We shoot the game "on a ruler. Shooting Shot Game

To buy game - to chagrin after meeting with semi-literate people who will be talking complete nonsense. Shooting game in a dream is a sign of love victory and success in business. Broken or spoiled game, seen in a dream, portends failure. For lovers, such a dream predicts that they will soon find out about the betrayal of a loved one. There is game in a dream - a sign of victory over enemies, success in a difficult matter and obtaining a state.

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Dream interpretation - Arrow

Symbolizes purposefulness.

Holding arrows in your hands: a sign that you are ready to implement your ideas.

If the arrows in your dream are rusty: this is a sign that you are too slow to implement certain plans and risk missing a favorable moment.

Broken arrow: portends failure in business. Perhaps some kind of misunderstanding or conflict will prevent you from realizing your intentions.

Pick up someone else's arrow: means that someone from your environment has any plans at your expense.

If the arrow looks pretty: these plans may turn out to be good for you.

If someone else's arrow does not cause you positive emotions: such a dream usually portends a conflict.

Interpretation of dreams from

The most important thing in hunting is, first of all, to find the game, then to shoot at the target, and the last - to find the prey. If at least one point is not fulfilled, then the hunt loses its meaning, and, by and large, no hunt is obtained. The most exciting part of the hunt is a good, accurate shot. We will talk about him.

What is Ruler?

Every novice hunter can be recommended to read the book by P.V. Sergeeva "Hunting rifle line". This will make your first steps on the hunt more confident and successful. Unfortunately, there is no exact information where the "Ruler" was published. But it can be found in the books of the 20s-30s, where the "ruler" is a series of tables.

The first table shows the charges of shot and gunpowder, then many hunters used this particular set. Now hunters prefer smokeless powder. Then the charge speed will reach 400 m / s. But black powder has a lower speed. But for calculations it won't matter.

In the second table, where it is indicated, what are the numbers of the fraction to shoot at the game, nothing changes for our time. Only one point needs to be clarified: it is not recommended to shoot the black grouse with shot number 8. This can be done only in August in a certain stance.

The third table gives formula for calculating the size of the lead.

You can determine the amount of lead by the formula:

Y = Vv * t , where

Y- the amount of lead, m;
Vv- target movement speed, m / sec;
t- flight time of the shot to the target, sec.

In the fourth table, everything is clear anyway, without unnecessary explanations, but it is imperative to look at it before each hunting trip.

In the fifth table, unnecessary comments are also not needed.

In the sixth"Aim points"you can find a lot of useful information.

In the seventh table "Indicator of the movement of targets during the flight of the fraction" the same information as in the fourth, only the estimates are given in meters. It is important to consider only the cartridge and the gun you are using. Having well equipped the cartridge, and using the plastic container correctly, the table can be shifted by just one column with the fraction numbers, from 5 to 0. To enhance the effect, sprinkle the fraction with starch, cover with a thin layer of paper and tighten with an asterisk. The shot will be guaranteed to be more heap and further.

If there is no container, then it will be replaced by a cylinder made of our own made of thick paper. This cylinder should be wrapped around the rod used to send the wad and the bottom should be reinforced. Then everything is done as usual. This is the finished cartridge. Only the recoil during the shot will be more powerful. Do not be alarmed, it means that you did everything right and the cartridge has good sharpness.

The eighth table shows the lethality of the shot at different distances, in meters.

There is one more recommendation. If you personally equip cartridges, then it is better to take wads from felt and take a thicker gasket for gunpowder, even better if it is polyethylene. The gasket must be made of polyethylene if the wads are wood-fibrous.

A polyethylene container for a cartridge will help to shoot down the game at a distance of up to 70 m, but it will only be difficult to hit the target and then find the bird itself without a dog. Therefore, such a cartridge is rarely used by anyone. They are suitable for hunting hares and geese. However, the distances are not always that great. Meadow and marsh game flies low, 10-20 meters above the ground. Then the standard cartridge often leads to misses due to its accuracy, and the game can burst.

There is a so-called "forest patron" for this. Use only felt wads. The fraction is divided into three equal parts. You can take more gunpowder, shorten the sleeve. Such a charge shoots well and accurately at a distance of 25 meters, even if you don't aim well, whoever is lucky will knock down the game and even 40 meters. It is well suited for the first shot when pulling. Use a fraction no more than 6.


SHOOTING, shot, shot.

1. Killed with a firearm; ant. crushed in 2 values. (hunt.). Shooting game.

2. The one who was shot, who was under shots. "The shooting crow is afraid of the bush." talk

|| Fought in battles, fired upon (colloquial). Shooting soldier.

3. One that has already been fired from is not new or used. Shooting gun. Shooting casings.

❖ Shooting sparrow (colloquial) - the same as a shot bird (see bird).

  • - Russian writer, publicist. In prose and articles devoted mainly to the everyday life of the village, he turns to social and moral problems ...

    Big encyclopedic dictionary

  • - who is very experienced, experienced. It is understood that smb., Having been through various alterations and difficult situations, has acquired a "bitter" experience and has become cautious and cunning ...

    Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

  • - Simple. The same as the old wolf. F 1, 73; SPP 2001, 22 ...
  • - Spread. Shuttle. About an experienced, experienced person who is difficult to deceive or outwit. FSRYa, 78; BMS 1998, 98; Mokienko 1990, 93; Glukhov 1988, 154 ...

    A large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - Psk. The same as the poisoned animal. SPP 2001, 41 ...

    A large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - SHOOTING, th, th. 1. About game: shot, not crushed. Shooting partridges. 2. Such, to-rogo shot. S. sparrow. Shooting bird. 3. Was in combat, fired upon. Soldier s. 4. Used for shooting ...

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - SHOOTING, shooting, shooting. 1. Killed with a firearm; ant. crushed in 2 values. ... Shooting game. 2. The one who was shot, who was under shots. "The shooting crow is afraid of the bush." talk ...

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - firing adj. 1. Killed or mortally wounded with a firearm, not crushed. 2.dep. Having been in battles, under shots; fired upon. Ott. transfer Seasoned, experienced. 3 ...

    Efremova's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - page "...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - an experienced, seasoned man Cf. "Saddle up!" - Vadim shouted ... Dal. New paintings of Russian life. 18, 4, 3. See the old sparrow on the chaff cannot be fooled ...
  • - an old sparrow - an experienced seasoned, runny man Wed. "Saddle up!" - Vadim shouted ... Dal. New paintings of Russian life. 18, 4, 3. See the old sparrow on the chaff cannot be fooled ...

    Explanatory phraseological dictionary of Michelson

  • - Spread. Iron. He has endured a lot, a seasoned and cowardly person. - Read it. You see ... "Stay on the surface" ... So there is depth ... This matter will be more complicated. Goshka Damn it won't split right away. ...

    Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

  • - ...

    Word forms

  • - seasoned, seasoned, well-worn, experienced, experienced, seasoned, scientist, wise, barefoot, grated, sophisticated, tempted, sophisticated, used, fired upon, shot, being in alterations, ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - n., number of synonyms: 40 great experience behind him a seasoned person who has been in trouble, a seasoned person, all the moves and exits knows all the moves and exits, he knows the cards in his hands ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - n., number of synonyms: 37 great experience behind him a seasoned person who has been in trouble, a seasoned person who knows all the moves and exits knows all the moves and exits he knows and the cards in his hands ...

    Synonym dictionary

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In Russia, the game season lasts from late September to late November. Alexey Markovsky, the chef of the Grilyazh restaurant, tells about how to choose big game and what to cook it with.

- Let's first define, what is big game?

- Big game is the meat of wild animals that jump and crawl, that is, those who do not fly. We will talk about deer, hares, wild boars, goats, elks and bears. First of all, I would like to emphasize that there can be Russian and imported game. Our game is real, wild, shooting. This means that she lived in natural conditions, ate what she found in the forest, perhaps even got sick and recovered herself. And then the hunters shot her. And imported game is called semi-cultivated because it lives in special reserves - forest lands, people watch it, feed it and treat it if it gets sick. Our game meat is more juicy and aromatic than imported. If the meat of our boars is dark chestnut, then the meat of foreign ones looks more like a pork loin in color. In addition, abroad there are certain slaughter standards - if in Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia it is possible to shoot animals, then in other countries shooting is either allowed with a lot of reservations, or is prohibited at all - animals are caught and killed with an electric shock, it is believed that this is more humane.

- But our shooting is officially limited ...

- Well, that's the point, it's official. And unofficially? I heard that there were 18 thousand foresters in the Union at one time. Do you think this is enough to control our vast forests? And now there are only three hundred of them ... But here it is extremely difficult to get good game even in the season itself. Our hunters do not know how to do the primary harvesting of game and do not know how to transport it. They bring game to the city dry and weathered, well if not spoiled. In order to bring good quality game, a number of necessary procedures must be followed. So, having shot the same wild boar, you need to put it down and let the carcass cool, then skin it and hang it up, and only then, about a day later, cut it up. And a bear, for example, still needs to be soaked in water immediately after cutting - in order to remove the tart unpleasant smell from the meat. So, naturally, it is much easier for a restaurant to work with foreign game - calibrated, well-cut, vacuum packed.

- Is it possible to buy game in the city now?

- Ours, unfortunately, is not allowed. There used to be specialized shops selling game, berries, mushrooms. Now, in order to buy good, real shot game, you need to go to the hunting grounds.

- Are there any external signs characteristic of wild meat?

- Yes, there are several such signs. First of all, it is the maroon color of the meat and the smell in which the aromas of pine needles, roots, junipers and any wild berries are felt. There are also purely individual signs. For example, the carcass of a wild goat differs from the carcass of a ram in that the goat's neck is directed downward, and that of a ram it is upward. There is one more sign - but it is no longer external. Shot game meat may contain shot and shrapnel. If you find a hunting charge in the meat, it means that you have really sold or prepared shot game, that's for sure. In the kitchen of the restaurant, the chefs, whenever possible, try to clean the game meat from fractions. But guests are always warned to be careful.

- It is clear that game meat is tougher than that of domestic animals. How to cook it correctly?

- Deer, roe deer, elk and wild boar have soft parts. The loin, or saddle, of these animals can simply be fried to medium rare; they do not require any marinades. But in general, game is friends with marinades - marinades based on red wine are especially good for it. In addition, marinade is an excellent natural preservative. This means that marinades help preserve game meat for longer. Various vinegars are often added to game marinades - sherry, balsamic, ordinary red grape, various spices - juniper, rosemary, thyme, majoran, and roots - parsnips, daikon. Boar and bear meat goes well with juniper berries, and deer and roe deer go well with ordinary wild berries, fresh and dry. The shoulder parts and parts from the hind legs are hard, they must be marinated, then fried and stewed.

- What products are most successfully combined with game?

- First, I'll tell you about the most important and most versatile sauce for game. All big game goes well with it. The sauce is called "Grand Venyur", and it is prepared on the basis of minced game bone with red wine, celery stalk, green leek, juniper berries, parsley stalk, black pepper, bay leaves and olive oil. He insists all night, then boils. At the end, black crushed roasted peppers and any berry jam are added. In principle, if you wish, you can supplement the recipe to your liking - chanterelles, chestnuts, acorns. And you can serve game with fruits - apples, citrus fruits, dried apricots, as well as with berries in all variations, fresh aromatic herbs, chestnuts, acorns, beans and lentils.

Interviewed by Nadezhda SUKHOVA

What was considered in ancient times not only the norm, but also skill, a sign of intelligence (for example, taking prey from a more successful hunter) is now completely unacceptable. Nowadays, a good hunter is one who knows how not only to return home with a trophy, but also leads the hunt, observing hunting etiquette. If you adhere to these rules, then you will be happy to be invited to hunt next time. After all, it is the hunter's observance of good traditions, which have been formed over the centuries, that distinguishes him from a poacher and a grabber.

Hunting rules.

The most important rule of the hunt is as follows: every animal requires respect. It must be understood that a real hunter should not, entering the forest, shoot at everything that moves. Here are some unspoken rules that every hunter who considers himself a normal, civilized person must follow.

    1. Do not shoot animals and birds in trouble. For example, river floods, ice, prickly snow crust, fires and lack of food, as well as, during a drought, when animals gather at a water source. At this moment, at the watering hole, they are most vulnerable to shots.
    2. You cannot shoot at birds and animals that cannot fly or run at this moment for various reasons. For example, for queens that are trying to ward off danger from the brood, for females in the spring. You cannot shoot "infantrymen" - running birds (black grouse, pheasants, partridges, etc.) And, of course, at those species of birds and animals, hunting for which is generally prohibited or closed during this period of time.
    3. The hunter must remember that it is worth shooting only if you are sure that it will be possible to get the prey. This is especially true for waterfowl. You must choose such a place for shooting so that the shot game does not fall into hard-to-reach places. A wounded animal or bird must be picked up, even if it will be to the detriment of your possible trophies.
    4. The hunter must be accurate, not make mistakes, thereby crippling the game. A wounded hunter is the marriage of a careless hunter. Those who have to eliminate such mistakes should try to inflict as little suffering on the game as possible. Therefore, hunters need constant training at the stand.
    5. You cannot shoot, without aiming, at a flying flock of birds, as well as at an animal that is at a distance from you, exceeding the lethal force of your weapon. In addition to the senselessness of such shots, there is a great likelihood of injuring the game, which later dies.
    6. Remember that when hunting ungulates, you cannot shoot a female, since after her death, her children will also die.
    7. Game, which has become a trophy, also requires respect. The hunter must wash and clean it and put it in a backpack while still in the field. Boasting about his successful hunt, showing the animals and birds he has caught, a cultured hunter will not throw their carcasses on display.
    8. The "correct" hunter never uses the word "killed". In the hunting environment, it is customary to say "took", "got", "took off". The hunters congratulate each other not with their prey, but with a successful hunt. To say that the hounds have gone far and are not heard, hunters use the expressions "get off the ears" and "into the wind."

The correct hunter is a well-mannered hunter.

Like any other etiquette, hunting rules are not spelled out in the legislation. These are just generally accepted rules of behavior, morality and values, the cultural level of a person. We all live in a society, and therefore must adhere to an unwritten code, otherwise chaos will come very soon. The ethics of the hunter prescribes not only to know and follow the rules of hunting, but also not to allow others to violate them. A real hunter must fight poachers, be polite with his hunting companions. The principles that every self-respecting hunter should adhere to are not difficult. In our multinational country, vast in territory, hunting customs and traditions are diverse, therefore it is difficult to classify. In our article we will introduce you to some of them. As a rule, these customs are part of the cultural heritage and carry not only a social, but also a moral and educational function.

    1. The very first thing is to comply with the hunting rules prescribed in the legislation.
    2. During periods of active hunting, a large number of hunters gather at a certain place. It should be remembered that the right to choose a hunting or resting place depends on the time of arrival at the hunting place, but one must also take into account such a moment as the distance at which the teams should be so as not to interfere with each other.
    3. It is considered shameful to shoot a chasing animal from under someone else's dog. If it so happened that you shot the animal from under someone else's dog, then you must give the prey to the owner of the dog, and he must give you an equipped cartridge, that is, compensate for the spent charge. In general, if the team has several hunters and one gun dog, it is better to agree in advance about the sequence of shots. If the bird flew to the right or left of the owner of the dog, the priority of the shot belongs to the hunter walking to the right or left, respectively.
    4. Do not walk or stand near someone else's "skradka" or someone else's hut. Thus, you interfere not only with the flight of the game, but also the hunter.
    5. In a round-up hunt, when a chasing animal approaches the line of shooters, it is incorrect to shoot at it from a long distance, seeing that the game is going to the next room.
    6. If we talk about unauthorized fishing, a well-mannered hunter will never use someone else's trap or trap. Only if a caught animal is found in them, will he shoot it and hide it from predators, but will not appropriate someone else's prey.
    7. The prey (large animal or hoofed animal) belongs to the hunter who fired the shot, which laid the animal down. Small game is considered to be caught by the hunter who shot and interrupted the flight or run of the game.
    8. It is not customary to argue about who owns the trophy.
    9. In the North of Russia there is a wonderful custom - a hunting hut is never locked, and there is always a supply of firewood, matches, salt, crackers in it in case people in trouble come to these places. If you find yourself in such a hut and you have the opportunity, be sure to take care of restocking the stocks you spent.
    10. Disputes with the head of the hunt are categorically unacceptable. Showing respect, the hunters, greeting him, raise their headdress.
    11. There is another interesting custom, when a hunter who has shot a wolf, fox, lynx or other large animals, the leader inserts a small twig into the headdress, and the rest of the hunters congratulate the lucky shooter.
    12. When numbers are assigned, the best of them go to the honorary members of the hunter society. Elderly hunters who find it difficult to travel long distances are given numbers that are closest to the transport on which the hunters arrived.
    13. Each hunter must bear moral responsibility for the beast, which he wounded, but did not finish off. Therefore, shooting at a distance "outside the shot" is considered incorrect. The one who made such a shot is obliged in an hour or two, together with the hunter who knows the area well, to go to the "finish" of the wounded animal.
    14. When hunting, there should be no unnecessary shooting and shouts, in other words, any noise. If it becomes necessary to shoot a gun or in shooting training, this should be done not while hunting, but in places provided for by safety regulations.
    15. The use of alcoholic beverages during the hunt and before it is excluded. A poorly self-controlled person is dangerous, and with a gun it is doubly dangerous. When it comes to hunting accidents, ninety percent of them are alcohol-related. Therefore, it is better to celebrate the hunt later, leaving the weapon in another place.
    16. When hunting, there is a certain signal that hunters give in case of danger. Such a signal is shots following one after another, and after the first one, three seconds later, a doublet is given, and after another three seconds - a single shot.
    17. If hunters meet on the trail, they greet each other, while opening the barrels of their guns. And they keep them open throughout the conversation, if any. In addition, it is considered good form in this case to present hunting tickets to each other.
    18. If you hunt from a boat together, it is unlikely that your prey will be equal. It is customary to put the whole trophy in one pile and divide everything in half.
    19. Treat nature with care. Before starting a fire, remove the sod, and after extinguishing it, put the removed sod in place. If there is garbage that cannot be burned, it must be buried or taken with you.

And in conclusion, I would like to emphasize once again that the rules are simple and easy to follow. The world of hunters is a masculine world that has a sense of community, respect and trust. You just need to follow simple rules so as not to violate the harmony of this world.

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