Analysis of the poem “Winter Morning” by Pushkin A. S. Detailed analysis of the poem Pushkin’s Winter Morning - study of antitheses and metaphors Who wrote the story “winter morning”

A.S. Pushkin is a Russian poet, a man of rare talent and noble convictions. What wonderful pictures he created with his powerful brush, how much sincerity and warmth spilled into his poetic descriptions. But not only the poet himself knew how to enjoy the beautiful, not only expressed his delight, he also knew how to convey his admiration to others. Pushkin's poems are distinguished by a deep philosophical vision of the world.

The lyrical work “Winter Morning” surprises with its originality and artistry. The picture of a frosty morning is bright and spectacular. What is the story behind the creation of the poem “Winter Morning”? It was written by A.S. Pushkin in 1829. This year has not been easy for the poet. The chief of gendarmes, Alexander Benckendorf, shamelessly reminded him all the time about his supervision. There were also concerns about understanding his work. Pushkin's poem "Poltava", published in 1829, was not accepted by all readers. This could not but affect Alexander Sergeevich’s mood. The problem was that Pushkin, the exponent of the national and universal spirit, “outgrew the interests and tastes of his readers.” The poet became more mature, his feelings changed, his works and songs were no longer the same. And readers demanded the familiar and familiar. The poet was able to take a break from anxious thoughts, work with inspiration, and forget for a while the bustle of the capital in the company of old friends. On November 3, 1829, while in the village of Pavlovskoye, Staritsky district, Tver province (the possession of Pyotr Ivanovich Wulf), A.S. Pushkin wrote the work “Winter Morning,” which later became famous.

The main theme of the poem “Winter Morning” is man and nature, the relationship of the human soul with the natural world. Reliable and colorful images of a sunny winter morning are combined in a poetic work with love motives.

A characteristic feature of the poem “Winter Morning” is that behind the simplicity and accessibility of the syllable lies a deep philosophical and universal meaning. Nature is conceived as an independent aesthetic value; its state influences the emotional mood of the lyrical hero. The poet managed to achieve his goal: to show the typical character of Russian nature, with which a reasonable person lives in peace and harmony. The poet values ​​man and nature in harmonious unity.

Compositionally, the poem “Winter Morning” consists of five stanzas. Each stanza has six lines.

Further, the development of the plot required the expansion of time boundaries; the lyrical hero reminds the lovely lady of yesterday’s pranks of the weather. Everything was not rosy, sad and depressing: “the blizzard was angry,” “there was darkness in the cloudy sky.” This tension in nature affected the beauty’s mood: “And you sat sad...”. The human heart beats in unison with nature.

The prevailing mood of the third stanza is joyful, almost festive. The details of the landscape are expressive and original. There is so much joyful rapture and glorification of nature and life in the poet’s lines. The colorful descriptions of nature in the poem are not a background; the landscape plays an important role in revealing the inner world of the lyrical hero.

But pictures of nature temporarily give way to pictures of rural life. The room, the stove crackling with its cheerful crackling sound, is a familiar and at the same time wonderful village scene. In the poet’s draft, the last verse of the fourth stanza looked like this: “Ban the Cherkassy horse.” But the final poetic solution was different - “Ban the brown filly” - which indicates Pushkin’s desire for a realistic style.

The fifth stanza is the most dynamic. Motifs of the road and running appear in it. The lyrical hero invites his beauty to visit familiar and dear places. In the last stanza a new character appears - the “impatient horse.” The horse is a symbol of movement, striving forward. In an energetic movement, to merge with nature, enjoy and admire it - aren’t these the wonderful realities of life?

One of the means of verbal expressiveness of the poem “Winter Morning” is antithesis. Antithesis is a comparison of contrasting or opposing images. The opening line of the poem—“Frost and sun…”—is the first observable antithesis. “Frost” (coldness, impartiality, immobility) and “sun” (awakening, warmth, development). The images of the heroes of the poem “Winter Morning” are also contrasting. The lyrical hero is active, full of strength and life, but the beauty is dozing, she is in the grip of sleep, oblivion, and apathy. In the second and third stanzas, the author again resorts to antithesis, showing in contrast the picture of a bygone stormy evening and a new wonderful morning. “Muddy sky” and “blue skies”, “evening” and “wonderful day”, magnificent carpets of snow and blackening forest - all these are antitheses skillfully arranged by the author.

Carrying out an analysis of the poem “Winter Morning”, one can notice that the work combines such delightful expressions as “closed gazes”, “northern Aurora” with decidedly prosaic ones - “the flooded stove cracks”, “ban the brown filly”. At the same time, the unity of the artistic impression of the poems does not suffer; on the contrary, thanks to this, a special charm and expressiveness of the poem is born.

The means of artistic expression of the poem “Winter Morning” are as follows:

- epithets (figurative definitions) - “lovely friend”, “wonderful day”, “muddy sky”, “transparent forest”, “empty fields”, “amber shine”, “impatient horse”, “dear friend”,

- metaphors - “the blizzard was angry”, “the darkness was rushing”, “the snow lies in magnificent carpets”, “a cheerful crackling”

- simile - “the moon is like a pale spot.”

The poetic meter is iambic tetrameter.

In the six-line stanzas of the poem, the author used a special rhyme scheme: the first line rhymes with the second, the third with the sixth, and the fourth with the fifth. The rhyme scheme is as follows: aabvvb. In this poem, feminine rhyme is predominant. These are lines one, two, four, five. The third and sixth lines are masculine rhyme.

I liked the poem “Winter Morning” for its sonority and harmony of syllables, richness of impressions, and ability to grasp characteristic details. The lyrical hero is sincere, full of vitality, he joyfully welcomes the birth of a new day and calls on his beloved to do the same. In this poem one can feel movement, dynamics, changes, and they concern both nature and man. The poem “Winter Morning” has an incentive plan. One would like, following the calls of the lyrical hero, to harness a brown filly to a sled, and, surrendering to the run of an impatient horse, to visit empty fields, recently dense forests and the shore. Pushkin peered vigilantly into the outside world and showed it as it appears at the moment. The poem “Winter Morning” is written in “living” colors - you feel and see this “frost and sun; a wonderful day,” this snow glistening in the sun, the blackening forest, the river glistening under the ice.

Among all the works of the great Russian poet, those in which he describes natural scenes play a special role. It is known that from a very early age, Alexander Sergeevich was characterized by a love for his native nature. Over time, it only intensified, and was reflected in numerous works of the poet, for example, in “Eugene Onegin”. “Winter Morning” is one of the brightest poems by A. S. Pushkin. It was written in 1829, at the very beginning of his literary activity.

History of creation

In analyzing the poem “Winter Morning,” a student may mention that it was not written during the best period of the poet’s life. At that time, A.S. Pushkin was in exile in Mikhailovskoye. However, these years were full not only of a feeling of loneliness, but also of happy feelings associated with sincere friendship and love, and a surge of creative inspiration. The poem came as a pleasant surprise to the friends of the great poet and critics. “Winter Morning” was written by Pushkin very quickly, in one day. The work can be called one of the poet’s most successful poems in the genre of landscape lyricism.


The poem “Winter Morning” is one of the most popular poetic works of the great Russian poet. You can start analyzing the poem “Winter Morning” with a description of its first line. The poem begins with an exclamation of complete admiration: “Frost and sun; wonderful day!” And after this, the lyrical hero immediately uses pleasant and warm words to address his beloved: “beauty,” “lovely friend.” The vocabulary well conveys the mood of the narrator, and therefore the poem can rightfully be called lyrical. Bright, inspired images of the morning are closely intertwined with the theme of love. The natural picture can be compared with the feelings of a lyrical hero in love.

In the analysis of the poem “Winter Morning,” the student can also tell that according to its structure, it is divided into five stanzas. Each of them is a six-line poem. At the beginning of the work, the poet conveys his delight in the Russian winter and gently calls on his beloved to wake up. In the second stanza, the mood changes - the lyrical hero recalls the gloomy yesterday, which was full of the indignation of the natural elements, the violence of bad weather. In the lyrical analysis of the poem “Winter Morning”, it can be mentioned that such a contrast gives even more admiration for the beauty of nature the next morning. After the beauty of the winter landscape has been described, the reader returns to the warm room and hears the crackling of logs in the stove.

Basic information about the poem

In his poem, the great Russian poet describes the beauty of his native nature, the winter morning that replaced the winter night. This is the theme of the work, which needs to be mentioned in the analysis of the poem “Winter Morning”. The idea is that the poet wants to show the extraordinary charm of winter landscapes, to express his love and admiration for his homeland and its nature. As for meter, the poet used iambic tetrameter to create his work. The rhyme in the poem is mixed. The lyrical plot in the work is poorly expressed. It is based on the narrator’s contemplation of the beauties of nature, which became the impetus for him to take action. The work belongs to the genre of landscape poetry and belongs to the literary movement called romanticism.

Analysis of the poem “Winter Morning” according to plan

Sometimes you need not just to write an essay, but to prepare a structured analysis of the work. An approximate plan according to which the student will analyze the work could be as follows:

  • The history of the creation of the poem.
  • Topic and main idea.
  • Composition.
  • How does the poet imagine the lyrical hero.
  • Artistic media.
  • Size, rhyme.
  • My opinion about the poem “Winter Morning”.

This is an approximate algorithm for analyzing the poem “Winter Morning” by Pushkin according to plan. The student can add his own points to it.

Language means of expression

In the poem you can find many positively colored epithets. These are the expressions “transparent forest”, “amber shine”, “dear friend” and many others. There are also epithets with a negative emotional connotation: “cloudy sky”, “dark clouds”, “empty fields”. The poet also uses the device of metaphor: “the moon turned yellow.” The reader encounters a personification: “The blizzard was angry.” Comparison in the poem: “The moon is like a pale spot...”.

Syntactic means

At the beginning of the poem, the reader discovers declarative sentences. It is with their help that the poet expresses the calm intonation of his work. But gradually the voice of the lyrical hero becomes more and more restless and agitated. Despite the fact that there are practically no exclamatory sentences in the poem, the external calm of the narrator hides the depth of his emotional experiences. There is also an interrogative sentence in the poem - this is a rhetorical question.

Phonetics of the work

The great Russian poet also uses the technique of alliteration, which is also worth mentioning to a schoolchild when analyzing Pushkin’s poem “Winter Morning.” This is manifested in the pumping of hissing w, h, w, z. Voiced consonants are also used - b, v, p, l, n. The technique of assonance is also used in the poem - the vowel sounds a, o, i, e are intensified. Using these sound means, the poet strives to convey the clatter of a horse, the creaking of snow in the cold, the clinking of ice.

Lexical features of the first two stanzas

In the first stanza, it is worth paying attention to the 4th and 6th lines. In them the reader can see two examples of the use of outdated grammar. By analyzing Pushkin’s poem “Winter Morning”, we can talk about these features. Firstly, this is the phrase “open... your eyes.” Nowadays the last word is used completely differently. The gaze can be lowered, averted, or fixed, but not opened in any way. The fact is that in the poem it has an outdated meaning - “eyes”. And it is in this sense that it is used in many poems by poets of the first half of the 19th century.

Also of interest is another word - “closed”. It is a truncated participle - its use represents one of the most beloved liberties of many poets of that time.

The line below also contains interesting facts that require additional explanation. Firstly, the poet mentions the word "Aurora". It is written with a capital letter, but here it is not a proper name, but a common noun. A. S. Pushkin uses the name of the goddess of dawn to designate the dawn itself. On the other hand, according to the rules of the Russian language, it must be in the dative case: “Towards northern Aurora.” However, there is no typo or error here - it is an obsolete form. Once upon a time, the preposition towards, according to the rules of grammar, required the genitive case, and for Alexander Sergeevich and his contemporaries this was the norm.

It is also worth mentioning that the phrase “star of the north” is not used here in its direct meaning - “heavenly body,” which means “the most beautiful and worthy lady in St. Petersburg.” In the second stanza the words “evening” and “mist” are mentioned. The first means "yesterday evening." The word "mist" in its usual meaning means darkness or gloom. A.S. Pushkin uses this word to refer to snow, which hides everything around in its fog, like a veil.

Third and fourth stanzas

The winter landscape is described here. And the picture that the poet describes is largely created with the help of descriptions of flowers: “under blue skies”, “the forest alone turns black.” There are no outdated forms in the third stanza of the poem; it does not need additional explanation. In the last stanza there is an unusual word form “zaprochat” instead of the usual “harness”. This is poetic license, which is allowed by the poet for rhyming, which can also be mentioned when analyzing Pushkin’s poem “Winter Morning”. It is unlikely that a diligent student will be able to briefly describe all outdated grammatical means, therefore, if you need to provide a concise analysis, you can mention one or two.

The last two stanzas are connected by the word “shine,” with the help of which the reader imagines both the natural landscape and the comfort of a warm room even more clearly. If in the third stanza the shine is winter, then in the last it is warm, amber. Pushkin also uses tautology, but in this case it is completely justified. When the reader hears the expression “crackling,” it is as if the reader is hearing the sound of a flooded furnace.

So, we have looked at a brief analysis of the poem “Winter Morning”. The poet's feeling of joy increases towards the end of the work. He wants to visit the “fields”, “forests” and “shore” more and more. The latter should not be understood literally as a river bank - rather, the poet wanted to talk about those places that are close and dear to him.

Kocheva Anastasia

Brief summary.

In this work, 6th grade student Anastasia Kocheva examines the text of A.S. Pushkin’s work “Winter Morning”, gives perception, interpretation, and assessment of the artistic and visual means of language, which help the poet convey his state of mind and express the ideological intent of the work.

She pays special attention to the vocabulary of the work, not without reason believing that the main material for creating poetry is the word. In addition, he conducts a rather in-depth analysis of the phonics of the work in its various aspects and answers the question: did he himself invent this method of making his poetic speech emphatically sonorous, elastic, especially convenient for pronunciation, i.e. musical?



Municipal Educational Institution

Secondary School No. 21

“Music of the word. “Winter Morning” by A. S. Pushkin"

Humanities section.

Literary studies.

Work completed by: 6th grade student

Kocheva Anastasia Alexandrovna

Scientific supervisor: Grebennikova

Irina Igorevna

Armavir 2009

1. Introduction.

2.Chapter 1.

1) The history of the creation of the poem.

2) Theme of the poem.

3) Ideological content.

3.Chapter 2.Music of the word.

1) Linguistic design of the poem

2) Antithesis is a compositional device.

3) Artistic and visual means of the poem’s language.

4) The sound structure of the language.

A) About meter, rhyme and rhythm.

B) Playing with sounds.

4. Conclusion.

5 .List of used literature.

Brief summary.

In this work, 6th grade student Anastasia Kocheva examines the text of A.S. Pushkin’s work “Winter Morning”, gives perception, interpretation, and assessment of the artistic and visual means of language, which help the poet convey his state of mind and express the ideological intent of the work.

She pays special attention to the vocabulary of the work, not without reason believing that the main material for creating poetry is the word. In addition, he conducts a rather in-depth analysis of the phonics of the work in its various aspects and answers the question: did he himself invent this method of making his poetic speech emphatically sonorous, elastic, especially convenient for pronunciation, i.e. musical?


“And for a long time I will be so kind to the people,

That I awakened good feelings with the lyre.”

A.S. Pushkin.

Yes, of course, it is these “good feelings” that constitute the essence of the beautiful and noble poetry of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Perfectly honed skill helped the poet not only more fully and clearly convey to us what he considered necessary to express in his words, but always gave and continues to give readers true aesthetic pleasure.

The most wonderful idea may not reach the reader if the author did not take care to put it in a worthy form. For a true artist, content and form merge into one; they are inseparable. Therefore, speaking about the skill of the great poet, we should take a closer look at some details, at some features of his creative style, at the techniques that he most often resorted to in his work, creating such harmonious, pleasantly perceived by ear, and therefore melodic works. That is, he created music from words.

In my work, using the example of a work I really liked, I try to answer the question: “how do tropes and figures of speech help reveal the author’s idea?”, while paying special attention to the sound side of his work, to the music of the words in Pushkin’s verse.

The relevance of the topic of this work is explained by the need to better understand the work of A.S. Pushkin, to increase the general level of culture, plunging into the poet’s workshop. I completely agree with the idea that “the more you think about a good work of art, the deeper you enter into it with your own feelings, the more it will give you genuine aesthetic pleasure.” 1

The purpose of my work: to give a perception, interpretation, assessment of A.S. Pushkin’s poem “Winter Morning” and, in the course of reasoning, to prove that the linguistic (and no less sonic) design of the poet’s poem contributes to a deep disclosure of the ideological and thematic content.

Objectives: 1. Reveal where Pushkin got his attention to each word, to individual sounds in a line of poetry? Did he himself invent this method of making his speech emphatically sonorous, elastic, and especially convenient for pronunciation?

2. To give perception, interpretation, and assessment to the artistic and visual means of the poem’s language, which help the poet convey his state of mind and express the ideological intent of the work.


1.Sun. Christmas. “Reading Pushkin.”, Leningrad 1986, p.54

The history of the creation of the work “Winter Morning”.

“Winter Morning” was written very quickly, on one day - November 3, 1829 in the village of Pavlovskoye, Staritsky district, Tver province, the estate of the uncle of the poet’s friend (son of P.A. Osipova) A.N. Wulf - P. I. Wulf. This time Alexander Sergeevich visited his good friends - the Wulf family - in the Tver province (and he had been there for a long time and more than once) on his way back from the Caucasus. This is also proven by his letter to A.N. Wulf dated October 16, 1829 (from Malinnikov to St. Petersburg), where the poet writes: “Driving from Arzrum to St. Petersburg, I turned right and arrived in Staritsky district...”

The poem seems deeply personal and autobiographical. Both in Trigorsky and Staritsky districts (in Staritsa, Pavlovsky, in Malinniki) in the company of Osipova and the Wulfs, the poet felt on the rise and wrote a lot. It was here that a year earlier he had stayed for a whole month and a half and finished Chapter VII of Eugene Onegin.

Do we need this literary information? Yes, because this circumstance is directly related to the text of “Winter Morning”, this one-day poem, but which absorbed much of what A.S. Pushkin had conceived and written about winter earlier. Let's compare:

Chapter VII of “Eugene Onegin”, “Winter Morning”

Onegin's album not included in the novel

1828 1829

Frost and sun! Wonderful day!

Reminiscences, echoes, echoes of what has already happened, previously used words and phrases, which can be explained both stylistically and thematically, are often found in “Winter Morning”. For example:There was darkness in the cloudy sky And The storm covers the sky with darkness("Winter evening").

The poem seems to be impromptu, born as a monologue addressed to a friend who has not yet fully awakened (You are still dozing, dear friend,

It's time, beauty, wake up).

Theme of the poem.

In Pushkin's poetry, again for the first time,

The Russian winter also appeared to us, without making up

Roven by any mythological

Poeticisms, poetic in itself,

With this dazzling shine of snow,

With long evenings by the fireplace, with fury

Winter storms, with the apotheosis of Russian beauty,

Which only glows brighter in the “dust of snow.”

Vsevolod Grekhnev.

Pushkin, a wonderful Russian poet, has amazing poems, familiar to me since elementary school, glorifying the beauty of the Russian winter with its dazzling snow decorating the endless plains, with the howling of a storm, with snow storms, and the bright sun. I like the statement of Vsevolod Grekhnev: “Nature appears in the poet’s lyrics as the natural habitat of man, and in this attitude towards it the integrity of the people’s perception of nature emerges... the harmonious connection between man and nature was perceived not as an ideal, but as a reality of national life that has not yet exhausted itself " 1

But still, man in Pushkin’s poetry depends on nature in his highest

manifestations, in creative upswings, “the soul unconsciously seeks unity with nature.” 2

Indeed, the work “Winter Morning” is a brilliant and at the same time direct and artless sketch of the poet’s feelings and thoughts evoked by the beauty and charm of a winter morning.

1.Grekhnev V.A. The world of Pushkin's lyrics//Nizhny Novgorod 1994, p. 9.

2. Grekhnev V.A. The world of Pushkin's lyrics//Nizhny Novgorod 1994, p. 9.

The idea of ​​the work.

Winter morning" makes it possible for us, the readers, to feel that the poet is delighted with the beauty of the winter morning, the poet’s mood is cheerful, cheerful, unclouded by anything:

Frost and sun; wonderful day!

Even the memory of yesterday's blizzard does not reduce the cheerful worldview. The poet is pleased with everything: the charm of a frosty morning, the splendor of the surroundings, the comfort of home warmth, the expected sleigh ride in the morning snow:

Dear friend, let's indulge in running

An impatient horse.

Therefore it is clear that idea The poem “Winter Morning” is contained in the statement: the lyrical hero (and by him Pushkin himself is meant) is fascinated by the beauty of the winter landscape. The poet's epithets, comparisons, metaphors, inversions, and exclamations convince us of this.

Linguistic design of poems.

Frost and sun...two words, but the whole picture of a wonderful winter day is created! This is where laconicism and the ability, like an artist, to draw and create an image with strokes! The words are simple and ingenuous, forming a picturesque genre picture. We vividly feel the writer’s cheerful, cheerful mood.

Let us turn to the poem itself and to its primary element - language.

"Winter Morning" (1829)

Frost and sun; wonderful day!

You are still dozing, dear friend -

It's time, beauty, wake up:

Open your closed eyes,

Towards northern Aurora,

Be the star of the north!

In the evening, you remember, the blizzard was angry.

There was darkness in the cloudy sky;

The moon is like a pale spot

Through the dark clouds it turned yellow,

And you sat sad, -

And now... look out the window:

Under blue skies

Magnificent carpets,

Glistening in the sun, the snow lies,

The transparent forest alone turns black,

And the spruce turns green through the frost,

And the river glitters under the ice.

The whole room has an amber shine

Illuminated. Cheerful crackling

The flooded stove crackles.

It's nice to think by the bed.

But you know: shouldn’t I tell you to get into the sleigh?

Ban the brown filly?

Sliding on the morning snow,

Dear friend, let's indulge in running

An impatient horse.

And we'll visit the empty fields,

The forests, recently so dense,

And the shore, dear to me.

There are many linguistic difficulties and digressions here that we may not even notice. This can lead us to misunderstanding and inaccurate understanding of the text as a whole. Let's look at the work from the first stanza, in which we will first stop at slow reading on lines four to six. They contain two outdated, now archaic facts of grammar, words.

We are surprised by the phrase“open... your eyes”. Today we use the phrase"fix your eyes", but just don’t “open” " This noun has the old meaning " eyes ".

Let us dwell on this line on the short participle “closed.” What part of speech is this? In modern Russian, the short participle is a predicate, then where is the subject to which it refers? The word “closed” gravitates towards the noun “gazes”, but it is an addition (open - what?). This means? Means closed is the definition of the word “looks”. But then closed, not closed ...We have before us a truncated participle, which, like truncated adjectives, refers to the favorite poetic liberties of poets of the 18th - mid-19th centuries.

Now let’s briefly touch on the word in the line being analyzed:“Open your closed eyes to bliss...”Noun"bliss" not without interest. It is understood differently in different dictionaries. Linguistic analysis of this word allows us to conclude that it is interpreted closest to the truth in the Russian language dictionary by S.I. Ozhegov:“Bliss is complete contentment, bliss." in Pushkin’s texts this word was different, and other meanings are visible in it. “The Dictionary of Pushkin’s Language” notes, along with this semantics, the meaning of “1. state of serene peace, 2. Sensual intoxication, pleasure” 1

Now let's go down a line below. Facts await us that require clarification. There are two of them here. Word " Aurora "as a name, it is written with a capital letter. Here, in terms of meaning, it acts as a common noun: the Latin name of the goddess of the morning dawn names the morning dawn (characteristic of 19th-century poetry). Nowadays, after the preposition towards there must be a noun in the dative case, i.e.:towards northern Aurora...And Pushkin has a genitive: Aurora - this is not a typo, but an outdated form.

Reading the last line of this stanza, you can fall into the mistake of thinking that the word star used in the sense of a celestial body. Meanwhile, the phrase north star means here the most worthy woman (of St. Petersburg).

If you know that evening - this is evening or yesterday, then linger on the next line: “There was a haze in the cloudy sky...” It seems absurd. The word “mist” means “darkness,” but in Pushkin it has a different meaning: “thick snow falling in the fog.” This noun plays the same “foggy” and not “dark” role in Pushkin’s poem “The storm covers the sky with darkness.”

The third stanza of the poem shines with its linguistic transparency and does not need explanation.But we will have to stop at the last stanzas. In general, they do not cause any particular difficulties, but still there are linguistic peculiarities here. For example, the poet says: “It’s nice to think by the couch.” A lounger is a ledge in a Russian stove, on which, while warming up, they rested and slept. At the end of this stanza the word sounds strange ban instead of modern harness from the verb to harness (in Pushkin’s time both forms of this word existed). Word form ban serves as a rhyme to the word bake.

Let's move on to the fifth stanza: “Winter morning.” What role does the expression play in this stanza: “the shore, dear to me.” Word shore has a direct but not derivative meaning - “the area near the river.”

  1. “Dictionary of Pushkin’s language” M., 1980, vol. 2, p. 776

Near which river? Near the upper Volga (the poem was written in the village of Pavlovsky, Staritsky district, Tver province - now Staritsky district, Kalinin region - located not far from the Volga.).

The vocabulary of the poem “Winter Morning” is very diverse: the outdated words “today” - now, “illuminated” - illuminated, “command” - order, “surrender” - surrender); dialect (“vecher” - yesterday, “zaprechit” - harness); book (“Aurora”, “charming”...). The harmonious interweaving of different layers of vocabulary gives the poem an extraordinary sublimity of feelings (when using outdated and bookish vocabulary), admiration for Russian nature, and an expression of people's love for the Russian landscape (dialect words help with this). An interesting fact: in the draft of the poem, the last line of the fourth stanza was “ban the Circassian horse.” Then A.S. Pushkin changed it: “Ban the brown filly.” Such a replacement, it seems, more accurately expresses the author’s intention: dialect words convey the love of the people and the poet himself for Russian nature, modest, but unusually expensive and beautiful. In Mikhailovskoye (and this poem was written, albeit far from him, but based on his impressions of being on this estate), the poet not only was bored, but also worked. A.S. Pushkin confessed to his wife: “You can’t imagine how vividly the imagination works when you sit alone between four walls or walk through the woods, when no one bothers you to think.” 1 .And nature helped the poet: “It’s nice to think by the bed.”

In “Winter Morning,” the poet uses imperative verbs (“wake up,” “open,” “appear,” “look”), which call on the reader to feel the fullness of life. Life is amazing because there is harmony in it. This idea is expressed already in the first line:

Frost and sun; wonderful day!

The day is wonderful thanks to the harmonious coexistence of frost and solar warmth and light. A person cannot fully enjoy the beauty of a sunny morning if there has not been a gloomy, dreary evening in his life. You will only feel the freshness of a frosty morning more strongly when you sit by the flooded stove.

Antithesis is a compositional device.

The entire work is built on antithesis. The second and third stanzas are contrasted with each other: the second is “yesterday”, the third is “today”. Yesterday the blizzard was angry, the moon barely peeked through the clouds and you were sad, but today the snow sparkles in the bright sun, the sky is already blue. A drastic change occurred overnight; everything around became unrecognizable.

But these two lines are contrasted, in turn, with everything that follows. They tell everything that is visible from the window of a village house. And the fourth stanza takes us back to the room, where it’s warm and cozy, where the newly fired stove crackles merrily...

And again the poet’s thought rushes to contrast: it’s good to sit at home, but wouldn’t it be better to order the sleigh to be harnessed and indulge in the running of an impatient horse? Everything in this poem by the poet is built on a succession of dissimilar paintings, and these paintings, each individually, are saturated with seemingly very simple, but at the same time expressive details.

1Lotman Yu.M. Pushkin. SPb.: Art - St. Petersburg, 1995

Artistic and visual means of the language of the poem.

It is known that a composer writes music with notes, and a poet creates his verse music with words and sounds. This is his material, which he must master perfectly. And here, I think, it is imperative to dwell on such an artistic device as an epithet. In this regard, the second stanza is noteworthy, the one that talks about yesterday’s bad weather. All her epithets: sky - cloudy, the moon is not a bright circle, but a blurry one a spot, and a pale one at that; you sat sad . Everything is painted in a certain sad tone. It starts with the fact that “the blizzard was angry.” By the way, here is a simple but very telling metaphor, personification. The blizzard is given a human character trait.

In the third stanza, everything is filled with the bright light of a fine morning. The sky is already blue, carpets of snow - magnificent. And you can clearly see something that could not have been noticed during yesterday’s blizzard. Forest transparent, spruce turns green through the frost, river glitters under the ice. What observation, what precision of vision! Strokes, strokes - and what a magnificent picture!

And the amber glow of fire in the fourth stanza, what an apt and accurate epithet! Some artistic definitions of the last stanza also stand out for their capacity.

"... let's indulge in running

An impatient horse."

Why is the horse called impatient? Obviously, because he cannot stand still, that the frost pricks him, that he, too, in his own way, is overwhelmed by the feeling of this cheerful winter morning - and rushes forward. How much can be said with one skillfully chosen word!

And the last epithet of the poems is this time a “complex epithet” of three words:

“And the shore, dear to me.”

Doesn't it make you imagine a picture of some, perhaps difficult, but happy and sweet human relationships? The author does not say anything about them, but the whole tone of the poem, cheerful and joyful, testifies to a bright, unclouded happiness.

Pushkin has many poems about winter, about deep snow, about the winter sun, but this image of a sparkling morning especially stands out for its light, cheerful colors.

However, this work gives us more than just visual images.

Sound structure of language.

A ) About meter, rhyme and rhythm.

Iambic in all its forms is the favorite meter of the great poet. “Winter Morning” is written in iambic tetrameter. His measured, tireless movement picks up the reader and carries him with him.

This feeling is also helped by the special construction of the stanza: two adjacent lines are fastened with a female rhyme, then the line (third) ends with a stressed (“male”) syllable, and again two female rhymes, and in conclusion a solid masculine syllable, consonant with the ending of the third.

Mo//ro’z// and //so’ln//tse; //de’n //chu//de’s// ny/ /

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1

You're still dozing, my lovely friend. ny -

It's time, beauty, wake up is :

Open your closed bliss ory,

Towards northern Avra ory,

I am the star of the north come on!

But how is this smooth, but at the same time, vigorous movement achieved? This naturalness of the verse? Here we are faced with a special case in the technique of versification - rit-mom.

Yes, the poem is written in iambic tetrameter, but in our usual pronunciation we will not count out each stress indicated by the scheme, tear apart individual words so that they are necessarily placed in the designated feet, two syllables for each. We will pronounce them as we usually speak in life. And it will turn out like this:

Frost and sun; Wonderful day!

You're still dreaming, my charming friend -

It’s time, beauty, to wake up:

You keep your eyes open,

Towards the northern Aurora,

Stars about yu s e faith appear!

For each line there are three or four natural stresses and the result is the following: for obligatory metric the iambic tetrameter scheme is already new rhythmic a pattern that does not obey the original strict rules. It is he who gives the poems the liveliness and naturalness of ordinary colloquial speech.But it is only possible on a metric basis.

The sense of rhythm is an innate feeling; it is entirely contained in the very nature of our native language. And the language was created by the people over centuries. The people found in it and identified what we later began to call “means of artistic expression.” “All the techniques of verbal mastery, which poets so generously use, were originally born among the people, in anonymous oral creativity... Pushkin studied and learned a lot from the people. He eagerly listened to the fairy tales of his nanny Arina Rodionovna, recorded songs from wandering storytellers at fairs, and himself wrote “Saltan,” “The Dead Princess,” and “The Golden Cockerel” in the folk language. 1

By studying folk speech, one can be convinced that all the laws of artistic expression have long existed in oral folk art. Obviously, Pushkin was also struck in his time by the fact that people usually not only equip their everyday proverbs and sayings, which express centuries of experience, reason and intelligence, with rhythm and rhyme, but, as if for strength, stitch them with the repetition of one or another vowel or consonant (for example : Patience and work keep grinding)

B) Playing with sounds.

Reading Pushkin, we cannot help but pay attention to the purely sound side of his works, to the music of words in Pushkin’s works, to the poet’s incomparable ability to use the expressiveness of the sounds themselves where necessary.

In the poem “Winter Morning” there are lines that convey not only the play of light, but also the breadth and expanse of Russian open spaces:

Under the blue skies

Magnificent carpets...

This feeling is created by polysyllabic words with almost identical endings and play on the vowels U-O-E-I. And in the line:

It's in the sun, it's lying in the sun...

We seem to hear how thin morning ice on the snow breaks thanks to the repeating sound [s] ([ts]).

And yet, until now the poet has given us only visual images, but in the fourth stanza we not only see this amber glow of fire, but also hear the crackling of dry logs engulfed in flames. Alliteration is a play on consonant sounds (sound writing).

1.Sun. Christmas. “Reading Pushkin.”, Leningrad 1986, p.48

...Happy Crack

The heated stove is crackling.

Of course, the sounds [t], [r], [sch-ch-sk] played a role here. And that is not all.

C) Color design of the sounds of the poem.

If you count the number of sound letters - a, o, e, i, s, l andcompare your results with table A.P. Zhuravlev “Choice of the attribute “light” for Pushkin’s poem “Winter Morning””, we will see that the greatest excess of a particular over the norm was given precisely by the most “light” (according to Zhuravlev’s observations) among the consonants “l” and the most “light” among vowels “ e”, and the most underestimated is the frequency of the “darkest” ones - “x” and “w”. What amazing, literally mathematical precision in the organization of sound!

The sound tone of the poems is bright, light, joyful, gentle. Sounds serve not only to form words, they create a certain content, a melody built in the right tone, a melody that supports and emphasizes the content of the text.

And of course, if I were to create an illustration for a poem, the predominant colors would be white and yellow.

And there are more vowel sound letters in the poem"ABOUT" According to Krysin, author of the book “The Life of the Word,” every sound, every letter has its own color:

A - deep red

I am bright red

O - light yellow or white

E - green

E - greenish

I - bluish

Yu - bluish, bluish

I - blue

U - dark blue, blue-green, purple

Y - gloomy, dark brown or black

If you analyze at least the first line of the poem “Winter Morning”:

M o r o z i s o moon; wonderful day! -

then you are convinced that the white-yellow color triumphs (against the background of white snow there is a yellow sun!).

Everything is exactly right! It is difficult for you to believe that the poet, without knowing it, builds mathematically precise relationships between the frequencies of sounds, their color and the color of those phenomena and objects that he describes in the poem.

It turns out that poetic talent also includes poetic intuition, the poet’s superconsciousness, which helps him not only create the necessary images, choose the right words and rhymes, but also make the very fabric of the verse sound like the music of sounds and burn with the colors of painting.


So, turning to available sources and literature, expressing your opinion, perception, interpretation, assessment of A.S. Pushkin’s poem, you can come to some conclusions.

Firstly, A.S. Pushkin learned a lot from the people, i.e. He drew a lot from folklore: metaphor, figurativeness of language, rhythm, and sound writing.

Secondly, only thanks to his talent and enormous work, the poet was able to rework all this vast centuries-old folk experience in the field of versification and skillfully decorate his works with the necessary techniques.

Pushkin's poetry is an inexhaustible source that, as in a fairy tale, gives “living water” to everyone who touches it.

In addition to the joy of communicating with a person of deep intelligence and an ardent noble heart, she gives us, in his own words, “inexplicable pleasures,” cultivates in us “good feelings,” teaches us to love and understand the “genius of pure beauty.”

“Pushkin’s poems are both painting and music.” 1

1.Sun. Christmas. “Reading Pushkin.”, Leningrad 1986, p.187

Poem “Winter Morning” by A.S. Pushkin was written by him during one of the most fruitful creative periods - during his exile in Mikhailovskoye. But on the day when this poetic work was born, the poet was not on his estate - he was visiting friends, the Wulf family, in the Tver province. When starting to read the poem “Winter Morning” by Pushkin, it is worth remembering that it was written in one day, and not a single edit was made to the text. One can only marvel at the talent of the creator, who was able to so quickly embody his own mood, the beauty of Russian nature, and reflections on life in magnificent landscape lyrics. This work is rightfully one of the most famous in Pushkin’s work.

Several important themes are clearly visible in the poem “Winter Morning”. The main and most obvious is the theme of love. In each line one can feel the poet’s tenderness addressed to his beloved, one can feel his reverent attitude towards her, the inspiration that gives him the feeling. His beloved is a lovely child of nature, and this is sweet to him and causes deep heartfelt emotions. Another topic is reflections on the birth of a new day, which erases all previous sorrows and makes the world more beautiful and more fun. Despite the fact that the evening was sad, today the sun illuminates everything around, and its light gives the most important thing - hope. In addition, Alexander Sergeevich uses the landscape not just as an artistic device to personify his own thoughts and not only as a symbol of a new beginning - the beautiful Russian nature is also the theme of his poem, which can be downloaded so that you can leisurely enjoy each line. And finally, the general idea of ​​the entire work is the unity of man and nature in the general philosophical sense.

The general mood that can be felt in the text of Pushkin’s poem “Winter Morning,” which can be read online for free to feel the joy of life, is optimistic, because it tells that any storm is not eternal, and after it, when a bright streak comes, life is still more wonderful. Even the stanzas that talk about evening sadness seem to be full of joyful anticipation of the morning. And when it comes, the joy becomes complete, because everything around, every snowflake illuminated by the winter sun, is so beautiful! This is a cheerful and cheerful work - it seems that the poet forgot both about exile and loneliness, admiring his sleeping beloved and native nature. Reading this poem fills the soul with positive emotions, reminds us of how beautiful the world is and how important it is to love our native nature.

Frost and sun; wonderful day!
You are still dozing, dear friend -
It's time, beauty, wake up:
Open your closed eyes
Towards northern Aurora,
Be the star of the north!

In the evening, do you remember, the blizzard was angry,
There was darkness in the cloudy sky;
The moon is like a pale spot
Through the dark clouds it turned yellow,
And you sat sad -
And now... look out the window:

Under blue skies
Magnificent carpets,
Glistening in the sun, the snow lies;
The transparent forest alone turns black,
And the spruce turns green through the frost,
And the river glitters under the ice.

The whole room has an amber shine
Illuminated. Cheerful crackling
The flooded stove crackles.
It's nice to think by the bed.
But you know: shouldn’t I tell you to get into the sleigh?
Ban the brown filly?

Sliding on the morning snow,
Dear friend, let's indulge in running
impatient horse
And we'll visit the empty fields,
The forests, recently so dense,
And the shore, dear to me.

Poem "Winter Morning".

Perception, interpretation, evaluation

The poem was written on November 3, 1829 in the village of Pavlovskoye, Tver province, where A.S. Pushkin was invited by P.A. Osipova-Wulf. The poet loved these places very much and was friends with Osipova’s children - Alexei, Anna and Eupraxia.

We can classify the poem as landscape lyricism, its style is romantic. The main theme is the relationship between the moods of man and nature, the change of contrasting states in nature and the human soul.

The composition of the poem is based on antithesis. It opens with a lovely winter landscape and an appeal to his beloved:

Frost and sun; wonderful day!

You are still dozing, dear friend -

It's time, beauty, wake up:

Open your closed eyes towards the northern Aurora,

Be the star of the north!

We have an antithesis already in the first line of the poem - “frost” (stiffness, something deathly, frozen) and “sun” (warmth, life, love). In the same stanza the image of the heroine is presented - she is a beauty, a “star of the north”, cold, proud and unapproachable. She is immersed in bliss, tranquility, sleep, and it is difficult for her to “awaken to life.” The image of the heroine here comes close to the image of a long, cold winter. The lyrical hero, on the contrary, is alive, cheerful, full of vitality, directed towards warmth and light. And already in this we see a certain opposition.

In the second stanza, remembering last night, the poet creates a landscape contrasting with this morning:

In the evening, do you remember, the blizzard was angry,

There was darkness in the cloudy sky;

The moon is like a pale spot

Through the dark clouds it turned yellow,

And you sat sad, -

And now... look out the window...

The state of nature here is consonant with the state of the human soul. The gloomy, dull atmosphere of evening nature gives special poignancy to the hero’s morning impressions. It is impossible to appreciate a joyful, sunny morning if there has never been a stormy evening in your life. And this thought of the poet is symbolic. We are talking here not only about changes in weather, but also about the alternation of life’s storms and cloudless happiness in a person’s life.

In the third stanza we again see a wonderful picture, full of colors and life:

Under blue skies with magnificent carpets,

Glistening in the sun, the snow lies,

The transparent forest alone turns black,

And the spruce turns green through the frost,

And the river glitters under the ice.

This stanza also contains an antithesis: magnificent carpets of snow are contrasted with a forest, blackening in the distance, transparent and naked, and a river bound with ice.

In the fourth stanza we see a description of the room, we are transported into an atmosphere of warmth, comfort, and light. The hero’s soul is open to the future - a new beautiful day:

The whole room is illuminated with an amber shine. The flooded stove crackles with a cheerful sound.

It's nice to think by the bed.

But you know: shouldn’t we tell the brown filly to be banned from the sled?

There is also an antithesis here. The cheerful crackling sound of the stove is contrasted with a couch, associated with sleep, peace, and immobility. “The energy of fire here is opposed to the inertia of everyday life.”

In the last stanza, a motive of movement, running, as opposed to peace and immobility in frozen winter nature, arises:

Sliding on the morning snow,

Dear friend, let us indulge in the run of the impatient horse and visit the empty fields,

The forests, recently so dense,

And the shore, dear to me.

Here the hero talks about places close to his heart. It is as if he is inviting his beloved to share his affection with him.

The poem is written in iambic tetrameter and sextins. The poet uses a variety of means of artistic expression: epithets (“charming friend,” “dark clouds,” “impatient horse”), personification (“the blizzard was angry”), comparison (“the moon is like a pale spot”), deliberate tautology and alliteration (“ The flooded stove crackles with a cheerful sound."

Thus, nature in this work is in tune with the mood of a person experiencing an amazing feeling of joy and fullness of life.

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