Knowledge of the basics of office work. Organization of work with documents and office work. The procedure for conducting office work in the organization. Principles of document management organization. Organizational forms of office work


In the modern world, we are surrounded by a lot of information. In this endless stream, it has become difficult to figure out what is reliable and what is false. And all over the world they are trying to streamline it.

The most important thing is to have a clear understanding of official documents. After all, it is thanks to them that we can interact with each other without creating disagreements. The main document defining the procedure and rules for the exchange of information is the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Each type of activity must be regulated. Each organization has its own set of documents, but in order to ensure free interaction with government agencies and other enterprises, they must be generally recognized. For this purpose, unified norms, standards and design rules are created, fixed at the level of the state system.

The speed of obtaining the information necessary to make a decision depends on the clear and correct processing of the document. Late processing of documents, especially financial ones, can lead to negative economic consequences.

With the rapid growth of information volumes, organizations need to develop a rational organization of document flow.

The purpose of the course work is to develop basic management documents of a motor transport organization.


Office work constitutes a full cycle of processing and movement of documents from the moment of their creation (or receipt) to completion of execution and sending. Documents consolidate production relations both within the enterprise and with other organizations, and often serve as written evidence in the event of property, labor and other disputes.

Office work is a branch of activity that ensures the creation of official documents and the organization of work with them. In the Russian Federation, this activity is regulated by GOST R 51141-98 “Office management and archiving. Terms and Definitions"

Document flow is an important link in the organization of office work in an organization, since it determines not only the instances of document movement, but also the speed of document movement. In office work, document flow is considered as information support for the activities of the management apparatus, its documentation, storage and use of previously created documents.

Document flow is the activity of organizing the movement of documents in an enterprise from the moment of their creation or receipt until completion of execution: sending from the organization and (or) sending to the archive.

The basic rules for organizing document flow are:

prompt passage of the document, with the least amount of time;

maximum reduction of document passage instances (each movement of a document must be justified, it is necessary to exclude or limit return movements of documents);

The procedure for passing and processing the main types of documents must be uniform.

Compliance with these rules makes it possible to implement the basic organizational principle of the office work service - the possibility of centralized execution of homogeneous technological operations. The basis of the structure of any document flow is a document. All documents (traditional on paper and on magnetic media) as a whole must be coordinated by observing the rules for the peculiarities of presenting information on each of the media.

The procedure for processing documents and organizing all operations when working with them must be regulated by the instructions for office work in the organization (institution) and the sheet of unified forms of documents. They separate centralized document flow and document flow at the structural unit level. Centralized document flow includes all documentation subject to centralized registration. Documents taken into account only in structural units constitute the document flow at the level of the structural unit. As a rule, centralized document flow is represented by organizational and administrative documentation. In large organizations there is a separate structural unit whose tasks include ensuring centralized document flow. A structural unit can be called differently: business administration, office, general department, etc. In organizations where the volume of centralized document flow is not so large that it is handled by an independent unit, the functions of maintaining it can be assigned to the secretary of the head of the organization.

There are three main types of documents that make up the centralized document flow:

incoming - official documents received by the institution. Most incoming documents should generate corresponding outgoing documents within a specified time frame. Deadlines may be established by regulations prescribing a particular response time to the corresponding incoming document, or may be indicated directly in the incoming document;

outgoing - official documents sent from the institution. Most outgoing documents are the organization's response to incoming documents. Some of the outgoing documents are prepared on the basis of internal documents of the organization. A small number of outgoing documents may require the receipt of incoming documents (for example, requests to other organizations);

internal - official documents created within the organization and not extending beyond its boundaries. These documents are used to organize the work of an institution (organization), as they provide targeted solutions to management problems within one organization. Internal documents include organizational, legal, organizational and administrative documents. Independent internal document management groups draw up protocols and acts, planning and reporting documents, documents on accounting of material and monetary resources, equipment, internal official correspondence (reports, explanatory notes), personnel, etc. Not all internal documents pass through the office, but only correspondence from the largest structural divisions of the organization (especially if they are geographically dispersed) and orders from the head of the organization. Internal documents that generate outgoing documents also pass through the office.

Documents received by the organization go through:

primary processing;

preliminary review;

registration - a record of accounting data about a document in the prescribed form, recording the fact of its creation, sending or receipt. Following the definition, registering a document is assigning an index to it and putting it on the document, followed by recording data about the document in the registration journal or registration card. The purpose of registration is to ensure accounting, control and search of documents;

management review;

transfer for execution.

The Management Documentation Support Service (DMS) should accept for processing only correctly executed documents that have legal force and are sent in full (if there are attachments). Otherwise, the submitted documents are returned to the author with an appropriate covering letter indicating the reasons for the return.

Basic requirements for document preparation:

The text of the document carries the main semantic content of the document - managerial action, decision, commercial transaction, etc.

Texts of documents in accordance with GOST R6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for the preparation of documents" are written only in Russian when sending them:

to federal government bodies, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

to enterprises, organizations and their associations that are not under the jurisdiction of a given constituent entity of the Russian Federation or located on the territory of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Documents sent to foreign partners can be drawn up in the language of the country in which the correspondent is located, or in English.

Administrative documents:

In the administrative documents of the organization, issued by the principles of unity of command (order, instruction, instruction), the form of presentation of the text in the first person singular is used (I ORDER, I OFFER, I OBLIGATE, I CONSIDER NECESSARY).

The first part of the administrative document may indicate the basis or reason for drawing up the document. The second part outlines the manager's decision. If the content of the document does not need explanation, then its text contains only the administrative part. The text of orders in such cases begins with the word I ORDER.

The administrative part can be divided into paragraphs if the execution of the order involves several performers and the performance of actions of different nature. The actions of one character or performer are listed in one paragraph. Items that include managerial actions of an administrative nature begin with an indefinite verb.

Organizational documents:

Charter - a set of rules governing the activities of organizations, their relationships with other organizations and citizens, rights and obligations in the field of state or economic activity. The charter is a complex document, the structure and content of which are determined by the developers themselves.

A regulation is a legal act that establishes the basic rules for the organizational activities of state enterprises and institutions, as well as their structural divisions. Regulations are drawn up primarily when creating new enterprises or institutions. These documents can be either typical or individual. Individual provisions for individual institutions, organizations, and enterprises are drawn up on the basis of typical ones. Typical provisions, as a rule, are approved by the highest governing bodies. Individual - managers of enterprises, organizations, institutions.

A job description is a document regulating the production powers and responsibilities of an employee. Job descriptions are developed by the head of the unit for his direct subordinates. Job descriptions for positions directly subordinate to him are approved by the head of the organization. For other positions, instructions are approved by the relevant deputies for the function. The first copy of the job description for each employee is kept in the personnel department, the second is kept by the head of the department, and the third is kept by the employee.

The staffing table is a document fixing the official and numerical composition of the enterprise, indicating the wage fund. Contains a list of structural divisions, positions, information on the number of staff units, official salaries, allowances and monthly payroll. The monthly wage fund is the total funds that are provided for in the staffing schedule for payment to employees. The staffing table is drawn up on a unified form No. T-3, approved by Decree of the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics dated 04/06/2001 No. 26. The staffing table is endorsed by the chief accountant, lawyer, signed by the head of the personnel department or deputy head, approved by the head of the organization, whose signature is certified by a seal.

Information and reference documents:

Minutes - a document containing a record of the progress of discussion of issues and decision-making at meetings, meetings, meetings, conferences, and business meetings. The protocol reflects the activities of joint decision-making by a collegial body or group of workers. There are two types of protocols: full and short. The full protocol contains a record of all speeches at the meeting, the short one contains only the names of the speakers and a brief record of the topic of the speech. The decision on what form of minutes to take at a meeting is made by the head of the collegial body or the head of the organization.

A memorandum is a document addressed to the head of a given or higher institution and informing him about the current situation, a phenomenon or fact that has taken place, about the work performed, containing the conclusions and proposals of the compiler. The memorandum can be external and internal. An external memorandum is presented to the head of a higher organization, an internal one - to the head of a department or organization. Internal memos are created on the initiative of the employee or on the instructions of his immediate supervisor and are aimed at increasing the efficiency of the organization. Therefore, the text of the memorandum is clearly divided into two parts: the first - stating (descriptive), where the facts that took place are stated or the situation is described, and the second, where proposals and requests are stated. External memos are drawn up on the organization’s general letterhead, internal memos are drawn up on a standard sheet of paper.

An explanatory note is a document that explains the content of individual provisions of the main document (plan, report, project, etc.) or explains the reasons for any event, fact, or action. Explanatory notes can be divided into two groups based on content. The first includes documents that most often accompany the main document (plan, report) and explain the content of individual provisions of the main document. They are drawn up on the general form of the institution. The second group consists of explanatory notes about any incidents, current situations, actions and behavior of individual employees. The text of such notes must be convincing and contain irrefutable evidence.

Official letters are a generalized name for a large group of administrative documents of various contents, which serve as a means of communication with institutions, organizations and individuals, communicating something, notifying about something. Official letters are used to resolve numerous operational issues arising in management activities, hence the variety of types of letters: requests, notifications, invitations, claims, changes, clarifications, guarantees, assignments, messages, clarifications, reminders, confirmations, recommendations, proposals, comments, requests , requirements, etc.

An act is a document drawn up by several persons and confirming facts, events, actions. Acts are drawn up collectively (at least two drafters). Often acts are drawn up by specially created commissions, the composition of which is approved by an administrative document of the head of the organization. Acts can also be drawn up by permanent commissions on a regular basis. The main thing when drawing up an act is to establish the actual state of affairs and correctly reflect them in the act. The act is drawn up on the basis of draft records that are kept during the work of the commission or group of persons and contain factual data, quantitative indicators and other information. After a thorough study of the issue, they begin to draw up an act.

Certificates are documents containing textual and (or) tabular information on a specific issue, the state of affairs, characteristic indicators, description and confirmation of certain facts and events. Certificates are usually divided into two groups - with information about facts and events of an official nature and those issued to interested citizens and institutions, certifying any legal fact. Certificates reflecting the main (production) activities of the organization can be external and internal. External certificates are drawn up for submission to another, usually higher organization, internal certificates are drawn up for presentation to the management of the organization or for consideration by a collegial body. External certificates are drawn up on the organization’s general letterhead, internal certificates are drawn up on a standard sheet of paper with all the necessary details included.

Personnel documents:

An employment contract is an agreement between an employer and an employee, according to which the employer undertakes to provide the employee with work for a specified labor function, to provide working conditions provided for by labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms, a collective agreement, agreements, local regulations and by this agreement, to pay the employee wages in a timely manner and in full, and the employee undertakes to personally perform the labor function defined by this agreement and to comply with the internal labor regulations in force for this employer.

An application is a document addressed to an organization or an official with a request for employment, dismissal, transfer, or leave.

The job application is drawn up in any form, written by hand.

A character reference is an official document that is issued by the administration of an institution, organization, or enterprise to its employee in a number of situations. The reference provides feedback on the employee’s official and social activities, as well as an assessment of his business and moral qualities. In the text of the characteristics, logically interconnected components can be identified. The first is the personal data following the title of the document, which indicates the first, patronymic and last name, position, academic degree and rank (if any), year of birth, and education of the employee. The second part of the text of the characteristics is data on work activity (information about the specialty, duration of work at a given enterprise or organization, promotion, level of professional skill, etc.). The third part is the actual characteristic, i.e. assessment of the moral, psychological and business qualities of an employee: his attitude to work, professional development, behavior in everyday life.

The fourth and final part contains a conclusion indicating the purpose of the characteristic. The text of the description is presented in the third person.

In parallel with the term “office work”, in recent decades the term documentation support for management (DMS) has been used. Its appearance is associated with the introduction of computer systems into management and their organizational, software and information support to bring it closer to the terminology used in computer programs and literature. Currently, the terms “paperwork” and “documentation management” are synonymous and are used to refer to the same activity.

Documentation is the process of creating and processing a document. The state standard defines documentation as “recording information on various media according to established rules.” The scientific discipline of document science studies the development of documentation methods and information carriers.

Organization of work with documents is ensuring the movement of documents in the management apparatus, their use for reference purposes and storage. The term is defined by the state standard as “the organization of document flow, storage and use of documents in the current activities of the institution.”

The Federal Law “On Information, Informatization and Information Protection” provides the following definition of the concept “document”:

A document is information recorded on a tangible medium with details that allow it to be identified. The same definition is given in the state standard for terms and definitions “Office work and archiving”. To more fully characterize the concept of “document,” the concept of “requisites” should also be expanded. Each document consists of a number of its constituent elements, which are called details (name, author, addressee, text, date, signature, etc.).

Different documents consist of different sets of details. The number of details is determined by the purposes of creating the document, its purpose, requirements for the content and form of this document. For many documents, the number of details is strictly limited. For a number of documents, the number and composition of details are established by legislative and regulatory acts. But in any case, as follows from the definition, information recorded on a tangible medium must be formalized by entering the necessary details. Only then does it become a document.

In document science, a document is considered as the result of fixing (displaying) facts, events, phenomena of objective reality and human mental activity in any convenient way on special material.

Documents, having recorded information, thereby ensure its preservation and accumulation, the possibility of transfer to another person, repeated use, repeated and repeated return to it over time. They affect various areas of human activity and are divided into text and graphic, traditional (handwritten, typewritten) and computer media, scientific, technical, personal and official, etc.

Official documents are documents created by legal entities or individuals, executed and certified in the prescribed manner. Among them, a special category consists of official (managerial) documents, which are defined by the state standard as official documents used in the current activities of the organization.

As information carriers, documents act as an indispensable element of the internal organization of any institution, enterprise, any company, ensuring the interaction of their structural parts and individual employees. They are the basis for making management decisions, serve as evidence of their implementation and a source for generalizations and analysis, as well as material for reference and search work. In management activities, a document acts both as an object of labor and as a result of labor.

For management activities, the legal force of documents is extremely important, since it means that documents can serve as genuine evidence of the information contained in them. The legal force of an official document presupposes its bindingness for those to whom it is addressed, or for the circle of participants in management actions (government bodies, their structural divisions, public organizations, officials and citizens) who are guided by the document and base their activities on it or refrain from it .

The legal force of a document is a property of an official document, imparted to it by the current legislation, the competence of the body that issued it and the established procedure for execution. From this definition it follows that the governing body or officials issuing the document are obliged to:

comply with current legislation when preparing it;

issue documents only within its competence;

comply with the national rules for the preparation and execution of documents in force at a certain time.

The most legally significant details include: name of the organization, date and registration number of the document, signature, seal, approval and approval stamps.

In management practice, it is customary to distinguish documents according to the degree of their authenticity into drafts, white papers, originals, and copies.

A draft document, whether handwritten, typewritten, or printed from a computer, reflects the author's work on its content. It may contain text only and has no legal force.

A white document is a handwritten or typewritten document, the text of which has been copied from a draft document or written without erasures or corrections.

A document that contains information confirming its authenticity (about the author, time and place of creation) is considered authentic. The original of an official document is the first (or single) copy of a document that has legal force.

A copy of a document is a document that completely reproduces the information of the original document and all or part of its external features. The copy of the document can be a facsimile or a free copy. A facsimile copy fully reproduces the contents of the document and all its external features (details contained in the original, including signature and seal) or part of them, and the features of their location. A free copy contains all the details of the document, but does not necessarily repeat its form.

The documentation system is a set of documents interconnected based on their origin, purpose, type, scope of activity, and uniform requirements for their execution.

In addition to the functional documentation systems common to all institutions and enterprises, there are also sectoral systems that are used in documenting the relevant types of activities and reflect their specifics. These are, for example, documentation systems for healthcare, education (general and special), notary, judicial, etc. Organizational and administrative documentation is closely related to both industry and functional systems. On the one hand, it provides a legal basis for other systems, and on the other hand, it reflects issues of management, control, planning, accounting, reporting, etc.

The main direction of improving documentation is unification and standardization.

Standardization is the process of establishing and applying standards, which are understood as “a sample, a standard, a model taken as the initial one for comparison of other similar objects with them.” A standard as a normative and technical document establishes a set of norms, rules, requirements for the object of standardization and is approved by the competent authority. In Russia, standardization activities are coordinated by state standardization bodies.

Standardization is a complex process. It includes elements such as typification, unification, aggregation. A standard text is a sample text, on the basis of which texts of similar content are subsequently created.

Unification means “bringing something to a single system, form, uniformity.” According to the official definition, unification is the selection of the optimal number of varieties of products, processes and services, the values ​​of their parameters and sizes. Based on this, it follows that, firstly, in the process of unification, a rational reduction of the elements of the original set of objects (for example, forms or types of documents, their indicators and details) should be carried out. And secondly, unification necessarily leads to the establishment of optimal (for some fairly long time) uniformity in any area of ​​activity, including documentation. Management documents used in a variety of areas and management bodies must be drawn up in a uniform manner. This allows you to include documents in a unified office management system for the country, facilitates their prompt processing and execution, and reduces the time spent on working with documents not only of office staff, but also of all employees of the administrative apparatus - from managers to ordinary employees. Thus, unification allows you to streamline the formation of documents and thereby reduce the volume of document flow.

Unified Documentation System (UDS) is a documentation system created according to uniform rules and requirements, containing information necessary for management in a certain field of activity.

The direct developers of specific forms of documents and documentation systems are ministries (departments) that coordinate this or that sector of activity. They also approve unified forms of documents. Thus, the Ministry of Finance is responsible for accounting documents, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation is responsible for medical documents, the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics is responsible for the forms of primary accounting and statistical documentation, and the Federal Archive of the Russian Federation is responsible for the system of organizational and administrative documentation.

National unified forms of documents are developed taking into account the possibility of their computer processing. They are mandatory for use in all institutions, organizations and enterprises, regardless of their subordination and form of ownership.

Electronic office systems are also being introduced to streamline and simplify work with documents. An office system is a software environment focused on the joint, coordinated use of electronic methods for processing, storing and transmitting information. Electronic document management reduces information flows to an optimal minimum, simplifies and reduces the cost of collecting, processing and transmitting information using the latest technologies for automating these processes.

Determination of storage periods for files. Storage periods for files are set to ensure the safety of valuable documents. Retention periods are an important basis for grouping documents into files, since documents with a permanent storage period, storage periods of up to 10 years and over 10 years cannot be placed in one file.

Storage periods are established according to lists of documents indicating their storage periods or through expert analysis by leading specialists of the organization.

The storage periods for documents - permanent or temporary (one, three, five, ten, 15 years, etc.) - are established depending on the significance of the documents. If the file contains temporary storage documents of varying value and, therefore, with different retention periods, the storage period for the entire file is set for the most valuable documentation, i.e. more. For example, if the file contains documents with retention periods of one year, three years and five years, the entire file is stored for five years.

The retention period is calculated from January 1 of the year following the year of termination of the case. For example, the storage period: a case completed in 1998 is calculated from January 1, 1999.

All files of permanent, temporary (over 10 years) storage and personnel records are transferred to the organization’s archive. The transfer of cases is carried out only according to inventories and in accordance with the schedule drawn up by the head of the archive, agreed upon with the heads of structural divisions and approved by the head of the organization. Along with the files, the registration and control files of the institution’s records management service are transferred to the archive. The title of each file must be included in the inventory.

Cases of temporary (up to 10 years) storage in the archive of the organization, as a rule, are not transferred.

Look in the material for: current samples, memo diagrams from experts, ready-made document routes. The materials will help you organize office work correctly and avoid problems with management and regulatory authorities.

Related materials:

What is office work in brief?

Office work or documentation management support (DMS) - a number of processes that affect all stages of working with documents. It is often understood as document flow, but these two concepts are different, although they are closely related to each other. Document flow- this is only an intermediate stage between the creation of papers and their archiving.

Reference: the concept of office work is reflected in the laws. The preschool educational institution is regulated by a system of standards for information, publishing and library science.

The following types of office work are distinguished:

  • general- maintaining general documents;
  • special- work with specific papers, for example, on personnel, accounting, secret, etc.

In state-owned companies, the algorithm for working with documents is regulated by law. Private firms have the right to independently decide how to conduct document flow and office work.

3 main areas of office work

  1. Documentation - preparation, execution, coordination, production of papers;
  2. Organization of work with documents - movement, control of execution, storage and use;
  3. Systematization - transfer of documents for storage, their placement in safes, disposal, etc.

Basic regulations of the organization

The components of office work are the same in organizations of any type and purpose. It does not matter what method of maintaining a preschool educational institution - paper or electronic, you must take into account the peculiarities of working with papers and pay attention to details.

Tasks and functions of office work

Record keeping allows you to organize tax, accounting, and management accounting, ensure prompt response to incoming letters, and improve feedback with employees. The efficiency and speed of interaction between the organization’s internal services depends on how well the document flow and DOW are organized. All employees of the organization who are in one way or another connected with the preparation, transfer, and archiving of papers should know the basics of office work and document flow.

Employees are required to perform the following functions:

  • develop, implement, maintain time sheets and albums of unified documents;
  • develop and design forms;
  • carry out forwarding processing of sent and received papers;
  • register outgoing, incoming and internal documents;
  • control the correctness of the paperwork submitted to management for signature;
  • regulate the execution of documents;
  • compose texts;
  • develop a nomenclature of files, ensure their storage and operational use;
  • control paperwork in all departments;
  • participate in events aimed at improving methods and forms of work.

Review the office work standards set out in GOST “System of standards for information, library and publishing. Organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for the preparation of documents", which replaced GOST R 6.30-2003. Knowing the basic rules will help you avoid mistakes in your work. in the magazine "Secretary's Handbook".

Use GOST R 7.0.97-2016 in your work

General scheme of organization of office work and document flow

Learn the basics of office work, the rules for drawing up and maintaining papers, the features of their movement within the organization and outside it. Adhere to the points of the Instructions approved by the company, which outline the main nuances of working with papers.

Use the sample Instructions with expert comments in your work

Download sample

The general diagram will explain the rules of work and what actions a novice specialist should perform so as not to get confused in the processes. Rely on it until you understand the essence, develop your own algorithm for processing, moving and storing papers, and remember the basic terms of office work.

Organization of incoming document flows

Incoming means all types of documents created in paper or electronic form in other companies. These can be letters, invoices, proposals, and other elements of office work.

To avoid chaos, process them in a timely manner:

  • register the document - set the date of receipt and assign a number;
  • transfer the papers to the department that should be responsible for working with them or storing them;
  • register acceptance of the document for work;
  • mark the execution, response or measures taken;
  • transfer the document to the archive.

Please strictly follow these office rules. If a company receives a large number of papers and files, use special programs to optimize work with them. Some of them are equipped with a notification system about deadlines, document readiness, etc.

Incoming correspondence log

Download document

Organization of outgoing documentation flows

The path of outgoing documents is determined by the rules for working with them and their type. It usually starts with the secretary. After drawing up the paper, it is handed over to the person who has the right to sign and approve. Only then is the document sent to external authorities.

Download all 6 reminders

To effectively work with the flow of outgoing documents, management appoints responsible persons. Most often, they are secretaries, office managers, personnel officers, accountants or other employees. To ensure that the papers are sent to the recipient in a timely manner, monitor their movement at every stage, and at the end, check for errors and register.

Table. Participants in outgoing email workflows

Download the full table in the journal

Organization of internal document flows in office work

Large companies have a large number of internal documents. If work with them is carried out formally, some of them may be lost at different stages. Your goal is to organize the process in such a way as to shorten their path and avoid loss.

Important! Watch the registration stage - assigning one number to different papers will cause general disorder and confusion.

Table. Order route for main activity

Create an algorithm for working with documents based on the rules described in the Instructions. If there are several specialists working in the department, delineate the scope of responsibilities, for example, one works only with internal papers, the second - with external ones.

Who is responsible for office work

The head of the organization is responsible for office work, and the board of directors or chairman, as well as the secretary, are responsible for corporate governance documents. If we consider the issue of responsibility, it can be noted that it is not fixed in any regulatory act. Within the company, it is fixed by orders, instructions, job descriptions, etc.

Any employee of the company who is entrusted with the responsibilities of record keeping and document management is responsible for the movement, processing, sending and other work with papers that are not subject to inspection by inspectors. In large companies, several responsible persons are appointed, or a special service is created.

Basic ways to formalize responsibility for office work

Method number 1. Including functions in the job description of any employee

Any employee of the company is given responsibility for record keeping, with additional functions prescribed in his job description. If responsibilities are not fixed, if controversial situations arise, responsibility will fall on the shoulders of the manager.

Method number 2. Distribution of responsibilities between employees

When distributing responsibilities for record keeping, functions are divided between service employees and specialists from structural units. In this case, the Office Work Instructions clearly indicate who is responsible for what area of ​​work.

Method No. 3. Assigning office responsibilities to secretaries

The staffing table includes the position of secretary or office manager, who is responsible for office work and document flow. His responsibilities are specified in the job description and employment contract. The employee adheres to the rules approved by management and is guided by the current Regulations.

What happens if you don’t organize paperwork?

Every company has office work, but not every company has it organized properly. If there are no uniform rules for working with documents, problems are possible. For example, for improper storage or loss of work books, or lack of accounting documents, you can be fined.

  1. Manager Alexey duly documented Lyudmila’s responsibility for maintaining personal documents of employees, issued an appropriate order, and she lost the work book of one employee. In this case, she will be held accountable.
  2. Director of LLC« Alpha» Daniil took a formal approach to the distribution of functions and responsibilities among employees. Some of the papers relating to payroll were lost in the archives. During the inspection they could not be provided to the inspectors. The court decided to find Daniel guilty. If he had been more attentive to the drafting of job descriptions and contracts with employees, the responsibility would fall on the shoulders of another person.

Chaos in paperwork not only provokes problems with the law, but also affects work processes, relationships with clients and partners. Failure to fulfill contractual obligations in a timely manner can lead to fines, termination of contracts, and deterioration of the company’s reputation. Therefore, it is important to regulate paperwork.

Who bears responsibility for improper record keeping depends on the situation. But remember that company management is not always ready to look for those responsible, so sanctions are possible against ordinary employees who do paperwork, even if these responsibilities are not enshrined in job descriptions.

Office work is an activity that includes documentation and organization of work with documents.

A document is a written certificate of legal completion or confirmation of the actual implementation of a business transaction, in which the required details are filled in.

Organization of office work at Household Chemicals LLC is one of the most important moments in the enterprise. After all, the management process includes planning, organizational issues, personnel issues, and financing. All this is collected, processed, and transmitted into a huge amount of information, the carrier of which is the document. All stages of work must be regulated in office work instructions individual for each enterprise. The basics of office work include the following main points:

Working with incoming and outgoing correspondence (receiving, processing and sorting incoming letters (including email), registering and sending outgoing documentation);

Work with internal document flow (memos, reports for reporting to management, orders, letters regarding the resolution of issues of an official and production nature, rules for the use of enterprise property, etc.);

Collection, formation, systematization and further storage of files (this should include documents that directly support the activities of the enterprise (charter, regulations, rules, instructions, protocols, organizational and administrative documents);

Printing and copying works;

Organizing control over the conduct of affairs (putting documents under control, checking the timely delivery of documents to executors, informing managers about violation of deadlines);

Personnel records management.

Preparation of a document in “Household Chemicals” begins with the preparation of its draft, the approval of which, as a rule, takes a lot of time. To speed up the process of preparing a document, it is multiplied, and the resulting copies are simultaneously transmitted to all authorities (officials) involved in the approval.

The contractor collects endorsed copies and reports on the amendments, comments, and clarifications made to them. The procedure for approval and endorsement of documents, as a rule, is clearly regulated by the instructions for office work in the organization. Then the contractor is obliged to check the correctness of its preparation and execution, the availability of the necessary visas and applications.

Prepared drafts of outgoing documents, together with the materials on the basis of which they were prepared, are submitted for signature to the director or heads of structural divisions who have the right to sign the relevant documents.

Signed documents are sent for dispatch. Processing of sent correspondence consists of sorting it by address and type of postal item, putting the address on the envelope, folding documents and putting them in envelopes, sealing the envelopes, determining the cost of the item, compiling a list for registered mail.

Documents must be submitted to the office fully executed with a note from the originator regarding the type of postal item. The office checks the correctness of the correspondence and the presence of attachments specified in the main document.

Incorrectly executed documents are returned to the contractor to eliminate deficiencies.

Documents are processed and sent on the same day they are sent for dispatch.

Documents sent to higher authorities, initiated outgoing documents, and those requiring the execution of a response are subject to registration. Documents are registered in the Outgoing Documents Log.

After registration, internal documents are submitted for execution. Copies of documents are filed in the file. Executed documents, after marking, are also filed in the file. Orders and other administrative documents, protocols containing instructions to various officials or divisions of the organization are transmitted to the addressees in the form of duplicated copies or extracts from them.

Separately from orders on main activities, orders on personnel are issued. The order must contain the following mandatory details: name of the organization issuing the document, organization code, name of the type of document, date and registration number, place of publication, title to the text, text, visas, signature.

Orders for personnel “Household chemicals” are drawn up in the HR department by a HR specialist.

The employment order was drawn up correctly (Appendix 6). It indicates the full name of the person hired, the name of the position for which the employee is hired, the name of the structural unit in which the hired employee will work, the date of admission, type of hire, tariff rate or salary. Registration of documents - assigning an index (number) and putting it on a document, followed by recording brief data about it in the journal. Registration is necessary to quickly search for documents, record them and control them. It is prohibited to send documents to structural units without going through registration.

In the register of incoming documents, the executor puts his signature and the date of receipt of the document.

After registration, the most important documents related to the scope of the organization as a whole are transferred to the manager for review. Urgent, particularly important documents are transferred to the manager before registration. Documents must be reviewed by the manager, as a rule, on the day they are received by the organization. The manager determines the executor of the document and gives clear instructions in the form of a resolution. Information about the resolution is entered in the registration journal. After review by the manager, the documents are transferred to the structural units for execution. After execution of the documents under control, a note about execution is made in the registration journal.

In order for documents to be included in the archive, complete or partial registration of cases is carried out. Temporary (over 10 years), permanent storage and personnel files are subject to full registration.

    Organization of accounting in an organization

The main purpose of organizing accounting at the Household Chemicals enterprise is to generate information, group data for further analysis, preparation, justification and adoption of appropriate management decisions, determining the tactics and strategy of the enterprise in a market economy. At the same time, it should be noted that at present accounting is a very ramified science that combines a number of areas. These include: - history of accounting, which involves familiarization with the development of accounting thought and the formation of the accounting profession; - accounting theory, establishing the fundamental concepts, principles, methods of accounting; - financial accounting, which considers the accounting procedure for individual objects in accordance with the requirements of current legislation and regulations in the field of accounting; - management accounting, dedicated to the study of methods and techniques. According to reporting data, the heads of the organization report to labor collectives and government bodies. Reporting indicators are used to analyze economic activities in individual areas of production, to identify positive and negative performance results, reasons for deviations from the plan, and to identify internal reserves to improve the efficiency of the organization.

Correctly and timely reporting contributes to the safety of property, the search for ways to reduce costs, strengthening the financial condition of the organization, timely collection of receivables and repayment of accounts payable.

The main task of reporting is to find reserves for further growth and improvement of the organization’s activities and stability in the market.

In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Accounting and Reporting” and the Resolution of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus “On Approval of Forms of Financial Statements”, the main requirements that financial statements must satisfy are the following:

    generation of complete and reliable information about the activities of the branch, its property status, income received and expenses incurred, necessary for operational management and management;

    When carrying out business transactions by the branch, providing internal and external users with timely information on the availability and movement of property and liabilities, as well as on the use of material, labor and financial resources in accordance with approved norms, standards and estimates;

    preventing negative results from the branch’s economic activities and identifying reserves for its financial stability.

All responsibilities of accountants are distributed among them. Each accountant works with his own accounts.

The responsibility for maintaining the “Cashier” account at this “Household Chemicals” enterprise is assigned to the cashier. In accordance with the job description of the cashier, his responsibilities include:

Carrying out operations for receiving, accounting, issuing, storing funds and securities with mandatory compliance with the rules ensuring their safety;

Maintaining a cash book based on incoming and outgoing cash orders;

Issuance of funds on account;

Preparation of cash reports;

Transfer of funds to collectors in accordance with the established procedure.

When selling inventory items, the Household Chemicals enterprise issues invoices for the sale of inventory items in the form TTN-1 (Appendix 7) or TN-2. They indicate the consignee, consignor, and the basis for the release. Forms TTN-1 and TN-2 are strict reporting forms.

After completing a business transaction, properly executed and signed documents are transferred to the accounting department. The accounting department also establishes a certain procedure for processing documents. Here, documents are checked according to form and content, grouped according to homogeneous characteristics and serve as the basis for entries in accounting registers.

The main accounting registers are:

· main book;

· order journals;

· turnover statements;

· grouping statements.

Accounting registers are designed to systematize and accumulate information contained in primary documents accepted for accounting, reflecting it on accounting accounts and in financial statements.

Sooner or later after the start of activity, any enterprise is faced with the need to organize work with documents, which are a basic management tool, since it is with their help that guidelines are transmitted and management decisions are communicated to a specific executor. The office management system at the enterprise is designed to ensure standardization and uniformity of documentation, organize its recording and storage in order to facilitate work with business documents. The functions of the office management system include:

Competent organization of document flow, ensuring the prompt transfer of documents along the shortest route with minimal time spent, allowing you to control the passage of any document and its execution on time;
- automated system for registration and accounting of all incoming, outgoing and internal documentation;
- archiving of documents, allowing you to systematize them according to formal criteria and form them into files;
- creation of a nomenclature of cases - a system of codes based on lists of case titles, facilitating their systematization and determining the storage periods for archives established by legislative or industry regulations.

If all these functions of working with document flow in an enterprise are implemented, we can say that the office management system is debugged and works as required.

Organizational and legal aspects

Any document containing the details of an enterprise is considered business paper and, therefore, legal consequences are determined for it, i.e. this document can already be presented in court when resolving conflicts and contradictions that have arisen. Therefore, record keeping must be carried out on the basis of regulatory documents - specially developed instructions, verified by the legal service and approved by the head of the enterprise. This is not only a guide, but also a binding document, so all interested parties must be familiar with it and sign it.

The document forms in accordance with which the enterprise operates must be standardized. The composition of the details that must be indicated on the forms is determined in accordance with GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements." The same standard also establishes requirements for the preparation of business and administrative documentation.

"Personnel officer. Personnel records management", 2013, N 5


The article describes how to start doing paperwork in a newly opened small business. The author provides an action plan, approximate instructions for office work and forms of necessary documents.

Every year a significant number of small businesses open in Russia. Thus, in 2012, the number of entrepreneurs in Russia increased by 37%, mainly due to newly opened small enterprises. Do these enterprises have clerks or personnel department employees? It’s good if there is one person, but most likely, at first these functions are assigned to the secretary. How to establish an office management system? The main tasks of office work are to reflect the management, production and other activities of the enterprise in the relevant documents and ensure the rational use of documents in the business practice of the enterprise.

Documents consolidate production relations that develop both within the enterprise and with other organizations. In addition, documents often serve as written evidence in the event of property, labor and other disputes considered by civil, arbitration and arbitration courts.

When working with documents, it is necessary to be guided by the regulations of the Russian Federation, which provide for the preparation of documents according to certain rules, maintaining a nomenclature (list) of cases, creating an archive of the organization to ensure the safety of the most valuable documents.

Work with documents should follow such a well-established order that employees do not have to be distracted from the main production goals of the enterprise.

If office work exists only for the sake of office work itself, this is the same extreme as the complete absence of a system in working with documents. Expediency is the basic principle of organizing office work and a criterion for assessing the state of document flow. It doesn’t matter how paperwork is carried out at your enterprise - in the traditional way or on the basis of modern paperless exchange of electronic documents, in any case, documentation and work with documents must be carried out according to established rules.

In a small enterprise, especially during its creation and the first years of activity, most often there is no structural unit that is engaged in office work. These functions are usually assigned to the secretary or assistant manager of the enterprise. Practice shows that, when starting to perform their duties, these employees consider it necessary to draw up an approximate work plan for record keeping, taking into account the specifics of a particular enterprise. Such a plan, approved by the head of the enterprise, allows you to organize work efficiently, especially in newly created enterprises or enterprises where due attention has not been paid to record keeping and it is necessary to put documents in order in a short time. A work plan to improve office management in a small enterprise may look like this.

Approximate sample



PLAN LLC "Maxima"

improvement works Signature D. I. Guryanov

office work at Maxima LLC 00.00.2013

1. Documentation

Determination of the main types of enterprise documents required for

his works. Reduction and removal from circulation of redundant and obsolete

types of documents

Finalization of main types of documents

Development of two types of corporate forms (letter form and general

Compiling a file of samples of the main types of enterprise documents

Training of enterprise employees in the rules of document preparation

using compiled samples

2. Organization of work with documents

Drawing up a list of cases

Registration of document folders using a unified form

Determining the procedure for registration, passage and storage of documents

Introduction of a unified procedure for monitoring the execution of documents

Drawing up a list of documents subject to approval by the manager

Drawing up a list of documents not subject to registration

Development of instructions for office work

Introduction of uniform rules for working with documents that constitute

trade secret

Deputy Director E.K. Lipin

An important role in organizing work with documents can be played by instructions for office work, developed taking into account the specifics of a particular enterprise.

Approximate sample



INSTRUCTIONS Signature V. I. Dragin

for office work 00.00.2013

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Instruction establishes a unified system for the preparation and high-quality execution of documents, rules for the rational organization of their accounting, search, control over execution and storage at the Small Frame JSC.

1.2. Compliance with the requirements of the Instructions is mandatory for all employees of JSC "Small Frame".

1.3. The instructions were developed taking into account the use in all departments of JSC "Maly Frad" of the automated system "XXXXX", designed for drawing up documents, registering them, and monitoring execution using personal computers.

1.4. Methodological guidance in setting up office work and monitoring compliance with the requirements of the Instructions is carried out by the secretary of the general director of CJSC "Maly Frad".

1.5. The administrative department provides ZAO "Maly Frad" with equipment and supplies, necessary forms, stamps and stationery.

1.6. Computer services for office work operations are provided by the information technology sector.

1.7. Responsibility for organizing office work and compliance with the rules established by the Instructions in departments rests with the directors of CJSC "Small Frame" supervising the relevant departments.

Directors are required to:

Review all documents on the day they are received;

Demand from executors timely and high-quality execution of documents and instructions;

Report to the General Director in a timely manner about the need to change the previously stipulated deadline for the execution of documents;

Take measures to reduce official correspondence, especially internal, and prevent correspondence on issues that can be resolved through personal communication or by telephone;

Introduce newly hired employees to the procedure for working with documents established by these Instructions.

2. Reception, registration and consideration of incoming documents

2.1. Reception of incoming correspondence is carried out by the assistant manager of the administrative department, and the correctness of its delivery and the presence of attachments are checked.

All correspondence is opened, with the exception of correspondence marked “Personally”, which is handed directly to the addressee.

2.2. Accepted correspondence is transferred to the Directorate for further processing and reporting to the General Director or directors, if resolving the issue set out in the document is within their competence.

2.3. Registration of documents is carried out centrally in the Directorate by entering data into a computer (in the log of registration of received documents).

2.4. On received documents, a stamp is affixed at the bottom of the front side of the document with the name of CJSC "Maly Frad" and indicating the date of receipt of the document, as well as its serial number (since the beginning of the year).

2.5. If there is an attachment to the received document, then next to the incoming number a corresponding mark is made: “+ attachment for 2 pages.”

2.6. Registration of the document is carried out once by the secretary of the general director.

2.7. After registration, incoming documents are submitted to the General Director for review. If a detailed consideration of the issue is necessary, the secretary prepares additional reference materials. If a response letter is received, an initiative letter is attached to it.

2.8. As a result of consideration of the document by the General Director, a resolution is affixed to it, the contents of which (executor, deadline) are entered in the log of registration of received documents.

2.9. No later than the deadline specified in the resolution, the executor is obliged to provide the Directorate with information about the execution of the document, indicating the date of execution and the case number where it is stored. If a response document is drawn up, the date, document number and case number in which it is filed are reported.

2.10. On the first sheet of the executed document in the lower left corner, the executor makes a note “In case N”, as well as a note about when and how the issue was resolved, certifies with a signature and puts a date. The document is then filed in the appropriate file.

2.11. Executed documents and copies of response letters must be filed in the files no later than the next day after they are executed or the response is sent.

2.12. Documents pending execution are kept by the executors in a manner that prevents their loss. In case of loss of a document, the executor immediately notifies the director-curator and the secretary of the general director.

3. Control over the execution of documents

3.1. CJSC "Maly Frad" establishes control over the execution of documents and instructions from management within the specified time frame.

3.2. The general director of CJSC "Maly Frad" has the right to put documents under control.

3.3. Control over deadlines is assigned to the secretary of the general director. Directors carry out selective monitoring of the substance of the execution of the instructions of the General Director.

3.4. Documents taken for control are stamped “Control” in the left margin of the title. All information about these documents is entered into the audit trail by the secretary of the general director.

3.5. An assignment is removed from control only with the permission of the General Director or his temporarily replacing director.

3.6. Within the established deadline for implementation, the issues raised in the resolution must be fully resolved.

If a written response is required to a document, then the document is considered executed after the response is sent to its destination.

Sending additional requests during the execution of a document does not give grounds to consider it executed.

3.7. The executor is obliged to give the secretary of the general director accurate answers to all questions related to the progress of the execution of documents.

3.8. Information about the execution of the control task must be received by the Directorate no later than the day of execution in order to enter information into the control journal and remove the document from control.

3.9. If the document is not executed on time, the contractor is obliged to provide information about the reason for the delay before the deadline expires. Responsibility for non-fulfillment of a document (instruction) lies with the executive and the director supervising this department.

3.10. A change in the deadline for the execution of a document agreed with the General Director must be reported to the secretary, who enters the new deadline in the audit trail.

3.11. Standard and individual deadlines are established for the execution of documents.

An individual deadline can be defined in the text of the document or established by the management of Small Frame CJSC. When determining the deadline for execution, it is necessary to take into account the complexity of the issues contained in the document.

If a document or management resolution does not specify a deadline for execution, the document must be executed within 5 days.

The execution period is calculated in working days from the day following the management resolution.

3.12. In cases where the preparation of a document is entrusted to several executors, a visa or comments from co-executors are given within two working days after receiving the prepared draft document from the main executor.

4. The procedure for drawing up and processing official documents

4.1. Documents are drawn up in accordance with the sample documents of Small Frame CJSC, which are located in the exa file. doc.

4.2. Documents of CJSC "Small Frame" acquire legal force only from the moment they are signed or approved by the general director, and in his absence - by the deputy.

4.3. The approval stamp is affixed in the upper right corner of the first sheet of the document.

The elements of the approval stamp are:

The word "AFFIRM";

Position of the person who approved the document;

Personal signature and its decoding;

Date of approval.

Preparation and execution of orders and instructions.

4.4. An order is a legal act issued by the general director of Small Frame CJSC or, in his absence, by his deputy. The order is issued to solve the main problems facing JSC "Small Frame". Through the order, the general director sets the main tasks for employees and indicates ways to resolve the most important issues.

4.5. Orders are documents relating to a specific one-time case and are issued to resolve primarily operational issues. Both the general director and directors have the right to sign orders.

4.6. Orders and instructions are printed on the general forms of JSC "Small Frame". The texts of these documents consist of two parts: introductory and administrative.

The introductory part sets out the reasons for issuing the document.

The administrative part begins with the words “I order” (in the order) and “I propose” (in the order).

4.7. The administrative part must contain specific tasks, instructions or activities indicating the performers and deadlines.

4.8. The draft order and instructions are agreed upon with a lawyer, and in terms of execution, with the secretary of the general director.

4.9. Registration of orders and instructions is carried out in the Directorate.

4.10. On the reverse side of the sheet of the order or instruction there is a list of persons for review, who sign and date their names.

4.11. The first copies of orders and instructions are compiled into the relevant files in the Directorate, the second copies are posted by the secretary on the notice board for the information of employees of JSC "Small Frame".

5. Procedure for working with outgoing documents

5.1. Outgoing documents are prepared on the letterheads of JSC "Small Frame".

Service letters should be written concisely, clearly, and justifiably. The wording in letters should not allow for different interpretations.

5.2. Any additions or changes to the original document after it has been signed can only be made by the person who signed it.

5.3. Documents should be submitted to the general director for signature through the secretary, who has the right to return the documents to the contractor for revision if they are completed incorrectly. If, when signing a document, the General Director is required to provide explanations on the substance of the prepared document, then such documents are presented for signature personally by the directors or executive officers.

5.4. The addressee's name and postal address are placed in the upper right part of the document, marked with corners on the form. The document date and outgoing number are in the upper left part. When composing a response letter, be sure to fill in the details “To N ___ from _________” indicating the date and number of the initiative letter (letter of request). In the lower left corner the surname, first name, patronymic and telephone number of the performer are indicated (if there is no space on the front side, they are indicated on the back of the sheet).

5.5. The document must not contain more than 4 recipients. When sending a document to more than 4 addresses, a list is compiled for their distribution, and only one address is indicated on each copy of the document.

The word "Copy" is not placed before the 2nd, 3rd, 4th addressee.

6. Registration of outgoing documents

6.1. After checking the correctness of the document, an outgoing number is entered.

The outgoing number consists of: the department index, the case number according to the nomenclature, in which a copy of the outgoing document will be filed, and the serial number, which is affixed to the Directorate. If the document is signed by the General Director, then a copy remains on file with the Directorate. If necessary, the executor can prepare a working copy of the document for storage in his file.

6.2. Data about the outgoing document is entered into the journal of registration of sent documents by the secretary of the general director.

Indexation of departments of JSC "Small Frame":

Directorate 2

Marketing Department 3

Technical department 4

Operations Department 5

Accounting 6

Administrative department 1

If additional indexing of the outgoing letter number is necessary, this issue is agreed with the Directorate on a routine basis.

6.3. Documents signed by management must be sent no later than the first half of the day following the day of signing.

6.4. Copies of sent documents are filed in the files on the day of sending. If the sent document is a response, the incoming document must be marked with an execution mark that looks like this:

"In case N ___.

A letter was sent from ___________ N ___.

Artist's signature, date."

7. Drawing up a list of cases

7.1. The nomenclature of cases is a systematized list of the names of cases that are formed in the office work of CJSC "Small Frame".

The consolidated nomenclature of the case should reflect the full range of cases of all departments of JSC "Maly Frad".

7.2. Printed publications, brochures, reference books, information sheets, bulletins, abstract journals, express information and other similar materials are not included in the list of cases.

7.3. Nomenclatures of departmental affairs are prepared by department employees who are well aware of the department's tasks and documentation, and are endorsed by department heads. Then the nomenclature of cases is submitted for approval to the secretary of the general director for their subsequent inclusion in the consolidated nomenclature of cases of JSC "MALIY KADR" and approval. The general director approves the consolidated list of cases.

7.4. The headings of cases in the nomenclature should briefly, clearly and specifically reflect the composition and content of the documents that are supposed to be grouped into cases.

The header contains:

Name of the type(s) of document (orders, protocols, correspondence, etc.) included in the file;

Determination of the area of ​​work or issue of activity, clarifying information about the authors of the document, correspondents, authenticity and copy number of documents, etc.

If the case contains correspondence, it should be indicated with whom and on what issue it is being conducted, and the type of correspondence (outgoing, incoming).

When formulating the title, the terms “case” and “documents” are used if the case includes documents of various types.

7.5. Compiling the headings “Miscellaneous Correspondence”, “Reporting Files”, “Guiding Materials”, “Documents on General Issues”, etc. is not allowed.

7.6. Sample list of cases submitted to the Directorate:

Approximate form


(department name)

Head of Department Signature I. O. Last name

7.7. The list of department affairs for the next year is submitted to the Directorate no later than December 15 of the current year.

7.8. Conducting business outside the nomenclature in the departments of CJSC "Small Frame" is not allowed.

8. Formation of cases

8.1. Executed documents are grouped into cases in strict accordance with the nomenclature of cases of Small Frame CJSC.

8.2. Documents from one year are filed in the case, with the exception of personal matters and those carried over to the next year. If the case includes documents for different years, they are separated by separator indicators indicating the year. The cover of the case should also indicate for which years the documents were filed.

8.3. Only executed documents with a mark of execution and the signature of the executor are filed, which indicates the completion of work on the document.

8.4. Inclusion in the file of documents not related to it, as well as drafts and copies, is not permitted.

The documents are arranged within the files in reverse chronological order (the documents received last will be the first in the file).

8.5. Orders for personnel are grouped separately from orders for main activities.

8.6. The formation of files and their storage are organized in such a way as to ensure the possibility of their quick search and use, as well as complete safety. An extract from the consolidated nomenclature of cases of the relevant department should be posted in the places where files are currently stored.

8.7. The cover of the case is formatted as follows:

The name of the organization is CJSC "Small Frame";

Department name;

Case number by nomenclature, consisting of the department index and the serial number of the case;

Case title;

Year of establishment or quarter of the year;

Case volume;

Shelf life.

9. Ensuring the safety of documents

9.1. Cases completed by office work are stored in the departments in which they were formed. Responsibility for the safety of documents lies with the heads of departments and directors supervising this department.

9.2. Cases can be stored both in work rooms and in rooms specially designated for their storage, which ensure reliable safety of documents and are equipped with an alarm system against unauthorized access.

9.3. Cases are placed with their spines facing outward in locked cabinets or safes.

9.4. The seizure and issuance of any documents from files is not permitted. In exceptional cases, such seizure is made with the permission of the director supervising the department.

9.5. During the office year, a substitute case card is filled out for cases issued on official basis. It indicates the department, case number, date of issue, to whom the case was issued, the date of its return, and provides columns for receipts for receipt by the executor and acceptance of the case for current storage.

Approximate form

Case Substitute Card Form

Department _________

Case N ________

9.6. In the event of the loss of any file or document, the responsible executor is obliged to immediately notify the head of the department and the director-curator about this.

9.7. The secretary of the general director once a quarter selectively checks the availability of cases and documents in departments and informs the head of the department and the director-supervisor about its results.

9.8. A full check of the availability of cases and documents is carried out in departments annually at the end of the office year (no later than January 20).

10. Examination of the practical value of documents

10.1. Examination of the value of documents means determining the value of documents in order to select them for further storage or destruction.

10.2. To organize and carry out the work on the examination, an expert commission of JSC "Small Frame" (at least 3 people) is created. The expert commission includes the most qualified and experienced employees of the departments, a lawyer from Small Frame CJSC, as well as a representative of the Directorate.

10.3. If, during the process of selecting documents for storage, a shortage of individual documents is discovered, measures must be taken to find them.

10.4. The selection of documents for storage and destruction should be carried out through a page-by-page review by an expert commission of cases completed by office work three years ago.

10.5. Cases selected as a result of the examination for long-term storage are entered into the inventory and transferred to the archive.

Approximate form


Minutes of the meeting of the expert commission

from ___________ N ___


long-term storage

in a year

Inventory No. _________ includes _______________________________________ cases

(in numbers and words)

from N ___ to N ___.

Signature I. O. Last name

10.6. After approval of the inventory of long-term storage cases, documents and files are selected for destruction. Selected cases are included in the act.

Approximate form


ACT General Director

on the allocation of documents for destruction Signature V. I. Dragin

The expert commission of JSC "Small Frame" selected the following for destruction

cases and documents that have lost practical significance:

Total: _________ cases over the years _______________________.

Inventories of cases for __________ years were approved by the expert commission.

Chairman of the expert commission Signature I. O. Last name

Members of the expert commission: Signature I. O. Last name

Signature I. O. Last name

The destruction act is signed by the chairman and members of the expert commission and approved by the general director.

10.7. Control over the correctness of the examination of the value of documents is carried out by the Directorate of CJSC "Small Frame".

10.8. Cases prepared for archival storage must have headings, numbered sheets, a direct chronological order of documents in the case, and a certification sheet indicating the number of sheets.

10.9. Documents are destroyed after the cases are submitted and accepted for archival storage. Shredding of documents in a paper shredding machine is carried out in the presence of members of the expert commission.

10.10. The expert commission carries out its work annually in the first ten days of January. Inventories and acts are submitted for approval to the General Director no later than January 20. If any member of the expert commission is unable to participate in the examination of the value of documents, his functions are performed by an employee of the same department authorized by the director-curator.