mites is the presence of spots on the upper side of the needle leaves and a thin cobweb on their lower side. Frequent spraying of asparagus sickle will help get rid of pests and prevent their appearance. However, in case of serious damage, the plant must be treated with a suitable insecticidal preparation.

Brown ends of leaves

The brown ends of the leaves of sickle asparagus are a sign that the plant is standing in a warm and dry room. Spray asparagus sickle-shaped as often as possible with water and increase the humidity of the air.

Asparagus Crescent is a beautiful home plant, belongs to the genus Asparagus.

The flower is called home liana or curly shrub. In nature, it is widely distributed in the foothills of India, Sri Lanka, the tropics of South Africa and Asia.

Plant growth is intense, growing rapidly. In length reaches more than 7 meters. Shoots are graceful with strong branches.

Woody stems are completely covered with thin hooked spines.
With the help of them, the liana climbs to the sun along the supports and boles of trees.

The leaves are small, scaly, poorly developed. Cladodia in the form of sickles, lanceolate, emerald hue. They are located only at the tops of the branches. In width they reach 0.5 centimeters, in length from 8 to 10 centimeters.

Flowering occurs in June-August. The flowers are miniature, snow-white, collected in brushes of 6-8 centimeters. After flowering, brown ovoid berries appear.

Look at some photos with this interesting plant:

Home care

You should choose a flower with shiny healthy leaves, unaffected stems and a developed root system. The plant is a perennial.

The price may vary depending on the size of the representative of the fauna.

Asparagus is unpretentious in growth. After buying a vine does not require certain systematic actions. You just need to wash off the dust and germs with a warm, gentle shower, spray liberally and water the plant. Then choose a permanent place for the flower on a hill.

Adult specimens are immediately stretched out with a fishing line, which they will subsequently wrap around.


The plant tolerates pruning remarkably. Thanks to the systematic formation, tillering increases.

You can get a lush bush or an elongated vine. In the second case, flexible stems will need a support with a guide line.

The plant will begin to wrap around it and grow intensively in length.


From mid-spring to early autumn, watering is recommended to be carried out regularly. It should be plentiful and frequent so that the soil in the container does not dry out. In winter, watering is reduced to a minimum, as during the cold period the soil remains wet. Icy, non-drying soil causes rotting of stems and rhizomes.

IMPORTANT: Water should be settled, soft. It should not contain chlorine and other chemical impurities.


For planting use nutritious loose earth. The soil should be permeable with a neutral or slightly oxidized environment.

The soil is prepared at home. This will require sea sand, leafy and soddy soil in a ratio of 1:4:2. It is allowed to plant in a purchased universal land for deciduous flora. Since Asparagus Crescent belongs to large branched vines, it is recommended to use wide and deep pots.

An adult rhizome needs development in the upper section of the tubers. The root system of this plant is similar to the rhizome of a tulip or the roots of a radish. Such a rhizome is recommended to leave a lot of space. Between the soil and the edge of the pot should be left more than 4-5 centimeters. Otherwise, the root system will begin to bulge very strongly, leaving no space for feeding and watering.

ADVICE: Before planting in containers, drainage is created from pebbles or broken bricks.


Young plants are transplanted every year in large containers. The operation should be carried out before the start of intensive growth. Adult vines are transplanted as needed.

If the roots of the plant began to peek out of the drainage, if the flower became crowded or the soil had exhausted the supply of necessary substances, then a transplant is required.

During the procedure, some of the tubers are removed. Complete removal of tubers is prohibited, as they contain a supply of nutrients that provide the liana with excellent health.

During the growing season, the fertilization procedure is carried out 1 time in 14 days. Good fertilizer for deciduous flowers.
In winter, Asparagus Crescent does not need fertilizers.


Thanks to the long stems, reaching a length of more than 7 meters, the plant is planted in a flower pot. A fishing line is stretched from the trunk, along which the vine actively twists and grows. The plant loves moderate humidity.

ADVICE: At too high dryness and elevated temperatures, the crown of the vine must be sprayed frequently.

Sometimes a gentle warm shower is arranged for a flower. This procedure refreshes Asparagus, washes away dust, which contributes to the reproduction of pests.


The plant propagates by planting seeds and dividing the bush.

The rhizome must be divided into several equal parts so that each of them contains mature shoots and actively developed roots.

When planting seeds, most of the material is defective. The seeds of this species of Asparagus are tight.
Sowing is done in mid-February in breathable soil.
Seeds are sprinkled with soil and sprayed with water from a spray bottle.
Then they create a homemade greenhouse from a glass jar or a cut plastic bottle.

The temperature must be stable at 25°C.

Detailed instructions for growing asparagus from seeds can be seen in the video:


During the growing season from spring to autumn, Asparagus likes temperatures ranging from 20 to 25°C. In summer, the plant is taken out to greenhouses, a garden or a balcony. It is necessary to choose shaded corners, protected from drafts and wind.

The room in which the flower is located is often ventilated, providing it with an influx of fresh summer air. In winter, the plant needs rest. At this time, the shoots slow down in their development.

IMPORTANT: In winter, the temperature should not fall below 10°C.


In nature, the plant is accustomed to shady foothills and tropics. Therefore, the plant does not like direct sunlight. Indoors, the flower is placed on the eastern and western sides.

Heading north, Asparagus will lack sunlight. This is fraught with strong stretching of the shoots and loss of rich color.

On the south side, the plant will wither due to constant sunlight, which will burn the soft cladodes.

Benefit and harm

Asparagus are able to grow into green high walls, consisting of graceful stems.

The branches are tied to bamboo supports in the form of an arc or create green carpet columns.

Thanks to this decor, the apartment will seem like a wonderful greenhouse.
Plant stems adorn wedding bouquets.
Branches, flowers, brown berries and leaves should not be consumed by animals and humans.
They cause poisoning and allergic reactions.

Do not allow the juice of the leaves to get on the skin or in the eyes.

In this case, severe burns may occur.

Diseases and pests

The plant is susceptible to attack by spider mites.

Especially if the room has dry air and high temperature characteristics.
To get rid of the pest, the stems are washed in a stream of warm water at 45 ° C. Then the bole is sprayed with the Aktellik chemical preparation.

Asparagus is often affected by root rot.

The disease occurs when the soil is waterlogged and the flower is flooded. Due to dry air, elevated temperature factors and an excess of sunlight, the tips of the cladodii can dry out. To eliminate diseases, the flower needs to change its location.

Asparagus sickle can be affected by spider mites.

Does not like direct sunlight. Grows well in stable temperatures. Young plants are transplanted every year in large containers.

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Asparagus sickle-shaped is an attractive houseplant, which in its appearance resembles a fern, with which it is often confused

Asparagus: growing from seeds

One way to propagate this type of asparagus is growing from seeds. To do this, the seeds are sown at the end of spring in moist soil, the temperature of which must be maintained at 23-25 ​​degrees. When the seedlings germinate and become strong, they should be dived into separate pots, providing the same care as for adult plants.

Reproduction of asparagus

Another way to propagate such a plant is to divide the bush. In this case, when transplanting, the asparagus bush is carefully divided into several separate parts, the number of which depends on the volume of the root ball. By planting new plants obtained in this way in separate containers, it is necessary to provide them with the care that adult plants of this type also require.

Asparagus: growth pattern

The leaves of this plant are modified shoots that are collected several pieces together. Over time, these leaves increase in length and woody. At home, the plant can reach more than half a meter in diameter, and one and a half meters in height.

Asparagus: care features

The optimal place for growing asparagus crescent is a bright place, but protected from direct bright light. It also grows normally in fairly shaded places. Plant such a plant in universal soil for indoor plants, the pot should be large enough so that the asparagus roots have the opportunity to grow.

From early spring to mid-autumn, the plant needs abundant watering. You need to water so that the soil becomes sufficiently moist, but before that it should dry out a little. The rest of the time you need to water more economically. Fertilizing should be done twice a month only in summer with active growth.

If asparagus is in a room with warm and dry air. It needs to be sprayed periodically. If the air is cool, it is not necessary to spray at all, watering is less plentiful. At any time, the air temperature in the room with this plant should not fall below 10 degrees.

Possible problems

In some cases, asparagus can damage spider mites, any other pests infect the plant very rarely. A sign of the presence of spider mites is a thin cobweb under the needle leaves, and spots on their upper part. If the damage is not very serious, you can get rid of such pests with the help of frequent spraying. If the damage is serious, then only an insecticidal preparation can help.

If the plant is in a room with warm and dry air, the tips of its leaves begin to turn brown. In this case, asparagus must be sprayed frequently to ensure high humidity.

Asparagus is a genus of plants belonging to the Asparagus family. It includes herbaceous plants, shrubs, and vines. The plant is monoecious; flowers can have signs of both sexes, or they can be same-sex, but placed on the same bush.

Outwardly, the flower looks like a lily, which is why this genus was previously attributed to the Lilein family. When pollinated, asparagus bears fruit, but the fruits cannot be eaten due to toxicity. Make sure that animals and children do not have access to the plant.

Species and varieties

Bushy plant with stems covered with fluff. Reaches half a meter in height. Densely covered with green thin foliage, similar to needles.

In the wild, the stems of this plant can grow up to 15 m - this is the maximum size among this genus, and be up to a centimeter in thickness. In culture, this species reaches 4 meters. White flowers form small rare inflorescences with a pleasant smell.

the species can be grown both ampelous and placed on a support. It has light green smooth stems. Does not flower when grown indoors.

Or Ethiopian grown as a herbaceous perennial plant. It has tender long shoots that grow up to a meter long. The foliage is small, similar to scales. It has phylloclades growing up to three centimeters. White flowers smell good.

Or bristly bushy appearance, abundantly covered with thin sheets-scales. Phyllocladia are short, light, sinuous. Usually we grow a dwarf variety of this plant.

Asparagus home care

Caring for asparagus has its own nuances. He needs bright lighting, but it is impossible for direct rays to fall on the plant for a long time, this is allowed only in the morning or in the evening, when the heat subsides.

With warming in May, you need to start hardening the flower in order to take it out to the balcony or terrace for the summer. When placing the plant, make sure that it is not blown by the wind.

Asparagus loves warmth, but it is impossible for the air temperature to rise too high, namely above 26 ° C. In winter, the temperature must be lowered below 15 ° C, otherwise the plant will begin to dry out and shed its foliage.

Watering asparagus

During the growth of green mass, asparagus should be well watered as soon as the top layer of soil dries.

In the autumn-winter period, the amount of moisture is reduced by watering a few days after the soil dries up, but it must not be allowed to dry out completely.

This plant will not be harmed by spraying, especially in the heat. They are usually done in the morning or evening.

When grown indoors, asparagus almost never blooms. If this does happen, then you will get small white inflorescences that can be pollinated. But we remind you that asparagus fruits are poisonous, so we do not recommend you do this.

asparagus pruning

In early spring, asparagus is pruned. At the same time, bald and dried stems are removed. After pruning, these shoots will no longer grow, but this will give strength to the growth of young branches.

asparagus fertilizer

The plant needs to be fertilized regularly. From spring until the end of summer, top dressing is applied every seven days, in autumn - every 15, and in winter - every month. At the same time, complex mineral fertilizers for indoor plants are used.

Asparagus transplant at home

Before reaching the age of five, the plant must be transplanted annually. After that, transplants can be made less frequently - once every couple of years.

A transplant pot needs to be taken a little more than the past. To begin with, a drainage layer is laid out, and then soil is placed, made from two shares of leafy soil, two humus and one share of sand. For the first couple of weeks, the flower can only be watered, but after this period, you can start feeding.

Asparagus from seeds at home

If your plant has produced berries and you want to use them as planting material, then you need to sow them immediately after harvest (usually this happens in the middle of winter). Seeds are placed in a peat-sand mixture, moistened and covered with glass.

Every day, the planted will need to be slightly moistened and ventilated. It is best to sprout the plant will be at a temperature of about 21 ° C. A month later shoots hatch. When they grow to ten centimeters, they will need to dive.

At the beginning of summer, young plants can be planted in separate containers with the same soil as for adults.

Asparagus propagation by cuttings

With the advent of spring, asparagus can be propagated by cuttings. The material is cut about 10 cm long and planted for rooting in the sand. The cuttings are placed in a well-lit place at a temperature of 22 ° C and covered with a film.

In the future, they will need to be aired daily and watered a little. After about 40 days, rooting will end, and the plants can be planted in separate containers.

Reproduction of asparagus by dividing the rhizome

During transplantation, the plant is propagated by dividing the rhizome. The roots just need to be divided into two or three parts, depending on the size of the root, and planted in ordinary soil.

Diseases and pests

With improper care with asparagus, a number of problems can arise.

  • When placed in direct sunlight, asparagus leaves and stems begin to turn yellow and fall off. Also, this can happen when the air is dry, the pot is filled with roots, or when there is excess moisture, which leads to rotting of the roots. Also, the leaves may fall off if the flower does not have enough lighting.
  • If your asparagus is not growing, then you may have overdone your pruning. Remember that pruned shoots will no longer grow.