Runic formula for a prophetic dream. How to see a prophetic dream. Methods for causing dreams. Conspiracies and rituals before bedtime

Everybody dreams of prophetic dreams from time to time. Unfortunately, most people, even everyday dreams, do not remember what to say about prophetic visions that predict the future. Runes help in this area of \u200b\u200bhuman life, they are considered an auxiliary tool for working with prophetic and lucid dreams. And with the help of runes, it is easy to improve the quality of rest and get rid of insomnia.

We have chosen for this article effective and popular runes for prophetic sleep, which also help get rid of insomnia and get a comfortable night's rest.

"For insomnia and bad dreams"

  • Evaz personifies a dream;
  • Odaldelimits the dream and sends pleasant images;
  • Algiz protects consciousness at night;
  • Vunyo gives comfort and joy from dreams.

Runes help to spend the night calmly, without waking up until the morning. Becoming suitable for those who are tormented by nightmares and intermittent, superficial sleep, after which a feeling of fatigue and weakness haunts.

"Lucid dream"

A laconic and simple formula with which the operator can easily enter a state of awareness during a night's sleep. Practitioners note that becoming also helps to get a hint from higher powers through prophetic visions or just spend the night in the grip of vivid dreams.

  • Laguz coordinates the joint work of the subconscious and the mind;
  • Geboguarantees the smooth effect of the formula and the entrance to prophetic and lucid dreams.

Sleep Thorn

According to legend, with the help of these glyphs, a person was put to sleep forever, immersed in an eternal lethargic sleep. Ancient magicians carved runes on oak dies and placed the one they wanted to bewitch under the pillow. The formula works on the principle of a gingerbread.

  • Svefnthorn resemble cryptography in outline.

Today the formula is used as a sleeping pill, red ink or a marker is drawn on a piece of paper and placed under the mattress to relieve insomnia.


Before starting your journey to the astral world, preparation will not hurt. We are demonstrating a simple and effective runescript that will change the direction of the operator's energy in two or three days. During the action of the runes, stimulating and mind-altering agents should not be consumed inside; tea and coffee should be removed from the list of drinks.

To enhance the effect at night, eat a little valerian, preferably using fresh roots.

  • Bundle Soulu - Evaz - Ansuzsymbolizes the astral body and its use for out-of-body travel;
  • Combination Raido - Teivaz - Laguz transforms the energy of a person and pushes him in the necessary direction in a dream.

Dreams often open the door for us to a mysterious world, where we can see the events of our future, get a hint on how to get out of some predicament. Such dreams have long been called prophetic.

Only, unfortunately, prophetic dreams are rarely seen and not by everyone. More often we see empty dreams, filled with the bustle of everyday life.

In ancient magical traditions, there are various ways to induce prophetic dreams, some of which will be outlined in this article.

Among the various rituals of inducing dreams that come true, there is a single rule for all magical traditions: prophetic dreams are dreamed mainly on the growing moon.

Evoking Dreams in Wiccan Magic

First of all, let's remember the rite from the Vic's magic. Although the first adherents of this faith made themselves known in 1949, the roots of their rituals go back to the ancient traditions of the Druids. Wiccan magic teaches the ability to feel natural energies, the art of interacting with them. If you also feel at one with nature, Wicca magic is for you.

In order to see a prophetic dream, Wiccan magicians advise to brew one part of laurel, wormwood, nutmeg and cinnamon with three parts of rose petals, and then, shortly before sleep, inhale the steam coming from these plants. And before going to bed, drink tea brewed on one part of cinnamon, two parts of yarrow, three parts of rose petals.

Inner mood conducive to the arrival of prophetic sleep

To see a prophetic dream, a modern person needs, at least for a while, to escape from everyday worries, calm his mind, try to stop the internal dialogue.

The next method is perhaps the most enjoyable. In order to relieve the hustle and bustle of the past day and relax, it is recommended to take a bath. Add a few drops of aromatic oils to the water: two drops of lavender, geranium, sandalwood essential oils and one drop of ylang-ylang. In your bedroom, light scented sticks or sandalwood-scented candles. There should be no one in the bedroom except you. Before falling asleep, you need to very calmly, without emotion, think about the topic that interests you, the question, the answer to which you want to receive. Then meditate, gazing with defocused gaze at the candle flame. When you feel like you are about to fall asleep, try to jot down your question on paper. The more precisely the question is formulated, the more likely it is to get an answer.

In the morning, you do not need to instantly get out of bed, you should calmly lie down and try to remember everything that you dreamed at night. You cannot tell a prophetic dream to anyone. It is especially important to observe this condition if you had a good dream.

dream Catcher

Many peoples have preserved the most interesting ceremonies associated with dreams. So, the North American Indians have such a talisman - a dream catcher. It looks like a small mesh framed by wood. Weave it from threads, a willow twig, feathers and beads. It is placed hanging somewhere near the bed. The Indians believe that such a talisman scares away bad dreams and delays memories of good ones. With the help of a dream catcher, you can remember a prophetic dream.

Dreams and runes

For those who are fond of rune magic, there is also their own way of causing prophetic dreams. You need to apply the following images of runes on paper and put under the pillow:

Laguz - this rune contains a desire and a request for an answer to a question.

Perth - thanks to this rune, you can get into a dream, which will contain visions with an answer to a question.

Ehwaz - in this rune, a desire is expressed to wake up after visions of a prophetic dream and preserve the memory of what was dreamed.

Becoming Lucid Dream 1 - Lucid Dream 1

Runes: 2Laguz-Gebo

It turned out to discover such a stav effect, in a fairly simple way and, as always, by accident.

Lagusas - "connect" consciousness and subconsciousness, and Gebo provides their well-coordinated work. Thus, you can get not only OS, but informational dreams, i.e. - prophetic.

Even if the OS does not work out, then vivid dreams or several dreams can be expected.

Becoming Lucid Dream 2 - Lucid Dream 2

Becoming Lucid Dream 3 - Lucid Dream 3

Carve these magical marks into silver or white leather on the night of the summer solstice. Put them under your pillow and at the darkest hour of the night you will dream about everything you want.

Becoming Lucid Dream 4 - Lucid Dream 4

Svefnthorn - Sleep Thorn - acts as a sleeping pill to put under the pillow

Becoming from insomnia and bad dreams

For insomnia and bad dreams Material: a piece of charcoal (cut with something metallic, I think you can scratch with a needle) Place near the sleeping place.

Becoming Astral 1

He made several different stavov, this one is the simplest and ten out of fifteen people had the first WTO after use. It is necessary to apply or make a couple of days before the release, so that becoming it changes the energy for the release. During use, you should not use stimulants, even coffee and tea should be excluded. It goes well with valerian root, better fresh, two to four roots 3-4 cm long, chew at night and drink half a glass of water; Although Valerian is not for everybody.
Raido +2 Teyvaz + Laguz gives impetus in the right direction, prepares energy.
Sovilu + Evaz + Ansuz as the ability to use the astral body.

Becoming Astral 2

Working runes: 4 * perto (2 horizontally, 2 vertically), 2 * salt, algiz, mannaz, 2 * cano, zerk.fehu, 2 * teivaz, laguz, nout, dagaz (maybe 2 even), Raido, 2 * (Ansuz + Naut), Kano + Eyvaz.

There is not enough experience or perseverance for a normal exit to the astral plane, therefore, on the works of other authors, it turned out to be such. Judging by the dreams, I still managed to walk along the parallel path. Another tester said that it is advisable to use it almost immediately after cleaning, as long as the channels are not dirty and clogged.

Becoming prophetic and lucid dreams

This talisman is designed to make lucid dreams.
Promotes lucid and prophetic dreams, also protects during sleep.
You can make it on wood, thick paper or cardboard. To enhance, you can circle it with your blood. Activation is performed by the formula pronounced 7 times "utuldi gnari trod peort tod"
Before going to bed, put the talisman under your pillow or under the bed, or at the head of the bed and go to bed. In the morning, carefully record your feelings during sleep and what you dreamed about. ATTENTION: The talisman is not intended for permanent carrying with you.

Becoming "skyr draumur" - a lucid dream

It is used for cognition of necessary things and prediction, through a dream. It is drawn (cut out) on a brass or copper plate, on a growing moon. Signs are applied from left to right, the order in the inscription of the signs themselves is not essential here, the point is put in the conclusion. The finished plate, if necessary predictions, put under the head. This becoming is not used more than 3 times a month.

Becoming Prophetic Dream 1

Becoming for prophetic dreams and receiving answers through a dream. Runes used: 2 Perth (direct and mirror), Evaz, Dagaz, Laguz, Ansuz, Fehu, Algiz, Mano runes and Gand-rune.

Becoming Dreammer Prophetic Dream 2

Working runes: inguz, mannaz (although for some reason it is completely lost giving life to dagaz in terms of energy and properties in the stave), 2 * tursa, ansuz (this is the heart of Toshka's authorship), 2 * perto, 2 * ansuz, 2 * cano, secondary 2 * Yera, 2 * Eyvaz. A stream of dreams opened up. Sambur dreams, vivid, but interesting dreams. It was not possible to control and ask the topic of sleep, no matter how he asked to show me one thing, the dreams were completely different. Each time using this becoming in a dream I saw some kind of stave or ligature, usually consisting of a previously familiar ligature (stav) or script.

Becoming Beyond Sleep - Lucid Dreams

Becoming is intended simply for traveling in the world of sleep, where you can become anyone, imagine any real or unreal place, becoming consists of the runes of Evaz, Algiz, and the Uruz runes for power support (to get up in the morning cheerful and full of strength), the Kenaz runes for awareness in a dream, and the runes of Hyera as a general result of the addition of the Kenaz runes, to achieve a transition into a lucid dream.

Becoming For traveling around the worlds and astral

Becoming a ziggurat of traveling the worlds

1 - upper level - the idea of \u200b\u200btransition to a new level of reality,
Internal plan, idea, plan + appeal for help to the sun, gods
Ac - potential, energy required for the transition to the origin of life and growth.
Growth is like elevation in fame, career, or material well-being.
As - "divine rune", denoting divine power in action. Rune As was considered dedicated to Odin
Ac and As form gebo
2 - level - a stream of changes that form a new reality
External plan - implementation, reflection of an idea, image, into the outside world
Tir, Man, Lagu - will, energy aimed at creating a stream of necessary changes
Eh (Evaz), Rad - movement directed effort to trigger events
The basis of the 2nd level - Ing, Odhal - the power given from above for personal reality to complete the task (base and support of personal actions)
Those. combined actions with the Armed Forces - they give strength and support, we ourselves work, we embody
Level 3 - the result, the embodiment of ideas,
Reality structuring according to 1st and 2nd planes
Yr - the value of the rune corresponds to the concept of a bow from which arrows are fired.
bow, embodies creativity and conceived. correct application of efforts to achieve the chosen goal.
Gar - "spear". In mythology, Gar is associated with the spear of Odin by Gugnir, Gar is considered the rune of completion and completeness.
Dag - the name of the rune is translated as "day".
rune of light, health and prosperity. In addition, it is the rune of the half day as the turning point. Marks the end of one cycle and the beginning of the next.
Wyn - fulfilling desires, achieving well-being through reasonable and constant efforts
Feoh - well-being, accumulation of power, the ability and opportunity to achieve success and the ability to keep it.
Ger (yera) - "year" or "season". The culmination point of the process, a bountiful harvest.

Becoming a Dream Sign - Prophetic Dreams

Cut on a pine board and then place it under your pillow. It helps to see prophetic dreams, by the way, everyone sees them from time to time, the sign helps to concretize them, I understand. If you interpret dreams well, then this sign can become your constant tool.

Becoming Dreamcatcher 1

Honestly, I don’t remember who on one of the forums asked me to make a stand for memorizing dreams half a year ago, there was little time to do something, so I asked Kate to do this. Which made her a very interesting Dreamcatcher. I liked her idea, with the exception of some points, so I want to post my Dreamcatcher, aimed at remembering dreams after waking up.

Becoming Dreamcatcher 2

Hands do not reach the creation of a normal catcher, becoming written after reading a couple of legends about the origin of this subject. Ingredients: kano (2), eyvaz (2), naut (2), ansuz (2), perth (2), laguz (2), soul (2), perth (2), inguz, point (we). Bad dreams get entangled in cobwebs, and good dreams slip through the hole in the middle.

Becoming the Secret of Dreams - for memorizing dreams

Applied runes and mechanism of action:

EYVAZ (perev) -channel of worlds, overcoming obstacles to the world of dreams.

TOURS- passage, gate to sleep, clearing of unnecessary information

FEHU (zerk) - projection of a given situation in a dream and displaying the result in our world.

PERT (up) - we close the information in the subconscious.

PERT (down) - recalled dream, information output

KENNAZ is a manifestation. highlighting the information received.

DAGAZ - transformation of consciousness

LAGUZA-flows into sleep, our consciousness

INGUZ fixation of the result

ANSUZ + NAUT-removal of blocks existing in the subconscious. interfering with remembering a dream.

Becoming a Time Machine - time travel through dreams

Mannaz - you
Perth - Creates a temporary tunnel for movement.
Lagu and Hyera - provide time streams and travel along them (clockwise - the future, against - the past). Evaz - provides an exit for the object into the tunnel and makes it easier for him to travel through time streams Principle of operation: becoming creates a temporary tunnel to move the object in time, and also forms streams to move to the past and the future. The formula ensures that the object gets into this tunnel and flows, and also helps to return the object to the present. Prerequisite: when making a reservation, you must clearly formulate the time period and purpose of the trip.
Becoming experienced on myself and another crawl. I drew on myself with a marker (left hand) and on the photo. The test was conducted in two directions: travel within the framework of the conscious state and through dreams. In both cases, becoming worked. When traveling to the past, the picture was clear, clear. The hit point, as agreed: a given period and time. In particular, I watched how my relatives, whom I know only from photos, met. I saw details that were unknown to me. I checked the information through other relatives - it matched.
One more time I checked how the damage got on me and who sent it. The experiment was successful. I saw everything in detail, even heard the dialogues and the spell of corruption itself. Also checked by becoming on a friend. According to him, the transfer went well. Everything he needed to see. As for experimenting with dreams, it worked too. The main thing is to clearly stipulate the task, period and goal. But in this case, the information went as in any dreams, allegorically and in hints. As for the future, there is one snag. Not all pictures are clear. The hit does not always occur on the target, often earlier than the agreed period and after a certain moment there is a return to the present. During the "debriefing" we found out that those events that have already formed in the future (ie the point of "no return" is passed) are visible. Otherwise, the journey simply stops.
How many times have I tried this becoming (and I have tried it many times))), anyway, it works better for me when I just write the runes in a line.
************ Lagus
Mannaz Perto Evas Yera
************* Lagus
, where I stipulate that Lagus are variants of probabilities. I look, right in the passage I choose the option I like, it is being implemented. The details then add up themselves.

Becoming night dreams - for shamanic travels around the worlds 1

Allows a person to choose which world he would like to get into, what he would like to see or find out there, becoming can be used not only for shamanic travel, but also for clairvoyance.
The center of the stav is Haman (Destiny).
Access to the energy channels of other worlds.
Mannaz-Eihwaz-Ehwaz-Jera - For shamanic travel, lucid dreaming. Plus a safe return.
Perth - the road to the dream that I want to get into, opening the gates to the world of dreams, protecting the spirit while traveling to the OS,
Gand - rune
Mano runes
Ansuz - indicating the direction in a dream, where you need it, memorizing the information received in a dream, after waking up,
Eyvaz - protection of the spirit while traveling, the way back - so as not to get lost
Laguz - protection, direction, push to enter the OS,
Fehu - memorizing information, the way back
Kano - protecting the body from attack, pushing to enter the OS, getting the information you need, for which you came
Uruz - protection and push to exit
Algiz - protection
Soulu - energy of stav, a safe way back, memorization of the information received
Raido, Berkano is a sign of the right path.

Becoming a Shamanic Journey - For Shamanic Journeys Throughout the Worlds 2

In the center of the rune "Book" - Bitikhe (Book).

Knowledge, wisdom, creativity, poetry, literature, science, magic, invention, philosophy, cognition, communication, information, analysis, dedication, intuition, other realities, progression, learning, achievement, aspiration, profession, beauty, aesthetics, taste, sensation , pleasure, bliss.


1. Receiving and transmitting information.

2. Scientific works, theorems, discoveries.

3. Making connections with the gods.

4. Spiritual growth and improvement in all areas.

1. Oshekha (Star).

Magic, shamanism, ancient cults, comprehension of the world, occult experience, connection with the unknown, music, prosperity, mercy, peak of spirit, achievement of goals, power, self-control, wisdom, finding one's place in the world, productivity, success, leadership, good changes, support , science, discoveries.


1. Communication with gods and higher powers.

2. Opening of energy channels of superpowers.

3. Implementation of the plan.

4. Success in everything.

2.Abuka (Sky).

God, higher powers, nature, cults, life, spirituality, space, mind, unity with the world, harmony, help, salvation, glory, union, bright individuality, awareness, philosophy, culture, art, poetry, literature, honesty, friendship , reality, experience, prosperity.


1. Receiving spiritual and mystical experience.

2. Initiation into traditions and cults.

3. Restoration of mental and physical health.

4. Enhancing creativity.

5. Cleansing from negative influences and heavy karma.

3.Gaman (Destiny).

Occult secrets, fate, evolution, acceptance of the world, self-control, energies of the Earth and Space, vision of the future, obedience to a higher will, spiritual path, eternity, cyclicality, passing exams, miracles, the manifestation of invisible power, rebirth through crisis, becoming, karma.


1. Development of magical abilities.

2. Changing destiny through a crisis.

3. Access to the energy channels of other worlds.

4. Finding the way of a warrior.

4. Amin (Father).

Vitality, masculinity, patronage, protection, salvation, will, charisma, effectiveness of actions, quick solution of all issues, sex, wisdom, reason, composure, success, influence, hypnotic gift, magic, conviction, reliability, foresight.


1. Increase in personal and magical power. Capacity building.

2. Protection from destructive magic with retaliation of the offender.

3. Solving business and profit issues

4. Help in learning and obtaining new knowledge.

5. Assistance in passing exams.

5. Epkhe (Peace).

Universe, gods, spirits, terrain, peace, law, regularity, expediency, life, obligations, salvation, various help, mercy, rationality, nature, support, influence, wisdom, knowledge, happiness, adventure, comprehension of truths, harmony, love, forgiveness.


1. Receiving and accumulating various energies.

2. Finding harmony and balance.

3. Love magic.

4. Restoration of spiritual and physical health.

6. Gibi (Bird).

Meditation, flight of thought, philosophy, creativity, art, literature, religion, family, respect, freedom, ease, luck, temptation, beginning, omen, mystery, purity, communication, fulfillment of desires, brightness, naivety, courtesy, shamanic travel, luck ...


1. Help in everything conceived.

2. Development of creativity.

3 Ease of communication with people and spirits.

4. The magic of influence and covert manipulation of others.

along the edges of the 6 Jurja runes - Number 6: advancement to the spiritual levels of consciousness, awareness of spirituality through matter, the discovery of new paths of growth and development, the emergence of new opportunities, the wisdom of a mature person, progress based on past experience. the numerology of money calls for the use of the number 6 for harmonization of the spiritual and material principles, so that money does not hinder, but helps spiritual development. Number 6 brings profit through experience and awareness of reality.

Inside the stave

Sun shield - covers you from any magical attack, has a mirror effect (Soulo, Eivas) - protection during magical development

To attract Divine energy, nourish

Summoning the forces of nature to help and gain knowledge (Lagus, Ansus, Urus, Perth).

and the letter ofugletur hi? meira - "large letters on the contrary" - carrying great power

Becoming a flight gundre - Get an answer in a dream

1. Having become a "flight of gandre" (gandr is a kind of "magic staff", this word also designated magic wands used for "clear vision" and "flight of the spirit"):

Having become, it is drawn, starting from the central cross, then a group of signs in the center, and at the end the signs at the ends of the cross, starting from the top clockwise. Here you need to pay attention to the signs at the top of the "cross", the first and second circles must be drawn with breaks, otherwise, you will get another becoming with a different meaning. Draw or cut this becoming only on a branch of any bush (not on a board). After making a hang-spell is read:
"Eg andar i draumi dulbuningur
me? Gandria gildi skal finna nu,
hof? ar til einn hli? i? opnast,
ekki mein taka. "

"Yeg andar and draumi dabioningin,
mad gandria gildy skal fina nyo,
hefdar til ein hlidid opnast,
ekki mein taka "

Approximate translation:
"I will see spirits in a hidden dream,
I will now gain strength with a gander,
I will open the gates to Odin,
Not accepting harm. "
When you need to find out something in a dream, they put it under the pillow and read the spell again (to yourself).

Becoming Penetrate into a person's sleep

Mannaz - krol, Gebo - connects me with his subconscious and makes it possible to penetrate into his sleep (Perth) naturally and imperceptibly for him (Laguz). I had a photo for two weeks, but the penetrations occurred when I shoved the photo under the pillow and drew a ligature on myself, as if creating a channel. It is possible, and without it it works and these are just my troubles, but my OS practice is negligible.

Becoming past incarnations

Formula "Past incarnations"
yer-perth - laguz -ansuz-dagaz - laguz-perth - yer
Perth - past incarnations
Ansuz-way into yourself
lag-open the subconscious
dagaz is a bridge, a transition from one state to another. open information blocks
yer is the result. It gives us the opportunity to learn a lesson from the actions taken in the past for further harmonious development. Formulas are negotiated, while you draw in your own words, tell the runes the problem. The action is one-time if the runes are applied to oneself and long-term if a talisman is made, but you cannot wear it constantly, without removing it.

Becoming Ferðalög hinum forna heimi - Journey to the Other World

Working Runes: Mid: Celtic Ogam: PM, CM, DM, cardinal points; S-Kat, V-Blat, Yu-Seyt, Z-Fiss, center-Midhe, 2 horizontal sides: Alpha-runes: 3 o, g, x, L

2 vertical sides: o, g, u, L

Having become more focused on opening the gates for one person, while the gates open only for his spirit, because the runes limit the physical exit to another world, keeping the operator, becoming powerful enough and will allow you to freely travel to the desired world, while being protected ... Plus, having become a good protection from all external influences, he closes a person from everything, it is especially good if a person needs to take time out, then becoming a warm, circle of peace, which will give a person strength for further actions, will help to recover, gain strength, rest, on the other hand, becoming can help in solving any cases that are most important to a person. Draw on yourself, or on a piece of paper and under the pillow.

If you don't want to mess with the gods, make the following reservation:

"This RF moves me into a parallel reality (with minimal differences from the existing one), in which I have (or will soon be) such and such (or in which I am such and such) (with the obligatory preservation of such and such in my life or such conditions of my life). "

The moment of transition is imperceptible, small overlaps are possible (what you remember or see changes, it is possible that the time does not coincide with your previous reality).

Do not forget about the factor of stability - if you want a permanent result, then diagnose a world in which the result is permanent. So that there are no complaints "I moved to where he loves me, but he loved me for two minutes, and then stopped loving me."

Becoming the Solar Bridge - the road to the Slavic-Aryan gods

This is a very ancient rune talisman that I publish with the permission of the person who showed it to me. He says that the time has come to come, for those who must come, and therefore the seal of mystery is removed from many things. With this sign, I made my first out-of-body trip. The "Solar Bridge" opens a direct road to the gods of the Slavic-Aryan pantheon. Of course, not everyone can cross this bridge, but I think that most visitors to my site will succeed. In working with this ancient sign, someone will gain knowledge and experience, someone will find solutions to their problems, and someone will be able to change their lives with the support of the Slavic gods.

Relax and focus on the sign. Soon a bridge will start from the bottom of the sign forward. The upper part of the sign will be like the sun moving over the bridge, opening the way for you. Do not be afraid to mentally walk forward across the bridge. An amazing adventure awaits you.

Sometimes a transparent tunnel or road appears instead of a bridge.

Becoming the gate - travels on the runic worlds

Becoming is intended for travel to the worlds of Yggdrasil (the tree of the runic worlds). I tried to go out by means of sleep - they were not allowed through the gates into the desired world (inexperience affects).

Becoming the Dream of a Novice Shaman

Finska-runir: T - the rune of receiving power, can be used as a rune of "initiation" in a sense, since it opens a person's abilities, helps him to control power and develop it, can open the gift of clairvoyance, if a person has the prerequisites. in staves for well-being and prosperity, as a rune of personal success. O - the rune is used to increase magical power, to increase abilities (not only magical), is used in fortune telling and for oracles as a rune of secret knowledge, can be used in staves for clairvoyance and in staves to get what you want .. K - the rune of personal power, is used to increase magical power, to attract good luck and success in rituals, can be used to open abilities (magical), in clairvoyance as a rune for opening a gift, can be used as a call rune spirits .. I - the rune of working with dreams, often used in staves for clairvoyance and recognizing who stole or killed, sometimes used in trance techniques, can be depicted on tambourines or other ritual instruments.

C - the rune of change, can be used in staves to change perception, OS, can be used in trance techniques, helps the spirit leave the body, is used in staves designed for travel around the worlds. Often used in the symbolism of magical items that are designed for the travel of the spirit

Feedback from Vannadis:

Spruce tree excellent work Everything is very well done, the runes are perfectly matched, the structure of the stave is competent and consistent, everything is absolutely correct and well turned out, it was great to make a shaman amulet. It can be used in any techniques associated with clairvoyance, with trance states, with traveling around the worlds , everything in it is taken into account and the protection of the practice, and the elimination of obstacles to travel, and the ability to cognize something hidden, everything turned out right and well, you can also add that the talisman reveals a person's abilities to some extent, removing various blocks as conscious, so the subconscious, facilitating the process of trance and clairvoyance, opens up all the possibilities for using power, becoming can also be placed on ritual objects or used as a personal seal that opens any action, everything turned out great

The desire to at least slightly open the door to the otherworldly mysterious world sometimes overcomes each of us. And this issue becomes especially acute in difficult periods: when it seems that it is impossible to solve a complex problem. In such situations, a prophetic dream can help, and runes are used to cause it for a certain time.

Runes help a person to see a prophetic dream

Runes for a prophetic dream

Runes help a person to see a prophetic dream, and at the same time, one does not need to have any special skills. It's pretty simple.

For a start, it is advisable to relax, get distracted from problems, forget about everyday worries for a while and calm the flow of thoughts. This is facilitated by meditation. If you have never engaged in such practices, it is enough just to lie down with your eyes closed and try to clearly formulate the question of interest.

Take a piece of paper and apply one of the runic formulas to it. As practice shows, the following three work pretty well.

  1. Laguz - Perth - Ehwaz.
  2. Laguz - Raidho - Eihwaz.
  3. Laguz - Perth - Fehu.

Let's decipher the runes.

  • Laguz - takes you to a situation that requires clarification.
  • Perth - a dream in which you can see a solution to a problem or an answer to a question.
  • Ehwaz - thanks to this rune, a person waking up will remember everything that appeared to him in his night vision.
  • Raidho is the rune of the path, the road, which helps to see the right decision and provides an opportunity for its implementation.
  • Fehu - guarantees the fulfillment of the desired, a successful outcome of the circumstances.

Apply one of the selected formulas to your hand. Some people prefer to draw it on a piece of paper and then leave it under a pillow overnight. After the performed manipulations, mentally or aloud speak the question or problem. In conclusion, say: "No harm to my health." The last affirmation is pronounced so that the head does not hurt the next morning.

The clearer the question is, the more likely it is to get an answer.

When you wake up, take your time to get out of bed. Let your thoughts return to normal. Lie calmly with your eyes closed and try to remember what you saw in your dream. At the same time, you should not tell someone about your vision, especially if you managed to find a solution to the problem.

It is worth noting that the subconscious mind can show answers in different ways. Some hear a song or voice, others see images, symbols. The answer will come in any case and it is impossible to confuse it with anything.

As soon as you get an understanding of the denouement and clearly understand what exactly needs to be done in the future, the leaf with the applied runes can be burned and at the same time it is necessary to mentally thank them for their help.

If you get a vague answer that cannot be understood exactly, ask the question again. Only with each subsequent attempt, be sure to rewrite the formula and pronounce the problem. You cannot use the same leaflet a second time: it will not bring results.