What is my calling test. How to find your calling in life? Neatness, adherence to rules, etc., can develop to a paralyzing extreme. In addition, rationality, emotional dryness, conservatism in assessments prevent the Squares from quickly establishing

Still not decided on whom to go to study? This article is for you! Read: How Do You Find Your Calling?

Life is hard and unsightly ...

The overwhelming majority of people go to work just because they need to earn somewhere? 80% of employees serve their assigned working time, spending it in anticipation of weekends, salaries and vacations. Communication with colleagues and small holidays, get-togethers allow you to slightly brighten up workdays, but no more. The work itself is perceived as an inevitability, to which you have to get used to and try to find the pros, turning a blind eye to the minuses.

Why should you seek a vocation?

Of course, you can be relatively satisfied with your social and material status, realize yourself in a career, in a family, in a hobby, in relationships with friends. But if you manage to reveal your natural talent, find your calling, then you will know what it means to be a truly happy person. You will not need to be forced to stay late at work, enthusiastically doing what you love, you will not even notice how the working day flies by. Everyone knows this formula for a truly happy person - you want to go home from work, and from home - to work.

And by the way, doing what you love, you can become not only a happy, but also a wealthy person.

Smart employers hunt for talented workers, not skimping on offers.

As the director of one of the firms noted: “There are good, conscientious workers, they will do everything right, submit a report on time and will not miss anything. They will do exactly what they were instructed to do with a 5 plus ... And there are employees who behave disorganized, unpredictable - they can miss an important meeting, they will endlessly postpone the order, be late everywhere. It will seem to you that he is constantly "stupid" or just mocking ... But when you are already at the "boiling point" and are ready to kill him, he will finally present a project in which there will be so much creativity and new opportunities for the company that the result will surpass all yours. expectations ... "

Ideal: 2-3 talents, but who know how to organize themselves, form a powerful engine of any business idea.

What's stopping you from finding your calling?

A simple question to friends: "What would you be doing if money and social issues did not bother you?" - made many people think. A chemical engineer who has worked in a laboratory all her life suddenly said: "I would grow and sell flowers." What prevented you from doing what you love? Answer: "It all seemed frivolous to me - flowers." The girl, while still a schoolgirl, sewed well, the models were striking in their originality and sophistication of cut, but ... a dressmaker, a seamstress - it was not prestigious. As a result - a pedagogical university, work that does not bring pleasure, a modest salary, fatigue and a catastrophic lack of time for your favorite business - design and tailoring.

What thoughts prevent you from quitting everything and doing what you love?

- Now it's too late, it should have been earlier

- What if I can't make money on my talent?

- Who needs my talents?

- I need to feed my family, not deal with projects.

- There is a lack of qualifications and education.

- I'm not sure I know exactly my calling.

- I know little about the area in which I would like to work.

We suggest not to wait until the questions and problems of an unrealized person begin to poison your life, and start now. Let's try to define your talent! First, let's find out ...

What is talent?

Alexander Kruglov in his book "Talent" writes:

“... Indeed, everything that can be achieved by systematic hard work, that step by step, step by step, brings us closer to some desired result - may suddenly turn out to be completely unnecessary. Hardworking - "mediocrity". For the intervention of talent gives an unexpected result: it will carry you over hundreds of steps or completely ignore the ladder that the work climbed, will lead to a goal that you have never seen before. The work of talent is invisible, the consciousness knows nothing about it (more precisely, it can judge it only by indirect signs, often by a kind of boredom) ... "

“... Any talents are the ability to spend more energy than any diligence spends; this is the ability of special tension (with the naked eye not always visible), the ability to suddenly achieve from oneself the impossible, super-difficult ...

In general, talent cannot - "somehow". Everything is easy only for inept people. Talent is the understanding of the difficult. It is difficult for a talented person to learn what is easy for others and what is impossible for them .. "

“… Talent is easy, talent is from abundance, - so it is natural for a great talent to be both“ versatile ”and“ universal ”; noticing in a person a special talent for something, one can expect him in many other ways. It is hard to imagine that nature, which has turned out to be immensely generous to man in some way, will turn out to be very mean in all other respects ... "

From Wikipedia:

Talent- certain abilities and skills inherent from birth, which are revealed with the acquisition of skill and experience. Modern scientists distinguish certain types of talent that people possess to one degree or another. In the early 1980s, Howard Gardner wrote The Frame of the Mind.

In this book, he identified eight types of talent, intelligence:

    verbal-linguistic (responsible for the ability to write and read, inherent in journalists, writers and lawyers)

    digital(typical for mathematicians, programmers)

    auditory(musicians, linguists, linguists)

    spatial (designers and artists)

    physical(athletes and dancers are endowed with it, these people learn more easily through practice)

    personal(it is also called emotional, it is responsible for what a person says to himself)

    interpersonal (people with this talent often become politicians, orators, merchants, actors)

    environmental talent (trainers and farmers are endowed with this talent).

Choosing a profession, we do not always follow the call of our hearts, and the wrong choice subsequently leads to dissatisfaction with life. Work turns into hard labor. the choice of profession will tell you about your true vocation, help you understand in what kind of activity you can achieve the greatest success.

Look at the pictures, without hesitation for a long time, choose the image you like the most.

Profession test results

1. Writer, singer, actor, screenwriter. You are a very talented and creative person. Love travel and try to always be in the thick of things. Only by realizing your creative potential will you become a truly happy person. Office work from call to call, fetters you and does not allow you to develop.

2. Jurisprudence, medical practice, laboratory research. It is important for you to get to the bottom of the matter, to understand the true origin of things. Sometimes you are considered slow, but this is the wrong impression. You just need to make sure that your conclusions are correct. After all, you will not allow yourself to make a mistake.

3. Salesperson, businessman, art director. The talent to convince people is given from birth. You can convince a person of anything. The career choice test indicates well-developed organizational skills. Love to take risks and strive to change your life for the better in all available ways.

4. Military, trainer, masseur, police officer. You cannot imagine your life without sports. You live an active life and do not tolerate monotony. You make all decisions with lightning speed, you have an excellent reaction. You need a job where you can let off steam to the fullest.

6. Economist, auditor, inventory manager, trader. Most likely math, your favorite school subject. You are friends with numbers and love to count absolutely everything. The psychological test in pictures indicates an analytical mindset. You can easily convert numbers on paper into real income.

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Do you know what mistake the vast majority of people make when they cannot find their calling in life? They are asking the wrong questions. They ask: "How can I make money?", "How can I become rich?", "How can I start my own business?" Do you know why these questions are wrong? Because in them, people shift their focus from themselves to money. They don't think about how to find their calling in life, but only about how to earn so much money so that they can do what they want. With this formulation of the problem, they do not even think that it can be combined. Asking the question of how to make a lot of money, they are looking for ways to earn this very money with the means that they know and which can be put into their usual scheme and in accordance with their moral standards.

Looking for these very "ways", they do not take into account their desires (addictions, hobbies, hobbies). And what do they get as a result? A time bomb. Since there will still come a moment when they clearly understand that they do not want to do what brings them money. And then thoughts appear that everything is wrong: the wrong system, the wrong organization, the wrong product, the wrong people, etc.

Most people either do not understand what they really want, or do not want to honestly admit to themselves what they want for various reasons.

But in the world there is not a single person without any abilities that he can be proud of, the ability to produce, give birth to something new and beautiful, to enrich existence. There is not a single person who would come into this world empty.

Everyone must find their true calling in life ...

We list a number of criteria that will help identify and define your vocation:

1. Do you feel the Desire to do something? I want - the strongest law of life. If we want something very badly, then we always achieve it. Nothing and no one can stop I want.

2. Do you feel Interest in anything? Listen to yourself. We do not feel interested in what is not ours. The strong craving, the passion, the interest so strong when it can be difficult to break away from the activity - all these are the ways in which life pushes people towards their destination.

3. Do you get pleasure from what you do? When a person does something related to his talents, he feels pleasure simply from the process itself.

4. Do you see positive results of the activities you are doing? The tree itself is judged by its fruit. For example, ostriches do not hatch from chicken eggs, and apples do not grow on pines. Each essence naturally and easily gives birth to what is in it from the inside.

Simply put, if we do something well, there is a product, a fruit, a result - this speaks of what kind of "tree" we are, and what kind of abilities we have - what is our vocation in this life ...

5. Naturalness follows from this. Everything that we get naturally, easily and naturally is an indicator of our innate abilities and talents.

6. This is necessarily manifested by external evidence. A pear or an apple tree does not need to prove to everyone who they are, their fruits are already visible to everyone. People see ours and can appreciate them.

7. Do you feel the thirst for Progress? If we want to grow and develop in any direction, this indicates the talents associated with this direction. In that which is alien to us, progress does not interest us. And if circumstances force us to do this, then we resist unnecessary loads and demands.

Artists set a great example for us - they are passionately in love with their profession, the highest award for them is


Are you created to help people or rule the world?

What do you think is your destiny?

Each of us is born with certain potential, but not all realize it.

This simple test will help you discover your true passion, hidden talent, or career that could make you successful.

Not sure what your calling is?

Here are a few ways to find out about it.

How to find your calling

1. Pay attention to what interests you

Do you like to watch science fiction or are you interested in yoga, or maybe you noticed how you constantly draw some kind of squiggles during breaks from work?

What attracts you is a direct indication of your natural interest in the area. Try to dig deeper. Start reading more science fiction, take yoga classes, and complete your sketches into a full drawing.

2. Reflect on the past

What did you do in your childhood and adolescence to have fun? What did you dream about when you envisioned the future? What piqued your curiosity?

Try to remember as many of these moments as possible. Perhaps you have made some dreams come true, while others have remained forgotten. Write down what interests you so far.

3. Don't worry about the future

The worry that we won't be able to find the missing piece that makes us happier gets in our way. Try to focus on the present.

Think about what you will do now to do what interests you. If you put pressure on yourself, you will never get off the ground.

4. Pay attention to your feelings when doing something.

When you are doing something, how does it make you feel? When you go about your business, does it feel right to you, and you feel at ease?

If, in fact, you are not interested or seems to be an obligation, then this is not what you are striving for.

5. What do you come back to over and over again?

Perhaps you have multiple hobbies and interests that come up over and over again. Maybe you enjoy re-reading history articles, or you enjoy coming up with new dishes.

If you return to something, chances are good that it matters to you.

6. Change your regular routine

Well-established order kills creativity, because you live on autopilot.

By changing your environment, you may find yourself thinking differently, and in a different setting, you may become aware of things that you have not thought about before.

7. Try new things.

You won't be able to know what you like or dislike until you try it.

If something seems interesting to you, go for it. If you fail, you will know that this is not for you.

8. Try to say yes

It is very easy to turn away from new unexpected opportunities, but you never know what they will bring you.

Have you been invited to go to a concert by a band you've never heard of, or have you been invited to take a cooking class? Even if you don't like it, you will have a new, interesting experience.

9. Don't follow someone else's dream.

Many parents want their children to follow in their footsteps, and teachers can be confident that your success in biology will certainly promise a career as a successful doctor. However, if it doesn't interest you, do what you like.

This is your life, and while the pressure can be intense, the frustration and regret can be even greater.

“And why did I spend so much time and effort, straining my brains, answering how to find your destination, and missed your favorite show? " - now you can ask. But for what ...

Take your sheets crossed out along and across and look for at least two points for repeating spheres.

For example, in my question about a million there is a literary agency item; on the question of poverty - the bookseller; "The Rest of Life" - he finished the novel; "Favorite things" - to write articles and stories ... Thus, I have a sphere: writing, literature.

Anyway, before summing up the results of your work and answering the question how to define your purpose, take a look at how I did this, since it is easier to understand how the areas of activity are composed by an example (see the example in Figure 1).

Figure 1. An example of the derivation of areas of activity from responses vocational guidance test "Purpose"

And so, in the end, you should get from five to seven areas of activity (this is provided that everything is done correctly, that is, he responded with feelings, not brains). But again, people are all different - some may have more spheres, some may have less. The main thing is that they are. There is communication, music, cinema, physics, chemistry, computers ... As diverse as the world, there are so many spheres.

The questions put before you led you to the realization of the activity that attracts you. Even from birth, you are given certain talents and skills, through which you will have to realize creative energy and become a master of your craft, grow and develop. The Inner Voice helps you not to lose sight of your activity, reinforcing it feeling of interest... Simply put, what you are interested in is your path (of course, not counting artificial and grafted interests), your creative task. Whether you will follow the path of creativity and self-realization intended for you, or will you prefer to go to the hated, boring job day after day - another question. But the main thing is that right now, by answering the vocational guidance test, you could find out in what way, through what business, you should embody yourself... This test explains how to find your life's work.

Take another look at what you ended up with. Read each paragraph and imagine that your every day is filled with all these things. Which of the items on your list would you like to do every day, or at least most of your time? Imagine doing all this every day! You do it for a living. Isn't that great ?! Or is there something missing? Or maybe there is something superfluous in this list or some of the points you would not like to study every day? Listen to yourself, if you feel that something needs to be added, feel free to add. Or, on the contrary, what you want - cross out.

In general, it is desirable that you get a list, "delicious" so that you can salivate and really want everything to be exactly as it is written in the list. Take a break from the text right now and go through your list. Based on sensations (attraction and rejection!), Correct it - delete it and add it. Go…

Now take another look at the list and think maybe all the points can be combined into one thing in your life? For example, items - to communicate, have parties, travel, dance, can be combined into an item - an animator in a hotel or an organizer of celebrations? If not, then it doesn’t matter - the main thing is to do what you love, and in the activity they will form over time by themselves.

To make it easier for you find out your purpose, it is best to imagine and describe your ideal life.

My ideal life.

Let's play school with you. Do you remember how in childhood they asked compositions - "How I spent my summer." Only now you will need to write a little about something else - " My perfect life».

This is the most important stage. Because thanks to this composition, you will more clearly formulate the image of your work in life.

Imagine your ideal day like this in five years. How do you wake up (where? In your house, apartment? Alone, or with your beloved (oh)?) And plan today's business - both the creative part and the family, rest. Create an image so that everything is presented to the smallest detail, and the color of the wallpaper in the house, and the car driving to interesting work, and the taste of food. Don't limit your fantasies ...

Do not forget that the most important thing is to focus on your life's work... Constantly look at the points - they list your main desires.

Five years is a huge time. Whole cities are disappearing, new ones are being born. After five, you will have time to achieve everything you want (if it is God's will). So go for it!

And so, a pen in the teeth (more precisely, in the hands), a white sheet in front of you ... And oh yes, act - fill your life with creative realization.


The composition is written. Someone got half a sheet of paper, someone a pitiful half of a notebook - it doesn't matter (although of course it's better in more detail). The main thing is that the paper should be smeared with saliva and bitten a little - the dream turned out to be so “tasty”, because it captures the most interesting BUSINESS OF YOUR WHOLE LIFE.

Remember, it is interest that guides you in the right direction... Your task is not to be lazy and go where he points. Most likely, the list you have compiled is just a blurry outline of your true calling, but the fact is that

it is in the process of movement that your interests and further direction will be formed. "It arises dearly under the feet of the walker!"

If you, having written the list, will continue to come home and immediately sit down at computer toys or stare at the TV box, then naturally what purpose can we talk about ?! ACTION! Every day you do what you are interested in (what is captured on the list), the Inner Voice itself will correct your direction.

Naturally, on the way of your creative realization, many difficulties and tasks will arise, overcoming which you will be. Now, with your ideal life in front of you, DO AT LEAST SOMETHING to get closer to it.

All in your hands!