What kind of ice cream do you like? This is the secret of your character. Test "Ice cream and character Test how well you know ice cream

If you want to know the character of a person, then it is not necessary to torment him with boring questions or tests for "lice". Ask him to choose ice cream! Such a simple technique can tell a lot about your interlocutor.

After all, no one bothers with the choice of ice cream - came, saw, chose, ate. There are less chances to play, show off, cheat about yourself.

Researchers at the Institute of Smell and Taste have found that the part of the brain that is responsible for personality traits and taste preferences is one and the same. Psychologists say that the choice of ice cream is determined in childhood and rarely changes. Unless you want to try something new and unusual.

The choice has been made ?! Fine! Now the fun begins - the sweet investigation!
  • vanilla ice cream

It is the leader in the number of choices! This sweet indescribable taste of childhood in a waffle cup. Fans of this ice cream like to take risks and rely on intuition. They like to express their emotions vividly, idealists by nature. They strive for lofty goals, do not like to stop there. Relationships are built easily and for a long time.

  • Strawberry flavor

This kind of ice cream is preferred by introverts. They are thoughtful, logical, shy and secretive. 7 times will be measured before cutting. They do not believe in "love at first sight", but if they find a loved one, they support him in everything and are very loyal to his weaknesses.

  • Fruit ice

In the heat, you so want something bright and cold! Despite the brightness of this mix, its fans are pessimistic. Perhaps their rational thinking and love of analysis are to blame. However, they are decisive and versatile in their interests.

  • Chocolate ice cream

Lovers of this flavor are talented, adorable and creative individuals. They have a special magnetism and attractiveness, are emotionally open and wise. A powerful aphrodisiac - how can you resist!

  • Mint flavor with chocolate chips

By choosing this ice cream, you declare your ambitions, self-confidence, readiness to fight for your interests. Your actions are strictly subordinate to the plan, do not build castles in the air. Loyalty and honesty are the key to strong friendships and family relationships.

  • Cup of coffee

Coffee ice cream is chosen by fun, flirty, adventure lovers. Thrill and fullness of life is their motto. They do not differ in stability, but they are never boring!

Of course,

this is not the whole list of all kinds of tastes and combinations, but the foundation has been laid.

Bored on the beach ?! You can play a game of observing people choosing ice cream and trying to create a "portrait" of them. You can check your guesses with unobtrusive communication.

Ice cream groom ?! And why and yes! One barista girl decided to be a "coffee matchmaker". Knowing the coffee preferences of her customers, she found them a match among the regulars of the cafe. She introduced them by chance, organized dates and even weddings. Maybe try this experiment with ice cream ?!

What kind of ice cream do you like? What should be its color, smell, taste? Pick the flavor of your favorite ice cream and you will have something interesting. 🙂

Pistachio ice cream

Chocolate ice cream

Ice cream with wild berry flavor

Creme brulee

Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

Have you chosen? Now find out the result! 🙂

So, if you chose:

Pistachio ice cream, in your soul you, who does not want to grow up at all. At the same time, you strive for freedom and are distinguished by waywardness, as you love to explore the world and find something new and exciting in it. More than anything, you want to be an independent person. You try to make life more fun, because you can't stand boredom and routine. And at the same time, you are very conservative and prone to perfectionism, so you strive to get the best out of life;

You are a creative person, even if your job is not related to the need to be creative. 🙂 You have excellent taste and know how to find beauty in almost everything. Just as keenly you feel the ugly sides of life - they grieve you more than other people. Thanks to the incessant creative energy, it is you who can do something to make our world better and more beautiful! 🙂

Strawberry ice cream, you are an extraordinary person, unlike the rest. And you do not stop there, but constantly improve yourself, try to become better and better. You are constantly looking for new ideas for this and strive to learn something new that you could love. But you cannot be called a dreamer - you are a realistic person, and you just won't fall in love with anyone or anything;

Ice cream with wild berry flavor, you understand that life is not an island of paradise, full of romance and love, although you want it to be just that, and you do everything for this. Chances are, you've already experienced intense disappointment at some point in your life. You are somewhat shy and emotionally closed. You are also very skeptical and can be stubborn when it comes to your principles;

Creme brulee, you are friendly and easy to communicate, easily adapt to new environments and surroundings. People love you because you don't impose your opinions on them and you allow them to be who they are. You believe in goodness and help people. And you also know how to listen and calm;

Hi everyone!

I don’t know about you, but we just have unbearable heat ... And one of the things that helps to escape from the heat is ice cream.

Did you know that ice cream can tell you the character of a person?

So, I suggest you take the test " Ice cream and character».

How do you eat ice cream?

1. You bite ice cream with your teeth.

At first glance, it seems that you are an aggressive and tough person. In fact, behind the ostentatious decisiveness hides the lack of confidence in their abilities and even the inability to understand people.

2. Pull the tongue to the ice cream.

You are quite a calm and careful girl when it comes to relationships (both loving and friendly). You are very romantic and gentle, but sometimes you lack practicality.

3. Eat ice cream with your mouth slightly open.

You are a rather closed person and you rarely allow yourself to relax. But if someone manages to win your trust, then for him you will become a devoted friend.

4. Slowly and gently lick the ice cream.

You are an open person who is interested in the people around him and loves various adventures. And you are also distinguished by persistence and sometimes even stubbornness.

5. You eat ice cream with a spoon or use waffles instead.

You are a very careful person and you only trust those in whom you have no doubts.

Your favorite ice cream

If you love chocolate ice cream, then it speaks of your sensuality and passion. You always associate love with the intensity of passions and a storm of feelings.

If you prefer vanilla ice cream then it means that you are an open and sincere person. You dislike uncertainty in relationships and value the openness of others.

Do you love Strawberry ice cream? You are a gentle and sentimental girl who can burst into tears even from a touching scene in your favorite TV series. You know how to empathize and sympathize, and you are even ready to sacrifice yourself for the sake of good for your family and friends.

Adore waffle ice cream? This suggests that you are a very good hostess and practicality. In addition, you never go to extremes or lose your head. Serenade under the window is unlikely to conquer you.

Sundae with pieces of chocolate may indicate the inconsistency of your character. You are always ready for light and new experiences.

Ice cream in a glass says that you need peace in life. You love romantic gestures from your boyfriend (candlelight dinner, etc.). You are very calm and flexible, which very often becomes the key to a strong relationship. You are also very attentive to the problems of others.

If you love popsicle, then this may indicate that you are a purposeful girl who loves to command guys. The guy you start dating usually goes through a tough selection, because you deserve only the best and do not exchange for others.

You are wrong if you think that eating habits say nothing about your personality. On the contrary, even such a trifle as the choice of ice cream can tell a lot about a person's habits and character. Let's get acquainted with the characteristics of several of the most popular flavors!

Vanilla ice cream lovers are impulsive

Vanilla ice cream is one of the most classic and simple, however, its fans are most likely versatile personalities, impulsive idealists who are willing to take risks and like to rely on intuition more than logic. This is evidenced by research by neuroscientist Alan Hirsch, founder of an organization dedicated to the study and therapy based on smell and taste. Vanilla ice cream lovers openly express their emotions, they easily manage to create close relationships. For his research, Hirsch used standard psychiatric tests and statistical analysis, as a result, it was found that the same area of ​​the brain controls both personality traits and taste preferences. Interestingly enough, Hirsch also found that we find our favorite ice cream flavor in childhood and usually remain faithful to it throughout our lives.

Strawberry ice cream lovers introverts

In a study by Hirsch, it was found that the taste of strawberries attracts tolerant, dedicated introverts. In addition, fans of this ice cream flavor are usually thoughtful and act very logical. They are balanced and check every step. Perhaps this is why they prefer one of the most classic ice cream flavors.

Chocolate ice cream - for the flirtatious

If your favorite is chocolate ice cream, chances are you enjoy flirting and seducing people. Chocolate is the choice of energetic, charming, emotional people. They're as tempting as the mouth-watering chocolate-flavored desserts, so perhaps the coincidence is no coincidence.

Controversial Choice Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

Do you like to combine incongruous? Chances are, then, you like the chocolate chip mint ice cream. This choice of taste testifies to an ambitious character, it is characteristic of self-confident people who are not afraid of confrontation. Such a person does not like to look for positive aspects in everything, he does not give up and does not agree to small things. Also, it's worth noting that two fans of mint chocolate ice cream are likely to get along well and build a strong relationship. Love to argue will not bother them - they will together prove their point of view to the world around them.

Popsicle connoisseurs are pessimistic

Oddly enough, the rich color and fruity taste of this frozen dessert is completely different from the mood of those who prefer it. Dr. Hirsch's research has shown that people who choose popsicles are quite pessimistic. However, this is not all - they are distinguished by decisiveness and an analytical mindset. Perhaps the excessive pessimism is caused by rationality of thinking, which makes the realistic approach too clear and strict.

Ice cream lovers with raisins and nuts are aggressive

If you like a wide variety of scents, you may be aggressive and easily addicted, but you are good at listening. It was also found that lovers of this taste often achieve success in life, but their aggressive behavior often hurts the feelings of those around them. Having set a goal for himself, such a person can go towards it without thinking about how actions affect those close to him.

Coffee aficionados tend to dramatize

If you are full of energy, emotion and taste in life, you most likely love coffee ice cream. Hirsch’s research has revealed that coffee tastes like people who don’t like to worry about the future, live in the present and constantly need vivid impressions when they are in a relationship. With this approach, one should not expect stability; on the other hand, one can look at it as a guarantee that there will be no boredom.

The generous likes ice cream with stracatella

If you choose this classic flavor, you must be a generous, confident person who achieves the goals that he sets for himself. If such a person decides that he needs to change something in life, he will definitely change it. You can always rely on such firmness of character.

Nut ice cream - for the conscientious

Connoisseurs of nutty flavor are loyal, conscientious and respectful of other people. Their standards are high, they know how to distinguish truth from deception and try not to hurt the feelings of others. Such a person will be loved by others, he knows how to create a warm atmosphere and is always ready to support a loved one in trouble, he is open and calm.