Visualization of desires: how to do it? Correct visualization of desires How to correctly write a visualization on paper

For your wishes to come true, it is important to believe in the possibility of materializing what you want and in the method you use. In our case, we will consider visualization as an effective method of mental magic. I hope you have already learned to stop the chaos in your head, relax and enter alpha. If not, come back to check out this article. Since the first key to the materialization of mental images lies in the ability to enter a trance.

What is Visualization?

Visualization is the creation of a mental image of what you want and filling it with energy to translate it into reality. This is the work of your imagination. You draw vivid, detailed pictures on your mental screen. At the same time, you know exactly what you want. And they are confident in the truth of their desires.

Practice example

To make it clear, I will describe a simple way of working with imagination. Let's say you want to attract love. You tune in to the emotions of love, for example by listening to love songs, watching love pictures or movies, or remembering happy events from the past associated with a happy relationship. Or by doing a meditation on sending love.

Having entered a state of love, you begin to visualize in an energy ball (it is better to do this, it protects the mental image from the influence of other people’s energies).

You see you and your loved one entering the forest. At the same time, you hold each other's hands, smile and communicate playfully. You are wearing certain clothes of a certain color. Entering the forest, you see in front of you a white snowy path on which you can see twigs. Trees grow on the sides of the path.

These are mainly coniferous trees. You walk and hear the songs of birds, the sound of your steps and your happy voices that emit warm energies.

You visualize how you stop in a clearing and fool around there, there are a lot of trees around you... and you stand in the middle of the clearing and look into each other's eyes. You notice his gaze. He is so gentle and loving. You can note the eye color of your loved one.

You hug each other... and it feels so wonderful in his or her arms... You are happy. Your partner tells you that he loves you, and then your lips connect in a sensual kiss. You taste his or her lips and think that you feel so good...

Then you fill the visualization ball with energy. Mentally send light into it. And you see how it glows like the sun... and then you send it out into the universe.

The next time you visualize, you return this ball to yourself again (pull the thread and pull it towards you) and do the work with the mental image again, then fill it with energy again and release it. This needs to be done every day several times a day for a week - a month, two... it depends on the speed of your thought and other factors, and then you let go of the desire.

That's the whole technique. To make it easier, before starting visualization, draw it up on paper. Think everything through. Describe. You can then record it onto audio media. To listen regularly. If it's more convenient for you.

To summarize, I will note the visualization steps:

  1. Setting up for visualization
  2. Relaxation
  3. Stopping the HP
  4. Entering trance
  5. Visualization
  6. Breaking out of trance.

How to visualize

In order for visualization to work correctly, there are a number of recommendations that are most likely already familiar to many. But I'll tell you briefly about them for those who don't know.

  1. You need to do practices in the alpha state.
  2. It is important to visualize your desire regularly. 1-3 times a day.

In between practices, let go of desire. Live a happy life now. Be detached.

Otherwise, you are pushing your desire away. The point is to concentrate as much as possible on the intention during practice, fill it with energy, and then let it go.

Ask yourself what of your dreams you can already do now. And do it. Don't wait for the future. Enjoy the present moment.

For example, you attract travel. Do you dream of going to Spain? But at the moment you can’t afford it. Start small. Don't wait for your dream trip. Take a weekend trip to the nearest city or nature. Or explore the power spots in your area and travel to them.

If you dream of love, start loving yourself. Pamper yourself with gifts. Spend your leisure time the way you would like to spend it with your loved one.

If you live with your parents and dream of your own separate apartment, rent it for a month or a week or even for a weekend. Feel the thrill of freedom. This way you will attract your home faster...

  1. All senses must be involved.

When you visualize a desire, be sure to invest in the process:

  • Smells, for example the smell of the sea, the aroma of her perfume...
  • Visual images, for example: blue sea, beautiful facial features, tall tree...
  • Auditory sensations, such as the sound of a voice, the sound of footsteps...
  • Gustatory, for example, sweet lips taste during a kiss.
  • 5. Tactile. For example, a warm scarf that feels good on the body makes me feel happy...

Also pay attention to what you do, how you behave, who is next to you, etc...

  1. Clear images.

As you already understood, the visualization must be detailed. As rich and specific as possible.

For example, you attract a dog.

What color is it? What breed? What kind of collar and leash is she wearing? What character? What do you feed her? Who walks with her and when? Where do you go for walks with her? What's her nickname? How does she greet you from work? Where does she belong? And so on...

Ask yourself these questions:

  • What do you see? For example, I see a black dog with beautiful brown eyes giving me a paw.
  • What do you hear? I hear her steps on the laminate floor. Her barking on command "voice"
  • How do you feel? Joy when she greets you from work.
  • What smells do you smell? The smell of freshness in the park while walking the dog.
  • What are the taste sensations? Feel the taste of the sausage that you share with your beloved pet...
  • And so on...

Work out your desire in detail. Write everything down. Then visualize.

  1. Extreme concentration and faith

When you practice visualization, it is important not to just passively pronounce, for example, beliefs or visualize for show, it is important to work with extreme concentration. No extraneous thoughts, no excitement. Only your dream, which you focus on during practice, live it, live it, feel it.

Without concentration, the power of thought is small, and you will waste time. Therefore, I remind you once again, friends, that before practice it is important to tune in, stop the internal dialogue, relax your body and calm your emotions. The blackhead exercise works great for this purpose. We looked at it in the first chapter.

If you have problems with concentration, develop it. Don't be lazy. For example, do regular meditations focusing on inhalation and exhalation. Or concentrate on some object, and in this case nothing should exist except you and the object you are looking at, studying it, merging with it as if into a single whole.

Concentration will also help you in everyday life. In your actions. You understand that visualization is not enough; in addition to mental work with images, emotions and energies, you need to act. And here it is important to keep focus on your goal. Concentrate on it, go to it with love.

And during visualization it is also important to include the energy of love. Do it from the heart, easily and playfully, but at the same time with awareness and powerful focus. In addition, the belief that the method works is important. Without faith, work has no power. Faith is a magic wand; it triggers the work of your subconscious in a certain direction and tunes you into a channel with a higher power. The Bible also says that to each according to faith. And so it is.

Here's an example:

2 people studied the same healing technique. One of them believed in her. He knew for sure that with the help of this practice he would be healed. He regularly entered into a trance and did it with one hundred percent dedication. He strictly followed the instructions, entered the ISS, turned off the word mixer... and recovered.

And the second one did the practice for show, had a lot of doubts, he did not follow the recommendations, did not immerse himself in a trance, did not relax his body... but he was still in a hurry to get somewhere, and miraculous healing did not happen.

You understand the difference. Catch it. It is very important. This is the key.

  1. Implementation Delay

Desires are not fulfilled immediately, but with a certain delay. Therefore, do not expect instant results, everything has its time.

  1. Final result

Visualize the desire as if what you really want has already materialized.

Emotions in visualization are fuel

As you already understand, for the effectiveness of visualization or any other technique, it is important to do it sincerely, from the heart, while putting emotions into your mental images.

Emotions are the energy that fills your desire.

For example, you attract love... And you apply visualization in everyday life.

You walk down the street and see lovers. What emotions do they evoke in you?

If you look at a couple in love and at the same time have indifference or even disgust, this means there is some kind of block inside you, you will not attract love into your life. You don't really want her.

You will attract even more indifference or disgust if you visualize with such emotions.

If you look at lovers and at the same time say inside yourself: “Wow, they look great, she is so happy. This is great)... Soon I will become happy and find my love! I feel it.... Then you you will actually meet her.

That is, in order to attract desire, passion for this desire is important. This cannot be described in words, friends, but I think you understand what I mean. This passion will attract what you visualize. At the same time, passion should be calm, without fanaticism. Since it is also important to be able to let go of desire, not to become attached to it.

By the way, since we are talking about visualizing love in everyday life, there is such a simple method in addition to the main practice.

Write your birth date. For example, the 10th.

Add the number 10 to the number. It turns out 100. Right? Fine.

You need to meet 100 happy couples holding hands. At the same time, imagine that you are walking with your beloved or loved one...

Be sure to monitor your feelings and thoughts during the visualization. They must be positive. Remember that the law of attraction always works and what is in your consciousness and subconscious is also around you.

Learn to recode thoughts and feelings and replace them with positive ones.

You should not visualize in a bad mood. Let off steam first, calm down, then practice mental magic.

What will desire give you?

Ask yourself: “What will your desire give you?” What emotions, feelings? Immerse yourself in these sensations. This is another key.

Expand this question further. Ask about the qualities you will acquire, what you will do, how you will behave, what you will say and how you will feel...

In addition, it is important to experience these sensations in the here and now. Not in the future when your dream comes true, but today.

For example, you want to raise money. What will this give you? Freedom, confidence, joy? Live these states, feelings and emotions now. Find methods that allow you to feel this in the present.

For example, freedom can be felt while walking in a field or traveling.

Confidence - doing martial arts, attending trainings...

Joy - communicating with close, positive friends...

Everyone is different, of course. The main thing is to understand the meaning. And you yourself will find what is close to you and what you need now.

What will you do with a certain amount of money? Travel? Help homeless animals? Renovate your apartment? ...Do it now. It may not be so extensive, but accept the little, it can also give the necessary emotions.

You can start small. Travel through the natural places of your region. Feed ducks or birds in the forest. Redecorate one room...

By the way, since we are talking about money, it is worth noting that many esotericists believe that it is better to attract not money, but what you need it for. For example, an apartment, a trip.

How to let go of desire

For visualization to work, you need to not get attached to the result. Let go. What does it mean?

You just know that your intention will come true. You have no doubts. You have a strong belief that you will achieve your goal.

You live in the present, experiencing joy today. You act as if the dream has already become a reality.

Just trust your subconscious and divine source. And take action, working on yourself and making your dreams come true.

You just know that your wish will come true, just as you know that summer or spring will come soon. Just know, just trust the universe and yourself, just go for it.

A Powerful Exercise to Build SUPERFAITH

It consists of 2 stages:

For 3 weeks, practice full breathing for 5 minutes:

Inhale – 3 seconds

Delay – 12 seconds

Exhale – 6 seconds

Delay – 12 seconds.

The inhalation should be complete: first, you inhale with your stomach, as if inflating it. Then fill your ribs and lungs.

When exhaling, also first exhale with your stomach, as if drawing it in, then release the air from your ribs and lungs.

After three weeks of yoga breathing practice, do the super-faith exercise:

First, carry out simple full breathing for five minutes, then bringing it to automaticity, mentally say:

“With every breath of cosmic energy, my body is filled with it and connects with my faith in achieving my goal. I absolutely know what (your desire). And nothing, neither from within nor from outside me, will prevent me from achieving what I want.”

Do this exercise for 1 month.

Rituals to let go of desire.

With your eyes closed, visualize your desire in a glowing ball on a ribbon. Fill this ball with your energy and release it, see how it flies into space.

If you have no desire to visualize the process of letting go of desire, you can try real actions.

For example, make a boat, write your wish on it and release it into the river, watching how it moves further and further away from you. Or buy a helium balloon, write your intention with a marker and release it into the sky in windy weather.

Additional tips for letting go of importance:

1. To let go of a desire, you should always have a backup option.

2.Use the method of switching to another desire. For example, you visualize one desire for 1 month, and then begin to attract another. Forgetting about the first. Letting him go. Then, after 30 days, you switch again to a new desire. And so on all the time. Imagine how many wishes you can attract in a year?

You can switch to a simpler desire, but such that it captures you and you forget about the first one.

Let’s say your main desire is on the topic of Attracting Money, you meditate according to all the rules for several days or a month, depending on individual characteristics and other factors, invest energy intensively, and then let go. And retune to a less important desire. You can imagine how your ex really regrets breaking up with you, seeing you so happy, successful and financially independent.

Practicing the development of visualization

If you do not see visual images on the mental screen, then develop your imagination abilities. Here are some good exercises:

1.After the emotion blocking and relaxation exercise, imagine a familiar object on your mental screen, for example a pear.

Look at the pear from different angles.

When you can see a clear image of the pear, try enlarging the image. Examine the peel, the color... pay attention to the details.

Then feel the smell of the pear, its taste. Eat it, feel that there is a lot of saliva in your mouth, then open your eyes.

2.Develop photographic memory. Place in front of you any object that pleases your eye, such as a stone or a mug. Contemplate it for 10 seconds. After closing your eyes, strive to see it on your mental screen. Do the exercise against a neutral background. The object should be at your eye level

3.Visualize the colors. For example, see a red ball and release it into the sky, then green, blue... If it is difficult for you to see color, then first you can write on each ball (mentally) the inscription: Red, green... With regular training you will learn to really see color shades.

4.See a geometric figure on your mental screen.

5.Learn to visualize your face and features. If it doesn’t work out, then first watch yourself in the mirror, then close your eyes and visualize.

You can also imagine the image of a person.

6.Visualize the forest. See on your mental screen the animals, the vegetation, the path you are walking along. Then add sounds and smells to the imagination process.

You can imagine other images associated with nature, for example, the seashore, a lake in the mountains, whatever is closest to you.

7.Practice guided visualization. Imagine what you want to attract.

Have you heard a lot about visualization of desires, but never used it? Try it, you will be surprised by the result. Many people think that this is stupidity, it’s not even worth starting. But you definitely have at least one case in your memory when you made a wish and asked the universe to make it come true. And it came true. So try again, believe me, you won’t regret it.

Write a list of goals

Before you start visualizing your desires, you need to understand them. You might be surprised, but many people don't know what they want. Yes, there may be some desires, but they are not clearly formed or even abstract. Well, how will you look for the love of your life if you have no idea what she should look like? Or maybe you want to change your job? What does your goal look like? Just change? But this is not a dream. You can dream about a position as a boss or about a promotion with a good increase in salary. And a simple change of place will definitely not bring you joy.

So if you seriously decide to engage in visualization, first you need to write down all your desires. What does everything mean? This means that you need to take this issue seriously and write down everything you would like to receive on a sheet of paper. This should include something global, such as a house, and something small, such as new gloves. And be sure to indicate intangible values, such as a good figure or a warm relationship with your parents.

But remember: a person has two types of desires, some are his own, and others are imposed. So, you need to learn to distinguish one from the other. For example, think about whether you need a car? Perhaps you want to have one because all your friends have personal vehicles? But you never wanted to get behind the wheel, and you never learned to drive. And such visualization goals are not amenable to visualization. So after the goals are written down, they should be sorted for the presence of ideas and ideas about a beautiful life imposed by someone.

Wish board

You have a list of things you would like to bring into your life. Now you need to make a collage of visualization of desires. What it is? This is a collage that you will make yourself. If you love handicrafts, then the vision board can be material. If cutting and gluing pieces of paper together is foreign to you, then you can make a picture in Photoshop and then put it on your computer’s desktop screensaver.

How to make a vision board? Find beautiful pictures that match your goals. If you want a car, download a photo of the model you want on the Internet. If you dream of a new job, then find a photo of a specialist who has achieved professional success in your chosen field of activity. Now these pictures need to be cut out. You may need to print them if you are making a physical rather than virtual collage.

How to correctly place visualization of desires on the board? First we post pictures and then add captions. You can attach motivational phrases or sayings from people who lift your spirits to your board. Glitter stickers or stickers will help you decorate your board. You can glue your cutouts to the board with funny faces or stars, or you can place the decor in a chaotic order between the pictures. You can use any available material as decoration: shells, beads, beads, etc.


Visualization of desires begins with purification of consciousness. Do you not meditate and have little idea about this process? It's okay, Visualization Meditation is not some complicated spiritual practice. All you have to do is sit down and relax. At the same time, you need to let go of your obsessive thoughts that will appear every now and then. For example, you may suddenly remember that you didn't wash the dishes. No need to jump up and run to the sink. You will still have time to do this.

Making wishes correctly is not something complicated. After you have relaxed and let go of everyday problems, you need to imagine the desired item or object as clearly as possible. Feel it with your hand, feel the roughness or smoothness of the surface. Imagine it as if you already have it. If it's a car, try to imagine yourself driving down the road. You need to imagine the breeze that flies into the cabin from the open window, the smoothness of the steering wheel and the elasticity of the pedal.

Magic notepad

Have you heard positive reviews about visualizing desires? Perhaps your neighbor told you that she was imagining a new food processor, and on March 8th her husband gave it to her. And exactly the way she wanted. Although I used to say that now there is no money, and the purchase is not the most budgetary. After such inspiring words, I want to test the magical effect for myself.

Create a wish visualization calendar. What will it be? Take a notepad and write down something simple in it. For example, today is December 30th, and you want it to snow tomorrow, on New Year’s Day. And then tomorrow comes, you look out of the window, and there it is white and white. You should open your notepad and write thank you. Who are you thanking at this moment? The universe, God, a mysterious force - it doesn’t matter. Thank anyone you want, the main thing is to do it sincerely.

When your first wish comes true, write the other two. Don't think of anything serious right away. You need to start with pleasant trifles. Write thank you every time, and increase the number and complexity of your wishes. There is no need to describe anything in detail here. Try to fit your thought into one, maximum two sentences.

Thoughts come true

Once goals are written, they need to be released. You need to replay them in your head, but not every second. Imagine that you bought boots. Yes, today it makes you happy, and tomorrow too, but the day after tomorrow putting on boots will become a routine that you will stop noticing. The same should be true with desires. You remember them, you have them, but you don’t need to keep them in your head all the time. Let them go so you can come up with new ones. Here we need to talk in general about the thoughts that a person scrolls through his head. You can't think in a negative way. Don't wish anyone harm. Better focus on establishing positive thoughts. Think about the good, imagine the good and try to look at any situation in a positive way. Has your wallet been stolen? But there was no money there, it’s all stored on the card that you blocked. There will be a reason to get something new.

People leave only positive reviews about the visualization of desires. They learn to look at this world positively and not despair. After all, there is always someone to rely on. If you run out of your own strength, you can rely on the universe. She will always solve all problems in the best possible way.

Trust paper

And desires are possible when your desires are formed. You wrote them down in a list and pasted the pictures on the board. Now you should describe each dream in detail. Do you want shoes? Describe them. Should they be high heels or not? Perhaps they should be decorated with a clasp. Be sure to indicate whether you want a model in leather or suede.

The same must be done with all, even great desires. For example, you want a house. You should imagine it visually and write everything on paper. Imagine walking into your dream home. What kind of door will it be? What will you see in the hallway? Be sure to write down what color the chest of drawers should be, what material the floor will be made of, how many floors there should be in the house, how many rooms. Then think about the patio. Will it be big? Or maybe there will be a vegetable garden or garden? You will have a garage or shed to store all the necessary things.

The more detailed you describe your dream, the more you will believe that you already have it. And this will help the desired object or item become a part of your life.


There are quite a few techniques for visualizing desires. One of them is script writing. Do you like watching movies? But more than one screenwriter is working on its creation. So our life is created by someone from above. But you can take your script writing into your own hands. Is there something you don't like in life? Adjust this.

You should start by describing your ideal morning. Again, here everything needs to be detailed. Write down where you want to wake up, in what bed, who should lie next to you, what view will be from the window. The more details, the better. Now write down what you will do after getting up, for example, drink water and go to the gym. The evening, and then the whole day, should be described in the same way. Then describe your ideal week. Next, work on the scenario of the month, and then the year. All that remains is to look step by step at your next 5 and 10 years of life. Write down what you want to achieve by retirement. Many people don’t understand what they spent their lives on because they weren’t going anywhere.

Write your script and don't show it to anyone. Let it lie somewhere in a secret place. For example, next to the magic notebook. Believe me, after some time it will begin to come true. First in parts, and then the whole thing. Don't forget to re-read your script from time to time, simply refreshing it in your memory or slightly editing it to suit changing life conditions.

Daily practices

Are you wondering how to properly materialize thoughts? Visualization of desires requires daily practice. You don't have to sit all day long and meditate on your dreams. 15 minutes in the morning and the same amount of time in the evening will be enough. But every day. Training must be regular to achieve solid results. After all, to do the splits, you need to stretch your muscles. So it is here. The more often you tune in to the desired wave, the better. But this should be a conscious attitude, and not a time allocated in fits and starts during the working day. This is the main secret of visualizing desires.


How to materialize desires correctly? Visualization is a good thing. She has several techniques. One of them is affirmations. What it is? These are short positive statements with which a person can set himself in the right mood. What might they sound like? For example, if you lack self-confidence, and you want to become the life of the party or a leader among your friends, you can repeat the phrase: “I am brave and strong. I always succeed and things go uphill. People love me and are ready to follow me.” me".

Note that you need to pronounce the phrase as if the necessary qualities are already inherent in you. When talking about visualization of desires, one cannot fail to mention that they only work if you read them clearly and thoughtfully. If you run your eyes over the leaf and hide it in the table, you won't succeed. Remember, even the strongest and most successful individuals need the right attitude, because it’s half the battle.

be careful

We have discussed how to correctly visualize desires in the form of a board, notepads and positive statements. Now you need to open up to this life and accept the fruits of your activities. Remember the hackneyed phrase that when one door closes, another always opens? This always happens. But people often do not want to notice the door that has opened. They want to close it, because everything new is scary.

For example, a person works in a bank and does not expect a promotion in the near future. And during the lunch break, he meets a school friend who tells him that they need a young specialist for their job. But the bank employee doubts that his candidacy is suitable. Therefore, he will refuse this opportunity to change jobs.

Try to understand that visualization works whether you like it or not. If you dream of a new car today, you may crash your old one tomorrow. And then, willy-nilly, you will be able to buy a new car. How to correctly visualize desires is described above. Therefore, do not allow negative thoughts to prevent troubles from happening to you on the way to your dream.


You've learned how to visualize your wishes, now think about how to say thank you. Gratitude is very important, even if you say it to the universe, God or karma. It doesn't matter to whom. Did you get what you wanted? Say thank you sincerely. It doesn't have to be anything like prayer. It should feel more like clearing your mind. The universe heard you and gave a signal, send it feedback that you accepted the gift and the transaction was successful.

But immediately noticing all the gifts of fate is quite problematic. Therefore, you can start by doing a simple exercise in the evenings. It's called a "candle". If you have been to children's camps, then you know what it means. You need to light a candle and start remembering what good happened to you on this day. What wishes of yours came true, and what progress were made towards them? Think about all the surprises the day has brought you. They might not even have been very pleasant. But remember, nothing happens by chance. Therefore, if some event knocked you out of your routine, think about what it could mean. Simple observation combined with gratitude strengthens your faith in visualization, and therefore helps your wishes come true.

In the world there is a huge number of all kinds of trainings, teachings, ceremonies and rituals to attract material wealth and love into your life. But perhaps the most popular method of all is visualization of desires. Interest in this topic does not fade; there are constant debates between supporters and skeptics. Let's try to figure out what it is - a myth or a really working method for fulfilling your desires.

The film provides detailed instructions on how to become successful, happy and rich, and provides a simple and accessible technique for visualizing desires.

10 rules for visualizing desires

  1. The golden rule of visualization is boundless faith. You must unconditionally believe in success. Expressions such as “I don’t believe” are replaced by the phrase “I am worthy”; You need to get rid of the attitudes of a loser. If a person is skeptical about visualization, with disbelief in the result, then visualization will treat him the same way.
  2. A correctly made wish is the key to success in this event. First of all, it must be purely individual. Making and visualizing the wishes of your girlfriends, friends, relatives is not comme il faut. The desire must be sincere, you must want it with every cell of yours. You need to clearly understand what you want. If you yourself don’t know exactly what you want, then the Universe has no idea.

    Therefore, the goal should have as many details as possible. For example, visualizing money will not have an effect if a person does not know exactly what amount he wants, in what bills and in what currency. You need to imagine in every detail how you hold the money, what color it is, how many bills there are. For the most part, people rarely just want money; as a rule, they are necessary to achieve some goal. If you need them to buy a fur coat, then it is more correct to imagine exactly the fur product, what animal it will be from, how long it will be, with or without a hood. In this case, the goal is a fur coat, not money. And how it comes does not matter - the Universe will take care of it. Maybe you will unexpectedly get your debt back, get a new high-paying job, etc.
  3. The desire should be the only one. You can’t waste your energy on too many “wants.” You presented your desire, got the result, then you can move on to the next one. Beginners are advised to master the technique using simple desires, and then they will be able to visualize wealth.
  4. Correct visualization of desires is a representation of the result, not the path to the goal. This rule is one of the most important; you need to trust the Universe itself to decide how to give a person what he wants. Thinking about how I will get what I want can create doubts.

    If your dream is to lose weight, then you need to imagine yourself as slim and graceful, and not as you puffing in the gym and dying of hunger on a diet. How can I become the owner of an apartment worth 3 million if my income is only 30,000 rubles? This is a doubt, which will later turn into disbelief, and, accordingly, the collapse of visualization. Therefore, the detailing of the process is the concern of the Universe, and human energy should be directed towards the final goal, in which case you can be sure of a successful outcome.
  5. We can only visualize what will happen directly to us. You can’t involve other people in this process; maybe they don’t need it. You can do whatever you want with yourself, but making specific people participants in your visualization is regarded as violence. For example, if your task is to visualize love, and you want to get married with all your heart, then you cannot imagine what -a real person: it’s not a fact that your dreams coincide. You need to imagine the wedding procession, the dress, the rings, the feeling of your happiness. If your goal is to find a new high-paying job, don’t imagine Bill Gates calling you. You can imagine in detail the office, reception area, meeting rooms, or at least the company logo.
  6. You need to be a participant in the process. You can, of course, watch your happy film from the outside, or you can take direct part in it. You painted it in your imagination for yourself, which means you are the main actor. If your dream is to conquer mountains, then you don’t need to imagine how some people climb rocks, because you are the bravest climber, and it is you who is climbing Everest.
  7. Emotions are an obligatory companion to visualization. When imagining your desire, you need to feel, touch, and hear. If you want to visualize a piece of pie, then you need to imagine its aroma, how you hold it in your hands, bite it, how it melts in your mouth.

    Attributes such as vouchers, tickets, marriage certificates, money must be touched with your hands. You should definitely remember the feelings that you experienced during your fantasies; they should bring pleasure. For example, if you dream of going to the sea, you need to imagine the spray of waves; imagine seagulls soaring in the sky; pleasant salty smell; how you swim in the warm sea, and pleasant bliss envelops your entire body.
  8. Regularity. Imagine your desire and watch your created video once ─ this is not enough. Quantity in this case is extremely important. The more often you watch the video, the faster the result will be.
  9. The ninth rule is to let go of the situation. It would seem that this point contradicts the previous one. And it consists in not constantly repeating to yourself: “Well, when? When the fulfillment of desires begins. Why isn't anything happening? According to experts, attachment to the result is the main problem for novice wizards. There is no need to wait for the result. The Universe itself will decide when this happens.
  10. If after a long time there are no results, it is necessary to conduct an analysis of thoughts. It is possible that some of them are blockers. It is necessary to find obstacles and eliminate them, and in some cases change the desire. Suppose a person dreams of starting his own business; but at the same time he is constantly overcome by fears and doubts that he will not cope with it and will ruin the business.

    And why then would the Universe give its business to a person who will only earn himself a nervous breakdown? Or another example: a woman wanted a car only because all her friends had cars. She wanted to, but she doesn’t know how to drive well, she’s afraid to get behind the wheel, and in general, driving with her husband is much more comfortable and safer. Naturally, in this case, visualization will not give results. In this case, it is better to change your desire or get rid of your fears.

Execution technique

Having imagined your innermost desire, you need to close your eyes and completely relax. Then you should begin to mentally imagine a picture associated with your wish. For 10 - 15 minutes, completely immerse yourself in the world of your illusions. Imagine what is happening not in the future, but in the present, as if you have achieved what you want and are enjoying the result. Be sure to engage your senses, let go of your imagination and create your own amazing happy movie in your subconscious.

Some gurus and trainers recommend conducting such sessions three times a day. The time of day is not particularly important; but, according to “experienced” ones, morning hours are the most ideal time for holding an event. And don’t forget that a prerequisite for successful visualization is complete relaxation.

Vision board

Sometimes a person imagines something one thing, but as a result gets something else. To prevent this from happening, you need to formulate your fantasies specifically and accurately. In such cases, pictures are ideal for visualizing desires. You can use photographs where the desire is outlined to the smallest detail.

From an energy point of view, pictures drawn with your own hand are much better, because they will be literally saturated with the artist’s energy.

To make wishes come true, a wish visualization board and a map are used. In fact, they are not much different. The board is a kind of dynamic medium on which your desires can be modified and adjusted. To create it, you can use cardboard, fabric, board, whatman paper. On the board - always in the center - there must be a photograph of its owner. Moreover, he should look happy and smiling in the photo. Pictures of wishes are placed around the photo of the owner of the board. It can be done in a chaotic manner.

The desire visualization map is static and cannot be modified. It is created for a certain period of time, and then replaced with a new one. Another difference between a card and a board is the location of desires. All photos are arranged in certain sectors ─ this is a kind of visualization of desires according to Feng Shui. The map must be made strictly on the waxing moon. A sheet of paper is divided into 9 squares.

The very center symbolizes the health zone. It is in this square that you need to place a photo in which you are captured happy.

Above the health zone is the glory zone; Pictures symbolizing success are placed in it.

Below, under the health zone, is the career sector. This is where they put the image of who they would like to become.

Wealth zone ─ upper left corner. Everything related to money is pasted into this square.

Below, under the wealth zone, the family zone has found its place. It’s easy to guess that pictures of happy married couples with or without children are pasted into this square, depending on the wishes of the owner of the wish card.

In the lower left corner, under the family zone, is the wisdom and knowledge zone. It influences the success of learning processes. Photos of diplomas or people radiating happiness while receiving an education are appropriate here.

The upper right corner is responsible for love relationships. It is allowed to paste photographs of loved ones or couples in this place.

Under the love sector is the creativity zone. Pictures of hobbies that you would like to take up are pasted here.

The lower right sector is responsible for travel and assistants. Photos of cities and countries are posted by travel enthusiasts. Images of saints are placed in this sector if help is needed.

Example map for creating a vision board

Before you make a map, you need to think about its dimensions. The larger the image of the desire, the faster it will come true. Vision cards and vision boards can also be made on a computer using Photoshop and online services. It is advisable not to show your creation to anyone, because this is a purely personal item. To make your wishes come true, it is best to contemplate the created masterpiece 2 times a day - before going to bed and after. After the wish has come true, you must carefully remove the picture, hide it in a special box and thank the board.

Every person, even the most inveterate skeptic, at least sometimes imagines in his head an image of what he wants. For some it’s a luxury car, for others it’s the birth of a child.

Essentially, it's not what you want to achieve that matters, but how you do it. Some people make every effort to get at least one step closer to their dreams, others lie on the couch and dream about what they want all day long.

But the point is that these two paths need to be combined! When active actions are supported by visualization of desires, the chances of success double.

Rules for visualizing desires

Visualization is the ability to imagine a vivid image of a certain object, person or phenomenon. We all have an imagination that can paint our dreams in all colors in our heads. So why not take advantage of this opportunity given to us by nature?

Many confirm that visualization of desires helped them a lot in making their dreams come true. How it works? Constantly replaying in our head the image of a dream come true, our feelings and emotions in connection with this, we thereby tune ourselves into the same wavelength as our dream.

Our subconscious gets used to this way of thinking, and then we sometimes unconsciously choose from millions of possible options those that will bring us closer to the fulfillment of our dreams.

How to visualize desires correctly? There are several rules that, if followed, will help you achieve amazing results.

Rule 1. Precise wording

If you want the Universe to help, you need to accurately “voice” it. To do this, the formulation of your current desire must meet the following requirements:

  • use the verb in the present tense (not in the future or past);
  • do not contain the negative particle “not” and the word “want”;
  • contain a specific description of what is desired.

For example, a correctly formulated desire for subsequent visualization should look something like this: “I get the position of head of a department with a salary of …” (insert your amount instead of the ellipsis). Incorrect options: “I want to get a managerial position”, “I will not work in the same place.”

Maximum specificity will help you reproduce the image in your head in more detail.

Rule 2. Visualization of a dream come true

It is necessary to imagine the already achieved goal, and not the steps towards achieving it. This will help you enjoy success, albeit imaginary, relax and be in a positive mood.

It is not so important what actions you take to bring yourself closer to your goal - give fate the reins. Of course, one cannot rely only on providence, but one should not underestimate it either. Using the visualization of desires and imagining a vivid image of a dream come true, you start the process of attracting what you want, and the whole Universe begins to help you.

Imagine your feelings, emotions, the joy of owning a desired thing or the happiness of fulfilling your dream. These positive vibes will definitely help you move forward.

When visualizing your dream, be sure to imagine it from your own perspective, as in real life. Feel the joy of fulfilling your desire, enjoy its consequences. There is no need to imagine yourself from the outside - this way you will not be able to feel true ecstasy and tune in to the right wave.

For example, if you want to buy an apartment, imagine how you first enter it, what the decor is like, what kind of wallpaper and furniture it is. Feel that you no longer need to live in a rented apartment, present signed documents for ownership. But you must see it all with your own eyes. You don't have to imagine the view from the outside, you need an image from inside your consciousness.

Each person imagines the fulfillment of his desire in his own way: someone seems to be leafing through a photo album, while others are watching a movie. People who actively use visualization of desires say that “videos” are more effective than photographs.

It is very important to create in your head the basis of a video called “A Dream Come True.” To do this, it is better to choose a moment when you can be alone with yourself and imagine in detail how it will be. If you find it difficult, try to imagine the answers to the following questions:

  • How will you react to your dream coming true?
  • Who will you tell first about such important changes? How will these people react?
  • How will your life change after this wish comes true?
  • Where will you be when you achieve your goal?

Rule 5: Use your senses

It is not for nothing that a person is given the opportunity to hear, see, smell, taste and touch. Try to use them all to visualize your dream more vividly.

Let's say you want to go to Brazil for the carnival.

  • Hearing: “play” upbeat music in your visualization video.
  • Vision: imagine all the rich colors of the Brazilian carnival, colorful costumes, fireworks at night.
  • Smell: feel the smell of flowers, the sea, and national cuisine being prepared nearby.
  • Touch: Feel the feathers on the dancers' costumes.
  • Taste: Taste the treats offered to carnival guests.

Rule 6. Regular visualization of your desires

Like any other thing, visualization will only be effective if it is repeated regularly. The more often you imagine your dreams coming true, the faster they will come true.

Choose a specific time that you can devote to visualizing your desires. 5-10 minutes are enough for this. It is better to set aside morning hours for this: at this time you are full of strength and energy, and have a positive attitude.

Try to use every free moment to think about your dream. For example, when you are traveling in public transport, waiting in line, or having lunch alone.

Now that you can visualize your dream in detail, it's time to make a vision board.

It will help you achieve your goal faster, and will also remind you to visualize your dream regularly. Hang it in a prominent place so that you can be inspired anew every time you pass by.

You don't need any special skills to work, just follow these small step-by-step instructions.

  1. Gather everything you need:
  • whatman;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • markers;
  • a stack of glossy magazines.
  1. Decide what you want to see on the board (for example, if you want to receive a certain amount per month, you can stick images of banknotes and coins everywhere, and write the slogan in the middle: “My monthly income is 100,000 rubles.”
  2. Look through magazines to find suitable pictures and cut them out.
  3. Paste the pictures onto whatman paper in any order you like.

Help your dream come true

In order for your wish to come true, just visualizing it will not be enough. Even if you continuously replay a video in your head about how happy you are at achieving your own goal, but do not take any active action, the Universe will not help you.

The forces of providence will take your side only if you prove that you really deserve it. Make an action plan, divide it into its component parts and regularly take small but important steps towards achieving your plans. Trust that the Universe will help you.

Of course, everyone has troubles in life that can lead them astray from the intended path and overcome the will to win. At such moments, it is important not to give up, but to continue working to achieve your goals - this is the only way to achieve success. Luck falls into the hands of few people; it must be earned.

Visualizing your desires will help you get on the right path, remember why you want to achieve this, and stay on the road you are on. The technique of presenting what you want helps you not to lose the spirit of victory, which many people lose when they encounter obstacles on their way to the goal.

Visualization helps us attract the fulfillment of our dreams, but only those who are ready for this can grab the bird of luck by the tail. Be alert, use the opportunities that fate offers you to bring the day of meeting your dream closer. The main thing is to sincerely believe that your dream will come true.

Olga, Moscow

Psychologist's comment

In recent years, quite a lot has been said and written about the visualization of desires: there are ardent supporters - who succeeded in something, there are ardent opponents - who did not succeed, there is a neutral side - with a range of all possible options for unseen interest.

In order to avoid purely value judgments and look at the issue objectively from the point of view of the basic postulates of psychology, let us first outline several important points:

  1. The foreign term “visualization,” which has widely and firmly entered our lives with the book and film “The Secret,” essentially means nothing more than a mechanical type of imagination (the development of which in the old days was a prerequisite for the school curriculum).
  2. The ability to visualize is initially determined by the natural ability of a person (who is lucky to be born a “visualist”), for everyone else it is trained in practice, like any other skill.
  3. Visualization itself is not a panacea for ills and not a way to achieve what you want - it is only part of a set of measures aimed at achieving the goal.
  4. Understanding the difference between visualization as a tool for “getting closer to what you want” and escaping into illusion helps you avoid extremes.
  5. Without a precisely formulated goal, no visualizations can achieve it.
  6. Until the risks are “assessed” and the internal barriers to achieving the goal are not worked out, visualization will not be successful.
  7. A set of measures to achieve a goal should be as balanced and effective as possible, tailored to the request of an individual with all the individual characteristics of its manifestation.

So to be or not to be Visualization?! As a specialist, I will undertake to assert that in any case, visualization is useful and important: both the imagination develops and reinforces a person with positive emotions, therefore, as part of the commentary, we will focus on the practical approach = What? + For what? + How? It is worth doing so that visualization becomes not a common tool, but an integral part of a comfortable lifestyle.

Step 1. Determine whether you were born “visual” in order to objectively understand “Why do others succeed, but I don’t?!”

  • Answer the questions below "Yes"/"No"
Statement Yes No
1. I love watching clouds and stars
2. In a car, color matters to me
3. I attach serious importance to appearance
4. When I have time, I like to watch people
5. When I see clothes in a window, I know that I will feel good in them
6. I like to read while eating
7. I take a lot of photographs willingly
8. I can easily give money for flowers, because they brighten my life.
9. I try to write down my personal affairs
10. I attach importance to the way others dress
11. I like to watch TV and videos
12. Even years later I can recognize faces I've ever seen
13. On vacation I don’t like to visit architectural monuments
14. I can't stand the mess
15. I believe that the atmosphere in a room depends on the lighting
16. I enjoy visiting galleries and exhibitions
  • Calculate the number of points scored (“Yes” = 1 point).
  • If you score 13 or more points, the visual channel is the leading type of perception, from 8 to 12 - not clearly expressed, 7 or less - not expressed.

Step 2.
Having determined whether the visual channel of perception is leading for you, take it for granted:

  • if you are a visual person, then with the correct organization of the process, visualization is one of the most effective tools for self-motivation;
  • If you are not a visual person, then, firstly, you should not be upset, since any skill, including visualization, can be developed by any adult at any time with a conscious need and desire. And, secondly, visualization will be effective for you, but not to the same extent as for a natural visual artist - you have other effective channels for self-motivation.

Step 3. Check with simple exercises how much you can really visualize:

  1. Exercise 1. Start by visualizing colors. Fill your brain with red, green, blue... Focus all your attention on keeping the color bright and pure.
  2. Exercise 2. Try to visualize familiar geometric shapes - such as a circle, square, triangle. Change the size, shape and color of an object. Rotate the object mentally. If you are experiencing difficulties, do not despair or become discouraged. Experience is a gain.
  3. Exercise 3. Visualize a three-dimensional object: a chair, a ball, a tomato, a cup. Place the image at a distance of 0.5 - 1.5 meters in front of you, relax and study it. Close your eyes and visualize again, trying to include as much detail in your image as possible. Relax even more and let your brain create an image without critical evaluation.
  4. If you are good at it, feel free to start visualizing on your chosen topic. If not, I recommend practicing the skill daily until you get positive results in the form of visualization without stress, then move on to creating the desired images.

Step 4. Decide on a goal - this is the most important point in the entire range of activities.

Be careful: firstly, our desires are not always our true goals, and secondly, very often in practice there is a substitution of the concepts of “goal” and “task”, which ultimately leads to demotivation and disappointment.

Let's say you want to go to the carnival in Brazil».

In this version, it’s still just a “wish”, most likely inspired from the outside (for example, I saw a carnival in Brazil on TV, heard from friends who were there, looked at a photo in a glossy magazine).

In order for a goal to become true, it must be formulated in a two-sided format: “What?! +For what?!” I want. Without understanding why you need a trip to the carnival in Brazil, visualization, of course, can add positive emotions to life, but most likely it will not bring an effective result in the form of a trip: internal motivation for action will not work.

I recommend that you always SMART your goal by defining it as specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely, and also check for environmental friendliness (how achieving the goal will affect your life). I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this entire set of measures will help not only to correctly formulate the goal, but in the future will also serve as a real guide to creating a bright and detailed image.

Step 5. Formulate your goal correctly and precisely

  • Let's look at an example from the article: “ For example, a correctly formulated desire for its subsequent visualization should look something like this: “I get the position of head of a department with a salary of …” (insert your amount instead of the ellipses).”

It seems that everything is correct: the verb is in the present tense, the negative particle “not” is not present (formulated in a positive way), it contains a specific fulfillment of a desire... but the verb “I receive” is an imperfective verb, that is, a verb of a process, not a result! So imagine how for many years you have been visualizing an image where you get a management position, but in reality you never get it, because you are involved in the process and are not focused on the result...

Accordingly, the most optimal version of the verbal formulation (according to the principle “Whatever you call the boat, so it will float”) is “ I am a salaried department head…»

  • If the optimal transport for a trip to the carnival in Brazil is an airplane, and you have aerophobia, then any, even the most vivid visualization, created according to all the rules, will encounter an unambiguous subconscious resistance from the body. You will look at the picture, only actions to achieve the goal (in this case at the stage of buying a ticket) will be blocked by you.
  • If you want to be the head of a department, then you need to understand how ready you are not only to receive an appropriate salary, but also to long working hours, and to the option of strictly building business relationships between boss and subordinate with colleagues. Only in fairy tales can it be simple: Emelya, having lain on the stove all his adult life, was “revisualized” with the help of a pike to the point that he married Princess Marya and began to rule the kingdom. BUT a fairy tale is just a fairy tale, so as not to stoop to the daily reality of government with all its difficulties and vicissitudes; in life, everything is much more complicated from the point of view of responsibility for one’s choice.

Step 7. Based on objective readiness (Steps 1-6) and the appropriate internal mood, proceed directly to visualization. The brighter and more tangible the image, the more emotionally involved you will be in it.

Listen to yourself, record your feelings, add colors, sounds, objects until you are truly satisfied with what is happening. I agree that to complete the effect of “involvement” you need to be not an outside observer, but a direct “participant” of the event, which is usually called an associated view in psychology.

The main thing in this case is to “not burn out” in advance: I visualized and visualized and realized that in reality it is no longer interesting... In a word, in the process of getting pleasure from visualizing what you want, do not miss the joy of today “here and now.”

  • Perhaps it’s not so much the carnival itself that attracts you in Brazil, but the lack of vivid emotions and sensations that bothers you. Accordingly, you can start solving the problem small - identifying those areas where you can find and get the desired sensations nearby and without great expense - and this is really achievable. If you start small, the big thing will catch up in a spiral...

As in everything, in the process of visualization the very edge that is called the “golden mean” is important - it awakens interest, but does not create the effect of oversaturation.

In addition to the associated view “from the inside,” I recommend from time to time to practice the view “from the outside” (dissociation), which helps to objectively perceive reality.

Step 8. The author of the article is three times right in that visualization in no way cancels your real actions to achieve results, for which a balanced action plan is developed, which must be followed consistently and flexibly, adjusted for circumstances.

And, as they say, “on track” - folk wisdom from the famous Soviet film “Sorcerers” (truly everything new is well forgotten old): SEE THE GOAL - BELIEVE IN YOURSELF - DON’T NOTICE OBSTACLES. In my opinion, a real effective formula for success, where visualization plays an important role...

With wishes of good luck and success in your endeavors,

Oksana Popova, psychologist-consultant, business coach

All people have some desires. And we all want our wishes to come true in life, and ideally as quickly as possible. But not everyone knows that very often the reason for the failure to fulfill desires lies within ourselves - namely, in the fact that we do not know how to correctly formulate them and send them to the Universe. To comprehend the art of visualizing desires and understand how to visualize correctly, you will need to read this material.

Visualization is the process of creating images of what is desired in the human imagination. Visualization is one of the most powerful and at the same time easiest to implement tools to achieve your goal. It does not take up a lot of energy and time resources, while allowing you to achieve amazing results if performed correctly.

Secrets of successful visualization

Using the following useful tips, you will understand how to visualize correctly in order to attract the desired objects, people, things into your life - in general, absolutely everything that your soul desires.

Rule one. Competent wording

The more correctly you formulate your desire, the faster the Universe will hear it and the sooner it will begin to come true. If you set very vague and non-specific goals, then the chances of them being fulfilled are reduced to zero.

It is important that you know for yourself as specifically as possible what you would like to receive right now. Therefore, right now, without delay, begin to formulate what you want. In doing so, observe the following rules:

  • desires should relate only to the present time;
  • they must be devoid of negations and the words “I want”;
  • It is important that the desire is as specific as possible.

You can follow the following example: “I am receiving a gold bracelet as a gift.”

The word “receive” refers to the present tense (necessarily not to the past). And the word “golden” specifies your goal as much as possible. That is, you let the Universe know that you do not need jewelry, not a silver item, but gold jewelry.

Rule two. "Visualize the end result"

You will be required to fully focus on the final result, that is, on that time period when your desire has already come true, you have achieved your goal, and were able to make your dream come true.

Try not to get hung up on how your dreams will come true. It is not for nothing that they say that the Ways of the Lord are inscrutable, and the Universe is full of various blessings and riches. And she knows best what will be best for you, even if you have a completely different opinion. Don't try to limit the Universe by focusing on only one way to fulfill your dreams.

And by fixing your attention on the fact that the event has already happened, you automatically activate the Law of Attraction, which begins to attract into our lives what we are focused on at a given moment in time.

Rule three. You need to immerse yourself in the situation itself, and not be on the surface

Another rule of successful visualization is complete immersion in the situation. To do this, you need to place yourself on the internal screen of the created image. Then you will turn from an outside observer into a direct participant in the situation.

Remember that you should not be a spectator, but play a major role in your “work”. The effect will increase many times over if you experience all your emotions as if they had already happened in reality.

For example, your desire may sound like this: “I have an ideal figure” (if your desire is related to getting rid of excess weight. Then mentally you need to see your body without any visible flaws. Imagine how you, for example, acquire a beautiful clothes several sizes smaller than you wear today.

Rule four. "Video is more powerful than a picture"

There is a division of imaginary mental images into photos and videos. This means that you can see the final result either as a stable picture or as a video clip. It has been proven that the effect of a picture is weaker than that of a video.

Therefore, your task will be to create a short video material in your head in which your dream has already turned into reality. Think of your goal as something that has already been achieved. How will you behave at this moment? Will you feel an explosion of positive emotions around you, will you scream with satisfaction or act in some other way?

Here you can not be modest and show your imagination to the fullest. To this end, being in a quiet and calm environment, think about your dream. About its implementation. What will you do when it comes true? Where will you be? Will you be alone or with someone? Who will you share the good news with first? Be sure to add all your actions to an imaginary video clip regarding the realization of your deepest desire.

Rule five. "Use all your senses"

For a wish to become a reality, a certain amount of energy is required. Now it’s no secret to anyone that everything around is formed by energy, including human desires. And if you want your still mental dream to come true in physical reality, you will need to spend a certain amount of energy. To put it another way, this will be a kind of energy payment for realizing what you want.

Nothing can compare to an increase in energy like emotions. It is emotions that are the most powerful catalyst that activates the process of realizing a dream. Therefore, when you visualize your desires, you need to turn on your emotions to the fullest. Imagine that you have already achieved your goal and made your dream come true! And this is a reason to turn on the fun, start to rejoice, have fun, sing, dance - in general, enjoy life to the maximum.

Try to experience all kinds of positive emotions. To do this you will need to connect all your senses. If your goal falls into the material category, touch on it in your video. If you can smell it, do it. Consider it in the smallest detail. Add sound to your dream video, let it be as realistic as possible and as similar as possible to your everyday reality.

In this situation, you simply will not be able to restrain your emotions and you will not need to provoke them artificially. When your video clip is filled with positive emotions caused by the realization of your desire, you will be able to make significant progress in approaching the desired moment.

Rule six. “Repetition is the key to success”

If you resort to visualization only a few times, you are unlikely to achieve success. The process of visualizing what you want is a useful habit that must be acquired or developed. And in order to develop a habit, as you know, you need to repeat the same actions over and over again.

Interesting fact. Any action that is repeated twenty-one to forty times automatically turns into a habit.

Therefore, if you dream of something coming true in your life, you will need to make it a rule to regularly visualize your dream. To this end, you should constantly replay the compiled video in your head as often as possible during the day. At least twice a day - once in the morning and once again in the evening.

In this case, the morning is the most suitable time for practice. After all, at this time a person is filled to the maximum with energy, emotions and vitality. By the evening, we already waste most of our energy, but before going to bed, our subconscious opens up and you can easily put into it the invented “story of how your dream became a reality.”

Use visualization as often as possible throughout the day, every time you have a free minute of time. And, of course, do not forget that the more difficult and unrealistic your goal is, the more repetitions you will have to perform to achieve it.

Rule eight. "Hook for Consciousness"

Every time you need to activate your visualization, create for yourself a special anchor-beacon for your consciousness. For this purpose, you need to capture in your subconscious any frame from the mini-movie you created. Let this still frame be especially bright and etched in your memory. You can even call it something for greater convenience. When every opportunity arises, you will need to evoke this frame in the subconscious, it will begin to automatically trigger the “vision”.

And as a separate picture, such an anchor will help you detach yourself from what is happening around you and find yourself in a positive mood. The process will work this way: you remember the anchor beacon, as a result of this, the process of automatic visualization begins, positive emotions are highlighted, your mood improves, and as a result, you are one step closer to your dream!

Now you know how to correctly visualize your desires so that they come true in reality as soon as possible. We wish you success in this difficult task, and we also suggest that you finally watch an interesting and useful video on this topic:

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card: