Day of the kindergarten teacher. Preschool worker's day is a good September holiday

Every year on September 27, the country celebrates a wonderful holiday - the Day of the preschool worker! These give themselves to children without a trace. They are fans of their work, second mothers for babies! On this warm day of September, be sure to congratulate all the workers of preschool institutions. Give them warm words of gratitude for the hard work!

Everyone wants to go to kindergarten

Only as adults do people understand how wonderful it was to eat, sleep, walk and play - that's the whole daily routine! But not all kids understand what a carefree time it is! And educators and nannies try to surround the babies with care and attention, find interesting and developing activities for them.

Day of the preschool worker in kindergarten is celebrated with fun and in a big way! The pupils are preparing a gorgeous concert with songs, dances and the Educators look at the fruits of their labors with affection. Parents give gifts to employees of the institution, say words of gratitude and appreciation!

Idea and purpose

An educator is not an easy profession. It is a misconception that employees have fun with children all day, have a delicious lunch and go home. They bear a huge responsibility for the life and health of every child. The educator is a guide to the adult world. He must help children learn as much as possible about the planet, life, the environment, teach little fools to express themselves correctly, instill kindness and compassion.

Day of the preschool worker in Russia is not considered an official holiday. His idea is to draw attention to this profession and childcare facilities. After all, every year fewer young people receive this specialty. Many private kindergartens employ unskilled employees who do not know how to properly handle children. But they need a special approach!

Dances, songs and fun

Like any other holiday, Preschool Worker's Day is celebrated with fun! They arrange a review of children's amateur performances, present certificates and flowers to honored educators. If your child is attending kindergarten, prepare some kind words for the staff:

Your work is noble, always honorable,

The years fly so fast with you

Let the children's bursting joyful laughter

Brings you great success!

We wish the children to be obedient

And they did not play too much, did not play naughty.

After all, being a teacher is not easy,

You answer a thousand questions a day.

You can't offend anyone

All the pranks and problems must be seen.

How much kindness, humanity, affection,

These lovely eyes demand!

Work, rejoice and prosper

And give yourself to the children as now!

Such warm words can be heard at the matinee on the Day of the preschool worker in kindergarten. They can be read by children or by the group's parent committee.

Important age

Preschoolers are a special people. They get to know the world, are interested in everything they see. The teacher must know the answers to all their questions, always come to the rescue. Indeed, the future fate of the crumbs depends on his wisdom and professionalism. The teacher is sensitive to inner peace every kid, notices flaws and tries to guide him on the right path. There are many known cases when capricious and falling into the hands of an experienced specialist, they became "silk" and developed beyond their years. The main thing is to tie a thin thread between the teacher and the child. Preschool Worker's Day is a holiday for children too. They are preparing for the concert with trepidation and diligence, they want to congratulate their beloved second mothers at the highest level.

In 1863, on September 27, the first kindergarten in the country was inaugurated in Tiflis. A little later, he moved to St. Petersburg. Adelaida Semyonovna Simonovich is the founder of this institution. She was a great dreamer and enthusiast. They took to the garden from the age of three. The teachers played with the children, talked about patriotism and instilled in the kids a love for the Motherland. But for this, parents were charged a considerable fee. Therefore, not everyone could afford such a pleasure.

Thanks to the ingenious idea of \u200b\u200bSimonovich, September 27 is celebrated as the Day of the preschool worker. And since 1918, free kindergartens began to open in the country. The working class could calmly work for the good of the Fatherland without worrying about their children!

Respect and honor

Many people still remember their teachers! They left pleasant memories of a serene and happy childhood. pupils primary school often drop in at the kindergarten to see their first nannies. They miss the preschool life and do not forget to congratulate the teachers on the Day of the preschool worker! Matured guys will always remain little kids for them. Former pupils bring flowers and hand-made souvenirs, talk about their successes at school. Such warm meetings bring a lot of joy and positive to both sides!

Be sure to send your children to kindergarten. This contributes to socialization, normal development and perception of the world around you!

Preschool worker's day

In MBDOU CRR - kindergarten number 5 "Sun"

1. Today we have a very important and pleasant occasion to gather in this bright and cozy room in order to forget our domestic problems for a while. Today we have a holiday - the Day of the preschool worker. This holiday has not yet been officially adopted. But we don't need an official document and a "red day" on the calendar. You and I can celebrate our professional holiday without these formalities. Well, the "heroes of the occasion" are all assembled, the host is on the spot, we have music, we also have no talent ... Then ... let's start!

1. How many different professions are there in the world,
But I want to talk about one ...
Who cares so much about little children?
People who have no peace.

2. Their inventions have no end and limit,
They can do whatever they want.
What others would already be tired of
These with patience demolish alone!

1. They can do everything, they can do everything,
To people with a broad, kind soul.
No evil can overcome them!
They are teachers with a capital letter!

2. To educate is a good calling!
To love, understand and, of course, forgive,
To be an example in everything, to show compassion ...
To educate means to give something to others.

Kindergarten song

1.It is about those who give themselves entirely to the upbringing of kids, sparing their strength and time, who do not know the words "I do not want", "I can not", "I do not know how", who knows how to love children no matter what, who loves her work and hurries here every day to continue to live for them, kids, and be needed by them ... It is about those and for those that we will sing today, read poetry, we will create a festive atmosphere ...

2. Since our day is festive, special, then, of course, we would like to do something special too ... Our creative group, having consulted, decided to celebrate our employees, colleagues in various nominations. The nominations turned out to be also unusual, as, indeed, all our people.

Alyushinna Zh.V.
For many years within the walls of our kindergarten
Among noisy colleagues, mischievous children,
Nicely runs our kindergarten ...
Rest is unknown to her, peace is unknown to her.
Still young, and besides - pretty,
Hardworking and energetic:
And I'm ready to work on the weekend
And even at night she really can't sleep ...
No one in the garden can replace her here!
And the Administration appreciates her very much!
It happens, sometimes, for nothing they will scold ...
And then, as a good friend, they meet.
Will find any approach to a person,
For each "key" will pick up its own ...

So, the title of the winner in the nomination "Master of Contact, Will and Tact" is assigned by the head of Berlova I.S. She is awarded a commemorative badge "Excellent work"

Starikova O.V .:
Never rests
Any role will play you ...
And anyone will think of
A holiday, a competition ...
Knows everything about education
Also about education,
About methods, programs,
Knowledge slices, diagrams,
About control, teachers' councils,
And about our "environments" with you,
About method literature,
Also about the nomenclature ...
The list goes on ...
Should I name her?

So, the title of the winner in the nomination "Master-Innovation" is assigned to the senior educator Lebedeva G. N .. she is awarded a commemorative sign "Today will be better than yesterday"


1. We have a lot of nominations in stock ...
This is just the beginning ...

2. They are important people in our garden,
Their golden hands are accustomed to work.
They gave everything to dear kids
And the soul hurts for every crumb.
They, without a doubt,
Not a single generation has been brought up in the garden.

1. We represent teachers in this nomination, those who have the greatest work experience in the preschool educational institution "The Wisest Kindergarten"
Zolotareva R.N.
Blyakina L.I.
Gatalskaya I.L.
Startseva N.O.

They are awarded commemorative signs "For endurance"

2. The next nomination "Masters" - their experience and education are worthy of honor and respect.
These are teachers with more than 10 years of experience in preschool educational institutions:
Kovaleva V.M.
A. V. Shapochkina
Shatilina V.E.
Kolomytseva N.L.
T.E. Chesnokova
Tyutyunnikova L.M.
Melekhova T.N.
Ryabkova T.A.
Volobueva L.I.

1. They are awarded commemorative signs "For successes in creativity"

And "Juniors" - good luck on the way,
And to find happiness in hard work.
In this nomination, we represent teachers whose work experience at a preschool educational institution ranges from 0 to 10 years:
Alyushina Zh.V.
Naumova O.V.
Kosukhina L.M.
Podilko A.G.
Efremova O.A.
Starikova O.V.
T.I. Lazarchenko
Spitsina L.N.
Chob Zh.M.
Kvashnina N.A.
Valikova O.P.

They are awarded commemorative signs "Bravo"


(To the melody of the song "factory owners" - "Factory girls")

We came to the kindergarten to work.
Maybe we found fate here?
Even if everything is not always smooth with us ...
Someday our "finest hour" will come!
The kids are capricious
They meet in kindergarten.
Sometimes their roar is subdued
It does not work.

Even more difficult is working with your family.
We have little experience so far.
Give advice - how can we be?
How and how to please everyone?
Parents are capricious
Sometimes they meet
And make contact
Sometimes it doesn't work.
How many difficulties are around -
Hands down!
Why luck to us
Rarely smiles ???

Lazarchenko T.I. .
We work in kindergarten
I really, really like it.
Sometimes we have something
Still not working ...
Chob Zh.M.
We have mentors
We will learn everything from them.
Maybe then of us
Something will work out ...

Podilko A.G.
We love children very much,
We like the job.
Together with you we can
Cope with difficulties!

The young people will respond by saying "The Wisest".

« Chastushki "

1. I would like to say about those without whom both the "Wise", the "Maters" and the "Juniors" would have had a very difficult time ...

2. From morning to evening in kindergarten.
They, like bees, are accustomed to work.
In their groups, they observe purity:
That's why everything shines and sparkles there.
Food will be brought to the group in time,
They will feed the children and give them supplements.
Without them, the teacher is just a disaster!
We need an assistant always nearby !!!
The children will be looked after, and the fairy tale will be read to them,
Help the kids to dress; ventilate, clean.
Cope with the job ...
"Masters - Care"!

1. In the nomination "master care" we represent all our junior educators. They are our assistants and nannies for children.

Bubnova E.N., Bakhyshova T.V., Chistokletova G.N., Sukhorukova V.N. V., Selezneva D. V., Eremicheva O. G.

2. They are awarded commemorative signs "For diligence"

1. How much passion and expression! That's it! However, I want to note that it is more interesting for us to be close to people who are emotional, creative, romantics by nature, as well as our children ...

2. It's good that our team is rich in people with whom it is always interesting; communication and contact with whom always enriches our creative potential ... It is very comfortable with them and children ...

1.She is a master of phonograms,
Concert festive programs!
All her children are talents:
Singers, dancers, musicians;
In the play, the roles are performed,
And they perform on the "city".
These are not big words!
She is "Master La-la-fa!"

2. In this nomination, let me introduce you to our music worker. Her whole life is in full view of the audience and the whole city sometimes somewhere behind the curtain ... I really want to take her out from behind the curtain to the stage on this holiday, if only to present her to all our guests.

The memorial sign "For sociability" is awarded to the music director N. Startseva.

1. She is beautiful, young,
Always in a sports uniform.
Teaches you to jump and jump,
Do not hit the window with the ball
We care about the health of preschool children ...
And he will achieve success !!!
Carries out work on calling
Physical education instructor.

In the nomination "Miss Sport" we present Kosukhina Larisa Mikhailovna. She is awarded a commemorative badge "The most sporting".

2.If your child suddenly
Several bursts
Speech therapist is such a defect
Will fix it quickly

To pronounce all the words perfectly
And not at all tongue-tied.
The whole world will teach it
Teacher speech therapist.

1.Nomination "Speak Correctly" presented by our speech therapists

Gatalskaya I.L., Volobueva L.I. Starikova O.V.
They are awarded commemorative signs "For resourcefulness"

2. Assistant is our best psychologist
Will pull a shard from any soul
Knows how to heal souls
and help in anxiety

1. Since this year, a young specialist, a teacher-psychologist, has appeared in our team. We would like to use her services as little as possible. O.A. Efremova is presented in the nomination “Knowing everything about everyone”. She is awarded a commemorative sign "For curiosity"
Olga Alexandrovna offers you a test.

2. Another interesting specialist is working next to her in the office. It seems that he knows everything, but what he is talking about is not clear. This is incomprehensible to adults. And our children are happy to talk to her. Anischenko Tatiana Aleksandrovna is presented in the nomination “Great Russia is friends with England”. She is awarded a commemorative sign "English Alphabet".

1. Our caring junior educators have a no less caring boss, another very important person about whom I would like to say right now ...

2. Did a whole cart on the farm,
But the caretaker copes.
And nimble and good,
Cheerful soul.
She's on her feet all the time.
Her day passes on the run:
Vodokanal, Energoset,
And "Teplovik", "Kireev".
She needs to do a lot -
Do not count all cases under an hour:
Give out powder and soda,
Give soap and dishes ...
Maintain property records.
Now take away, then bring ...
On it, the device of each group:
Need nails and screws
Linoleum, board and timber ...
She can shoulder this load!

In the nomination "Miss Speed" we present Irina Anatolyevna Orlova, she is awarded a commemorative sign for her speed.

1.In the subordination of Irina Anatolyevna, wonderful people work, those who are always noticed by everyone, probably because they are very noticeable ...

2.Like three brothers from a casket,
But not similar to the person.
Themselves come from the people.
They can nail the closet to the wall,
To fix a table or a chair,
Sweep up the kindergarten
Remove the blockage in the pipe,
Hang the door, insulate,
And change the plumbing ...
If the "brothers" have a mood -
Work without delay.
They are needed here and there ...
Because they all call ...
"Assy for all sorts of things",
“Craftsmen - Crazy Hands”.

1.In this nomination we present
Kozin Valentin Pavlovich, Tsarinyak Alexander Nikolaevich, Kvashnin Vyacheslav Nikolaevich
They are awarded honorary badges "Well done"

2. In general, as for men, they bring contrast to our lives. Without them, our life might not have taken place. It's good that there are men among the watchmen too. V. Chernikov and N. F. Danilova are presented in the "Best Security Guard" nomination. They are awarded with memorable signs "For Vigilance"

1. I would like to say about each, to mark each. Indeed, in our team, any employee is valuable. Especially when these workers are not just specialists in their field, but also young and beautiful, and they do not take initiative.
Scene "In the medical room"

2.In the office of the young woman -
Medical nurses
Drank tea, had a conversation
After the workshop, Wednesday.
One says to the other:

1st: Vasyukova N.A.
There is no consolation!
I have one suffering -
To reduce illnesses!
The regime in the preschool educational institution is observed,
Walking with children in time
As expected - all year round ...
And the incidence is growing !!!
We distribute vitamins!
We create all the conditions!
Why, tell me
So kids get sick ???

2nd: G.A. Bannykh
What about the medical part,
If only in my power
I would open a phytobar -
How good a decoction of herbs is!
Tea is no more valuable, more useful
From infections and diseases!
I would give them drink to all the children,
So that there is strength in their body!
More aromatherapy! ...
Eh! We need funds ...
1st: N.A. Vasyukova
Yes, what !!!
It would be better to abolish SES! ...
The process would have gone by itself.
And without them we would cope -
The money of the goals would remain !!!
It would be better for these funds
We took vitamins to children!

1 ... All nurses work wonderfully well -
For the Russian Ministry of Health!

2. Our young, beautiful and energetic nurses are awarded a victory in the following nominations: "Master - Prevention" - senior nurse Natalya Alexandrovna Vasyukova; and Galina Aleksandrovna Bannykh for their dreams of innovations in preschool educational institutions in matters of health improvement for preschoolers. They are awarded commemorative signs "For cheerfulness"

.All our employees take care of the health of children in the kindergarten, and everyone, for their part ... Children's nutrition is directly related to their health.
2 . They are always "in full swing" work!
They always have one concern:
Calculate everything according to the recipe,
Know what and with what to connect;
Come up with a "brand new" salad,
To be rich in vitamin;
To have time to cook everything in time -
It's better to feed children.
Here without a chef's talent
It won't be of any use.

1. In the nomination "You will lick your fingers" we have four candidates: Valentina Petrovna Gavrilova, Lyudmila Petrovna Frolova, Zhanna Alexandrovna Kosukhina, Natalya Anatolyevna Lobacheva

They are awarded badges of honor "For Diligence"

2 .Everyone knows that "Cleanliness is the guarantee of health." Everyone is pleased to sleep on a clean bed, dry themselves with a clean towel ...

Hands smell clean
Powders, "Whiteness";
They are at work all day long -
They are not too lazy to wash their clothes.
Towels and sheets
Robes, aprons, scarves,
Drapes, curtain and tulle
Erases "Master-Ass-Bul-Bul"!

1 In this nomination, we present to you our drivers for washing linen - Olga Anatolyevna Nikolaenko and Tatyana Viktorovna Malyutina. They are awarded the Most Friendly Badges

2 .Who is next?

1 She's on receipts and timesheets
And charges for children,
Always in cares and affairs
But he knows his stuff
Computer, printer, hole punch
Holds them tenaciously in his hands
"One!" - an accurate stapler puncture
Fascinating missis "Paperclip"

The clerk Natalya Valentinovna Lavrenyuk is presented in the Miss "Paperclip" nomination.

2. Our team is large and friendly, although anything can happen. But, the main thing is that we all know how to forgive each other in time, to support each other in time. We are especially united by joint work, for example, the creative project "Original design of children's playgrounds" ... Thanks to this, we became the first in the city and district, the region learned about us. Keep it up!!!

1.Look into the hall ... How many beautiful, wise faces from everyday experience are here. And even if their whiskey is silvered with gray - it only decorates. These people are not just our guests, they are the parts of whose hearts have forever remained within the walls of this kindergarten. Although you are now on a well-deserved rest, you are always welcome in this welcoming home, our dear senior friends. We are always looking forward to meeting you. These are Lysykh Lyubov Nikolaevna, Tselikova Tatyana Sergeevna, Klyueva Valentina Alekseevna, Trubchaninova Nadezhda Vasilievna, Brekhova Maria Mikhailovna

2.Today is a holiday in our house,
And the doors here are open to guests.
Well, there is no better gift for us,
Than seeing the faces of all your friends!
Let the Wind of Changes change something,
Someone left, leaving a good mark.
But each of those present knows:
Here everyone is ours. We have no strangers here!

For a corporate evening, you need a presenter in a fortune teller's costume (not a gypsy). And also cardboard masks that children use for the New Year. Bunny, mouse, frog, chanterelle, bear, wolf mask. For fun contests, 8-10 baby pots, six long satin ribbons, large playing cards, they can be printed on a printer, as well as a sufficient number of small prizes are needed.

The fortune-teller meets guests at the entrance, her table is located nearby, on the table there are various attributes for fortune-telling, candles, a box, pebbles, etc.

Fortune Teller:
- Good evening! Good evening! I am very glad to meet you!
You came to me very opportunely, to learn about your future grace.
I will tell you everything, I will answer everything, we are starting our wonderful evening!

Magic music sounds, the lights go out, the head of the kindergarten is covered with an opaque cloak and is led into the hall.

Fortune Teller:
- The first prediction! It concerns everyone, it will bring you good luck in business, the prosperity of your favorite kindergarten, and maybe even a salary increase ... Charlie, tyrly, varli, ori, a priori!

The fortune teller takes off her cape, applause sounds. The manager addresses the assembled educators with congratulations, perhaps reads out a list of the best employees, awards certificates and prizes.

Fortune Teller:
- An educator, this is the kind of person who is the connecting thread between the fabulous childhood and adulthood. Today I invite you to return to childhood and become small children for a moment. What do children like?

The fortune-teller asks a question to those present in turn, until a "fairy tale" is sounded in response.

Fortune Teller:
- Well, of course children love fairy tales, from early childhood we tell them fairy tales, they remember them and then tell us them.

The fortune-teller selects several people and puts masks on them. First, you need to record on disk, as the kid tells the tale "Teremok". If this is not possible, then the fortuneteller herself tells it.

If there are men in the hall, then they are chosen by the terem, they get up, fold their hands up into the house, just as a person works with a creaky door, at each opening, he makes a creak. All characters play their roles, answer in the course of the tale. When Mouse, Frog, Bunny, Chanterelle, Wolf and Bear gathered in the house, climbed onto the roof, the house falls apart. Small prizes are given to all participants.

Fortune Teller:
- What do the stars advise us? What are they warning about? I have a magic chest in my hands, it contains messages and advice. Who will be the first to test fate?

The fortune-teller approaches the audience and invites them to pull out a wish without looking (they are written on yellow and pink pieces of paper), and then read it. Wishes: You will have a breakthrough ........ in creativity, it will break through so that it will flood your neighbors; Soon you have to think about a tempting offer, it will definitely lure you into the bedroom if you do not resist; Good luck will fall on you, and will bring down all your plans, but do not be upset, there is a spoonful of honey in every barrel of tar. Tips: If you are still a beauty, urgently stock up on vodka, the husband is poured into tea, beauty is preserved up to 100 years; Love in a huge wave, will cover you, right with your head, great advice to you, buy a lifebuoy.

Fortune Teller:
- All those who have wishes on yellow pieces of paper come out here and stand on the right side, who have wishes on the pink ones - on the left side. The number of people must be even.

Contest "Drying clothes"
Both teams are given a diaper and two clothespins. The first participant needs to hang the diaper to dry, and the second one takes it off the rope and passes it on to the next one to hang it all the way to the end. The team that dried out the laundry the fastest wins.

Fortune Teller:
- I have fortune-telling cards in my hands, now we will make them playing cards, draw a card from the deck, if the suit is red, then we go out, we go out.

Thus, the fortune-teller recruits 9-11 people for playing "Pots"... It is carried out according to the principle of playing "Chairs", when the participants walk around the pots to the music, as soon as the music ends, they need to sit on the pot, if someone does not have time, he drops out of the game.

Fortune Teller:
- Again, we will shuffle the cards, we do not give up in front of difficulties, well, now the distribution has gone, someone is empty, but to whom - luck.

The fortune-teller distributes cards to the participants, then asks those who have the queens and those who have the kings to come out. There should be two teams of four people in total.

Fortune Teller:
- Tell me, how many girls do you have in your group? And you? Do they have long hair? Have you ever braided their braids? Great, so now we will be shown a master class on weaving braids!

Each team is given three satin ribbons, one person to hold the ribbons by the ends, and the other three to braid the ribbons. The competition can be extended if the participants are still forced to braids, then unlaced.

Fortune Teller:
- Our magical holiday has come to an end, but in conclusion we all have the opportunity to pull luck by the tail, in the literal sense of the word.

A box covered with shiny paper with a beautiful inscription "Good Luck" is brought into the hall, in which one must put either a box of chocolates, or a soft toy, or any other prizes for everyone present. Pull a string out of the box, give one end to the participants of the holiday, tie the other to the lid of the box, put two people with crackers around the edges. On command, on a count of three, they pull the rope and fire the firecrackers. The contents of the box are distributed to the participants of the holiday.

Lead 1.
Hello! Today is a special day, you can't forget about it. Today is the Day of the preschool worker - the whole country celebrates.
And in this hall gathered everyone who makes the child's life in kindergarten interesting and rich, comfortable and safe.
Here are those who have devoted themselves to children. Now all these wonderful people have their own holiday "Day of the preschool worker."

Lead 2.
When this day comes, We are not too lazy to go to kindergarten. We are doubly in a hurry, in a hurry, We say hello to each other.
And the heart beats - knock, knock, knock: Now the guys will come running. They will hug, kiss, smile, They will stretch out timidly modest flowers.
And in the group the songs will flow loudly, And there will be more kindness in the world!

Lead 1.
And without children there would be no us - educators, all the kindergarten staff. Meet the inhabitants of our small country.

Children enter to the music.

1 child.
There is one country in the world, you cannot find another one like this: Not marked on the map, and the size is small.
2 child.
You will look around that country, walk around it, And you will see: everywhere nearby, wherever you go, there will be a friend.
3 child.
Cleanliness, comfort, order, there are toys for the guys, Everyone, probably guessed?

Children. This is our home kindergarten!

The song "Kindergarten, Magic Land" lyrics and muses. O. Shaporenko

Music sounds, and Freken-Bock enters the hall with a cat, which sits in a special cage for transporting animals.

Freken-Bock: Hello! Do you need a housekeeper, honest, with a good character? So this is me! My name is Freken Bock.
Host: Hello, but we don't need a housekeeper at all, do we have our own?
Freken-Bock: But I am also a caretaker for the children, and I see a lot of children here.
Host: I hope, Freken Bock, do you like children?
Freken-Bock: Uh ... How can I tell you ... Crazy! Well, children, greeted me in unison!
Children: Hello!
Freken-Bock: Oh, we said hello like that! Well, dear teachers, show an example!
Educators: Hello!
Freken-Bock: Are you setting an example? Oh, one more time! Teachers / more friendly / Hello!
Freken-Bock: This is better. And your apartment is okay. There is even a piano. You know, I love to play all kinds of symphonies.
Well, who needs to be brought up here. (Looks at the children). Is that all your children? And I have to educate them all?
I have never tried to raise such a bunch of children at once. If you only knew what a pain it is to bring up children.
Host: What are you, we do not think so. We are educators, and all those who make the life of our children happy.
And we congratulate you too! Sit down, today the children will give us their musical gifts, smiles and joy!

Freken-Bock: Are there specialists of my level here? The same literate and knowledgeable - I will never believe. They even showed me on TV, but what about you?

Lead 2
Our kindergarten is good, You won't find a better kindergarten, And we will sing to you about How we live happily.

Song "We want to tell you" M. Eremeeva

Lead 2. Truly creative people work in our kindergarten - our educators.
We have kind assistant educators and chefs who cook deliciously, nurses work next to them who monitor the health of children,
The castellans and laundry staff keep the preschool clean and we also have a wonderful supervisor.
Thanks to her leadership, it is warm, cozy, comfortable for children and parents.

The head of the preschool educational institution

Lead 1:
So that the whole pedagogical process in the garden, Was like "Wonderland", Pedagogical councils, master classes, All worries are countless. Do not forget about seminars ... The Methodist is our honor!

We gathered in this hall, The joy of meeting, giving each other, We will give you a dance today, On this bright day of September!

Dance game "Gathered for a Party"

Our educators -
The best in the world
Our educators -
Themselves like children.
Together with us every day
Sculpt and paint

Songs, as we sing, As we dance.

From morning to evening in kindergarten, They are like bees, accustomed to work. In their groups they observe purity: Because everything shines and sparkles there.
Food will be brought to the group in time, the children will be fed and supplements will be given. Without them, the teacher is just a disaster! We need an assistant always by your side!

Lead 1.
Music lessons are loved by kids, Here they dance, have fun, And play from the heart.

Dance "Colorful game" muses. B. Savelyeva

Host 1. And now it's time for us kids to play!

Game "Fairy-tale hero" (Children finish the name of the fairy-tale hero) Winnie ... (Pooh); Baba ... (Yaga); Uncle ... (Styopa, Fedor); Brownie ...
(Kuzya); Dr. Aibolit); Grandfather ... (Frost, Mazai); Ivan Tsarevich); Zmey Gorynych); Little Red Riding Hood); Koschei the Deathless);
Cat ... (Matroskin, Leopold, in boots); Fly Tsokotukha); Crocodile Gena).

Games "Who will score the most balls" Game "Who works in kindergarten"
Children are given an autumn leaf. To the music, a leaf is passed to each other, on whom the music is interrupted, calls the profession of kindergarten workers.

In winter cold, summer heat, Rejection of any infection, Gives until the evening in the morning, Our beloved nurse.

Hands smell clean. Powders, "Whiteness". She's at work all day. She is not too lazy to wash clothes.

The caretaker has a lot to do,
Everything must be foreseen. All work, all repairs, On time to be in time.

Child. The magic of cooking
They are skilled here.
Everything that was fried, boiled,
It was delicious.
Thanks to our chefs,
That they cook deliciously for us.

Host 1. There is no country of childhood on the globe - no matter how hard you look, you won't find it. There is no country of smiles and flowers, a country of holidays, music and sports.
But ... if you close your eyes and fantasize a little, you can see ... our favorite kindergarten.
It's full of guys

And they themselves today
Performing in front of you!

Children come out and read poetry.
1 child:
Years are coming for me, I will be 17. Where will I work then? What should I do?
2 child:
Maybe you will go to mayor?

3 child: Better go to the carpenter.

4 child:
No, go to the kindergarten sooner Children do you adore?

1 child: I love it!

4 child:
Do you respect mom and dad? 1 child: I respect!
4 child:
Well, go to the department 1 child: Why?
5 child:
Apply for work, Come back to our kindergarten. You will play with the children, And get paid.

1 child: And what is the salary?
6 child:
Honestly - not great, But honor and glory!
7 child:
Respect - teacher, physician, cook or nanny - Respect everyone, friend, And the responsibility is great.

1 child: Which one?

All: Wow!

1 child:
Not! I will not go to kindergarten, Quiet, I will find it. All day childish din, Screams, quarrels here and there. Do not sit down, do not move away, You can go so crazy!

All my life to play dolls, Run, jump and jump. And to potter with pots .... This business is not good!
2 child:
Oh, I agree with you, Oh, these guys! Capricious, brawlers. What nerves are needed here! We must cherish everyone, teach, Sometimes even heal!
Help them get dressed, Get ready for a walk, Put everyone to bed, Read bedtime stories.
3 child:
Cook them porridge, compotes, Every day, some worries. Who should be punished, Plans to write day and night.

4 child:
Okay! What do you! Stop it! Still, we have a holiday here! And today, in this hall, we will reveal the Secret for you.

All: To work in the garden, to live, We must love all children!

Host 2. How good that now we are all together - adults and children! And what about without children, with them our life is brighter!

Song "Adults and Children", music. V. Shainsky

Freken Bock: How many interesting things I learned about the kindergarten and everyone who works here. I really liked it here. But I have a present for the guys.

Handing sweets to children.

Lead 2.
Thank you for your work, for love and comfort, For your care, diligence and affection! Let the guys always run to you with desire, Let life flow in the garden, as if in a fairy tale!