How men see you. How do men see you? B - Men dream of having sex with you

Psychologists have repeatedly come to the conclusion that the first impression is decisive for the development of future relationships. However, practice shows that most female representatives, as a rule, during their acquaintance or on their first date, worry about completely wrong things.

Leaving the house, walking on the way to a restaurant or during a date, many women think: "Am I wearing too much makeup?", "Will he like my new hairstyle?", "Will he laugh at my jokes?" etc. In general, they think about everything, just not about what should be.

An anecdote comes to mind. A couple lies in bed after rough sex and think to themselves:

- Female: "Why is he silent?", "He has nothing to say?", "I'm not interested in him?"

- Man: "Oh, a fly on the ceiling", "I wonder how it keeps up there?"

Attractive women are admired not only by men, but also by the fairer sex. This is called charisma - the ability to captivate people around you with your emotions, thoughts and desires.

So, the first and most important thing that every woman should learn is flirting. Flirting effectively helps solve problems in your personal life and develops such an important trait as originality.

In this situation, you can go the opposite way, and instead of thinking about how to impress a man - develop your originality. Yes! Yes! Originality. You can't get away from her.

To impress a guy, you definitely need to be original. Then he will notice, and he will incessantly think of you. Alternate and combine different behaviors.

Here are some methods you can use to impress a guy and make him think of you all the time. Make an impression, experiment and see the results!

Change your mood periodically. Be sometimes calm, sometimes stormy - active; sometimes sociable, sometimes a little secretive - mysterious. This will stun the man. Don't be afraid to do extraordinary things that will set you apart from the crowd. The main thing is that they make a good impression on others.

Support the man's position. If you support the position of a man, especially with strangers, (for example, communication in a company), then this will undoubtedly make an impression on him, and he will think that your outlook on life is similar.

Stare into your eyes. He will think that something is wrong here, and constantly think about you, just what we need.

Find out what impresses him. Check with your mutual acquaintances about what might impress a guy. Sit down and think for yourself what can impress him, from which he will be delighted. You will definitely come up with something.

Well, if you are reading these lines, then it's time to take the test and find out: what impression do you make on men. The test is not very simple, and at first glance, some of the questions may seem to have nothing to do with the ability to impress. But it only seems so.

Your dance style can be described as:

A: A bit squeezed, it's more comfortable for you to stand at the bar.

B: Crazy. Lady Gaga is far from you

C: Sexually aggressive (liberated). Step Up 3D Characters Would Be Proud of You

You are sitting in an airplane seat and suddenly you notice that the passenger across the seat from you is Taylor Lautner and he is looking in your direction. What will you do?

A: You do not take your eyes off your iPad, so that God forbid he does not think that you are staring at him.

B: You rummage in your purse, ostensibly looking for gum. Not "finding" her, you turn to him with a request to treat you.

C: You reach out to grab something from the carry-on luggage rack to get his attention.

Your best friend in honor of your20 anniversary makes up video collage... What song will she use as a musical accompaniment?

A: The Best Day, Taylor Swift.

B: Rock that Body, The Black Eyed Peas

C: Tick ​​Tock, Ke $ ha

You have a first date with a new guy, a spark ran between you, goodbye you:

A: You quickly kiss him and run away, promising to text him about Thursday evening.

B: Kiss him passionately

C: You suggest we come over for coffee.

Your wedding is cominggirlfriends who will have a lotbeautiful and unmarried. You are planningput on:

A: A loose blouse and stylish black trousers.

B: Bold slit dress

C: Floral print skinny jumpsuit and red high heels.


Most A:Bed devil in a still pool

Not a single guy will know about your temperament - after all, you keep your inner seductress in check. “Guys tend to write off girls who are buttoned up because they think they’re not interested in sex,” says The Bible of Sex author Susan Bakos. So open up your sensuality: start sleeping naked, read a vulgar novel, choose more daring outfits ... Feeling sexy will give you confidence, and you can calmly communicate with young people and never cease to be afraid of kissing on dates.

Most B:Temptress

Everything - from how you flirt to your dance moves - radiates sexuality. “You realize that luring men is better with your confidence than your cleavage,” says Gary Stallman, Ph.D. and relationship expert from Beverly Hills, California. “Finding a balance between modesty and shamelessness makes you seem truly irresistible to men.”

Most Cs: too sexy

There is a fine line between sexuality and vulgarity, and you balance on it, flirting with almost everyone. “You think guys are turned on by being overly sexy. But most of them believe that you act like this out of desperation, ”says Susan Bakos, author of The Bible of Sex. If you force a man to make an effort to get you, he will want you much more.

On a date in a cafe, you are served a dish ... heavily drizzled with sauce. You start eating:

Answer options:

  • Pull back the plate - a lot of calories and stupid fuss!
  • Laughing - at the same time wiping the companion's mouth with a napkin
  • Gently licking the sauce off each bite

Noticing a young man worthy of your attention at a party, you:

Answer options:

  • Resolutely addressing him - with the most charming of your smiles
  • Throw a couple of expressive glances at him
  • You pretend that you don't notice him at all

Usually, at the end of a first date, you:

Answer options:

  • You confess that you had a great evening, and you kiss the gentleman on the cheek
  • To sum up - with a passionate kiss
  • Thank you politely and fly into the entrance without waiting for his reaction

When you come to the club for a friend's birthday, you don't see a single familiar face. Your actions:

Answer options:

  • You settle at the counter and order yourself a drink
  • You go around the club, from time to time asking nice visitors if they are celebrating a birthday
  • Calling the hero of the occasion, you hide in the ladies' room - until she arrives

A colleague returned from a trip to Rio de Janeiro, and the first thing you ask is:

Answer options:

  • "Who did you have an affair with there?"
  • "Have you seen the statue of Christ?"
  • "Are Brazilians really like the TV series?"

You are watching a movie with a new boyfriend, and suddenly - a bed scene. Your actions:

Answer options:

  • You block the screen with your body - under any pretext
  • You warmly whisper in his ear: "Have you tried that?"
  • You laugh, covering his eyes with your palm

For your long-awaited interview, you will wear:

Answer options:

  • Stylish new suit - to make conversations more pleasant
  • Skirt with a high slit: when they see your legs, everything else plays out
  • Dark Brown Plaid Suit: You're Serious at Work

When a camera appears in the company and you are asked to smile, you:

Answer options:

  • You lean, screech and cover your face with your hands
  • You take a seductive pose and look invitingly into the lens
  • You hug someone who is close at hand and smile - dazzling

After the date, the guy calls and asks how you are doing. You:

Answer options:

  • You call him to you
  • You admit that you have not yet seen "Dancing in the Dark" and you dream of going to the cinema
  • You tell in detail what happened during the day

How do men see me? What do they think when communicating with me? Does their perception match my expectations? Our test will help you answer these questions.

1. If a stranger looks at you and smiles, you:

A - Proudly turn away the other way

B - Smile back

B - If a man is good-looking, then keep your eyes on him.

D - Shyly, look away

2. The man invites you to choose a gift yourself, you would prefer:

A - Ultra-thin laptop

B - Sweetheart trinket

B - Diamond ring

D - Subscription to yoga classes

3. If you are going on vacation alone, you:

A - Visit the most expensive spas and boutiques

B - Visit all possible attractions

B - You will certainly have a holiday romance

D - Use this to be alone with your thoughts

4. During the first meeting with a man, you need to say:

A - About politics, stock quotes or jazz

B - About mutual acquaintances or student past

B - About him beloved

G - Let him speak, you better listen

5. In the store, you choose certain clothes in order to:

A - She corresponded to your status

B - It was convenient and comfortable in it

B - Be attractive to the opposite sex

D - Match your inner image

6. How do you feel about the phrase “I even go out for bread with a manicure!”?

A - Only women who are insecure do this

B - This indicates a woman's desire to be liked

B - This is what a real woman should do

D - Some kind of stupidity, I don't understand why focus on this

7. Which of the qualities is more important for an ideal man, from your point of view?

B - Sense of humor

B - Determination

D - Respect for a woman

8. If your friend's husband begins to pay more attention to you at a party, you:

A - Analyze what is behind this

B - Try to avoid such communication

B - You will be very happy

D - Do not attach any importance to this

9. Which of these gestures is more typical for you?

A - Twisting the ring on the finger

B - Tugging at the edge of the garment

B - Throwing back hair from the forehead

D - Arms crossed on the chest

10. During a date another man calls you, you:

A - Talk to him as much as you see fit

B - Answer the call, and then tell about the content of the conversation

B - Ask to call back, citing busyness

D - You will not pick up the phone

11. Are you able to take the initiative in sexual relations?

A - Yes, of course

B - Probably not

B - provoke a man to take initiative

D - It will depend on the circumstances

12. Which of the following people would you prefer to have dinner with?

D - Dalai Lama

The key to the test. If option prevails among your answers:

A - Men are afraid of you

B - Men see you as an ideal life partner

B - Men dream of having sex with you

D - Men consider you a mystery

If your answers are approximately evenly distributed, this means that you are able to make a man perceive you the way you need it at the moment.

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What do men think of you?

Description: Of course, any woman wants to know how she looks from the outside, and naturally, she is more interested in the opinion of men. This is quite understandable - a woman from the very birth strives to please the representatives of the stronger sex, and with age, this desire flares up in her more and more. But have you not noticed sometimes some oddity: the beauty is bored alone, and around the plain, men walk in jambs. Why it happens? Yes, because it is a woman who carries something that attracts a man like a magnet. What is it? Charm, her little highlight! The test will help you find out if you are charming and know how to attract a man to you. If the result seems disappointing to you, do not be discouraged - this is not a sentence, if you wish, you can always change! But perhaps the main thing is to love yourself for who you are. Then men will not pass by you, attracted by your inner radiance!

Start test!

What do men think of you?

Instructions: Answer the questions without hesitation! There are three possible answers: “yes, this is clearly said about me!”, “Well, it also happens!” and "no, it has nothing to do with me!"