Deep io games to play bosses. Diep io games. Conditions for victory and defeat

The game combines two of the most popular fun: Agar Io and dances. Here, in a large multiplayer world, small combat vehicles equipped with powerful cannons move. There are many obstacles scattered around them, colliding with which reduces the integrity of your technique. But these same obstacles can become a source of experience points, a valuable resource for the development of your tank.

To get them, you need to destroy obstacles with shots - squares, triangles and pentagons will increase the level of your tank, giving you the opportunity to improve its characteristics. But the main goal of the game (Diepio) is to destroy other people's tanks! This is not so easy to do, because the participants in the battle are actively defending themselves.

Four game modes Diep Io

Before joining the battle, you need to enter your nickname in the start menu. Immediately it turns out to change the game mode. To do this, press the Tab button. In total, the online game contains four types of battles. The main one is considered FFA, that is, Free For All or Free For All. In it, every man for himself and everyone around him becomes enemies of your tank. In this game mode, you control blue vehicles and opponents are colored red. also has Team DM, or Team Deathmatch. In it, players are randomly divided into two teams: blue and red. Your tank will appear near its base, next to your comrades. Your shots do not harm each other, but they will be very dangerous for opponents. The two remaining modes of the online game are a bit like a team battle, but they do not have a base. Instead, in Domination mode, you must capture four towers for your team. Each can be neutral, but if some team lowers its integrity, the tower will go over to their side. In the same way, she can go back to the neutral state and to the enemy team. The Mothership mode contains only one main battle ship that the teams are trying to capture.

In the midst of a battle, don't forget about tank development

The game is especially fascinating by the fact that it has a phased development of military equipment. After increasing the experience level of your tank, you will see an upgrade panel in the lower left corner. It has several points, in each of which you can do several stages of improvement. Since the possibilities of increasing the level of the tank in the game session are limited, you should think carefully about what to use the available resource for.

For example, there is an increase in the power of shots, which is useful for an offensive play style. To this can be added the acceleration of reloading and flight of shells, an increase in the range of their penetration into virtuality. For defensive tactics, it would be good to expand the tank's integrity reserve and activate its automatic repair. Improving the speed of movement of military equipment is useful for both attack and defense. After level 15, Diep Io will offer to put a new gun on the tank for free. Various weapon options are offered here. Then you can carry out this upgrade a couple more times. In order to start playing in full screen, you just need to click on the button located at the very beginning of the online arcade review.

All users who want to engage in the elimination of enemies will be delighted with this section of the games. The fact is that in every game you have to destroy numerous opponents.

They will be everywhere and you will have to work hard on many of your skills to deal with them. The first thing you need during the gameplay is the ability to make plans and act according to them.

Every strategy about Diep Io tanks that you think over should give positive results, because it's no secret to anyone that in order to carry out any military operation, you need to plan your every step. In addition, do not forget about the attentiveness that is necessary to avoid collisions with mines and other traps that undermine your tank. Dexterity you will need no less than the previous skills, since only having learned how to evade projectiles that will fly rapidly in your direction, you will be able to successfully complete each episode.

If you want all your attempts to win up over the enemy to be crowned with success, then do not forget to use your logical thinking. Only the most careful users will be able to reach their goal and eliminate any danger that blocks their path. So in the game called "Super Tanks io" you are thrown into enemy territory and now you need to find all the enemy vehicles and eliminate them. It will not be easy for you to do this, because each tank has its own peculiarity and can easily elude your shell. You have several types of cartridges at your disposal, which are suitable for battles in different conditions.
Diepio battle tactics development tree

With their help, you can eliminate the enemy, even if he is hiding from you behind the high walls of buildings. But do not forget that only after thinking over a reliable plan, you will be able to bring the mission started to the end and clear the territory of enemy equipment.

In addition to the fact that with the help of this category you will be able to develop your skills, you can also enjoy the gameplay if you develop your own battle tactics. The fact is that in many simulators there is quite good, and sometimes even 3D graphics. Thanks to the clear image, users have the opportunity to feel like a real experienced tanker. One of the significant benefits of each game is the hints that will flash every time you start the first episode.

Such a seemingly insignificant development tree function allows players to save time looking for guides that tell about all the nuances and subtleties of the gameplay. Every person, without exception, regardless of his age, will be able to test his strength in this game. There are no scenes in which bloody battles are demonstrated, which allows even the smallest user to become a tanker. Convenient controls will allow you to enjoy every second you spend in this exciting virtual world. So in "Agario Tanks" you will fight against a variety of enemy vehicles. They are all very fast and very dexterous around you from all sides.

Your task is to defend and not let them attack your tank. With the money earned during the war, you can purchase improvements for your technique that will help you cope with the task much faster. In order to purchase any new parts, visit the store by clicking on the button located at the bottom of the game window. Now you need to decide and decide whether you want to fight against a variety of enemies that will constantly stand in your way. If you are ready, then open one of the simulators and start performing the missions that were entrusted to you and prove to everyone that there are no tankers better than you on the entire planet. game differs in the system of pumping and getting a new tank. Players must not only increase their level, but also have time to follow the opponents.

What do we have to do?

The originality of the game lies in the fact that there is a system for increasing the size of the tank. For example, having reached level 15, the user can change his appearance to any other. This affects the speed of destruction of enemies and various objects. Reaching 45, the user becomes almost invulnerable.

To increase your experience, you need to constantly destroy the surrounding objects. They are presented in the form of squares, triangles and even pentagons. Depending on the frequency of their appearance, they give a certain amount of experience. For such a game, there are own pumping systems, cheats and modifications.

There are several modes aimed at battles of different types. Built-in sandbox mode where the player can test all existing functions. The game is presented in several formats: for mobile devices and in browsers. Everyone can choose what suits him the most.

Description: ( - a game of the genre Agario tanks and, multiplayer for boys. You control a tank that is small and weak, then, as you progress, its strength and size will increase. One of the main tasks is to pump the tank in order. We pump health, movement speed, damage, bullet flight. Kill enemies or food, don't touch them, get away from bullets, improve your skills and move forward. Food is presented in the form of geometric shapes: yellow cubes, red triangles and blue trapezoids. Your opponents are real players, marked at the bottom of the playing field, on the left. The number of participants is not limited. Watch the indicator above the tank. Become the coolest and fastest on the battlefield Deep Io, good luck!

Development branches in

As you progress, you will need to assign classes to the tank. You can change them at 15, 30, 45 levels. Lowest class Tank. Then the following types are available: Twin (2 guns directed in opposite directions), Sniper (improved damage and range, 1 gun), Machine Gun (machine gun with a large number of bullets), Flank Guard (shoots in 2 directions, difficult to control). At levels 30 and 45, types of tanks are divided into subspecies.


AWSD - movement
Mouse - shoot

Video games: Tank leveling tactics in to Triplet

Video games: Tank leveling tactics in to Overlorda

It just so happened historically that games with the postfix "io" immediately after the release become very popular and acquire almost a cult status. So it was with the legendary, then with, and now the time has come and. The newest and least-studied project from the presented ones is quickly gaining an audience, actively developing and acquiring new opportunities. So if you want to become the best in, it's time to start accumulating gaming experience and pumping your "skill".

If could without exaggeration be called a successful reincarnation of the beloved "snake", then is a modern adaptation of the legendary "tanks". The difference between the latter, of course, is huge: free control, pumping, individual characteristics, many classes, skills and weapons, etc. However, the core mechanics are still simple and fun, and are still described with just one phrase: "hit and run." is a molecular tank battle simulator, fast, dangerous, with a huge number of opponents and aggressive environment. There are no crazy special effects and beautiful graphics, but there is something much more attractive: a powerful RPG-system of pumping and high-spirited shooter gameplay.

The basics

The main goal in, as in and, is to reach the top of the leaderboard located in the upper right corner of the screen. The indicator of "coolness" in the game is the number of points scored, and it also affects the speed of your character's development. The leaderboard, respectively, includes the 10 most pumped players on the server.

Interesting: a few weeks ago, the leaderboard was formed from the participants with the most kills. So, for example, a 10th level player who killed 3-4 of his opponents in the first minutes of the game could easily find himself in the middle of the leaderboard.

Development scheme

Each participant in the battle in starts the game with a simple first level tank with a basic set of characteristics and a frail cannon. The main goal in the early stages of the game is to gain points as quickly as possible and reach level 15. It is at this stage that the opportunity opens up to choose an upgrade and a further vector of character development. In total, there are 3 such major stages of the evolution of your tank: at levels 15, 30 and 45. Each choice affects the subsequent pumping, so the choice of a gun must be approached with an understanding of the further strategy of the game. If you prefer to cover opponents with rain from shells, then it is better to choose a machine gun. If it is in your spirit to stun enemies from afar, with a single shot, you should pay attention to the enhanced sniper rifle.

Important: in, the level of the tank does not affect its size. The newly appeared character occupies the same area on the playing field as the server leader. Therefore, when approaching the enemy, you need to be able to quickly assess the level of his pumping by the number and size of guns. Fortunately, the overwhelming number of enemies throughout the game are constantly firing from all trunks, and it is not difficult to notice a powerful opponent in time.

Experience gain and pumping

Players gain experience by destroying common resources depicted by simple geometric shapes: kradrat, triangle and pentagon. Each of these neutral particles differs in size, health, and requires a certain amount of charges for its splitting. Touching any resource, like the enemy, takes a certain amount of health, so in the early stages you should avoid a large accumulation of small elements - there is a chance that you will simply get entangled in particles when they open fire on you. This same mechanic, by the way, opens up an interesting opportunity for high-level characters: with a sufficiently pumped regeneration, it becomes very convenient to collect experience with a simple touch. The experience from destruction, by the way, goes to the player who struck the last blow, so the ability to finish off big loot in time is not the least important in

Important: the pvp system differs from also because it is almost impossible for an entry-level player to destroy a completely pumped opponent's tank. Armament and movement speed play a decisive role in the battle, and for successful rivalry you will first have to properly pump. In all fairness, you won't be able to quickly gain experience on murders alone.

In addition to major upgrades, your character will receive one boost point for each level reached. The earned points can be spent on pumping eight parameters:

  1. Health Regen - health recovery rate;
  2. Max Health - the maximum amount of health;
  3. Body Damage - damage from ramming;
  4. Bullet Speed \u200b\u200b- bullet flight speed;
  5. Bullet Penetration - bullet penetration;
  6. Bullet Damage - damage from bullets;
  7. Reload - rate of fire;
  8. Movement Speed \u200b\u200b- movement speed.

If everything is clear with the increase in health and the power of the projectiles, then some characteristics may raise questions. So, for example, Bullet Penetration - the parameter responsible for the strength of bullets, gives an unclear advantage. In fact, bullet penetration plays a very important role at all stages of the game. Bullets in have toughness and break when hitting obstacles. Projectiles with a high level of Bullet Penetration are capable of not being destroyed by the first hit, but continuing to move in a given direction, which increases their chance of hitting a target. Also, compacted charges are very useful with active pumping, because tend to hit many resources at once. Bullet Penetration is especially useful in defensive evasion maneuvers - it's funny to see how the enemy pursuing you is surprised to find that your projectiles are practically unblockable and pierce through him.


A major tank upgrade at level 15 allows you to equip your tank with a reinforced cannon. There are 4 branches of development:

  • Twin - double-barreled shotgun;
  • Sniper - long-range shotgun;
  • Machine Gun - machine gun;
  • Flank Guard is a double-sided cannon.

Each of the guns is convenient and effective in its own way, suitable for specific purposes and has individual tactical and technical characteristics. Therefore, there is no unambiguously correct decision in choosing a reinforced barrel. You should choose a leveling branch based on the characteristics of your playing style. If you like being in the thick of things, firing right and left, covering resources and opponents with a hail of bullets, then you should pay attention to the machine gun and the double-sided cannon (opposed Flank Guard barrels allow you to simultaneously punch your way forward and cover the rear). In turn, a sniper rifle and a double-barreled gun are suitable for a measured and confident set of points, allowing you to shoot oncoming enemies even on the approach.

Important: choosing one branch of the pumping, you automatically abandon the other. You won't be able to change the class during the game, so it's better to carefully study the upgrade table before starting a match.

In any case, any of the presented guns will be stronger than the base one and will allow you to gain points faster in the future. Therefore, one of the most important criteria when choosing should be the prospect of achieving a second major upgrade and a third gun. So, for example, a double-barreled cannon may seem much more reliable and easy to use, but in the future it will not be possible to turn it into a TriAngle-gun that provides high penetration power coupled with powerful protection. The quite obvious choice of the most convenient weapon, thus, turns out to be a double-edged sword: a useful sniper rifle at the next stage of its evolution can turn into an unsightly Overseer with two opposed barrels.

Interesting: does not force you to spend skill points and select upgrades immediately after reaching a new level. Some players, not wanting to bother with an intermediate cannon, get to level 30 with a basic weapon, and then jump immediately to the third stage of character development. This is done in order to skip medium-rank weapons, get a powerful cannon and immediately rush into the battle for the title of server champion. This approach turns out to be somewhat more complex and lengthy, but it provides certain advantages - large opponents rarely chase low-level prey, providing a chance for relatively calm development.

How to gain experience

The choice of resources for pumping directly depends on both the type of your weapon and the level of your character. At the initial stage, it is better to concentrate your attention on small squares and triangles, ignoring massive pentagons. Because all the experience from the destruction of the particle will be determined by the player who struck the last blow, there is a great chance of losing all potential points due to the enemy arriving in time with a rapid-fire barrel. Closer to the 30-40 levels, when most of the experience points will be distributed according to the table of individual characteristics, you can start looking for the so-called Repositories. The latter are a constantly renewing and almost inexhaustible cluster of lilac pentagons. The danger of finding such massive accumulations of resources is that there are always many tanks of other players near them. Sharing a vault with dozens of opponents is a very dangerous activity that can only be suitable for the desperate. However, if you do manage to take your place at the vault, you can reach the maximum level in a couple of minutes.

The selection of a position for collecting resources does not play a special role, but in some cases it helps to calculate potential escape routes. A symbolic card located in the lower right corner of the screen will help you quickly assess your position on the playing field. The location in the very center of the room does not bode well for a low-level character - he will be quickly ripped to pieces by more successful opponents. Therefore, up to level 30 it makes sense to stay on the border of the playing field, because the number of opponents in these positions is an order of magnitude lower. There are many examples of how characters calmly reached the top of the leaderboard, without looking into the central zone and without entering into open confrontations. Perhaps the only unambiguously useful rule regarding positioning is to timely avoid meeting with the leader of the room (his location is always displayed on the screen with a gray arrow). Neither he, nor his companions are unlikely to refuse the opportunity to deal with your fragile tank.

Interesting:, like, has two game modes: single and team. In single-player mode, the player is given the opportunity to storm the TOP alone, while in team mode, you can try your hand at one of the clans. Switching modes is carried out by pressing the Tab key in the main menu.

An interesting feature of is the ability to reach the top of the leaderboard without a single kill. If you stock up on free time, you can spend the whole game on the edge of the map, systematically accumulating resources and increasing your score. Patience and the ability to choose the right moment play a key role in, if it is able to lie low for a couple of minutes and press the victim to the side in time - victory will not be long in coming.

Important: every time your tank is hit by the enemy, half of the experience you have accumulated remains on your account. If you start a new round without closing the tab, you can start the game with a solid supply of skill points, and maybe even with an upgrade. The developers, apparently, tried to smooth out the bitterness of defeat so that they can only be thanked.

Unlike, is much easier to master. In order to break out of the top ten, you need to be patient, lucky and a couple of hours of free time. However, in order to get to the first line of the TOP or, which is much more difficult, to break the world record (about 700 thousand points), it may take days, or maybe months of training. The main rule in these games is to stop being afraid to start over after a failed attempt. There is only one reason to be afraid of the game eats up working hours unnoticed.