Essay on the topic: "My first lessons." Essay on the topic: “What a modern lesson is it like?” Essay on the topic: “What a modern lesson it is.”

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Educational Committee of the Administration of Berezniki

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Secondary school No. 11

Essay on the topic of:

"My best lesson of the quarter"

Completed by: Kislitsyna Iraida Anatolyevna

technology teacher

Berezniki 2012

Lesson, what will it be today? After all, for many years in a row I have been teaching children self-care and housekeeping skills. In the first quarter we study "Cooking". As many years of practice have shown, this is the most favorite topic among students.

I especially love fifth-graders, these little, curious girls with sparkling eyes and the constant question: “What are we going to do today?” They really like technology lessons because... They are very different from labor lessons in elementary school: children independently begin to work with complex equipment, tools, prepare food, eat, and even receive a mark for it. They just look forward to lessons.

And today we will study the topic: “Sandwiches and hot drinks.” It would seem a simple topic, and children probably already know how to make sandwiches, and tea and coffee are quite common drinks nowadays. How to conduct a lesson so that children find it interesting?

My friend the computer comes to the rescue. I have more than one presentation on this topic. ICT technologies help make the learning process more fun. I can effectively use the visual and illustrative teaching method. (Although I also use tables in class).

The first stage of the lesson is theoretical. Story, conversation, explanation smoothly change each other when showing the presentation:

First, there is a short excursion into history: where and when tea and coffee appeared and what the word “sandwich” means;

Then we find out what types and varieties of tea and coffee there are, where they are produced, and how they drink them in different countries.

Slide changes to slide. A beautiful, colorful presentation helps me show the types of sandwiches, explain that they can be open, closed, snack bars, not only simple, but also complex. And the fantasy sandwiches (tower sandwiches, cake sandwiches, canapés, tartines) are simply delicious! The girls and I admire them when we look at the pictures. Here's a ladybug, the sun, the face of a kitten or a dog... and what else can they come up with? A sandwich is not only your “bread and butter”, but sometimes a masterpiece of culinary art. This is the main task of the lesson - children must not only prepare a sandwich, but also beautifully design and present it. You can come up with and prepare a funny sandwich yourself during practical work.

And the eyes are burning, and the ears are listening, and the hands are writing down - a supporting summary is being prepared.

The second stage of the lesson is practical work. Children love to cook, needless to say! My little housewives - in aprons and scarves (as required by the rules of sanitation and hygiene) - are already ready to work. New instructions on safety precautions and cooking technology will begin. Together we brew tea in a teapot (long tea, as it should be), and not in bags, as we hastily got used to drinking this noble drink in our hectic times. Feel the aroma and taste of real tea! And each student prepares sandwiches on her own - open complex and closed - she comes up with the design.

I love watching children in the process of their work: they try very hard, they fantasize... many even too much. I suggest that everything should be in moderation. I support the spirit of competition to see who is faster and prettier. And in my head: “The girls are small, they work slowly, they still have time to taste and wash the dishes.” We need to keep up the pace of the lesson.” We did it, we did it, well done! And now the attendants are setting the table for breakfast (we’re practicing the skill, I’m giving hints again). There are still mistakes, but there are still many lessons ahead - they will learn. A beautifully set table means a good appetite! We determine the quality of dishes using an organoleptic method (this is a complicated word, but children should know this method, after all, they taste the food themselves).

I summarize the lesson: we analyze mistakes, give marks, praise those students who made interesting sandwiches. And at the end of the lesson, the game “Tic Tac Toe” (game technologies help to defuse the situation in the lesson, better understand the material, and health-saving technologies help teach you how to eat properly). Let's answer the question: “Pros and cons of eating sandwiches?” Answers poured in vying with each other. Well done, they know that you can’t eat dry food, that a sandwich can be quickly prepared from any product with bread, that excessive consumption of them leads to obesity. Eating at fast foods, chicken, McDonald's is harmful, sandwiches are convenient to take on a hike, a trip... The main thing is that they should not be eaten often...

Well, that’s all, the lesson is over, and my beloved fifth-graders are again asking: “Can we give the boys a treat, and what about our teacher?” Of course, you can, because it’s nice to receive praise from other people, you tried so hard. “What will we do in the next lesson?” My dears, how good it is that you want to do something, learn something. I am glad that you have questions, a desire to work, that you are interested in the subject. And my task is to teach you very, very release you into life with a certain amount of knowledge.

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Municipal educational institution

« Secondary school No. 4 of the city of Lgov"

"What should be an effective lesson"

Prepared by: Kovaleva Natalya Yurievna,

primary school teacher.

What should be an effective lesson?

There is no consensus on this question. Many articles have been written on this topic,

reports. Every year the goals and content of education change

education, new technologies and teaching methods appear. New

changes carry their own fresh stream, but the lesson always remains the main form

training. Whatever reforms and innovations are introduced, only in the classroom

participants in the educational process meet: teacher and student.

I, like any teacher, am concerned about how to structure a lesson so that children do not

not only master knowledge and skills, but also so that what happens in the lesson is

Interestingly, the creative atmosphere remained in the lesson. What influences

effectiveness of the lesson? How to make a lesson successful? From what terms?

What does a modern successful effective lesson in primary school consist of?

I would like to say separately about the work of N. E. Shchurkova “When a lesson educates.”

N. E. Shchurkova considers the possibilities of moral education

schoolchildren directly in the classroom, during the learning process. Special attention

focuses on revealing the moral potential of the lesson, analyzing relationships

teachers and students, ways of influencing the development of morality


Today, new content has the most significant impact on the lesson.

education: variable educational programs, new generation

textbooks, workbooks, various teaching materials

allow you to make the lesson more interesting, bright, rich.

The basis of any lesson should be: deep theory, rich content,

comparison, juxtaposition of facts, phenomena and concepts, search for connections between

covered and promising material, the discovery of new and new facets in

already known, studied. A traditional theme can be original

solved, methodically brilliantly built on bright, interesting content.

When planning the learning process, I focus on the latest advanced

technology, to a variety of activities, teaching methods that

will make children's work dynamic, rich, and less tiring.

The 5 “y” formula must definitely work in the lesson – study + surprise +

pleasure + passion = success.

How to build a modern, effective lesson?

1.Clearly define the topic of the lesson;

2.highlight the goal and construct lesson objectives that are accessible and understandable to children;

3.determine the basic concepts on which the lesson will be based;

4.determine what the student should remember, know and apply

after class;

5.determine in what volume and in what portions to communicate the lesson to students;

6.determine which interesting events and facts to apply and tell

at the lesson.

It is imperative to use multi-level training.

Organize learning tasks in accordance with the principle “from simple to


Create three sets of tasks:

tasks that lead the student to reproduce the material;

tasks that help the student understand the material;

tasks that help the student retain the material.

Think over the “highlight” of the lesson.

So what else is a modern lesson for us?

According to N.E. Shchurkova: “A modern lesson is a child of modern culture.

recognize a person as the highest value, provide a person with the maximum

freedom for individual development, to establish in everyday reality

the values ​​of a decent life.

I believe that the words of Ya.A. Comenius, addressed to teachers to this day

sound fresh and relevant: “Teachers should be concerned about being

students in food and clothing as an example of simplicity, in activity as an example

vivacity and hard work, in behavior - modesty and good morals, in speech -

the art of conversation and silence, in a word, to be an example of prudence in private

and public life."

One thing is indisputable: the lesson must be animated by the personality of the teacher.

A teacher should always be an example of behavior and imitation.

Even if you don't go out into the world,

And in the field outside the outskirts, -

While you are following someone,

The road will not be remembered.

But wherever you go

And what a muddy road

The road is the one I was looking for,

Will never be forgotten.

(N. Rylenkov)

A modern lesson is a modern teacher... A teacher - what is he like?

The teacher must use learner-centered teaching that

proposes to build training in accordance with the principle of “developmental

help." It consists of not telling a person what to do, not deciding

for him his problems, but let him realize himself and awaken his own

activity and internal strength so that he himself makes choices, makes decisions and

was responsible for them. Use information and communication technologies,

health saving technologies, problem-based learning technology,

technology of project activities, gaming technologies, technology

problem-based learning. Teachers' mastery of new technologies in education -

the key to successful development of a child’s personality. According to the standards of the new

generation, the teacher must teach the child to learn, apply knowledge to

practice. To make the lesson interesting, the teacher must learn a lot himself,

after all, J. Joubert wrote: “To teach means to doubly learn.” Open

the modern lesson is problematic, a lesson of interaction,

illustration of the system of work of scientific positions, technological beliefs

teacher Under the new standards, the

organization of training. The new standard is focused on meta-subject

knowledge and personal results. This implies the increasing role of such

forms of the educational process, as an integrated lesson.

Over 28 years of working in schools, I noticed that subject programs in primary

school, are compiled in such a way that the child’s knowledge remains scattered, according to

subject attribute, so in my work I often use

integrated lessons in which I try to find connections with others

objects, because integrated lessons contribute to the formation

children’s holistic picture of the world, understanding the connections between phenomena in

nature, society and the world as a whole. It is very important that the integrated lesson does not

excludes the traditional system of conducting lessons.

The integrated lesson helps solve the following problems:

difficult to implement within traditional approaches:

Development of cognitive, creative activity and independence


Development of imaginative thinking;

Increasing motivation for educational activities;

Showing meta-subject connections and their application in solving

various tasks;

Organization of purposeful work with mental operations;

Duplication of educational material is eliminated, resulting in a reduction

student workload;

Integration provides a favorable psychological climate for

The main feature of the integrated lesson is that it

the lesson is based on one subject, which is

the main thing. Other items integrated with it help more widely

to study its connections, processes, to better understand the essence of what is being studied

subject, understand the connections with real life and the possibility of application

gained knowledge in practice.

In my work I use these lesson forms: lesson - journey; lesson-

lesson - essay, lesson - business or role-playing game; combined lesson;

From my work experience in using technology in primary classes

interdisciplinary integration on the example of Russian language lessons, literary

reading, technology.


music, military-industrial complex, mathematics, literary reading.

Topic: “Genitive case of plural nouns”

2.Integrated Russian language lesson with elements of the surrounding world,

music, mathematics, literary reading.

Topic: Essay based on the painting by A.K. Savrasov “The rooks have arrived”

3. Integrated literary reading lesson with environmental elements

world, music, Russian language.

Topic: "Forest" , “It’s like a painted tower” I. Bunin.

4. Integrated technology lesson with literary elements

reading, the environment, music, mathematics.

Subject: Crafts made from natural materials. "Visiting Berendey"

Panel of autumn leaves.

Lesson effectiveness.


Specificity of the set goal and task

Creating a Success Situation

Learning through discovery

Democracy and openness


Quality of educational material

Formation of key competencies

The student’s ability to design his own activities

Variety of methods and techniques

The presence of discussions characterized by different points of view on

questions being studied, comparing them, searching through discussion

true point of view.


The teacher manages problem-search, creative or

student's research activities.

Conditions that increase the effectiveness of the lesson: pedagogy of cooperation.

cooperation on the basis of which it should be built, the second condition is

turning the lesson into a “development lesson”, a lesson in creativity. What is it

express your special, unique attitude towards the world. Creating creative

The atmosphere in the classroom is helped by special pedagogical techniques. Important

The method of creative activity is a feeling of surprise, novelty, and

also willingness to accept a non-standard question, a non-standard solution.

I believe that any lesson will be effective if there is a friendly

atmosphere, atmosphere of trust, mutual respect, if students see in the teacher

a partner who is ready to support, notice even small successes and praise. IN

searching for effective methods and forms of training, I came to the conclusion that everyone

lesson, every technique and teaching method should be based on cognitive

activities of students, so that students are less likely to act as passive

listeners who only perceive information.

Using systematically in your teaching activities - active

approach for teaching students, I noted for myself the following main ways

improving the lesson in a modern school:

Strengthening the purposeful activity of the teacher and students in the lesson.

Increasing cognitive independence and creative activity


"My open lesson"

I don’t know about others, but I have conflicting feelings about an open lesson. For me, the lesson is creativity. Creativity not only of the teacher, but also of the students.

According to the definition: " Lesson- this is a logically complete, integral segment of the educational process limited by a certain framework, the main form of organizing education in a modern school. It contains all the main components of the educational process: goal, objectives, content, forms, methods, means, interrelated activities of the teacher and student.”

When an open lesson is conducted on a voluntary basis, the teacher shows his methods and students’ achievements more readily and reliably. And if the lesson is carried out according to an “order”, then it is more of a “dummy” and, like some kids, you want to spit it out quickly. Of course, these lessons are masterfully designed and taught, but there is something missing in them...

I really want to compare a lesson to a dance. If an experienced dancer is on point, then this is a masterpiece, but if not, then these are refined movements and nothing more.

An open lesson is tango in my opinion. In Argentine tango there is no need to memorize the movements. This is a dance in which two people improvise to tango music, experiencing moments that will never happen again. And here age is not important, special training or any special physical capabilities are not needed. The main thing is your desire to dance.

So I want to improvise - to dance in an open lesson. Argentine tango is an opportunity to “walk” beautiful dresses and stylish shirts. And for a teacher, an open lesson is an opportunity to “walk” his students’ methods and achievements. Tango is, first of all, a “language” of communication, like a foreign language, an open lesson is also a language of communication with colleagues and students.

You can often hear on the sidelines after an open lesson: “I showed off, what’s new?” -or something like that. Sometimes “well-wishers” will say this when discussing an open lesson; it is painful, offensive, and kills any desire to experiment and communicate with colleagues in the “language” of an open lesson. Often teachers, after such a “failed experience,” become withdrawn, underestimate their abilities and capabilities, even with experience, and keep quiet about the young ones. It is very difficult to get out of such a “swamp”. But in tango, you don’t know how to move, a good partner leads you like a master, and you forget yourself, surrendering to the reliable hands of the music.

I try to think positive when designing and delivering a lesson. Our time is limited, so don't let the noise of other people's opinions drown out your inner voice. Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.

Developing an open lesson for me to invent new steps in tango. It’s exciting, and if a teacher is infected, then the students inevitably become infected, like an epidemic. Preparing for a lesson becomes easier and more interesting. The guys do not expect this open lesson as an inevitable hard labor or “show-off”, that is, a show concert instead of a lesson. Students try not just to memorize the lesson, but to prepare to the best of their ability. It is known that there are very few good achievers in the class, especially in mathematics, sometimes there are simply none, but an open lesson must be conducted according to the plan of the educational institution. I try to imagine that I am a dance teacher and dare.

In my practice, I had the opportunity to work in elementary schools, middle schools, vocational schools and colleges. I saw different guys. For the last few years I have been working on project technology, preparing guys to defend projects, and there are winners. Mathematics is hard to get excited about. Especially the students “from Kamchatka”, that is, the weak ones, but in projects they open up, take inspiration, and become more confident. I try to use this experience when preparing for open lessons. When dismantling “flights” they often say that not everyone was involved or interested, but when you involve weak students in preparation for a lesson...

I kill two birds with one stone: firstly, I identify gaps in knowledge and secondly, I slightly improve them on the topic. The guys find the right way to eliminate the “dark spots” in the topic or in related topics, and then it’s their choice to eliminate the gaps or leave everything as it is.

A teacher should teach how to learn, and not give ready-made knowledge and nothing more. As they say: “Each of your lessons should be open,” they can also reproach you with your experience and category. This does not inspire, but obliges us to conduct an open lesson. But the teacher is not ready to show off his achievements; he wants to try something else for himself, so as not to lose face. Then the teacher’s work is evaluated based on the students’ achievements, and students in an open lesson, even very good ones, can become confused and silent. Therefore, I agree with the opinion that moods and emotions can be played out well. I consider myself to be one of the teachers who conscientiously prepare for each lesson as if it were an open lesson. I don't want to lie. There are depressions and you give up, then you teach the lesson on autopilot, nothing superfluous or interesting. And when there is a holiday in my soul, then I definitely dance tango, the dance is passionate and exciting. I get satisfaction from such lessons, although they are not open and you regret it. But on the advice of psychologists, we must remember this state and try to reproduce it. This comes with experience and not necessarily in adulthood.

Now let's talk about topics, or better yet, about types and types of lessons. Previously, it seemed to me that it was better to give an open lesson at the beginning of studying some topic. Many techniques and students are not particularly disturbing. But now I like to conduct general lessons. For this I want to thank the administration, who help and do not humiliate the teacher. At one of the discussions of my lesson, one of the distinguished guests said: “An open lesson is a lesson of more than one teacher. This lesson should be prepared by all representatives of the Moscow Region and even just the class teacher.” I agree, when we prepare together, there are fewer mistakes and science is like a meta-subject connection for students, like a sakada in tango. Sakada is a step “under the outgoing” leg of a partner. An ordinary step and nothing more. And the “leaving” leg is the one from which, to a large extent, the weight has already been transferred. The key to performing sakadas is the ability to clearly move to the rhythm. Observe the “compass”, strictly “working out” all the bits with the body, both weak and strong. So with an open lesson it happens the same way as in tango.

During lessons, I regularly encounter the problem of lack and inaccuracy of words to convey knowledge to students. When trying to explain something during lessons, I regularly run into the problem of a lack of necessary words and images. This is a fundamental problem: words do not allow us to convey sensations without significant distortion. In science, this problem was formulated as the “Sherrington funnel” law. Theoretically, it is clear about the problem of Sherrington’s funnel, and about the fact that the transmission of information through emotions, in principle, cannot be without distortion, and about the fact that seemingly the same images can be perceived very differently by people with different cultural contexts, sometimes - to the opposite. Therefore, you subconsciously live in the mode of eternal search for the necessary images. In short, the lesson is hard work and huge.

I want to say on the one hand: an open lesson is hard labor, it is a civil execution in a particularly sophisticated form; on the other hand: an open lesson is great, it sounds proud; it’s a fireworks display of creativity; These are discoveries and achievements, these are ups (which, as you know, do not happen without downs). But tango always gets you going and you want to dance and dance, and an open lesson is great, it’s necessary, and first of all, the teacher himself needs it. But only under one condition: an open lesson means an opening, a celebration of creativity, a methodological report from the teacher to colleagues. Otherwise it doesn't make sense.

And I’ll end with the words of the greats:

“The problem is that by not taking risks, we risk a hundred times more” - Marcus Aurelius

“Everything that happens in our lives is for the better. Sometimes it seems like a dead end, it didn’t work out, it didn’t happen, it didn’t come true. It turns out that it is not a dead end, but a sharp turn, not the end of life, but the beginning of a new one. And the most severe disappointments turn into new happy meetings.

When you are free, you don't need approval, you don't even need to be loved..." - Muji

I am attaching two open lessons: one on a new topic, and the other on generalization.

Explanatory note.

Algebra lesson. Lesson topic: Converting trigonometric expressions.

9th grade “b” is small, 2 excellent students, 3 good students and 4 students studying at “3” and “4”. Close-knit team. The children always try to understand the topic and work actively and well in class. I, Makarova V.V., have been teaching the class for 5 months.

The lesson is included in the section of the program “Elements of Trigonometry”. There are 32 lessons in the program for this section. A generalization lesson is held at the end of the topic in 9th grade. The lesson takes place after students study the formulas for reduction, addition, transformation of a sum and difference into a product, product into a sum, while mainly solving problems in which it was necessary to apply only one of the formulas.

This topic is challenging for students. And what is incomprehensible is uninteresting, that is, there is no motivation to study. I tried to solve these problems.

“The subject of mathematics is so serious that no opportunity should be missed to make it more entertaining,” wrote B. Pascal. Therefore, the form of the lesson was chosen to be a game lesson. Usually the teacher alone chooses the form or consults with colleagues, but I invited the children to participate in this process. We considered all the proposals and chose the game “Detective Agency”. This game allowed for a variety of activities and continued development of students' motivation to learn. Showing the practical application of mathematical formulas in a life situation is also a problem for a teacher, but in this case these formulas themselves became a “life situation.” In addition, I involved the children in decorating the office, which made them even more interested and increased their incentive to prepare for the lesson.

To decorate the office, we chose the statements of S. Holmes, and therefore the music for the musical design was chosen from the famous film “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson.” Dashkevich. While reading the statements, the guys wrote down something for themselves. This is what was in the decoration on the walls, if only reminder notes: “Emotions are hostile to pure thinking,” “The human brain is like a small empty attic that you can furnish as you want. A fool will drag all sorts of junk in there, and there will be nowhere to put useful, necessary things, or at best you won’t get to them. And a smart person carefully selects what he puts in his attic. He will take only what he needs for work and arrange everything in perfect order. It’s in vain that people think that this small room has elastic walls,” “Making assumptions without knowing all the circumstances of the case is the biggest mistake. This can influence the further course of reasoning”, “There is nothing more obscure than an obvious fact”, “How terrible is wisdom that does not bring benefit to the wise man”, “The fact of the matter is that a simple explanation always comes to mind last”, “Throw away all the impossible, what remains is the answer, no matter how incredible it turns out to be.” Also on the walls were a photo of S. Holmes, a photo from the film “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed,” on the door there was a beautifully designed “address” of the agency and a joke picture with a photo of Sharapov and Gryzlov about the agency’s operating hours. Since the office was also the scene of a “crime”. They pasted up handprints and traces of shoes and bare feet, and I placed tasks on some of them. Above the board was the name “DOMINION” with a beautiful picture of an owl, Cicero’s statement “All arts consist in the study of truth. Omnis ars explolare veritatem”, in two languages, on the poster the word “trigonometry” (closed before the start of the lesson). On the tables set for group work are: magnifying glasses, sheets of Whatman paper, markers, rulers, pencils, pens, and a microscope.

The equipment used was an interactive whiteboard for demonstrating a presentation (ideally, you can write on the board, but the possibilities are limited), a laptop, speakers, and for playing sound. The following “evidence” was used: a shoe, a book, a scarf, etc.

The lesson consists of 8 stages (see summary).

The teaching methods used are reproductive, active and interactive. Many equate active and interactive methods; however, despite their commonality, they have differences. Active methods provide multi-level and diverse communication of all participants in the educational process. Interactive methods can be considered as the most modern form of active methods. Unlike active methods, interactive ones are focused on broader interaction of students not only with the teacher, but also with each other in the learning process. The teacher’s place in this lesson comes down to directing the students’ activities to achieve the lesson’s goals.

Since group work was used, the class was divided in advance into brigade groups, the guys chose the names “Pythagoras” and “Sines”.

And now I will tell you what teaching methods I use for each stage of the lesson, which allow you to effectively solve specific tasks of the stage.

Application of elements of kinesiology - psychological mood at the beginning of the lesson: I chose a collective reading of the march in numbers. This set the pace of the lesson and the working mood.

At the stage of checking my homework, I used a presentation. On the screen, students check assignments and solutions, ask questions, if there are any misunderstood points, self-test.

At the stage of monitoring the level of assimilation of previously studied material, students are given a rebus test. This allows you to test your knowledge and “warm up” interest in the topic of the lesson, and distribute roles in the group.

At the stage of updating basic knowledge and methods of action, I used active methods (puzzles in pictures) and passive ones (frontal questioning), setting the goal of the lesson. Individual task - a short message about the science of trigonometry.

The main stage of the lesson - used: graphic rebus - clarifies the concept and subject of studying trigonometry; advanced homework of a creative nature - drawings and their presentation (story of which figures were used and why), letter rebus - discharge and transition to the next task, individual questioning, practical - solving tasks, methods of self-testing and mutual testing. All answers are written on posters and filled in the empty spaces on the board.

For homework, an element of creativity and repetition was chosen - writing tests.

The result of the lesson is the repetition and generalization of the material (according to the diagram obtained on the board), finding out whether the goal set at the beginning of the lesson has been achieved; grading is the arithmetic average based on the foreman’s sheets, where there is self-assessment, mutual assessment, and teacher assessment.

For reflection, I chose E. de Bono’s “six hats” method, which I saw in my colleagues’ lessons.

The presentation was used mainly to demonstrate tasks and answers for control.

A physical exercise held in the middle of the lesson allows you to remember the topic “Functions and graphs,” that is, it is a “smart physical exercise.”

The lesson was productive, it helped to see gaps in knowledge and correct them with the help of the teacher and student consultants. Students became confident in their abilities and saw their weaknesses, which gives rise to additional lessons or simply repetitions.

Such a lesson can also be taught during the final review for the exam, as a test lesson on trigonometry formulas.

Sabakzhospary/ Lesson Plan

Pәn Subject algebra 9th grade Okytushy/ Teacher: Makarova V.V.

Sabaktyn (lesson) No. 85 date

Sabaktyn takyryby/Lesson topic: Converting trigonometric expressions.

Sabaktyn type/ Lesson type Lesson of generalization and systematization of what has been learned.

WITHabaktyn pіshіnderi / Lesson form : lesson is a game.

Sabaktyn maksaty/ Purpose of the lesson: by the end of the lesson, students of grade 9 B have repeated and systematized formulas on the topic “Elements of Trigonometry”, necessary for transforming trigonometric expressions.

Sabaktyn mindetteri/ Lesson Objectives

Bilimdilik/ Educational :

    Review basic concepts and formulas in trigonometry;

    Summarize and systematize students’ knowledge about the elements of trigonometry;

    Continue the formation of general educational skills (actions according to the algorithm, problem solving, etc.);

    Create conditions for the conscious assimilation of transformations of trigonometric expressions and preparation for the final certification.

Damytushylyk/ Developmental :

    To develop students’ cognitive interest, memory, imagination, thinking, attention, oral mathematical speech;

    To provide conditions for developing the ability to apply trigonometric formulas to transform expressions and improve the thinking skills of high school students; compare, analyze and summarize;

    To develop students' algorithmic culture skills.

Tarbielik/ Educational:

    Development of business communication skills among peers

    Develop personality qualities such as:

    responsibility, honesty,

    hard work, clarity and organization in work, discipline

    the ability to control one’s activities, evaluate them,

    skills: to show delicacy, collectivism and mutual assistance;

    Develop skills of self-control and mutual control,

Sabaktyn is less than jaspary/ Planned outcome of the lesson

    Bіlіmdiligі - okushy bіlu kerek/ Students should know: the definition of sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent of arbitrary angles, the meaning of trigonometric functions for angles of 0,30,45,60,90 degrees, basic trigonometric identities, forms: reduction, addition, double and half angles, sum and difference transformations trigonometric functions into a product, products of trigonometric functions into a sum and difference.

    Iskerligi - okushy istey alu kerek/ Students should be able to: find the values ​​of trigonometric functions, apply formulas for reduction, addition, double and half angles, convert the sum and difference of trigonometric functions into a product, products of trigonometric functions into a sum and difference, transform expressions containing trigonometric functions

Panalyk (integrative)) Baylanys/Intersubject/ intrasubject/ connections:

I'll take the adister/ Teaching methods: Verbal (conversation, questions), visual (presentation of diagrams, posters), practical (solving tasks), game (form of the lesson and its elements)

Oқу адісі/ Teaching methods: Reproductive, active and interactive.

About the yimdastyr kyzymetіnіn forms/ Forms of organizing educational activities: Individual, group, frontal.

Lady adisterinin tanu kyzygushylygy/ Methods for developing cognitive interest: game moments, competitive atmosphere.

Bakylau forms/ Forms of control: self-control, mutual control, test control, oral questioning.

Adebiet/ Literature:

Shynybekov A.N. Algebra 9 Almaty “Atamura” 2013

Shynybekov A.N. Geometry 9 Almaty “Atamura” 2013

Danilyuk S.N. and others. “Collection of tasks for the examination in mathematics for the course of a 9-year secondary school” Kokshetau “Keleshek-2030” 2011

Internet resources:,, https://ru.wikipedia.

Office decoration under a detective agency. On the walls and board there are pictures, sayings of Sherlock Holmes, the name of the agency on the tables, magnifying glasses, microscope, sheets of paper, markers

The class is pre-divided into two groups. The students chose a name for the group. Consultants have been appointed and commanders have been selected. (Sines and Pythagoras)

Sabaktyn kurylymy/ Lesson structure:

Ұyimdastyru kezeni / Organizing time

Oh tapsyrmasyn surau/Checking homework:

Monitoring the level of assimilation of previously studied material

Generalization and systematization of knowledge

Baga koyu. Korytyndylau/ Lesson summary:

Oh tapsyrmasyn I’ll take/ Homework organization:


Sabaktyn Barysy / During the classes:

    Ұyimdastyru kezeni/ Organizational moment: 2-3 minutes

Educational objectives

1. Provide a normal external environment for work in the lesson.

2. Psychologically prepare students for communication.

mutual greeting between the teacher and students; marking absentees; checking the external state of the audience; checking students’ readiness for the lesson (workplace, working posture, appearance); organization of students' attention

Teacher: Hello guys and dear guests! I am glad to welcome you to our detective agency. The class is ready for the lesson. The duty officer will call those who are absent.

Teacher: Our detective agency received a statement from a group of victims.

Today our team is looking at a case involving transformations of trigonometric expressions.

You have a hard job to find criminals. It is necessary to find out his name, consider evidence, traces, prints, and compile an evidence base.

Music from the film about Sherlock Holmes. The motto of our lesson: (Slide 6)
“Don't be afraid of formulas! Learn to master this instrument of Human genius!
The formulas contain the greatness and power of the Human mind....” Markov A.A

    Oh tapsyrmasyn surau/ Checking homework: 1-2 min

Educational objectives

    Establish the correctness, completeness and awareness of performing homework

assignments for all students.

2. Identify gaps in students’ knowledge and practices.

3. Determine the causes of difficulties together with students.

4. Eliminate (if possible) the gaps discovered during the audit.

On the screen is a ready-made solution to the homework, two students analyze the solution to the problems, and the rest of the students check the correctness of solving the problems in the notebook and give themselves grades. The teacher observes and controls. Slide 7-8

    otіlgen materialyn baqylau money/ Monitoring the level of assimilation of previously studied material (3-5 min)

Educational objectives

    Deeply and comprehensively test students’ knowledge, identifying the causes of identified gaps in knowledge and skills;

    To stimulate the class to master rational methods of teaching and self-education.

Teacher:We have to find out the name of the criminal. You have tasks on your desks - puzzles, with the help of which you will find out the name of the suspect. Solve the examples and use the key to identify the letters and syllables. There is also a task on the screen. The teams decide, the foreman evaluates, and everyone gives themselves a grade on the sheets. The teacher observes and evaluates.

Assignment for the first option:


Answer Key

Assignment for the second option.


Answer Key:

As a result, the word trigonometry is revealed.

    Tіrek ілімінін ін іс - әрәкетиінѣ калпінѣ каліруі/ Updating basic knowledge and methods of action:

Educational objectives

1 Provide motivation for schoolchildren to study.

2 Update the subjective experience of students (personal meanings, basic knowledge and methods of activity, value relations).

Teacher: We know the name of the criminal trigonometry. Let's get to know the suspect a little. Our agent has already prepared some information:

From the history of trigonometry - student's speech

What else do we know about the troublemaker? There is a small puzzle in front of you, solve it and give the answer.

Each team is given identical cards with puzzles, team members must solve each puzzle

Teams give answers to puzzles.

Teacher: details need to be clarified Questions-characteristics of the suspects:

    Give the definition of sine and cosine of an angle in the geometry course. At what value a are these definitions valid? (0 A

    Give the definition of sine and cosine in the unit circle (trigonometric circle). At what value of angle a are these definitions valid?

    Determine the signs of the functions by quarters. (shown by circumference or quarters)

    What does Pythagoras' theorem have to do with trigonometry? - a basic trigonometric identity

    Name the main identities and find them among the formulas on the table (board)

sin 2 α + cos 2 α = 1

They answer questions and fill out blanks with formulas and signs on the board.

    Bilimderdin zhalpylau zane zhuyeleeui/ Generalization and systematization of knowledge

Educational objectives

1. Ensure the formation of a holistic system of leading knowledge in schoolchildren.

2.Ensure that students establish intra-subject and inter-subject


Teacher The witness drew a portrait of the criminal, but something is wrong

Find the extra figure.

Answer: a), since trigonometry studies the relationships in a triangle.

Anticipatory d/z portrait of the suspect. One student from the group acts as witnesses. They must figure out how to describe the criminals using mathematical figures, graphs, symbols, and portraits.

Music from the film about Sherlock Holmes. Fill out assessment sheets.

Teacher. Let's get started MATHEMATICAL GYMNASTICS

“Let’s repeat the graphs.” Performed to music.

All participants leave their desks and stand freely. The teacher names a trigonometric function, the children represent it with their hands.

Sine tangent, cosine, cotangent. Linear with positive k, with negative k. quadratic function with a0, c a

Which trigonometric functions are even? Periodic and name the period?

Teacher.. Well, everyone did a great job, and the field team intercepted the encryption - now everything will fall into place. Solve it and we can find out where the evidence of the crime is hidden.

Music from the film about Sherlock Holmes.

Letter from “Unknown”: Cross out the letters: S; TO; Yu and get a mathematical concept.


Reduction formula answer. One of the students answers the formulas while the rest fill out the table on the sheets.

cos (180 – a) =

tg (180 – a) =

sin (360 + a) =

cos (360 – a) =

cos (180 – a) =

The table is filled out locally and the teams are cross-checked. There is a table on the screen for checking. Music from the film about Sherlock Holmes. The sheets are fixed on the board.

Teacher. Evidence has been found, study it (solve tasks) . The student consultant who answered the formula offers to solve examples and supervises the work, helping weak students:

Examples are posted on “evidence” and “suspicious items.”

The students decide. The teacher observes and controls.

Music from the film about Sherlock Holmes. Grading sheets.

Teacher. So, you and I are following in the footsteps of the criminals. We already know the evidence, have drawn up sketches and interviewed witnesses. Let's take a closer look at the traces of the criminals. Since one criminal from the group lost his shoes, he ran further barefoot. Study the tracks carefully. On the trail are the tasks you need to complete. What formulas are useful for solving examples? (addition formulas)

The consultant talks about addition and subtraction formulas and controls the solution of examples. A poster with the formulas is attached. Below are examples on whatman paper.

The teacher observes and controls. The assessments are filled out on sheets from the group leaders.

Music from the film about Sherlock Holmes.

Teacher:. Or maybe there were two attackers?

Two students talk about the formulas of double and half arguments and attach the formulas to the board.

Music from the film about Sherlock Holmes.

Teacher Experts took prints from the crime scene. Study and fill out the results of the analyzes - prove the identity (task from the collection of tasks for the exam).

The teacher distributes assignments in envelopes. Solve the task using handprints.

Option 1: prove the identity

Option 2: prove the identity

Solve in notebooks, write on a board or poster. One of the team explains, the teacher controls.

Music from the film about Sherlock Holmes. Grading.

    Oh tapsyrmasyn I’ll take/ Homework organization

Educational objectives of the stage

1. Ensure students understand the purpose, content and methods of completing homework.

Compose tests with 10 questions on this topic (trigonometric expressions)

    Baga koyu. Korytyndylau/ Lesson summary: “Detaining criminals”

Teacher: Here is a portrait of the suspect on the board. We did a good job. What goal did we set at the beginning of the lesson? Have we achieved our goal or not? Thank you for the lesson!

Music from the film about Sherlock Holmes.

For grading, we calculate the arithmetic mean (you can use Excel tables) using the grade sheets.

    Reflection. Technique “6 hats” (2-3) min (six hats drawings)

The guys choose hats and express their opinions.

Red hat-how do you feel after studying the topic?

White hat- a list of facts: what we learned, what we learned...

Black hat– what disadvantages do you see in studying the topic?

Yellow hat- positive thinking: what was good during the lesson and why?

Green hat where and how can you apply the material you have learned?

Blue hat - I want to praise...

Screenshot of the presentation


for the methodological development of an algebra lesson in 9th grade, presented by mathematics teacher Valentina Venediktovna Makarova.

Lesson topic: Converting trigonometric expressions.

Lesson on generalization and systematization of the topic “Elements of Trigonometry”. “Elements of trigonometry” is one of the main topics of the algebra course. Theoretical material (formulas) has been studied and needs to be systematized. The lesson was held at the Glukhovskaya Secondary School in April 2016.

Mathematics as an academic subject has rich opportunities for developing the social competence of schoolchildren, and for this, educational activities must be of interest. K.D. Ushinsky also saw interest as the main internal mechanism of successful teaching. He believed that it was necessary to make academic work as interesting as possible, but not to turn this work into fun. Makarova V.V. managed to make the lesson interesting and productive by choosing the form of a lesson-game, the game “Mathematical Detective Agency”. The motivational potential of the game is aimed at more effectively consolidating by schoolchildren the topic “Transformation of trigonometric expressions.”

The teacher identifies a clear lesson structure that meets the didactic requirements of this type of lesson. The lesson began briskly with a march in numbers - an element of the psychological mood, the correct pace of the lesson was set.

The topic of the lesson is formulated from a rebus test; the teacher leads to an understanding of the topic using a game situation and a traditional frontal survey. At this stage of the lesson, the teacher works on the formation of cognitive, general educational and communicative learning activities.

The motto of the lesson was the following statement: “Don’t be afraid of formulas! Learn to master this instrument of Human genius! The formulas contain the greatness and power of the Human mind....” Markova A.A. This statement stimulated the students to correctly and clearly set the goal and objectives of the lesson, which were stated as tasks for detectives.

At the stage of checking what has been previously learned, information and computer technologies are used competently, which helps the teacher organize a lesson on a mobile basis and rationally distribute the time of educational and pedagogical activities in the lesson.

At the main stage - practical activity of students, the teacher organizes individual and group work. The group form of work makes it possible to maintain the activity and attention of students throughout the lesson, creating an element of competition. The characteristics of the preparedness of the class and the age characteristics of the students are taken into account. Didactic material is well selected, which allows you to repeat and generalize knowledge and skills on the topic, while preparing for exams. The teacher uses traditional tasks, but slightly changes the presentation (in a playful form), but it turns out to be exciting. The playful nature of the lesson allows you to complete all tasks in the same way. In this case, there is also an outline associated with filling out the assessment sheet and self-assessment by teams.

Reflection was carried out using de Bonnet’s “six hats” method, which indicates that the teacher is improving his skills and using innovative technologies in his practice.

Each part of the lesson is implemented both in time and in volume. During the lesson, there is a logical switch between teacher control (issuing assignments) and student self-management (work in teams, under the guidance of a consultant). This reflects one of the features of the teacher’s pedagogical work culture.

The outline plan in question is a product that can be used by any other teacher “as is”, without additional special training. This is another methodological value of the outline plan. At the same time, the required changes can be easily made to the outline plan so as not to destroy the integrity of the presented development.

Deputy Director for Water Resources Management M.A. Makombidzhan

about the algebra lesson of Valentina Venediktovna Makarova

Based on the plan of the Beskaragai district department of education, on April 19, 2016, a district seminar was held on the topic “Increasing students’ motivation to learn in EMC lessons,” where teachers of physics, mathematics, biology, geography, chemistry and computer science from schools in the district took part

At this seminar, Makarova Valentina Venediktovna, a mathematics teacher at the KSU Glukhov Secondary School, conducted a lesson in grade 9 “b” on algebra “Transformation of trigonometric expressions.”

The purpose of the lesson: to repeat and systematize formulas on the topic “Elements of Trigonometry”, necessary for transforming trigonometric expressions. The lesson was held at a high methodological level.

The lesson was conducted in the form of a game “Mathematical detective” using the presentation “Transformation of trigonometric expressions”, diagrams, posters, tablet “Trigonometry around us”. The office was decorated as a detective agency. On the walls and board there are pictures, sayings of Sherlock Holmes, the name of the agency on the tables are magnifying glasses, a microscope, sheets of paper, markers. During the lesson, tasks were solved in pairs and individually, and group work was used. The work was assessed by the group leaders and the teacher, and peer-reviewed in pairs. At the end we got a picture of all the trigonometry formulas and the final task from the exam preparation collection summarized them. The lesson was summed up using E. de Bono's method.

Head of the methodological association of the EMC: Zhakenova N.K.

Explanatory note

Math lesson in 5th grade on the topic “Adding and subtracting ordinary fractions.”

In 5th grade, this "Operating with Common Fractions" topic is divided into adding fractions and then subtracting, multiplying, and dividing. This is the first lesson in operations with ordinary fractions. I decided to combine adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominators. So that the guys learn how to act with simple examples, and then move on to complex ones. Method of deduction. And using the capabilities of the Internet and ICT, it turned out to be a good lesson. I managed to explain and consolidate new material. And the guys were very interested. In addition, when we cut the cake, the children could touch it and the sense of touch helped them better understand the essence of addition and subtraction. It was easy to prepare for the lesson. Thanks to the creators of the website, which helps teachers, parents and students. The only disadvantage of this lesson is that not all schools have the ability to connect to the Internet, and creating interactive tests is difficult. No special design of the office is required, the cake that we used in the lesson was helped by my former students, it turned out to be a connection between generations and educational institutions.

If you have parents who are pastry chefs, you can involve them in preparing the lesson.

Pәn Subject: mathematics 5th grade Okytushy / Teacher Makarova V.V.

Sabak /Lesson No. 91 Aircraft / date

Sabaktyn takyryby / Lesson topic: Addition and subtraction of ordinary fractions

Sabaktyn type / Lesson type : learning new material

Sabaktyn maksaty / The purpose of the lesson is to formulate an algorithm for adding and subtracting decimal fractions with the same denominators and be able to apply it

Sabaktyn mindetteri / Lesson Objectives

Bilimdilik / Educational : (formation of cognitive UUD) teach how to add and subtract fractions with the same denominators; repeat the concepts of “Proper and improper fractions”, generalize and consolidate students’ knowledge of comparing fractions.

Damytushylyk / Developmental :

(formation of regulatory UUD) develop the ability to set a goal for oneself, as setting an educational task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned by the student, and what is still unknown, to develop attention; reflection on methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activity; develop skills in working with a textbook, a personal computer, and an interactive whiteboard.

Tarbielik / Educational:( formation of communicative and personal UUD) developing the ability to work in pairs, independently, collectively; learn the ability to consciously and voluntarily construct a speech utterance orally.

WITHabaktyn pіshіnderi/ Lesson format: classroom-based, using computer technology

Materials and equipment:

Material and technical equipment of the lesson:

Panalyk (integrative)) Baylanys/ Intersubject/ intrasubject/ connections:

Drawing technology, self-knowledge, geometry,

Bіlіm take adіsterі / Teaching methods: verbal, visual, practical, inductive.

Computer techologies: use of the Internet, interactive whiteboard, simulator.

About kyzmettin yyimynyn pіshіnderi / Forms of organizing educational activities: frontal, individual, in pairs

Sabaktyn kurylymy / Lesson structure:

    Ұyimdastyru kezeni / Organizational point: Safety precautions in the computer class

    Please note/

    Zhana takyryp / Explanation of new material.

    Birnshi bekitu / Primary consolidation.

    Oh tapsyrmasyn I take / Organizing homework.

    Baga koyu. Korytyndylau / Lesson summary.

Sabaktyn Barysy / During the classes:

    Ұyimdastyru kezeni / Organizing time:

mutual greeting between the teacher and students; marking absentees; checking the external state of the audience; checking students’ readiness for the lesson (workplace, working posture, appearance);

Good afternoon my friends!

I'm starting the lesson.

Safety precautions in the computer lab

Creating a psychological mood.

Teacher: Let's tune our brain to active work. Massage your earlobes, because there is a reflex zone of the head... (Students do the exercise.)

Let's sit quietly, open our notebooks,

There are a lot of tasks waiting for us in class.

We must study, listen carefully,

We will study very diligently

    Please note/ Motivation for learning activities

Mathematicians of the tropics

They invite you all on the journey.

And ingenuity and giggles

Don't forget to take it with you

Guess the riddle: what do music, dance and mathematics have in common? (fraction)

Teacher: In our last math lessons we learned a new type of numbers - ordinary fractions. Very unusual numbers, starting with their unusual notation and ending with complex rules for dealing with them. Although from the first acquaintance with them it was clear that we could not do without them even in ordinary life, since every day we have to face the problem of dividing the whole into parts. With them, the world turned out to be more complex, but at the same time more interesting.

We will continue to study ordinary fractions, but first we will remember what we already know, this will be useful for studying a new topic.

    Tirek biliminin zhane is - araketinin kalpyna keltirui /

Updating basic knowledge and methods of action.

Three people are solving problems at the board. By cards.

Task No. 1

Task No. 2 Task No. 3

20 min = ____ hours

2 days = ____weeks

943 kg = _____t

While the guys are getting ready Front work (the whole class works with the teacher):

Guessing the crossword.slide

Restore the inscription slide

Peer test slide

    Zhana takyryp / Explanation of new material.

    Preparatory exercises. “Mysterious squares” we count squares, the problem is the last figure, we don’t know how to add fractions.

    Explanation of new material.

Learning new material. Adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators.

Based on the slide, we analyze the addition and subtraction of fractions with the same denominators.

Addition of fractions problem.

Subtraction on a cake layout. Consider and write down examples

Learning new material. Subtracting a proper fraction from one according to the cake layout Deriving and writing formulas.

Physical education minute. For eyes.

    Birnshi bekitu / Primary consolidation.

(Any student gives a sample. Everyone listens carefully to the explanation again and writes it down. The class works in a single mode.) No. 607,658 - explanation “in a chain” from the spot


We will leave the desks together,

But there's no need to make any noise,

Stand up straight, legs together,

Turn around, in place.

Turn around, in place. Stand up straight, legs together.

Let's clap our hands a couple of times.

And let's drown a little

6. Repetition. Working with a computer

Read the theory and complete tasks No. 1-3

7. Independent work. Knowledge control.

Teacher: now let’s check how much you remember the main points of our lesson. Now examples will appear on the screen in front of you, you solve them orally and write the answer in your notebook. Using the notebooks, you will immediately conduct a self-assessment of your work.

    Oh tapsyrmasyn I take / Organization of homework. p. 156 p.4.1(1), p. 169 p.4.3(1) No. 608, 659

    Baga koyu. Korytyndylau / Lesson summary.

Lesson summary.

Name the topic of the lesson.

Rule for adding fractions

Rule for subtracting fractions

Teacher's assessment of students' work in class. Thank you for the lesson.


Teacher: Guys, our lesson is coming to an end. Do you think we have achieved our goal today, why? What was difficult in the lesson, how can you deal with it? Think and give yourself a mark for your work and work, put it yourself, none of the guys will see this mark, try to be honest with yourself. Did you fully participate in the lesson? What needs to be done to get better results?

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 3"

Essay on the topic of:

"My open lesson"

Prepared by:

Matveeva Larisa Alekseevna

primary school teacher

MBOU "Secondary School No. 3"



My open lesson

All lessons are like people, both similar and different,
If you look at them from different angles.

There are lessons like a bright and joyful holiday,

There are others - like a terrible, painful dream.

Vladimir Troitsky

What is an Open Lesson? How to prepare for it?

An open lesson at school is a generally accepted methodological event that is held to demonstrate the implementation of elements of progressive pedagogical experience and to promote one’s own pedagogical innovations and methodological programs. An open lesson is a voluntary step by a teacher who wants to demonstrate his skills. For every teacher, regardless of experience and length of service, an open lessonresponsible and exciting event. The results and conclusions of the commission largely depend on how this event goes, as well as whether the goal for which it was held will be achieved. lesson.

I have been working at school for 35 years. I really like to conduct open lessons. I try to show my colleagues my achievements and the achievements of my children. I approach the preparation of an open lesson very responsibly, since it is an open lesson that allows you to see the professionalism of the teacher and the abilities of the children. I agree with Vladimir Troitsky’s statement about various lessons. All my work was aimed at ensuring that each of my children was present at a bright and joyful holiday. I'll tell you about preparation for one of my open lessons. Long before the lesson, I became acquainted with the technology for assessing the educational achievements of primary schoolchildren. The assessment system occupies a special place in the new Federal State Educational Standards. Assessment is seen as one of the important goals of learning, and it is envisaged that the teacher and student jointly determine the grade and mark. Both the teacher and the student have the right to change the grade and mark if they can prove that it is too high or too low.

Instruction No. 1

Agree with the school administration and methodological council on the timing of the open lesson. The date of this event should be determined in advance and all interested parties notified about it.

Determine the topic of the lesson, its goals and practical tasks. At the preparatory stage, it is also important to choose the right educational materials, visual aids, and illustrative material. Take care of the availability and serviceability of teaching aids if they are intended to be used during an open lesson.

Make a detailed and detailed lesson plan, focusing on the topic of the lesson, its goals and objectives. It is advisable to conduct a preliminary familiarization with the lesson plan of colleagues and members of the methodological association; this will allow you to specify the tasks and take into account those points that may be missed when working independently on the methodological part of the plan.

Prepare an introductory statement to introduce the open lesson. Here you can briefly dwell on the reasons that prompted you to hold this event and raise problematic issues related to the topic of the lesson.

At the appointed time, conduct an open lesson in accordance with your intention and plan. A positive attitude and self-confidence are essential to the success of the event. A guarantee of a good result will be your competence in the questions presented in the lesson and the ability to cope with the inevitable anxiety.

In the final part of the lesson, give the floor to your colleagues and school management. This will allow you to receive feedback and an objective review of the lesson. Without this, it will be difficult for you to evaluate your performance and take into account possible shortcomings in the future. It would be ideal if the audience’s speeches turn into a small constructive discussion, which, however, should not be prolonged.

At the end of the event, do some self-reflection. Describe your opinion about the open lesson, indicate how fully, in your opinion, the topic was covered. Were you able to achieve your goals and complete all tasks? Describe your feelings from the lesson. Try to identify problem areas and identify those details, the emphasis on which will help make the next similar activity more effective.

Instruction No. 2

In order for an open lesson to be successful and highly appreciated, it is necessary to draw up a successful plan, paying attention to the smallest details.

First, you must decide on a topic. It must correspond to calendar and thematic planning. Choose a topic that will highlight students' already acquired skills or develop research. The main thing is that schoolchildren in such a lesson can show activity and independence.

After you announce the topic of the lesson, you must clearly state the purpose. She must be alone. This is the skill or knowledge that the children must learn at the end of the lesson.

The goal can also be expressed using a problematic question posed by the teacher. At the end of the lesson, children must give an answer to it.

Then state the tasks needed to achieve your goal. There may be several of them.

It is very important at the beginning of the lesson to motivate students to be active in their learning activities. This can be done by drawing an analogy between the topic of the lesson and real life situations.

Each stage of the lesson must be well timed. This is necessary so that at the end of the lesson you have time to summarize what you have learned, give grades and give homework with an explanation.

Try to generalize not only at the final stage, but also at each stage of the lesson.

Try to plan the educational activities of schoolchildren in such a way that different types of work are combined. Children must write, read, listen, and speak during the lesson.

You must establish contact with each student during the lesson. Think about how to implement an individual approach, prepare differentiated tasks for students.

If there is integration or exploration in a lesson, this is a big plus in the teacher’s work.

Homework must not only be stated, but also commented on. You can offer a task to choose from.

Don't forget to grade with your children and thank them for doing a good job in class.

Colleagues analyzed my lesson and gave it a high rating.


on the topic: “My open lesson”

“The lesson is a mirror of the general and

pedagogical culture of the teacher,

the measure of his intellectual wealth,

an indicator of his horizons and erudition"

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

I am a young teacher with 5 years of experience and I take open lessons very excitedly and seriously. For me, every lesson is creativity. Creativity not only of the teacher, but also of the students.

According to the definition: “A lesson is a logically complete, integral segment of the educational process, limited by a certain framework, the main form of organizing education in a modern school. It contains all the main components of the educational process: goal, objectives, content, forms, methods, means, interrelated activities of the teacher and student.”

What is an open lesson?

An open lesson is a lesson during which the teacher uses non-standard methods of presenting the material. This could be a quiz, discussion, presentation, etc. At an open lesson, as a rule, there are observers; these can be anyone, colleagues, school administration or a commission. In order for the teacher and students to feel confident, it is advisable to do what is usually practiced in an open lesson. It's even better to include interesting ideas in standard lessons, T When, in a familiar environment, children will behave naturally, and the open lesson will go well.

It is important that the teacher gives an open lesson when he wants to, showing his methods and students’ achievements more readily and reliably. And if a lesson is conducted according to an “order,” then it’s like a “bitter pill” for a child that you want to spit out as quickly as possible. Of course, these lessons are masterfully designed and taught, but there is something missing in them...

Conducting an open lesson requires more careful preparation from the teacher than daily work. After all, here you need not only to familiarize students with a new topic or consolidate the material covered, but also to demonstrate your pedagogical skills from the best side.

When I start developing an open lesson, first of all, I carefully select the topic and tasks in such a way as to completely capture the attention of the children (after all, there are guests at the lesson), captivate them and discover with them what is “new”.It’s exciting, and if a teacher is infected, then the students inevitably become infected, like an epidemic. Preparing for a lesson becomes easier and more interesting. The guys do not expect this open lesson as an inevitable hard labor or “show-off”, that is, a show concert instead of a lesson. Students try not just to memorize the lesson, but to prepare to the best of their ability.

And I would like to end with the words: “Everything that happens in our lives is for the better. Sometimes it seems like a dead end, it didn’t work out, it didn’t happen, it didn’t come true. It turns out that it is not a dead end, but a sharp turn, not the end of life, but the beginning of a new one. And the most severe disappointments turn into new happy meetings.”