Advantages of 1c accounting. Advantages and disadvantages of the 1C: Enterprise program. Loading, unloading and storing documents

" is designed to solve a wide range of accounting and management automation problems facing dynamically developing modern enterprises.

"1C:Enterprise" is a system of application solutions built according to uniform principles and on a single technological platform. The manager can choose a solution that meets the current needs of the enterprise and will further develop as the enterprise grows or the automation tasks expand.

Accounting and management tasks can differ significantly depending on the type of activity of the enterprise, industry, specifics of products or services provided, the size and structure of the enterprise, and the required level of automation. It is difficult to imagine one program designed for mass use and yet satisfying the needs of most businesses. At the same time, the manager, on the one hand, needs a solution that corresponds to the specifics of his enterprise, but, on the other hand, he understands the advantages of using a mass-proven product. The combination of these needs is what 1C:Enterprise provides as a software system.

Solving current accounting and management problems

From a manager’s point of view, when choosing an automation system, it is very important to determine what tasks he needs to solve using 1C:Enterprise. 1C:Enterprise functions can be divided according to automation goals and, accordingly, groups of responsible users.

Analysis and management of enterprise performance.

These system functions are aimed at solving the problems of the enterprise manager and managers responsible for the profitability of the business and its development. Their purpose is to provide managers with up-to-date information necessary to assess the situation and make decisions. These include mechanisms such as budgeting (planning financial activities and comparing plans with actual data), analysis of the profitability of production activities, analysis of the sale of goods and products, sales forecasting, etc.

Accounting and management of the operational activities of the enterprise.

This functionality solves the problems of managers and employees directly involved in trade, production or service activities. It ensures the effective daily operation of the enterprise: preparing documents, managing the movement of goods, managing inventories and production, accepting orders and monitoring their execution, etc.

Regulated accounting and reporting.

These system functions solve the problems of accountants and payroll clerks. Their goal is to ensure that records are kept in full compliance with legal requirements. These functions include the actual maintenance of accounting and tax records, payroll calculation, preparation of accounting and tax reporting, reporting to funds, etc.

The composition of the programs of the 1C:Enterprise system is focused on the current needs of domestic enterprises.

The 1C company produces mass-produced software solutions designed to automate typical accounting and management tasks in commercial enterprises in the real sector and budgetary organizations. Each software product combines the use of standard solutions (common for all or several programs) and maximum consideration of the specifics of the task of a particular industry or type of activity of the enterprise.

A distinctive feature of the 1C company's circulation solutions is the careful study of the functionality included in the standard solutions. The 1C company analyzes the experience of users using programs of the 1C:Enterprise system and monitors changes in their needs. Standard solutions include those functions that are actually needed by a significant part of enterprises. This makes it possible to ensure that standard solutions comply with domestic specifics, both in terms of accounting methodology and in terms of managing the enterprise’s activities and, at the same time, make these solutions quite compact and easy to use, and ensure their effective support and development.

When making a decision, the manager can choose the required level of automation. Along with the creation of powerful integrated solutions, 1C developers pay significant attention to the development of solutions for small companies, for which ease of use of the program is especially important. At the same time, the implementation of even the simplest solutions of the 1C:Enterprise software system provides the opportunity smooth development of automation- through a gradual transition to more powerful and complex application solutions or integration of the implemented solution with other programs of the system.

Standard, specialized and customized solutions

The 1C:Enterprise program system combines standardization of solutions and consideration of individual needs. This is one of the main qualities of the program, which is very important for a manager or responsible specialist who makes a decision on choosing a system.

The main automation tasks solved by mass-produced application solutions supplied by 1C:

  • Automation of warehouse accounting, analysis of the state of warehouses, control of the movement of inventory items.
  • Management of the range of goods, products and services, including automation of pricing, preparation of complex calculations, breakdown of products.
  • Management of trading activities and automation of trade document flow.
  • Analysis of the effectiveness of trading activities and sales forecasting.
  • Automation of settlements with counterparties, analysis of the status and dynamics of mutual settlements.
  • Management of commission trading on behalf of the principal and the commission agent.
  • Calculation of production costs and analysis of economic efficiency of production activities.
  • Production management, including work in progress, multi-process production, processing of customer-supplied raw materials.
  • Accounting for orders from customers, internal planning of product release, control of order fulfillment.
  • Planning and monitoring the implementation of orders for the purchase of products.
  • Payroll calculation and personnel records include an almost complete set of methods for accruals, deductions, payments and compensations, taking into account national and local specifics.
  • Accounting for fixed assets and calculation of depreciation.
  • Planning, management and analysis of the financial results of the enterprise (budgeting, planning of financial indicators, comparison of planned and actual indicators).
  • Accounting and tax accounting in full compliance with national legislation.
  • Formation of tax, accounting and other regulated reporting to various authorities.
  • Accounting and control of cost estimates of budgetary organizations in full compliance with legislation and departmental instructions.
  • Collection of consolidated reports from budgetary organizations.

How is this combination achieved?

The company "1C" produces a set standard(standard) solutions aimed at the most widespread types of enterprises. Their development takes into account the experience of using the program in tens and hundreds of thousands of enterprises and organizations. This allows 1C specialists to carefully work out the functionality of the system. A significant portion of users use standard solutions, without any changes or modifications.

Development and distribution specialized More than a hundred companies are currently engaged in (industry) solutions on the 1C:Enterprise platform. Each of them creates a specialized circulation solution, using general methodological solutions developed by 1C, and concentrating specifically on the specific needs of a particular industry. Examples of such industry solutions are programs for automation of retail trade, pharmaceuticals, spare parts trade, car repair, agricultural enterprises, military units, etc. The range of successfully applied industry solutions is constantly expanding.

In addition, 1C:Enterprise capabilities allow you to create and individual solutions that take into account the needs of a specific organization. This is done by certified specialists from franchising companies. Such solutions, as a rule, are a development or modernization of a standard solution from 1C or a mass-produced specialized solution, but they can be developed completely from scratch if the situation requires it.

Thus, the manager can choose the optimal automation option - based on the needs of his enterprise, the priorities of the tasks to be solved, the acceptable deadlines and costs of implementation. It is very important that on the basis of the same system it is possible to carry out step-by-step automation, receiving real returns at each step. Starting with the implementation of standard and specialized circulation solutions, you can effectively solve the main automation problems - while spending a minimum of time and money - and then further develop the system in accordance with the individual characteristics of the enterprise, without stopping its operation.

Continuous development of the system

Composition of 1C:Enterprise programs and their set of functions are developing dynamically along with changes in the typical needs of domestic enterprises and organizations. The 1C:Enterprise structure and the principle of constructing the software system allow 1C and its partners to quickly respond to changes in user needs.

For example, simultaneously with significant growth in the manufacturing sector of the economy, 1C released a solution aimed at manufacturing enterprises. It managed to take into account the massive needs of newly created manufacturing companies that are starting their activities practically from scratch.

Increasing competition required paying more and more attention to business analysis - and in the 1C:Enterprise programs, functionality appeared that focused on monitoring the efficiency of production and trading activities, planning, budgeting and analysis of financial activities.

Of course, 1C specialists ensure prompt changes to programs when legislation changes. Necessary software updates are released almost monthly. In some cases, changes in legislation lead to the emergence of new mass categories of enterprises that require solutions tailored to their needs. For example, after the emergence of such a mass phenomenon as individual entrepreneurship (PBOYUL, PE), the 1C company released a special solution aimed specifically at these enterprises.

Automation of individual tasks and complex automation

When implementing an automation system, a very important issue is the decision to separate different automation subsystems or, conversely, centralize - implement a comprehensive solution. Modern trends in the development of economic systems and world experience show that there cannot be a single approach to solving this problem. The enterprise should have the freedom to choose one of these approaches or a combination of them.

The 1C:Enterprise software system provides the ability to automate both through the implementation of individual application solutions that will work autonomously or be integrated using various information exchange mechanisms, and through the use of complex solutions. The use of separate solutions is simpler and more effective if individual automation tasks in the enterprise have little overlap. Integrated solutions are more effective when various automation tasks are strongly linked and the enterprise is ready to form a unified information space. Of course, one enterprise can use both complex solutions (for example, to automate core activities) and separate programs (for auxiliary or independent tasks).

Unified technology platform

The 1C:Enterprise software system is based on a single technology platform. It is the foundation for building all application solutions. The presence of a single technology platform does not just facilitate the creation of individual application solutions and ensure their low cost. The main advantage of this approach is the standardization of development, ensuring scalability and ensuring the rapid implementation of modern technologies in all application solutions.

The 1C:Enterprise platform for all application solutions, regardless of industry specifics and developer company, provides:

  • the ability to use the system from a local computer to dozens of users on a local network;
  • using the file option or the "client-server" option (MS SQL Server);
  • the ability to deploy work at several geographically remote locations with periodic exchange of information;
  • the ability to use modern technologies (WEB, XML, integration with other software systems and various retail equipment).

The presence of a single technological platform and a common methodology allows you to create specialized and individual solutions based on standard ones, adding only the necessary differences that take into account the specifics of the industry or a particular enterprise.

  • From an economic point of view, this makes it possible to ensure a fairly low cost of industry-specific and individual solutions, since the costs of their creation are significantly lower than the costs of developing a program from scratch.
  • This ensures high speed of creation and implementation of solutions, since the proven functionality and methodology contained in standard solutions are used to the maximum.
  • A very important advantage of this approach is the unification of user training. For example, having taken courses on 1C:Enterprise or having experience working with any of the programs, the user quickly masters the capabilities of specialized or individual solutions.
  • Platform standardization also significantly simplifies system administration, since administration functions are practically independent of a specific application solution. Most system administrators and automation specialists already have experience in administering and even modifying 1C:Enterprise application solutions. Experience shows that mastering these functions occurs very quickly - within a few days.

System openness

A very important advantage of 1C:Enterprise is the openness of the system.

For a manager making a decision on choosing an automation tool, it is quite important to be sure that the system will not be a “black box” for the enterprise, and there is a real opportunity to understand the operation of the system and, if necessary, change it. This work can be performed either by franchise organizations specializing in 1C:Enterprise support, or by specialists from the IT services of the enterprise itself.

The system delivery set includes the tools necessary to refine the application solution and make changes to it of any complexity, as well as a complete set of documentation for them. A specialist supporting the system in a specific organization uses the same tool as the developers of the 1C company or companies developing circulation solutions. 1C:Enterprise capabilities allow you to minimize efforts to change the automation system and its subsequent maintenance.

Support and service

When choosing a system, it is very important to assess the prospects for operation and development of the system. Standardization of the platform and application solutions in all 1C:Enterprise programs provides the possibility of industrial support for the system.

The 1C company provides regular support for standard application solutions and the platform itself. The 1C:Enterprise platform provides the ability to combine updates to an application solution produced by 1C or the developer of a specialized solution with individual changes made during system implementation.

At the moment, tens of thousands of specialists are working in Russia, the CIS and Baltic countries, professionally involved in the implementation and adaptation of 1C:Enterprise application solutions. The 1C company provides regular training and certification of specialists.

Many of the specialists involved in the implementation of 1C:Enterprise solve not only problems related to the support or development of application solutions, but also provide consulting services - helping to make the right decisions when setting up accounting and management at the enterprise.

In each region, there are a large number of franchise companies that provide a full range of complex automation services based on 1C:Enterprise system programs - from consultations on choosing the most suitable system programs to training and individual system configuration.

Franchising company specialists provide support for the entire range of standard solutions, and, if necessary, can install specialized solutions or carry out individual modifications. The possibility of transferring a project from one implementer to another is also very important. The design of the 1C:Enterprise system allows you to quickly bring new specialists up to speed and transfer support of the application solution to someone who can provide the best service. Thus, the presence of a real industry for implementing and supporting solutions of the 1C:Enterprise system is for the customer a guarantee of independence from a single company or specialist, the “survivability” of the implemented project and its trouble-free support and development.

Any modern enterprise that has an accounting department uses the 1C program to maintain records and make calculations. Today, installing this program is not just a tribute to fashion, but an urgent necessity.
The 1C program is a universal software solution suitable for accounting, calculations and reporting in companies of various types. The program maximally optimizes all business processes at the enterprise, allowing in a matter of minutes to obtain any financial and management data necessary for the work of other services and management.

Program 1C: advantages
  • Save time and optimize processes. Systematization of all data in the program makes it possible to quickly and effectively solve any not only accounting problems, but also management problems. Accountants working in the 1C program quickly get results without wasting time on paperwork. Optimizing paperwork is a huge advantage that the 1C program provides.
  • Reporting and quality of work. Skillful use of the program gives accounting employees the opportunity to avoid making reports manually. The latest versions of the program have enormous potential for automatic calculations and reporting of any type. If ordinary employees correctly enter data into the database, then there is no doubt about the reliability of the reports received.
  • Effective work at all levels of management. New versions of the 1C program have a lot of options for preparing management reporting. This is a huge plus for company managers, who will be able to receive any reliable information on monetary transactions and financial results at any time.
  • Constant updates. The 1C program has been on the market for many years, and developers always strive to improve their product by updating and supplementing existing versions to make the program work more efficiently. Reports are optimized, maintenance and calculations for important items are simplified, new and innovative solutions appear that make it easier for users.
Program 1C: features
  • The program is so universal that it can suit an enterprise with any type of activity.
  • It is possible to develop individual solutions for enterprises that have certain nuances and features in accounting.
The advantages and advantages of the 1C program are difficult to overestimate, so any developing enterprise today must have a program that allows automating the work of employees.

Advantages and disadvantages of the 1C Accounting system

Let's look at the main advantages and disadvantages of accounting in 1C Accounting. The advantages of this program include the following:

  • 1. Using “1C Accounting” you can keep track of all existing types of accounting and tax accounting and the possibility of their distribution.
  • 2. “1C Accounting” is one of the most universal accounting programs, which is adapted for use in various organizations, both small and large. This program can be adjusted to suit the needs of a specific business. This property of 1C Accounting allows you to solve many tasks assigned to it with its help.
  • 3. 1C developers carefully monitor all changes in tax legislation and promptly update reporting forms in the program.
  • 4. The 1C Accounting program has high performance, which makes it possible to solve complex problems with its help.
  • 5. The 1C Accounting program is distinguished by its high speed of operation on the local network, which is very significant.
  • 6. The program has the ability to adjust transaction records created by documents.
  • 7. It is also important to note that the 1C Accounting program has a fairly complex structure, which makes it easy to use.
  • 8. The 1C Accounting program ensures timely, uniform reflection of business transactions during the reporting period, and makes it possible to quickly obtain account balances.
  • 9. The 1C Accounting program has a function that allows you to arrange documents in certain time periods, that is, swap documents where necessary. So you can create a document in the evening, but it will be completed in the morning and vice versa.

Unfortunately, 1C Accounting also has a number of disadvantages, which include the following:

  • 1. In most cases, the 1C Accounting program has to be constantly updated and improved, because there are constant changes in legislation and errors appear in the program. Each enterprise is unique, and for effective operation requires individual solutions for automating business processes (for example, automating tax and accounting).
  • 2. When switching to 1C Accounting from other accounting programs, complications arise in transferring information from database to database (the disadvantage is that a significant part of the information has to be transferred manually).
  • 3. In the 1C Accounting program, it is difficult to find errors made during document processing.
  • 4. The 1C Accounting program requires special training for users.
  • 5. The 1C Accounting program does not contain sequences, so it is not very convenient to transmit all documents.
  • 6. The program can duplicate accounting indicators. So, when creating a Balance Sheet in 1C, double accounts are possible, so it will not be accurate and it will be better to hide it manually, which takes additional time.
  • 7. The need to complete a large amount of work at the end of the month.

When choosing a program for automating tax and accounting, you must pay attention to this information, since you need to take into account all the advantages and disadvantages of the software, you need to select the product that will meet the requirements of the enterprise.

It's no secret that today, to increase competitiveness, an enterprise needs automation of work processes, since it is this that provides such opportunities as high accuracy, speed and convenience for employees. The 1C Accounting program, created on the 1C:Enterprise platform, also meets these requirements. Let's consider its main advantages, including the advantages of the 1C platform, in combination with brief instructions for using them.

Main advantages of 1C 8.3: new interface

A significant advantage of the 1C:Enterprise program is (in version 8.3) its updated appearance. A modern interface, visual and intuitive for the user, all sections of which are “in front of your eyes”, allows you to quickly master working with solutions.


The advantage of 1C programs over other programs is the ease of use of users, and an important component of this is quick access to all sections of the program from the start page. This allows you to be aware of the most important information: news, tasks, key performance indicators of the employee or the enterprise as a whole.


1C 8.3 allows you to customize the home page for a specific user and add sections of interest. To go to setting up sections of the home page, use the “Settings” button.


The “Tasks” section is accessed from the main page. The list of tasks contains information about deadlines for submitting reports, paying taxes, etc. The register of tasks is generated automatically, which helps to control the deadlines for submitting reports, paying taxes, calculating and paying wages, and much more.


Another feature of 1C 8.3 is the ability to customize the appearance of the program. Previously, this was only possible with a configuration change; now the program allows the user to do this independently, without the help of programmers. You can customize the composition of fields in directories and documents, add and remove the necessary sections. You can use this feature by clicking on the “More” button, then selecting “Change form”.


For example, setting up a form for a list of employees would look like this:


You can add or remove form elements, and change their properties.

Thanks to access to the global network, the program automatically fills in the details of counterparties using the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and checks the counterparties, which eliminates errors and reduces routine operations. To use this service, from the main menu go to “Directories”, then “Counterparties”, select “Create”. In the window that opens, fill in the TIN; the program will fill in the rest of the details automatically. In the same window there is a “Dossier” button, with which you can view detailed information about the counterparty in order to assess its reliability.


Also, 1C 8.3 allows you to exchange electronic payment documents with the bank directly from the program, without installing additional software.


An important advantage of the program is the ability to work in a cloud service via the Internet, while you can enter the program from a mobile device using a mobile application.

Also, the advantages and features of version 3.0 include automatic updating of the configuration and platform.



Loading, unloading and storing documents

1C 8.3 offers a very convenient service - downloading documents from Excel. These can be incoming documents from suppliers, acts or invoices in Excel format, minimizing errors when manually entering a document. We go to the “Receipt” journal and write the received document into the program using the “Download” button.


1C 8.3 allows you to download items and prices from Excel, as well as upload them back. This feature is very useful for merchants. To do this, you need to select “Directories” in the main menu, then “Products and Services”, then “Nomenclature”. In the list that opens, select the desired type of item, then click the “Load/Unload” button, depending on the desired actions.


Any files, scanned copies of documents, photographs, etc. can be saved and attached to a specific document in the program. To do this, use the “Attached files” button in the document form. The program will offer to add a document from the file.


Thus, the program can store files directly linked to the document, which is very convenient. If necessary, they can be printed or sent to the counterparty.

The ability to separate user access rights to information is also an advantage of the version 8.3 platform. For example, the task is to block access to the “Salaries”, “Bank” and “Cash” sections for all employees except the director and chief accountant. Convenient administration in 1C 8.3 allows you to do this. Go to the “Administration” menu item, then “Program settings” and “User and rights settings”.


The program allows you to configure user access to documents and other information with maximum flexibility.

Today, 1C Enterprise 8.3 programs offer the highest level of automation of work processes, and in terms of speed, convenience for users and cost of ownership they have no analogues in the domestic market.

The main advantages of accounting in the program "1C: Enterprise Accounting 8.0"

There are several advantages of accounting in the 1C: Enterprise Accounting 8.0 program:

1. Primary information is entered into the program using documents that create records according to the chart of accounts and in the context of additional analytics. This allows you to receive standard accounting reports on account turnover and additional advanced reports for an in-depth analysis of the company's activities. Each document in the program corresponds to printed primary accounting documents. If it is necessary to perform a non-standard operation, manual generation of transactions according to the chart of accounts is used;

2. The program implements batch accounting of goods, materials and finished products. This allows you to write off using one of several methods - according to the average cost of goods; FIFO (goods received earlier are written off first) and LIFO (goods received later are written off first). If necessary, the accounting of goods in the program can be carried out in the context of several warehouses. This allows you to control balances and movements in, for example, remote warehouses;

3. To automate retail trade, work with retail outlets is provided. Commission trading accounting is automated;

4. To control the company’s cash flows, the program keeps records of the movement of cash and non-cash funds, broken down by cash desks and bank accounts. Currency exchange operations are possible;

5. the program allows you to conduct settlements with counterparties and accountable persons in different currencies and quickly obtain the status of mutual settlements;

6. It is important for accounting to fully account for fixed assets and intangible assets: receipt, registration, depreciation, modernization, transfer, write-off, inventory;

7. Accounting for basic production operations has been implemented, namely, the calculation of the cost of products and services has been automated.

8. The program allows you to calculate wages for employees of the enterprise, calculate contributions to funds and pay wages through the cash register or transfer them to the personal accounts of employees in the bank;

9 . if necessary, the program can keep records of several organizations working with unified lists of goods, clients, etc.

Functionality of "1C: Enterprise Accounting 8.0"

“1C: Enterprise Accounting 8.0” provides a solution to all the problems facing the accounting service of an enterprise, if the accounting service is fully responsible for accounting at the enterprise, including, for example, issuing primary documents, accounting for sales, etc.

In addition, information about certain types of activities, trade and production operations can be entered by employees of related services of the enterprise who are not accountants.

In the latter case, the accounting service retains methodological guidance and control over the settings of the information base, ensuring automatic reflection of documents in accounting and tax accounting.

This application solution can also be used only for accounting and tax accounting, and the tasks of automating other services, for example, the sales department, can be solved using specialized configurations or other systems.

The subject area automated by “1C: Enterprise Accounting 8.0” is illustrated by the following diagram:

Fig.1 Subject area of ​​the system "1C: Enterprise Accounting 8.0"

Using "1C: Enterprise Accounting 8.0" you can maintain accounting and tax records of the economic activities of several organizations. Accounting for each organization can be maintained in a separate information base. At the same time, "1C: Enterprise Accounting 8.0" provides the ability to maintain accounting and tax records for several organizations in a common information base. This will be convenient in a situation where the economic activities of these organizations are closely related to each other: in this case, in current work, you can use common lists of goods, counterparties (business partners), employees, own warehouses, etc., and generate mandatory reporting separately. Thanks to the ability to keep records of the activities of several organizations in a single information base, the configuration can be used both in small organizations and in holdings with a complex organizational structure.

Accounting for goods, materials and finished products is carried out in accordance with PBU 5/01 “Accounting for inventories” and guidelines for its application. In accordance with the accounting policy of the organization, the following methods of assessing inventories are supported:

· at average cost;

· at the cost of the first acquisition of inventories (FIFO method);

· at the cost of the most recent acquisition of inventories (LIFO method).

Accounting accounts for inventory items can keep records of storage locations (warehouses). Warehouse accounting can be either quantitative or quantitative-cumulative. In the first case, the valuation of goods and materials for accounting and tax purposes does not depend on which warehouse they are removed from. Warehouse accounting can be disabled if it is not needed.

In "1C: Enterprise Accounting 8.0" inventory data is recorded, which is automatically verified with accounting data. Based on the inventory, the identification of surpluses and write-off of shortages is reflected.

In "1C: Enterprise Accounting 8" the movement and availability of inventory of the enterprise is monitored and accounting of materials, goods and products is implemented. Moreover, inventory items are taken into account not only by warehouse, but also by batch; the country of origin and customs declaration of the item can also be additionally taken into account. Using the appropriate documents, the following actions are reflected in accounting:

o inventory of goods and materials;

o purchase/receipt of inventory items;

o sale/write-off of inventory items;

o movement of inventory items between warehouses.

Accounting for transactions of receipt and sale of goods and services has been automated. When selling goods, invoices are issued, invoices and invoices are issued. All wholesale trade transactions are accounted for in terms of contracts with customers and suppliers.

For imported goods, data on the country of origin and the cargo customs declaration number are taken into account.

For retail trade, technologies for working with both automated and non-automated retail outlets are supported. Automated reflection of returns of goods from the buyer and supplier.

Accounting for commission trade has been automated, both in relation to goods taken on commission (from the consignor) and transferred for further sale (to the commission agent). It is also possible to reflect transactions involving the transfer of goods to a subcommission. When generating a report to the principal or registering a commission agent’s report, you can immediately make a calculation and reflect the deduction of the commission. Operations for accounting for returnable reusable packaging have been automated. The specifics of taxation of such transactions and settlements with suppliers and customers are taken into account.

In "1C: Enterprise Accounting 8.0" several types of prices can be used, for example: "Wholesale", "Small Wholesale", "Retail", "Purchase", etc. This simplifies the reflection of receipt and sales transactions.

In "1C: Enterprise Accounting 8.0" accounting for the movement of cash and non-cash funds is implemented. It supports entering and printing payment orders, incoming and outgoing cash orders. Transactions for settlements with suppliers, buyers and accountable persons, depositing cash into a current account and receiving cash by check are automated. When recording transactions, payment amounts are automatically divided into advance and payment.

Based on cash documents, a cash book of the established form is formed.

A mechanism for exchanging information with programs such as "Bank Client" has been implemented. It is possible to keep records both in rubles and in foreign currencies. Reflection in accounting and tax accounting is also automatic.

Accounting for settlements with suppliers and customers can be carried out in rubles, conventional units and foreign currency. Exchange rate and amount differences for each transaction are calculated automatically.

Settlements with counterparties can be carried out under the agreement as a whole or for each settlement document (shipment, payment, etc.). The method of settlement is determined by a specific agreement.

When preparing receipt and sales documents, you can use both general prices for all counterparties and individual prices for a specific contract.

Accounting for fixed assets and intangible assets is carried out in accordance with PBU 6/01 “Accounting for fixed assets” and PBU 14/2000 “Accounting for intangible assets”. All basic accounting operations are automated.

In the 1C program the following operations on fixed assets are possible:

o admission;

o acceptance for accounting;

o modernization;

o transfer;

o sale/write-off.

All these transactions are recorded with appropriate documents.

Fixed assets are depreciated automatically, based on the information entered into the information base necessary for accounting and tax accounting. It is possible to distribute the amounts of accrued depreciation for a month between several accounts or objects of analytical accounting. For fixed assets used seasonally, it is possible to use depreciation schedules.

Accounting for intangible assets is similar to accounting for fixed assets in the following transactions:

o admission;

o disposal;

o change of states;

o depreciation.

Intangible assets can be specified as the result of research and development (R&D), then the initial cost of the object takes into account R&D costs.

The calculation of the cost of products and services produced by the main and auxiliary production is automated. Accounting for finished products released during the month is carried out at planned cost. At the end of the month, the actual cost of manufactured products and services provided is calculated.

The range and quantity of materials and components for transfer to production can be automatically calculated based on data on manufactured products and information on consumption standards (specifications).

For complex technological processes involving intermediate stages taking into account the release of semi-finished products, warehouse accounting of semi-finished products and automatic calculation of their cost are supported.

To account for general business expenses, the use of the “direct costing” method is supported. This method provides that general business expenses are written off in the month they are incurred and are fully charged to the cost of goods sold. If the organization does not use the direct costing method, then general business expenses are distributed between the cost of manufactured products and work in progress. When writing off indirect costs, it is possible to use various methods of distribution according to product groups (services). For indirect costs, the following distribution bases are possible:

· output volume;

· planned cost;

· salary;

· material costs.

For VAT accounting purposes, methods for determining revenue “by shipment” and “by payment” are supported. The Purchase Book and Sales Book are generated automatically.

VAT accounting for purchased goods sold using a 0% VAT rate has been automated. It is possible to distribute VAT amounts presented by suppliers of purchased valuables in accordance with Article 170 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation for sales transactions subject to VAT and exempt from VAT.

In "1C: Enterprise Accounting 8.0" records are kept of the movement of personnel, including records of workers at the main place of work and part-time, while internal part-time work is supported optionally (i.e. support can be disabled if this is not accepted at the enterprise). The formation of unified labor forms is ensured.

For the correct calculation of wages and personnel reporting, the system stores detailed information about the organization’s employees and third-party individuals. All this information is entered and adjusted by a set of personnel documents: hiring, dismissal, personnel transfers, setting new conditions of remuneration, etc. The program organizes military registration.

Salaries are calculated using a special document based on personnel and other data on the organization’s employees entered into the program.

Automated calculation of wages for employees of the enterprise based on salary and the maintenance of mutual settlements with employees up to the payment of wages, as well as the calculation of taxes and contributions regulated by law, the taxable base of which is the wages of employees of organizations, and the generation of relevant reports (on personal income tax, unified social tax, contributions to the Pension Fund), including preparation of reports for the PFR personalized accounting system. Reports can be generated both electronically and in paper form. It is possible to manually correct any calculation results

When performing calculations, the presence at the enterprise is taken into account:

· disabled people;

· tax non-residents.

The following taxation systems are supported in the configuration:

· general taxation system (for income tax payers in accordance with Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);

· simplified taxation system (Chapter 26.2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);

· taxation system in the form of a single tax on imputed income for certain types of activities (Chapter 26.3 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

To maintain tax accounting (for income tax), a special (tax) chart of accounts has been added to the configuration, the structure and organization of analytical accounting in which is close to the accounting chart of accounts. This simplifies the comparison of accounting and tax accounting data to meet the requirements of PBU 18/02 “Accounting for income tax calculations.” At the same time, the tax chart of accounts also reflects the specifics of tax accounting in accordance with Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Based on tax accounting data, tax registers are automatically generated and the income tax return is automatically filled out.

Accounting under the simplified taxation system (STS) is implemented on a separate chart of accounts. The book of income and expenses is generated automatically. Organizations using the simplified tax system can use as an object of taxation:

· income;

· income reduced by the amount of expenses.

Regardless of whether an organization uses the simplified tax system or the general taxation system, some types of its activities may be subject to a single tax on imputed income (UTII). The configuration provides for the separation of accounting for income and expenses associated with activities subject to taxable and non-taxable UTII. Expenses that cannot be attributed to a specific type of activity at the time they are incurred can be allocated automatically.

Routine operations performed at the end of the month are automated, including currency revaluation, write-off of deferred expenses, determination of financial results, and others.

The main way to reflect business transactions in accounting is to enter configuration documents corresponding to the primary accounting documents. In addition, direct entry of individual transactions is allowed. For group entry of transactions, you can use standard operations - a simple automation tool that can be easily and quickly configured by the user.

The "Enterprise Accounting" configuration includes a set of standard reports designed to analyze data on account balances and turnover and transactions in a variety of sections.

Standard reporting is a set of standard reports that make it easier to work with accounting and tax data.

Among them:

o balance sheet;

o chess sheet;

o account turnover;

o account card;

o subconto analysis;

o revolutions of subconto;

o subconto card

o consolidated postings;

o transaction report;

o general ledger;

o diagrams.

Reporting is generated automatically. Any report can be customized for a specific data set or appearance. This setting can be used and stored for each individual user.

The configuration generates mandatory (regulated) reporting. Regulated reporting is a set of reports, the procedure for filling which is determined by regulatory documents:

o accounting;

o tax returns;

o reports to social funds;

o statistics;

o certificates for tax authorities;

o declaration on the production/circulation of alcohol.

Regulatory reporting is changed periodically by government agencies, so it needs to be updated regularly. For some reports, it is possible to download them electronically.

The new modern interface design ensures ease of learning "1C: Enterprise Accounting 8.0" for beginners and high speed for experienced users:

· significant acceleration of mass input of information thanks to the “line input” function and effective use of the keyboard;

· convenient tools for working with large dynamic lists, managing the visibility and order of columns, setting up selection and sorting;

· maximum use of available screen space to display information;

· mechanism of design styles.

The standard configuration "Enterprise Accounting" implements the most common accounting schemes and can be used in most organizations. To reflect the accounting specifics of a particular organization, the standard configuration can be changed. "1C: Enterprise Accounting 8.0" has a "Configurator" launch mode, which provides:

· setting up the system for various types of accounting;

· implementation of any accounting methodology;

· organization of any directories and documents of arbitrary structure;

· customizing the appearance of information entry forms;

· customizing the behavior and algorithms of the system in various situations using the built-in language;

· wide design possibilities for creating printed forms of documents and reports using various fonts, frames, colors, drawings;

· the ability to visually present information in the form of diagrams;

· quick configuration changes using visual development tools.

The 1C: Enterprise 8.0 system provides scalability of application solutions, ranging from the simplest to the most multifunctional. "1C: Enterprise Accounting 8.0" can be used in the following options:

· single-user - for small organizations or personal use;

· file - for multi-user work, ensuring ease of installation and operation;

· client-server version of work based on a three-level architecture, providing reliable storage and efficient processing of data when a large number of users work simultaneously.

“1C: Enterprise Accounting 8.0” works with geographically distributed information databases and has the following capabilities:

· unlimited number of autonomously working information databases;

· full or partial data synchronization;

· arbitrary order and method of transferring changes.

"1C: Enterprise Accounting 8.0" integrates with other systems. This provides features such as:

· exchange data with other applications via text files, DBF files and XML documents.

"1C: Accounting 8.0" provides convenient administration tools:

· setting up user access rights based on the role mechanism, assigning an interface and user language;

· log of user actions and system events;

· ability to upload and download information base;

· tools for installing and updating platforms and application solutions.

For "1C: Enterprise Accounting 8.0", as well as for other software products of the "1C: Enterprise 8.0" system, service is provided through information technology support (ITS). The software package includes an ITS disk of the current release and a coupon for free ITS service for 6 months. To receive services, the user must register the purchased software product with 1C and sign up for a free six-month subscription from the partner who sold the box using the coupon included with the software product.

ITS service includes:

· consultation line services by telephone and e-mail;

· receiving new program releases and configurations;

· obtaining new reporting forms;

· monthly receipt of a set of ITS disks containing methodological materials on setting up and operating the system, various consultations and reference books on accounting and taxation, the legal database “Garant” and much more.

At the end of the free service period, in order to continue receiving the listed services, as well as the services of partners supporting this product, you must subscribe to a paid subscription to the ITS.

Additional features

The “Enterprise Accounting” configuration provides the user with a wide range of additional capabilities:

· data exchange with “1C: Trade Management 8”;

· data exchange with 1C: Retail 8;

· data exchange with “1C: Salary and personnel management 8”;

· data exchange with “1C: Management of a small company 8”;

· other data exchanges;

· connecting trade equipment and closing the cash register shift;

· setting up routine configuration updates;

· external (connected) processing;

· user access management;

· preparation of a letter to the technical support department (consultation services by e-mail; receiving releases and reports);

· automatic check for configuration updates and installation of “1C: Enterprise Accounting 8.0” updates via the Internet;

· electronic manual “Quick mastery of 1C: Enterprise Accounting 8.0”;

· advice to users;

· starting assistant.